December 31, 2005
President's Radio Address
December 30, 2005
President's Statement on Signing of H.R. 2863, the "Department of Defense, Emergency Supplemental Appropriations to Address Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, and Pandemic Influenza Act, 2006"
President Signs House and Senate Resolutions
President's Statement on the Department of Defense, Emergency Supplemental Appropriations to Address Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, and Pandemic Influenza Act, 2006
President's Statement on H.R. 3010, the 'Department of Labor, Heath and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006'
Memorandum for the Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense
Memorandum for the Secretary of Commerce, Secretary of Labor and United States Trade Representative
Presidential Message: New Year's Day, 2006
December 26, 2005
President Offers Thoughts and Prayers, Remains Committed to Helping Those Affected by the Tsunami Tragedy One Year Ago
December 24, 2005
President's Radio Address
Holidays at the White House 2005
Statement on Conviction of Egyptian Politician Ayman Nour
December 22, 2005
President Discusses Accomplishments and Future Priorities
Fact Sheet: President Bush's Accomplishments in 2005
President Applauds Congress for Passing Defense Appropriations Bill
President Pledges to Work with Congress to Re-Authorize Patriot Act
Statement on House and Senate Resolutions
Statement on Countries Eligible for Economic and Trade Benefits under African Growth and Opportunity Act
Executive Order: Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay
2006 Salary Tables and Related Information
Executive Order: Providing An Order of Succession Within the Department of Defense
Proclamation by the President: To Take Certain Actions Under the African Growth and Opportunity Act, 2005
Proclamation by the President: To Implement the United States-Morocco Free Trade Agreement
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense
Memorandum for the Secretary of Transportation
National Mentoring Month, 2006
Fact Sheet: Fiscal Year 2006: Keeping the Commitment to Restrain Spending
December 21, 2005
President and Mrs. Bush Thank Military Medical Caregivers
President Signs H.R. 4440, the Gulf Opportunity Zone Act of 2005
Fact Sheet: A Commitment to Continued Recovery and Rebuilding in the Gulf Coast
In Focus: Hurricane Recovery
President Urges Senate to Reauthorize Patriot Act and Pass Defense Bill
President Appreciates Senate Extension of Patriot Act, Looks Forward to Re-Authorization in July
President Applauds Congress for Vote to Reduce Entitlement Spending
Statement on Additional Disaster Assistance for Mississippi from Hurricane Katrina
Statement on H.R. 4440, the "Gulf Opportunity Zone Act of 2005"
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Personnel Announcement
December 20, 2005
President Attends Swearing-In of Millennium Challenge CEO
President Signs "Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act of 2005"
President Signs S. 52, S. 136, S. 212, S. 279 and S. 1886
Statement on Additional Federal Disaster Assistance for Louisiana
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for South Dakota
Vice President's Remarks During a Tour of the 212th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital
Vice President's Remarks in a Meeting with Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf
Vice President's Remarks to the Traveling Press
Remarks by Stephen Hadley, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
Memorandum for the Director of National Intelligence
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Interview of the Vice President by CNN
December 19, 2005
Press Conference of the President
President Visits "Toys for Tots" Collection Center
President Thanks Speaker and House Leaders for Meeting National Priorities
President Congratulates the Afghan People on Inauguration of Afghan National Assembly
Statement on President Congratulating Congolese People on Voting for New Constitution
Presidential Message: Christmas 2005
Presidential Message: Hanukkah 2005
Presidential Message: Kwanzaa 2005
Vice President's Remarks at a Rally for the Troops in Afghanistan
Personnel Announcement
Personnel Announcement
December 18, 2005
President's Address to the Nation
In Focus: Renewal in Iraq
Vice President's Remarks at a Rally for the Troops in Iraq
Interview of the Vice President by ABC News
Statement on H.J. Res. 75
December 17, 2005
President's Radio Address
