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The lack of an effective system for information sharing between collectors and analysts is a well-known systemic problem, but one that has proven highly resistant to resolution. Intelligence Community collectors retain a strong institutional bias against sharing operational information with analysts--CIA's Directorate of Operations is often reluctant to share relevant operational information with CIA's Directorate of Intelligence, let alone with the rest of the Community or with policymakers. Similarly, NSA is reluctant to share raw data with anyone outside of NSA. 787 Both NSA and the DO have legitimate concerns for the protection of sources and methods, and this concern must be weighed carefully when determining whether, and in what form, to share information across the Community or even across directorates. Our review of the Intelligence Community's performance on Iraq identified several specific shortcomings in the way that collectors share intelligence with analysts. First, the source descriptions on raw human source reporting often provided insufficient detail and clarity to allow analysts adequate insight into the source's reliability. For example, the CIA report on the alleged uranium deal that was sourced to Ambassador Wilson described him (unhelpfully) as "a contact with excellent access who does not have an established reporting record." 788 Source descriptions that provide more explicit information on the context in which the information was obtained can significantly improve analysts' ability to gauge the credibility of that information. In September 2004, the CIA's DO implemented new source descriptions that are designed to provide additional such contextual detail. 789 This is an important step in the right direction, but more needs to be done. Second, with CIA reporting, analysts were often unable to determine whether a series of raw human intelligence reporting came from the same source. For most reporting, there is currently no way to determine from the face of the CIA report whether a series of reports represents one source reporting similar information several times or several different sources independently providing the same information. For obvious reasons, it is important to distinguish corroboration from repetition. The improved source descriptions should help alleviate this problem, as will increased dialogue between collectors and analysts. Finally, analysts often obtain insufficient insights into the operational details bearing on the reliability of sources. 790 Such information sharing is not an end in itself, of course. In the case of Curveball, for example, the DO did share operational information with DI analysts--including information that indicated possible problems with the source's reliability--but analysts' belief in Curveball's information remained unshaken. Increased dialogue, rather than simply sharing traffic, may help bridge these gaps. It must be acknowledged that sharing operational details presents a great threat to the protection of sources and methods. Accordingly, any information sharing protocol must therefore be carefully tailored. The CIA recently conducted a DI-DO information sharing pilot program, which addressed the operational as well as technical barriers to effective information sharing within CIA. 791 Such pilot programs, however, are of little use if the recommended protocols are not implemented across the board. A separate, but related problem is the lack of a mechanism to ensure that information calling into question a prior piece of intelligence is swiftly communicated to those analysts (and policymakers) who received the intelligence. This problem was most acutely demonstrated in the case of the Iraqi National Congress source , in which Defense HUMINT failed to reissue the reporting (either with the fabrication notice or recall notice attached)--a failure that led analysts and senior policymakers to accept the reporting months after it was known to be worthless. Defense HUMINT has taken steps to ensure that fabricated reporting is recalled, and the Director of the CIA is currently working to establish Community-wide standards to ensure that the original reporting, the fabrication notice, and the recalled reporting are electronically linked. It remains to be seen, however, whether the information-technology hurdles involved in linking related reporting can be overcome.
The systemic lack of effective information
sharing occurs in the other direction as well, however. For example, the DO was
not aware that the DI was relying so heavily on reporting from Curveball in its
pre-war assessments of Iraq's BW program. 792 Similarly, although Defense The National Intelligence Council
has taken steps to address this problem. For example, the DO and Defense
The information sharing problem is compounded with respect to foreign liaison. Although the Intelligence Community has been criticized for over-reliance on liaison sources, 795 such criticism is to some extent overstated. Liaison reporting can play a valuable role in opening up avenues of collection the United States would not be able to approach on its own; indeed, at times it is the only information we have. The key to its usefulness, however, is the ability to assess its reliability. That determination hinges on several factors, including effective information sharing with the liaison service. Information sharing between intelligence services is dependent upon many factors, including diplomatic and policy factors that are beyond the Intelligence Community's ability to control. Despite constant requests from the CIA, the handling foreign service refused to provide direct access to Curveball until spring of 2004, which seriously undermined the ability to determine his reliability. And in at least two instances--the inability of the Intelligence Community to learn the identity of the individual who provided the fourth BW source's information or the identity of the source of the corroborating information the liaison service claimed for the Niger deal--the foreign liaison services refused to share crucial information with the United States because of fear of leaks. 796 Until that systemic problem can be addressed, increased information sharing with liaison is unlikely to improve markedly. We discuss the issue of unauthorized disclosures in more detail and offer recommendations in Chapters Six (Leadership and Management) and Seven (Collection). A cautionary note: the increased sharing of intelligence reporting among liaison services--without sharing the sourcing details or identity of the source--may lead to unwitting circular reporting. When several services unknowingly rely on the same sources and then share the intelligence production from those sources, the result can be false corroboration of the reporting. In fact, one reason for the apparent unanimity among Western intelligence services that Iraq posed a more serious WMD threat than proved to be the case was the extensive sharing of intelligence information, and even analysis, among liaison services. Such sharing of information, without sharing of source information, can result in "groupthink" on an international scale. Dissemination
The collection, analysis, and dissemination of finished intelligence is a cycle, and many of the issues related to collection and analysis also affect dissemination of the product. But at least one issue merits separate discussion. The interface between the Intelligence Community and the policymaker--the way that intelligence analysis is conveyed to the consumer--needs reexamination.
As part of its investigation, this Commission was provided access, on a limited basis, to a number of articles from the President's Daily Brief (PDB) relating to Iraq's WMD programs. Although we saw only a limited cross-section of this product, we can make several observations about the art form. In short, many of the same problems that occurred with other intelligence products occurred with the PDBs, only in a magnified manner. For instance, the PDBs often failed to explain, or even signal, the uncertainties underlying their judgments. Information from a known fabricator was used in PDBs, despite the publication of a fabrication notice on that source months earlier. PDB articles discounted information that appeared to contradict the prevailing analytical view by characterizing, without justifications, such information as a "cover story" or purposeful deception. The PDBs attributed information to multiple sources without making clear that the information rested very heavily on only one of those sources. And the titles of PDB articles were sometimes more alarmist than the text would support. In addition to the problems it shares with other intelligence products, the PDB format presents some unique problems as well. As discussed above, the emphasis on current intelligence can adversely affect the distribution of analytical resources and can reduce the level of expertise needed for contextual analysis. But the focus on current intelligence may also adversely affect the consumers of intelligence. In particular, the daily exposure to current intelligence products such as the PDB may create, over time, a greater perception of certainty about their judgments than is warranted. And the way these products are generated and disseminated may actually skew the way their content is perceived. For example, when senior policymakers are briefed with the President's Daily Brief or a similar product, they often levy follow-up questions on the briefer. The response to those questions is then typically disseminated in the same format. Therefore, if one policymaker has an intense interest in one area and actively seeks follow-up, that questioning can itself generate numerous PDBs or Senior Executive Memoranda. A large volume of reporting on one topic can result, and that large volume may skew the sense among other policymakers as to the topic's importance.
Long-term products such as the NIE bear reexamination as well. With respect to the October 2002 NIE on Iraq, some of the weaknesses in that product are attributable to anomalies in this particular NIE process, including the unusually short timeframe for publication (discussed further below), while others are attributable to inherent weaknesses in the NIE process itself. One criticism of NIEs in general is that they are too long, read poorly, and are not popular with consumers. 797 The October 2002 NIE, at 90 pages, is almost twice as long as the average NIE. 798 One consequence of the length of the NIE--aside from discouraging its readers to look beyond the Key Judgments--is that its sheer heft suggests that there was a surfeit of evidence supporting those Key Judgments. That impression may encourage reliance on the Key Judgments alone. To the extent that intelligence judgments are often questions of degree ( e.g. , the likelihood that an adversary has BW), however, short summaries and Key Judgments run a serious risk of misleading readers. Moreover, to the extent that daily intelligence products to senior policymakers may have conveyed a high level of confidence on Iraq WMD previous to the publication of the NIE, policymakers may have understood the confidence levels in the NIE to be higher than actually intended. At a minimum, therefore, NIEs must be carefully caveated and the degree of uncertainty in the judgments clearly communicated. Another criticism of the NIE process is that it is inappropriately democratic--as the Assistant DCI for Analysis and Production described it, the "FBI has the same vote as the DOE" even when one agency clearly has greater expertise on the relevant subject matter. 799 The quest for consensus in NIEs--and the democratic process applied to reach that consensus--can produce confusing results. For example, on the question whether Iraq was reconstituting its nuclear program, the position of CIA and DIA (with NGA and NSA in agreement) was that the tubes were for use in centrifuges, and therefore that the procurement of these tubes, along with some other procurement activity, indicated that Iraq was reconstituting its nuclear weapons program. The position of CIA and DIA was that they would not have reached a judgment of reconstitution without the tubes. DOE, on the other hand, believed that the tubes were not for centrifuges but that the other activity was sufficient to conclude that Iraq was reconstituting. While it is true that CIA and DOE agreed on the ultimate conclusion--reconstitution was underway--their respective bases for that conclusion were fundamentally at odds. The "most agencies believe" formulation glossed over this fundamental problem. A straightforward presentation of each agency's views might have better exposed the logical incompatibility of the CIA and DOE positions. 800 Moreover, the "democratic" process diminished the weight of DOE's "expert" opinion on nuclear technology. Finally, the Iraq story revealed another inherent weakness of the NIE. The Iraq NIE, we now know, relied to a large extent on unreliable human source reporting. Although there were many contributing factors to this problem, one significant failing was that those involved in the coordination process were not aware of the degree to which the BW assessments relied on a single source or that another source had already been deemed a fabricator. This problem is currently being addressed. Newly-instituted National Intelligence Council procedures require the collecting agency to review and verify the reliability of its sources used in the NIE. 801
To understand the unusual nature of the Iraq NIE process, it is necessary to understand how the National Intelligence Estimate process usually works. NIEs are produced under the auspices of the National Intelligence Council and are the "Intelligence Community's most authoritative written judgments on national security issues." 802 NIEs are primarily "estimative," that is, they "make judgments about the likely course of future events and identify the implications for U.S. policy." 803 Because of this "estimative" quality, NIEs are generally produced over the course of several months. 804 In the usual process, an NIE is requested by the NIC or by senior policymakers. The first step after the NIE is requested and authorized is the preparation of the Terms of Reference, which define precisely the question the NIE will address. 805 The National Intelligence Officer with responsibility for that subject area will generally take responsibility for overseeing the research and drafting of the NIE and its coordination. The individual agencies will appoint senior-level officers to serve as representatives for coordination sessions. These representatives will not be the drafters of the NIE but will speak for their agencies at the coordination meetings. 806 The drafting and coordination of a National Intelligence Estimate is an iterative process. After a draft NIE is produced and reviewed by the NIC, the draft is circulated to the individual agencies for review. Comments on the draft are discussed at the interagency coordination meetings and changes are incorporated. If consensus is not possible on certain points, the dissenting agency is free to draft a dissent for inclusion in the NIE. The coordinated draft is submitted to a panel of outside readers for their review. 807 The draft is then submitted to NIC management for review and approval. 808 The final step is review and approval by the National Foreign Intelligence Board, which is chaired by the Director of the CIA. 809 Substantive changes occasionally are made to the NIE at this level. 810 Once a draft is written, the review and coordination process alone takes at least one month, according to the NIO for Strategic and Nuclear Programs. Therefore, the NIO noted that a normal timeframe to draft, coordinate, and disseminate an NIE on a topic such as Iraq's WMD programs would be "several" months. 811 The October 2002 NIE on Iraq, however, was requested on September 9, 2002, in a letter from Senator Richard Durbin of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI), for publication within three weeks. 812 This short deadline significantly truncated the usual NIE process. Although the NIOs and the working-level analysts involved in drafting the NIE agree that this short time frame probably did not affect the overall judgments in the NIE, the rushed schedule had consequences that may have affected the quality of the product. 813 One consequence was that the Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee (JAEIC), which often provides "expert" input on estimates involving nuclear issues, did not convene an interagency meeting to discuss the dispute over the aluminum tubes in the weeks immediately preceding the NIE coordination sessions, despite several attempts to do so. 814 Whether input from the JAEIC would have altered the judgments in the NIE is of course an open question. The opportunity for the JAEIC to review the points of contention between the CIA and DOE on the aluminum tubes, however, may have at a minimum resulted in a clearer exposition of that debate. The short timeframe may also have compromised the quality of the overall exchange of views during the coordination process. Normally, there might be several rounds of coordination at the interagency level. In the October 2002 NIE, however, there was one marathon coordination session. According to one DOE analyst who attended the coordination meeting, the short deadline reduced the chances that the various agencies could succeed in harmonizing their positions. 815 The Intelligence Community might well have avoided the need to produce the NIE in such a short timeframe, however. On July 22, 2002, the Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence sent a letter to DCI Tenet requesting that the NIC prepare a National Intelligence Estimate on covert action, to include an assessment of Iraq's WMD efforts. The CIA's Office of Congressional Affairs, however, did not pass this request to the NIOs responsible for global WMD activities. According to the NIO for Strategic and Nuclear Programs, the SSCI was informed orally that covert action activities were not a proper subject for NIEs and that such an NIE would not be prepared. 816 A formal response was not sent to the SSCI until September 25, 2002, at which time the DCI reiterated this position but also added that he had "directed the preparation of a new NIE on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction" in response to the September 9, 2002 request from Senator Durbin. The NIO for Strategic and Nuclear Programs noted that if he had been alerted in July about the Senate Select Committee's interest in an NIE on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, he could have started the process at that point and avoided much unnecessary time pressure. 817 Another anomaly in the October 2002 NIE process contributed to some of the inconsistencies between the text of the NIE on the one hand and the Key Judgments and the unclassified NIE on the other. According to the NIO for Strategic and Nuclear Programs, under normal procedures the National Intelligence Council prepares the classified NIE and then derives the unclassified summary from that NIE. In the case of Iraq, however, the NIC accepted an assignment from the White House in May 2002 to prepare an unclassified "White Paper" on Iraq WMD, without first preparing a classified NIE. 818 When the Senate requested a classified NIE (and an unclassified version of the NIE) in September 2002, the NIO noted that the National Intelligence Council should have then folded the "White Paper" project into the NIE project, by deriving the unclassified product from the classified version. The two projects continued on parallel tracks, however. Accordingly, when attempts were later made to harmonize the two papers, caveats such as "we assess" were dropped from the Key Judgments, communicating a greater sense of certainty than was warranted. 819 In short, the inherent flaws in the NIE process were compounded in this situation by the particular circumstances surrounding production of the Iraq NIE.
Though the National Intelligence Estimate process in general, and the 2002 Iraq NIE process in particular, suffer from numerous flaws, in this case that process was not responsible for unduly suppressing agency views, as some have suggested. At least two analysts from one agency--NGIC--believe that NGIC's views on Iraq's CW program were not accurately represented in the October 2002 NIE. 820 These two NGIC analysts expressed the belief that this omission was not inadvertent but was consciously and unfairly omitted by the NIO for Strategic and Nuclear Programs. 821 While we have much to criticize about the NIE process, this is not one of them and is not supported by the facts. According to the NGIC analysts, NGIC disagreed with the NIE's assessment that Iraq had restarted CW production and therefore could have increased its stockpiles to between 100 and 500 metric tons. 822 NGIC believed that Iraq's stockpiles therefore remained within the previously assessed 10 to 100 metric ton range. 823 Yet, apparently to NGIC's dismay, the 100 to 500 metric tons figure was eventually published in the NIE without an indication that NGIC disagreed with the Estimate's conclusions about Iraq's CW production and existing CW stockpiles. 824 NGIC's claim that its dissenting views were purposefully suppressed by the NIO is not, however, borne out by the facts. According to NGIC's line edits on the NIE draft, NGIC did indeed suggest softening the language in some places--for example, to say that Iraq had begun production of mustard agent and possibly nerve agents, and to say that Iraq was attempting to procure various chemicals and equipment covertly. NGIC also suggested that, rather than saying that Iraq had as much as 500 metric tons of CW stockpiled, the NIE should say that Iraq had up to 500 metric tons stockpiled. 825 Even accepting that these views represented a meaningful dissenting position, NGIC's views were not purposefully suppressed. NGIC had several opportunities to make its dissent known (through DIA), including at the NIE coordination meeting on September 25, 2002; on a number of drafts of the NIE; or at the Military Intelligence Board meeting on September 30, 2002. 826 If NGIC (or DIA, as NGIC's representative) had wanted to insert a footnote reflecting a different view, it had the opportunity to do so at that point. Yet it did not. In fact, DIA concurred with the language in the NIE regarding the size of Iraq's CW stockpile because the language "was sufficiently caveated to indicate DIA's uncertainty in the size of the stockpile." 827 Nor did NGIC subsequently take the opportunity between the NIE and the opening of the war to publish its dissenting view in finished intelligence. 828 In sum, the National Ground Intelligence Center's serious accusation that its views on Iraq's CW program were purposefully excluded from the NIE is not supported by the available evidence. Politicization
Many observers of the Intelligence Community have expressed concern that Intelligence Community judgments concerning Iraq's purported WMD programs may have been warped by inappropriate political pressure. 829 To discuss whether those judgments were "politicized," that term must first be defined.
