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diciembre 2002
  28 de diciembre
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
  21 de diciembre
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney meet with the Quartet Principals to discuss the Israeli-Palestinian issue in the Oval Office Dec. 20. Attending the meeting are, from left to right, United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, Secretary of State Colin Powell, Danish Foreign Minister Per Stig-Moeller, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Ivanov, European Union Commissioner for External Relations Chris Patten and European Union High Representative Javier Solana. White House photo by Tina Hager   20 de diciembre
Declaraciones del Presidente Bush, el Secretario General Kofi Annan, el Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Dinamarca Per Stig Moller y el Ministro de Relaciones Exterories de Ruisa Igor Ivanov durante una sesi�n fotogr�fica con los Miembros del Cuarteto
Mensaje Presidencial de Navidad
President George W. Bush and Laura Bush help volunteers pack food during their visit to the Capital Area Food Bank in Washington, D.C., Thursday, Dec. 19. "More Americans need to volunteer. There are ways to do so. The on the web page is the place to look," said the President in his remarks. "You can call 1-877-USA-CORPS and find out ways that you can help. If you are interested in being a part of feeding those who hunger, this is a great place to come to." White House photo by Tina Hager   19 de diciembre
Declaraciones del Presidente en el Capital Area Food Bank (Banco de Alimentos de la zona da la Capital)
President George W. Bush and President Jose Aznar of Spain make a joint statement to the media in the Oval Office Wednesday, Dec. 18. White House photo by Tina Hager   18 de diciembre
Declaraciones del Presidente y el Presidente Aznar de Espa�a durante sess�n fotogr�fica
Awaiting the President's hand, pens are lined up for several bill signings in the Oval Office Tuesday, Dec. 17. White House photo by Paul Morse   17 de diciembre
El Presidente Promulga Ley sobre el Gobierno Electr�nico
  14 de diciembre
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
President George W. Bush discusses his smallpox vaccination program during a press conference as Secretary of Health & Human Services Tommy Thompson, left, and Director of the Office of Homeland Security Tom Ridge in the Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Office Building Friday, Dec. 13.  White House photo by Paul Morse   13 de diciembre
Declaraciones del Presidente sobre la Vacunaci�n contra la Viruela
Protecci�n de los Estadounidenses: Programa de Inmunizaci�n contra la Varicela
President George W. Bush smiles during his remarks at the White House Regional Conference on Faith-Based Initiatives in Philadelphia, Pa., Thursday, Dec. 12. White House photo by Eric Draper   12 de diciembre
Adelantos en el Plan de Trabajo de Compasi�n del Presidente
Declaraciones del Presidente en la White House Regional Converence on Faith-Based Initiatives
John Snow, who is nominated to be the Secretary of Treasury, listens to President George W. Bush's remarks in the Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Office Building Monday, Dec. 9. "In a varied and productive career, John Snow has shown consistent qualities of foresight and integrity and public spirit. He's led one our nation's largest railroads with skill and success. He knows firsthand how the economy works. His peers elected him to lead the Business Roundtable, where he was an articulate voice for pro-growth policies," said the President. White House photo by Paul Morse   9 de diciembre
Declaraciones del Presidente sobre el Nombramiento de John Snow como Secretario de Hacienda
President George W. Bush welcomes the recipients of the Kennedy Center Honors of 2002 to the White House Sunday, Dec. 8. Each year The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts honors a select number of artists for lifetime achievements and their influence upon American culture. From left to right, the recipients are actor James Earl Jones; conductor James Levine; dancer and actress Chita Rivera; singer Paul Simon and actress Elizabeth Taylor. White House photo by Susan Sterner   7 de diciembre
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Nación
President George W. Bush marks Eid al-Fitr, the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, with an address at the Islamic Center of Washington, D.C., Thursday, Dec. 5.  White House photo by Paul Morse   5 de diciembre
Declaracoines del Presidente en Eid al-Fitr
Declaraciones del Presidente, el Presidente de Kenya y el Primer Ministro de Etiop�a durante la sesi�n fotogr�fica
Declaraciones del Presidente durante el Espect�culo del Alumbardo del �rbol de la Paz
