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President George W. Bush laughs with Ludmila Putina, wife of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin, during an impromptu tour of the Oval Office Saturday, October 12, 2002. Mrs. Putina then joined Laura Bush on a visit to the Second Annual National Book Festival on the west side of the Capitol. More than 70 authors, story tellers and athletes read from their works, signed books and encouraged reading for all ages. White House photo by Susan Sterner.
President George W. Bush laughs with Ludmila Putina, wife of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin, during an impromptu tour of the Oval Office Saturday, October 12, 2002. Mrs. Putina then joined Laura Bush on a visit to the Second Annual National Book Festival on the west side of the Capitol. More than 70 authors, story tellers and athletes read from their works, signed books and encouraged reading for all ages. White House photo by Susan Sterner.
Laura Bush waits backstage before addressing the crowd gathered for the Second Annual National Book Festival Gala Friday, October 11, 2002 at the Library of Congress. White House photo by Susan Sterner.
Laura Bush shares a light moment with Ludmila Putina, wife of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin, in the Red Room of the White House Saturday, October 12, 2002 prior to the opening ceremony of the Second Annual National Book Festival. White House photo by Susan Sterner.
President George W. Bush laughs with Ludmila Putina, wife of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin, during an impromptu tour of the Oval Office Saturday, October 12, 2002. Mrs. Putina then joined Laura Bush on a visit to the Second Annual National Book Festival on the west side of the Capitol. More than 70 authors, story tellers and athletes read from their works, signed books and encouraged reading for all ages. White House photo by Susan Sterner.
Ludmila Putina, wife of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin, and Laura Bush are served coffee by White House Butlers Ricardo San Victores and James Ramsey in the Yellow Oval Room following the opening ceremonies for the Second Annual National Book Festival. Mrs. Bush invited Mrs. Putin to the Book Festival following a visit to a children's library in Moscow last Spring. Mrs. Putin is interested in hosting a book festival in Russia. White House photo by Susan Sterner.
Laura Bush and Ludmila Putina, wife of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin, stroll across the lawn of the Capitol visiting the tents of authors and story tellers at the Second Annual National Book Festival Saturday, October 12, 2002. White House photo by Susan Sterner.
Laura Bush welcomes Ludmila Putina, wife of Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, to the Second Annual National Book Festival Saturday, October 12, 2002 in the East Room of the White House. Standing with the First Ladies on stage are, left to right, Native American poet Lucy Tapahoso, writer Mary Higgins Clark , Librarian of Congress Director James Billington and NBA player Jerry Stackhouse. White House photo by Susan Sterner.
Laura Bush applauds at the end of a reading by renowned children's author and illustrator, Eric Carle Saturday, October 12, 2002 at the Second Annual National Book Festival on the held on the west side of the Capitol. White House photo by Susan Sterner.

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