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Moving Toward a Cleaner, Safer, Healthier Environment

Cleaner Lands

Hardrock Mining Rule

In response to concerns that the hardrock mining rule implemented by the previous Administration may have exceeded statutory authorities and/or Congressional intent, the Bush Administration reviewed the rule and issued a proposed rule to meet those concerns, and to reflect the findings of a National Academy of Sciences report. The Administration determined there were significant improvements in mining administration that could benefit the public and the environment, and ensure that taxpayers are never forced to absorb the cost of mining operation cleanups. Key provisions of the rule were finalized in December 2001, including bonding provisions and performance standards for the use of cyanide and acid mine drainage protections.



Cleaner Air

Addressing Global Climate Change

Cleaner Water

Cleaner Lands

Healthier Ecosystems

A Cleaner, Healthier World Community

Healthier People

President Bush’s Performance-Based FY 2005 Budget


September 2004

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