President George W. Bush signs the Bob Stump National Defense Authorization Act at the Pentagon Monday, Dec 2. "The legislation I sign this afternoon was passed by Congress in a remarkable spirit of unity. It sets priorities of our Defense Department in a critical, critical period for our country," said President Bush."We're rewarding the service and sacrifice of our military families with higher pay, improved facilities and better housing." White House photo by Paul Morse   2 de diciembre
Declaraciones del Presidente al Promulgar la National Defense Authorization Act

noviembre 2002
  30 de noviembre
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
President George W. Bush speaks during the signing of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act in the East Room, Tuesday, Nov. 26. "The Terrorism Risk Insurance Act will provide coverage for catastrophic losses from potential terrorist attacks. Should terrorists strike America again, we have a system in place to address financial losses and get our economy back on its feet as quickly as possible," said the President. White House photo by Paul Morse   26 de noviembre
El Presidente Firma la Ley de Seguro contra el Riesgo del Terrorismo del 2002
  23 de noviembre
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
  19 de noviembre
Declaraci�n del Presidente
  16 de noviembre
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
  15 de noviembre
Extractos de la Sesi�n Informativa por la Dra. Condoleezza Rice a la Prensa el 15 de Noviembre de 2002
  12 de noviembre
En el Centro de Operaciones de District of Columbia Metropolitan Police
President George W. Bush gives remarks on Veterans Day at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday White House photo by Paul Morse   11 de noviembre
Declaraciones del Presidente para Conmemorar el D�a de los Veteranos
  9 de noviembre
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
  2 de noviembre
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n

octubre 2002
President George W. Bush signs H.R. 3295, Help America Vote Act of 2002, into law in the Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Office Building Tuesday, Oct. 29. The legislation authorizes 3.9 billion dollars for improvements in state and local election systems. "Each state will be required to maintain a clean and current and accurate state -- statewide list of registered voters, making it easier to register and easier to detect fraud," explained the President. White House photo by Paul Morse   29 de octubre
Declaraciones del Presidente al Firmar H.R. 3295, Help America Vote Act of 2002
  26 de octubre
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
President George W. Bush discusses efforts to preserve the online safety of children in the Presidential Hall of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Office Building Oct. 23. "Our nation has made this commitment: Anyone who targets a child for harm will be a primary target of law enforcement," said the President. White House photo by Paul Morse   23 de octubre
Declaraciones del Presidente sobre la Seguridad en el Internet de los Ni�os
Declaraciones del Presidente al Promulgar los Proyectos de ley de Asignaciones de Defensa
President George W. Bush announces the administration's new rule on generic drugs in the Rose Garden Monday, Oct. 21. Standing with the President is Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson. "By this action, we will reduce the cost of prescription drugs in America by billions of dollars and ease a financial burden for many citizens, especially our seniors," explained the President. White House photo by Tina Hager   21 de octubre
Presidente Toma Medidas para Reducir los Precios de los Medicamentos por Receta al Mejorar el Acceso a los Medicamentos Gen�ricos
Declaraciones del Presidente sobre Medicamentos con Receta
  19 de octubre
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
President George W. Bush addresses the White House Conference on Increasing Minority Homeownership at The George Washington University Tuesday, Oct. 15. Sitting behind the President are new homeowners the Horton Family and Kim Berry, who is laughing with Secretary of Housing and Urban Develop Mel Martinez. White House photo by Paul Morse   15 de octubre
Conferencia de la Casa Blanca sobre la Propiedad de Vivienda por Minor�as
Declaraciones del Presidente en la Conferencia de la Casa Blanca para Aumentar la Propiedad de Vivienda por Minor�as
President George W. Bush laughs with Ludmila Putina, wife of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin, during an impromptu tour of the Oval Office Saturday, October 12, 2002. Mrs. Putina then joined Laura Bush on a visit to the Second Annual National Book Festival on the west side of the Capitol. More than 70 authors, story tellers and athletes read from their works, signed books and encouraged reading for all ages. White House photo by Susan Sterner   12 de octubre
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
