Good afternoon, and thanks for having me. I just returned from a trip with President Bush to Tucson and El Paso, where the President outlined a comprehensive strategy for securing our nation's borders. The President is deeply committed to securing our borders and bringing reform to our immigration system.
Hello, I'm Ambassador David Satterfield, Charge d'Affaires at the Embassy of the United States of America in Baghdad, Iraq. I am looking forward to chatting with you today in this "Ask the White House" chat.
Thank you to everyone coming in to chat today. This is an important time in Medicare, as we are adding the most important new benefit to the Medicare program in its 40-year history.
Welcome to "Ask the White House." I just returned from leading a presidential delegation to Pakistan to raise attention and private sector support for victims of the earthquake there. The devastation is incredible.
Good afternoon and thank you for surfing your way to "Ask the White House." I'm happy to answer any questions you have about Veterans Day and the War on Terror. Let's get right to the questions.
There could not have been two more surprised people at the White House today than the two of us. Most people will immediately recognize most of the names on the list of Presidential Medal of Freedom honorees, but although our names are not household words, our work in creating the Internet now shows up in almost every corner of the world. If Vint has his way, it will show up on the other planets, as well. And if Bob has his way, the Internet will be re-invented many times over in the future by those in the audience and in generations to come.
Thank you for joining "Ask the White House" today. I will be travelling with the President to Asia. We leave on November 14 and return on November 21 after travelling to Kyoto, Japan; Gyeongju and Busan South Korea; Beijing, China and Ulaan Baator, Mongolia. The President is very excited about the trip and I appreciate the chance to answer your questions.
Thank you all for joining us today. As you may know, President Bush will be traveling to Mar del Plata, Argentina, tomorrow to attend the Summit of the Americas.
I appreciate the opportunity to answer your questions today about one of the most important public health issues we face today and that is the threat of global outbreak of influenza commonly referred to as a pandemic. Many of you are learning more and more about the outbreak of H5N1 influenza in birds in Asia. This is still primarily a disease among animals and not people and we simply cant say whether this virus will emerge to cause a pandemic in humans. But we must be prepared and the strategy the President discussed today is a huge step in the right direction to help get us better prepared. Let's get started with your questions.