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News Archive - February 2002

News releases for February 2002

President George W. Bush addresses the 2002 National Summit on Retirement Savings Feb. 28. "Government must support policies that promote and protect saving," said the President. "And saving is the path to independence for Americans in all phases of life, and we must encourage more Americans to take that path." White House photo by Paul Morse. February 28, 2002
President Promotes Retirement Security Agenda
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Statement by the Press Secretary
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to Visit White House
Luxembourg Prime Minister to Visit White House
Irish Prime Minister to Visit White House
President George W. Bush and Frances Cunningham address the Chamber of Commerce in Charlotte, N.C., Feb. 27. The President discussed Welfare Reform and Job Training. Ms. Cunningham, who is a single mother who worked her way off welfare, introduced the President. White House photo by Paul Morse. February 27, 2002
President Discusses Welfare Reform and Job Training
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Message to the Congress of the United States
Continuance of Cuba National Emergency Notice
President's Remarks at GOP Luncheon
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President George W. Bush meets with audience members during his remarks at St. Luke's Catholic Church in Washington, D.C., Feb. 26. "I believe Americans in need are not problems; they are our neighbors. They're not strangers; they are citizens of our country. And to live up to our national ideals, ideals of equality and justice, every American of every background must have access to opportunity," said the President as he explained the details of his welfare reforms. "In times of personal crisis, people do not need the rules of a bureaucracy; they need the help of a neighbor." White House photo by Eric Draper. February 26, 2002
President Announces Welfare Reform Agenda
President Pleased with Senate Retirement Security Bill
President Meets with African Leaders
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives
Remarks by the President in Visit with East Capitol Center for Change en Español
President George W. Bush welcomes retired New York firefighter Bob Beckwith and his wife Barbara to the Oval Office Feb. 25. Mr. Beckwith and New York Governor George Pataki visited the White House to present the President with the bullhorn the President used to talk with recovery workers during a visit to the World Trade Center Sept. 14, 2001. February 25, 2002
President Promotes Energy Efficiency Through Technology
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President Salutes VOA's 60-Year Commitment to Freedom
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President Receives World Trade Center Bullhorn
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President Bush Meets with Nation's Governors
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Presidential Memorandum on Drug Transit
February 23, 2002
President Focuses on Energy Security in Radio Address en Español
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President George W. Bush holds a town hall meeting with students at Tsinghua University in Beijing, People's Republic of China, Feb. 22. "I want to thank the students for giving me the chance to meet with you, the chance to talk a little bit about my country and answer some of your questions," said the President. White House photo by Paul Morse. February 22, 2002
President Bush Speaks at Tsinghua University
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President Comments on Death of Daniel Pearl
Egyptian President to Visit White House
Zimbabwe Proclamation
President George W. Bush and Chinese President Jiang Zemin talk during an arrival ceremony at The Great Hall of the People in Beijing, People's Republic of China, Feb. 21. White House photo by Paul Morse. February 21, 2002
President Bush Meets with Chinese President Jiang Zemin
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President Speaks to U.S. Troops in Seoul
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President Commemorates Eid al-Adha
Uzbekistan President to Visit Washington
Danish Prime Minister to Visit Washington
President George W. Bush and President Kim Dae-Jung proceed through an arrival ceremony at The Blue House in Seoul, Republic of Korea, Feb. 20. "I understand how important this relationship is to our country, and the United States is strongly committed to the security of South Korea. We'll honor our commitments. Make no mistake about it that we stand firm behind peace in the Peninsula." White House photo by Paul Morse. February 20, 2002
President Bush & President Kim Dae-Jung Meet in Seoul
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President Bush Visits Demilitarized Zone
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President George W. Bush, Mrs. Bush and their host Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi watch a demonstration of horseback archery during a visit to the Meiji Shrine in Tokyo, Monday, Feb. 18, 2002. President Bush's trip to Japan is the first of three countries he is visiting during his tour through Asia. White House photo by Paul Morse. February 18, 2002
President Bush, Prime Minister Koizumi Hold Press Conference
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President Discusses Unity Between the U.S. & Japan
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Fact Sheet
February 16, 2002
President Rallies the Troops in Alaska
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President Discusses Asia Trip in Radio Address en Español
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Remarks by the President to the Republican Party of Alaska
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President George W. Bush watches as White House Counsel Albert Gonzales swears in Gaddi H. Vasquez as the 16th Peace Corps director in the Oval Office Feb. 14. Standing with Mr. Vasquez is his wife, Elaine, and son, Jason. White House photo by Eric Draper. February 15, 2002
President Announces Plan to Strengthen Peace Corps
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Economic Report: Tax Relief Package Created Jobs and Softened Recession
Yucca Mountain Statement
Presidential Letter to Congress
President George W. Bush speaks during a visit to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Feb. 14. "America and the world share this common goal: we must foster economic growth in ways that protect our environment," said the President as he announced new initiatives to foster economic growth while protecting the environment. White House photo by Paul Morse. February 14, 2002
President Announces Clear Skies & Global Climate Change Initiatives
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President Supports Retirement Security Bill
Bill Signings
Press Briefing by Ari Fleischer
Nomination and Appointment
President Bush and Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf address the media in Cross Hall, Feb. 13. "The forces of history have accelerated the growth of friendship between the United States and Pakistan," said President Bush. Click here to view webcast. White House photo by Susan Sterner. February 13, 2002
