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Welcome to "Ask the White House" -- an online interactive forum where you can submit questions to Administration officials and friends of the White House. Visit the "Ask the White House" archives to read other discussions with White House officials.
November 30, 2005
Michael Chertoff
Good afternoon, and thanks for having me. I just returned from a trip with President Bush to Tucson and El Paso, where the President outlined a comprehensive strategy for securing our nation's borders. The President is deeply committed to securing our borders and bringing reform to our immigration system. He has told me that this is one of his highest priorities, and at his direction we have already taken several important steps. Our challenge is to further facilitate the flow of legitimate travelers and trade across our borders, while ensuring an extremely high probability of detection and interdiction of potentially dangerous people and cargo at the border. I'll be glad to explain how this Administration will accomplish these goals with you now. Greg, from Arlington, VA
writes: Michael Chertoff
You're right that there are millions of people who choose to follow our legal immigration system each year by applying for worker visas, legal permanent residency or citizenship. We are a nation of immigrants, but we cannot allow someone who has chosen to break our immigration laws to preempt those individuals who choose a legitimate means of entering our country. Rewarding those who break the law would encourage more illegal entrants and increase pressure on the border. Ultimately, the incentive for residents of other countries to apply for a guest worker program versus attempting to illegally enter the country will be the clear understanding of the extremely high probability of their apprehension at the border and a prompt return to their home country. Octavio, from Georgetown University, Washington, DC writes: Michael Chertoff We continue to work with our federal counterparts and international partners to encourage economic prosperity and apply security measures that actually facilitate the flow of legitimate trade and cargo. This partnership will continue well into the future, and I am hopeful that we will find ways to form similar multilateral agreements with other international partners.
The President has proposed a Temporary Work Program that would establish a regulated channel for those individuals who are here looking for a way to support their families to step out of the shadows and participate more in the economy for a fixed period of time. By connecting willing workers with willing employers, when no American worker is willing to take the job, we can meet economic realities while reducing the pressure on our borders.
Elisa, from Hampton, Ga
writes: Michael Chertoff The Department of Homeland Security does not set the terms by which undocumented individuals receive access to education, medical care, and the other benefits of living in our country. In many ways, those terms are defined by individual states, and it is important that states have the ability to make decisions about how their resources are allocated.
It is my job to control the flow of immigration through our borders and to know who is in our country and for what purpose. As we enact our border and immigration plan, we will have better knowledge of who is legitimate and who is not, and enhance the nation's ability to allocate resources toward legitimate purposes.
Bill, from Arlington writes: Michael Chertoff We have to remember that increasing resources at the border won't accomplish our mission alone, which is why our new appropriations bill includes a significant increase in funding for our Immigration and Customs Enforcement division. This year we'll have 250 new ICE investigators, 400 new immigration enforcement agents, 100 more deportation officers, and 2,000 more detention beds so that we can end the practice of "catch and release" and remove illegal migrants more effectively.
And to your point, we are partnering with the military and other local, state and federal agencies where appropriate. We are working with Joint Task Force North, part of the U.S. Northern Command, which routinely provides support to Border Patrol sectors along both the southern and northern borders of the United States. Since 1989, JTF North has executed thousands of missions in direct support of different law enforcement agencies, but by federal law cannot serve in a direct law enforcement capacity. Instead, soldiers employ their high technology surveillance equipment and training resources in direct support of the Border Patrol's efforts to secure the nation's borders. Michael, from Powell, TN
writes: Michael Chertoff That is why we have established the Secure Border Initiative, which is a broad, multi-year initiative looking at all aspects of the problem across the board -- deterrence, detection, apprehension, detention, and removal. SBI addresses the challenges we face with an integrated mix of increased staffing, a greater investment in detection technology and infrastructure, and enhanced coordination with our partners at the federal, state, local, and international levels.
As long as there are jobs and a better way of life in the United States, there will be economic factors driving people here. However, those millions of people living in our country without documentation or legal recognition create serious security vulnerabilities and they are themselves vulnerable to exploitation. A temporary worker program will allow foreigners who respect our laws to be welcome contributors instead of security threats, and by reducing the flow of illegal immigrants, law enforcement can focus on those who mean this county and our communities harm.
Erica, from Bellflower Ca
writes: Michael Chertoff
To that end, we have dramatically increased resources at our borders, resulting in the deportation of approximately 4.8 million illegal immigrants, including over 350,000 individuals with criminal records, since 9/11. With this improved record and new understanding of our environment, we are beginning a comprehensive transformation of our border and immigration systems.
Judy, from Twentynine Palms, CA
writes: And secondly, is it likely Congress will approve the money for recruitment to protect our borders? Michael Chertoff
Most recently, the Congress has supported recent requests to improve our capabilities to secure the nation's borders by increasing funding for interior enforcement, more detention beds (which is key), Border Patrol agents, new technology, better physical barriers, and other resources.
Stephen, from St. Petersburg, FL
writes: Security. I read President Bush's remarks on Immigration reform and applaud him for addressing this serious issue. How long will one be able to participate in the guest worker program? What will the screening process be to ensure that these individuals are here to do honest work? Where can I find more details about the proposal outlined in Tucson,AZ on Monday? Thank you Michael Chertoff
When I speak to the need for a temporary worker program, I often use the analogy of a river dam. If you are going to dam a river, it is much easier if you channel water in areas where it can be productive and take the pressure of the dam. In the immigration context, channeling foreign workers to jobs that Americans won't do and matching them with willing workers is a sensible way to ease the pressure of the immigration system and meet our country's economic needs.
David, from West Hills, Ca
writes: Michael Chertoff That plan includes developing better partnerships with our international partners so that we can promptly return every illegal migrant we catch at the border through interior repatriation and expedited removal programs. We are doubling our resources for immigration enforcement beyond our borders and throughout the country, including funding for new investigators and immigration enforcement agents, more deportation officers, and more detention beds to stop the practice of "catch and release" and detain and remove illegal migrants quickly and effectively.
Of course, we are also focused on preventing people from crossing the border illegally in the first place through increased manpower and new technologies. We have increased the ranks of the Border Patrol by 30 percent since 9/11, and we will make further increases this year. We have deployed unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that can patrol remote and desert terrain more safely and effectively, and we are deploying vehicle barriers and infrastructure systems in appropriate environments.
Daniel, from Lakeville, CT
writes: Michael Chertoff
Through the US VISIT Program, our Customs and Border Protection agents are better able to verify the identity of a person attempting entry at our borders through enhanced technology and biometric data. This biometric and biographic data collected by US VISIT is checked against watch lists and has significantly improved our ability to determine admissibility at our ports of entry and keep known criminals and suspected terrorists from crossing our borders.
Mike, from Rocky River, OH
writes: Thank you Michael Chertoff Elliot, from New Jersey
writes: Michael Chertoff In urban areas, an infrastructure system is effective. In September, I announced that we would waive certain legal issues to ensure expedited completion of the 14-mile Border Infrastructure System near San Diego. In more remote areas, a combination of technologies such as unmanned aerial vehicles and surveillance systems, lighting, or vehicle barriers can be more effective. Across the nation's border, our Customs and Border Protection Border Patrol agents are trained and equipped to ensure we enhance operational control of our nation's borders.
Michael Chertoff |
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