News releases for August 2006
August 31, 2006
President Bush Addresses American Legion National Convention
Fact Sheet: Winning the Struggle Between Freedom and Terror in the Middle East
In Focus: National Security
Remarks by the President at Orrin Hatch for Senate Reception
Personnel Announcement
August 30, 2006
President Bush's Remarks Upon Arrival in Utah
President Saddened by Passing of Egypt's Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature Naguib Mahfouz
President Bush to Welcome Amir Sabah of Kuwait to the White House
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for New Mexico
Remarks by the President at Bob Corker for Senate and Tennessee Republican Party Dinner
Remarks by the President in Photo Opportunity
Personnel Announcement
In Focus: Judicial Nominations
August 29, 2006
President and Mrs. Bush Visit New Orleans High School, Discuss Gulf Coast Recovery
Fact Sheet: Keeping the Promise of Jackson Square: A More Hopeful Louisiana
In Focus: Hurricane Katrina
President and Mrs. Bush Discuss Gulf Coast School Library Recovery Initiative
Fact Sheet: Keeping the Promise of Jackson Square: A More Hopeful Louisiana
In Focus: Hurricane Katrina
Executive Order: Improving Assistance for Disaster Victims
National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, 2006
National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, 2006
Vice President's Remarks at a Rally for the Troops at Offutt Air Force Base
Personnel Announcement
August 28, 2006
President Bush Discusses Gulf Coast Recovery
Fact Sheet: A New Mississippi: Rebuilding in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina
In Focus: Hurricane Katrina
President Bush Meets with Community Leaders in Mississippi
Fact Sheet: A New Mississippi: Rebuilding in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina
Fact Sheet: President Bush's Visit to Biloxi and New Orleans
In Focus: Hurricane Katrina
President Visits United States Marine, Inc.
Fact Sheet: A New Mississippi: Rebuilding in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina
In Focus: Hurricane Katrina
Vice President's Remarks at the Veterans of Foreign Wars National Convention
August 26, 2006
President's Radio Address
In Focus: Hurricane Katrina
August 25, 2006
National Day of Remembrance of Hurricane Katrina, 2006
In Focus: Hurricane Katrina
President and Mrs. Bush to Host White House Summit on Malaria
The White House Summit on Malaria
Presidential Message: 90th Anniversary of the National Park Service
Memorandum for the Secretary of the Interior
National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, 2006
August 24, 2006
President Bush Welcomes France's Decision to Send Troops to Lebanon
Fact Sheet: The One Year Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina
In Focus: Hurricane Katrina
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
Notice: Intention to Enter Into a Free Trade Agreement with Colombia
August 23, 2006
President Bush Meets with Rockey Vaccarella, Discusses Gulf Coast Rebuilding
In Focus: Hurricane Katrina
Minority Enterprise Development Week, 2006
August 22, 2006
President Bush Discusses Health Transparency in Minnesota
Fact Sheet: Health Care Transparency: Empowering Consumers to Save on Quality Care
Executive Order: Promoting Quality and Efficient Health Care in Federal Government Administered or Sponsored Health Care Programs
In Focus: Health Care
Executive Order: Promoting Quality and Efficient Health Care in Federal Government Administered or Sponsored Health Care Programs
President Bush Discusses Health Transparency in Minnesota
Fact Sheet: Health Care Transparency: Empowering Consumers to Save on Quality Care
In Focus: Health Care
Personnel Announcement
August 21, 2006
Press Conference by the President
In Focus: Peace in the Middle East
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Women's Equality Day, 2006
August 19, 2006
President's Radio Address
August 18, 2006
President Bush Meets with Economic Advisors
In Focus: Jobs & Economy
President Bush to Welcome President Alan Garcia of Peru
August 17, 2006
President Bush Signs H.R. 4, the Pension Protection Act of 2006
Fact Sheet: The Pension Protection Act of 2006: Ensuring Greater Retirement Security for American Workers
President's Statement on H.R. 4, the "Pension Protection Act of 2006"
President Bush Signs H.R. 4, the Pension Protection Act of 2006
Fact Sheet: The Pension Protection Act of 2006: Ensuring Greater Retirement Security for American Workers
Statement on the Terrorist Surveillance Program
Statement on U.S. Drug Interdiction Assistance to the Government of Colombia
Memorandum for the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense
President Designates United States Postal Service Facilities
August 16, 2006
President Discusses Economy During Visit to Pennsylvania
In Focus: Jobs & Economy
President Bush to Welcome President Roh Moo-hyun of the Republic of Korea
Remarks by the President at Lynn Swann for Governor Reception
Personnel Announcement
August 15, 2006
President Bush Meets with Counterterrorism Team
In Focus: National Security
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for Texas
Vice President's Remarks at a Luncheon for Arizona Victory 2006
Personnel Announcement
August 14, 2006
President Discusses Foreign Policy During Visit to State Department
In Focus: Global Diplomacy
President Meets with Secretary of Defense and Defense Policy and Programs Team
In Focus: Defense
President Signs H.R. 5683, S. 250, H.R. 3682, and S. 3693
August 12, 2006
President's Radio Address
In Focus: Homeland Security
President Welcomes U.N. Security Council Resolution to Bring Lasting Peace to Middle East
In Focus: Peace in the Middle East
August 11, 2006
President Condemns Terrorist Attack in Najaf
August 10, 2006
President Heralds U.S. Economy, Small Business in Wisconsin
In Focus: Jobs & Economy
President Bush Discusses Terror Plot Upon Arrival in Wisconsin
In Focus: Homeland Security
President's Statement on Kleptocracy
Fact Sheet: National Strategy to Internationalize Efforts Against Kleptocracy
August 9, 2006
Personnel Announcement
Interview of the Vice President by Wire Service Reporters
August 7, 2006
President Bush and Secretary of State Rice Discuss the Middle East Crisis
In Focus: Peace in the Middle East
August 6, 2006
Press Briefing by National Security Advisor Steve Hadley
Press Briefing by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
August 5, 2006
President's Radio Address
In Focus: Immigration
August 4, 2006
President Looks Forward to Signing Pension Reform Legislation
Fact Sheet: Job Creation Continues - More Than 5.5 Million Jobs Created Since August 2003
In Focus: Jobs & Economy
President Signs H.R. 5877 and S. 3741
Presidential Delegation to Attend Inauguration of His Excellency Alvaro Uribe Velez, President of the Republic of Colombia
Presidential Delegation to Tokyo, Japan to Attend Funeral for Mr. Ryutaro Hashimoto, Former Prime Minister
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for Alaska
August 3, 2006
President Bush Discusses Comprehensive Immigration Reform in Texas
Fact Sheet: Operation Jump Start: Acting Now to Secure the Border
In Focus: Immigration
President Signs H.R. 4019, S. 310, and S. 1496
President Urges Cuban People to Work for Democratic Change
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
Notice: Continuation of Emergency Regarding Export Control Regulations
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Personnel Announcement
Personnel Announcement
August 2, 2006
President Visits White House Press Briefing Room Prior to Renovation
President Bush Tours Lake County Emergency Management Agency After Recent Flooding in Ohio
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for Ohio
President Designates United States Postal Service Facilities
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Nominations Sent to the Senate
August 1, 2006
President Thanks Naval Medical Staff After His Annual Physical
President Renews Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003
President Signs H.J.Res. 86, Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003
President Designates United States Postal Service Facilities
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for Ohio
President Bush Tours Lake County Emergency Management Agency After Recent Flooding in Ohio
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Personnel Announcement