The Commission has found no evidence of "politicization" of the Intelligence Community's assessments concerning Iraq's reported WMD programs. No analytical judgments were changed in response to political pressure to reach a particular conclusion. 831 The Commission has investigated this issue closely, querying in detail those analysts involved in formulating pre-war judgments about Iraq's WMD programs. These analysts universally assert that in no instance did political pressure cause them to change any of their analytical judgments. Indeed, these analysts reiterated their strong belief in the validity and soundness of their pre-war judgments at the time they were made. 832 As a former Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research put it, "policymakers never once applied any pressure on coming up with the `right' answer on Iraq." 833 Moreover, the CIA's Ombudsman for Politicization conducted a formal inquiry in November 2003 into the possibility of "politicization" with respect to assessments of Iraqi WMD. That inquiry involved the (perceived) delay in CIA's reassessment of its position on WMD in Iraq. The Ombudsman also found no evidence, based on numerous confidential interviews with the analysts involved, that political pressure had caused any analyst to change any judgments. 834 The Commission also found no evidence of "politicization" even under the broader definition used by the CIA's Ombudsman for Politicization, which is not limited solely to the case in which a policymaker applies overt pressure on an analyst to change an assessment. The definition adopted by the CIA is broader, and includes any "unprofessional manipulation of information and judgments" by intelligence officers to please what those officers perceive to be policymakers' preferences. 835 But the definition retains the idea that circumstantial pressure to produce analysis quickly is not politicization--there must be some skewing of analytical judgments, either deliberately or unintentionally. 836 The Ombudsman noted that in his view, analysts on Iraq worked under more "pressure" than any other analysts in CIA's history, in terms of their being required to produce so much, for so long, for such senior decisionmakers. But that circumstantial pressure did not cause analysts to alter or skew their judgments. 837 We have found no evidence to dispute that conclusion. There is also the issue of interaction between policymakers and other customers on the one hand and analysts on the other. 838 According to some analysts, senior decisionmakers continually probed to assess the strength of the Intelligence Community's analysis, but did not press for changes in the Intelligence Community's analytical judgments. We conclude that good-faith efforts by intelligence consumers to understand the bases for analytic judgments, far from constituting "politicization," are entirely legitimate. This is the case even if policymakers raise questions because they do not like the conclusions or are seeking evidence to support policy preferences. Those who must use intelligence are entitled to insist that they be fully informed as to both the evidence and the analysis. Nor is pressure to work more quickly than is ideal or normal "politicization." Iraq WMD analysts insisted to Commission staff that they faced tremendous pressure to produce finished intelligence and to respond promptly to policymakers' questions, but that such "pressure" was generated by time and analytical resource limitations, not by efforts to alter the analysts' judgments. And according to the National Intelligence Officers responsible for drafting the NIE on Iraq WMD in the fall of 2002, there was no communication with policymakers about the Estimate's conclusions beyond pressure to complete the paper within a short three-week timeframe. 839 Furthermore, all of the Iraqi WMD analysts interviewed by the Commission staff stated that they reached their conclusions about Iraq's pursuit of WMD independently of policymaker pressure, based on the evidence at hand. 840 In fact, given the body of evidence available, many analysts have said that they could not see how they could have reached any other conclusions about Iraq's WMD programs. 841 However, there is no doubt that analysts operated in an environment shaped by intense policymaker interest in Iraq. Moreover, that analysis was shaped--and distorted--by the widely shared (and not unreasonable) assumption, based on his past conduct and non-cooperation with the United Nations, that Saddam retained WMD stockpiles and programs. This strongly-held assumption contributed to a climate in which the Intelligence Community was too willing to accept dubious information as providing confirmation of that assumption. Neither analysts nor users were sufficiently open to being told that affirmative, specific evidence to support the assumption was, at best, uncertain in content or reliability. Some analysts were affected by this "conventional wisdom" and the sense that challenges to it--or even refusals to find its confirmation--would not be welcome. For example, the National Intelligence Officer for Near East and South Asia described a "zeitgeist" or general "climate" of policymaker focus on Iraq's WMD that permeated the analytical atmosphere. 842 This "climate" was formed in part, the NIO claimed, by the gathering conviction among analysts that war with Iraq was inevitable by the time the NIE was being prepared. 843 But this "zeitgeist," he maintained, did not dictate the prevailing analytical view that Iraq had CW and BW and was reconstituting its nuclear program--in fact, the NIO said he did not see how analysts could have come up with a different conclusion about Iraq's WMD based on the intelligence available at the time. 844 Similarly, the DOE analysts who participated in the NIE coordination meeting stated that there was no political pressure on DOE, direct or indirect, to agree with the NIE's conclusion that Iraq was "reconstituting" its nuclear program. At the same time, however, he said that "DOE did not want to come out before the war and say [Iraq] wasn't reconstituting." 845 Even in the absence of politicization, distortion can creep into the analytical product, not only through poor tradecraft, but through poor management and reliance on conventional wisdom. The general assumption that Saddam retained WMD and the backdrop of impending war, particularly in the wake of September 11, affected the way analysts approached their task of predicting the threat posed by Iraq's WMD programs. For example, this atmosphere contributed to analysts' use of a worst-case-scenario or heightened-burden-of-proof approach to analysis. This overall climate, we believe, contributed to the too-ready willingness to accept dubious information as supporting the conventional wisdom and to an unwillingness even to consider the possibility that the conventional wisdom was wrong. But while some of the poor analytical tradecraft in the pre-war assessments was influenced by this climate of impending war, we have found no evidence to dispute that it was, as the analysts assert, their own independent judgments--flawed though they were--that led them to the conclusion that Iraq had active WMD programs. As described above, the pre-war assessments of Iraq's WMD programs suffered from numerous other analytical failures. Primary among those analytical flaws was a failure to question assumptions or to keep an open mind about the significance of new data. Such failures are more likely if management within the Intelligence Community does not foster, or at least tolerate, dissenting views. Yet one systemic problem within the Intelligence Community works to frustrate expressions of dissent. As the former Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research described the problem, the senior leadership of the Intelligence Community is faced with an inevitable conundrum--the head of the Intelligence Community must be close to the President in order for the intelligence product to have relevance, but such closeness also risks the loss of objectivity. 846 When this balance tips too far toward the desire for the Intelligence Community to be "part of the [Administration] team," analysts may be dissuaded from offering dissenting opinions. 847 The failure to pursue alternative views in forming the pre-war assessments of Iraq's WMD, however, was likely due less to the political climate than to poor analytical tradecraft, a failure of management to actively foster opposition views, and the natural bureaucratic inertia toward consensus. In the case of pre-war assessments of Iraqi WMD, working-level WINPAC analysts described an environment in which managers rewarded judgments that fit the consensus view that Iraq had active WMD programs and discouraged those that did not. 848 To the degree that analysts judged--as we believe some of them did--that "non-consensus" conclusions would not be welcomed, vigorous debate in the analytic process was made much more difficult. Yet these analysts insisted that they genuinely believed that consensus view, based on the evidence at hand, and we have found no evidence that this was not the case. Moreover, to the extent management at CIA or elsewhere in the government created a climate of conformity, it was not unique to the Iraq situation. For example, an employee survey in April 2004 revealed that 17 percent of WINPAC analysts said they worked "in an atmosphere in which some managers who hold strong views make it difficult to publish opposing points of views." 849 In surveys of the CIA's Directorate of Intelligence as a whole, however, 23 percent reported working in such an environment. 850
A related problem is bureaucratic resistance to admitting error. Just as the Intelligence Community has an obligation to consumers to provide unvarnished intelligence assessments that are free from politicization, the Community also has an obligation to inform consumers when it learns that information on which previous judgments were based is unreliable. The Iraq experience demonstrates that the Intelligence Community is reluctant to confess error, and is even reluctant to encourage the pursuit of information that may reveal such error. In this respect, the infamous case of Curveball offers an excellent example. After the initial phase of the war, two WINPAC analysts who had traveled to Iraq began to have doubts about the foundation of their assessments, particularly the BW assessments. Yet CIA management was resistant to this new information. 851 The reaction of CIA management in this instance demonstrates at best a lack of encouragement for dissenting views. As described above, when analysts traveled to Iraq in the summer and fall of 2003 and began to investigate Curveball's bona fides, serious doubts arose about his truthfulness. The WINPAC BW analyst who had conducted the investigations in Iraq brought his concerns to WINPAC management. He argued that Curveball was a fabricator because he had lied about his access (in particular covering up that he had actually been fired from his government job in 1995), lied about being present during a BW accident when he had actually been out of the country at that time, and lied about the purpose for the trailers found by Coalition forces. 852 According to the analyst, however, management was hostile to the idea of publishing a reassessment or retreating from Curveball's information, since other analysts still believed in his veracity. By January 2004, however, travel records confirmed that Curveball had not even been in Iraq during the time he claimed to have been present at a BW facility, and this discrepancy convinced most analysts that Curveball was a fabricator. By March 2004, when CIA was able to interview Curveball and he could not explain imagery that contradicted his reporting, "any remaining doubts" about Curveball's reliability were removed, according to the former WINPAC BW analyst. 853 CIA management, however, was still reluctant to "go down the road" of admitting that Curveball was a fabricator. According to the former WINPAC analyst, Directorate of Intelligence management was slow in retreating from Curveball's information because of concerns about how this would look to the "Seventh Floor" and to "downtown." When Curveball's reporting was finally recalled in May 2004, the CIA alerted senior policymakers to that fact, but CIA did not publish a reassessment of its position on Iraq's BW program. 854 As noted, the CIA's Inspector General, in a review of WINPAC's performance finished in November 2004, concluded that "the process [of retreating from intelligence products derived from Curveball reporting] was drawn out principally due to three factors: (1) senior managers were determined to let the ISG in Iraq complete its work before correcting the mobile labs analysts; (2) the CIA was in the midst of [trying] to gain direct access to Curveball; and (3) WINPAC Biological and Chemical Group (BCG) management was struggling to reconcile strong differences among their BW analysts." 855 The report went on to say that senior managers did not want to disavow Curveball only to find that his story stood up upon direct examination or to find that "the ISG uncovered further evidence that would require additional adjustments to the story." 856 But CIA had gained direct access to Curveball in March 2004 and his reporting had been recalled in May 2004. After May 2004, therefore, two of the Inspector General's reasons were no longer valid, and the third--waiting for the Iraq Survey Group report--would delay any reassessment for six months after the Intelligence Community had already conceded that the primary source for its pre-war BW assessment had fabricated his reporting. In any event, as of March 2005 WINPAC has still not published a reassessment of Iraq's BW program. Moreover, the analysts who raised concerns about the need for reassessments were not rewarded for having done so but were instead forced to leave WINPAC. 857 One analyst, after presenting his case in late 2003 that Curveball had fabricated his reporting, was "read the riot act" by his office director, who accused him of "making waves" and being "biased." 858 The analyst told Commission staff that he was subsequently asked to leave WINPAC. Similarly, a WINPAC CW analyst who pressed to publish a reassessment of Iraq's CW program in late 2003 was also, according to the analysts, "told to leave" WINPAC. 859 Although managers must be able to overrule subordinates once an issue has been debated, managers must also create an atmosphere in which such debate is encouraged rather than punished. 860 In sum, there was no "politicization" of the intelligence product on Iraq. Poor tradecraft, exacerbated by poor management, contributed to the erroneous assessments of Iraq's WMD programs. These problems were further exacerbated by the reluctance of Intelligence Community management to foster and consider dissenting views. Finally, the Intelligence Community was unwilling to identify the errors underlying its intelligence assessments, admit those errors, and explain to consumers how those errors affected previous judgments. ACCOUNTABILITY
Numerous failures within the Intelligence Community contributed to the flawed estimates on Iraq. Many of these failures are systemic--flaws in the way the Intelligence Community is managed, organized, and structured. Part Two of this report contains dozens of recommendations for systemic reform based on the lessons learned from Iraq and other case studies. But reform requires more than changing the Community's systems; it also requires accountability. Individuals. There are unfortunately a number of examples in the Iraq assessments of individuals whose conduct fell short of what the Intelligence Community has a right to expect. Among these is the handling of Curveball's reporting on mobile BW. In late January of 2003, the Secretary of State was engaged in an intense personal effort to explore every flaw in the intelligence he was about to present to the United Nations Security Council. By then, a division in the CIA's Directorate of Operations had spent months pointing out Curveball's flaws with some persistence. Yet the Secretary of State never learned of those doubts. A number of individuals stood between the two and could have made the connection. Some acknowledge knowing about Curveball's problems but did not understand that he was the key to the entire BW assessment. Others knew how central Curveball was to the BW case but deny knowing about Curveball's problems. Still others--particularly in CIA's WINPAC--were aware of both sides of the issue and did not present the doubts to the Secretary or other policymakers. Finally, the most senior officials of the Agency insist the serious concerns expressed about Curveball's reliability were never conveyed to them--despite assertions to the contrary. This Commission was not established to adjudicate personal responsibility for the intelligence errors on Iraq. We are not an adjudicatory body, nor did we take testimony under oath. We were not authorized or equipped to assign blame to specific individuals, particularly when there are disputes about critical facts. We are, however, equipped to address the question of organizational accountability. Organizations. Almost every organization in the Intelligence Community--collectors, analysts, and management--performed poorly on Iraq. But there are differences among the agencies, both in their initial performance and in how they responded when their mistakes became clear. The National Intelligence Council, for example, faltered badly in producing the flawed NIE on Iraq's WMD programs. But it also learned from its errors. It now brings the collection agencies into the NIE process to evaluate their sources, and its recent estimates are more candid about intelligence gaps, weak sources, and divergent viewpoints. For some organizations, however, problems run deeper. Three agencies made such serious errors, or resisted admitting their errors so stubbornly, that questions may fairly be raised about the fundamental culture or capabilities of the organizations themselves. In short, we have doubts that the broad reforms described in Part Two will be enough to change the organizational culture of NGIC, Defense HUMINT, and WINPAC. Yet the cultures of each contributed crucially to the Iraq WMD debacle. We therefore recommend that the Director of National Intelligence give serious consideration to whether each of these organizations should be reconstituted, substantially reorganized, or made subject to detailed oversight. ENDNOTES 1 NIEs, produced under the auspices of the National Intelligence Council (NIC), contain the coordinated judgments of the Intelligence Community and are the DCI's most authoritative written judgments concerning national security issues. CIA website, http://www.cia.gov.nic/NIC_about/html . 2 Executive Order 13328, which established this Commission, did not authorize us to investigate how policymakers used the intelligence they received from the Intelligence Community on Iraq's weapons programs. As a result, while we interviewed several policymakers, the purpose of those interviews was to obtain information about how the Intelligence Community reached and communicated its judgments about Iraq's weapons programs, and not to review policymakers' use of intelligence information. 3 NIC, National Intelligence Estimate, Iraq's Continuing Programs for Weapons of Mass Destruction (NIE 2002-16HC) (Oct. 2002) (hereinafter "NIE") at pp. 5, 6. The Intelligence Community is composed of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Department of State's Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR), the Department of Energy (DOE), the Department of the Treasury, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), the National Security Agency (NSA), the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and Army Intelligence, Navy Intelligence, Coast Guard Intelligence, Air Force Intelligence, and Marine Corps Intelligence. Not all of these elements coordinate on all NIEs, however. The October 2002 NIE on Iraq WMD was coordinated among CIA, INR, DOE, NSA, NGA (then known as the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA)), DIA, and all the military intelligence components. NIC, How the Intelligence Community Arrived at the Judgments in the October 2002 NIE on Iraq's WMD Programs (March 2004) (hereinafter "DCI Statement for the Record") at Introduction, p. 1 n. 1. This was the DCI's Statement for the Record prepared by the NIC and approved by the principals of the National Foreign Intelligence Board. The assessment that Iraq was reconstituting was expressed as the view of "most agencies" to reflect that INR, among the agencies coordinating on the NIE, did not agree with that assessment. Interview with National Intelligence Officer for Strategic and Nuclear Programs (hereinafter "NIO/SNP") (Sept. 20, 2004). 4 Id. at p. 16. Although DOE agreed that Iraq was reconstituting its nuclear program, it based that conclusion on factors other than the aluminum tubes. DOE assessed that the tubes were more likely for use in tactical rockets, a view adopted by INR. The details of the discussion are addressed further below. 5 NIE at p. 9. 6 Iraq Survey Group (ISG), Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraqi WMD, Volume II, "Nuclear" (Sept. 30, 2004) at p. 7 (hereinafter "ISG Report, Nuclear"). 7 Id. at pp. 1, 7, 8. 9 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 1, p. 4. 10 Id. at p. 7. 11 Id. at p. 4 (citing