Artista Jaci Vel�squez canta en el East Room de la Casa Blanca. El Presidente George W. Bush ofreci� una recepci�n en la Casa Blanca para celebrar el Mes de la Hispanidad y reconocer las contribuciones y talentos de los Hispanos, 9 de octubre 2002. White House photo by Paul Morse   9 de octubre
Declaraciones del Presidente durante la Recepci�n de la Casa Blanca por el Mes de la Hispanidad
President George W. Bush delivers remarks on Iraq at the Cincinnati Museum Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, Monday night, Oct. 7, 2002. White House photo by Eric Draper   7 de octubre
Declaraciones del Presidente sobre Iraq
President George W. Bush along with bipartisan leaders from the House and Senate announced the Joint Resolution to authorize the use of the United States Armed Forces against Iraq. "The statement of support from the Congress will show to friend and enemy alike the resolve of the United States," President Bush said during the announcement in the Rose Garden, Wednesday, October 2, 2002. White House photo by Paul Morse   2 de octubre
Declaraciones del Presidente, el Presidente de la C�mara de Representantes Dennis Hastert, el Representante Richard Gephardt, el Senador John Warner, el Senador Joseph Lieberman, y el Senador John McCain sobre la Resoluci�n del Congreso sobre Irak
Conferencia de la Casa Blanca sobre los Ni�os los Ni�os Desaparecidos, Explotados y Fugitivos

septiembre 2002
  28 de septiembre
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
T-Ball teams from East Brunswick New Jersey Babe Ruth Buddy Ball League Sluggers in red and the Waynesboro Little League Challenger Division Sand Gnats in blue from Waynesboro, Virginia congratulate each other after playing Sunday September 22, 2002 on the South Lawn of the White House. White House photo by Paul Morse   21 de septiembre
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
President George W. Bush and Matthew Skowronski, 13, a leukemia survivor, (right), admire the cake Lance Armstrong was given by the White House in honor of his 31st birthday. Armstrong, a cancer survivor and 4-time winner of the Tour De France, spoke Wednesday, Sept. 18, to encourage and support new cancer survivorship initiatives and legislation. White House photo by Paul Morse   18 de septiembre
Declaraciones del Presidente sobre el C�ncer con Lance Armstrong
  14 de septiembre
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Nación
President George W. Bush poses for a group photo with, from left, President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai, Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City, Thursday, Sept. 12, 2002. The leaders announced a joint project to provide $180 million for road improvements in Afghanistan. White House photo by Eric Draper   12 de septiembre
Declaraciones del Presidente Bush y el Presidente Karzai del Gobierno Isl�mico de Afganist�n
Declaraciones del Presidente durante el discurso a la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas
President George W. Bush talks to relatives of the victims from Flight 93 after laying a wreath at the crash site in Somerset County Pennsylvania on September 11, 2002. White House photo by Eric Draper   11 de septiembre
Declaraciones del Presidente en Conmemoraci�n del 11 de Septiembre
Declaraciones del Presidente durante su discurso a la Naci�n
  7 de septiembre
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
President George W. Bush participates in a roundtable with small business leaders at the Broadbent Arena in Louisville, Kentucky Thursday, September 5, 2002. White House photo by Tina Hager   5 de septiembre
Declaraciones del Presidente en Bienvenida en Louisville, Kentucky

agosto 2002
President George W. Bush, left, listens to Principal Dr. Linda G. Brown speak during a round table on education at Parkview Arts and Science Magnet High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, Thursday, Aug. 29. Also pictured are Education Secretary Rod Paige, right and Sen. Tim Hutchinson. White House photo by Eric Draper   29 de agosto
Declaraciones del Presidente al evento del Inicio de Clases
  24 de agosto
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
Declaraciones del Presidente en Bienvenida de Nuevo M�xico
  23 de agosto
Declaraciones del Presidente a los Defensores de la Comunidad Hispana, Voluntarios y L�deres locales
  22 de agosto
Declaraciones del Presidente en Gira por el Incendio de Squires
  17 de agosto
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Nación
President George W. Bush addresses an audience of about 2,000 people at the Iowa State Fair Fairgrounds near Des Moines, Wednesday, Aug. 14. White House photo by Eric Draper   14 de agosto
Declaraciones del Presidente en la Iowa State Fair Del 2002
President George W. Bush makes a statement on how to improve the economy at the plenary session of the President's Economic Forum held at Baylor University in Waco, Texas on Tuesday August 13, 2002. White House photo by Paul Morse   13 de agosto
