June 29, 2002
President's Radio Address
Presidential Letter on Transfer of Constitutional Powers
Presidential Letter on Transfer of Constitutional Powers
Presidential Letter Resuming Constitutional Powers
Presidential Letter Resuming Constitutional Powers
Statement by the Press Secretary
June 28, 2002
President Bush: Corrupt Corporate Executives Will be Held Accountable
Progress Report - Security and Opportunity at the U.S.-Canada Border
Remarks by the President Upon Departure for Camp David
Statement by the President
President Bush Appoints the White House Fellows Class of 2002-2003
President's Remarks at Connie Morella Luncheon
President Bush Issues Independence Day Proclamation
Statement by the Press Secretary
June 27, 2002
President Pleased with Court Decision on School Choice
U.S., Russia Continue Joint Efforts to Fight Terrorism
President: Defense Appropriations Bill Should Pass Quickly
Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement by the Press Secretary
Fact Sheet G-7/8 Kananaskis Summit Day Two - U.S. Accomplishments
Fact Sheet: G-8 Summit -- Preventing the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Fact Sheet: G-8 Africa Action Plan
June 26, 2002
President Reiterates Path for Peace in Middle East
President Promises Worldcom Investigation
2001 Presidential Early Career Awards Announced
Statement by the Press Secretary
White House Reaction to Circuit Court Ruling
Fact Sheet: G - 7/8 Kananaskis Summit, Day One U.S. Accomplishments
Statement by the Press Secretary
Fact Sheet: Cooperative G-8 Action on Transport Security
June 25, 2002
President Visits Displaced Families in Arizona
Disaster Declaration for Arizona
President Meets with Canadian PM at Opening Day of G8
Statement by the President
Presidential Letter
June 24, 2002
President Bush Calls for New Palestinian Leadership
President Honors Port Authority Heroes & Outlines New Security Measures
Message to the Congress of the United States
Continuation of Emergency
Message to the Congress of the United States
Presidential Letter
Statement by the Press Secretary
Remarks by the President at Ferguson for Congress Luncheon
June 22, 2002
Remarks by the President at Fitness Challenge
President's Radio Address
Statement by the President
June 21, 2002
President Promotes Physical Fitness to Senior Citizens
President Tours Marks Street Senior Center
Remarks by the President at Republican Party of Florida Majority Dinner
Facts and Figures on the President's Fitness Challenge
June 20, 2002
President Outlines Health and Fitness Initiative at White House Fitness Expo
In Focus: Fitness
Executive Order: President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
Executive Order: Activities to Promote Personal Fitness
Fact Sheet: President Bush Launches HealthierUS Initiative
Fact Sheet: President Bush Launches HealthierUS Initiative
Executive Order: President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
Executive Order: Activities to Promote Personal Fitness
Remarks by the President to the Pool
Executive Order
Statement by the President
Message to the Senate of the United States
President Bush Announced the Recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom
Appointments to President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
Remarks by the President to the 3rd Biennial Leon H. Sullivan Summit Dinner
Fact Sheet: Africa Education Intiative
Fact Sheet: The U.S. Commitment to Africa's Growth and Prosperity
June 19, 2002
President Promotes New Mother and Child HIV Prevention Initiative
Fact Sheet: President Bush's International Mother and Child HIV Prevention Initiative
In Focus: Healthcare
In Focus: Africa
In Focus: Office of National AIDS Policy
President: Terrorism Insurance Needed Now
Fact Sheet: President Bush's International Mother and Child HIV Prevention Initiative
Statement by the Press Secretary
Presidential Message
Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement by the Press Secretary
Remarks by the President at the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America 2002 Legislative Conference
Listen to the President's Remarks
View the President's Remarks
Message to the Congress of the United States
Message to the Congress of the United States
Notice: Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation Created by the Accumulation of Weapons-Usable Fissile Material in the Territory of the Russian Federation
Message to the Congress of the United States
Statement by the President
Remarks by the President at President's Dinner
President Speaks at White House Conference on Character and Community
June 18, 2002
President Reiterates Goal on Homeownership
Homeland Security Proposal Delivered to Congress
President Urges Senate to Move CARE Act Forward
Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement by the President
Statement by the President
June 17, 2002
President Calls for Expanding Opportunities to Home Ownership
Listen to the President's Remarks
