October 31, 2007
President Bush Nominates Ed Schafer for Secretary of Agriculture
Fact Sheet: Ed Schafer: A Record of Leadership in Agriculture and Business
President Bush Discusses Health Care, Economic Growth and Free Trade at 2007 Grocery Manufacturers Association/Food Products Association Fall Conference
Fact Sheet: National Strategy for Information Sharing
National Strategy for Information Sharing
President Bush Signs H.R. 3678 and S. 2258 into Law
National Hospice Month, 2007
National Adoption Month, 2007
National Family Caregivers Month, 2007
National American Indian Heritage Month, 2007
Veterans Day, 2007
National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month, 2007
National Diabetes Month, 2007
Personnel Announcement
October 30, 2007
President Bush Urges Congress to Pass Appropriations Bills
President Bush Meets with President Museveni of Uganda
President Bush Nominates Dr. James Peake as Secretary of Veterans Affairs
In Focus: Veterans
Fact Sheet: Lt. Gen. James B. Peake (Ret.), M.D.: The Best Choice for Our Nation's Veterans
President Bush to Welcome Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey to Washington
Personnel Announcement
October 29, 2007
President Bush Announces Recipients of Presidential Medal of Freedom
October 27, 2007
President's Radio Address
October 26, 2007
President Bush Meets with Democratic Republic of the Congo President Kabila
President Bush Discusses Appropriations
Nominations Sent to the Senate
President Bush Signs H.R. 3233
October 25, 2007
President Bush Tours Fire Damaged Southern California
President Bush Visits with First Responders of Southern California Fires
President Bush Discusses California Wildfires
President Bush Departs for Southern California
Just the Facts: Top Five Reasons the Democrats' "New" SCHIP Bill Is Actually More of the Same
President Signs H.R. 995
Statement by the Press Secretary
Personnel Announcement
Personnel Announcement
October 24, 2007
President Bush Discusses Cuba Policy
Fact Sheet: Encouraging Freedom, Justice, and Prosperity in Cuba
President Bush Meets with Cabinet, Discusses Fires in California
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for California
President Bush Pleased by Confirmation of Judge Leslie Southwick
President Signs H.R. 1124, H.R. 2467, H.R. 2587, H.R. 2654, H.R. 2765, H.R. 2778, H.R. 2825, H.R. 3052, and H.R. 3106
Message to the Senate of the United States
Message to the Congress of the United States
Notice: Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to the Situation in or in Relation to the Democratic Republic of the Congo
October 23, 2007
President Bush Visits National Defense University, Discusses Global War on Terror
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for California
Just the Facts: "Over Half the Families in America Are Not Poor"
Fact Sheet: Defending America and Its Allies Against Ballistic Missile Attack
In Focus: Defense
Statement by the Press Secretary
United Nations Day, 2007
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Personnel Announcement
October 22, 2007
President Bush Presents Medal of Honor to Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy, U.S. Navy
President Bush Discusses the War Supplemental
Fact Sheet: 2008 War Funding Request
President Bush and President Enkhbayar of Mongolia Sign the Millennium Challenge Corporation Compact
Statement by the Press Secretary
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives
October 21, 2007
Vice President's Remarks to the Washington Institute for Near East Policy
October 20, 2007
President Bush Signs Executive Order to Protect Striped Bass and Red Drum Fish Populations
Executive Order: Protection of Striped Bass and Red Drum Fish Populations
Fact Sheet: Guarding Against Over-Fishing Through Cooperative Conservation
In Focus: Environment
President Bush Discusses Migratory Bird Conservation
Fact Sheet: Improving Habitat for Our Nation's Migratory Birds
In Focus: Environment
Executive Order: Protection of Striped Bass and Red Drum Fish Populations
President Bush Signs Executive Order to Protect Striped Bass and Red Drum Fish Populations
National Forest Products Week, 2007
National Character Counts Week, 2007
October 19, 2007
President Bush Discusses Sanctions on Burma
Fact Sheet: President Bush Announces Added Sanctions Against Leaders of Burma's Regime
Executive Order: Blocking Property and Prohibiting Certain Transactions Related to Burma
In Focus: Global Diplomacy
President's Radio Address
In Focus: Environment
Fact Sheet: President Bush Announces Added Sanctions Against Leaders of Burma's Regime
President Bush Discusses Sanctions on Burma
President Bush to Welcome President of France Nicolas Sarkozy
President Bush Thanks Mel Martinez for Tenure at RNC
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Executive Order: Blocking Property and Prohibiting Certain Transactions Related to Burma
Annex: Burma Sanctions (PDF, 15Kb)
President Bush Discusses Sanctions on Burma
Message to the Congress of the United States
Executive Order: Blocking Property and Prohibiting Certain Transactions Related to Burma
Fact Sheet: Improving Habitat for Our Nation's Migratory Birds
President Bush Discusses Migratory Bird Conservation
Fact Sheet: Guarding Against Over-Fishing Through Cooperative Conservation
President Bush Signs Executive Order to Protect Striped Bass and Red Drum Fish Populations
October 18, 2007
