Jul. 6, 2006
President Bush Meets with Ambassador to Iraq Zal Khalilzad
Jul. 4, 2006
President Bush Thanks Military on Independence Day at Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Jun. 28, 2006
President Bush Meets with Military Personnel Returned From Iraq and Afghanistan
Jun. 27, 2006
President Bush Goes on Run with Staff Sergeant Christian Bagge
Jun. 26, 2006
President Bush Meets with Supporters of U.S. Military in Iraq and Afghanistan
Statement by the Press Secretary on Murder of Four Russian Diplomats in Iraq
Jun. 19, 2006
President Delivers Commencement Address at the United States Merchant Marine Academy
Jun. 17, 2006
President's Radio Address
Jun. 15, 2006
President's Statement on Signing of Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Hurricane Recovery, 2006
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate
Jun. 14, 2006
Press Conference of the President
Jun. 13, 2006
President Bush Visits Troops in Iraq
Fact Sheet: Camp David Meetings: Building on Progress in Iraq
Jun. 10, 2006
President's Radio Address
May 27, 2006
President Delivers Commencement Address at the United States Military Academy at West Point
President's Radio Address
May 22, 2006
President Bush Discusses Global War on Terror
May 19, 2006
National Maritime Day, 2006
May 13, 2006
President's Radio Address
May 12, 2006
National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week, 2006
May 11, 2006
Setting the Record Straight: AP's Misleading Military Recruiting Article
May 8, 2006
Memorandum for the Secretary of State, The Secretary of Defense, The Director of the Office of Management and Budget
May 1, 2006
President Discusses Recent Visit to Iraq by Secretary of State Rice and Defense Secretary Rumsfeld
Apr. 25, 2006
President Bush Presents Commander-In-Chief's Trophy to the United States Naval Academy
President Meets with Senators, Briefs on the War on Terror
Apr. 23, 2006
President Visits with Marine Corps and Navy Families in Twentynine Palms, California
Apr. 19, 2006
Vice President's Remarks at a Rally for the Troops
Apr. 18, 2006
Vice President's Remarks at a Rally for the Troops of the 24th Infantry Division
Apr. 14, 2006
President Bush Expresses Full Support, Appreciation for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
Apr. 6, 2006
National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, 2006
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Mar. 21, 2006
Vice President's Remarks at a Rally for the Troops at Scott Air Force Base
Mar. 19, 2006
President Remarks on Third Anniversary of Beginning of Iraq Liberation
Mar. 18, 2006
President's Radio Address
Fact Sheet: Operation Iraqi Freedom: Three Years Later
Mar. 17, 2006
Vice President's Remarks at a Rally for the Troops at Charleston Air Force Base
Mar. 16, 2006
Statement by the President
Mar. 14, 2006
President Signs S. 4515, Designates Corporal Jason L. Dunham Post Office
Mar. 11, 2006
President Briefed by Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Task Force
President's Radio Address
Mar. 1, 2006
President Thanks U.S. and Coalition Troops in Afghanistan
Feb. 24, 2006
President Addresses American Legion, Discusses Global War on Terror
Feb. 17, 2006
President Discusses Global War on Terror Following Briefing at CENTCOM
Fact Sheet: President Bush Receives Briefing From Military Commanders
Feb. 16, 2006
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives
Fact Sheet: President Requests $72.4 Billion for the Global War on Terror
Telephonic Briefing on the FY 2006 Emergency Supplemental Request for the Global War on Terror
Feb. 9, 2006
President Discusses Progress in War on Terror to National Guard
Jan. 10, 2006
President Addresses Veterans of Foreign Wars on the War on Terror
Jan. 6, 2006
President Signs H.R. 1815, the "National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2006"
President's Statement on H.R. 1815, the "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006"
Vice President's Remarks at a Rally for the Troops
Jan. 5, 2006
President Meets with Current & Former Secretaries of State and Defense
Jan. 4, 2006
President Discusses War on Terror Following Pentagon Briefing
Jan. 1, 2006
President Visits Troops at Brooke Army Medical Center
Dec. 30, 2005
President's Statement on Signing of H.R. 2863, the "Department of Defense, Emergency Supplemental Appropriations to Address Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, and Pandemic Influenza Act, 2006"
