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News Archive - April 2004

News releases for April 2004

President George W. Bush and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin respond to questions from the press corps in the Rose Garden after a meeting at the White House on April 30, 2004.  White House photo by Paul Morse April 30, 2004
President Bush Welcomes Canadian Prime Minister Martin to White House
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President Bush Signs Indian Education Executive Order
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     Fact sheet Executive Order
Remarks by the Vice President at a Victory 2004 Event
Remarks by the Vice President at Coating Excellence International
Statement by the Press Secretary
Older Americans Month, 2004
National Charter Schools Week, 2004
National Day of Prayer, 2004
Law Day, U.S.A., 2004
Loyalty Day, 2004
Executive Order: Issuance of Permits with Respect to Certain Energy-Related Facilities and Land Transportation Crossings on the International Boundaries of the United States
Executive Order: American Indian and Alaska Native Education
Personnel Announcement
President George W. Bush addresses the press in the Rose Garden Thursday April 29, 2004.  White House photo by David Bohrer April 29, 2004
President Bush Meets with the 9/11 Commission on Thursday
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Statement by the President
Statement by the Press Secretary
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Personnel Announcement
President George W. Bush meets with Swedish Prime Minister Goran Persson in the Oval Office Wednesday, April 28, 2004.  White House photo by Paul Morse April 28, 2004
President Bush, Swedish PM Share Vision for Freedom
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Statement by the President
BioDefense Fact Sheet
President George W. Bush participates in a conversation on the benefits of health care information technology with, from left, Anthony Principi, Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Marlene Miller, M.D. of John Hopkins Children's Center, Dennis Smith of VA Maryland Health Care System and Tommy Thompson, Secretary of Health and Human Services at the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland on April 27, 2004.  White House photo by Paul Morse April 27, 2004
President Bush Touts Benefits of Health Care Information Technology
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Executive Order: Incentives for the Use of Health Information Technology and Establishing the Position of the National Health Information Technology Coordinator
President George W. Bush gives remarks to the American Associations of Community Colleges annual convention in Minneapolis, Minn., Monday, April 26, 2004.   White House photo by Paul Morse April 26, 2004
President Unveils Tech Initiatives for Energy, Health Care, Internet
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     Fact sheet In Focus: Technology
Broadband Rights-of-Way Memorandum
Remarks by the Vice President at a Reception for Gubernatorial Candidate Mitch Daniels
Personnel Announcement
Remarks by the Vice President at Westminster College
Statement on Train Accident in North Korea
Nominations and Withdrawal Sent to the Senate
April 24, 2004
President's Radio Address en Español
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Jewish Heritage Week, 2004
Armenian Remembrance Day
President George W. Bush discusses the restoration of wetlands at Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Naples, Fla., Friday, April 22, 2004. ". my administration will work to restore, to improve, and to protect at least three million acres of wetlands over the next five years ," said the President in his remarks.  White House photo by Eric Draper April 23, 2004
President Discusses Earth Day, National Volunteer Week
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     Fact sheet In Focus: Environment
Remarks by the President at Victory 2004 Reception
Remarks by the Vice President at a Luncheon for Congressional Candidate Sam Graves
Statement on Federal Assistance for Illinois
Presidential Determination No. 2004-30
U.S. Eases Economic Embargo Against Libya
President George W. Bush looks over maps of the Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve with Manager Paul Dest in Wells, Maine, Thursday, April 22, 2004.  White House photo by Eric Draper April 22, 2004
President Announces Wetlands Initiative on Earth Day
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     Fact sheet In Focus: Environment
Fact Sheet: President Announces Wetlands Initiative on Earth Day
Statement on S. 2057
President Bush Presents Environmental Youth Awards en Español
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Statement on Federal Assistance for Massachusetts
Message to the Congress of the United States
President George W. Bush and First Lady Mrs. Laura Bush at the 2004 Teacher of the Year award program in the Rose Garden of the White House on April 21, 2004.  White House photo by Paul Morse April 21, 2004
President Outlines Path for Lasting Prosperity in Wednesday Speech
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President Bush Announces 2004 National and State Teachers of the Year
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Statement by the President on South Africa's Third Democratic Election
Statement on Cyprus Settlement
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
President and Mrs. Bush Deliver Remarks at National Race for the Cure Reception
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President George W. Bush waves to the audience during a conversation on the USA Patriot Act in Buffalo, N.Y., Tuesday, April 20, 2004.  White House photo by Eric Draper April 20, 2004
President Bush: Information Sharing, Patriot Act Vital to Homeland Security
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Remarks by the President at Victory 2004 Luncheon
Nomination Sent to the Senate
President George W. Bush speaks during the presentation of the Commander-In-Chief Trophy to the U.S. Naval Academy football team in the East Room Monday, April 19, 2004. The trophy is awarded to the Service Academy with the year's best overall record in NCAA football games versus the other academies.  White House photo by Tina Hager April 19, 2004
President Announces Intention to Nominate Ambassador to Iraq
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President Bush Presents Trophy to the U.S. Naval Academy
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President Bush Calls for Renewing the USA PATRIOT Act en Español
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     Fact sheet Fact Sheet
Remarks by the Vice President at a Luncheon for Congressional Candidate Kevin Triplett
April 17, 2004
President's Radio Address en Español
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Statement Regarding Abdel Aziz Rantisi