Declaraciones del Presidente en la Sesi�n Plenaria del Foro Econ�mico
  10 de agosto
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
President George W. Bush participates in a roundtable discussion at Madison Central High School in Madison, Miss., Wednesday, Aug. 7. White House photo by Eric Draper   7 de agosto
Declaraciones del Presidente en Bienvenida en Mississippi
  6 de agosto
Comprometido a Mantener Seguros a los Ni�os de Estados Unidos
  3 de agosto
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n

julio 2002
President George W. Bush talks with Patrick Patterson during a roundtable discussion on welfare reform in Charleston, S.C., Monday, July 29. "I believe that compassionate welfare reform must move forward, to strengthen work, to insist upon work as one of the benchmarks for success, because I believe work increases somebody's self worth and dignity," said President Bush of the reauthorization vote on the 1996 welfare reform bill. White House photo by Paul Morse   29 de julio
Declaraciones del Presidente sobre Reformas a la Asistencia P�blica
  27 de julio
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
President George W. Bush watches the new Public Service Announcement that encourage adoption with Actor Bruce Willis and Mrs. Bush in the East Room July 23, 2002. White House photo by Tina Hager   23 de julio
Declaraciones del Presidente y Bruce Willis, Vocero de Children in Foster Care durante el Lanzamiento de Campa�a da Anuncios de Servicio P�blico sobre la Adopci�n
  20 de julio
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
White House Florist Wendy Elsasser prepares an arrangement of red Gerbera Daises as one of the many bouquests to be used at the State Dinner for Polish President Alexander Kwasniewski tonight, July 17. White House photo by Tina Hager   16 de julio
Estrategia Nacional para la Seguridad del Territorio Nacional - Res�men Ejecutivo
El Presidente George W. Bush hoy anunci� la designaci�n de Antonio O. Garza como Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario de los Estados Unidos de Norteam�rica a M�xico
Declaraciones del Presidente sobre la Seguridad del Territorio Nacional
  13 de julio
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
President George W. Bush addresses corporate leaders on Wall Street in New York, Tuesday, July 09. The President, who unveiled plans to create a new Corporate Fraud Task Force, introduced criminal penalties for corporate fraud and fund new initiatives in the SEC that will provide accountability to corporate America. White House photo by Eric Draper   9 de julio
Declaraciones del Presidente sobre la Responsabilidad Corporativa
  6 de julio
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
President George W. Bush tours the Faith-Based Welfare Reform Program at the Holy Redeemer Institutional Church of God in Christ in Milwaukee, Wis., Wednesday, July 2. White House photo by Tina Hager   2 de julio
Declaraciones del Presidente sobre la Iniciativa de Asistencia P�blica Basada en la Fe
President George W. Bush discusses the compassionate conservative agenda for inner cities at Playhouse Square Center in Cleveland, Ohio, Monday, July 1. "It is conservative to promote private property, and ownership of homes," said the President. "It is compassionate to understand there is an ownership gap in America, and we must use our resources to close that ownership gap by encouraging minority ownership of homes in America." White House photo by Paul Morse   1 de julio
Declaraciones del Presidente en Mit�n de Compasi�n Hacia los Barrios Urbanos

junio 2002
President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush complete a four mile walk with brother Marvin Bush, left, Chief of Staff Andy Card and wife Kathleene after undergoing a colorectal screening procedure at Camp David, Saturday morning, June 29. White House photo by Eric Draper   29 de junio
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
President George W. Bush greets members of the fire deparment in Show Low, Ariz., during his visit to the forest fire area in Springerville, Ariz., Tuesday, June 24.   25 de junio
Declaraciones del Presdiente a las Familias Desalojadas
  22 de junio
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
As Secretary Mel Martinez listens, President George W. Bush discusses home ownership at the Department of Housing and Urban Development Tuesday, June 18. White House photo by Tina Hager   18 de junio
Declaraciones del Presidente sobre Propiedad de Vivienda
  17 de junio
El Plan del Presidente para Ampliar las Oportunidades de Propiedad de Vivienda
  15 de junio
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Nación
  8 de junio
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
