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White House Fellows
Winter 2003 | VOLUME 27 | Number 1 |
While the 2002-2003 Class of White House Fellows is busy with the education program and in the work placements, efforts also are underway to select another outstanding class. As always, the process will kick-off with WHF alumni carefully reading and scoring each application for the 2003-2004 class.
Many alumni have graciously offered to host reading sessions across the country during the month of February. We hope that all alumni can find time in their busy schedules to attend a reading session. Review of the applications by alumni plays an absolutely critical role in narrowing the field of applicants - and the more alumni who read each application the better! We hope you'll contact a host today and sign-up to read.
Boston | 2/8 | 9 AM - 4 PM |
Suzy Becker sbecker104@aol.com |
Miami | 2/15 | 9 AM - 4 PM |
Willie Ferrer wifredo.ferrer@usdoj.gov |
New York | 2/11 | 5 PM - 9 PM |
Diane Yu diane.yu@nyu.edu |
2/13 | 5 PM - 9 PM |
Khalid Azim khalid.azim@morganstanley.com |
2/18 | 5 PM - 9 PM |
Diane Yu diane.yu@nyu.edu |
Oakland | 2/15 | 9 AM - 4 PM |
Wilson Talley hertzwkt@aol.com |
Philadelphia | 2/15 | 9 AM - 4 PM |
Geoff Shepard geoffrey.shepard@axa-advisors.com |
Santa Monica | 2/8 | 9 AM - 4 PM |
Wally Baer baer@rand.org Joan Abrahamson jeffersoninst@earthlink.net |
Seattle | 2/15 | 9 AM - 4 PM |
Nelson Dong dong.nelson@dorseylaw.com Steve Hill steve-r-hill@weyerhaeuser.com |
St. Paul | 2/18 | 5 PM - 9 PM |
Tanya Pekel tanya.pekel@spps.org |
West Point | 2/22 | 8 AM - 5 PM |
Maggie Belknap Margaret.Belknap@usma.edu Leigh Warner leighwarner@earthlink.net |
Washington, D.C. | 2/8 | 9 AM - 4 PM |
Kathryn Allen Kathryn.Allen@verizon.net David Moore David.Moore@pentagon.af.mil |
2/15 | 9 AM - 4 PM |
Bobbi Shea Sheabl@aol.com |
2/22 | 9 AM - 4 PM |
Esther Benjamin esther_benjamin@yahoo.com |
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