U.S.-Pakistan Affirm Commitment Against Terrorism
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President Will Work to Improve Farm Bill
Presidential Letter to House of Representatives
President George W. Bush talks with Jordon Wade, 9, of Pittsburgh during the presentation of the annual report by the Boy Scouts of America in the Oval Office Feb. 12, 2002. Other scouts included in the ceremony are, from left to right, Joe Honious, 16, of Dayton, Ohio; Clay Capp, 18, of Nashville, Tenn.; national Venturing President Marissa Morgan, 19, of Winston-Salem, NC; Joshua Cudd, 12, of Conroe, Texas; and Ryan Iwata, 12, of San Francisco. Not pictured is David Richey, 18, of Seattle, Wash. White House photo Eric Draper. February 12, 2002
President Bush Announces Drug Control Strategy en Español
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President Names Senior Advisor for Welfare Policy
Bill Signings
Advisors for Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Message to the Congress of the United States
USA Freedom Corps Staff Announced
President George W. Bush embraces Secretary of Health and Human Services and former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson after speaking about healthcare reform issues at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, Wis., February 11, 2002. Wisconsin's current governor Scott McCallum is also pictured. White House photo by Paul Morse. February 11, 2002
President Bush Outlines Health Care Agenda en Español
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Remarks by the President at Scott Mccallum for Governor Reception
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Press Briefing by Council of Economic Advisors
President George W. Bush and friend Roland Betts walk a private trail along the Snake River in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Saturday, Feb. 9, 2002. The President and Mrs. Bush are staying at the Jackson Hole residence of Roland and Lois Betts. The Grand Teton Mountains are shown in background. White House photo by Eric Draper. February 9, 2002
President Discusses Black History Month in Radio Address en Español
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President's Statement on Princess Margaret's Death
Taking a phone call from an athlete's family, President George W. Bush sits with America's Olympic athletes during the opening ceremonies for the 2002 Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, Utah, Feb. 8. White House photo by Paul Morse. February 8, 2002
President Discusses Ag Policy at Cattle Industry Convention
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President Announces Delegation to Winter Olympics
Bill Signings
President Bush Opens 2002 Olympic Games
President Bush to Olympic Athletes: "Let's Roll"
President Discusses Olympic Games
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President Speaks at Olympic Reception
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President George W. Bush and Sen. Joseph Leiberman join other visiting Senators in the Oval Office to discuss Armies of Compassion, a faith-based initiative from the United States Senate. "This legislation will not only provide a way for government to encourage faith-based programs to exist without breaching the separation of church and state, it will also encourage charitable giving as well," explained President Bush. White House photo by Tina Hager. February 7, 2002
President Bush, Prime Minister Sharon Discuss Middle East
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President Bush, Sen Lieberman Discuss Armies of Compassion
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President's Remarks at National Prayer Breakfast
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Fact Sheet
Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement by the Press Secretary
Executive Order: Amendment to Executive Order 13227, President's Commission on Excellence in Special Education
President George W. Bush visits the New York City Command and Control Center Feb. 6, 2002. "It is important that New York City be vibrant and strong," said the President during his visit. "It's important when people not only here at home, but around the world, look at this fantastic city, they see economic vitality and growth. I'm confident we can recover together." White House photo by Eric Draper. February 6, 2002
President Speaks at NYPD Command/Control Center
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Remarks by the President at Friends of Governor Pataki Reception
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Nominations Sent to the Senate
Remarks by the President to the NYPD Command and Control Center Personnel
Visiting the University of Pittsburgh, President George W. Bush speaks as Director of Homeland Security Tom Ridge listens to the President outline his plans to improve America's defense against future terrorist attacks Feb. 5. "We must do everything in our power, everything to protect our fellow Americans. We need better testing, better vaccines, and better drugs if America is going to be as safe as it can possibly be," said the President. White House photo by Tina Hager. February 5, 2002
President Emphasizes Need for Economic Stimulus
President Increases Funding for Bioterrorism by 319 Percent en Español
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President's Remarks During Tour of Medical Center
Nominations Sent to the Senate
President George W. Bush is greeted with a thunderous cheer as he talks with troops during his visit to Elgin Air Force Base in Florida February 4. White House photo by Paul Morse. February 4, 2002
The President�s Budget - Meeting the Goals of Our Time en Español
President Calls for $48 Billion Increase in Defense Spending
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Israeli Prime Minister to Visit Washington
President to Welcome African Leaders to White House
Message to the Congress of the United States
National Consumer Protection Week
Message to the Congress of the United States
February 2, 2002
President Outlines Pension Protection Plan in Radio Address en Español
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President Orders Federal Aid for Oklahoma
National African American History Month, 2002
American Heart Month Proclamation
President George W. Bush and Jim Towey pause to smile at Mr. Towey's children during the Ceremony in which the President names him as the Director of the Faith-Based & Community Initiatives Director in the Roosevelt Room Feb. 1. "The purpose of this initiative recognizes the power of faith in helping heal some of our nation's wounds," said the President. "And today, I'm honored to name Jim Towey as its new head and new director. He has served a Republican senator and a Democratic governor. He understands there are things more important than political parties." White House photob by Eric Draper. February 1, 2002
President Names New Faith-Based & Community Initiatives Director
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President Meets with King Abdullah of Jordan
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National Security Advisor Speaks at Conference
Presidential Memorandum on Burma
President's Remarks at "Congress of Tomorrow" Lunch