President Signs House and Senate Resolutions
President's Statement on the Department of Defense, Emergency Supplemental Appropriations to Address Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, and Pandemic Influenza Act, 2006
Dec. 21, 2005
President and Mrs. Bush Thank Military Medical Caregivers
Dec. 18, 2005
President's Address to the Nation
Dec. 15, 2005
Press Briefing with National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley on the McCain Amendment
Dec. 14, 2005
President Discusses Iraqi Elections, Victory in the War on Terror
Nov. 30, 2005
President Outlines Strategy for Victory in Iraq
President's Statement on H.R. 2528, the "Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act, 2006"
Nov. 19, 2005
President Addresses Troops at Osan Air Base in Osan, Korea
Statement on Victory in Iraq, Prevailing in the War on Terrorism
Nov. 14, 2005
President Delivers Remarks at Elmendorf AFB on War on Terror
Nov. 11, 2005
President Commemorates Veterans Day, Discusses War on Terror
Vice President's Remarks at a Remembrance Ceremony for Veterans Day
Nov. 10, 2005
Fact Sheet: Honoring America's Veterans
Nov. 2, 2005
Veterans Day, 2005
Oct. 28, 2005
President Discusses War on Terror
Oct. 16, 2005
President Congratulates Iraqis on Successful Elections
Oct. 15, 2005
President's Radio Address
Oct. 14, 2005
National Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Week, 2005
Oct. 13, 2005
President Addresses U.S. Troops in Iraq in Video Teleconference
Fact Sheet: The President Participates in a Video Teleconference with U.S. Troops
Oct. 11, 2005
President Thanks Troops for Hurricane Relief Efforts in Louisiana
Oct. 7, 2005
Vice President's Remarks to Veterans and Friends of the 526th Armored Infantry
Oct. 6, 2005
Fact Sheet: President Bush Remarks on the War on Terror
Oct. 5, 2005
President Meets with Secretary Rumsfeld, Generals Pace and Petraeus to Discuss Progress in Iraq
President Visits Soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Oct. 3, 2005
Vice President's Remarks to the Marines at Camp Lejeune
Vice President's Remarks to HMH-461, Second Marine Expeditionary Force
Sep. 30, 2005
President Honors General Richard B. Myers in Farewell Tribute
Sep. 15, 2005
Message to the Congress of the United States
Aug. 24, 2005
President Addresses Military Families, Discusses War on Terror
Fact Sheet: President Bush Honors America's National Guard and Reserve
Aug. 22, 2005
President Honors Veterans of Foreign Wars at National Convention
Fact Sheet: President Bush Honors America's Veterans and Soldiers
Jun. 28, 2005
President Addresses Nation, Discusses Iraq, War on Terror
Apr. 22, 2005
President Nominates General Pace as Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff
Apr. 12, 2005
President Discusses War on Terror at Fort Hood
Mar. 3, 2005
President Thanks CIA Employees
Feb. 17, 2005
President Holds Press Conference
Jan. 28, 2005
President Thanks Secretary of State Rice at Swearing-In Ceremony
Dec. 17, 2004
President Signs Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act
Oct. 29, 2004
President Bush on Friday: "We Will Not be Intimidated"
Oct. 7, 2004
President Bush Discusses Iraq Report
Sep. 11, 2004
Three Years of Progress in the War on Terror
Sep. 8, 2004
Reforming and Strengthening Intelligence Services
Aug. 27, 2004
Executive Order: Strengthened Management of the Intelligence Community
Aug. 5, 2004
President Signs Defense Bill
Jun. 16, 2004
President Salutes the Military at Macdill Air Force Base in Tampa
Jan. 22, 2004
President Discusses Americas Leadership in Global War on Terror
Dec. 16, 2003
Memorandum for the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense
Nov. 24, 2003
President Signs Defense Bill
Nov. 22, 2003
President Signs Military Construction Appropriations Act
Aug. 14, 2003
President Bush Thanks Military
Jul. 17, 2003
Statement on U.S.-U.K. Exchange of Defense-Related Information
May 31, 2003
Vice President's Remarks at the U.S. Military Academy Commencement
Mar. 7, 2003
President Bush Commends Senate for Action on Moscow Treaty
Jan. 17, 2003
President Bush Meets with Wounded Soldiers at Medical Center
Jan. 3, 2003
President Rallies Troops at Fort Hood
Dec. 17, 2002
President Announces Progress in Missile Defense Capabilities
Dec. 2, 2002
President Signs National Defense Authorization Act
