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News Archive - October 2002

News releases for October 2002

Welcomed by a crowd of more than 4000 people, President George W. Bush addresses the cheering audience at Northern State University in Aberdeen, S.D., Oct. 31.  White House photo by Tina Hager October 31, 2002
Remarks by the President at South Dakota Welcome
Remarks by the President at Indiana Welcome
Statement by the Press Secretary
Remarks by the President at West Virginia Welcome
National Diabetes Month, 2002
National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month, 2002
Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act
President George W. Bush discusses changes to the judicial nomination process in the East Room Oct. 30. "Today, I'm proposing a clean start for the process of nominating and confirming federal judges. We must have an even-handed, predictable procedure from the day a vacancy is announced to the day a new judge is sworn in. This procedure should apply now and in the future, no matter who lives in this house or who controls the Senate," said the President.  October 30, 2002
Remarks by the President on Judicial Confirmations
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President Announces Plan for Timely Consideration of Judicial Nominees
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President Signs Niagara Falls Heritage Area Study Act
Statement by the Press Secretary
Notice: Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Sudan
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
Statement by the Press Secretary
President George W. Bush signs H.R. 3295, Help America Vote Act of 2002, into law in the Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Office Building Tuesday, Oct. 29. The legislation authorizes 3.9 billion dollars for improvements in state and local election systems. "Each state will be required to maintain a clean and current and accurate state -- statewide list of registered voters, making it easier to register and easier to detect fraud," explained the President.  White House photo by Paul Morse October 29, 2002
President Signs Historic Election Reform Legislation into Law en Español
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President Signs "Help America Vote Act of 2002"
National Family Caregivers Month, 2002
President George W. Bush addresses the audience during the New Mexico Welcome at Riner Steinhoff Soccer Complex in Alamogordo, N.M., Oct. 28, 2002.  October 28, 2002
Remarks by the President at New Mexico Welcome
Remarks by the President in Colorado Welcome
President's Statement on H.R. 5651, the "Medical Device User Fee and Modernization Act of 2002"
Statement by the Press Secretary
President George W. Bush walks with Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mikhaylovich Kasyanov before the start of the Reading of the Leaders' Declaration at APEC in Los Cabos, Mexico, Sunday, Oct. 27.  October 27, 2002
Remarks by the President in Arizona Welcome
Fact Sheet: APEC Leaders Meeting-Day Two U.S. Accomplishments
President George W. Bush speaks with National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice at the start of the group meeting with ASEAN leaders 10th APEC leaders meeting in Los Cabos, Mexico, Saturday, Oct. 26, 2002. Also pictured seated from left are His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'Izzaddin Waddaulah and Pehin Dato Lim Jock Seng both of Brunei and Chief of Staff Andy Card.  October 26, 2002
President Bush, President Fox Discuss Migration, Trade, World Affairs
President's Radio Address en Español
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Joint US-Japan-Rok Trilateral Statement
Fact Sheet: Secure Trade in the APEC Region ("STAR")
Fact Sheet: Enterprise for ASEAN Initiative
Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet: APEC Leaders Meeting - Day One U.S. Accomplishments
Fact Sheet: Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Overview and Background
President George W. Bush and Mrs. Bush welcome Chinese President Jiang Zemin and his wife Wang Yeping to their home in Crawford, Texas, Oct. 25.  October 25, 2002
President Bush, Chinese President Jiang Zemin Discuss Iraq, N. Korea
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President Bush Saddened by Death of Senator Wellstone
President George W. Bush speaks at the North Carolina Welcome in Charlotte, N.C., Thursday, Oct. 24.  October 24, 2002
President Thanks Law Enforcement Officials for Work on Sniper Case
Remarks by the President at Columbia, South Carolina Welcome
Remarks by the President at Charlotte, North Carolina Welcome
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
Remarks by the President in Alabama Welcome
President George W. Bush addresses the media during the signing of the Department of Defense Appropriations Bill in the Rose Garden Wednesday, Oct. 23.  White House photo by Paul Morse October 23, 2002
President Bush Signs Defense Appropriations Bills en Español
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President Increases Federal Efforts to Promote Online Safety en Español
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Increasing Online Safety for America's Children
Nomination and Appointment
Statement by the President
Statement by the President
Statement by the President
United Nations Day, 2002
President George W. Bush speaks during the Maine Welcome in Bangor, Maine, Tuesday, Oct. 22.  October 22, 2002
Remarks by the President at Bangor, Maine Welcome
Remarks by the President at Pennsylvania Welcome
Statement by the Press Secretary
President George W. Bush announces the administration's new rule on generic drugs in the Rose Garden Monday, Oct. 21. Standing with the President is Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson. "By this action, we will reduce the cost of prescription drugs in America by billions of dollars and ease a financial burden for many citizens, especially our seniors," explained the President. White House photo by Tina Hager October 21, 2002
President Discusses Foreign Policy Matters with NATO Secretary
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President Takes Action to Lower Prescription Drug Prices en Español
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     Fact sheet Fact Sheet: President Takes Action to Lower Prescription Drug Prices By Improving Access to Generic Drugs
Statement by the President
Statement by the President
October 19, 2002
President Acts to Protect Pensions and Retirement Security en Español
