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News Archive - December 2003

News releases for December 2003

December 31, 2003
Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary
Presidential Message: New Year's Day
December 30, 2003
To Implement the United States-Chile Free Trade Agreement
To Implement the United States-Singapore Free Trade Agreement
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives
Executive Order Assignment of Functions Relating to Arrivals in and Departures from the United States
Executive Order Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay
Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary
To Take Certain Actions Under the African Growth and Opportunity Act, and for Other Purposes
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
December 27, 2003
President's Radio Address en Español
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U.S. to Deploy Humanitarian Assistance to People of Iran
December 26, 2003
Personnel Announcement
Statement on Earthquake in Iran
December 25, 2003
Presidential Message
President George W. Bush talks during Christmas Eve telephone calls to members of the Armed Forces at Camp David  White House photo by Eric Draper December 24, 2003
Barbara Bush, Andy Card Read Christmas Eve Holiday Stories
December 23, 2003
Secretary Veneman Reads Holiday Bedtime Stories
     Fact sheet In Focus: Holiday 2003
Remarks by the Vice President
Personnel Announcement
President George W. Bush and Laura Bush take part in the Angel Tree Family Christmas at Shiloh Baptist Church in Alexandria, Va., Monday, Dec. 22, 2003. Began in 1982 by Prison Fellowship, the program helps provides Christmas gifts to children who has an incarcerated parent.   White House photo by Tina Hager December 22, 2003
Remarks by the President in Visit with Angel Tree Children
President Participates in Menorah Lighting Ceremony
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Fact Sheet: Guidance Released on Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)
Statement by the Press Secretary
December 21, 2003
Threat Level Raised
     Fact sheet In Focus: Homeland Security
December 20, 2003
President's Radio Address en Español
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President George W. Bush makes a statement to the press on Libya agreeing to dismantle its weapons of mass destruction program on Friday December 19, 2003.  White House photo by Paul Morse December 19, 2003
President Bush: Libya Pledges to Dismantle WMD Programs
     Fact sheet Fact Sheet
Presidential Message: Kwanzaa 2003
President's Hanukkah Message
President's Christmas Message en Español
Personnel Announcement
Statement by the Press Secretary
OMB Director Reads Hanukkah Stories
Statement by the President on S. 1680
Statement by the President
Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement by the Press Secretary
President George W. Bush speaks to U.S. Army Corporal James Rednour, of Ft. Campbell, Kentucky, after presenting him The Purple Heart for injuries Cpl. Rednour sustained while serving in Iraq. President Bush visited troops at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washinton, D.C., Thursday, December 18, 2003. Cpl. Rednour�s parents, Chuck and Cindy look on.  White House photo by Eric Draper December 18, 2003
President Bush Meets with Wounded Soldiers at Walter Reed en Español
Treasury Secretary Snow Reads "Olive, the Other Reindeer"
President George W. Bush waves to the crowd before speaking at the Wright Brothers National Memorial First Flight Celebration in Kill Devil Hills, N.C., Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2003.  White House photo by Paul Morse December 17, 2003
President Commemorates 100th Anniversary of Wright Brothers Flight
Wright Brothers Day, 2003
Statement on Presidential Envoy Baker's Meeting with Italian PM
December 17, 2003 Homeland Security Presidential Directive/Hspd-8
December 17, 2003 Homeland Security Presidential Directive/Hspd-7
Executive Order Appointments During National Emergency
Statement on H.J.Res. 63
Presidential Letter
Presidential Letter
President George W. Bush signs H. R. 2297, the Veterans Benefits Act of 2003, in the Oval Office Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2003. The act expands the benefits program for veterans and their surviving spouses. In attendance are, from left: veterans Dave Thornton of Haymarket, Va.; Charles Stenger of Bethesda, Md.; Carol Near of East Moline, Ill.; Congressman Rob Simmons, R-Conn.; Congressman Chris Smith, R-N.J.; Congressman Lane Evans, D-Ill.; Congressman Henry Brown, R-S.C.; Congressman Bob Filner, D-Calif.; and veteran Guillermo Rumingan of Arlington, Va.  White House photo by Paul Morse December 16, 2003
