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News Archive - July 2002

News releases for July 2002

Shortly before the President arrives for his Cabinet meeting, Attorney General John Ashcroft and Secretary of Treasury Paul O'Neill talk in the Cabinet Room at the White House Wednesday, July 31.  July 31, 2002
President Discusses Economy, Middle East Following Cabinet Meeting
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Message to the Senate of the United States
President George W. Bush shakes hands with Congressman Mike Oxley, R-OH, during the signing of the ceremony of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the East Room, July 30. "This new law sends very clear messages that all concerned must heed. This law says to every dishonest corporate leader: you will be exposed and punished; the era of low standards and false profits is over; no boardroom in America is above or beyond the law," said the President in his remarks.   July 30, 2002
President Bush Signs Corporate Corruption Bill
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Statement by the President
Statement by the Press Secretary
President Celebrates USA Freedom Corps Six-Month Anniversary
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President George W. Bush talks with Patrick Patterson during a roundtable discussion on welfare reform in Charleston, S.C., Monday, July 29. "I believe that compassionate welfare reform must move forward, to strengthen work, to insist upon work as one of the benchmarks for success, because I believe work increases somebody's self worth and dignity," said President Bush of the reauthorization vote on the 1996 welfare reform bill.  July 29, 2002
President Urges Senate to Pass Compassionate Welfare Reform Bill
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President's Clear Skies Initiative Submitted to Congress
The Bicentennial of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, 2002
President's Remarks at Sanford for Governor Luncheon
July 27, 2002
President Pleased with Trade Promotion Authority Progress
Radio Address of the President to the Nation
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Sitting with William LeRon Jackson of Mississippi, left, President George W. Bush reacts to the audience during the signing of the proclamation that marks the 12th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act in the East Room Friday, July 26.  July 26, 2002
President Commemorates 12th Anniversary of Americans with Disabilities Act
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Honoring the Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act
Managerial Flexibility Key to Successful Homeland Security Dept
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National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day, 2002
Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 2002
Parents' Day, 2002
Nomination and Appointment
Statement by the President
Remarks by the President After Meeting with House Republican Conference
President George W. Bush addresses medical liability reforms during a roundtable discussion at High Point University, Greensboro, N.C., Thursday, July 25.  July 25, 2002
President Proposes Major Reforms to Address Medical Liability Crisis
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President Commends Congress for Passing Corporate Corruption Bill
President Commends House for Passage of Corporate Corruption Bill
Nominations to Federal Judiciary
Remarks by the President at Elizabeth Dole for Senate Finance Dinner
President George W. Bush meets with democratic members of Congress to discuss the legislation before Congress to create a department of Homeland Security in the Cabinet Room Wednesday, July 24. "And I want to thank the leaders who are here for their willingness to put partisanship aside and focus on what's best for the American people. I believe we're going to get a good bill on Friday out of the House. I ask the Senate to vote on the bill before they go home for their August vacation," said President Bush.  July 24, 2002
President Calls for Progress on Homeland Security, Corporate Responsibility and Trade
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Memorandum for the Secretary of Commerce
Statement by the President on Northern Ireland
Nominations and Appointments
Fact Sheet: President Proposes Minimum Standards for Medical Liability
President George W. Bush watches the new Public Service Announcement that encourage adoption with Actor Bruce Willis and Mrs. Bush in the East Room July 23, 2002.  July 23, 2002
President, Mrs. Bush & Bruce Willis Announce Adoption Initiative
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President Signs Yucca Mountain Bill
President George W. Bush listens to Hermann Grunder, Director of the Argonne National Laboratory, during a tour of the research facilities with Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge, Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham and Speaker of the House of Representatives Dennis Hastert, R-IL., in Argonne, IL., July 22. Sponsored by the Dept. of Energy and operated by the University of Chicago, the laboratory is combating terrorism through innovative projects such as detectors for neutrons, biological and chemical agents and developing an emergency response system that coordinates various technologies.  July 22, 2002