President George W. Bush prepares for his Thursday night speech about the Department of Homeland Security with Karen Hughes, Counselor to the President, at the White House Thursday afternoon, June 6, 2002. White House photo by Eric Draper   6 de junio
El Departamento de Seguridad del Territorio Nacional
President George W. Bush receives praise from Welfare to Work graduate Ann Briscoe and her husband Alfred at an East Room event at the White House on June 4, 2002. White House photo by Paul Morse   4 de junio
Declaraciones del Presidente a los Graduandos de Welfare to Work
  1 de junio
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n

mayo 2002
President George W. Bush gives a Memorial Day speech at the Normandy American Cemetery at Normandy Beach in France on May 27, 2002. White House photo by Paul Morse   27 de mayo
Declaraciones del Presidente en el D�a de la Recordaci�n de los Soldados Ca�dos
  25 de mayo
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
President George W. Bush announces an initiative for a new Cuba Policy in the East Room Monday, May 20. "If Cuba's government takes all the necessary steps to ensure that the 2003 elections are certifiably free and fair -- certifiably free and fair -- and if Cuba also begins to adopt meaningful market-based reforms, then -- and only then -- I will work with the United States Congress to ease the ban on trade and travel between our two countries," said the President. White House photo by Tina Hager   20 de mayo
Declaraciones del Presidente en Evento del D�a de la Independencia Cubana
Declaraciones del Presidente sobre el Examen de la Pol�tica Hacia Cuba
  18 de mayo
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Nación
President George W. Bush wades into an enthusiastic crowd after speaking at the Hispanic National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., May 16, 2002. White House photo by Paul Morse   16 de mayo
Declaraciones del Presidente en el Desayuno Nacional Hispano de la Oraci�n
  11 de mayo
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Nación
President Bush delivers remarks on Education Accountability at Logan High School in La Crosse, Wisconsin. May 8, 2002. White House photo by Tina Hager   8 de mayo
Declaraciones del Presidente sobre la Responsabilidad en la Educaci�n
  5 de mayo
Cinco de Mayo de 2003
President George W. Bush and Laura Bush listen to Pedro Fernandez perform during a reception honoring Cinco de Mayo in the East Room Friday, May 3. "The victory we commemorate today is a source of tremendous pride to the people of Mexico, and a source of inspiration to the people of America," said the President in his remarks of the celebration that marks Mexico's victory over French occupying forces at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. White House photo by Susan Sterner   4 de mayo
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
Accompanied by Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Mel Martinez (immediate left of the President), President George W. Bush meets with members of his staff on the South Lawn after posing for a group portrait with approximately 160 White House hispanic employees. White House photo by Eric Draper   3 de mayo
Declaraciones del Presidente en Recepci�n en honor al Cinco de Mayo

abril 2002
President George W. Bush discusses mental health care during a roundtable discussion at the University of New Mexico's Continuing Education Conference Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 29. "Our country must make a commitment: Americans with mental illness deserve our understanding, and they deserve excellent care," said the President. "They deserve a health care system that treats their illness with the same urgency as a physical illness." White House photo by Eric Draper   29 de abril
Declaraciones del Presidente sobre la Salud Mental
  27 de abril
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
President George W. Bush addresses visiting athletes during a ceremony honoring the efforts of the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic teams on the South Lawn Tuesday, April 23. Pictured on stage with the President is gold medalists Tristan Gale, left, and Manuel Guerra. "It is a great honor to host our nation's Olympic and Paralympic athletes here at the White House," said the President "You competed with honor, you won with humility and you made America proud." White House photo by Tina Hager   23 de abril
Declaraciones del Presidente a los Atletas Ol�mpicos u Paraol�mpicos
President George W. Bush takes a working tour of The Adirondack Park near Wilmington, NY, Monday, April 22. "We had a great time in the Park, and I want to thank you all very much for giving me the opportunity to hammer and stack, place gravel -- (laughter) -- in a beautiful part of the world. This is quite a sight for a fellow from Texas," said the President in his remarks about Earth Day at Whiteface Mountain Lodge. "We have a duty in our country to make sure our land is preserved, our air is clean, our water is pure, our parks are accessible and open and well- preserved." White House photo by Eric Draper   22 de abril