President Bush Meets with President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia
President Bush Pleased by House Vote on SCHIP
Homeland Security Presidential Directive
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Message to the Congress of the United States
Notice: Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Significant Narcotics Traffickers Centered in Colombia
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Personnel Announcement
October 17, 2007
Press Conference by the President
President Bush Attends Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony Honoring the Dalai Lama
Memorandum for the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense
Presidential Determination Regarding Brazil Airbridge Denial Program
October 16, 2007
President Bush Meets with Senator Bob Dole and Secretary Donna Shalala on the Commission on Care for Wounded Warriors
Fact Sheet: Ensuring Our Wounded Warriors Get the Best Possible Care
In Focus: Veterans
President Bush to Welcome President Giorgio Napolitano and Prime Minister Romano Prodi of Italy to White House
President Bush to Welcome President Enkhbayar of Mongolia to White House
Statement by the Press Secretary
Nominations and Withdrawal Sent to the Senate
Nomination Sent to the Senate
October 15, 2007
President Bush Discusses The Budget
In Focus: Economy
President Bush Visits Arkansas, Discusses Job Growth
Fact Sheet: House FISA Legislation the Wrong Direction for Our National Security
October 14, 2007
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Tony Fratto on Speaker Pelosi's Comment Regarding the President and SCHIP
Setting Speaker Pelosi's Record Straight: 14 Days and Counting: No Annual Spending Bills Sent to the President, No House Conferees Even Named
In Focus: Economy
Setting the Record Straight
October 13, 2007
President's Radio Address
In Focus: International Trade
October 12, 2007
President Bush Discusses Free Trade Agreements
In Focus: International Trade
President Bush to Meet with Ugandan President Museveni
National School Lunch Week, 2007
White Cane Safety Day, 2007
Fact Sheet: Latin American and Korean Free Trade Agreements Vital to U.S. Economy and Security
In Focus: International Trade
President Bush Discusses Free Trade Agreements
President Bush Congratulates Ralph Regula on Congressional Career
October 11, 2007
President Bush Meets with Economic Team
In Focus: Economy
Fact Sheet: FY07 Results: Deficit Declining Towards 2012 Surplus
Fact Sheet: FY07 Results: Deficit Declining Towards 2012 Surplus
In Focus: Economy
Personnel Announcement
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Presidential Message, Eid al-Fitr
Personnel Announcement
October 10, 2007
President Bush Discusses Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Legislation
President Bush Attends Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration at White House
General Pulaski Memorial Day, 2007
October 9, 2007
President Bush Discusses No Child Left Behind Reauthorization
In Focus: Education
Fact Sheet: National Strategy for Homeland Security
National Strategy For Homeland Security
Briefing by Fran Townsend, Assistant to the President for Counterterrorism and Homeland Security Via Conference Call
In Focus: Homeland Security
In Focus: National Security
Statement by the President on No Child Left Behind Reauthorization
In Focus: Education
Fact Sheet: 2007 Nation's Report Card Shows Minority Students Posting All-Time Highs
President Bush Signs Pesticide Registration Improvement Renewal Act
October 7, 2007
President Bush Visits National Fallen Firefighters Memorial
October 6, 2007
President's Radio Address
In Focus: Health Care
Just the Facts: The $83,000 Question
Statement by the Press Secretary Regarding U.S. Trade with Costa Rica
President and Mrs. Bush Are Deeply Saddened by the Death of Jo Ann Davis
October 5, 2007
President Bush Discusses the Economy and Protecting Americans From Terrorism
Fact Sheet: September 2007 Marks Record 49th Consecutive Month of Job Growth
President Bush to Meet with Congolese President Kabila
President Bush to Welcome President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of the Republic of Liberia to the White House
Interview of the President by Al Arabiya
Personnel Announcement
October 4, 2007
President Bush Attends Iftaar Dinner at the White House
Ramadan 2007
Menu for Iftaar Dinner
President Bush Meets with Leader of the Parliamentary Majority in Lebanon, Saad Hariri
President Bush Congratulates Pete Domenici on Senate Career
Presidential Delegation to Attend the Vilnius Energy Security Conference in Vilnius, Lithuania
Statement by the President
Columbus Day, 2007
Leif Erikson Day, 2007
German-American Day, 2007
Fire Prevention Week, 2007
October 3, 2007
President Bush Visits Lancaster Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Discusses S-CHIP
Statement by the President
Message to the House of Representatives
Setting the Record Straight: Speaker Pelosi Misleads on SCHIP
In Focus: Health Care
Setting the Record Straight
October 2, 2007
Message to the Senate of the United States
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for Texas
October 1, 2007
President Bush Attends Armed Forces Farewell Tribute in Honor of General Peter Pace and Armed Forces Hail in Honor of Admiral Michael Mullen
Child Health Day, 2007
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, 2007