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News Archive - January 2005

News releases for January 2005

January 31, 2005
President Thanks Secretary Spellings at Swearing-In Ceremony
      Video    Audio
President Congratulates 2004 World Champion Detroit Pistons
      Video    Audio
Personnel Announcement
Nomination Sent to the Senate
January 30, 2005
President Congratulates Iraqis on Election
      Video    Audio
      In Focus: Iraqi Elections
January 29, 2005
President's Radio Address
January 28, 2005
President Thanks Secretary of State Rice at Swearing-In Ceremony
      Video    Audio
President Speaks at 2005 "Congress of Tomorrow" Luncheon
Personnel Announcement
January 27, 2005
President Discusses Health Care Information Technology Benefits
      Fact Sheet: Improving Care and Saving Lives Through Health IT
      In Focus: Health Care
Vice President's Remarks with Ukrainian President Yushchenko
Vice President's Remarks at "Let My People Live" Forum
Executive Order: Amendments to Executive Order 13285
Memorandum for the Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense
January 26, 2005
President Holds Press Conference
      Video    Audio
President Participates in Conversation on Health Care
      Video    Audio
      Fact Sheet: Improving Care and Saving Lives Through Health IT
      In Focus: Health Care
Vice President's Remarks at Reception for Survivors of Auschwitz
January 25, 2005
President's Statement on Supplemental Budget Request
60th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp, 2005
January 24, 2005
President Bush Calls "March for Life" Participants
President to Meet with French President Jacques Chirac in Brussels
Vice President to Lead U.S. Delegation to Poland
Personnel Announcement
Personnel Announcement
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Nominations Sent to the Senate
January 23, 2005
President's Statement on Johnny Carson
January 22, 2005
President's Radio Address
January 21, 2005
Statement on Federal Assistance for Indiana
Statement on Jan Nowak-Jezioranski
Presidential Eid Al-Adha Message 2005
Personnel Announcement
Personnel Announcement
Personnel Announcement
January 20, 2005
President Sworn-In to Second Term
      Video    Audio
President Thanks Joint Congressional Inaugural Committee at Luncheon
      Video    Audio
January 19, 2005
President Thanks Military, Guests at 'Celebration of Freedom' Concert
      Video    Audio
Vice President Introduces President at 'Celebration of Freedom' Event
Personnel Announcement
Personnel Announcement
January 18, 2005
President Thanks Armed Forces at 'Saluting Those Who Serve' Event
President Encourages Service at 'America's Future Rocks' Concert
      Video    Audio
Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Terrorists Who Threaten to Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
January 17, 2005
President Honors Secretary, Mrs. Powell at 'Let Freedom Ring' Event
      Video    Audio
January 15, 2005
President Discusses ongoing Tsunami Relief in Radio Address
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday, 2005
Religious Freedom Day, 2005
National Sanctity of Human Life Day, 2005
January 14, 2005
President Participates in Conversation on Higher Education, Job Training
      Video    Audio
Strengthening Higher Education for a Successful Workforce
Text of a Letter from the President to the Chairmen and Ranking Members of the House Committees on International Relations and Appropriations and the Senate Committees on Foreign Relations and Appropriations
Personnel Announcement
January 13, 2005
President Briefed on Tsunami Relief, War on Terror
Vice President Discusses Social Security Reform
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Executive Order: Providing An Order of Succession in the Office of Management and Budget
Personnel Announcement
January 12, 2005
President Discusses No Child Left Behind and High School Initiatives
      Video    Audio
      Fact Sheet: No Child Left Behind--High-Quality, High School Initiatives
      In Focus: Education
National Mentoring Month, 2005
January 11, 2005
President Nominates Michael Chertoff as Secretary of Homeland Security
      Video    Audio
President Participates in Conversation on Social Security Reform
      Video    Audio
      In Focus: Social Security
Fact Sheet: Strengthening the Social Security System for Future Generations
Personnel Announcement
Statement On Federal Assistance for Indiana
Statement on Federal Assistance for Ohio
January 10, 2005
President Thanks USAID Employees and NGO Presidents
      Video    Audio
      In Focus: Tsunami Relief
Event Backgrounder: President's Remarks to USAID Employees and NGO Presidents
Personnel Announcement
Personnel Announcement
President Briefed on U.S. Assistance for Tsunami Affected Regions
      Video    Audio
      In Focus: Tsunami Relief
January 9, 2005
President's Statement on Palestinian Elections
President Congratulates Sudan on Signing of Comprehensive Peace Agreement
      In Focus: Africa
January 8, 2005
President Discusses ongoing Tsunami Relief in Radio Address
January 7, 2005
President Participates in Asbestos Litigation Conversation
      Video    Audio
President Names Senators Mack and Breaux on Federal Tax Reform Panel
      Video    Audio
President Nominates Ambassador Zoellick as Deputy Secretary of State
Statement on H.R. 241, Accelerating Income Tax Benefits for Charitable Contributions for Tsunami Victims
Presidential Proclamation: To Extend Nondiscriminatory Trade Treatment to the Products of Armenia
Executive Order: President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform
Personnel Announcement
Personnel Announcement
January 6, 2005
President Meets with Members of Congress on Class-Action Reform
      Video    Audio
Message to the Congress of the United States
President to Welcome Polish President Kwasniewski to the White House
January 5, 2005
President Discusses Medical Liability Reform
      Video    Audio
      In Focus: Medical Liability
Legal Reform: The High Costs of Lawsuit Abuse
Personnel Announcement
Personnel Announcement
January 4, 2005
Cabinet Secretary Nominations Sent to the Senate
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Memorandum for the Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense
January 3, 2005
President Asks Bush and Clinton to Help Raise Funds for Tsunami Relief
      Video    Audio
President Signs Condolence Book at the Indonesian Embassy
      Video    Audio
President Signs Condolence Book at the Indian Embassy
      Video    Audio
President Welcomes Newly Elected Members of Congress
      Video    Audio
Personnel Announcement
January 2, 2005
President's Statement on Congressman Bob Matsui
January 1, 2005
President Discusses Tsunami Relief in Radio Address
Honoring the Memory of the Victims of the Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunamis

In Focus

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