It's great to be back on Ask the White House. As I sit here on a brisk and windy 23 degree day in Washington, DC, I can hear Marine One taking off with the President. He's on his way to Walter Reed Army Medical Center to visit some of our injured troops and to thank them for their service.
I'd be happy to take your questions about last Friday's Presidential announcement on the auto industry, or any other current economic topics.
Good morning and welcome to Ask the White House. Thank you for sending in questions today about tours at the White House. During this holiday season, we will welcome over 60,000 guests to see this year's Red, White and Blue Christmas decorations.

It's great to be back hosting another "Ask the White House" session. I want to begin by echoing what President Bush said yesterday at the U.S. Army War College in Pennsylvania: that our country has remained safe since 9/11 not because of luck, but because of his decisive leadership and the steadfast determination of our armed forces, intelligence, and law enforcement partners.

Happy holidays and thank you for joining me today for Ask the White House. I'm Anita McBride and I serve as Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff to Mrs. Bush. Everyone at the White House is busy sprinting to the finish! But we are also taking time to enjoy and share the beauty of the White House during the holiday season. Last evening, the President and Mrs. Bush celebrated Hanukkah at the White House, a tradition they began in 2001. Marking the 60th anniversary of the founding of the state of Israel, they were delighted that the Truman Library loaned the menorah presented to President Harry S. Truman in 1951 as a symbol of friendship by Israel's first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion. The President and Mrs. Bush were especially honored to have the grandsons of these two great men Clifton Truman Daniel and Yariv Ben-Eliezer light the menorah together.
Gary Sinise, Actor and Recipient of the Presidential Citizens Medal, discussed his involvement with Operation Iraqi Children.

Yesterday, I joined President Bush in hosting a roundtable meeting with prevention, treatment, and enforcement leaders from around the country who have been instrumental in pushing back against the drug problem. Due in large measure to their work, and the implementation of a balanced National Drug Control Strategy, the Nation has made significant progress reducing drug availability and use. New data from the Monitoring the Future Study show a 25 percent reduction in overall youth drug use over the past seven years, translating into 900,000 fewer teen using drugs today than in 2001. For cocaine specifically, new workplace drug testing data from Quest Diagnostics show a 38 percent decrease in adults testing positive from June 2006 - June 2008. Further, new law enforcement data show a significant decrease in cocaine availability, with an 89 percent increase in average street price and a 32 percent reduction in average street purity, and 14 cities nationwide reporting cocaine shortages. I look forward to your questions, and thank you for your interest in sustaining and extending our shared achievements against the stubborn problem of drug use and addiction.

After several years as PEPFAR Coordinator I am still amazed at the achievements that our partner nations have made with the support of the American people in the fight against HIV/AIDS. In 2003, just 50,000 people in sub-Saharan Africa were receiving antiretroviral treatment. Today, five years after the inauguration of the Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), PEPFAR has fulfilled its commitment to support treatment for two million people, the vast majority of whom reside in sub-Saharan Africa. The President promised to lead the fight against HIV/AIDS when he signed PEPFAR into law. And today we celebrate the lives saved as a result of this initiative.

Good afternoon, thanks for joining me today to discuss the Presidential Transition!
Now, I am happy to answer some of your questions!

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