Hello, it's nice to be back here on the White House web chat. I'd like to begin by wishing you all a happy Halloween.
Hi, good to be back. Glad to have the opportunity to take some questions today.
I am glad to be back. I look forward to your questions. Fire away!
Hello again, we just came from an event with the President and a group of seniors to discuss how...
Hello, I'm Secretary Ann Veneman. We are very saddened at the losses that are occuring...
Good Morning. We are in California where the fires and the destruction are even worse that what you see on television...
Good Afternoon -- I apologize for being a little bit late.
Hi. It is great to be here. I've been part of every chat. . .
I expected to see a dismal and frightened area of the world. Instead, I saw anything but that.
Hello out there. Its great to be here on Ask the White House. I'm looking forward to your questions.
Hello, it's great to be with you for "Ask The White House"! Looking forward to taking your questions...
Hello, it's nice to be here for my second web chat. I'm happy to field some of your questions ...
Hi, I'm Dan Senor. I'm in Washington for a few days after having spent the last 6 months in Iraq.
Hello again, it is good to be back on Ask the White House. As you know the President hosted ...
The Chief Usher is responsible for activities that occur in the Executive Residence and on the grounds, so our involvement begins...
Hi, it is good to be back online and talk to you about my work for President Bush. Let's start going!
Hi this is Asa, delighted to be with you and looking forward to your questions.