President Bush Signs American Dream Downpayment Act of 2003 en Español
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     Fact sheet In Focus: Home Ownership
FTC Chair to Discuss Anti-Spam Bill Today on Ask the White House
     Fact sheet Fact Sheet: Anti-Spam Law
Statement on H.J.Res. 82 and S. 877
Statement on Iraq's Debt Burden
Fact Sheet: Expanding Homeownership Opportunities for All Americans en Español
Statement by the President
Memorandum for the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense
Statement on H.R. 3491, H.R. 2297 and S. 811
Official Language of the Joint Statement
President George W. Bush holds a press conference in the Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Office Building Monday, Dec. 15, 2003.   White House photo by Paul Morse December 15, 2003
President Bush Holds Press Conference
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Remarks by the Vice President at An Event for Bush-Cheney '04
Facts About the New Iraqi Healthcare System
Designation of a Presidential Delegation
Nightly Holiday Bedtime Stories to be Featured on White House Web Site
Presidential Letter
Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement on John Breaux
President George W. Bush addresses the nation on the capture of Saddam Hussein from the Cabinet Room, Sunday, Dec. 14, 2003.  White House photo by Eric Draper December 14, 2003
President Bush Addresses Nation on the Capture of Saddam Hussein en Español
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White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan Briefs Reporters Sunday
Statement on Bill Roth
December 13, 2003
Statement on H.R. 2417
Fact Sheet: 2003: A Year of Accomplishment for the American People en Español
Statement on H.R. 2417
VP Remarks for Matt Blunt
President's Radio Address en Español
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Laura Bush visits with 4-month-old Devon Garner and his mother Tracy Garner at the Children's National Medical Center in Washington, D.C., Friday, Dec. 12, 2003. Mrs. Bush attended the hospital's annual Christmas program.  White House photo by Susan Sterner December 12, 2003
President Bush Nominates Alphonso Jackson as new HUD Secretary
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Statement by the President on H.R. 2115
Statement by the President on H.R. 1828
Statement by the Press Secretary
Barney Cam II: Barney Reloaded Released Friday
President George W. Bush speaks to reporters at the end of his Cabinet Meeting, Thursday, Dec. 11, 2003.  White House photo by Eric Draper December 11, 2003
President Discusses Year-End Accomplishments in Cabinet Meeting
Personnel Announcement
Remarks by the President at Bush-Cheney 2004 Luncheon
Presidential Determination
Remarks by the Vice President at the Dedication Ceremony for the National Air and Space Museum
President George W. Bush meets with Iraqi Senior Diplomatic Representative Rend Al-Rahim and members of Iraq's National Symphony Orchestra in the Roosevelt Room Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2003. President Bush and Ms. Al-Rahim attended a performance by the orchestra at the Kennedy Center Dec. 9, 2003.  White House photo by Paul Morse December 10, 2003
President Meets with Iraqi National Symphony
Statement on Senator Paul Simon
Human Rights Week, 2003
Statement on Bob Bartley
President George W. Bush and Premier Wen Jiabao of China stand for the playing their national anthems during an Arrival Ceremony on the South Lawn Tuesday, Dec. 9, 2003.   White House photo by Paul Morse December 9, 2003
President Bush Welcomes Premier of China to the White House
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Nominations and Withdrawal Sent to the Senate
Personnel Announcement
National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month, 2003
President Bush and Premier Wen Jiabao Remarks to the Press
Message to the Senate of the United States
Message to the Senate of the United States
Statement on John Bridgeland
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Statement on H.R. 3348
Statement on Federal Assistance for U.S. Virgin Islands
Statement on Federal Assistance for Virginia
Executive Order
Statement on Mel Martinez
Background Briefing on President's Meeting with Chinese Premier Wen