Fact Sheet: President Bush Calls for Expanding Opportunities to Homeownership
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Statement by the Press Secretary
June 15, 2002
President Focuses on Home-Ownership in Radio Address
Listen to the President's Remarks
June 14, 2002
President Bush Delivers Commencement Address at Ohio State University
Listen to the President's Remarks
View the President's Remarks
President Signs Export-Import Bank Act
President Visits Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans Headquarters Summer Enrichment Camp
Remarks by the President in Texans for Rick Perry Reception
Statement by the President
Statement by the Press Secretary
Father's Day, 2002
Nomination, Appointment and Designations
June 13, 2002
President Discusses the Future of Technology at White House Forum
Listen to the President's Remarks
View the President's Remarks
President Bush Meets with Australian Prime Minister
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Businesses Strengthening America
Businesses Strengthening America
President Discusses Importance of Service with Corporate Leaders
Statement by the President
Flag Day and National Flag Week, 2002
Statement by the Press Secretary
June 12, 2002
President Signs Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Bill
Listen to the President's Remarks
View the President's Remarks
President Convenes Homeland Security Advisory Council
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President Presents Highest Awards for Science, Technology Achievement
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June 11, 2002
President Discusses Nation's Critical Infrastructure
Listen to the President's Remarks
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President Discusses Homeland Security with Congressional Leaders
Listen to the President's Remarks
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Remarks by the President Via Satellite to the Southern Baptist Convention 2002 Annual Meeting
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Message to the Congress of the United States
President Speaks at Talent Dinner
Message to the Congress of the United States
President Commends Senate for Passing Debt Limit Extension
June 10, 2002
President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Sharon
Listen to the President's Remarks
View the President's Remarks
Remarks by the President to International Democratic Union Leaders Dinner
Listen to the President's Remarks
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Statement by the Press Secretary
Remarks by Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge to the National Association of Broadcasters Education Foundation 2002 Service to America Summit
June 8, 2002
Radio Address by the President to the Nation
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush Meets with Egyptian President Mubarak
Listen to the President's Remarks
View the President's Remarks
June 7, 2002
President Discusses Homeland Security and Commemorates One-Year Anniversary of Tax Relief
Listen to the President's Remarks
View the President's Remarks
Fact Sheet: Economic Growth & The President's Tax Relief - One Year Later
In Focus: Jobs and Economy
In Focus: Homeland Security
Nominations and Appointments
President Meets with Congressional Leaders on Homeland Security
Listen to the President's Remarks
View the President's Remarks
Great Outdoors Week, 2002
June 6, 2002
Remarks by the President in Address to the Nation
Listen to the President's Remarks
View the President's Remarks
In Focus: Homeland Security
President to Propose Department of Homeland Security
President Bush Discusses India-Pakistan with President Putin
Executive Order Amendment to Executive Order 13180, Air Traffic Performance-Based Organization
June 5, 2002
President Speaks to Leaders of India and Pakistan
National Child's Day, 2002
Remarks by the President at the Congressional Barbecue
Listen to the President's Remarks
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June 4, 2002
President Congratulates Welfare to Work Graduates
Listen to the President's Remarks
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Remarks by the President to the Travel Pool
Listen to the President's Remarks
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National Homeownership Month, 2002
Statement by the Press Secretary
June 3, 2002
President Says Strong Work Requirement Needed in Welfare Reform
Listen to the President's Remarks
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New Report Shows That Welfare Reform Really Works
President to Welcome Prime Minister Sharon to White House
Remarks by the President at a Conversation on Welfare Reform
June 1, 2002
President Bush Delivers Graduation Speech at West Point
Listen to the President's Remarks
View the President's Remarks
Radio Address by the President to the Nation
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Addresses "Race for the Cure" Participants via Telephone