November 1990 study by the Joint Atomic Energy
Intelligence 12 Id. at p. 7. Iraq had pursued multiple uranium enrichment technologies, including a centrifuge program and the outdated Electromagnetic Isotope Separation (EMIS) process, before the Gulf War. Id. at pp. 7, 11. 13 Id. at pp. 7-8. 14 Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee (JAEIC), Iraq's Nuclear Weapons Program: Elements of Reconstitution (JAEIC 94-004) (Sept. 1994) at p. v. The JAEIC is a DCI committee charged with analyzing technical nuclear issues. DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 1, p. 4. 15 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 1, p. 9. 16 17 See, e.g., CIA, Iraq: WMD Programs: The Road to Reconstruction (OSWR) (Feb. 3, 1995). 18 JAEIC, Reconstitution of Iraq's Nuclear Weapons Program: An Update (JAEIC 97-004) (Oct. 1997); see also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 1, p. 14. 19 JAEIC, Reconstitution of Iraq's Nuclear Weapons Program: An Update (JAEIC 97-004) (Oct. 1997) at p. iii. 20 NIC, Current Iraqi WMD Capabilities (NICM 1848-98) (Oct. 1998) at p. 2. 21 22 JAEIC, Reconstitution of Iraq's Nuclear Weapons Program: Post Desert Fox (JAEIC 99-003) (June 1999); see also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 1, p. 17. 23 NIC, Iraq: Steadily Pursuing WMD Capabilities (ICA 2000-007 HCX) (Dec. 2000) at pp. 7-8. 24 Classified intelligence report (March 2001); see also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 1, pp. 18-19. 25 NIE at p. 75 (tubes seized in June 2001); see also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 1, p. 19. 26 Interview with CIA WINPAC nuclear analysts (Oct. 8, 2004). Iraq was prohibited from possessing tubes composed of 7075 T6 aluminum alloy with outer diameters exceeding 75mm under Annex III to United Nations Security Council Resolution 687 because of their potential use in gas centrifuges. DOE Office of Intelligence, Technical Intelligence Note, Iraq's Gas Centrifuge Program: Is Reconstitution Underway? (TIN 000064) (Aug. 17, 2001) at pp. 7-8. In the gas centrifuge process, a feed of uranium hexafluoride (UF 6 ) gas is enriched in a rapidly spinning rotor within a vacuum chamber. The uranium isotopes are separated by the combined effects of centrifugal force and countercurrent circulation; as the rotor spins, the heavier isotopes are concentrated preferentially at the rotor's wall and are then convected upwards, where they can be scooped out. To be able to spin at such high-speeds, the rotors must be constructed from high-strength material, such as carbon-fiber, maraging steel, or high-strength aluminum such as the 7075 T6 alloy. U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Technologies Underlying Weapons of Mass Destruction (OTA-BP-ISC-115) (1993). 27 See, e.g. , CIA, Iraq's Current Nuclear Capabilities (June 20, 2001) (noting that although the tubes are "more consistent" with a centrifuge application, "we are also considering non-nuclear applications for the tubes"); Senior Executive Memorandum, What We Knew About Iraq's Centrifuge-Based Uranium Enrichment Program Before and After the Gulf War (Nov. 24, 2001) (noting that there are "divergent views" about the intended use of the tubes). 28 See, e.g., Senior Executive Memorandum, The Iraqi Threat (Dec. 15, 2001) ("[W]e believe a shipment of...tubes...[are] destined for use in Iraqi gas centrifuges."); Senior Publish When Ready, Title Classified (June 30, 2001) (noting that Iraq is likely to argue that the tubes are for conventional or civilian use, a use "that cannot be discounted," but also noting that the specifications for the tubes "far exceed any known conventional weapons application, including rocket motor casings for 81mm" MRLs). 29 See, e.g., Senior Executive Memorandum, The Status of Iraq's Nuclear Program (Jan. 11, 2002) (noting that the "Intelligence Community has less access to Saddam's nuclear intent and activities today than before the Gulf War"). 30 Electronic mail from NGIC to WINPAC (Aug. 13, 2001); Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 9, 2004) (describing assessment provided by NGIC to CIA/DI analysts in November 2001; the CIA Iraq WMD Review Group was an entity established within CIA in August 2003 to provide an evaluation to the DCI of the pre-war intelligence assessments of Iraq's WMD programs). NGIC's assessment was shortly thereafter incorporated into a DIA Military Intelligence Digest supplement. See DIA, Military Intelligence Digest Supplement, Iraq: Procuring Possible Nuclear-Related Gas Centrifuge Equipment (MID-227-01-SCI) (Nov. 30, 2001). 31 Interview with CIA WINPAC nuclear analysts (Oct. 8, 2004). 32 DOE Office of Intelligence, Technical Intelligence Note, Iraq's Gas Centrifuge Program: Is Reconstitution Underway? (TIN 000064) (Aug. 17, 2001). Although DOE judged that the dimensions and specifications of the tubes were not well suited for centrifuge use, DOE stressed that "none of the factors" that led to that conclusion "precluded Iraq's use (or, at a minimum, attempted use) of the tubes for centrifuge rotor manufacture." Among these factors, DOE noted that the inside diameter and wall thickness were not favorable for use as centrifuge rotors. At the same time, DOE noted that the dimensions of the tubes precisely matched those of Iraq's Nasser-81 mm rockets. Id. at pp. 8-9; see also DOE, Daily Intelligence Highlight, Iraq: High Strength Aluminum Tube Procurement (April 11, 2001) (tubes "could be used to manufacture gas centrifuge rotor cylinders for uranium enrichment" but the tubes "more likely" are intended to support a different application, such as rocket casings). 33 Department of State, UNVIE Vienna 001337 (July 27, 2001) (cable from the U.S. Mission to the United Nations in Vienna describing IAEA conclusions regarding the aluminum tubes); see also UNVIE Vienna 001134 (July 25, 2002) (reiterating previous assessment). 34 Senior Executive Memorandum, The Iraq Threat (Dec. 15, 2001). 35 Senior Executive Memorandum, What We Knew About Iraq's Centrifuge-Based Uranium Enrichment Program Before and After the Gulf War (Nov. 24, 2001); Senior Executive Memorandum, The Iraq Threat (Dec. 15, 2001); DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 1, p. 19. As noted, while DOE believed the tubes were not "well-suited" for centrifuge applications, they "could be used" for that purpose. DOE, Office of Intelligence, Technical Intelligence Note, Iraq's Gas Centrifuge Program: Is Reconstitution Underway? (TIN 000064) (Aug. 17, 2001) at p. 4, and DOE Daily Intelligence Highlight, Iraq: High Strength Aluminum Tube Procurement (April 11, 2001) at p. 1. Although DOE assessed that the tubes' dimensions were not "favorable" for centrifuge use, it noted that the tubes "could be modified" for that use. DOE Office of Intelligence, Technical Intelligence Note, Iraq's Gas Centrifuge Program: Is Reconstitution Underway? (TIN 000064) (Aug. 17, 2001) at pp. 8-9; DOE Office of Intelligence, Technical Intelligence Note, Iraq: Recent Aluminum Tube Procurement Efforts (TIN 000108) (Sept. 13, 2002) at p. 1; DOE, Daily Intelligence Highlight, Iraq: Gas Centrifuge Program Recounted (Nov. 8, 2002) at p. 1 (noting that "DOE continues to assess that the high-strength aluminum tubes Iraq has been attempting to acquire... could be modified for centrifuge use but that the more likely end-use is the fabrication of motor cases for tactical rockets"). 36 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 1, p. 19. 37 Classified intelligence report (noting that a front company had received the specification for a vertical spin testing machine from an individual believed to be in Iraq); see also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 1, pp. 21-22 (noting reporting indicating that Iraq was making efforts to preserve its cadre of weapons personnel, and imagery reporting of construction at Al-Tahadi, where analysts thought a magnet production line was to be built). 38 DOE Office of Intelligence, Technical Intelligence Note, Iraq's Gas Centrifuge Program: Is Reconstitution Underway? (TIN 000064) (Aug. 17, 2001) at pp. 4, 8-9; DOE, Daily Intelligence Highlight, Iraq: High Strength Aluminum Tube Procurement (April 11, 2001) at p. 1; DOE Office of Intelligence, Technical Intelligence Note, Iraq: Recent Aluminum Tube Procurement Efforts (TIN 000108) (Sept. 13, 2002) at p. 1; DOE, Daily Intelligence Highlight, Iraq: Gas Centrifuge Program Recounted (Nov. 8, 2002) at p. 1 (noting that "DOE continues to assess that the high-strength aluminum tubes Iraq has been attempting to acquire... could be modified for centrifuge use but that the more likely end-use is the fabrication of motor cases for tactical rockets"). 39 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 1 at p. 22. DOE was also becoming concerned that this activity could indicate "preliminary steps" to support a "gas centrifuge program restart." DOE Office of Intelligence, Technical Intelligence Note, Iraq's Gas Centrifuge Program: Is Reconstitution Underway? (TIN 000064) (Aug. 17, 2001). 40 Senior Executive Memorandum, The Status of Iraq's Nuclear Program (Jan. 11, 2002) ("[T]he recent aluminum tube procurement effort, which CIA assesses to be an integral part of Iraq's centrifuge program"); Senior Executive Memorandum, The Status of Iraq's Uranium Enrichment Program (March 12, 2002) (the tubes are "suitable" for use as gas centrifuges); CIA, Iraq: Expanding WMD Capabilities Pose Growing Threat (Aug. 1, 2002) (the tubes are "best suited for use" in a gas centrifuge; text box indicates CIA considered other uses, but does not describe other agencies' views); Senior Executive Memorandum, Details About Our Assessments on Iraq's Nuclear Program Since 1991 (Sept. 16, 2002) ("Reporting on Iraq's persistent interest in high-strength aluminum tubes--complemented by magnet production and machine tool and balancing machine procurement efforts--is key to our current assessment that Baghdad is reconstituting its centrifuge program."); Senior Executive Memorandum, Questionable Dual-Use Items That Countries Have Sold to Iraq in the Past Five Years (Sept. 27, 2002) (listing of dual-use items lists application of aluminum tubes as "rockets/nuclear applications" but assessment is that the tubes are "destined for use" in a uranium enrichment program). See also CIA, Talking Points prepared for the Deputy DCI for a Principals Committee Meeting on Iraq WMD (Aug. 28, 2002) (noting tubes are "destined for a gas centrifuge program" and their procurement shows "clear intent to produce weapons-capable fissile material") (described in Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 9, 2004)). 41 CIA, Iraq's Hunt for Aluminum Tubes: Evidence of a Renewed Uranium Enrichment Program (WINPAC IA 2002-051HCX) (Sept. 30, 2002) at pp. i, 1. 42 Id. at pp. 3, 7. 43 DOE Office of Intelligence, Technical Intelligence Note, Iraq: Recent Aluminum Tube Procurement Efforts (TIN 000108) (Sept. 13, 2002) at p. 1. During this timeframe, the Intelligence Community briefed the relevant congressional committees on the aluminum tubes issue, with DOE, INR, and CIA presenting their respective views. Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 9, 2004). 44 Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 9, 2004) (citing testimony of INR in Intelligence Community briefing to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on Sept. 17, 2002). 45 NIE at p. 16. 46 Id. at pp. 14, 16; NIC, President's Summary, NIE, Iraq's Continuing Programs for Weapons of Mass Destruction (PS/NIE 2002-16HC) (Oct. 2002). 47 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 1, p. 23; see also Interview with NIO/SNP (Sept. 20, 2004). Although the NIE does use the phrase "has reconstituted" on page 16, the NIE also more accurately reflects the idea that reconstitution is a process elsewhere in the draft. NIE at p. 16 ("reconstitution is underway"). 48 NIE at p. 16; Interview with NIO/SNP (Sept. 20, 2004). 49 NIE at p. 17. The NIE also drew
support for its conclusion that the tubes were destined for a nuclear program
from indications that Saddam Hussein was "personally interested in the
procurement of aluminum tubes." Id. at p. 16. The NIE relied for
this point on one human intelligence report from a liaison service, which
reported that Saddam was "closely following" the purchase of the
tubes. Classified intelligence report and cable traffic (Sept. 2002). According
to the relevant station, however, it was the intelligence officer who said
Saddam was following the purchase. At least one CIA officer at the meeting,
however, remembered the exchange differently. Interview with CIA Iraq WMD
Review Group analyst (Sept. 20, 2004). CIA efforts to obtain clarification on
this point were unsuccessful, and the sourcing for this report remains unclear
as of early 2005. 50 Interview with NIO/SNP (Sept. 20, 2004); Interview with DOE intelligence analyst (Oct. 27, 2004) (confirming that NSA and NGA agreed with the CIA/DIA position at the NIE coordination meetings); Interview with DOE intelligence analyst (Oct. 27, 2004) (same). An NSA official represented to the Commission in July 2004 that NSA had taken no position on the tubes issue at the NIE coordination. Interview with NSA official (July 14, 2004). As those who attended the NIE coordination meeting described it, however, NSA and NGA agreed to support the CIA/DIA position, and neither NSA nor NGA raised any objection when their positions were recorded as such. Interview with NIO/SNP (Sept. 20, 2004); Interview with DOE intelligence analyst (Oct. 27, 2004). 51 NIE at pp. 81-85. 52 Id. at p. 18. The NIE's reference to "high speed balancing machines" erroneously combines two separate pieces of equipment; it should have mentioned high-speed spin testing machines and balancing machines. DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 1, p. 32; see also Interview with NIO/SNP (Sept. 20, 2004). 53 NIE at pp. 12-13; see, e.g., Classified intelligence reporting (reflecting procurement attempts and noting that the items could be used in a nuclear program but providing no evidence they were intended for such a purpose); Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Report on the U.S. Intelligence Community's Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Iraq (July 7, 2004) at pp. 119-120, 140 (noting no direct evidence of intended use in a nuclear program) (hereinafter "SSCI"). 54 NIE at pp. 6, 19, 21. 55 See, e.g., Classified intelligence report (March 2000) ( including assessment that as of December 1998 Iraq had the personnel and organizational resources to rapidly restart its nuclear program); Classified intelligence report (Nov. 1995) (assessment of a foreign liaison service that Iraq's scientific and technical staff has remained intact); Department of Defense, Classified intelligence report (April 2001) (construction activity indicates effort to restart nuclear research program); see also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 1, pp. 21-22. 56 Classified intelligence report (April 2002); Classified intelligence report (Nov. 2000). 57 Classified intelligence report (April 2002); Classified intelligence report (Nov. 2000); see also SSCI at p. 124; Comments from NGA (March 3, 2005). With respect to the NIE's statement that "activity" at suspect sites had "increased" (NIE at p. 23), the NIO and CIA analysts told the SSCI that there was no new activity taking place at the suspect sites; the "activity" referred to in the NIE was the continuing work of personnel at these sites. SSCI at p. 124. The NIE also mentioned in a text box that defector reporting indicated that Iraq may have constructed another, new nuclear facility. NIE at p. 20. This assessment was based on reporting from a joint CIA-DIA source, all of whose reporting was disseminated by DIA. After the war, CIA attempted to verify the location of facilities in Iraq that the source had described and was unable to do so; further investigation led CIA to conclude that the source was "directed" by the Iraqi National Congress. Interview with CIA counterintelligence official (Dec. 8, 2004). As of March 3, 2005, however, the DIA had not recalled the source's reporting. Comments from CIA/DO (March 3, 2005). 58 NIE at p. 25. 59 Id. 60 Id. Yellowcake is uranium ore concentrate, produced during the milling process of uranium ore. 61 Id. at pp. 5-8. 62 Interview with NIO/SNP (Sept. 20, 2004). In addition to recalling the reporting, CIA briefed the congressional intelligence committees in June 2003 that, given the recall of the earlier reporting, there was insufficient evidence to conclude that Iraq had recently sought uranium from Africa. Id. Further details regarding the forged documents are discussed below. 63 As noted, in the President's Summary of the NIE, INR's position was more equivocal; INR judged that the overall evidence "indicates, at most, a limited Iraqi nuclear reconstitution effort." NIC, President's Summary, NIE, Iraq's Continuing Programs for Weapons of Mass Destruction (PS/NIE 2002-16HC) (Oct. 2002). 