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First lady Laura Bush is given a tour of St. John at the Lateran Church in Rome by art historian Dr. Stefano Aluffi-Pentini Thursday, April 7, 2005. The President and Mrs. Bush are in Italy for the scheduled Friday funeral of Pope John Paul II. White House photo by Krisanne Johnson
First lady Laura Bush is given a tour of St. John at the Lateran Church in Rome by art historian Dr. Stefano Aluffi-Pentini Thursday, April 7, 2005. The President and Mrs. Bush are in Italy for the scheduled Friday funeral of Pope John Paul II. White House photo by Krisanne Johnson
President George W. Bush is greeted upon his arrival to Quirinale Palace by Italy's President Carlo Ciampi Thursday, April 7, 2005. President Bush made the courtesy call while in Rome for the Friday funeral of Pope John Paul II. White House photo by Eric Draper
President George W. Bush and first lady Laura Bush are greeted upon their arrival to Quirinale Palace by Italy's President and first lady, Carlo and Franca Ciampi, Thursday, April 7, 2005. President and Mrs. Bush paid the courtesy visit while in Rome for the funeral of Pope John Paul II. White House photo by Eric Draper
First lady Laura Bush is given a tour of St. John at the Lateran Church in Rome by art historian Dr. Stefano Aluffi-Pentini Thursday, April 7, 2005. The President and Mrs. Bush are in Italy for the scheduled Friday funeral of Pope John Paul II. White House photo by Krisanne Johnson

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