President George W. Bush signs H. R. 1, the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003, at Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C., Dec. 8, 2003. "With this law, we are providing more access to comprehensive exams, disease screenings, and other preventative care, so that seniors across this land can live better and healthier lives," said President Bush.  White House photo by Paul Morse December 8, 2003
President Signs Medicare Legislation en Español
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     Fact sheet In Focus: Medicare
Fact Sheet: Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 en Español
Fact Sheet: Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba
Statement on Joe Skeen
Statement by President on H.R. 1
Statement on H.R. 1
Message to the Congress of the United States
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Remarks by the Vice President at a Reception for Congressman Randy Neugebauer
December 6, 2003
President's Radio Address en Español
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Statement by the Press Secretary
President George W. Bush participates in a conversation on the economy with employees of the Home Depot home improvement stores in Baltimore, Maryland on December 5, 2003.  White House photo by Paul Morse December 5, 2003
President Bush Discusses the Economy at the Home Depot in Maryland
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     Fact sheet In Focus: Jobs and Economy
Statement on James A. Baker III
Fact Sheet: 57,000 Americans Find Work in November
Remarks by the President at Bush-Cheney 2004 Luncheon
Executive Order
Membership of the President's Task Force on Puerto Rico's Status
National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, 2003
Statement by the Press Secretary
Remarks by the Vice President at a Reception for Congressman John Sullivan
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
President George W. Bush signs H.R. 2622, the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003, into law during a ceremony in the Roosevelt Room Thursday, December 4, 2003.  White House photo by Tina Hager December 4, 2003
President Bush Signs Identity Theft Legislation
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     Fact sheet Fact Sheet
     Fact sheet Treasury Secretary Discusses Identity Theft
President Bush Lights the National Christmas Tree
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President Bush and His Majesty King Abdullah of Jordan Remarks
Fact Sheet: the Presidential Determination on Steel
President's Statement on Steel
     Fact sheet Steel Proclamation
Fact Sheet: President Bush Signs the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003
Statement on H.R. 2622
President George W. Bush signs the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 at the Department of Agriculture Wednesday, December 3, 2003.  White House photo by Tina Hager December 3, 2003
President Bush Signs Healthy Forest Restoration Act into Law en Español
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     Fact sheet In Focus: Healthy Forests
Statement by the Press Secretary
Fact Sheet: President Bush Signs Healthy Forests Restoration Act Into Law en Español
King Abdullah of Jordan to Visit Washington
President Bush Signs Nanotechnology Research and Development Act
     Fact sheet In Focus: Technology
Statement on Robert L. Bartley
Personnel Announcement
Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement on S. 189
President George W. Bush signs the Adoption Promotion Act of 2003 in the Roosevelt Room December 2, 2003. Pictured with the President are the Chris and Diana Martin family. Their children are Katrina, 13, Ashley, 12, T.J., 11, Kyle, 10, Travis, 10, Dakota, 8, and Terrance, 7. Also pictured are Congressman James Oberstar, far left, Senator Mary Landrieu, and at back right, Congressman Dave Camp.  White House photo by Eric Draper December 2, 2003
President Bush Signs the Adoption Promotion Act of 2003
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Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement on S. 1590
Remarks by the President at Bush-Cheney 2004 Luncheon
President Bush Congratulates 2003 Winston Cup Drivers
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President George W. Bush discusses jobs and the economy with employers and employees from the Detroit metropolitan area at Dynamic Metal Treating in Canton, Mich., Monday, Dec. 1, 2003.  White House photo by Tina Hager December 1, 2003
Statement by the Press Secretary
Personnel Announcement
President Discusses Economy in Michigan
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World AIDS Day, 2003
Remarks by the President at Bush-Cheney 2004 Reception
Statement on H.R. 2754