Nov. 21, 2002
Fact Sheet: Czech Republic: Military Deployments Abroad
Nov. 18, 2002
Presidential Letter on Peacekeeping Operations in Kosovo
Nov. 15, 2002
Presidential Letter on Peacekeeping Operations in Kosovo
Nov. 11, 2002
President Bush Salutes Veterans at White House Ceremony
President Commemorates Veterans Day at Arlington Natl Cemetery
Oct. 23, 2002
President Bush Signs Defense Appropriations Bills
Sep. 27, 2002
President Presses Congress for Action on Defense Appropriations Bill
Aug. 21, 2002
President Discusses Security Issues
Aug. 14, 2002
President Discusses National, Homeland, and Economic Security Priorities
Aug. 1, 2002
President Commends Senate for Passing Defense Bill
Jul. 22, 2002
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate
Jul. 19, 2002
President Salutes Troops of the 10th Mountain Division
Jul. 18, 2002
President Bush Affirms War Effort
Jul. 17, 2002
Fact Sheet: U.S. - Poland Military Cooperation Initiative
Fact Sheet: Poland - Transfer of Second Frigate and Helicopters
Jun. 27, 2002
President: Defense Appropriations Bill Should Pass Quickly
Fact Sheet: G-8 Summit -- Preventing the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Jun. 19, 2002
Message to the Congress of the United States
Jun. 1, 2002
President Bush Delivers Graduation Speech at West Point
May 31, 2002
Memorandum for the Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense
May 29, 2002
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
May 24, 2002
Text of Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty
May 21, 2002
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives
May 16, 2002
Statement by the President
Apr. 26, 2002
Presidential Determination on Military Drawdown for Georgia
Apr. 19, 2002
Presidential Determination No. 2002-16
Presidential Determination, No. 2002-15
Apr. 18, 2002
Statement by the President
Apr. 12, 2002
Executive Order -- 2002 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States
Apr. 4, 2002
National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, 2002
Mar. 20, 2002
Statement on Air Interdiction Program
Mar. 15, 2002
President Calls for Quick Passage of Defense Bill
Presidential Determination on the Designation of Bahrain as a Major Non-Nato Ally
Mar. 11, 2002
West Point Bicentennial Day Proclamation
Feb. 26, 2002
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives
Feb. 6, 2002
Feb. 4, 2002
President Calls for $48 Billion Increase in Defense Spending
Jan. 23, 2002
President Bush: "First Priority is the Military"
Jan. 17, 2002
Amendment to Executive Order 13223
Jan. 10, 2002
President Signs Defense Appropriations Bill
Defense Bill Signing Statement
Dec. 28, 2001
President, General Franks Discuss War Effort
President Signs Defense Authorization Act
Dec. 13, 2001
President Discusses National Missile Defense
ABM Treaty Fact Sheet
Response to Russian Statement on U.S. ABM Treaty Withdrawal
Dec. 11, 2001
President Speaks on War Effort to Citadel Cadets
Dec. 7, 2001
President: We're Fighting to Win - And Win We Will
Nov. 29, 2001
President Commends House for Defense Appropriation Passage
Nov. 21, 2001
President Shares Thanksgiving Meal with Troops
Nov. 14, 2001
President Commends Troops for Humanitarian Rescue
Vice President Addresses U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Nov. 11, 2001
President Speaks at Veterans Day Prayer Breakfast
Nov. 2, 2001
President Salutes USO in White House Ceremony
Nov. 1, 2001
National Security Adviser Briefs Reporters
Oct. 17, 2001
President Rallies Troops at Travis Air Force Base
President Outlines War Effort
Oct. 7, 2001
Presidential Address to the Nation
Sep. 25, 2001
President Commends House for Passing Defense Bill
Sep. 20, 2001
President Declares "Freedom at War with Fear"
Aug. 29, 2001
President Discusses Defense Priorities at American Legion
Aug. 24, 2001
President Announces Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff
Aug. 16, 2001
President's Statement Regarding the Death of Congressman Floyd Spence
Jul. 24, 2001
President Bush Speaks to American Troops in Kosovo
Statement by the President at Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo
Jul. 22, 2001
Press Conference by President Bush and President Putin
Dr. Rice Discusses Bilateral Meeting of President Bush and Russian President Putin
Jul. 16, 2001
May 31, 2001
Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense