February 28, 2005
President Welcomes and Thanks National Governors Association 
President to Welcome Cardinal Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir to the White House
American Red Cross Month, 2005
Memorandum for the Attorney General
Nominations Sent to the Senate
February 27, 2005
President's Toast at National Governors Association State Dinner
February 26, 2005
President Discusses Strengthening Social Security in Radio Address 
In Focus: Social Security
February 25, 2005
Personnel Announcement
Personnel Announcement
February 24, 2005
President and President Putin Discuss Strong U.S.-Russian Partnership
President Addresses and Thanks Citizens of Slovakia
President and Slovakian Prime Minister Dzurinda Discuss Policy
U.S.-Russia Joint Fact Sheet: Bratislava Initiatives
President's Statement on Pope John Paul II
Joint Statement by President Bush and President Putin on Nuclear Security Cooperation
Joint Statement by President Bush and President Putin on U.S.-Russian Energy Cooperation
Joint Statement by President Bush and President Putin on Russia's Accession to WTO
Statement on Federal Assistance for Nevada
February 23, 2005
President Thanks U.S. Troops at Wiesbaden Army Airfield Base
President Bush Speaks with Young Professionals in Germany
President Bush and Chancellor Schröder Discuss Partnership
President and German Chancellor Schröder Exchange Toasts
U.S.-German Joint Actions on Cleaner and More Efficient Energy, Development and Climate Change
Statement on Iran Earthquake
Personnel Announcement
February 22, 2005
President Meets with E.U. Leaders
President and Secretary General de Hoop Scheffer Discuss NATO Meeting
President and Prime Minister Blair Discuss Iraq, NATO Meeting
Joint Statement by the United States and the European Union on Iraq
Statement on Ten Years of Democracy in South Africa
Personnel Announcement
February 21, 2005
President Discusses American and European Alliance in Belgium
President and French President Chirac Discuss Common Values, Vision
Joint Statement by President Bush and President Chirac on Lebanon
February 19, 2005
President's Radio Address 
February 18, 2005
President Signs Class-Action Fairness Act of 2005
Vice President's Remarks at Annual Conservative PAC Conference
Statement on S. 5, the "Class Action Fairness Act of 2005"
Statement on Federal Assistance for Arizona
Statement on Federal Assistance for Connecticut
Statement on Federal Assistance for Massachusetts
Statement on Federal Assistance for Nevada
Statement on Federal Assistance for Rhode Island
Statement on Federal Assistance for Territory of American Samoa
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Memorandum for the Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Memorandum for the Director of the National Science Foundation
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
Notice of the National Emergency Relating to Cuba
Personnel Announcement
Personnel Announcement
February 17, 2005
President Holds Press Conference 
In Focus: National Security
President's Statement on House Passing Class Action Reform Bill
President Thanks CEA Chairman Greg Mankiw
Nominations Sent to the Senate
February 16, 2005
President Discusses Strengthening Social Security in New Hampshire 
In Focus: Social Security
Fact Sheet: Strengthening Social Security for Future Generations 
Message to the Congress of the United States
Executive Order: Clarification of Certain Executive Orders Blocking Property and Prohibiting Certain Transactions
February 15, 2005
Statement on Federal Assistance for Ohio
President Bush to Welcome King and Queen of Norway to the White House
Nomination Sent to the Senate
February 14, 2005
President Thanks Attorney General Gonzales at Swearing-In Ceremony 
Statement on Beirut Terrorist Attack
President's Statement on Supplemental Budget
Fact Sheet: Request for Additional FY 2005 Funding for the War on Terror
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Personnel Announcement
February 13, 2005
President Congratulates Iraqis on Provisional Election Results
In Focus: Iraqi Elections
February 12, 2005
President Discusses Social Security in Radio Address 
February 11, 2005
President Thanks HHS Secretary Leavitt at Swearing-In Ceremony
President, Mrs. Bush Honor "Lincoln: Seen and Heard" Performance
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Personnel Announcement
February 10, 2005
President Participates in Social Security Conversation in Pennsylvania 
In Focus: Social Security
President Discusses Strengthening Social Security in North Carolina
In Focus: Social Security
Fact Sheet: Strengthening Social Security for the 21st Century 
President's Statement on Class Action Bill
Statement on Transition of Power in Togo
Nomination Sent to the Senate
Memorandum for the Chairman of the Railroad Retirement Board
Modifying Rules of Origin Under the North American Free Trade Agreement, 2005
Personnel Announcement
February 9, 2005
President Participates in Class-Action Lawsuit Reform Conversation
President and Polish President Discuss International Policy
Fact Sheet: Setting the Record Straight--Medicare Drug Benefit Estimates Unchanged
Fact Sheet: Continuing Support for Tsunami Relief
In Focus: Tsunami Relief
President's Statement on Additional $950 Million for Tsunami Relief
Statement on Solidarity Initiative to Support our Partners in Freedom
Statement on Federal Assistance for Kentucky
Statement on Federal Assistance for Kansas
Message to the Congress of the United States
Personnel Announcement
Personnel Announcement
February 8, 2005
President Discusses Economy, Budget at Detroit Economic Club
Fact Sheet: Ensuring America's Prosperity
In Focus: Social Security
In Focus: Jobs and Economy
President Celebrates African American History Month
In Focus: African American History Month
President to Welcome Romanian President Basescu to the White House
Presidential Message: 2005 Lunar New Year
Nomination Sent to the Senate
Personnel Announcement
Personnel Announcement
Personnel Announcement
February 7, 2005
Press Briefing on Fiscal Year 2006 Budget by OMB Director Joshua Bolten
In Focus: FY 2006 Budget
Fact Sheet: The 2006 Budget--Meeting the Nation's Priorities
In Focus: FY 2006 Budget
President Meets with Cabinet, Discusses Budget 
National African American History Month, 2005
African American History
National Consumer Protection Week, 2005
February 5, 2005
President's Radio Address 
February 4, 2005
President Discusses Strengthening Social Security in Nebraska
In Focus: Social Security
President Participates in Conversation on Social Security in Arkansas
In Focus: Social Security
President Discusses Strengthening Social Security in Florida
Statement on Federal Assistance for California
Personnel Announcement
Personnel Announcement
Personnel Announcement
February 3, 2005
President Delivers Remarks at Annual National Prayer Breakfast
President Participates in Social Security Conversation in North Dakota
In Focus: Social Security
President Discusses Strengthening Social Security in Montana
In Focus: Social Security
February 2, 2005
State of the Union Address 
In Focus: State of the Union 2005
Fact Sheet: The State of the Union
Fact Sheet: Ensuring Justice and Fairness for All Americans
Fact Sheet: Helping America's Youth
Updated HAY Fact Sheet: October 27, 2005
Statement on Federal Assistance Hawaii
Statement on Federal Assistance for Illinois
Statement on Federal Assistance for Utah
Statement on Federal Assistance for West Virginia
Personnel Announcement
February 1, 2005
American Heart Month, 2005
Centennial of the Forest Service, 2005