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The Road Map to Peace - News Archive
Mar. 6, 2008 President Bush Condemns Terrorist Attack in Israel
Jan. 18, 2008 Notice: Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Terrorists Who Threaten to Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process
Jan. 16, 2008 President Bush Meets with President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt
Jan. 15, 2008 President Bush Participates in Roundtable with Saudi Entrepreneurs
Jan. 14, 2008 President Bush Participates in Roundtable with Young Arab Leaders
President Bush Views Renewable Technologies of Masdar Exhibit
Press Briefing by Counselor to the President Ed Gillespie and Press Secretary Dana Perino
Jan. 13, 2008 President Bush Discusses Importance of Freedom in the Middle East
Fact Sheet: Fostering Freedom and Justice in the Middle East
Jan. 12, 2008 President Bush Arrives in Bahrain
President Bush Participates in Roundtable on Democracy and Development with Kuwaiti Women
President Bush Visits Military Personnel and Coalition Forces
President Bush Meets with Commander of Multinational Force-Iraq and Ambassador to Iraq
President's Radio Address
Jan. 11, 2008 President Bush Visits Yad Vashem
Press Gaggle by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
Jan. 10, 2008 President Bush and Palestinian Authority President Abbas Participate in Joint Press Availability
President Bush Discusses Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process
President Bush Visits Church of the Nativity
Jan. 9, 2008 Press Briefing by National Security Advisor Steve Hadley
President Bush and Prime Minister Olmert Participate in Joint Press Availability
President Bush Meets with Israeli President Peres
President Bush Arrives in Jerusalem
Jan. 8, 2008 Setting the Record Straight: President Bush Consistently Focused on Defining a Palestinian State
Jan. 5, 2008 President's Radio Address
Jan. 3, 2008 Briefing by National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley on the President's Upcoming Trip to the Middle East

Dec. 18, 2007 President Bush to Travel to Middle East to Follow Up on Progress Made at Annapolis
Dec. 14, 2007 President Bush Applauds Formation of National Council of the Damascus Declaration
Dec. 4, 2007 Press Conference by the President
Nov. 28, 2007 Remarks by National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley on the Middle East and Freedom Agenda
President Bush Makes Remarks on Annapolis Conference
Nov. 27, 2007 President Bush Attends Annapolis Conference
Joint Understanding Read by President Bush at Annapolis Conference
Nov. 26, 2007 President Bush Attends Secretary of State's Dinner with Annapolis Conference Participants
President Bush Meets with President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority
President Bush Meets with Israeli Prime Minister Olmert
Sept. 24, 2007 Remarks by President Bush and President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority
Aug. 28, 2007 Making America Safer by Defeating Extremists in the Middle East
Aug. 22, 2007 Fact Sheet: Promoting Democracy to Help Make America Safer
Jul. 20, 2007 President Bush to Welcome King Abdullah II of Jordan to Washington
Jul. 16, 2007 President Bush Discusses the Middle East
Jun. 29, 2007 Executive Order: Waiver Under the Trade Act of 1974 with Respect to Turkmenistan
Jun. 27, 2007 President Bush Pleased by Appointment of Tony Blair as Quartet Representative in Middle East
Jun. 19, 2007 Statement by the President
Jun. 1, 2007 Memorandum for the Secretary of State
May 9, 2007 Notice: Continuation of the National Emergency Blocking Property of Certain Persons and Prohibiting the Export of Certain Goods to Syria
Apr. 24, 2007 Statement on the Results of Syrian Elections
Apr. 3, 2007 Setting The Record Straight: Sen. Reid's Misleading Comments About Iraq Funding
Mar. 28, 2007 The Rest Of The Story: Gen. McCaffrey's Iraq Report Includes Optimism
Mar. 22, 2007 President Bush Meets with Iraq Provincial Reconstruction Team Leaders
Fact Sheet: Expanding Provincial Reconstruction Teams to Achieve Iraqi Self Reliance
Mar. 20, 2007 Presidential Message on Nowruz Celebrations
Feb. 24, 2007 President Bush to Welcome King Abdullah II and Queen Rania of Jordan
Feb. 14, 2007 President's Statement on Second Anniversary of Assassination of Former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri
Jan. 29, 2007 President Bush Disappointed by Recent Violence in Lebanon
Jan. 18, 2007 Notice: Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Terrorists Who Threaten to Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process
Message to the Congress of the United States
Jan. 16, 2007 President Bush Meets with United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon

Dec. 21, 2006 President's Statement on S. 2370, the "Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006"
Dec. 13, 2006 President's Statement on the Government of Syria
Dec. 12, 2006 Holocaust Denial Conference Sponsored by Iranian Regime
Dec. 6, 2006 President Bush Receives Report from the Iraq Study Group
Nov. 21, 2006 President's Statement on Assassination of Lebanese Industry Minister Pierre Gemayel
Nov. 13, 2006 President Bush Welcomes Prime Minister Olmert of Israel to the White House
Nov. 8, 2006 United States Deeply Saddened by Injuries and Loss of Life in Gaza
Nov. 5, 2006 President's Statement on the Saddam Hussein Verdict
Nov. 1, 2006 White House Calls for Support for Sovereign Lebanon
Oct. 13, 2006 Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Sept. 30, 2006 President Bush Signs H.R. 6138 and H.R. 6198
President Applauds Congress for Passage of Iran Freedom Support Act
President's Radio Address
Sept. 29, 2006 President Discusses Global War on Terror
Fact Sheet: Afghanistan and Pakistan: Strong Allies in the War on Terror
President Bush Welcomes President Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan to the White House
Sept. 27, 2006 Statement on President's Dinner with President Karzai and President Musharraf at the White House
President Bush Hosts Presidents of Pakistan and Afghanistan at the White House
Sept. 25, 2006 President Meets with Business Leaders on Lebanon Private Sector Initiative
Sept. 23, 2006 President's Radio Address
Sept. 22, 2006 President Bush and President Musharraf of Pakistan Participate in Press Availability
Sept. 20, 2006 President Bush Meets with President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority
Sept. 19, 2006 President Commends Senate Passage of U.S.-Oman Free Trade Agreement
Sept. 16, 2006 President's Radio Address
Sept. 14, 2006 President Bush to Welcome President Musharraf of Pakistan to the White House
President Bush to Welcome President Karzai of Afghanistan to the White House
Sept. 9, 2006 President's Statement on Prime Minister Blair Visit to Lebanon, Israel, and Palestinian Territories
Sept. 5, 2006 President Bush Welcomes the Amir of Kuwait to the White House
Sept. 2, 2006 President's Radio Address
Aug. 31, 2006 President Bush Addresses American Legion National Convention
Fact Sheet: Winning the Struggle Between Freedom and Terror in the Middle East
Aug. 24, 2006 President Bush Welcomes France's Decision to Send Troops to Lebanon
Aug. 21, 2006 Press Conference by the President
Fact Sheet: United States Humanitarian, Reconstruction, and Security Assistance to Lebanon
Aug. 19, 2006 President's Radio Address
Aug. 14, 2006 President Discusses Foreign Policy During Visit to State Department
Aug. 12, 2006 President Welcomes U.N. Security Council Resolution to Bring Lasting Peace to Middle East
Aug. 7, 2006 President Bush and Secretary of State Rice Discuss the Middle East Crisis
Aug. 6, 2006 Press Briefing by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
Press Briefing by National Security Advisor Steve Hadley
Aug. 4, 2006 President Signs H.R. 5877 and S. 3741
Jul. 30, 2006 Press Gaggle by Tony Snow
President Bush's Remarks on the Situation in the Middle East
Jul. 29, 2006 President's Radio Address
Jul. 28, 2006 President Bush and Prime Minister Blair of the United Kingdom Participate in Press Availability
Jul. 22, 2006 President's Radio Address
Jul. 21, 2006 Background Briefing by a Senior Administration Official on Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki's Visit
Jul. 20, 2006 President Pleased with House Passage of Oman Free Trade Agreement
Jul. 19, 2006 Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate
Jul. 18, 2006 President Bush Meets with Bipartisan Members of Congress on the G8 Summit
Jul. 16, 2006 Press Briefing on the G8 Leaders Joint Statement on the Situation in the Middle East by Under Secretary for Political Affairs Nicholas Burns and Tony Snow
Jul. 13, 2006 Press Briefing by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and National Security Advisor Steve Hadley
Jul. 12, 2006 Statement on Condemnation of Hizballah Kidnapping of Two Israeli Soldiers
Jun. 15, 2006 Memorandum for the Secretary of State
May 23, 2006 President Bush and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel Participate in Joint Press Availability
May 4, 2006 President Attends American Jewish Committee's Centennial Dinner
Apr. 17, 2006 Statement Condemning Terrorist Attack in Tel Aviv
Jan. 18, 2006 Notice: Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Terrorists Who Threaten to Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process
Jan. 4, 2006 President's Statement on Health of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon

Dec. 20, 2005 Vice President's Remarks to the Traveling Press
Vice President's Remarks During a Tour of the 212th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital
Vice President's Remarks in a Meeting with Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf
Oct. 20, 2005 President Welcomes Palestinian President Abbas to the White House
Sept. 30, 2005 President to Welcome Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas
Sept. 14, 2005 Message to the Senate of the United States
Aug. 27, 2005 President's Radio Address
Jun. 20, 2005 Joint Statement by the United States and the European Union Working Together to Promote Peace, Prosperity and Progress in the Middle East
May 26, 2005 President Welcomes Palestinian President Abbas to the White House
May 17, 2005 President to Welcome Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas
Apr. 11, 2005 President and Prime Minister Sharon Discuss Economy, Middle East

Nov. 12, 2004 President and Prime Minister Blair Discussed Iraq, Middle East
U.S. and U.K. Joint Statement Concerning the Middle East Peace Process
Jun. 26, 2004 Text of U.S. - EU Declaration Supporting Peace, Progress, and Reform in the Broader Middle East and in the Mediterranean
May 6, 2004 President Bush, Jordanian King Discuss Iraq, Middle East
Apr. 16, 2004 Bush, Blair Discuss Sharon Plan; Future of Iraq in Press Conference
Apr. 14, 2004 President Bush Commends Israeli Prime Minister Sharon's Plan
Apr. 12, 2004 President Bush, Egyptian President Mubarak Meet with Reporters

Nov. 6, 2003 President Bush Discusses Freedom in Iraq and Middle East
Oct. 15, 2003 President Condemns Terrorist Act in Gaza Wednesday
Oct. 4, 2003 President Condemns Terrorist Act
Sept. 18, 2003 President Bush, King Abdullah of Jordan Meet at Camp David
Sept. 10, 2003 President Bush, Prime Minister Sabah of Kuwait Discuss Middle East
Sept. 6, 2003 Statement on PM Abbas' Resignation
Aug. 19, 2003 President Discusses Energy, Iraq and Middle East
Jul. 29, 2003 President Discusses Middle East Peace with Prime Minister Sharon
Jul. 25, 2003 President Bush Welcomes Prime Minister Abbas to White House
Jun. 15, 2003 President Believes Peace in Middle East is Achievable
Jun. 12, 2003 Dr. Condoleezza Rice Speaks at Los Angeles Town Hall
Jun. 11, 2003 President Bush Condemns Terrorist Attacks
Jun. 9, 2003 President Discusses Middle East, Iraq and the Dollar in Cabinet Meeting
Jun. 5, 2003 Remarks by the President in Meeting with Amir of Qatar
Jun. 4, 2003 President Meets with Reporters on Air Force One
President Meets with Leaders of Jordan, Israel and Palestinian Authority
Powell, Rice Discuss Road Map for Peace in the Middle East
Jun. 3, 2003 Dr. Condoleezza Rice Discusses the Roadmap for Peace in the Middle East
Remarks by the President at Multilateral Meeting with Arab Leaders
President Bush Meets with President Mubarak of Egypt
May 28, 2003 Dr. Rice Previews the President's Trip to Europe and the Middle East
President Bush to Travel to Egypt, Jordan and Qatar
May 23, 2003 WH Press Corps Interviews Senior Administration Official
Statement by Secretary of State Colin L. Powell and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice
May 9, 2003 President Bush Presses for Peace in the Middle East
May 8, 2003 President Meets with Amir of Qatar
Apr. 30, 2003 Statement on the Middle East
Mar. 14, 2003 Interview of National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice by Al Jazeera Television
President Discusses Roadmap for Peace in the Middle East
Feb. 26, 2003 President Discusses the Future of Iraq
Jan. 28, 2003 President Delivers "State of the Union"

