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News Archive - September 2006

News releases for September 2006

September 30, 2006
President's Radio Address
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     Fact sheet In Focus: National Security
President Bush Pleased by Senate Confirmation of Mary Peters as Secretary of Transportation
     Fact sheet President's Cabinet
Myth/Fact: Five Key Myths in Bob Woodward's Book
     Fact sheet In Focus: Iraq
     Fact sheet Setting the Record Straight
President Bush Signs H.R. 6138 and H.R. 6198
President Applauds Congress for Passage of Iran Freedom Support Act
President George W. Bush discusses the Global War on Terror during an address to the Reserve Officers Association Friday, Sept. 29, 2006. "This is the call of a generation, to stand against the extremists and support moderate leaders across the broader Middle East, to help us all secure a future of peace," said the President.  White House photo by Eric Draper September 29, 2006
President Bush Discusses Global War on Terror
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     Fact sheet Fact Sheet: Afghanistan and Pakistan: Strong Allies in the War on Terror
     Fact sheet In Focus: National Security
President Applauds Congress for Passing War on Terror Legislation
President Bush Welcomes President Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan to the White House
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     Fact sheet In Focus: Global Diplomacy
Joint Statement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Kazakhstan
Statement by the President on H.R. 5631, the "Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2007"
President Signs S. 418, the "Military Personnel Financial Services Protection Act"
President Signs S. 3525, the "Child and Family Services Improvement Act of 2006"
President Signs S. 3850, the "Credit Rating Agency Reform Act of 2006"
Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies
Message to the Congress of the United States
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, 2006
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Personnel Announcement
President George W. Bush stresses the importance of developing and using alternative fuels while speaking on energy issues Thursday, Sept. 28, 2006, during a visit to the Hoover Public Safety Center in Hoover, Ala. The city has just opened an alternative fueling station to provide E85 (ethanol) and biodiesel fuels for public agency vehicles. White House photo by Paul Morse September 28, 2006
President Bush Discusses Energy in Alabama
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     Fact sheet In Focus: Energy
President Meets with Republican Senate Conference
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President Bush to Welcome Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader
Remarks by the President at Bob Riley for Governor Luncheon
President Thanks Senate for Passage of Military Commissions Act of 2006
Presidential Message: Yom Kippur, 5767
Message to the Senate of the United States
Message to the Senate of the United States
Child Health Day, 2006
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Personnel Announcement
President George W. Bush stands with President Pervez Musharraf of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, left, and President Hamid Karzai of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Wednesday evening, Sept. 27, 2006, in the Rose Garden at the White House speaking to reporters prior to the three leaders attending a private dinner. White House photo by David Bohrer September 27, 2006
President Bush Hosts Presidents of Pakistan and Afghanistan at the White House
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     Fact sheet Fact Sheet: Afghanistan And Pakistan: Strong Allies In The War On Terror
     Fact sheet In Focus: Global Diplomacy
     Fact sheet In Focus: Middle East
Statement on President's Dinner with President Karzai and President Musharraf at the White House
President Bush Appreciates House Passage of Military Commissions Act of 2006
President Signs H.R. 866, H.R. 2808, S. 1773 and S. 2784
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
President George W. Bush signs into law S.2590, the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006, Tuesday, Sept. 26, 2006, in the Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Office Building. Looking on are Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, Chairwoman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, and from left: Rep. Roy Blunt of Missouri, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del., Rep. Jeb Hensarling of Texas, and Rep. Henry Waxman of California.  White House photo by Kimberlee Hewitt September 26, 2006
President Bush Welcomes President Karzai of Afghanistan to the White House
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     Fact sheet In Focus: Afghanistan
     Fact sheet In Focus: Global Diplomacy
President Bush Signs Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act
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     Fact sheet Fact Sheet: Achieving Greater Transparency and Accountability in Government
     Fact sheet In Focus: Budget Management
President's Statement on Higher Education Report Released by Secretary Spellings