Declaraciones del Presidente el D�a de la Tierra
  20 de abril
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
  19 de abril
Declaraci�n del Presidente
  13 de abril
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Nación
Introduced by Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao (pictured to the immediate right of the President), President George W. Bush addressed the audience during a ceremony for the Recovery and Empowerment Act, which aid charitable efforts, in the East Room Thursday, April 11. White House photo by Eric Draper   11 de abril
Declaraciones del Presidente sobre la Iniciativa Basada en la Fe
President George W. Bush calls on the Senate to support a ban on human cloning during an address in the East Room Wednesday, April 10. "Our age must also be defined by the care and restraint and responsibility with which we take up these new scientific powers," said the President. "Advances in biomedical technology must never come at the expense of human conscience." White House photo by Paul Morse   10 de abril
Declaraciones del Presidente sobre la Ley de Clonaci�n Humana
President George W. Bush waves during his visit to the Knoxville Civic Center in Knoxville, Tenn., Monday, April 8. Listing several specific ways Americans can volunteer, the president spoke about the value and need of community service. "And so for those of you out there who are interested in participating, I want you to call up this number, 1-877-USA-CORPS, or to dial up on the Internet, This is a way where you can help America," said President Bush. White House photo by Paul Morse   8 de abril
Declaraciones del Presidente Acerca de Citizens Corp
Protegiendo los Puestos Estadounidenses y Nuestra Econom�a contra los Ataques Terroristas
  6 de abril
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
  4 de abril
Declaraciones del Presidente sobre la Autoridad de Promoci�n del Comercio
President George W. Bush discusses early childhood developmental education as Secretary of Education Rod Paige listens at Pennsylvania State University in Media, Pa., Tuesday, April 2. "We must make sure that every child enter school ready to learn -- every child -- not just one, not just a few, but every, single child," said the President. White House photo by Tina Hager   3 de abril
Declaraciones del Presidente sobre la Educaci�n Inicial

marzo 2002
  30 de marzo
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
  23 de marzo
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
Hoja de Datos: Iniciativa Regional Andina
Hoja de Datos: Centro Andino de Excelencia para la Capitaci�n de los Maestros
Hoja de Datos: Memorando de Entendimiento entre Estados Unidos y Per� para la Protecci�n del Patrimonio Cultural
Hoja de Datos: Renovaci�n del Programa Peace Corps en Per�
Hoja de Datos
Hoja de Datos
Hoja de Datos
Hoja de Datos: Beca de Comercio Electr�nico para la Regi�n Andina
Hoja de Datos: Ley de Preferencias Arancelarias Andinas
  22 de marzo
"Los Compromisos de Monterrey"
President George W. Bush reviews the Vehicle and Cargo Inspection System during a tour of the cargo dock at the Bridge at the Americas in El Paso, Texas, Thursday, March 21. Also pictured, from left, are Port Operations Director David Longoria, Texas Governor Rick Perry and Congressman Henry Bonilla (R-23rd). "I want this border to be modern; I want it to have the very best technology," said the President upon his arrival at the El Paso airport. "I don't want it to be a neglected part of our country. I want it to be a place where we spend a lot of time and focus on it, so that it works the best it can possibly work." White House photo by Eric Draper   21 de marzo
Declaraciones del Presidente Durante Bienvenida en El Paso
  16 de marzo
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
  12 de marzo
Declaraciones del Presidente
Flying flags from countries contributing to the fight against terrorism, President George W. Bush approaches the podium on the six-month anniversary of the September 11th Attacks on the South Lawn. "We have come together to mark a terrible day, to reaffirm a just and vital cause, and to thank the many nations that share our resolve and will share our common victory," said the President in his remarks. White House photo by Paul Morse   11 de marzo
Declaraciones del Presidente al Conmemorarse los Seis Meses de los Ataques del 11 de Septiembre
President George W. Bush signs the Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002 during a live radio address in the Rose Garden March 9, 2002. On hand for the signing were Senators Trent Lott (far left) and Tom Daschle (second from left) and Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (standing to right of the President). "We're seeing some encouraging signs in the economy, but we can't stand by and simply hope for continued recovery," said President Bush. "We must work for it." White House photo by Eric Draper   9 de marzo