64 Id. at pp. 81-83; see also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 1, p. 28. INR agreed with DOE's assessment of the tubes. NIE at pp. 84-85. The President's Summary of the NIE reflected the NIE's conclusions, noting that "[m]ost agencies judge that Iraq is reconstituting its nuclear weapons program." The Summary explained that "[m]ost agencies judge" that Iraq's pursuit of aluminum tubes was "related to a uranium enrichment effort." Finally, the Summary also explained that "INR and DOE believe that the tubes more likely are intended for conventional weapon uses." NIC, President's Summary, NIE, Iraq's Continuing Programs for Weapons of Mass Destruction (PS/NIE 2002-16HC) (Oct. 2002). The unclassified version of the NIE repeats the bottom-line assessment from the NIE that "if left unchecked, [Iraq] probably will have a nuclear weapon during this decade." The unclassified NIE also noted the disagreement over the tubes, explaining that "[m]ost intelligence specialists assess" that the tubes were intended for use in a centrifuge program, "but some believe that these tubes [were] probably intended for conventional weapons programs." NIC, Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction Programs (Oct. 2002) (unclassified NIE) at p. 1. 65 Interview with DOE intelligence analyst (Oct. 27, 2004); see also DOE, Daily Intelligence Highlights, Iraq: Nuclear Reconstitution Efforts Underway? (July 22, 2002); DOE Office of Intelligence, Technical Intelligence Note, Iraq: Recent Aluminum Tube Procurement Efforts (TIN 000108) (Sept. 13, 2002) (judging that these other indicators collectively indicate intention to rejuvenate Iraq's nuclear weapons program). DOE stated its reliance on these factors, with the exception of its reliance on evidence of Iraqi efforts to obtain uranium from Africa, in the NIE. NIE at p. 6. 66 Interview with NIO/SNP (Sept. 20, 2004). 67 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 1, p. 28; INR, Iraq: Quest for Aluminum Tubes (Oct. 9, 2002) at p. 1 (noting that INR accepted DOE's technical assessment of the tubes). 68 Id.; see also Interview with DOE intelligence analyst (Oct. 27, 2004). 69 DOE, Daily Intelligence Highlights, Iraq: Gas Centrifuge Program Recounted (Nov. 8, 2002) at p. 1 (reaffirming earlier assessments that while the tubes could be modified for centrifuge use their more likely end use is fabrication of motor cases for tactical rockets). 70 NGIC, Assessment, Iraq: Specialty Aluminum Tubes Are an Exercise in Deception (Nov. 25, 2002) at p. 1 (noting the tube specifications are excessive for disposable rocket application and suggest probable application in a nuclear centrifuge); Interview with CIA WINPAC nuclear analysts (Oct. 8, 2004). 71 Department of State, UNVIE Vienna 001134 (July 25, 2002); UNVIE Vienna 000240 (March 4, 2003) (Iraq explanation that tubes are for 81 mm rocket program is "credible"). 72 Senior Executive Memorandum, Questions on Why Iraq is Procuring Aluminum Tubes and What the IAEA Has Found to Date (Jan. 10, 2003) (noting that CIA, DIA, NGA, and NSA all assess that the tubes are most likely for centrifuges, while DOE intelligence and INR believe that the tubes are for the rocket program). 73 Senior Executive Memorandum, Title Classified (Feb. 1, 2003) ; Senior Executive Memorandum, What We Think of the IAEA's Analysis of Iraq's Attempt to Purchase Aluminum Tubes (Dec. 26, 2002) (Iraqi claims that the tubes are for rockets may be "subterfuge" since the disagreement within the Intelligence Community regarding the tubes has appeared in the press); see also NGIC, Assessment, Iraq: Specialty Aluminum Tubes Are an Exercise in Deception (Nov. 25, 2002) (noting that Iraqi middlemen started to claim the tubes were for rockets after press reports revealed the dispute within the U.S. government on their intended use). 74 See, e.g., Senior Executive Memorandum, Key Milestones in Our Assessments of Iraq's Nuclear Program (Sept. 14, 2002) (noting the debate over the tubes' intended use but also the fact that "Iraq's denial and deception programs and the lack of human intelligence have resulted in intelligence gaps"); Senior Publish When Ready, Evidence of Iraq's Nuclear Weapons Program Other Than the Aluminum Tube Procurement Effort (Jan. 17, 2003) ("We have less access to information on Saddam's nuclear weapons intent and activities today than before the Gulf War, a time when significant nuclear developments escaped our detection."). 75 Committee of Privy Counsellors, Chairman the Rt. Hon The Lord Butler of Brockwell, KG GCB CVO, Chairman, Review of Intelligence on Weapons of Mass Destruction (July 14, 2004) at p. 132 (noting March 2002 Joint Intelligence Committee assessment) (hereinafter "Butler Report"). The British Government's unclassified dossier of September 2002 assessed that "the present Iraqi programme is almost certainly seeking an indigenous ability to enrich uranium to the level needed for a nuclear weapon." The dossier noted that while there was "no definitive intelligence" that the aluminum tubes were destined for a nuclear program, the tubes have "potential application in the construction of gas centrifuges" used to enrich uranium. Id. 76 Australian Parliamentary Joint Committee on ASIO, ASIS and DSD, Intelligence on Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction (Dec. 2003) at p. 61; see also Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, Report of the Inquiry into Australian Intelligence Agencies (July 2004). 77 ISG Report, Nuclear, at p. 7. 78 Id. at pp. 7-8. 82 Id. at pp. 7, 30. After the invasion of Kuwait and the embargo, Iraq undertook a "crash program" to produce a nuclear weapon. This program required the diversion of IAEA-safeguarded research reactor fuel at Tuwaitha. Iraq planned to further enrich some reactor fuel by building a centrifuge. The program encountered many obstacles, however, and never got off the ground. Id. at p. 4. 83 Id. at pp. 4, 7. 84 Id. at pp. 4-5. The ISG Report noted that since Operation Iraqi Freedom began, two scientists from Iraq's pre-1991 nuclear weapons program have emerged to provide the ISG with uranium enrichment technology and components, which they had kept hidden from inspectors. These scientists kept uranium enrichment documentation and technology in anticipation of renewing these efforts--actions that they contend were officially sanctioned. Id. at pp. 8, 73. Specifically, one former EMIS scientist hid EMIS-related material and equipment near his home. The former head of Iraq's pre-1991 centrifuge program also hid centrifuge components and a complete set of workable centrifuge blueprints at his home in 1991, for the purpose of reconstituting the program once sanctions were lifted. Id. at pp. 73-74. 85 Id. at p. 5. 86 Id. 87 Id. at pp. 7-8. The ISG noted that significant looting and damage have occurred since the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) at most of the dual-use manufacturing facilities that supported the pre-1991 EMIS program. Accordingly, the ISG has not been able to confirm that the Iraqi regime attempted to preserve the EMIS technology, although one scientist with the pre-1991 program kept documents and components that would be useful in restarting such an effort, as noted above. Id. at p. 8. 88 Id. at p. 9. 89 Id. at p. 5. 90 Id. Iraq tried various means to retain scientists, including restricting foreign travel and preventing scientists from seeking other jobs. Id. Iraq later also tried to restore some of the incentives that scientists working in the nuclear program had previously enjoyed, as discussed below. Id. at pp. 5-6. 91 Id. Saddam Hussein raised salaries
for employees in the MIC and IAEC in the late 1990s, reinstituting the pay differential
that former nuclear personnel enjoyed under Hussein Kamil and that had been cut
after his defection. 92 Id. at pp. 35-36. These technologies--which
included projects to acquire a magnet production line at Al Tahadi, carbon
fiber filament winding equipment for missile fabrication, and machines for
rotary balancing and spin testing--were intended to improve specific military
or commercial products, according to the ISG. 93 Id. at p. 21. 94 95 Id. at pp. 22-23. Ja'far explained that the diameter of the tubes would cause the enrichment output to be far lower than the centrifuge design Iraq had pursued before 1991. Id. 96 Id. 97 98 Id. Other sources, however, indicated the range and accuracy problems were caused by other factors, such as poor quality propellant. Id. at p. 25. 99 100 Id. at pp. 25-26. 101 Id. at p. 21. The ISG based its findings regarding the tubes on interviews with both nuclear and rocket experts. Id. 102 103 Id. at pp. 21, 27. 107 Id. 109 Id. at p. 30; see also NIE at p. 78. 110 ISG Report, Nuclear at p. 30. Iraqi procurement agents customarily relied on intermediaries so as to disguise Iraq as the end-user. But because such efforts are disguised, it is often difficult to determine on whose behalf a procurement request is made. Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 9, 2004). In this instance, the ISG did not find a clear connection linking the procurement request to Iraq. ISG Report, Nuclear at p. 30. Also, it was not clear whether the request for a larger tube was inadvertent. Interview with CIA WINPAC nuclear analysts (Oct. 8, 2004); Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 9, 2004). 111 ISG Report, Nuclear at p. 30. 112 Id. at p. 22. 113 Id. at p. 9. Coalition forces found 16 barrels of material in May 2003 that were associated with the yellowcake plant Iraq had at al Qaim--material that ISG believes is associated with the pre-1991 nuclear program. Known Iraqi holdings of yellowcake were accounted for by the Coalition and the IAEA in June 2004. Id. at pp. 9-13. 114 Id. at pp. 4, 9. 115 Raymond Whitaker, "Niger Timebomb: The Diplomat, the Forgery, and the Suspect Case for War," The Independent on Sunday (Aug. 10, 2003) at p. 8. 116 ISG Report, Nuclear at p. 9. 117 Id. at pp. 9-11. 119 Id. 120 Id. at pp. 7-8. As noted, two scientists retained documents and components that could have the potential to contribute to a restart of the program, but this activity was isolated. Id. at pp. 8-9, 73. 121 Id. at p. 6. 122 Part of that thorough review would include input from experts, such as input from the Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee (JAEIC)--a DCI committee operating under the auspices of the National Intelligence Council that is charged with analyzing technical nuclear issues. DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 1, p. 4. The JAEIC offered to convene an interagency meeting to discuss the issue in the spring and again in the summer of 2002, but no such meeting was held. JAEIC, Letter Responding to Written Questions From Commission Staff (Jan. 5, 2005). The meeting was not held, according to the JAEIC, because the CIA informed the JAEIC staff in early August 2002 that CIA was not ready to discuss its position. Id. The JAEIC did not convene after the NIE was requested in early September 2002 because the JAEIC member agencies could not support both efforts at the same time on the compressed time scheduled for the NIE, according to the JAEIC. Id. According to CIA, on the other hand, CIA had proposed in August that the JAEIC prepare an assessment of the tubes, but that assessment was not completed before Congress requested the NIE. Comments from CIA WINPAC (March 3, 2005). And the JAEIC did not convene a discussion after the NIE was published because the NIE had already set forth the differing positions of the various Intelligence Community agencies. JAEIC, Letter Responding to Written Questions From Commission Staff (Jan. 5, 2005). Whether the JAEIC could have produced a consensus opinion on the tubes is an open question, but because the dispute did not turn solely on technical issues--all agencies agreed that the tubes could be used to build centrifuges--they differed only on whether they would be used for centrifuges. See also DOE, Letter from Director DOE Intelligence Responding to Written Questions (Dec. 30, 2004) (noting that all agencies agreed tubes could be used for centrifuges and that the dispute was whether they would be used for that purpose). 123 As discussed above, the Intelligence Community was not of one mind on the significance of the tubes for Iraq's nuclear program. CIA, DIA, NSA, and NGA agreed that the tubes were for use in a gas centrifuge program, while DOE and INR believed the tubes were more likely for use in tactical rockets. In any event, the majority position of the Intelligence Community, as presented to the policymakers before Operation Iraqi Freedom, was that Iraq was reconstituting its nuclear program and that the aluminum tubes were "compelling evidence" of that effort. 124 NIE at p. 16. 125 DIA, Military Intelligence Digest Supplement, Iraq: Procuring Possible Nuclear-Related Gas Centrifuge Equipment (MID-227-01-SCI) (Nov. 30, 2001); DIA, Defense Intelligence Assessment, Iraq's Reemerging Nuclear Weapon Program (DI-1610-93-02-SCI) (Sept. 2002); CIA, Iraq's Hunt for Aluminum Tubes (WINPAC IA 2002-051HCX) (Sept. 30, 2002). 126 DIA, Iraq's Reemerging Nuclear Weapon Program (DI-1610-93-02-SCI) (Sept. 2002); CIA, Iraq's Hunt for Aluminum Tubes (WINPAC IA 2002-051HCX) (Sept. 30, 2002). 127 SSCI at p. 100. 128 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 1, p. 27 & n. 100. CIA analysts explained that the IAEA inspection result from 1996 did not carry more weight in their analysis because the inspection reporting raised questions about whether the tubes found by the IAEA really were of the right high-strength alloy needed for centrifuges. Interview with CIA WINPAC nuclear analysts (Oct. 8, 2004). For its part, DOE believed that there was no plausible reason for Iraq to have overstated its declaration to claim that the tubes were made of 7075 T6 aluminum--an item Iraq was proscribed from possessing under United Nations Security Council resolutions--if the tubes were actually made of something else. Interview with DOE intelligence analyst (Oct. 27, 2004). In any event, the IAEA subsequently tested the tubes in early February 2003 and confirmed that they were in fact 7075 T6 aluminum. Interview with CIA WINPAC nuclear analysts (Oct. 8, 2004). 129 CIA, Iraq's Hunt for Aluminum Tubes (WINPAC IA 2002-051HCX) (Sept. 30, 2002) (text box with NGIC's position) at p. 7. NGIC states that it did not receive the 1996 Iraqi declaration to the IAEA. Interview with NGIC officials (Dec. 7, 2004). 130 SSCI at p. 100. Iraq's Nasser 81 mm rocket is reverse-engineered from the Italian Medusa air-to-ground rocket. NGIC, Iraq: Specialty Aluminum Tubes are an Exercise in Deception (Nov. 25, 2002) at p. 2. 131 Interview with NGIC analysts (Dec. 7, 2004); DIA, Military Intelligence Digest Supplement, Iraq: Procuring Possible Nuclear-Related Gas Centrifuge Equipment (MID-227-01-SCI) (Nov. 30, 2001). The U.S. Mark 66 2.75-inch rocket uses a 7075 T6 aluminum case, and has manufacturing specifications "roughly comparable" to the Iraq tubes. NGIC, Iraq: Specialty Aluminum Tubes are an Exercise in Deception (Nov. 25, 2002) at pp. 1-2; Interview with NGIC analysts (Dec. 7, 2004). 132 DIA, Military Intelligence Digest Supplement, Iraq: Procuring Possible Nuclear-Related Gas Centrifuge Equipment (MID-227-01-SCI) (Nov. 30, 2001). 133 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 1, p. 27 & n.100. 134 DOE Office of Intelligence, Technical Intelligence Note, Iraq's Gas Centrifuge Program: Is Reconstitution Underway? (TIN 000064) (Aug. 17, 2001) at p. 6; IAEA Inspection Report, Nassr GE (Sept. 22, 1996). 135 Interview with NGIC analysts (Dec. 7, 2004). 136 SSCI at p. 133. 137 NGIC, Iraq: Specialty Aluminum Tubes Are an Exercise in Deception (Nov. 25, 2002) at p. 2 (noting that efforts to obtain specifications for the Medusa had to that point been unsuccessful). 138 Classified cable traffic (Sept. 2002); Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 9, 2004). Many months later, CIA finally obtained and disseminated information from the Italians on the Medusa specifications. Classified intelligence report (Nov. 2003). The specifications were slightly less stringent than those sought by Iraq, but slightly more stringent than those of comparable U.S. rockets. The differences were minimal, however. NGIC, Assessment, Iraq: Specialty Aluminum Tubes Are an Exercise in Deception (Nov. 25, 2002) at p. 2; see also Interview with NGIC analysts (Dec. 7, 2004). 139 Interview with CIA WINPAC nuclear analyst (Oct. 8, 2004); Interview with DOE intelligence analyst (Oct. 27, 2004). 140 Interview with CIA WINPAC nuclear analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). DOE Office of Intelligence, Technical Intelligence Note, Iraqi Gas Centrifuge Program: Is Reconstitution Underway? (TIN 000064) (Aug. 17, 2001) (providing technical assessment of how such tubes might perform in a centrifuge application) 141 Id.; Interview with DOE intelligence analyst (Oct. 27, 2004); see also DOE, Daily Intelligence Highlights, Iraq High-Strength Aluminum Tube Procurement (April 11, 2001) (noting that the small tube diameter would pose "various design and operational problems and limitations"); DOE Office of Intelligence, Technical Intelligence Note, Iraq's Gas Centrifuge Program: Is Reconstitution Underway? (TIN 000064) (Aug. 17, 2001) at p. 9 (same). 142 DOE Office of Intelligence, Technical Intelligence Note, Iraq: Seeking Additional Aluminum Tubes (TIN 000084) (Dec. 17, 2001) at p. 3; DOE Office of Intelligence Technical Intelligence Note, Iraqi Gas Centrifuge Program: Is Reconstitution Underway? (TIN 000064) (Aug. 17, 2001) at p. 8. 143 DOE Office of Intelligence Technical Intelligence Note, Iraqi Gas Centrifuge Program: Is Reconstitution Underway? (TIN 000064) (Aug. 17, 2001) at p. 11. 144 Id. at pp. 4, 11. 145 Interview with CIA WINPAC nuclear analysts (Oct. 8, 2004). WINPAC analysts contacted the technical group within the CIA/DO's Counter Proliferation Division (CPD) for assistance in testing the tubes; CPD recommended a contractor to perform the tests. DOE did not assist with these tests, and DOE never performed any tests of its own on the tubes. 146 Interview with CIA WINPAC nuclear analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). 147 NIE at p. 76. This initial spin
test was done without first balancing the tubes, "a critical step required
for full-speed operation." 148 Interview with CIA WINPAC nuclear analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). 149 Id.; see also Classified intelligence report (June 2003) (reissuing earlier report on spin-test results; that report had been issued in January 2003 and reissued once previously with corrections in May 2003). 150 DOE Office of Intelligence, Technical Intelligence Note, Technical Evaluation of CIA Spin Tests of Iraqi Aluminum Tubes (TIN 000127) (May 2003); see also Interview with DOE intelligence analyst (Oct. 27, 2004). 151 Interview with former Assistant
Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research (Nov. 1, 2004). This official
noted that INR and DOE viewed the CIA's reliance on the tubes as a "forced
argument" designed to support the pre-conceived conclusion of
