News releases for October 2005
October 31, 2005
President Nominates Judge Samuel A. Alito as Supreme Court Justice 
In Focus: Judicial Nominations
President Welcomes Italian Prime Minister to the White House
Remarks by Stephen Hadley to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee National Summit 2005
Personnel Announcement
October 30, 2005
Proclamation by the President: Death of Rosa Parks
Statement on U.S. Condemnation of Terrorist Attacks in India
October 29, 2005
President's Radio Address 
In Focus: Renewal in Iraq
October 28, 2005
President Discusses War on Terror
In Focus: National Security
In Focus: Homeland Security
President's Remarks on the Resignation of Scooter Libby
President Honors President's Commission on White House Fellows
White House Fellows
Vice President's Statement on Libby Resignation
Vice President's Remarks at a Rally for the Troops
Fact Sheet: President Bush Requests Rescission and Reallocation Packages
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives
Nominations Sent to the Senate
October 27, 2005
President Tours Hurricane Wilma Damage in Florida
In Focus: Hurricane Relief
President's Statement on Harriet Miers' Supreme Court Nomination Withdrawal
In Focus: Judicial Nominations
President and Mrs. Bush Discuss Helping America's Youth at White House Conference
Fact Sheet: A Commitment to Helping America's Youth
Helping America's Youth
President's Statement on Private-Sector Leaders' Efforts to Encourage Private Donations for Relief and Reconstruction for South Asia Earthquake
Message to the Senate of the United States
Message to the Senate of the United States
Personnel Announcement
October 26, 2005
President Outlines Economic Growth Agenda
Fact Sheet: President Bush Outlines An Agenda for Economic Growth
In Focus: Jobs and Economy
President Meets with Macedonian Prime Minister Bučkovski
Vice President's Remarks at a Reception Honoring Congressman John Dingell
Statement on S. 397, the "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act"
President Signs Rocky Mountain National Park Boundary Adjustment Act of 2005 and the Ojito Wilderness Act
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for New Hampshire
Statement on Additional Federal Disaster Assistance for Louisiana
Personnel Announcement
Nominations Sent to the Senate
October 25, 2005
President Addresses Joint Armed Forces Officers' Wives' Luncheon 
President Bush Meets with President Barzani of Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq
In Focus: Renewal in Iraq
President Addresses Republican National Committee Dinner
Executive Order: Further Strengthening the Sharing of Terrorism Information to Protect Americans
Message to the Congress of the United States
Notice Continuation of National Emergency Regarding the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Nomination Sent to the Senate
October 24, 2005
President Appoints Dr. Ben Bernanke for Chairman of the Federal Reserve
President Meets with Cabinet, Discusses Hurricane Preparation
In Focus: Hurricane Relief
President Bush's Cabinet
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for Florida from Hurricane Wilma
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Personnel Announcement
Interview of the President by AL Arabiya
October 22, 2005
President's Radio Address 
In Focus: Homeland Security
Statement on Additional Federal Disaster Assistance for Mississippi
Statement on Additional Federal Disaster Assistance for Louisiana
October 21, 2005
President Participates in Opening Ceremony for Air Force One Pavilion
President Discusses Mehlis Report from United Nations
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Personnel Announcement
Mrs. Cheney's Remarks to the Salvation Army Dallas Metroplex Annual Fall Luncheon
October 20, 2005
President Welcomes Palestinian President Abbas to the White House
In Focus: The Road Map to Peace
President Commends House for Passing the "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act"
Statement on H.R. 3971, the "QI, TMA, and Abstinence Programs Extension and Hurricane Katrina Unemployment Relief Act of 2005"
United Nations Day, 2005
October 19, 2005
President and Secretary Spellings Discuss Nation's Report Card
In Focus: Education
Statement on Death of Penn Kemble
Statement on Federal Emergency Assistance for Massachusetts
Notice: Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Significant Narcotics Traffickers Centered in Colombia
Message to the Congress of the United States
Nomination Sent to the Senate
Personnel Announcement
October 18, 2005
President Signs Homeland Security Appropriations Act for 2006 
Fact Sheet: President Bush Signs Homeland Security Appropriations Act
In Focus: Homeland Security
Statement by the President on H.R. 2360, the "Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2006"
President Meets with European Commission President José Barroso