National Volunteer Week, 2004
National Crime Victims' Rights Week, 2004
President George W. Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair walk along the colonnade before a press conference in the Rose Garden of the White House on April 16, 2004.  White House photo by Paul Morse April 16, 2004
Bush, Blair Discuss Sharon Plan; Future of Iraq in Press Conference
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National Park Week, 2004
Personnel Anouncement
President George W. Bush gives remarks on the economy in Des Moines, Iowa, Thursday, April 15, 2004.  White House photo by Paul Morse April 15, 2004
President Discusses Tax Relief in Iowa
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     Fact sheet Fact Sheet: Millions of American Families Are Benefiting from the President's Tax Relief
     Fact sheet In Focus: Jobs and Economy
President Bush to Welcome PM of Sweden
President Bush to Welcome PM of Singapore
Remarks by the Vice President at Fudan University Followed by Student Body Q&A
President George W. Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon during a press conference in the Cross Hall of the White House on April 14, 2004.   White House photo by Paul Morse April 14, 2004
President Bush Commends Israeli Prime Minister Sharon's Plan
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Statement by the President
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Letter From President Bush to Prime Minister Sharon
President George W. Bush responds to questions during a prime time press conference in the East Room of the White House on April 13, 2004.  White House photo by Paul Morse April 13, 2004
President Addresses the Nation in Prime Time Press Conference en Español
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Remarks by the Vice President at the Washington Post-Yomiuri Shimbun Symposium
Vice President Dick Cheney and Mrs. Cheney Release 2003 Income Tax Return
President and Mrs. Bush Release 2003 Tax Return
President Bush to Welcome President of Guatemala
Pan American Day and Pan American Week, 2004
Statement by the President on H.R. 2584
Statement on H.R. 2584
President George W. Bush and President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt discuss peace in the Middle East during a joint press conference at the President's ranch in Texas Monday, April 12, 2004.   White House photo by Eric Draper April 12, 2004
President Bush, Egyptian President Mubarak Meet with Reporters
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Easter Egg Roll to Close Early Due to Inclement Weather
Personnel Announcement
Joint Statement by President George W. Bush and President Mohamed Hosny Mubarak
April 11, 2004
President Bush Speaks to Reporters at Fort Hood, Texas
April 10, 2004
President Bush Discusses Iraq in Saturday Morning Radio Address en Español
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Fact Sheet
Statement on Federal Assistance for Micronesia
Statement on H.R. 3108
April 9, 2004
President's Easter Message en Español
     Fact sheet Easter 2004
National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, 2004
President Bush Congratulates President Bouteflika on Re-Election
April 8, 2004
Dr. Condoleezza Rice's Opening Remarks to Commission on Terrorist Attacks
Personnel Announcement
Nominations and Withdrawal Sent to the Senate
Statement on Pension Legislation
Personnel Announcement
National Donate Life Month, 2004
President George W. Bush conducts a National Security Council meeting via teleconference with General John Abizaid, in Crawford, Texas, Wednesday, April 7, 2004. The President received an update on military operations in Iraq. Also present is NSC Executive Secretary Greg Schulte.  White House photo by Eric Draper April 7, 2004
President Condemns Atrocities in Sudan
Statement on FSC/ETI Legislation
Statement by the President on 1994 Rwanda Genocide
National D.A.R.E. Day 2004
President to Welcome PM Blair to the White House
President Bush to Welcome PM Martin of Canada
President George W. Bush speaks during a conversation on job training and the economy at South Arkansas Community College in El Dorado, Ark., Tuesday, April 6, 2004.   White House photo by Eric Draper April 6, 2004
President Announces New Education Initiatives for Stronger Workforce
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     Fact sheet Fact Sheet: New Education Initiatives for Stronger Workforce
     Fact sheet In Focus: Education
     Fact sheet In Focus: Jobs and Economy
Remarks by the Vice President at a Reception for Senatorial Candidate David Vitter
Interview of the Vice President by WLW AM
Nomination Sent to the Senate
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
President George W. Bush greets the audience after his remarks on job training and the economy at Central Piedmont Community College in Charlotte, N.C., Monday, April 5, 2004.  White House photo by Eric Draper April 5, 2004
President Discusses Economy and Job Training in North Carolina en Español
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     Fact sheet Fact Sheet: Better Training for Better Jobs
     Fact sheet In Focus: Jobs and Economy
President Bush Discusses Iraq, 911 Commission with Reporters
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Remarks by the President at a Bush-Cheney '04 Luncheon
Statement by the President
Statement on H.R. 254
Statement by the President on H.R. 254
Statement on H.R. 3926 and H.R. 4062
April 3, 2004
President Bush Discusses Strengthening Economy in Weekly Radio Address en Español
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Message From President Bush on the 150th Anniversary of Relations Between the United States and Japan
President George W. Bush speaks during a conversation on job training at Marshall Community & Technical College in Huntington, W.Va., Friday, April 2, 2004.  White House photo by Eric Draper April 2, 2004
President Discusses Strengthening Economy & Job Training
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     Fact sheet Fact Sheet: 308,000 Americans Find Work in March
     Fact sheet In Focus: Jobs and Economy
National Child Abuse Prevention Month 2004
Cancer Control Month 2004
Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement by the Press Secretary
Personnel Announcement
Statement by the Press Secretary
Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A., 2004
President George W. Bush speaks before signing H.R. 1997, the Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004, in the East Room Thursday, April 1, 2004.  White House photo by Paul Morse April 1, 2004
President Bush Signs Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004
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Remarks by the President at National Republican Congressional Committee Dinner
Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement on Finalization of Cyprus Settlement Plan
Statement on H.R. 1997, H.R. 3724 and S. 1881
Nominations Sent to the Senate