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News Archive - August 2003

News releases for August 2003

August 30, 2003
President's Radio Address en Español
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August 29, 2003
President Condemns Bombing Outside Imam Ali Mosque in Iraq
Presidential Letter
Statement on Federal Assistance for New York
Executive Order
Presidential Letter
August 28, 2003
Presidential Message
Family Day, 2003
August 27, 2003
Extend Duty-Free Treatment for Certain Agricultural Products of Israel
Statement on Rwandan Presidential Elections
Presidential Letter
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
President George W. Bush addresses the 85th Annual American Legion Convention in St. Louis, Mo., Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003. "In the 20th century, the American flag and the American uniform stood for something unique in history," President Bush said in his remarks. "America's armed forces humbled tyrants and raised up and befriended nations that once fought against us."  White House photo by Paul Morse August 26, 2003
President Delivers Remarks to 85th American Legion Convention en Español
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Statement by the President
Women's Equality Day, 2003
Remarks by the President at Missourians for Kit Bond Dinner
President to Welcome Prime Minister of the Netherlands
Remarks by the President to Bush-Cheney 2004 Luncheon
August 25, 2003
President Condemns Bombings in Mumbai, India
Statement on Congressman John Rhodes
President to Welcome Prime Minister of Kuwait
National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice Remarks to Veterans of Foreign Wars
August 23, 2003
President's Radio Address en Español
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Statement on Federal Assistance for New York
Statement on Federal Assistance for Pennsylvania
President George W. Bush discusses salmon restoration from Ice Harbor Locks and Dam in Burbank, Wash., Friday, August 22, 2003. "I was pleased to see the incredible care that goes in to protecting the salmon that journey up the river. It's an important message to send to people, it seems like to me, that a flourishing salmon population is a vital part of the vibrancy of this incredibly beautiful part of our country," said the President in his remarks about his tour of the facility.  White House photo by Paul Morse August 22, 2003
President's Remarks on Salmon Restoration
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     Fact sheet In-Focus: Salmon Recovery
Statement on Executive Order 13224
Press Gaggle with Scott McClellan
Remarks by the President After Meeting Local Economic Leaders
Personnel Announcement
Personnel Announcement
President George W. Bush is introduced by Secretary of Agriculture Ann Veneman before discussing his healthy forest initiative in Redmond, Ore., Thursday, August 21, 2003. Secretary of the interior Gale Norton is pictured in the background.  White House photo by Paul Morse August 21, 2003
President's Remarks on Healthy Forests
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Personnel Announcement
Remarks by the President at Bush-Cheney 2004 Luncheon
President George W. Bush remarks on the bombing of the U.N. Headquarters in Iraq from his ranch in Crawford, Texas, Tuesday, August 19, 2003. "Today in Baghdad terrorists turned their violence against the United Nations. The U.N. personnel and Iraqi citizens killed in the bombing were in that country on a purely humanitarian mission. Men and women in the targeted building were working on reconstruction, medical care for Iraqis. They were there to help with the distribution of food. A number have been killed or injured. And to those who suffer, I extend the sympathy of the American people," said the President.  White House photo by Paul Morse August 19, 2003
President Condemns Bombing in Baghdad, Iraq
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President Discusses Energy, Iraq and Middle East
Presidential Determination
Statement on Death of Sergio Vieira de Mello
August 18, 2003
U.S. Welcomes Signing of Liberian Peace Agreement
Statement on H.R. 1412
President's Interview with Armed Forces Radio and Television Service
August 16, 2003
President Discusses Healthy Forests in Weekly Radio Address en Español
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Presidential Letter
Statement on H.R. 2195
President George W. Bush walks with Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton, left, and Director of the National Park Service Fran Mainella at the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area in Thousand Oaks, Calif. File photo.  White House photo by Paul Morse August 15, 2003
Strengthening and Caring for America's National Parks
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     Fact sheet In Focus: Environment
Fact Sheet: Strengthening and Caring for America's National Parks en Español
Personnel Announcement
Statement by the Press Secretary
Remarks by the President During Volunteer Activity
Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement by the Press Secretary
President's Remarks at Luncheon
Marines react to remarks by President George W. Bush to military personnel and their families at Marine Air Corps Station Miramar near San Diego, CA on August 14, 2003.  White House photo by Paul Morse August 14, 2003
President Bush Thanks Military
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President Discusses Power Outage
President's Remarks at Dinner
After talking with the press, President George W. Bush walks with his economic advisors�at his ranch�in Crawford, Texas, Wednesday, August 13, 2003. Pictured are, from left,�Director of the Office of Management and Budget Josh Bolten, Assistant to the President for Economic Policy Stephen Friedman, Secretary of Commerce Don Evans, Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao and Secretary of the Treasury John Snow.�  White House photo by Susan Sterner August 13, 2003
President Meets with Economic Team en Español
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Presidential Letter
Personnel Announcement
August 12, 2003
Personnel Announcement
President George W. Bush talks about his Healthy Forests Initiative during a visit to the Coronado National Forest in Summerhaven, Ariz., with, from left, Incident Commander Dan Oltrogge, District Ranger Ron Senn, Secretary of Agriculture Ann Veneman, and�Chief of the National Forest Service Dale Bosworth.�  White House photo by Susan Sterner August 11, 2003
President Bush Names Gov. Leavitt to Head EPA
President Bush Promotes Healthy Forests in Arizona en Español
     Fact sheet In Focus: Healthy Forests
Personnel Announcement
President Bush Promotes Healthy Forests in Arizona
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     Fact sheet In Focus: Healthy Forests
August 9, 2003
President's Radio Address en Español
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President George W. Bush and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, accompanied by Vice President Dick Cheney and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, answer questions from members of the media outside the President's Crawford, Texas, home Friday, Aug. 8, 2003.  White House photo by David Bohrer August 8, 2003
President Bush, Secretary Rumsfeld Discuss Progress in Iraq
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Executive Order
Presidential Letter
Presidential Letter
Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary
August 7, 2003
Dr. Condoleezza Rice Discusses Foreign Policy
Presidential Letter
Notice Continuation of Emergency
President George W. Bush meets with Secretary of State Colin Powell and Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, Wednesday, Aug. 6, 2003.  White House photo by Susan Sterner August 6, 2003
President Bush and Secretary Powell Meet in Crawford
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August 5, 2003
Personnel Anouncement
Presidential Letter
August 4, 2003
Presidential Letter
August 2, 2003
President's Radio Address en Español
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President George W. Bush addresses the media during a Cabinet meeting at the White House Aug. 1, 2003.  White House photo by Tina Hager August 1, 2003
President Discusses Economy, North Korea with Cabinet
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President Calls for Action on Judicial Nominees
Statement on H.R. 74
Statement on Federal Assistance for North Dakota
Personnel Announcement
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Statement on Federal Assistance for Ohio
Statement on Mozdok Terrorist Act