For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
August 22, 2003
Fact Sheet: President Bush Highlights Salmon Recovery Successes
President Bush Highlights Salmon Recovery Successes
"This state [Washington] faces a challenge: to save its salmon. For
fishing families and businesses, [the salmon] are a vital resource. For
Native Americans, they are a cultural cornerstone. For all of us, these
fish are a wonder of nature, and they must be restored. "
-- George W. Bush, September 12, 2000
Today's Presidential Action
Today, President Bush visited Ice Harbor Lock and Dam, near Pasco,
Washington to highlight the significant steps his Administration has
taken to increase salmon populations while providing affordable
hydro-electric power to Americans living in the Pacific Northwest. The
President also announced the approval of a landmark habitat
conservation plan agreement between the Administration and the
north-central-Washington Chelan and Douglas public utility districts.
This will allow continued operation of three hydroelectric dams while
providing for the protection of salmon stocks.
Background on Today's Presidential Action
President Bush is committed to aiding salmon conservation efforts.
Through Administrative actions and yearly funding increases, the
President led the restoration of endangered salmon runs while leaving
Federal dams in place that provide power to local communities.
Improving Salmon Returns:
- Salmon returns in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho have improved
dramatically. On the Columbia/Snake River salmon run, seven of its
eight endangered salmon have shown marked improvement since 2000.
The State of Washington's Department of Fish & Wildlife reported a
record-setting 2003 spring chinook run.
Steelhead returns at Bonneville, Oregon in 2001 and 2002 were the two
largest returns on record.
Mid-Columbia River steelhead reached a 22-year high in 2002 with more
than 30,000 returning fish.
More than 8,500 Snake River Fall chinook passed Lower Granite Dam in
2001. This represents the highest return since counts began in 1975.
Oregon Coast coho returns have increased from 22,000 in 1997 to nearly
268,000 in 2002.
Supporting Salmon Recovery and Affordable Power:
- The vast majority of Pacific Northwest power is derived from
hydroelectric dams, including 80 percent for Washington State. The
President is committed to keeping the dams in place to ensure
affordable power, while supporting effective, locally-led salmon
recovery efforts.
New technology and efforts by Federal hydro operators have
substantially improved survival for salmon migrating through dams as
juveniles and adults.
President Bush announced the approval of a landmark habitat
conservation plan agreement by Commerce Secretary Evans and the
north-central-Washington Chelan and Douglas public utility districts.
This will allow three local hydroelectric dams to continue providing
power to over 52,000 local consumers and many more regional power users while providing benefits for salmon in the Columbia River.
Supporting Collaborative Local, State, and Tribal Salmon Efforts:
- Federal agencies are working collaboratively with the State of
Washington and Indian tribes to implement the Washington Forests and
Fish Agreement.
The President, working with the State of Oregon, has pledged $250,000
to expedite biological and technical review of Oregon Coast coho salmon
recovery measures.
Federal agencies will soon approve urban road maintenance plans in
Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and California that will allow projects to
move forward in a timely manner while protecting salmon.
Federal agencies have been actively participating in and supporting
the Shared Salmon Strategy in Washington State to develop a
collaborative plan by local, state, tribal, and Federal governments to
recover Puget Sound chinook salmon.
Funding Increases and Results:
- Each year, the President has increased funding for coastal and
riverine salmon recovery efforts. The FY 2004 budget request of $707
million is $165 million more than the amount enacted in FY 2001. This
funding is allocated to Federal agencies that annually contribute
towards salmon recovery as well as to the Pacific Salmon Recovery Fund
which is used to assist states, tribes, and local governments that
carry out additional salmon projects. Federal agencies contributing to
salmon recovery include the U.S Army Corps of Engineers, and
Departments of Interior, Commerce, Agriculture, Energy, and the
Environmental Protection Agency.
Over the past three years, the President's budget included requests to
fully fund the Pacific Salmon Recovery Fund. This would assist states,
tribes, and local governments with thousands of projects that benefit
Pacific salmon in Washington, Oregon, California, and Alaska. In
addition, the President's 2004 budget seeks more accountability in the
use of these funds.
During 2002, modifications at the 10 major Columbia/Snake River dams
have improved fish passage and survival, 700 miles of streams are now
accessible to salmon, and 19,000 acres of streamside buffers have been
protected in the Columbia Basin.
The President has requested funding for the reform and improved
operation of dozens of hatcheries in the Pacific Northwest. These
hatcheries are a vital component of salmon recovery efforts.
The FY 2002 budget included $2 million in new funding for the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers to initiate important salmon habitat work on
the Lower Columbia River Estuary.
For more information on the President's initiatives, visit