reconstitution. 152 NIE at p. 17. 153 DOE Office of Intelligence, Technical Intelligence Note, Iraq's Gas Centrifuge Program: Is Reconstitution Underway? (TIN 000064) (Aug. 17, 2001) at p. 9. DOE's view was that the tubes were "too thick for the design we assess that Iraq is most likely to be pursuing." DOE Office of Intelligence, Technical Intelligence Note, Iraq: Recent Aluminum Tube Procurement Efforts (TIN 000108) (Sept. 13, 2002) at p. 3. DOE also viewed the tubes as "too thick for favorable use as rotor tubes." DOE Office of Intelligence, Technical Intelligence Note, Iraq's Gas Centrifuge Program: Is Reconstitution Underway? (TIN 000064) (Aug. 17, 2001) at p. 9 (emphasis added). DOE noted that the tubes "could be modified" for use in centrifuge rotors. DOE explained that "we can conceive of various workable schemes to modify the tubes for favorable centrifuge rotor use," including machining the inner and outer surfaces, which DOE judged to be within the Iraqis' capabilities if they had the proper tools. The modifications envisioned by DOE were "up to and including re-melting the tubes and restarting...[the] fabrication process." DOE Office of Intelligence, Technical Intelligence Note, Iraq's Gas Centrifuge Program: Is Reconstitution Underway? (TIN 000064) (Aug. 17, 2001) at pp. 8-10. If the tubes were used without thinning the walls, modifications to other parts of the centrifuge system would require "significant additional research and development." DOE Office of Intelligence, Technical Intelligence Note, Iraq: Seeking Additional Aluminum Tubes (TIN 000084) (Dec. 17, 2001) at p. 2. A DOE analyst told Commission staff that DOE did not rule out the possibility that the tubes could be used in gas centrifuges until after the commencement of OIF. Interview with DOE intelligence analyst (Oct. 27, 2004). 154 NIE at p. 77; CIA, Iraq's Hunt for Aluminum Tubes: Evidence of a Renewed Uranium Enrichment Program (WINPAC IA 2002-051HCX) (Sept. 30, 2002) at p. 4. The Zippe and Beams-type gas centrifuges are based on declassified designs from the early 1960s that were instrumental in the early Russian and U.S. centrifuge programs. NIE at p. 77. 155 NIE at p. 79, n. 7. A CIA WINPAC nuclear analyst explained that the Zippe design does not explicitly state a wall thickness for the rotors, and that a range of workable thicknesses can be arithmetically derived from other design specifications. Interview with CIA WINPAC nuclear analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). 156 Interview with CIA WINPAC nuclear analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). 157 NIE at p. 78. 158 DIA, Iraq's Reemerging Nuclear Weapon Program (DI-1610-93-02-SCI) (Aug. 7, 2002) at p. 9. 159 CIA WINPAC analysts noted, however, that the Urenco designs used rotors made of carbon fiber or maraging steel that Iraq was incapable of making itself. Interview with CIA WINPAC nuclear analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). 160 DOE Office of Intelligence, Technical Intelligence Note, Iraq: Seeking Additional Aluminum Tubes (TIN 000084) (Dec. 17, 2001) at p. 3. DOE told the SSCI that Zippe's designs "had wall thicknesses" of a figure different than that indicated in the NIE's chart, and that DOE had "explained" this to CIA analysts "several times." SSCI at p. 110. But, as noted, according to CIA analysts a range of wall thicknesses can be arithmetically derived from Zippe's design. In fact, DOE later conceded that Zippe built at least one rotor with a thicker wall, according to the NIO/SNP. The NIO noted that the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence dropped DOE's concession from the final SSCI report when DOE conceded that Zippe had, in fact, made a thicker tube. According to the NIO, this revelation was contrary to a statement DOE made in the NIE (at p. 77) and in subsequent discussions until the SSCI was finalizing its report and DOE recognized its error. Interview with NIO/SNP (Sept. 20, 2004). DOE, for its part, disputes that it ever made the concession that Zippe built at least one rotor with a thicker wall. Comments from DOE (March 3, 2005). In interviews with Commission staff, a DOE analyst would only reiterate that a former DOE official had spoken to Mr. Zippe and that Mr. Zippe himself used a design with a thinner wall. The DOE analyst conceded, however, that the Zippe report, which is the only insight into the Zippe design that Iraq was likely to have, does not specify a wall thickness. Interview with DOE intelligence analyst (Oct. 27, 2004). 161 Interview with DOE intelligence analyst (Oct. 27, 2004). 162 163 NIE at pp. 17, 78; see also CIA, Iraq's Hunt for Aluminum Tubes: Evidence of a Renewed Uranium Enrichment Program (WINPAC IA 2002-051HCX) (Sept. 30, 2002) at p. 4; NGIC, Iraq: Specialty Aluminum Tubes Are an Exercise in Deception (NGIC-1143-7184-03) (Nov. 25, 2002) at pp. 1-2. 164 DOE Office of Intelligence, Technical Intelligence Note, Iraq: Seeking Additional Aluminum Tubes (TIN 000084) (Dec. 17, 2001) at pp. 2, 4; DOE Office of Intelligence, Technical Intelligence Note, Iraq's Gas Centrifuge Program: Is Reconstitution Underway? (TIN 000064) (Aug. 17, 2001) at p. 9; see also SSCI at p. 104. 165 DOE Office of Intelligence, Technical Intelligence Note, Iraq's Gas Centrifuge Program: Is Reconstitution Underway? (TIN 000064) (Aug. 17, 2001) at p. 9 (noting tubes could be used if the walls were thinned); DOE Office of Intelligence Technical Intelligence Note, Iraq: Seeking Additional Aluminum Tubes (TIN 000084) (Dec. 17, 2001) at p. 2 (if tubes used without thinning the walls, modifications to other parts of the centrifuge system would require "significant additional research and development"); see also Butler Report at pp. 130-131; NIE at p. 77 (NIE assessment that the 900 mm tubes would have to be cut to make two 400 mm rotors); NIE at pp. 81-84 (noting views of DOE, INR, and IAEA that tubes would require other modifications before being used in centrifuge rotors). 166 Butler Report at pp. 130-131. 167 SSCI at p. 103. In fact, IAEA interviews with Iraqi engineers in early 2003 indicated that Iraq may have over-specified the tubes for use in rockets because of engineering inexperience. Interview with DOE intelligence analyst (Oct. 27, 2004). 168 NIE at p. 17. See , e.g., Classified intelligence reporting (Aug. 2001); (Jan. 2002); see also SSCI at p. 105. 169 SSCI at p. 105. Moreover, IAEA
inspection information indicated that Iraq had paid approximately $15-$20 for
the tubes it acquired in the 1980's. 170 Denial refers to the ability to prevent the Intelligence Community from collecting intelligence, for example, by avoiding overhead imagery or by encrypting communications. Deception refers to the ability to manipulate intelligence with false or misleading information, for example, by disseminating "cover stories" for illicit activity, by directing controlled or "double agents" at U.S. intelligence, or by presenting decoy structures for imagery. See Department of Defense, Iraqi Denial and Deception for Weapons of Mass Destruction and Ballistic Missile Programs (Oct. 8, 2002). 171 NGIC, Iraq: Specialty Aluminum Tubes Are an Exercise in Deception (NGIC-1143-7184-03) (Nov. 25, 2002) at p. 4. Similarly, the CIA noted that Iraq's claim that the tubes are intended for rockets "may be a deception effort by Baghdad to deflect attention away from nuclear-related procurements." CIA, Iraq's Hunt for Aluminum Tubes: Evidence of a Renewed Uranium Enrichment Program (WINPAC IA 2002-051HCX) (Sept. 30, 2002) at pp. 2-3. 172 Senior Executive Memorandum, Title Classified (Feb. 1, 2003). 173 To its credit, CIA WINPAC did attempt to conduct an independent review of its conclusions about the tubes by convening a panel of centrifuge experts to evaluate the relative merits of the two alternative hypotheses for the intended use of the tubes. This team's "independent" review, however, was conducted based on a review of "available documentation" on the subject, a briefing from CIA on the chronology of events surrounding Iraqi attempts to procure the tubes, a briefing from DOE outlining DOE's views on the tubes, and sample tubes for "visual examination." CIA, Title Classified (Sept. 17, 2002). The team told the SSCI that its review was based primarily on "a stack of documents provided by the CIA" which contained the various intelligence assessments regarding the tubes, and the briefing from DOE. Notes of red team interview with SSCI prepared by CIA Office of Congressional Affairs (Nov. 13, 2003); see also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 1, p. 25 & n. 98. The team concluded that the tubes were consistent with design requirements of gas centrifuge rotors, and inconsistent with design requirements of rocket motor casings. DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 1, p. 25. 174 Interview with CIA WINPAC nuclear analysts (Oct. 8, 2004). 175 Id. (noting that such a reassessment had been drafted in summer 2004 but was still being reviewed by management in late 2004). 176 Interview with DOE intelligence analyst (Oct. 27, 2004). 177 NIE at p. 16. 178 Classified intelligence reporting (Sept. 2002). 179 Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 9, 2004). 180 Id. The sourcing for this report remains unclear as of 2005. Id. Similarly, the NIE indicated that in late August 2002, according to sensitive reporting, Iraq asked about increasing the internal diameter and wall thickness each by 1.0 mm, thus increasing the external diameter by 3.0 mm. NIE at p. 78. This information was also from the liaison service. Classified intelligence report (Aug. 2002). The procurement attempt, however, was never definitively linked to Iraq. Interview with CIA WINPAC nuclear analysts (Oct. 8, 2004); Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 9, 2004). 181 NIE at pp. 18-19. 182 SSCI at pp. 119-120; see also Interview with NIO/SNP (Sept. 20, 2004). The DCI Statement for the Record noted that this mistaken reference was traceable to an earlier CIA/NESA publication. The workers had been associated with Iraq's Electromagnetic Isotope Separation (EMIS) uranium enrichment program. Comments from NIO/SNP (March 3, 2005). 183 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 1, p. 32.; SSCI at p. 120. This mistake was also traced to the earlier CIA/NESA publication. Comments from NIO/SNP (March 3, 2005). 184 NIE at pp. 18-19; DOE, Intelligence Highlights, Iraq: Nuclear Reconstitution Efforts Underway? (July 22, 2002). 185 Interview with DOE intelligence analyst (Oct. 27, 2004); see also Interview with CIA WINPAC nuclear analyst (Aug. 11, 2004). CIA, on the other hand, was more concerned about the uranium Iraq already had in-country, as described in the NIE. Although Iraq's stockpile of low enriched uranium was inspected once per year by the IAEA, CIA was concerned that the uranium could be diverted for enrichment and weapons before anyone detected it was missing. Interview with NIO/SNP (Sept. 20, 2004); see also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 1, p. 22. The NIO/SNP briefed the SSCI on October 4, 2002 and explained that the uranium information was not in the Key Judgments of the NIE and was included in the body for completeness--but only after first noting that Iraq already had uranium in country as noted above. Comments from NIO/SNP (March 3, 2005). 186 Interview with NIO/SNP (Sept. 20, 2004). 187 Interview with former senior intelligence officer. 188 Interview with DOE intelligence analyst (Oct. 27, 2004). 189 Interview with NIO/SNP (Sept. 20, 2004) (only DOE relied on the uranium from Niger information to support the case for reconstitution). 190 The President stated that "the British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." President George W. Bush, Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the State of the Union (Jan. 28, 2003). A related problem within the Intelligence Community is that, when asked to vet the State of the Union speech, the Intelligence Community lacked a formal process to do so. Department of State and CIA, Department of State and CIA: The Joint Report of the Inspectors General of CIA and State on the Alleged Iraqi Attempts to Procure Uranium From Niger (Sept. 2003) (noting the lack of a formal vetting process and recommended the institution of more formalized procedures). 191 NIE at p. 25. 192 Classified intelligence report (Oct. 2001); Classified intelligence report (Feb.
2002); Classified intelligence report (March 2002). There was additional
reporting that Iraq was seeking to procure uranium from Africa, but this
reporting was not considered reliable by most analysts at the time, and it was
subsequently judged not credible and recalled. Interview with CIA WINPAC
nuclear analysts (Aug. 11, 2004); CIA, Memorandum for the DCI, In Response to
Your Questions for Our Current Assessment and Additional Details on Iraq's
Alleged Pursuits of Uranium From Abroad (June 17, 2003) at p. 2. For example,
separate reporting indicated Iraq had offered weapons to a country in exchange
for uranium. Classified intelligence report (April 1999). There were two human
intelligence reports in March-April 1999 indicating that a delegation of
Iraqis, Iranians, and Libyans had arrived in Somalia to discuss the possibility
of extracting uranium from a Somali mine. Classified intelligence report (March
1999); Classified intelligence report (April 1999). Another report indicated
further Iraqi involvement with a uranium purchase. Classified intelligence
report (April 2002); see also SSCI at p. 47 n. 6; CIA, Memorandum for the DCI,
In Response to Your Questions for Our Current Assessment and Additional Details
on Iraq's Alleged Pursuits of Uranium From Abroad (June 17, 2003) at p. 2.
There was also one report from a U.S. Department of Defense agency that
indicated that a large quantity of uranium was being stored in a warehouse in
Cotonou, Benin, destined for Iraq. Classified intelligence report (Nov. 2002).
A Defense 193 Classified intelligence report (Feb. 2002). 194 Id.; Classified intelligence report (Dec. 2001). 195 Interview with CIA WINPAC nuclear analyst (Sept. 20, 2004); see also SSCI at p. 38. 196 SSCI at p. 38. 198 Classified intelligence reporting (March 2002); see also SSCI at p. 43. 199 Classified intelligence reporting (March 2002). 200 Id. 201 Id. 202 Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Assessment of the British Government (Sept. 2002) (unclassified) (also referred to as the "Dossier" or "white paper"). 203 Interview with CIA/DO officials (Sept. 3, 2004) (noting that the documents were passed to the Embassy on Oct. 9, 2004); see also Department of State, Rome 004988 (Oct. 11, 2002) (cable from U.S. Embassy Rome reporting receipt of the documents on October 9). 204 Department of State and CIA, Joint Report of Inspectors General on Iraqi Attempts to Procure Uranium From Niger (Sept. 2003) at p. 11; CIA, Analyses on an Alleged Iraq-Niger Uranium Agreement (undated but prepared sometime after March 7, 2003) (attaching copies and translations of documents); see also SSCI at pp. 57-58 (noting that the documents were similar to the original reporting). 205 Department of State and CIA, Joint Report of Inspectors General on Iraqi Attempts to Procure Uranium From Niger (Sept. 2003) at p. 12. Although the documents were made available to CPD several days after they were sent from Rome in mid-October 2002, CPD did not share the documents with WINPAC or attempt to assess their authenticity. Id., Appendix, at pp. 6-7. 206 Senior Publish When Ready, Request for Evidence of Iraq's Nuclear Weapons Program Other Than the Aluminum Tube Procurement Effort (Jan. 17, 2003). By January 2003, CIA WINPAC analysts had come to believe that such uranium procurement efforts, if they could be shown to be true, would bolster the case that Iraq was reconstituting its nuclear program. Interview with WINPAC nuclear analyst (Sept 20, 2004); see also SSCI at pp. 62-63. 207 SSCI at pp. 63-64. 208 President George W. Bush, Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the State of the Union (Jan. 28, 2003). 209 SSCI at p. 66; see also Interview with NIO/SNP (Sept. 20, 2004) (noting that he never saw a draft of the speech, was not asked to comment on it, and was never contacted about releasing any information from the NIE or otherwise). 210 Interview with CIA WINPAC nuclear analyst (Sept. 20, 2004); see also SSCI at p. 66. Information from the October 2002 NIE on the uranium deal was also provided to Secretary Powell in preparation for his speech to the United Nations, but no statement about uranium from Africa was included in that speech. Department of State and CIA, Joint Report of Inspectors General on Iraqi Attempts to Procure Uranium From Niger (Sept. 2003) at p. 26. Secretary Powell, during his meetings at CIA to vet the speech, was informed that there were doubts about the Niger reporting and did not include it for that reason. Id. Even after the documents were found to be forgeries, however, DIA provided memoranda to the Office of the Secretary of Defense indicating that other corroborating information still existed. But that information consisted of the report from Ambassador Wilson, and the report from the Defense Department agency regarding a warehouse in Benin. SSCI at pp. 69-71. 211 CIA, Congressional Notification Regarding Purported Iraqi Attempt to get Uranium from Niger (April 3, 2003) at p. 7. 212 IAEA, Analysis of Relevant Documents (March 10, 2003). 213 CIA, Analyses on an Alleged Iraq-Niger Uranium Agreement (undated but prepared sometime after March 7, 2003) (appending original and translated documents); IAEA, Analysis of Relevant Documents (March 10, 2003); Interview with FBI (Sept. 21, 2004). 214 CIA, Analyses on an Alleged Iraq-Niger Uranium Agreement (undated but prepared sometime after March 7, 2003). See also Senior Publish When Ready, Iraq's Reported Interest in Buying Uranium from Niger and Whether Associated Documents are Authentic (March 11, 2003) (concluding the documents were forgeries). The errors in the original documents, which indicated they were forgeries, also occur in the February 2002 report that provided a "verbatim" text of the agreement, indicating that the original reporting was based on the forged documents. 215 Department of State and CIA, Joint Report of Inspectors General on Iraqi Attempts to Procure Uranium From Niger (Sept. 2003) at p. 11. Although the Inspectors General report notes that all three reports were recalled, CIA/DO officials advised the Commission that in fact two of the reports were recalled and the third, which included information not included in the forged documents, was reissued with a caveat that the information the report contains may have been fabricated. Comments from CIA/DO (March 3, 2005). 216 CIA, Memorandum for the DCI, In Response to Your Questions for Our Current Assessment and Additional Details on Iraq's Alleged Pursuits of Uranium From Abroad (June 17, 2003) at p. 1. 217 Interview with NIO/SNP (Sept. 20, 2004). The SSCI report referenced the memorandum for the DCI, and stated that the memorandum had no distribution outside the CIA. SSCI at p. 71. This reference left the mistaken impression, however, that CIA did not inform others of its conclusions regarding the forged documents and the concomitant reliability of information about a possible uranium deal with Niger. The NIO/SNP emphasized that CIA not only recalled the original reporting as having possibly been based on fraudulent reporting, but the NIO, with CIA and other agencies in attendance, also briefed Congress on the matter. Interview with NIO/SNP (Sept. 20, 2004). 218 It is still unclear who forged the documents and why. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is currently investigating those questions. Interview with FBI (Sept. 21, 2004); see also Interview with CIA/DO officials (Sept. 3, 2004). We discuss in the counterpart footnote in our classified report some further factual findings concerning the potential source of the forgeries. This discussion, however, is classified. 