Conserving America’s Wetlands 2007:
Three Years of Progress
Implementing the President’s Goal
Appendix D.
Department of Commerce
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Table D-1. NOAA Programs Supporting the President's Wetlands Goal in FY 2008. Funding (millions of dollars)
Agency |
Program | Restore or Create | Improve | Protect | Total Wetlands Funding for Goal FY 2008 | Difference from FY 2007 |
Fisheries Habitat Restoration | 0.842 | 13.430 | 0.000 | 14.272 | -3.542 |
Great Lakes Restoration Program | 0.000 | 1.500 | 0.000 | 1.500 | 0.000 |
Total | 0.842 | 14.930 | 0.000 | 15.772 | -3.542 |
Table D-2. NOAA Programs Supporting the President's Wetlands Goal in FY 2008. Planned Accomplishments (in acres)
Agency |
Program | Restore or Create | Improve | Protect | Total Wetlands FY 2008 | Difference from FY 2007 |
Fisheries Habitat Restoration | 2,000 | 3,000 | 0 | 5.000 | 500 |
Great Lakes Restoration Program | 0 | 75 | 0 | 75 | 0 |
Total | 2,000 | 3,075 | 0 | 5,075 | 500 |
NOAA Programs Supporting the President's Wetlands Goal
Community-based Restoration Program (CRP): The
CRP applies a grassroots approach to restoration by actively
engaging community members in on-the-ground restoration of
coastal fishery habitats around the Nation. The CRP embraces
cooperative conservation by establishing partnerships that
collaboratively restore NOAA trust resources, improving
environmental quality and strengthening stewardship within
local communities. FY 2008 funding request is $12.8 million. programs/crp/
Great Lakes Habitat Restoration Program: In FY 2008, NOAA will establish a cross-NOAA program to coordinate habitat restoration and protection efforts. Taking into account the priority needs identified by the Great Lakes Interagency Task Force, NOAA will focus its restoration and protection to support ongoing efforts at watersheds within Great Lakes Areas of Concern. FY 2008 funding request is $1.5 million.
NOAA Programs that Maintain the Wetlands Base
National Estuarine Research Reserve System: This
network of protected areas was established for long-term
research, education, and stewardship. The partnership program
between NOAA and the coastal states protects more than
one million acres of estuarine land and water, which provides
essential habitat for wildlife; offers educational opportunities for
students, teachers, and the public; and serves as living laboratories
for scientists. FY 2008 funding request is $16.8 million.
Coastal Zone Management Program (CZM): CZM is a
voluntary Federal–state partnership dedicated to comprehensive
management of the Nation’s coastal resources. State CZM
programs contain provisions for the protection of estuaries,
coastal wetlands, and other natural resources. Funding
supports implementation of state CZM programs, including
numerous state and local coastal habitat protection and
restoration projects. FY 2008 funding request is $66.1 million.
Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program
(CELCP): The CELCP was established to protect coastal and
estuarine lands considered important for their ecological,
conservation, recreational, historical, or aesthetic values, giving
priority to lands with significant ecological values that can be
effectively managed and protected. The program provides
funding to state and local governments to acquire such lands to
ensure they are permanently conserved for the benefit of
future generations. FY 2008 funding request is $15 million.
Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund (PCSRF): Congress established the PCSRF to contribute to the restoration
and conservation of Pacific salmon and steelhead populations
and their habitats. The states of Washington, Oregon, California,
Idaho, and Alaska, and the Pacific Coastal and Columbia River
tribes receive Congressional PCSRF appropriations from NOAA’s
National Marine Fisheries Service each year. The fund supplements
existing state, tribal, and local programs to foster
development of Federal-state-tribal-local partnerships in salmon
and steelhead recovery and conservation. The President’s
FY 2008 request for the fund is $66.8 million.
National Estuaries Restoration Inventory: This program
was created to track estuary habitat restoration projects across
the Nation. The purpose of the inventory is to provide information
on restoration projects in order to improve restoration
methods, as well as to track acreage restored toward the millionacre
goal of the Estuary Restoration Act.
Damage Assessment, Remediation, and Restoration
Program (DARRP): As a natural resource trustee, NOAA acts on
behalf of the public to restore resources injured by oil spills,
releases of other hazardous substances, and vessel groundings.
DARRP collaborates with other Federal, state, and tribal natural
resource trustees in assessing and quantifying injuries to natural
resources, seeking damages for those injuries, implementing
restoration actions, and monitoring progress to ensure restoration
goals are met. FY 2008 funding request is $8.9 million.