Anti-Terrorism Technology Key to Homeland Security
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President Calls for Quick Action on Corporate Governance Bill
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Message to the Congress of the United States
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate
July 20, 2002
Radio Address of the President to the Nation
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President George W. Bush addresses troops and families of the 10th Mountain Division and other members of the Fort Drum Community at Fort Drum, N.Y., July 19, 2002 White House Photo by Tina Hager July 19, 2002
President Salutes Troops of the 10th Mountain Division
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President Bush Announced Dr. Joseph O'Neill to be Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy
President Bush Names Bartlett Assistant to the President for Communications and Gerson Assistant to the President for Speechwriting and Policy Advisor
Statement by the Press Secretary
President Bush Affirms War Effort
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President George W. Bush, Secretary of State Colin Powell, and National Security Advisor Dr. Condoleezza Rice meet with the Foreign Ministers of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan in the Oval Office Thursday, July 18. They are (from left) Dr. Marwan Jamil Muasher of Jordan, Prince Saud Al-Faisal of Saudi Arabia and Ahmed Maher El Sayed of Egypt.  July 18, 2002
President Bush Affirms War Effort
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Remarks by President Bush and President Kwasniewski at Luncheon with Polish American Leaders
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President Meets with Foreign Ministers of Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia
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Nominations to Federal Judiciary
President George W. Bush and Laura Bush stand with visiting President Aleksander Kwasniewski of Poland and his wife, Jolanta Kwasniewska, during the State Arrival Ceremony on the South Lawn Wednesday, July 17.  July 17, 2002
President Bush, President Kwasniewski Hold Joint Press Conference
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President Bush Welcomes President of Poland for State Visit
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     Fact sheet State Visit Portal Page
Fact Sheet: U.S. - Poland Military Cooperation Initiative
Fact Sheet: Poland - Transfer of Second Frigate and Helicopters
Fact Sheet: Poland - Economic / Commercial Dialogue
Fact Sheet: Poland - U.S. Department of Labor Emplyoment Initiative
Joint Statement by President George W. Bush and President Aleksander Kwasniewski
Captive Nations Week, 2002
Remarks by President Bush and President Kwasniewski of Poland in An Exchange of Toasts
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     Fact sheet State Visit Portal Page
Statement by the President
President Bush today released the first National Strategy for Homeland Security. The purpose of the Strategy is to mobilize and organize our Nation to secure the U.S. homeland from terrorist attacks. Video screen capture by Monty Haymes. President Bush today released the first National Strategy for Homeland Security. The purpose of the Strategy is to mobilize and organize our Nation to secure the U.S. homeland from terrorist attacks. Video screen capture by Monty Haymes. July 16, 2002
President Releases National Strategy for Homeland Security
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     Fact sheet Read the National Strategy
Nomination of Ambassador to Mexico
Fact Sheet
Text of a Letter from the President to the Chairmen and Select Members of the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations, the House Committee on International Relations, and the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
President George W. Bush discusses the economy with Walter Howlett Jr. of Booker T. Washington Insurance Co. and Kathy Jones of Honda Manufacturing during a roundtable meeting on the nation's economy with business leaders in the Ayls Stephens Center at the University of Alabama at Birmingham Monday, July 15.  July 15, 2002
The President's Agenda for Long-Term Growth & Prosperity
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Remarks by the President in Bob Riley for Governor and Alabama Republican Party Victory 2002 Luncheon
Statement by the Press Secretary
Message to the Senate of the United States
Message to the Senate of the United States
Statement by the Press Secretary
Roundtable Interview of the President by Polish Journalists
Statement by the President
July 13, 2002
Radio Address by the President to the Nation
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President Bush meets with the members of the Corporate Responsibility task force in the Roosevelt Room, July 12, 2002.   July 12, 2002
President Honors Scientists and Engineers in Awards Ceremony
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Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives
Message to Congress of the United States
Memorandum for the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development
Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement by the President
President George W. Bush remarks on improving prescription drug coverage in Minneapolis, Minn., during a full day of discussions about strengthening America's Medicare system Thursday, July 11.  July 11, 2002
President Renews Call for Prescription Drug Coverage in Medicare
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Fact Sheet: President Renews Call for Prescription Drug Coverage in Medicare
Remarks by the President at Coleman/Kline/Minnesota Republican Party Victory 2002 Dinner at Coleman/Kline/Minnesota Republican Party Victory 2002 Dinner
Message to the Senate of the United States
Message to the Senate of the United States
Message to the Senate of the United States
Nominations and Appointments
Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement by the Press Secretary
President George W. Bush addressed federal employees about Homeland Security. Video screen capture by Monty Haymes. Video screen capture by Monty Haymes. July 10, 2002
President Bush Thanks Homeland Security Workers
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Presidential Memo on the Importance of E-Government
Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Text of a Letter from the President to the Chairmen of the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations
Statement by the Press Secretary
President George W. Bush addresses corporate leaders on Wall Street in New York, Tuesday, July 09. The President, who unveiled plans to create a new Corporate Fraud Task Force, introduced criminal penalties for corporate fraud and fund new initiatives in the SEC that will provide accountability to corporate America.  July 9, 2002
President Announces Tough New Enforcement Initiatives for Reform
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President Honors Recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom
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Summary: A New Ethic of Corporate Responsibility
Executive Order Establishment of the Corporate Fraud Task Force
Corporate Responsibility Fact Sheet
President George W. Bush conducts a press conference in the James S. Brady Briefing Room at the White House Monday, July 8.  July 8, 2002
President Urges Congress to Support Nation's Priorities
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President Awards Posthumous Medal of Honor to Vietnam War Hero
President Condemns Murder of Afghan Vice President. Video screen capture by Monty Haymes. July 6, 2002
Nation's Independence
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Statement by the President
President Condemns Murder of Afghan Vice President
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President Orders Federal Aid for Guam
July 5, 2002
President's Statement on the Passing of Ted Williams
Watching as the nation celebrated its 226th anniversary, an American flag is held up high from the South Lawn July 4, 2002. Watch webcast of Fireworks on the National Mall.  July 4, 2002
President Honors Veterans at West Virginia Fourth of July Celebration
Fact Sheet: Honoring Members of American's Armed Services
Statement by the Press Secretary
USTR Proclamation
President George W. Bush address the "Voyage of Discovery" Summit celebrating the Bicentennial of Lewis and Clark's journey through America in the East Room Wednesday, July 3.  July 3, 2002
President Commemorates Lewis and Clark Bicentennial
White House Web Site Celebrates Independence Day
Presidential Letter on TSA Funds
Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense
Executive Order Tribal Colleges and Universities
Presidential Letter on Emigration Laws
Presidential Letter to Senate
Message to Congress on U.S.-Netherlands Agreement
Message to the Congress of the United States
Message to Congress on Bosnia and Herzegovina
Expedited Naturalization Executive Order
Statement by the Press Secretary
Message to Congress on Iran Emergency
Presidential Letter on Taliban Emergency
Presidential Letter on Taliban Emergency
Taliban Executive Order
President George W. Bush tours the Faith-Based Welfare Reform Program at the Holy Redeemer Institutional Church of God in Christ in Milwaukee, Wis., Wednesday, July 2.  July 2, 2002
President Emphasizes Need for Welfare Reform
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Remarks by the President to the Travel Pool During Tour
Nominations and Appointments
President Sends Condolences
Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement by the Press Secretary
President George W. Bush discusses the compassionate conservative agenda for inner cities at Playhouse Square Center in Cleveland, Ohio, Monday, July 1. "It is conservative to promote private property, and ownership of homes," said the President. "It is compassionate to understand there is an ownership gap in America, and we must use our resources to close that ownership gap by encouraging minority ownership of homes in America."  July 1, 2002
President Highlights Compassionate Conservative Agenda
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Statement by the President
Memorandum for the Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense
President Lauds Supreme Court School Choice Decision
Statement by the President