219 NIE at pp. 5, 35. The Intelligence Community also judged that Iraq maintained delivery systems for its BW agents. Id. at p. 7. For its part, the British Joint Intelligence Committee assessed in September 2002 that Iraq "currently has available, either from pre-Gulf War stocks or more recent production, a number of biological warfare" agents and weapons. Butler Report at p. 74. The Australian Office of National Assessments judged by September 2002 that "Iraq is highly likely to have chemical and biological weapons," that "Iraq has almost certainly been working to increase its ability to make chemical and biological weapons," and, in December 2002, that many of Iraq's WMD activities were hidden in mobile facilities. Australian Parliamentary Joint Committee on Australian Secret Intelligence Organization, Australian Secret Intelligence Service and Defense Signals Directorate, Intelligence on Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction (Dec. 2003) at pp. 32, 61. With respect to mobile BW facilities, however, the Defense Intelligence Organization assessed in March 2003 that the level of evidence required to confirm the existence of such mobile facilities had not yet been found. Id. at pp. 61-62. 220 NIE at p. 41. 221 ISG, Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraqi WMD, Volume III, "Biological Warfare," (Sept. 30, 2004) at pp. 1-3 (hereinafter "ISG Report, Biological"). 222 Id. at pp. 11-12. Iraq continued to conduct research and development on weaponization until 1995. Id. at pp. 13-15. 223 Id. 224 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 3, p. 1. 225 Id. at pp. 3-5; see also CIA, Iraq's Biological Warfare Program: Saddam's Ace in the Hole (SW-90-11052CX) (Aug. 1990) at pp. 4-5. 226 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 3, pp. 3-5. 227 Classified intelligence reporting; see also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 3, p. 2, n. 1. 228 Classified intelligence reporting; see also ISG Report, Biological, at p. 15. 229 Classified intelligence reporting; see also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 3, pp. 3-5. 230 CIA, Iraq's Biological Warfare Program: Well Positioned for the Future (OTI IR 97-012X) (April 1997). 231 NIC, Iraq: Post-Desert Fox Activities and Estimated Status of WMD Programs (July 1999). See also SSCI at p. 143. 232 CIA, Title Classified ( WINPAC IA 2002-059X) (Nov. 21, 2002). See also DCI Statement for the Record at Introduction, p. 1. 233 Interview with CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). Analysts assessed that Iraq could restart BW production within six months. NIC, Worldwide BW Programs: Trends and Prospects, Volume I: The Estimate (NIE 99-05CX/I) (May 1999) at pp. 4 and 43. 234 Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Aug. 3, 2004) ("Substantial volume"); DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 3, p. 6 (citing NIC, Worldwide Biological Warfare Programs: Trends and Prospects, Update (NIE 2000-12HCX) (Dec. 2000) (noting that the "new information" caused the Intelligence Community to "adjust...upwards" its 1999 assessment of the BW threat posed by Iraq. The "new information" refers to the Curveball reporting, which began in January 2000.)). 235 Interview with Defense 236 Classified intelligence reporting. 237 Interview with CIA/DO officials and CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analysts (Aug. 3, 2004). 238 NIC, Worldwide Biological Warfare Programs: Trends and Prospects, Update (NIE 2000-12HCX) (Dec. 2000) at p. 22. 239 CIA, DCI Nonproliferation Center, New Evidence of Iraqi Biological Warfare Program (SIR 2000-003X) (Dec. 14, 2000). See also SSCI at p. 144. 240 CIA, Iraq: Mobile Biological Warfare Agent Production Capability (WINPAC IA 2001-050X) (Oct. 10, 2001) at pp. 1, 7. 241 Senior Publish When Ready, Iraq: Mobile BW Agent Production Capability (Sept. 19, 2001) (sources indicate Baghdad continues to pursue a mobile BW capability to produce large amounts of BW agents covertly). 242 Interviews with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analysts (Aug. 3, 2004 and Sept. 20, 2004) (citing to timeline prepared by the CIA Iraq WMD Review Group, quoting the DCI's prepared testimony). Director Tenet based this statement on information obtained from Curveball, whom he described as "a credible defector who worked in the program." The classified version of the report discusses in detail CIA's discovery that the fourth source, whose reporting the DCI stated corroborated Curveball's reporting, was not the direct source of the reporting sourced to him on BW. 243 The President's Summary of the NIE reflected this finding, noting that "[w]e assess that most elements of Iraq's BW program are larger and more advanced than before the Gulf War" and "[w]e judge that Iraq has some BW agents." NIC, President's Summary, NIE, Iraq's Continuing Programs for Weapons of Mass Destruction (PS/NIE 2002-16HC) (Oct. 2002). The unclassified summary of the NIE contained the same assessment. Unclassified NIE at p. 2 ("Iraq has some lethal and incapacitating BW agents" and "[a]ll key aspects...of Iraq's offensive BW program are active and most elements are larger and more advanced than they were before the Gulf War"). 244 NIE at pp. 7, 36, 43. 245 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 3, p. 16; see also Interview with WINPAC BW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). 246 See, e.g., Classified intelligence reporting; see also Joint CIA-DIA Assessment of [Foreign Service] Source Curveball (June 7, 2004) at pp. 1-2; SSCI at pp. 148-9. 247 Joint CIA-DIA Assessment of [Foreign Service] Source Curveball, (June 7, 2004) at pp. 1-2; see, e.g., Classified intelligence report (May 2004) (recalling Curveball report). 248 NIE at pp. 41-43; Interview with WINPAC BW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004); see also SSCI at pp. 148-149; Interview with former WINPAC BW analyst (Oct. 25, 2004). 249 Classified intelligence report; see also SSCI at p. 161. 250 Interview with CIA/DO officials and CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Aug. 3, 2004); Interview with CIA/DO officials (Sept. 27, 2004). Classified intelligence report (Oct. 2003) (stating that, contrary to the information reported by the same source in June 2001, "there was no equipment for the production of biological weapons at this facility" and that the "source had no knowledge of biological weapons production at other facilities"). 251 Interview with CIA/DO officials
(Sept. 27, 2004); Interview with Defense 252 Interview with Defense 253 Classified intelligence report (March 2002); see also NIC, The Iraqi National Congress Defector Program (NIC 1768-02) (July 10, 2002) at pp. 3-5; SSCI at p. 160. 254 Interview with CIA/DO officials
and CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analysts (Aug. 3, 2004); see also NIC, Iraqi
National Congress Defector Program (NIC 1768-02) (July 10, 2002) at pp. 4-5.
The NIE actually sourced its information to a Vanity Fair article, which quoted
the INC source as an unnamed "defector." David Rose, "Iraq's
Arsenal of Terror," Vanity Fair (May 2002) (cited in source documents to
annotated NIE). Defense 255 Interviews with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Aug. 3, 2004 and Sept. 20, 2004). 256 CIA, Iraq: Biological Warfare Agents Pose Growing Threat to U.S. Interests (WINPAC IA 2002-060CX) (Nov. 13, 2002). 257 CIA, Iraq: Options for Unconventional Use of CBW (WINPAC IA 2003-010HJX) (Feb. 13, 2003). 258 Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, Remarks to the United Nations Security Council (Feb. 5, 2003) (annotated version). Referring to Curveball, Secretary Powell said that a chemical engineer who was actually present during BW production runs provided information on the mobile facilities. Referring to the second source, Secretary Powell noted that "a second source, an Iraqi civil engineer in a position to know the details of the program, confirmed the existence of transportable facilities moving on trailers." Referring to the fourth source, Secretary Powell said that a source "in a position to know" reported that Iraq had mobile production systems mounted on trucks and railway cars. Referring to the INC source, Secretary Powell noted that an "Iraqi major who defected confirmed" that Iraq has mobile BW production facilities. Id.; see also Interview with CIA/DO officials (Aug. 3, 2004); SSCI at p. 161. 259 CIA, Iraqi Mobile Biological Warfare Agent Production Plants (WINPAC) (May 16, 2003). 260 Interview with CIA WINPAC BW
analyst (Oct. 8, 2004); Interview with former CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Nov. 10,
2004) (noting that Curveball was recontacted in April 2003 to query him about
the trailers found in Iraq; Curveball was shown pictures of the trailers and he
identified components on those trailers that were similar to those on the
mobile BW facilities he had described in his earlier reporting). Interview with
Defense 261 ISG Report, Biological at p. 2. 262 Id. at p. 12. 263 267 Id. 270 Id. at pp. 15, 18, 19, 38. 274 According to a Defense 275 Interview with Defense 276 Id. Defense 277 SSCI at p. 153; see also Interview with CIA WINPAC analysts (Oct. 8, 2004). 278 SSCI at p. 191. 279 Interview with CIA/DO officials (Sept. 27, 2004); see also CIA/DO description of the DO Asset Validation System (Sept. 2004) (prepared in response to Commission request). 280 Electronic mail exchange between
Defense 281 Interview with CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004) (noting that other information indicated Curveball's information was plausible). Interviews with former CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Nov. 10, 2004, and Feb. 23, 2005). 282 Interview with CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004); Interview with former CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Nov. 10, 2004). According to WINPAC analysts, Curveball's reporting seemed to fit a plausible storyline of Iraq's BW efforts. Curveball claimed that Iraq's mobile BW program began in 1995, at about the same time Iraq's BW-related activities at fixed facilities such as Al Hakam were compromised. To analysts, this storyline seemed logical: Iraq had shifted its BW efforts from the compromised fixed facilities to the more easily concealed mobile units. Id. This rationale can also be found in CIA, Iraq: Mobile Biological Warfare Agent Production Capability (WINPAC IA 2001-050X) (Oct. 10, 2001) at p. 5. ("We judge that the May 1995 planning for construction of mobile BW production units allowed Iraq to admit aspects of its offensive BW program to UNSCOM starting in July 1995."). 283 Interview with CIA/DO officials and CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Aug. 3, 2004); Interview with CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). 284 Interview with CIA/DO officials and CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Aug. 3, 2004); Interview with CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004); see also SSCI at p. 156. 285 Classified cable traffic (Feb. 2001). 286 Electronic mail from Department of Defense detailee ("question re curve ball") (Dec. 18, 2002); SSCI at p. 153. 287 Interview with former CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Feb. 23, 2005); Interview with CIA/DO official (Feb. 22, 2005); SSCI at p. 154. 288 Electronic mail from CIA/DO [detailee] to Deputy Chief, Iraqi Task Force, CIA/DO (Feb. 4, 2003). 289 Interview with CIA/DO officials (Aug. 3, 2004); Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 20, 2004). David Kay of the ISG also told the Commission that the foreign service had "warned" the CIA that the source was questionable before publication of the NIE. Interview with David Kay (May 26, 2004). 290 Interview with CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). 291 Interview with CIA/DO officials (Aug. 3, 2004); see also SSCI at p. 190. 292 Classified cable traffic (April 2002). 293 Id. 294 Id. 295 Interview with CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004) (noting that operational traffic was shared with WINPAC, particularly traffic from the CIA/DO's Counterproliferation Division). 296 Electronic mail from CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Dec. 20, 2002) (summarizing Curveball assessment). 297 Interview with former CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Nov. 10, 2004). 298 Id. 299 As noted above, denial refers to the ability to prevent the Intelligence Community from collecting intelligence, and deception refers to the ability to manipulate intelligence with false or misleading information. See Department of Defense, Iraqi Denial and Deception for Weapons of Mass Destruction and Ballistic Missile Programs (Oct. 8, 2002). Information from 1998 indicated that the Iraqis had broken and then reconstituted part of the wall, which convinced the majority of analysts that the wall was "temporary" and would allow BW trailers through it, thus not contradicting Curveball's reporting. When United Nations Monitoring Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) inspectors visited the site on February 9, 2003, they found that the wall was a permanent structure and could find nothing to corroborate Curveball's reporting. Comments from former WINPAC BW analyst (March 3, 2005). Further, when analysts visited the site after OIF, they discovered that, in actuality, the wall was a six foot high solid structure. Interview with WINPAC BW analyst (Nov. 22, 2004). This and other discrepancies in Curveball's information that ultimately led to the conclusion that he was a fabricator are discussed further below. 300 See, e.g., NIE at p. 41. 301 Interview with CIA WINPAC analysts (Oct. 8, 2004). 302 Senior Publish When Ready, Memorandum to the Secretary of Defense (Sept. 19, 2001) (emphasis added). 303 NIE at p. 41. 304 Classified cable traffic (May 2002) (fabrication notice); see also SSCI at p. 151. 305 Senior Publish When Ready, Iraq's Expanding BW Capability (July 13, 2002). 306 NIE at p. 43. 307 Interview with CIA/DO chief of the regional division responsible for relations with the foreign liaison service handling Curveball (hereinafter "Division Chief") , CIA/DO (Jan. 31, 2005). 308 Id. 309 Interview with CIA/DO Division Chief and former chief of the responsible regional group within the division (hereinafter "Group Chief"), CIA/DO (Dec. 14, 2004); Interview with CIA/DO Division Chief, (Jan. 31, 2005); see also Interview with CIA/DO Group Chief, (Feb. 8, 2005). The division chief could not recall the precise date of the lunch. 310 Interview with Division Chief and Group Chief, CIA/DO (Dec. 14, 2004); Interview with Division Chief , CIA/DO (Jan. 31, 2005); see also Interview with CIA WINPAC analysts (Oct. 8, 2004) (stating that the DO's responsible regional division told WINPAC analysts that "even the [foreign service] didn't think Curveball was a good source"); Interview with David Kay (May 26, 2004) (noting that he believed the foreign service had "warned" the CIA about Curveball "before the NIE" was published). 311 Interview with Division Chief and Group Chief, CIA/DO (Dec. 14, 2004); Interview with CIA/DO Division Chief (Jan. 31, 2005). Former DDO Pavitt told the Commission that he had heard that the division chief had been told by the foreign service that the foreign service lacked confidence in Curveball's reporting. Although he could not recall when he learned this information, he thought it was probably "after OIF." Interview with former CIA Deputy Director for Operations James Pavitt (Feb. 7, 2005). 312 Interview with CIA/DO Division Chief (Jan. 31, 2005); Interview with Division Chief and Group Chief, CIA/DO (Dec. 14, 2004); Interview with CIA/DO Group Chief (Feb. 8, 2005). 313 Interview with CIA/DO Division Chief (Jan. 31, 2005). 314 Id. 315 Interview with Division Chief and Group Chief, CIA/DO (Dec. 14, 2004); see also Interview with CIA/DO Group Chief (Feb. 8, 2005). Former DDO Pavitt also stated that he did not understand, prior to the commencement of hostilities with Iraq, that Curveball's reporting was a major basis for the Intelligence Community's judgments about Iraq's BW program. Interview with former Deputy Director for Operations James Pavitt (Feb. 7, 2005). 316 At the time, DDCI McLaughlin had three executive assistants--one from the Directorate of Operations (hereinafter EA/DDCI from DO) one from the Directorate of Intelligence (hereinafter EA/DDCI from DI) and one from the National Security Agency. Interview with EA/DDCI from DO (Feb. 8, 2005). 317 Electronic mail from EA/DDCI from DO ("DDCI Iraq WMD Brief") (Dec. 18, 2002); Electronic mail from Group Chief, CIA/DO ("Re: next steps on curve ball") (Dec. 18, 2002). 318 319 Interview with EA/DDCI from DO (Feb. 8, 2005). 320 Electronic mail from EA/DDCI from DO ("DDCI Iraq WMD Brief") (Dec. 18, 2002); Electronic mail from Group Chief, CIA/DO ("Re: next steps on curve ball") (Dec. 18, 2002). 321 Classified cable traffic (Dec. 2002). 322 Classified cable traffic (Dec. 2002). 323 Interview with EA/DDCI from DO (Feb. 8, 2005); Interview with CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Feb. 8, 2005). 324 Interview with EA/DDCI from DO (Feb. 8, 2005) (noting that it was apparent that "a great deal was beginning to turn on this guy"). 325 Electronic mail from EA/DDCI from DO ("Meeting to Review Bidding on Curveball") (Dec. 19, 2005). 326 Interviews with former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence John McLaughlin (Feb. 2, 2005 and March 7, 2005). 327 Electronic mail from Group Chief, CIA/DO ("operational assessment of Curve Ball") (Dec. 19, 2002). 328 Interview with Division Chief and Group Chief, CIA/DO (Dec. 14, 2004); Interview with CIA/DO Group Chief (Feb. 8, 2005). 329 Interview with Division Chief and Group Chief, CIA/DO (Dec. 14, 2004). 330 Interview with CIA/DO Group Chief (Feb. 8, 2005). 331 Interview with Division Chief and Group Chief, CIA/DO (Dec. 14, 2004); Interview with CIA/DO Group Chief (Feb. 8, 2005); Interview with CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Feb. 8, 2005); Interview with EA/DDCI from DO (Feb. 8, 2005). 332 Interview with CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Feb. 8, 2005). The other source was the fourth source described above. 333 Interview with Division Chief and Group Chief, CIA/DO (Dec. 14, 2004); Interview with CIA/DO Group Chief (Feb. 8, 2005); Interview with CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Feb. 8, 2005). 334 Interview with Division Chief and Group Chief, CIA/DO (Dec. 14, 2004); Interview with CIA/DO Group Chief (Feb. 8, 2005). 335 Interview with CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Feb. 8, 2005). 336 Interview with EA/DDCI from DO (Feb. 8, 2005). At the time of his interview with Commission staff, the executive assistant incorrectly remembered the analyst as actually working for the Directorate of Operations Counterproliferation Division, rather than the Directorate of Intelligence's WINPAC. 337 Id. 338 Interview with EA/DDCI from DO (Feb. 8, 2005). See, e.g., Classified cable traffic (Oct. 2002) (noting that the foreign service officer responsible for Curveball "noted that CB continued to be a `handling problem'"). 339 Interview with EA/DDCI from DO (Feb. 8, 2005). 340 Electronic mail from EA/DDCI from DO ("Proofread") (Dec. 20, 2002). 341 The WINPAC BW analyst replaced "parked" with "housed." Electronic mail from CIA WINPAC BW analyst ("RE: Proofread") (Dec. 20, 2002). 342 Electronic mail from EA/DDCI from DO ("Proofread") (Dec. 20, 2002). 