President Names Tony Fratto as Deputy Press Secretary
President Saddened by Passing of Byron Nelson
The Rest of the Story: The NIE Reflects Previous Statements About the War on Terror
     Fact sheet In Focus: National Security
     Fact sheet Setting the Record Straight
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Personnel Announcement
President George W. Bush addresses the employees of Meyer Tool Inc. Monday, Sept. 25, 2006 in Cincinnati, Ohio, speaking about the strength of the U.S. economy and how vital small businesses are to the nation�s economic vitality. White House photo by Paul Morse September 25, 2006
President Bush Discusses the Economy in Ohio
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     Fact sheet In Focus: Jobs & Economy
President Meets with Business Leaders on Lebanon Private Sector Initiative
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     Fact sheet In Focus: Peace in the Middle East
Presidential Delegation to Attend 50th Anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution in Budapest, Hungary
Mrs. Bush's Statement on Assassination of Safia Ama Jan, Provincial Director of Afghanistan’s Ministry of Women’s Affairs
September 23, 2006
President's Radio Address
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     Fact sheet In Focus: Global Diplomacy
Presidential Delegation to Beirut, Lebanon to Discuss Rebuilding Priorities
President George W. Bush and President Pervez Musharraf, of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, shake hands after a joint press availability Friday, Sept. 22, 2006 in the East Room of the White House.  White House photo by Eric Draper September 22, 2006
President Bush and President Musharraf of Pakistan Participate in Press Availability
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     Fact sheet In Focus: Global Diplomacy
President Pleased by Senate Confirmation of Kenneth Wainstein as Assistant Attorney General for National Security at the Department of Justice
President Signs S. 3534, the "YouthBuild Transfer Act"
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for Virginia
Vice President's Remarks at the Reception for Congressman Randy Kuhl
Presidential Message: Ramadan, 2006
     Fact sheet Ramadan 2006
Family Day, 2006
President George W. Bush remarks on an agreement reached with Senate Republicans regarding interrogation legislation during a visit to Orlando, Fla., Thursday, Sept. 21, 2006.  White House photo by Paul Morse September 21, 2006
President Thanks Senate for Agreement on Pending War on Terror Legislation
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     Fact sheet In Focus: National Security
Presidential Message: Rosh Hashanah, 5767
National Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Week, 2006
Remarks by the President at Gus Bilirakis for Congress Reception
Remarks by the President at Charlie Crist for Governor and Republican Party of Florida Reception
Message to the Congress of the United States
Notice: Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Persons Who Commit, Threaten to Commit, or Support Terrorism
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Personnel Announcement
President George W. Bush meets with President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority, Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2006, during the President's visit to New York City for the United Nations General Assembly.  White House photo by Eric Draper September 20, 2006
President Bush Meets with President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority
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President's Statement on Creation of the U.S.-China Strategic Economic Dialogue
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives
Gold Star Mother's Day, 2006
Nominations and Withdrawals Sent to the Senate
President George W. Bush addresses the United Nations General Assembly in New York City Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2006. "Five years ago, Afghanistan was ruled by the brutal Taliban regime, and its seat in this body was contested. Now this seat is held by the freely elected government of Afghanistan, which is represented today by President Karzai," said President Bush. White House photo by Shealah Craighead September 19, 2006
President Bush Addresses United Nations General Assembly
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     Fact sheet Fact Sheet: Address to the UN General Assembly: A More Hopeful World Beyond Terror and Extremism
President Bush Meets with Iraqi President Talabani
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     Fact sheet In Focus: Renewal in Iraq
Vice President's Remarks at the Swearing-In Ceremony of Mark Rosenker as Chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board
President Bush Meets with French President Chirac
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President Bush and U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan Exchange Toasts at United Nations Luncheon
President Commends Senate Passage of U.S.-Oman Free Trade Agreement
President Pleased by Senate Confirmation of Alice S. Fisher as Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division at the Department of Justice
President Bush to Welcome President Musharraf of Pakistan and President Karzai of Afghanistan to the White House
Personnel Announcement
President George W. Bush and Laura Bush attend the White House Conference on Global Literacy at The New York Public Library in New York City Monday, September 18, 2006. The conference encourages international involvement and new partnerships to support literacy efforts. It highlights several UNESCO programs.  White House photo by Eric Draper September 18, 2006
President and Mrs. Bush Attend White House Conference on Global Literacy
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     Fact sheet White House Conference on Global Literacy
President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Badawi of Malaysia
Presidential Delegation to Ukraine to Attend The Commemoration of the 65th Anniversary of the Tragedy in Babyn Yar
Statement by the Press Secretary
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
September 16, 2006
President's Radio Address
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     Fact sheet In Focus: National Security
President George W. Bush holds a press conference in the Rose Garden Friday, Sept. 15, 2006. White House photo by Eric Draper September 15, 2006
Press Conference of the President
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Literacy Day, 2006
National Farm Safety and Health Week, 2006
Secretary Evans to Attend Funeral Services for Former Texas Governor Ann Richards
Setting the Record Straight: JAG Leaders Say Common Article 3 Provisions Would Be "Helpful"
     Fact sheet Setting the Record Straight
Now and Then: Editorials on the McCain Amendment
     Fact sheet Setting the Record Straight
The Rest of the Story: Iraq's Links to Al Qaeda
     Fact sheet In Focus: National Security
     Fact sheet In Focus: Iraq
     Fact sheet Setting the Record Straight
Nominations Sent to the Senate
President George W. Bush and President Roh Moo-hyun of South Korea meet with the press in the Oval Office Thursday, Sept. 14, 2006.  White House photo by Eric Draper September 14, 2006
President Bush Welcomes President Roh of Republic of Korea to the White House
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     Fact sheet In Focus: Global Diplomacy
President Meets with House Republican Conference at the U.S. Capitol
President's Statement on Port Security Improvement Act of 2006
President Saddened by Passing of Former Texas Governor Ann Richards
President Bush's Participation in the 61st U.N. General Assembly
President Applauds House Vote in Support of Greater Transparency and Accountability in Government
President Bush to Welcome President Musharraf of Pakistan to the White House
President Bush to Welcome President Karzai of Afghanistan to the White House
National POW/MIA Recognition Day, 2006
National Hispanic Heritage Month, 2006
Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, Constitution Week, 2006
Myth/Fact: Clarifying Common Article 3
Personnel Announcement
Personnel Announcement
President George W. Bush drops by a meeting between Vice President Dick Cheney and Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski of Poland Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2006, in the Roosevelt Room of the White House.  White House photo by David Bohrer September 13, 2006
President Bush Applauds House Passage of S. 2590, the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006
Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies
Memorandum for the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the Treasury
Nominations Sent to the Senate
President George W. Bush drops by a meeting between National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley and France's Minister of the Interior and Regional Development Nicolas Sarkozy at the White House Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2006. White House photo by Kimberlee Hewitt September 12, 2006
President Bush to Welcome Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey to the White House
President Bush to Welcome President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan to the White House
Personnel Announcement
President George W. Bush addresses the nation from the Oval Office Monday evening, Sept. 11, 2006, marking the fifth anniversary of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. President Bush said, "The war against this enemy is more than a military conflict. It is the decisive ideological struggle of the 21st century and the calling of our generation."  White House photo by Eric Draper September 11, 2006
President's Address to the Nation
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     Fact sheet Fact Sheet: The Fifth Anniversary of September 11, 2001
     Fact sheet Remembering 9/11
Vice President's Remarks at the Pentagon Observance of September 11th
     Fact sheet Remembering 9/11
During their visit to Ground Zero, President George W. Bush and Laura Bush look at a memorial created from some of the objects visitors have brought to the site in New York City Sunday, September 10, 2006.  White House photo by Eric Draper September 10, 2006
President Bush Visits with Firefighters, Tours Tribute WTC Visitor Center in New York
     Fact sheet Remembering 9/11
Interview of the Vice President by Tim Russert, NBC News, Meet the Press
September 9, 2006
President's Radio Address
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     Fact sheet Remembering 9/11
President's Statement on Prime Minister Blair Visit to Lebanon, Israel, and Palestinian Territories
