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Vice President Dick Cheney meets with British Ambassador Sir David Manning during a private briefing at the British Embassy in Washington D.C., Friday, July 8, 2005. The Vice President participated in the signing of a condolence book for the victims of Thursday's terrorist attacks in London. White House photo by David Bohrer
Vice President Dick Cheney meets with British Ambassador Sir David Manning during a private briefing at the British Embassy in Washington D.C., Friday, July 8, 2005. The Vice President participated in the signing of a condolence book for the victims of Thursday's terrorist attacks in London. White House photo by David Bohrer
Vice President Dick Cheney meets with British Ambassador Sir David Manning during a private briefing at the British Embassy in Washington D.C., Friday, July 8, 2005. The Vice President participated in the signing of a condolence book for the victims of Thursday's terrorist attacks in London. White House photo by David Bohrer
President George W. Bush shares a light moment with Tanzanian President Benjamin Mkapa during the morning session of the G8 Summit Friday, July 8, 2005, at Gleneagles Hotel in Auchterarder, Scotland. Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair, who returned from London late last night, sits at left. White House photo by Eric Draper
G8 leaders gather around the table for a morning session at the Gleneagles Hotel in Auchterarder, Scotland. The summit ended Friday, July 8, 2005. White House photo by Eric Draper

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