In Focus: Homeland Security
December 16, 2005
President Meets with Ambassador to the United Nations from Iraq
In Focus: Renewal in Iraq
Vice President to Travel to the Middle East
President Commends Congress for Passing Tax Incentives to Assist Gulf Coast Region
President Calls on U.S. Senate to End Filibuster of the Patriot Act
Message to the Congress of the United States
Message to the Congress of the United States on Information Sharing
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies
President Announces Delegation to Indonesia for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Commemoration
Statement on Federal Assistance for Connecticut
Wright Brothers Day, 2005
Personnel Announcement
Nominations Sent to the Senate
President Applauds House for Passing Immigration Reform Bill
In Focus: Immigration
December 15, 2005
President Visits with Iraqi Out-Of-Country Voters
In Focus: Renewal in Iraq
President Meets with McCain & Warner, Discusses Position on Interrogation
Statement on Assistance for Africa Under President's Malaria Initiative
Fact Sheet: Protecting New Orleans From Future Flooding
In Focus: Hurricane Relief
Nominations Sent to the Senate
December 14, 2005
President Discusses Iraqi Elections, Victory in the War on Terror
In Focus: National Security
In Focus: Renewal in Iraq
President Commends House for Reauthorizing the Patriot Act
Statement on Presidential Directive on U.S. Efforts for Reconstruction and Stabilization
Executive Order: Improving Agency Disclosure of Information
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives
Nominations Sent to the Senate
December 13, 2005
President Participates in Medicare Roundtable with Seniors
In Focus: Medicare
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Personnel Announcement
December 12, 2005
President Discusses War on Terror and Upcoming Iraqi Elections
Fact Sheet: Democracy in Iraq
In Focus: National Security
In Focus: Renewal in Iraq
Statement on the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) Summit Declaration
President Condemns Murder of Gebran Tueni of Lebanon
December 11, 2005
President and Mrs. Bush Attend "Christmas in Washington"
Holidays at the White House 2005
December 10, 2005
President's Radio Address
Statement by the Press Secretary on a Call for the Release of Dr. Kamal Labwani and Other
December 9, 2005
Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day, and Human Rights Week, 2005
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate
Statement on Federal Assistance for Alaska
President's Remarks at Mark Kennedy '06 and Minnesota Republican Party Victory Reception
December 8, 2005
President Bush Meets with Austria Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel
December 7, 2005
President Discusses War on Terror and Rebuilding Iraq
In Focus: Renewal in Iraq
Fact Sheet: Rebuilding Iraq
President's Statement on Governor Carroll Campbell
Statement on H.R. 584 and H.R. 680
Setting the Record Straight: Rep. Pelosi Downplays Progress In Iraq
December 6, 2005
President Meets with World Health Organization Director-General
In Focus: Healthcare
President and Mrs. Bush Participate in Menorah Lighting Ceremony
Holidays at the White House 2005
President to Welcome Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt to the White House
Vice President's Remarks at a Rally for the Troops
December 5, 2005
President Discusses Economy and Tax Relief in North Carolina
Fact Sheet: President Bush's Agenda for Economic Growth
In Focus: Jobs and Economy
President and Mrs. Bush Host Children's Holiday Reception
Holidays at the White House 2005
Fact Sheet: Progress on the 9/11 Commission Recommendations
December 4, 2005
President Welcomes Kennedy Center Honorees to the White House
December 3, 2005
President's Radio Address
In Focus: Immigration
December 2, 2005
President Discusses Strong Economic Growth and Job Creation
In Focus: Jobs and Economy
President's Statement on Andrew Natsios
December 1, 2005
President and Mrs. Bush Discuss HIV/AIDS Initiatives on World AIDS Day
Fact Sheet: Commemorating World AIDS Day
Office of National AIDS Policy
World AIDS Day, 2005
President Bush Lights National Christmas Tree at Pageant of Peace
Holidays at the White House 2005
President Signs H.R. 4145 to Place Statue of Rosa Parks in U.S. Capitol
Statement on H.R. 4145, Directing a Statue of Rosa Parks be placed in U.S. Capitol in National Statuary Hall
Statement on Federal Assistance for Kentucky
Statement by the Press Secretary on Bill Signings