January 31, 2006
President Bush Delivers State of the Union Address
State of the Union 2006 A Strong America Leading the World American Competitiveness Initiative The Advanced Energy Initiative Affordable And Accessible Health Care
President and Mrs. Bush Saddened by Death of Coretta Scott King
Photo Essay: Remembering Coretta Scott King
President Congratulates Judge Alito on Senate Confirmation
In Focus: Judicial Nominations
President's Statement on Senate Approval of Ben Bernanke as Next Federal Reserve Chairman
President Congratulates Kuwaiti's New Amir
Nominations Sent to the Senate
January 30, 2006
President Bush Meets with the Cabinet
President's Cabinet
President Pleased by Senate's Failure to Obstruct Vote for Judge Alito's Supreme Court Nomination
In Focus: Judicial Nominations
Fourth Anniversary of USA Freedom Corps, 2006
USA Freedom Corps
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives
Mrs. Bush to Lead Presidential Delegation to the 2006 Olympic Games in Turin, Italy
Personnel Announcement
January 28, 2006
President's Radio Address
January 27, 2006
President Welcomes Lebanese Parliament Member Saad Hariri to the White House
In Focus: Global Diplomacy
National African American History Month, 2006
African American History
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Personnel Announcement
January 26, 2006
Press Conference of the President
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for Kansas
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for Nebraska
January 25, 2006
President Visits National Security Agency
In Focus: National Security
President Meets with Former Law Clerks of Judge Samuel Alito
In Focus: Judicial Nominations
Nominations Sent to the Senate
President Announces Attorney General Gonzales to Lead U.S. Delegation to Attend Honduras Inauguration
January 24, 2006
President Welcomes Prime Minister Aziz of Pakistan to the White House
In Focus: Global Diplomacy
Setting the Record Straight: Charges Of "Domestic Spying"
Setting the Record Straight
Statement on a Call for the Release of Remaining Prisoners of Conscience in Syria
President Announces Secretary Jackson to Lead U.S. Delegation to Attend Funeral of Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova
Personnel Announcement
January 23, 2006
President Discusses Global War on Terror at Kansas State University
In Focus: National Security
In Focus: Renewal in Iraq
President Calls "March for Life" Participants
President's Statement on Death of President Ibrahim Rugova of Kosovo
January 22, 2006
Setting the Record Straight: Democrats Continue to Attack Terrorist Surveillance Program
Setting the Record Straight
January 21, 2006
President's Radio Address
January 20, 2006
Policy Memorandum: A Historical Comparison of the Current Economic Expansion
PDF version
In Focus: Jobs and Economy
Interview of the Vice President by Hugh Hewitt
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for South Carolina
National Sanctity of Human Life Day, 2006
January 19, 2006
President Highlights Importance of Small Business in Economic Growth
Fact Sheet: President Bush's Pro-Growth and Small Business Agenda
In Focus: Small Business
In Focus: Jobs and Economy
President Meets with Foundations to Help Aid Gulf Coast Recovery
In Focus: Hurricane Recovery
Vice President's Remarks on Iraq and the War on Terror at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research
Interview of the Vice President by Neil Cavuto, FOX News
Interview of the Vice President by Larry Kudlow, CNBC
Personnel Announcement
Personnel Announcement
January 18, 2006
President Meets with Victims of Saddam Hussein, Discusses Progress
In Focus: Renewal in Iraq
Statement on U.S. Pledge of $334 Million in Global Fight Against Bird Flu
In Focus: Pandemic Flu
Notice: Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Terrorists Who Threaten to Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
Nominations and Withdrawal Sent to the Senate
January 17, 2006
President Welcomes Belgian Prime Minister to the White House
In Focus: Global Diplomacy
President to Welcome Polish President Lech Kaczynski to the White House
Text of a Letter from the President to the Chairmen and Ranking Members of the House and Senate Committees on Foreign Relations, International Relations, and Appropriations
Personnel Announcement
January 16, 2006
President Honors Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at "Let Freedom Ring" Celebration
President Views Emancipation Proclamation at National Archives
The Emancipation Proclamation
President's Statement on the Death of Sheikh Jabir of Kuwait
January 14, 2006
President's Radio Address
In Focus: Judicial Nominations