Oct. 16, 2002 President Bush Welcomes Prime Minister Sharon to White House
Joint Statement Between the United States of America and Israel
Aug. 1, 2002 President Bush, King Abdullah Discuss Middle East Peace
Jul. 31, 2002 President Discusses Economy, Middle East Following Cabinet Meeting
Jul. 18, 2002 President Meets with Foreign Ministers of Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia
Jun. 26, 2002 President Reiterates Path for Peace in Middle East
Jun. 24, 2002 President Bush Calls for New Palestinian Leadership
Jun. 10, 2002 President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Sharon
Jun. 8, 2002 President Bush Meets with Egyptian President Mubarak
May 26, 2002 President Discusses Missile Tests in Pakistan and Middle East
May 24, 2002 President Bush, President Putin Release Joint Statement on Middle East
Apr. 28, 2002 Statement by the President on the Middle East
Apr. 25, 2002 President Bush Meets with Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia
Apr. 17, 2002 President Outlines War Effort
Apr. 8, 2002 President Emphasizes Message to Middle East
Apr. 4, 2002 President to Send Secretary Powell to Middle East
Mar. 30, 2002 President Calls on World Leaders to Condemn Terrorism
Feb. 7, 2002 President Bush, Prime Minister Sharon Discuss Middle East
Jan. 25, 2002 President Discusses Middle East
Jan. 24, 2002 Notice Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Terrorists Who Threaten to Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process

Dec. 17, 2001 Presidential Memo on Jerusalem Embassy Act
Dec. 7, 2001 Jordan Trade Announcement
Dec. 2, 2001 President to Meet With Israeli Prime Minister Sunday
Nov. 21, 2001 Israeli Prime Minister Sharon to Visit Washington
Nov. 13, 2001 President Issues Military Order
Nov. 9, 2001 Notice that Iran Emergency to Continue Beyond November 14, 2001
Notice: Continuation of Iran Emergency
Nov. 5, 2001 President to Welcome Leader from Yemen
President to Meet with Acting Prime Minister of Kuwait
Sept. 28, 2001 King of Jordan: "We will stand behind you."
Sept. 24, 2001 President to Sign U.S. - Jordan Free Trade Agreement
King Abdullah of Jordan to Visit Washington
Sept. 17, 2001 Amir of Qatar to Visit Washington
Aug. 15, 2001 Remarks by the President in Q & A with the Travel Press Pool
Aug. 13, 2001 President Speaks about Middle East to the Traveling Press Pool
Jul. 19, 2001 Press Conference by President Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair
Jun. 26, 2001 President Bush and Prime Minister Sharon Meet in Oval Office
Jun. 13, 2001 President Bush and NATO Secretary Robertson Speak to the Press
Apr. 13, 2001 Statement by the Press Secretary
Apr. 10, 2001 Remarks of the President and His Majesty King Abdullah of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Photo Opportunity
Apr. 2, 2001 Remarks By President Bush And Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak
Mar. 29, 2001 President Bush Holds Press Conference
Mar. 20, 2001 Remarks by the President and Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of Israel in Photo Opportunity
Feb. 16, 2001 Press Secretary's Remarks on Bombing in Iraq
Feb. 14, 2001 Statement on Middle East Violence

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