Conserving America’s Wetlands 2007:
Three Years of Progress
Implementing the President’s Goal
Appendix E.
Department of the Army
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Civil Works
Table E-1. USACE Programs Supporting the President's Wetland Goal in FY 2008. Funding (millions of dollars)*
Agency |
Program | Restore or Create | Improve | Protect | Total Wetlands Funding for Goal FY 2008 | Difference from FY 2007 |
USACE Civil Works |
Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Program | 51.873 | 170.000 | 0.525 | 222.398 | -60.602 |
Excludes regulatory program, mitigation, and Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act. Includes funding for projects that will result in acres to be counted in future fiscal years.
Table E-2. USACE Programs Supporting the President's Wetland Goal in FY 2008. Planned Accomplishments (in acres)
Agency |
Program | Restore or Create | Improve | Protect | Total Wetlands Funding for Goal FY 2008 | Difference from FY 2007 |
USACE Civil Works |
Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Program | 3,795 | 14,827 | 185 | 18,807 | -242,547 |
USACE Projects Supporting the President's Wetland Goal
Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration: The USACE has numerous study, project-specific, and programmatic authorities for implementing aquatic ecosystem restoration projects. In addition, activities contributing to the President’s goal may occur on the 12 million acres of water and land managed by the USACE for other purposes, such as flood damage reduction, navigation, and recreation. Another contribution is the use of dredged material to create, restore, or improve wetland habitat as part of routine maintenance dredging of Federal channels.
The data in the tables above represent a subset of the total USACE commitment to achieving the President’s goal. Because most USACE restoration projects take several years to complete, the funds appropriated in any one fiscal year have a minimal correlation to the number of acres that count toward the President’s goal in that fiscal year. Projects are included in the budget based on their effectiveness in addressing significant regional or national aquatic ecological problems. The aquatic ecosystem studies and projects proposed by the USACE for funding in FY 2008 include the following examples (the large number of projects precludes a comprehensive list within this document):
Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP): The primary and overarching purpose of CERP is to restore the
South Florida ecosystem, which includes the Everglades. The plan
provides the framework and guidance to restore, protect, and
preserve the water resources of the greater Everglades ecosystem.
CERP has been described as the world’s largest ecosystem
restoration effort, and includes providing more natural flows of
water, improved water quality, and more natural hydro-periods
within the remaining natural areas. The plan is intended to help
restore the ecosystem while ensuring clean and reliable water
supplies, and providing flood protection in urban areas.
Louisiana Coastal Area Ecosystem Restoration: More
than one million acres of Louisiana’s coastal wetlands have
been lost since the 1930s; another one-third of a million acres
could be lost over the next 50 years unless large-scale corrective
actions are taken. The ecosystem restoration program will
construct significant restoration features; undertake demonstration
projects; study potentially promising large-scale, longterm
concepts; and take other needed actions to restore the
ecosystem. A 10-year plan of studies and projects was developed
through a public involvement process, and working
closely with other Federal agencies and the State of Louisiana.
Upper Mississippi River Restoration: Originally authorized
in 1986 but significantly modified in 1999, this program
provides for planning, construction, and evaluation of measures
for fish and wildlife habitat rehabilitation. Multiple habitat
projects are helping to revitalize the side channels and to restore
island, aquatic, and riparian habitat in the Upper Mississippi River.
The program also includes funds for the collection of project and
systemic baseline data and monitoring.
USACE Programs that Maintain the Wetland Base
Together with their partners, the USACE provides environmental stewardship of nearly 12 million acres of public land and water and oversees the natural resources management of 456 operating civil works water resources projects nationwide. The USACE strives to provide sound environmental stewardship of lands and waters entrusted to its care, while accomplishing multiple authorized project purposes. Its Natural Resources Management Mission is to manage and conserve those natural resources (including fish and wildlife, woodlands and grasslands, wetlands, soils, and water) consistent with ecosystem sustainability principles, to serve the needs of present and future generations.
The stewardship of wetland resources is an integral part of the USACE responsibility. Although the classification and quantity of wetlands acreage under USACE stewardship has not yet been determined, an inventory of natural resources (including wetlands) is required for each project. This effort is under way and is being accomplished as fiscal resources allow.
Information from the inventories is incorporated into master
plans and operational management plans and used to help
manage, conserve, and protect wetland resources. Where
feasible, wetland resources management is integrated to
capture mutual benefits (e.g., for efforts to manage wetlanddependent
plants and animals, including endangered species). In addition, the effects of existing and proposed land use
activities are monitored or evaluated to guard against wetland
degradation or loss. Opportunities to enhance wetland quality
and quantity are implemented where feasible, employing
partnerships and volunteer assistance where possible.
Engineer Research and Development Center: Within the
Environmental Laboratory, the Wetlands and Coastal Ecology
group conducts field and laboratory investigations on biotic and
abiotic resources in wetlands and coastal systems and develops
products/systems supporting assessment, restoration, and
management of wetlands and coastal ecosystems. Examples of
wetlands research include the development of improved
standards, techniques, and guidelines for the planning, design,
and construction of USACE wetlands restoration and creation
projects; completion of a GIS-based decision support system for
prioritizing candidate wetlands restoration sites with the greatest
potential for success; and exploration of innovative plant
harvesting/installation methods for the large-scale restoration of
submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) ecosystems in the Chesapeake
Bay. In addition, state-of-the-art tools and methods for
wetlands restoration will be integrated to forecast physical,
chemical, and biological responses to water resource management
activities and to manage these resources within a watershed-
scale perspective. Approximately $1.8 million is included in
the FY 2008 budget for wetlands research.
Regulatory Clean Water Act 404 Program: The USACE
manages the Nation’s wetlands through a regulatory program
requiring permits for the discharge of dredged and fill material
into jurisdictional waters of the United States. In a typical year
the USACE receives permit requests to fill about 25,000 acres
of jurisdictional waters. Of these, about 5,000 acres are not
permitted, and for the 20,000 permitted acres the USACE
requires mitigation on average of more than two acres for each
permitted acre lost. FY 2008 funding request is $180 million.