President George W. Bush waves as he prepares to depart the White House aboard Marine One from the South Lawn en route to Andrews AFB for his trip to Michigan, Friday, Sept. 8, 2006.  White House photo by Eric Draper September 8, 2006
National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week, 2006
President George W. Bush acknowledges the Atlanta audience as he arrives on stage Thursday, Sept. 7, 2006, at the Cobb Galleria Centre to deliver his remarks on the global war on terror to the Georgia Public Policy Foundation. Joining the applause for the President are Georgia's Gov. Sonny Perdue and Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, Chairman, Board of Governors, the Georgia Public Policy Foundation. White House photo by Eric Draper September 7, 2006
President Bush Discusses Progress in the Global War on Terror
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     Fact sheet 9/11 Five Years Later: Successes and Challenges
     Fact sheet Fact Sheet: Progress Report: Fixing the Problems Exposed by the 9/11 Attacks
     Fact sheet In Focus: National Security
Patriot Day, 2006
     Fact sheet Remembering 9/11
President Bush to Visit Estonia and to Participate in the NATO Summit in Latvia
Statement on Second Report of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for Arizona
Remarks by the President at Max Burns for Congress Reception
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Personnel Announcement
President George W. Bush emphasizes a point Wednesday Sept. 6, 2006 in the East Room of the White House, as he discusses the administration's draft legislation to create a strong and effective military commission to try suspected terrorists. The bill being sent to Congress, said President Bush, "reflects the reality that we are a nation at war, and that it is essential for us to use all reliable evidence to bring these people to justice." White House photo by Kimberlee Hewitt September 6, 2006
President Discusses Creation of Military Commissions to Try Suspected Terrorists
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     Fact sheet Fact Sheet: The Administration's Legislation to Create Military Commissions
     Fact sheet Myth/Fact: The Administration's Legislation to Create Military Commissions
     Fact sheet Fact Sheet: Bringing Terrorists to Justice
     Fact sheet In Focus: National Security
Message to the Congress of the United States
Setting the Record Straight: Detainees Will Not Receive POW Status
     Fact sheet Setting the Record Straight
President Bush Meets with Cabinet
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     Fact sheet President's Cabinet
Nomination Sent to the Senate
Personnel Announcement
President George W. Bush addresses his remarks on the global war on terror to members and guests at the Military Officers Association of America meeting Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2006, at the Capital Hilton Hotel in Washington. President Bush spoke about the U.S. and our allies strategy for combating terrorism saying "we�re confronting them before they gain the capacity to inflict unspeakable damage on the world, and we�re confronting their hateful ideology before it fully takes root." White House photo by Kimberlee Hewitt September 5, 2006
President Discusses Global War on Terror
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     Fact sheet National Strategy for Combating Terrorism
     Fact sheet Fact Sheet: The President's National Strategy for Combating Terrorism
     Fact sheet In Focus: National Security
In Their Own Words: What the Terrorists Believe, What They Hope to Accomplish, and How They Intend to Accomplish It
President Nominates Mary Peters as Transportation Secretary
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     Fact sheet Fact Sheet: Mary Peters: The Right Person for Secretary of Transportation
     Fact sheet President's Cabinet
President Bush Welcomes the Amir of Kuwait to the White House
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     Fact sheet In Focus: Global Diplomacy
President's Statement on Dr. Mark McClellan Resignation as CMS Administrator
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Notice: Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks
Message to the Senate of the United States
Response from the Chief of Staff Josh Bolten to a Democratic Letter
National Days of Prayer and Remembrance, 2006
     Fact sheet Remembering 9/11
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Personnel Announcement
President George W. Bush waves as student Dorothy James points out other students at the Paul Hall Center for Maritime Training and Education in Piney Point, Md. Monday, September 4, 2006.  White House photo by Kimberlee Hewitt September 4, 2006
President Bush Honors American Work Force on Labor Day
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     Fact sheet Presidential Message: Labor Day, 2006
     Fact sheet In Focus: Jobs and Economy
September 2, 2006
President's Radio Address
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     Fact sheet In Focus: National Security
September 1, 2006
Fact Sheet: Job Creation Continues - More Than 5.7 Million Jobs Created Since August 2003
     Fact sheet In Focus: Jobs and Economy
Presidential Message: Labor Day, 2006
Personnel Announcement