January 31, 2007
President Bush Delivers State of the Economy Report
State of the Economy
Fact Sheet: State of the Economy
In Focus: Jobs and Economy
The Rest of the Story: Sec. Baker Outlines "Common Elements" In The Iraq Study Group's Report And The President's New Strategy
In Focus: Iraq
Setting the Record Straight
President Bush's Statement on the Passing of Molly Ivins
January 30, 2007
President Bush Discusses Economy
In Focus: Jobs & Economy
President Bush Meets with Small Business Leaders in Illinois
In Focus: Jobs & Economy
President Bush Names Amy Zantzinger as White House Social Secretary
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Personnel Announcement
January 29, 2007
President Bush Meets with Members of Securing America's Future Energy
In Focus: Energy
President Bush Disappointed by Recent Violence in Lebanon
United States Strongly Condemns Terrorist Bombing in Eilat
Vice President to Visit Japan, Australia and Guam
Nominations Sent to the Senate
January 28, 2007
Interview of the Vice President by Richard Wolffe, Newsweek Magazine
President and Mrs. Bush Saddened by Death of Deborah Orin-Eilbeck
January 27, 2007
President's Radio Address
State of the Union 2007
January 26, 2007
President Bush Congratulates General Petraeus on Senate Confirmation, Discusses Way Forward in Iraq
In Focus: Renewal in Iraq
In Focus: Defense
President Bush Speaks to the House Republican Conference
International Day of Commemoration In Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, 2007
Executive Order: Further Amendment to Executive Order 13285, Relating to the President's Council on Service and Civic Participation
National African American History Month, 2007
African-American History Month Message, 2007
African American History
January 25, 2007
President Bush Participates in a Roundtable on Health Care Initiatives
Fact Sheet: Affordable, Accessible, And Flexible Health Coverage
In Focus: Health Care
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Fifth Anniversary of USA Freedom Corps, 2007
USA Freedom Corps
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for Alabama
January 24, 2007
President Bush Discusses Energy Initiative
Fact Sheet: Strengthening America's Energy Security and Improving the Environment
In Focus: Energy
President Bush Meets with the Joint Chiefs and Combatant Commanders
In Focus: Defense
Executive Order: Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management
Fact Sheet: Strengthening America's Energy Security and Improving the Environment
President Bush Discusses Energy Initiative
In Focus: Energy
January 23, 2007
President Bush Delivers State of the Union Address
State of the Union 2007
2007 State of the Union Policy Initiatives
Guest List for the First Lady's Box at the 2007 State of the Union Speech
State of the Union 2007
January 22, 2007
President Bush Calls March for Life Participants
National Sanctity of Human Life Day, 2007
Fact Sheet: Affordable, Accessible, and Flexible Health Coverage
In Focus: Health Care
State of the Union 2007
Setting the Record Straight: President Bush's Standard Deduction for Health Insurance Would Save Money for More Than 100 Million Americans
In Focus: Economy
Setting the Record Straight
In Focus: Health Care
Statement by the Press Secretary
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Personnel Announcement
January 20, 2007
President's Radio Address
In Focus: Health Care
January 19, 2007
President Bush to Welcome President Adamkus of Lithuania to the White House
National Sanctity of Human Life Day, 2007
President Bush's Statement on Republican National Committee Leadership
January 18, 2007
Executive Order: Further Amendment to Executive Order 12866 on Regulatory Planning and Review
Message to the Congress of the United States
Notice: Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Terrorists Who Threaten to Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Personnel Announcement
January 17, 2007
President Bush Participates in a Roundtable on Advances in Cancer Prevention
Fact Sheet: A New Era in Cancer Prevention
In Focus: Health Care
President Bush Signs S. 159, Redesignates White Rocks National Recreation Area in Vermont
Text of a Letter from the President to the Chairmen and Ranking Members of the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations, the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, and the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
January 16, 2007
President Bush Meets with U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