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Videotaped Remarks by the President to the Australian People
President Takes Action to Protect Pensions and Retirement Security for All Americans
President George W. Bush waves to the crowd during a welcome rally at Southwest Missouri State University in Springfield, Mo., Friday, Oct. 18.  October 18, 2002
President Discusses Tax Relief Impact in Springfield, Missouri
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President Highlights Education in Rochester, Minnesota
Statement by the Press Secretary
Year of Clean Water, 2002-2003
National Forest Products Week, 2002
National Character Counts Week, 2002
October 17, 2002
President Promotes Reading First Program in Florida
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President Delivers Keynote to U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
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Remarks by the President at 2002 Unity Luncheon
Statement by the Press Secretary
Nominations to the National Science Board
October 16, 2002
President Bush Welcomes Prime Minister Sharon to White House
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Statement by the Press Secretary
President Signs Iraq Resolution
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Statement by the President
Statement by the President
Statement by the Press Secretary
Memorandum for the United States Trade Representative
Joint Statement Between the United States of America and Israel
Statement by the President
Message to the Congress of the United States
Message to the Congress of the United States
Notice: Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Significant Narcotics Traffickers Centered in Colombia
Presidential Determination No. 2003-02
October 15, 2002
President Hosts Conference on Minority Homeownership
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President's Cabinet Sends Letter to Senate on Homeland Security
Homeland Security Advisor Ridge Discusses Homeland Security Department
October 14, 2002
President Condemns Attack in Bali
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President's Statement on Northern Ireland
Remarks by the President in Michigan Welcome
Remarks by the President at Thaddeus McCotter for Congress Dinner
October 13, 2002
President's Statement on Terrorist Attack in Bali
October 12, 2002
President's Radio Address
October 11, 2002
President Highlights Humanitarian Efforts in Afghanistan
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President's Statement on Senate Vote
National School Lunch Week, 2002
Nomination to the Advisory Board for Cuba Broadcasting
Statement by the President
Statement by the Press Secretary
White Cane Safety Day, 2002
National Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Week, 2002
Statement by the Press Secretary
October 10, 2002
President Bush Pleased with House Vote on Iraq Resolution
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Nominations to Federal Judiciary
Statement by the Press Secretary
Columbus Day, 2002
General Pulaski Memorial Day, 2002
October 9, 2002
President Hosts White House Event for Hispanic Heritage Month
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Nominations and Appointments
Message to the Congress of the United States
Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement by the Press Secretary
October 8, 2002
President's Remarks on West Coast Ports
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Report to the President : Submitted by the President's Board of Inquiry on the Work Stoppage in the West Coast Ports
Remarks by the President at Tennessee Welcome
Remarks by the President at Van Hilleary for Governor Luncheon
Text of a Letter from the President to the Attorney General
Statement by the Press Secretary
President to Congress: Pass Terrorism Insurance and Homeland Security Bills
Leif Erikson Day, 2002
October 7, 2002
President Bush Outlines Iraqi Threat
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President Commits Federal Resources to Assist in DC Area Violence
Excerpts from the President's Address
President Takes Action to Protect America's Economy and Jobs
Appointments to Board of Inquiry
Executive Order: Creating a Board of Inquiry to Report on Certain Labor Disputes Affecting the Maritime Industry of the United States
October 5, 2002
President: Iraqi Regime Danger to America is "Grave and Growing"
Remarks by the President at John Sununu for Senate Reception
Remarks by the President in Manchester, New Hampshire Welcome
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German-American Day, 2002
Fire Prevention Week, 2002
Child Health Day, 2002
October 4, 2002
Remarks by the President at Massachusetts Victory 2002 Reception
Statement by the Press Secretary
Memorandum for the Secretary of Commerce
Assistant to the President and Director of the National Economic Council, Larry Lindsey, Today Announced That Doug Badger Will Join the White House as Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy
Assistant to the President and White House Communications Director Dan Bartlett Today Announced That Suzy Defrancis Will Join the White House as Deputy Assistant to the President for Communications
Nominations and Appointments
October 3, 2002
President Reiterates Need for Terrorism Insurance Agreement
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President Discusses Three Securities
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Presidential National Security Authority and the Federal Workforce
Message to the Senate of the United States
Memorandum for the United States Trade Representative
October 2, 2002
President, House Leadership Agree on Iraq Resolution
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Remarks by the President at White House Conference on Missing, Exploited, and Runaway Children
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Message to the Senate of the United States
Remarks by the President at Bob Ehrlich for Governor Reception
The Vice President makes remarks at the NRCC Gala Salute to Dick Armey and J.C. Watts
October 1, 2002
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Dr. Condoleezza Rice Discusses President's National Security Strategy
President: Terrorism Insurance Agreement Needed by Friday
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Statement by the Press Secretary
President Proclaims National Disability Employment Awareness Month
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month