Discurso Radial del Presidente en vivo en Firmando la Legislaci�n para la Creaci�n de Empleos y Ayuda a los Trabajadores
  2 de marzo
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Nación

febrero 2002
  26 de febrero
Declaraciones del Presidente durante la Visita del East Capitol Center for Change
  23 de febrero
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Nación
  16 de febrero
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Nación
  12 de febrero
Declaraciones del Presidente sobre la Estrategia Nacional de Control de Drogas para el 2002
President George W. Bush embraces Secretary of Health and Human Services and former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson after speaking about healthcare reform issues at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, Wis., February 11, 2002. Wisconsin's current governor Scott McCallum is also pictured. White House photo by Paul Morse   11 de febrero
Declaraciones del Presidente sobre Reformas a la Atenci�n de la Salud
President George W. Bush and friend Roland Betts walk a private trail along the Snake River in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Saturday, Feb. 9, 2002. The President and Mrs. Bush are staying at the Jackson Hole residence of Roland and Lois Betts. The Grand Teton Mountains are shown in background. White House photo by Eric Draper   9 de febrero
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Naci�n
Visiting the University of Pittsburgh, President George W. Bush speaks as Director of Homeland Security Tom Ridge listens to the President outline his plans to improve America's defense against future terrorist attacks Feb. 5. "We must do everything in our power, everything to protect our fellow Americans. We need better testing, better vaccines, and better drugs if America is going to be as safe as it can possibly be," said the President. White House photo by Tina Hager   5 de febrero
Declaraciones del Presidente a los Estudiantes y la Facultad de la Universidad
  4 de febrero
El Mensaje del Presidente Acerca del Presupuesto
  2 de febrero
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Nación

enero 2002
  29 de enero
Discurso del Presidente sobre el Estado de la Naci�n
President George W. Bush listens to Chairman of the Afghan Interim Authority Hamid Karzai during their joint press conference in the Rose Garden, January 28. "Chairman Karzai is a determined leader, and his government reflects the hopes of all Afghans for a new and better future; a future free from terror, free from war, and free from want," said the President. White House photo by Eric Draper   28 de enero
Declaraciones del Presidente con los Miembros de la C�mara de Representantes y el Senado Acerca de Medicare
Declaraciones del Presidente y el Presidente de la Autoridad Interina Afgana Hamid Karzai
President George W. Bush meets with Republican congressional leaders to discuss the upcoming congressional agenda at Camp David. Saturday, Jan 26, 2002. White House photo by Eric Draper   26 de enero
Discurso del estado a la uni�n
President Bush salutes as he disembarks the ship after his tour Jan. 25. "When it comes to securing our homeland, and helping people along the coast, the Coast Guard has got a vital and significant mission," said the President in his remarks at nearby Southern Maine Technical College. "And, therefore, the budget that I send to the United States Congress will have the largest increase in spending for the Coast Guard in our nation's history." White House photo by Eric Draper   25 de enero
Declaraciones del Presidente sobre la Seguridad del Territorio Nacional
  23 de enero
Declaraciones por el Presidente durante el Almuerzo de la Reserve Officers Assiciation
  19 de enero
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
President George W. Bush and Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit of the Republic of Turkey talk with reporters in the Oval Office Wednesday, Jan. 16. White House photo by Paul Morse   16 de enero
Declaraciones del Presidente y del Primer Ministro de Turqu�a durante Sesi�n Fotogr�fica
Declaraciones del Presidente al Consejo de Asuntos Mundiales
Hoja de Datos: Tratado de Libre Comercio Entre Estados Unidos Y America Central
President George W. Bush talks with workers at the Port of New Orleans, Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2002. White House photo by Eric Draper   15 de enero
Declaraciones del Presidente Sobre el Comercio Internacional
  12 de enero
Econom�a y el presupuesto
  11 de enero
Declaraciones del Secretario de Prensa
El Presidente George W. Bush anunci� hoy el nombramiento de receso de Otto J. Reich como Subsecretario de Estado sobre Asuntos del Hemisferio Occidental
  8 de enero
Hoja de Datos: Que Ning�n Ni�o se Quede Atr�s
  5 de enero