News releases for November 2008
November 30, 2008
Statement by the Press Secretary
November 29, 2008
President Bush Discusses Attacks in Mumbai, Condemns Violence, Sends Condolences to Victims
November 28, 2008
Statement by the President on Horrific Attacks in Mumbai
Interview Excerpts of President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush by Doro Bush Koch for StoryCorps
November 27, 2008
Statement by the President on Agreements with Iraq
Strategic Framework Agreement
Security Agreement
In Focus: Iraq
President Bush Makes Thanksgiving Day Telephone Calls to Members of the Armed Forces
Thanksgiving 2008
Text of Strategic Framework Agreement and Security Agreement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Iraq
In Focus: Iraq
November 26, 2008
President Bush Pardons "Pumpkin and Pecan" in National Thanksgiving Turkey Ceremony
Thanksgiving 2008
President's Radio Address
President Bush Condemns Terrorist Attack in Mumbai, India
World AIDS Day, 2008
In Focus: HIV/AIDS
National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month, 2008
Memorandum for the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Transportation and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Statement on Additional Federal Disaster Assistance for Texas
Statement by Press Secretary
To Provide for Duty-Free Treatment Under the Earned Import Allowance Program, and for Other Purposes
Personnel Announcement
November 25, 2008
President Bush Visits Fort Campbell, Discusses Iraq and Afghanistan
Personnel Announcement
November 24, 2008
President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Olmert of Israel
In Focus: Global Diplomacy
President Bush Meets with Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson
In Focus: Economy
Statement on Additional Federal Disaster Assistance for Louisiana
November 22, 2008
President Bush Attends APEC CEO Summit 2008
Fact Sheet: Creating a New Era of Prosperity in the Asia Pacific Region and Beyond
In Focus: APEC 2008
President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Harper of Canada at APEC
In Focus: APEC 2008
President Bush Meets with President Medvedev of Russia at APEC
In Focus: APEC 2008
Statement by the President on Zimbabwe
Presidential Message
November 21, 2008
President's Radio Address
In Focus: APEC 2008
President Bush Signs H.R. 6867 Into Law
Text of a Letter from the President to the President of the Senate
Text of a Letter from the President to the President of the Senate
Memorandum for the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Energy
Thanksgiving Day, 2008
November 20, 2008
President Bush to Welcome Israeli Prime Minister Olmert
Message to the Senate of the United States
National Family Week, 2008
Interview of the President by Raul Tola, America TV
Personnel Announcement
November 19, 2008
President Bush Attends Reopening of the National Museum of American History
National Farm-City Week, 2008
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Press Briefing by Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs Daniel Price and Deputy Press Secretary Gordon Johndroe on the President's Trip to APEC Summit
November 18, 2008
President Bush Discusses Aviation Congestion and Transportation Safety
Fact Sheet: Improving Travel During The Holidays And Beyond
In Focus: Transportation
Executive Order: Transformation of the National Air Transportation System
Fact Sheet: Improving Travel During The Holidays And Beyond
President Bush Discusses Aviation Congestion and Transportation Safety
Executive Order: Amendments to Executive Order 9397 Relating to Federal Agency Use of Social Security Numbers
Personnel Announcement
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for California
November 17, 2008
President and Mrs. Bush Attend Presentation of the 2008 National Medals of Arts and National Humanities Medals
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Statement by the Press Secretary on Burma
November 15, 2008
President Bush Hosts Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy
Fact Sheet: Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy
In Focus: Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy
President Bush Arrives at Summit on Financial Markets and World Economy
In Focus: Summit on Financial Markets and World Economy
Declaration of the Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy
In Focus:Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy
Fact Sheet: Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy
In Focus: Summit on Financial Markets and World Economy
Press Briefing by Senior Administration Officials on Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy
In Focus: Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy
November 14, 2008
President Bush Hosts Dinner with Summit on Financial Markets and World Economy Participants
In Focus: Summit on Financial Markets and World Economy
President Bush Welcomes World Leaders to the Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy
In Focus: Summit on Financial Markets and World Economy
President's Radio Address
In Focus: Economy
America Recycles Day, 2008
Delegations to the Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy
Personnel Announcement
Personnel Announcement
November 13, 2008
President Bush Discusses Financial Markets and World Economy
In Focus: Economy
President Bush Attends United Nations High-Level Debate on Interfaith Dialogue
In Focus: Global Diplomacy
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for Missouri
Statement by the President on Conservation of Klamath River Basin
In Focus: Environment
Personnel Announcement
November 12, 2008
President Bush Attends 2008 Bishop John T. Walker Memorial Dinner
In Focus: Africa
President Bush Welcomes 2008 NCAA Sports Champions to the White House
November 11, 2008
President Bush Attends Rededication Ceremony of the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum
In Focus: Veterans
President Bush Visits Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum
In Focus: Veterans
Notice: Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Iran
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
November 10, 2008
President Bush Visits National Naval Medical Center
In Focus: Veterans
Personnel Announcement
Personnel Announcement
Personnel Announcement
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
Notice: Continuation of National Emergency with Respect to Weapons of Mass Destruction
President Bush to Welcome Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi
November 8, 2008
President's Radio Address
In Focus: Transition
Vice President's Remarks at the Virginia Military Institute
November 7, 2008
Statement by the President on Job Report Numbers
In Focus: Economy
World Freedom Day, 2008
Fact Sheet: President Bush Has Provided Unprecedented Support for Our Veterans
In Focus: Veterans
November 6, 2008
President Bush Discusses the Transition with Employees of the Executive Office of the President
In Focus: Transition
November 5, 2008
President Bush Discusses Presidential Election
November 1, 2008
President's Radio Address