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Historical View of the EEOB — Tour Information and Photo Credits

Online Virtual Tour of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building

The Saturday public tour program has been suspended since 2001, but a virtual tour is available online to learn more about the building's history, some of its more notable occupants, and see examples of its high style Victorian character. The photo credits below relate to the images seen on the online tour.

Photo Credits

  1. Exterior, North Facade
    (1985, White House)
  2. Original Construction
    (1873, National Archives)
  3. Room 308
    (1984, Walter Smalling)
  4. Room 308 Detail of Ceiling
    (1984, White House)
  5. Secretary of State Cordell Hull
    (1949, National Archives)
  6. State Department Employee
    (1945, Jean St. Thomas)
  7. Interior Hall at Stairway
    (1986, Walter Smalling)
  8. Detail of Column Capital
    (1986, Executive Office of the President)
  9. Indian Treaty Room
    (1991, Joyce Naltchayn)
  10. East Rotunda
    (1986, Walter Smalling)
  11. Navy Department Library and Reception Room
    (c.1900, National Archives)
  12. President Eisenhower
    (1956, Eisenhower Library/AP)
  13. Hallway at Stairs
    (1991, Executive Office of the President)
  14. Detail of a Column Capital
    (1991, Executive Office of the President)
  15. Vice President's Office
    (1987, Harlan Hambright)
  16. Office of the Secretary of the Navy
    (c.1905, National Archives)
  17. Theodore Roosevelt
    (1897, Library of Congress)
  18. North Dome
    (1985, Walter Smalling)
  19. EOP Law Library
    (1985, Walter Smalling)
  20. EOP Law Library
    (1985, White House)
  21. War Doorknob
    (1991, Executive Office of the President)
  22. West Rotunda
    (1987, Walter Smalling)
  23. West Rotunda Detail of Griffin
    (1991, Executive Office of the President)
  24. OEOB and First Division Memorial
    (1991, H. Weidman)

Historical View of the EEOB
The 1800's  —  The 1900's
Tour Information & Photo Cre dits

Historical View  |  Chronology of Construction  |  Historical Facts
Eisenhower Executive Office Building