In Focus: Global Diplomacy
President Bush Welcomes World Series Champion St. Louis Cardinals to the White House
President Bush Signs the National Institutes of Health Reform Act of 2006
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for Missouri
Vice President's Remarks at the Naming Ceremony of the USS Gerald R. Ford
Nominations and Withdrawal Sent to the Senate
January 15, 2007
President Bush Participates in Volunteer Service Event on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday, 2007
In Focus: African American History
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for Oklahoma
January 13, 2007
President's Radio Address
January 12, 2007
President Bush Signs the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act of 2006
Fact Sheet: Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act
Fact Sheet: Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act
President Bush to Welcome United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to the White House
Presidential Delegation to Attend Inauguration of His Excellency Marc Ravalomanana of Madagascar
President Bush Signs H.R. 482, H.R. 1245, H.R. 4709, H.R. 4997, H.R. 5483, H.R. 5948, and H.R. 6338
President Bush Signs H.R. 6338, the "Geneva Distinctive Emblem Protection Act of 2006"
January 11, 2007
President Bush Visits with Military Personnel and Families at Fort Benning, Georgia
In Focus: Defense
President Bush Presents Medal of Honor to Corporal Jason Dunham
President Bush Signs H.R. 486, H.R. 4588, H.R. 6060, and H.R. 6345.
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives
Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday, 2007
African American History
Religious Freedom Day, 2007
Nominations Sent to the Senate
January 10, 2007
President's Address to the Nation
Fact Sheet: The New Way Forward in Iraq
Highlights of the Iraq Strategy Review (PDF)
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Vice President's Remarks to a Joint Session of the Virginia General Assembly
Fact Sheet: The New Way Forward in Iraq
Highlights of the Iraq Strategy Review (PDF)
Background Briefing by Senior Administration Officials
In Focus: Renewal in Iraq
Personnel Announcement
January 9, 2007
President Bush Selects Fred Fielding to Serve as Counsel to the President
Memorandum for the Secretary of the Interior
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Personnel Announcement
January 8, 2007
President Bush Marks Fifth Anniversary of No Child Left Behind
Fact Sheet: The No Child Left Behind Act: Five Years of Results for America's Children
President Bush Welcomes European Commission President José Barroso to the White House
In Focus: Global Diplomacy
Presidential Delegation to Attend Inauguration of His Excellency Rafael Vicente Correa Delgado of Ecuador
Presidential Delegation to Attend Inauguration of His Excellency José Daniel Ortega Saavedra of Nicaragua
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for Colorado
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for Otero County, Colorado
Personnel Announcement
January 7, 2007
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for Kansas
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for Nebraska
January 6, 2007
President's Radio Address
Statement on Additional Federal Disaster Assistance for Florida
January 5, 2007
President Bush Nominates John Negroponte as Deputy Secretary of State and Vice Admiral Mike McConnell as Director of National Intelligence
Fact Sheet: John Negroponte and Mike McConnell: The Right Choices for Deputy Secretary of State and Director of National Intelligence
President Bush Pleased to Accept Recommendations from Secretary Gates for General Petraeus and Admiral Fallon
Fact Sheet: Job Creation Continues – More Than 7.2 Million Jobs Created Since August 2003
In Focus: Jobs and Economy
Memorandum for the Secretary of Health and Human Services
Personnel Announcement
Personnel Announcement
January 4, 2007
President Bush Welcomes Chancellor Merkel of Germany to the White House
In Focus: Global Diplomacy
Personnel Announcement
January 3, 2007
President Bush Meets with Cabinet, Proposes Balanced Budget and Earmark Reform
Fact Sheet: A Balanced Budget by 2012 & Earmark Reform
In Focus: Budget Management
President Bush's Cabinet
January 2, 2007
President Bush Attends Funeral Service for President Ford at the National Cathedral
Remembering President Gerald R. Ford (1913-2006)
January 1, 2007
Please go to /news/releases/2007/01/images/20070101_d-0058-515h.html