January 13, 2006
President Welcomes German Chancellor Merkel to the White House
In Focus: Global Diplomacy
President Discusses Central American Relief and Reconstruction Efforts
President to Welcome Pakistani Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz to the White House
Vice President to Travel to Egypt and Saudi Arabia
Executive Order: Designating the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria as a Public International Organization Entitled to Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities
Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday, 2006
Religious Freedom Day, 2006
Personnel Announcement
January 12, 2006
President Visits Mississippi, Discusses Gulf Coast Reconstruction
Fact Sheet: A Commitment to Continued Recovery and Rebuilding in the Gulf Coast
In Focus: Hurricane Recovery
President Participates in Roundtable with Small Business Owners and Community Leaders in New Orleans
Fact Sheet: A Commitment to Continued Recovery and Rebuilding in the Gulf Coast
In Focus: Hurricane Recovery
Personnel Announcement
January 11, 2006
President Participates in Discussion on the Global War on Terror
In Focus: National Security
In Focus: Renewal in Iraq
Fact Sheet: The Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate
Interview of the Vice President by Tony Snow
Interview of the Vice President by Sean Hannity
President Signs H.R. 4340, U.S.-Bahrain Free Trade Agreement
Statement on H.R. 4340, "U.S.-Bahrain Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act"
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
Notice: Continuation of the National Emergency Relating to Cuba and of the Emergency Authority Relating to the Regulation of the Anchorage and Movement of Vessels
Statement on Federal Assistance for Texas
Personnel Announcement
January 10, 2006
President Addresses Veterans of Foreign Wars on the War on Terror
Fact Sheet: Progress and the Work Ahead in Iraq
National Strategy for Victory in Iraq
In Focus: Renewal in Iraq
In Focus: National Security
In Focus: Veterans
President Signs H.R. 972, Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act
In Focus: Human Trafficking
President's Statement on H.R. 972, the "Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005"
Statement on H.R. 972, the "Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005"
Statement on House Resolutions
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for Oklahoma
January 9, 2006
President Discusses Education, Celebrates NCLB's 4th Anniversary
Fact Sheet: No Child Left Behind - Strengthening America's Education System
In Focus: Education
President Discusses Confirmation Hearing of Judge Alito with Press
In Focus: Judicial Nominations
President Announces Secretary Johanns to Lead U.S. Delegation to Kazakhstan Inauguration
Presidential Message: Eid Al-Adha
Personnel Announcement
January 7, 2006
President's Radio Address
January 6, 2006
President Discusses Strong and Growing Economy
In Focus: Jobs and Economy
Fact Sheet: President Bush's Agenda for Job Creation and Economic Opportunity
Fact Sheet: Economic Growth Continues - Unemployment Falls Below 5 Percent
President Signs H.R. 1815, the "National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2006"
President's Statement on H.R. 1815, the "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006"
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
Notice of Intention to Enter Into a Free Trade Agreement with Peru
Vice President's Remarks on the Economy
Vice President's Remarks at a Rally for the Troops
Personnel Announcement
January 5, 2006
President Meets with Current & Former Secretaries of State and Defense
In Focus: Renewal in Iraq
President's Remarks at U.S. University Presidents Summit on International Education
In Focus: Education
President Signs H.R. 3402, the "Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005"
January 4, 2006
President Discusses War on Terror Following Pentagon Briefing
In Focus: National Security
In Focus: Defense
Vice President's Remarks on Iraq and the War on Terror
President's Statement on Health of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
Statement on Death of His Highness Shaykh Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for North Dakota
Statement on Federal Assistance for Minnesota
Personnel Announcement
Personnel Announcement
Setting the Record Straight: Critics Launch Attacks Against Program to Detect and Prevent Terrorist Attacks
January 3, 2006
President Discusses Use and Reauthorization of USA PATRIOT Act
U.S. Attorneys Discuss Patriot Act Meeting with the President
January 1, 2006
President Visits Troops at Brooke Army Medical Center
In Focus: Defense