Fact Sheet: President Bush Signs Homeland Security Appropriations Act
October 17, 2005
President Discusses Harriet Miers Nomination with Former Texas Supreme Court Justices
In Focus: Judicial Nominations
President Meets with Bulgarian President Georgi Purvanov
President Hosts Iftaar Dinner
In Focus: Ramadan 2005
President to Welcome Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to the White House
President to Attend APEC Meeting in Korea, Additional Travel to Japan, China, and Mongolia
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Message to the Congress of the United States
Notice: Intention to Enter Into a Free Trade Agreement with Oman
Memorandum for the Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense
October 16, 2005
President Congratulates Iraqis on Successful Elections
In Focus: Renewal in Iraq
October 15, 2005
President's Radio Address 
In Focus: Renewal in Iraq
October 14, 2005
President Signs Book of Condolences at Pakistan Embassy
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Executive Order: 2005 Amendments to the Manual for Courts Martial, United States
National Character Counts Week, 2005
National Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Week, 2005
National Forest Products Week, 2005
White Cane Safety Day, 2005
Personnel Announcement
October 13, 2005
President Addresses U.S. Troops in Iraq in Video Teleconference
Fact Sheet: The President Participates in a Video Teleconference with U.S. Troops
In Focus: National Defense
In Focus: Renewal in Iraq
Statement on S. 1413
October 12, 2005
President Welcomes Polish President Kwasniewski to the White House
Memorandum for the Secretary of Homeland Security
October 11, 2005
President and Mrs. Bush Visit Elementary School in Mississippi
In Focus: Hurricane Relief
In Focus: Education
President Thanks Troops for Hurricane Relief Efforts in Louisiana
In Focus: Hurricane Relief
Presidential Message: Yom Kippur, 5766
October 10, 2005
President Visits New Orleans to Discuss Hurricane Rebuilding Efforts
October 9, 2005
President Expresses Condolences to Pakistan, Offers Assistance After Earthquake
U.S Assistance for Earthquake in Pakistan
October 8, 2005
President's Radio Address 
In Focus: Judicial Nominations
President Offers Sympathy and Assistance After Pakistan-India Border Earthquake
October 7, 2005
President Celebrates Hispanic Heritage, Honors Volunteer Service 
President Meets with Prime Minister Gyurcsány of Hungary
President Applauds Congress for Homeland Security Legislation
President Commends the House for Passage of Energy Legislation
President Signs Community Disaster Loan Act of 2005, Authorizes Airport Improvement Grants
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for North Carolina from Hurricane Ophelia
Statement on National Disaster Student Aid Fairness Act
Vice President's Remarks to Veterans and Friends of the 526th Armored Infantry
In Focus: Veterans
President Meets with Vaccine Industry Representatives to Discuss Avian Flu
Columbus Day, 2005
General Pulaski Memorial Day, 2005
National School Lunch Week, 2005
Fire Prevention Week, 2005
Leif Erikson Day, 2005
Nomination Sent to the Senate
Nomination Sent to the Senate
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Withdrawals Sent to the Senate
Personnel Announcement
October 6, 2005
President Discusses War on Terror at National Endowment for Democracy
In Focus: National Security
In Focus: Renewal in Iraq
Fact Sheet: War on Terror
Fact Sheet: Plots, Casings, and Infiltrations Referenced in President Bush's Remarks on the War on Terror
President Honors Buckley at 50th Anniversary of National Review
President to Welcome Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall to the White House
German-American Day, 2005
October 5, 2005
President Meets with Secretary Rumsfeld, Generals Pace and Petraeus to Discuss Progress in Iraq
In Focus: National Security
In Focus: Renewal in Iraq
President Visits Soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center
President to Attend Summit of the Americas and Travel to Brazil and Panama 
Trip to Latin America
Vice President's Remarks at the Association of the United States Army Sustaining Members Luncheon
Personnel Announcement
October 4, 2005
President Holds Press Conference
Statement on H.R. 3667 and H.R. 3767
Presidential Message: Ramadan
Memorandum for the Secretary of the Interior
Message to the Congress of the United States
October 3, 2005
President Nominates Harriet Miers as Supreme Court Justice
In Focus: Judicial Nominations
Vice President's Remarks to the Marines at Camp Lejeune
Vice President's Remarks to HMH-461, Second Marine Expeditionary Force
October 2, 2005
President Attends 52nd Annual Red Mass
October 1, 2005
President's Radio Address 
Statement on Federal Aid for Delaware to Assist Hurricane Katrina Evacuees
Statement on Federal Aid for New York to Assist Hurricane Katrina Evacuees