343 Id. 344 Id. The WINPAC BW analyst asked, with respect to this last sentence, "[w]hy has the DO not disseminated this information or shared it with the analytical side? Could we please see this new evaluation?" Electronic mail from EA/DDCI from DO ("Proofread") (Dec. 20, 2002). 345 Interview with EA/DDCI from DO (March 11, 2005). 346 Id. 347 Interview with former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence John McLaughlin (Feb. 2, 2005). 348 Interview with former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence John McLaughlin (March 7, 2005). 349 Interview with CIA/DO Group Chief (Feb. 8, 2005); Interview with Division Chief and Group Chief, CIA/DO (Dec. 14, 2004). The division chief did not recall this meeting during his second interview with the Commission. 350 Interview with Division Chief and Group Chief, CIA/DO (Dec. 14, 2004); Interview with CIA/DO Group Chief (Feb. 8, 2005). Electronic mail from Group Chief, CIA/DO ("operational assessment of Curve Ball") (Dec. 19, 2002). 351 Interview with CIA/DO Group Chief (Feb. 8, 2005). 352 Interview with former Deputy Director for Operations James Pavitt (Feb. 7, 2005). 353 Interview with former Deputy Director for Operations James Pavitt (March 8, 2005). 354 Interview with former Associate Deputy Director for Operations (March 8, 2005). 355 Id. 356 Interview with Division Chief and Group Chief, CIA/DO (Dec. 14, 2004); Interview with CIA/DO Division Chief (Jan. 31, 2005); Interview with CIA/DO Group Chief (Feb. 8, 2005). 357 Interview with CIA/DO Group Chief (Feb. 8, 2005). 358 Id. The Group Chief did not recall exactly what editing she did. 359 Interview with CIA/DO Division Chief (Jan. 31, 2005). 360 Interview with EA/DDCI from DO (Feb. 8, 2005). 361 Interview with DO officer responsible for sources and methods protection (Feb. 22, 2005). 362 Interview with EA/DDCI from DI (Feb. 22, 2005). 363 Interview with Division Chief and Group Chief, CIA/DO (Dec. 14, 2004); Interview with CIA/DO Division Chief (Jan. 31, 2005). 364 365 Interview with CIA/DO Group Chief (Feb. 8, 2005). 366 Interview with former Deputy Director for Operations James Pavitt (Feb. 7, 2005). 367 Interview with former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence John McLaughlin (Feb. 2, 2005). There was a meeting with the division chief listed on Mr. McLaughlin's official calendar for January 28, 2003. According to Mr. McLaughlin and one contemporaneous document, however, this meeting covered another subject. Id. 368 Interview with former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence John McLaughlin (March 7, 2005). 369 Classified cable traffic (Jan. 2003). 370 Classified cable traffic (Jan. 2003). 371 Interview with CIA/DO Division Chief (Jan. 31, 2005). 372 Electronic mail from Division Chief ("Re: [Foreign Service] BW Source") (Feb. 3, 2003); see also Electronic mail from Group Chief, CIA/DO ("curve ball") (Feb. 3, 2003). 373 Id. 374 Interview with former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence John McLaughlin (Feb. 2, 2005). 375 Id. 376 Id.; Interview with former Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet (Jan. 25, 2005). 377 Electronic mail from Executive Officer of the responsible regional division, CIA/DO (" [Foreign Service] BW Source") (Feb. 3, 2003) (forwarding the memorandum). 378 Id. 379 380 Interview with former Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet (Jan. 25, 2005). 381 Interview with Division Chief and Group Chief, CIA/DO (Dec. 14, 2004); Interview with CIA/DO Division Chief (Jan. 31, 2005). 382 Id. 383 Id. 384 385 Interviews with former Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet (Jan. 25, 2005 and March 10, 2005). 386 Id. 387 Interview with former CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Nov. 10, 2004); Comments from DOE (March 3, 2005); Comments from INR (March 3, 2005). 388 Interview with former CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Nov. 10, 2004). 389 Id. 390 Interviews with former CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Nov. 10, 2004 and Nov. 22, 2004). 391 Interview with former CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Nov. 10, 2004). The information that Curveball had been out of Iraq during July through December 1998 and left Iraq in March 1999 traveling in true name--in contradiction to his claims--was eventually confirmed by cross-referencing pertinent travel records. The records matched the itineraries supplied by Curveball's family members. Id; Comments from former WINPAC BW analyst (March 3, 2005). 392 Classified intelligence report. 393 Interview with former CIA WINPAC
BW analyst (Nov. 10, 2004). Interviews with Curveball's childhood friends also
revealed that he had a reputation as a "great liar" and a "con
artist"; his college roommate labeled him a "congenital liar."
CIA analysts said that these sentiments appeared to be universal, noting that
"people kept saying what a `rat' Curveball was." 394 Interview with former CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Nov. 10, 2004). One of the WINPAC analysts who conducted the investigations in Iraq noted that other analysts had also shared with David Kay their growing sense of unease with what they were finding (and not finding) in Iraq. According to the analyst, however, CIA management--and some analysts--were still reluctant to retreat from Curveball's information. Id. 395 Interview with former CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Nov. 10, 2004); CIA, Inspector General, Inspection Report of the DCI Center for Weapons Intelligence, Nonproliferation, and Arms Control (WINPAC) Directorate of Intelligence (IG 2004-0003-IN) (Nov. 2004) at p. 14. 396 Id. 397 Id. 398 Joint CIA-DIA Assessment of [Foreign Service] Source Curveball (June 7, 2004) at pp. 1-2; see also Interview with CIA/DO officials (Aug. 3, 2004); Interview with CIA WINPAC analysts (Aug. 11, 2004). 399 According to a WINPAC BW analyst, Curveball had described a number of agricultural facilities to the foreign service when it had interviewed him in 2000, including one east of Baghdad at which he claimed to have worked. In 2001, at the request of the handling foreign service, Curveball had made a physical model and drawn detailed sketches of the facility. The sketches showed, "without a doubt," that mobile BW trailers were able to move in and out of the buildings. The facility Curveball described was subsequently identified as Djerf al-Naddaf, which Curveball then confirmed. Analysts noted, however, that there was a wall at the facility that Curveball had not identified. The Iraqis had broken and then reconstituted part of the wall, which convinced the majority of analysts that the wall was "temporary" and would allow BW trailers through it, thus not contradicting Curveball's reporting. As noted, after OIF, analysts learned that the wall was actually a solid, six foot high structure. The fact that Curveball did not know of the wall's existence provided substantial evidence that he had not been at the facility when the wall had been constructed--according to imagery in May 1997. Interview with CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Nov. 22, 2004). 400 See, e.g., Classified intelligence reporting. As discussed, by the time of CIA's first face-to-face interview with Curveball in March 2004, the Intelligence Community was aware of serious problems with his reporting. The recall notice on this report concluded that the interview with Curveball had revealed: "Discrepancies surfaced regarding the information provided by ... [Curveball] in this stream of reporting, which indicate that [Curveball] lost his claimed access in 1995. [Curveball] was unable/unwilling to resolve these discrepancies; our assessment, therefore, is that [Curveball] appears to be fabricating in this stream of reporting." Interview with CIA/DO officials (Sept. 27, 2004). 401 As noted, Defense 402 Interview with CIA/DO officials (Sept. 27, 2004); Interview with former CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Nov. 10, 2004) (noting that when Curveball first requested asylum, he was essentially told to "get in line." He feared being returned to Iraq and subsequently offered information about his work in Iraq in an attempt to speed the asylum process). 403 Interviews with CIA/DO officials (Aug. 3, 2004 and Sept. 27, 2004); Interview with former CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Nov. 10, 2004). 404 Interviews with CIA/DO officials (Aug. 3, 2004 and Sept. 27, 2004); Interview with former CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Nov. 10, 2004). 405 Interview with CIA officials (Dec. 8, 2004). 406 As described above, reporting from both of these sources was disseminated by DIA. With regard to the second source, although CIA's post-war investigation led it to conclude that the source was being directed by the INC, DIA has not recalled the reporting as of March 3, 2005. Interview with CIA officials (Dec. 8, 2004); Comments from CIA/DO (March 3, 2005); Comments from DIA (March 8, 2005). 407 Interview with CIA officials (Dec. 8, 2004). With respect to liaison reporting, however, the Intelligence Community is generally unaware whether those sources may be connected to the INC. Id. 408 NIE at p. 43; Secretary of State Colin Powell, Remarks to the United Nations Security Council (Feb. 5, 2003) ("An Iraqi major who defected confirmed that Iraq has mobile biological research laboratories [and] production facilities."). 409 CIA and DIA, Congressional Notification
on [the INC source] (Jan. 27, 2004); Interview with Defense 410 Interview with CIA/DO officials and CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analysts (Aug. 3, 2004). Although there were other missed opportunities to prevent this information from being used in Secretary Powell's speech, if the reports had been reissued with a recall notice it is likely the error would have been caught. 411 Classified intelligence report
(May 2002) (fabrication notice); s ee also Interview with Defense 412 CIA and DIA, Congressional Notification on [the INC source] (Jan. 27, 2004) at p. 3; CIA, Iraq WMD Lessons Learned (Aug. 2004). 413 Interview with CIA/DO officials and CIA Iraq WMD Review Group (Aug. 3, 2004). 414 SSCI at p. 247. 415 Id. The Defense 416 NIE at pp. 9, 28. 417 Id. All of these assessments were made with "high confidence." Id. at p. 9. 418 Id. at p. 28. 419 ISG, Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraqi WMD, Volume III, "Iraq's Chemical Warfare Program" (Sept. 30, 2004) (hereinafter "ISG Report, CW") at p. 1. 420 Id. at p. 2. 422 Id. at p. 1. At least one CIA analyst who worked extensively on pre-war intelligence and with the ISG concluded that, although he "believed" Saddam wanted to reconstitute his CW program, the analyst had seen no "evidence" of Saddam's desire to do so. Interview with CIA CW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). 423 Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 23, 2004); Interview with CIA WINPAC CW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). 424 Interview with CIA WINPAC CW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). 425 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 2, p. 1. 426 427 CIA, Iraqi WMD Programs: The Road to Reconstruction (SW 95-40007CX) (Feb. 3, 1995) at p. 1. 428 429 CIA, Iraq's Remaining WMD Capabilities (NESA IR 96-40101) (Aug. 26, 1996) at p. 5; see also Senior Executive Memorandum (Jan. 12, 2002) (discussing the value of Kamil's information). 430 Interview with CIA WINPAC CW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). The ISG Report cites April 1997 as the date for this test. WINPAC and DIA have subsequently indicated that the tests were actually conducted in June 1998. Comments from DIA (citing MID-217-98 (Aug. 17, 1998)); Comments from CIA WINPAC (March 3, 2005). The discrepancy in dates does not affect the analysis. 431 Subsequent analysis of the samples has been inconclusive. ISG, Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraqi WMD, Volume I, "Regime Strategic Intent" (Sept. 30, 2004) at p. 54. Iraq admitted in its 1996 declaration that it researched VX production routes and had produced pilot-scale quantities of VX but denied that it had conducted large scale production or weaponization of VX. The ISG concluded, however, that Iraq had "weaponized" VX by filling three aerial bombs with VX during the Iran-Iraq war. Interview with CIA WINPAC CW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004); ISG Report, CW at pp. 21, 33. For their part, WINPAC analysts now believe that the VX degradation products found on missile fragments may have been the result of cross-contamination from the filler-lines used to fill these three aerial bombs. Interview with CIA WINPAC CW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). 432 Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 23, 2004); Interview with CIA WINPAC CW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). 433 ISG Report, CW at p. 13. Both of these events contributed to Saddam's decision to stop cooperating with United Nations weapons inspectors. 434 CIA, DCI Nonproliferation Center, Iraq's Chemical Warfare Program: Status and Prospects (NPC 98-10005C) (Aug. 1998) at p. iii. Two fall 1998 NIC products reached similar conclusions. NIC, Outstanding WMD and Missile Issues (Sept. 15, 1998) at Table 2A; NIC, Outstanding WMD and Missile Issues (Nov. 1998). 435 NIC, Outstanding WMD and Missile Issues (Nov. 1998) at p. 2. 436 NIC, Iraq: Rebuilding A Chemical Weapons Production Capability (May 24, 2000). 437 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 2, pp. 2-3. UNSCOM had prepared a draft survey of Iraq's chemical industry in 1999, in which UNSCOM judged that Iraq's "philosophy was to develop the chemical industry to a technical level that, in peacetime, could produce for the civilian market (i.e., pesticides) but based on the technical capabilities could also easily be reconfigured to produce key precursors if needed." Id. (citing draft survey). The NIC noted that this survey was consistent with Intelligence Community assessments. Id. The motivation for Saddam's interest in CW was assessed to be based on "regime preservation, regional esteem, and retaliation capability." See, e.g., CIA, WINPAC/BCG, Briefing for Ambassador Negroponte, Status of Iraq's CW Program (May 10, 2002). 438 NIC, Iraq: Rebuilding A Chemical Weapons Production Capability (May 24, 2000); see also CIA, WINPAC/BCG, Briefing to John Wolf, Assistant Secretary of State for Nonproliferation, Status of Iraq's CW Program. (Aug. 17, 2001); CIA, DCI Nonproliferation Center, UNMOVIC/IAEA Would Hinder Iraq's WMD Programs (NPC SIR 2001-001X) (March 30, 2001). 439 See, e.g., CIA, Publish When Ready, Iraq: Baghdad Anticipating US Retaliation (Sept. 20, 2001). 440 Senior Executive Memorandum (Oct. 23, 2001) (discounting London Daily Telegraph reporting that CW were being moved); CIA, Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense (Oct. 23, 2001) (same). 441 Classified intelligence reporting (Nov. 30, 2001). 442 NIC, Iraqi Military Capabilities Through 2003 (NIE 99-04/II) (April 1999). 443 Senior Executive Memorandum (Jan. 5, 2002). The Memorandum cautioned, however, that the Intelligence Community lacked detailed information on many aspects of the CW program. Id. Iraq had approximately 500 metric tons of weaponized CW stockpile at the time of Operation Desert Storm. DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 2, p. 9. 444 Briefing by WINPAC analysts to Principals Committee (July 18, 2002); CIA Iraq WMD Review Group, Iraq WMD/CW Production Timeline (undated) at p. 4. 445 NIE at p. 6. The President's Summary of the NIE did not differ from the language used in the Key Judgments of the Estimate. That summary stated that "Baghdad has begun renewed production of mustard, sarin, GF (cyclosarin), and VX. Although information is limited, Saddam probably has stocked at least 100--and possibly as much as 500--metric tons of CW agents. Iraq has experience in manufacturing CW bombs, artillery rockets, and projectiles, and we assess it has CW bulk fills for short-range ballistic missile (SRBM) warheads." NIC, President's Summary, NIE, Iraq's Continuing Programs for Weapons of Mass Destruction (PS/NIE 2002-16HC) (Oct. 2002). 446 NIE at p. 6. 447 Id. at p. 28. See also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 2, p. 9. 448 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 2, p. 9 (elaborating on the factors mentioned in the NIE). 449 Id. (citing NIC, Iraqi Military Capabilities Through 2003 (NIE 99-04) (April 1999)). 450 Interview with CIA WINPAC CW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). 451 NIE at p. 28. 452 Interview with CIA WINPAC CW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004); see also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 2, p. 3 (Imagery was "critical" to assessments that Iraq had restarted CW production) and id. at p. 5 ("Our assessments about these transshipments became a key element of judgments that Iraq had resumed production of CW agents." (emphasis in original)). 453 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 2, pp. 3, 7-8; Interview with CIA WINPAC CW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). 454 Interview with CIA WINPAC CW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). 455 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 2, p. 8. 456 457 Id. See also Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 23, 2004) (noting that there were "no good sources on CW"); Interview with CIA CW analyst (Sept. 13, 2004) (noting that there were between 30 and 40 total sources that reported on the existence of CW in Iraq). Again, because of the sheer number of sources that reported on some aspect of CW, we do not extensively examine every source. Rather, we confine our in-depth review to those sources described by the Intelligence Community itself as being the most significant. 458 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 2, p. 4 (citing classified intelligence report (Feb. 1999)). 459 Id. 460 Id. 461 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 2, p. 5. 462 Id.; see also Classified intelligence report (Nov. 2001). 463 Id.; Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Nov. 15, 2004). See also Butler Report at pp. 100 and 101 464 Interview with NIO/SNP (May 26, 2004). 465 466 NIE at p. 32. 470 Id. 472 Interview with former CIA WINPAC CW analyst (Nov. 10, 2004). 473 Id. 474 NIC, Iraq's Chemical Warfare Capabilities: Potential for Dusty and Fourth-Generation Agents: Memorandum to Holders of NIE 2002-16HC [the October 2002 NIE] (M/H NIE 2002-16) (Nov. 2002). The Memorandum was prepared at the request of the U.S. Central Command as a follow-up to the October NIE and "examine[d] the CW implications for any US-led military operations against Iraq as they relate[d] to" dusty and fourth-generation CW agents. Id. (Impetus for Memorandum to Holders of NIE 2002-16HC). 475 A dusty agent is a CW agent "that is combined with an inert carrier ... and disseminated as an aerosol." Id. at p. 5. 476 A fourth-generation agent is a highly toxic CW agent that is "more difficult to treat medically than the currently fielded traditional nerve agents." Id. at p. 3. 477 Id. at p. 14. 478 Id. 479 NIC, Nontraditional Threats to the US Homeland Through 2007 (NIE-2002-15HJ) (Nov. 2002) (published in January 2003) at p. 33. 480 CIA, WINPAC, 2001 Intelligence Report to Congress on the Chemical Weapons Convention (CDR 2002-002 HCX) (Dec. 2002) at pp. 51-52. 481 Id. at p. 52. 485 Id. at p. 1. At least one CIA analyst who worked extensively on pre-war intelligence and with the ISG concluded that, although he "believed" Saddam wanted to reconstitute his CW program, the analyst had seen no "evidence" of Saddam's desire to do so. Interview with CIA CW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). 486 ISG Report, CW at p. 123. The majority of ammunition supply points searched were within the assessed "Red Line" surrounding Baghdad and, more specifically, sites which were reported to have a Samarra-type truck or to be near artillery units capable of firing 122 mm multiple rocket launcher or 155 mm CW rounds (both of which the Iraqis were known to have used in the past to deliver CW). In addition, the ISG searched numerous "captured enemy ammunition" depots that included hundreds of thousands of tons of munitions. None of these searches yielded any CW munitions. Id. at pp. 34-35. 487 Id. at p. 37. This included the
Al-Musayyib Storage Depot site. 488 Id. at p. 123. 491 Id. at p. 14. The one exception noted by the ISG was a single scientist who said that he was approached in 2003 by "Uday's officer" with a request to make "a chemical agent." Id. at p. 15. 492 NIE at p. 32. 493 ISG Report, CW at pp. 24-25. 494 Id. at p. 24. The ISG also concluded that management of chemical facilities by "previously identified CW personnel" could be attributed to Iraq's command economy and not to illicit purposes. Id. at p. 15. 495 Id. at p. 16. In attempting to determine whether Iraq's chemical infrastructure was intended for legitimate or illicit purposes, the ISG generally considered the commercial utility of certain chemicals or processes, Iraq's historical use of chemicals and processes for CW purposes, and the availability of CW expertise necessary for CW production. Id. at pp. 15, 18-22. 496 Id. at p. 13. 498 Id. at p. 29. The ISG offered several possible explanations, including unilateral destruction of CW munitions, the loss of munitions when they were forward-deployed in anticipation of a conflict, and the possibility that some pre-1991 munitions remained in storage areas. Id. at pp. 27-33, 97. 499 Id. at pp. 29-30. The ISG recovered a total of 53 chemical munitions from various sources and military units throughout Iraq. The ISG concluded that these munitions were part of Iraq's pre-1991 CW program. Id. at p. 30. 500 Id. at p. 107. 503 Id. at p. 43. The ISG also rejected the theory that the labs were used to maintain technical expertise because their work was limited to laboratory-scale production. Id. at p. 44. 504 Interview with CIA WINPAC CW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004); see also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 2, p. 3 (imagery was "critical" to assessments that Iraq had restarted CW production) and id. at p. 5 ("Our assessments about these transshipments became a key element of judgments that Iraq had resumed production of CW agents." (emphasis in original)). 505 Id. (citing NIC, Iraq, Unusual Logistical Activities In Preparation for an Anticipated US-Led Campaign (ICB 2002-09) (May 2, 2002)). 506 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 2, p. 8. 507 Id. The Samarra truck, a modified Mitsubishi water tanker truck, was confirmed by UNSCOM inspections and Iraqi statements in 1991 to have been used as a decontamination truck, although it was never clear that all Mitsubishi-manufactured water tanker trucks owned by the Iraqis were used in this manner. In addition, these Samarra type trucks escorted known shipments of CW material from the Samarra CW Complex in the 1980s to places such as Kirkuk Airfield, from where Iraqi Air Force planes launched CW strikes into Kurdistan. Comments from NGA (March 3, 2005). 508 Interview with CIA WINPAC CW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004) (noting that the conclusion that the transshipments involved CW was "a kind of catalyst" for broader conclusions about the status of Iraq's CW program). Interview with CIA WINPAC CW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). 509 NGA, Reassessment of Activity at Al Musayyib Barracks Brigade Headquarters and Ammunition Depot, 1998-2004 (June 15, 2004) (hereinafter "NGA Reassessment"); Comments from NGA (March 3, 2005). The Al Musayyib imagery was that referred to by Secretary of State Colin Powell during his pre-war address to the United Nations Security Council; see also Interview with CIA WINPAC CW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). 510 NGA Reassessment at p. 1. 512 Id. at pp. 8-9. "Grading" is the changing of the ground level to a smooth or slightly sloping surface. It can be used to facilitate the run-off of liquid from a surface. 513 Id. at p. 8. 514 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 2, p. 8. 515 NGA Reassessment at pp. 5, 7-8. 516 Id. at p. 8. 517 Id. at p. 1. Although analysts also relied on a small number of human source and signals intelligence reporting, the "critical" factor in their analysis was the transshipment activity seen on imagery. 518 Interview with CIA WINPAC CW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). 519 Id. 520 Collection Concepts Development Center Study, Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction: Recommendations for Improvements in Collection (Study One) (June 29, 2000) at p. 10. 521 522 NGA, Analysis of Iraq's Weapons Programs (provided to Commission Nov. 16, 2004); Interview with NGA officials (Nov. 16, 2004); Interview with CIA WINPAC CW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004) (noting that analysts saw increased activity at depots); see also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 2, p. 7 (noting that the "first indication" of CW transshipments came in March 2002 based on imagery); id. at Tab 2, p. 8 (noting that "[t]he scope of [the transshipment] activity was far too great" to be movement of residual CW stocks). 523 Interview with NGA officials (Nov. 16, 2004); Interview with CIA WINPAC CW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). 524 Id. WINPAC CW analysts explained in March 2005 that they had also seen a drop off in activity in late 2002 despite the increased volume of imagery collection, and this drop off suggested that the apparent increased transshipment activity seen in spring 2002 was not "solely a function of collection frequency." Comments from CIA WINPAC (March 3, 2005). 525 NGA Reassessment at p. 2. 526 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 2, p. 4. 527 Classified intelligence report. The source reported that Saddam Hussein sought a weapon that would "combine two or more of the three capabilities: chemical, biological, nuclear into a single weapon." Id. According to analysts, a "combination" device was infeasible because a nuclear yield would destroy any CW or BW agent. Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 13, 2004). 528 Classified intelligence report. The production of "tons" of agent in mobile labs was unlikely because of the estimated capacity of any possible mobile production facility. Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 13, 2004). 529 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 2, p. 4. 530 Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 13, 2004). 531 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 2, p. 4. 532 Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 13, 2004) (reporting recalled in February 2004); see also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 2, p. 4, n. 13. 533 Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 13, 2004) (citing classified cable traffic (Sept. 1999)). 534 Id.; (noting that a CIA case officer who interviewed him in March 2003 characterized him as an "information peddler"); see also Classified cable traffic (Jan. 2003). 535 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 2, p. 4. 536 Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 13, 2004). Despite this long history, reporting similar to the Iraqi chemist's --although not confirmed as his --appeared via DIA channels in December 2002 and July 2003, and has not since been reevaluated. While it is unclear whether the chemist is in fact the source of this information, we are not aware of any efforts by DIA to determine whether or not he is, and as a consequence, whether the reporting should be recalled. 537 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 2, p. 5. Comments from Iraq WMD Review Group (March 3, 2005). 538 CIA, Iraq WMD Lessons Learned (Aug. 2004) at p. 25. 539 Id.; see also Interview with David Kay (May 26, 2004) (noting compartmentation within WMD programs); Interview with representatives of the ISG (May 26, 2004) (same). 540 In a 2004 review of this source's reporting, analysts concluded that his credibility was questionable, because of the probability that he would not have access to information on such disparate topics. DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 2, p. 5, n. 14; see also CIA, Iraq WMD Lessons Learned (Aug. 2004) at p. 25. 541 Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analysts (Feb. 2, 2005). 542 Classified intelligence report (March 2002). 543 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 2, p. 4; see also Interview with CIA WINPAC CW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). Analysts should have been further alerted by the source description, which cautioned that "[w]hile source has reported reliably in the past, reporting reliability cannot be confirmed regarding domestic Iraqi activities." Classified intelligence report (March 2002) (emphasis added). 544 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 2, p. 4. 545 Interview with CIA CW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). An analyst who was not directly involved with Iraq WMD issues before the war said after OIF that she would have "discounted" the report because of the obvious technical inconsistency. See Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 23, 2004). 546 Butler Report at pp. 100 and 101. 547 Interview with NIO/SNP (May 26,
2004). This report was distributed to a very small group of senior officials
prior to the publication of the NIE--including the NIE's principal author--but
it was not made available to most analysts. 548 NIE at p. 7. The NIE assessed that the UAVs could also be used for CW delivery, although that was judged less likely. Id. at p. 49. 549 The Air Force dissented, concluding that Iraq was developing UAVs primarily for reconnaissance rather than for BW or CW delivery. NIE at pp. 7, 52. 550 NIE at pp. 51-52. 551 Interview with CIA WINPAC UAV analyst (Aug. 11, 2004). 552 553 NIE, Nontraditional Threats to the US Homeland Through 2007 (NIE-2002-15HJ) (Nov. 2002) (published January 2003). 554 CIA, Memorandum for Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Porter Goss, Title Classified (March 6, 2003) (cited in timeline provided by CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 9, 2004)). 555 ISG, Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraqi WMD, Volume II, "Delivery Systems" (Sept. 30, 2004) (hereinafter "ISG Report, Delivery Systems") at pp. 42, 52. 556 Id. at p. 51. 560 Id. at pp. 7, 52 (stating that Iraq had tested the liquid-propellant al-Samoud variant beyond 150 km, and that the solid-propellant Ababil-100 was capable of flying over 150 km). 561 NIE at pp. 7, 52, 54. 562 ISG Report, Delivery Systems at pp. 5, 9-10, 17-18. Because the pre-war assessments regarding Iraq's ballistic missile programs were largely accurate, this study will focus on the Intelligence Community's assessment of the role of UAVs as delivery systems. 563 Classified intelligence report; UNSCOM, Final Inspection Report (190/CBW-4) (June 13-18, 1997) (attached in annotated version of DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 4, p. 1); see also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 4, p. 1. The converted MiG-21s would be fitted with drop tanks filled with BW agent and flown as Remotely Piloted Vehicles (RPVs). UNSCOM, Final Inspection Report (190/CBW-4) (June 13-18, 1997). 564 Classified intelligence report; UNSCOM, Final Inspection Report (190/CBW-4) (June 13-18, 1997)). 565 Classified intelligence reporting; UNSCOM, Final Inspection Report (190/CBW-4) (June 13-18, 1997). 566 Classified intelligence reporting; see also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 4, p. 1. 567 Classified intelligence reporting; see also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 4, pp. 1, 3; SSCI at p. 221. 568 Classified intelligence report; UNSCOM, Final Inspection Report (190/CBW-4) (June 13-18, 1997); see also SSCI at p. 221. 569 Classified intelligence reporting; see also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 4, p. 1. 570 Classified intelligence reporting; see also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 4, pp. 1, 3. 571 Classified intelligence reporting; see also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 4, p. 2. 572 Classified intelligence report; see also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 4, pp. 2-3. 573 SSCI at p. 216 (citing annual Intelligence Community assessments of foreign missile developments and ballistic missile threat through 2015); see also Classified intelligence report; DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 4, pp. 1-2. 574 See, e.g., Senior Executive Memorandum, In Response to Questions On Iraqi Efforts to Produce UAVs for BCW Delivery and On Iraqi Procurement of UAV-related Equipment (June 15, 2002) (various sources "lead us to conclude that Iraq is trying to produce UAVs in order to deliver CBW agents"). 575 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 4, pp. 1-3; see also Interview with CIA WINPAC analysts (Aug. 11, 2004). 576 CIA, NPC, Intelligence Community Assessment of Residual Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction (Sept. 1992); see also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 5, p. 1. 577 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 5, p. 1. 578 Id. 579 Id. at p. 2. 581 NIE at pp. 7, 52. The Director of Air Force Intelligence judged that Iraq was developing these UAVs "primarily for reconnaissance rather than [as] delivery platforms for [CW or BW] agents." The Air Force noted that [CW or BW] delivery is "an inherent capability of UAVs but probably is not the impetus for Iraq's recent UAV programs." Id. at p. 52. While the NIE did not actually say--as the Air Force dissent suggests--that the UAVs were "primarily" for [CW or BW] delivery, this potential use was the overwhelming focus of the document's discussion on the UAVs; as the NIC would later acknowledge, "little, if any, attention was given...to missions other than those associated with WMD delivery." DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 4, p. 5. 582 NIE at pp. 7, 51-52. 583 Id.; see also Interview with CIA WINPAC UAV analyst (Aug. 11, 2004). 584 NIE at p. 52. 585 Id.; DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 4, p. 5. 586 Classified intelligence reporting (describing crash of L-29 in October 2000); see also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 4, pp. 2-3. 587 Classified intelligence report (noting that in 1992 Iraq had approximately 10 drones "designed and produced" to deliver BW agents). 588 Classified intelligence reporting; SSCI at pp. 222-223 (describing five intelligence reports). 589 Classified intelligence report (Jan. 1998); see also SSCI at p. 223. 590 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 4, pp. 1-2. This conclusion was bolstered by reporting suggesting that the UAV may have been armed with BW agents. Id. at p. 2 (citing classified intelligence reporting ). 591 Classified intelligence reporting. 592 Classified intelligence report; see also SSCI at pp. 225-226. 593 NIE at p. 7. 594 SSCI at pp. 226-227 (quoting written response of CIA WINPAC to a question from the Committee about the Intelligence Community's analysis of UAVs); see also Interview with CIA WINPAC UAV analysts (Aug. 11, 2004). 595 With respect to the assessments of other Western intelligence services, the British Joint Intelligence Committee assessed in March 2002 that Iraq was developing a UAV--specifically, that Iraq was modifying a small jet trainer, the L-29, to be used as a UAV--that could have BW and CW delivery applications. See Butler Report at pp. 84, 171. The Australian Defense Intelligence Organization (DIO), however, doubted Iraq's ability to disperse chemical and biological agents using UAVs. See Australian Parliamentary Joint Committee on ASIO, ASIS and DSD, Intelligence on Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction (Dec. 2003) at pp. 62-63. 596 NIE at p. 7. 597 Interview with CIA WINPAC UAV analyst (Aug. 11, 2004); see also SSCI at p. 227; DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 4, p. 4. The first indication that the UAVs might be used to target the U.S. surfaced in the summer of 2001, following the attempted procurement. 598 NIE at p. 52. 599 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 4, p. 3. 600 Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 9, 2004); Classified intelligence reporting (Sept. 2002). 601 Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 9, 2004); Classified cable traffic (March 2002). 602 Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 9, 2004) (citing finished intelligence pieces, e.g. , ICA, 2002-05HC (July 2002) at p. 19). 603 Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 9, 2004) (citing finished intelligence); see also NESAF IA 2002-20113 CXH at p. 12. 604 Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 9, 2004); see also Classified cable traffic (Sept. 2002); Classified cable traffic (Oct. 2002). 605 Id. Moreover, when the distributor notified the procurement agent in March 2002 that he could not obtain U.S.-mapping software, he responded, "I don't think they'd be interested in that." Classified cable traffic (July 2002); see also Classified cable traffic (Sept. 2002); Classified cable traffic (Oct. 2002). 606 Interview with CIA WINPAC analysts (Aug. 11, 2004); Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 9, 2004). 607 Interview with CIA WINPAC analysts (Aug. 11, 2004). 608 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 4, p. 4; see also Interview with CIA WINPAC UAV analyst (Aug. 11 2004); Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 9, 2004). 609 Interview with CIA WINPAC analysts (Aug. 11, 2004); see also Interview with NIO/SNP (Sept. 20, 2004). 610 NIE at pp. 7, 52. 611 The unclassified version of the NIE, however, dropped the reference to the Air Force and rephrased the assessment to state that "Iraq maintains...several deployment programs, including for a UAV most analysts believe probably is intended to deliver biological warfare agents." See Unclassified NIE at p. 2. According to the NIO/SNP, the unclassified paper contained alternative views but did not identify the holders thereof, following longstanding practice. The NIO/SNP noted that the practice was in the process of being revised. Interview with NIO/SNP (Sept. 20, 2004). The unclassified version of the NIE also indicated a difference of opinion about the aluminum tubes, although it did not attribute the opinions to specific agencies. Unclassified NIE at p. 1. 612 Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 9, 2004) (citing CIA paper prepared for the NSC, Iraq's WMD (Jan. 16, 2003); see also Classified intelligence report (recalled in October 2004); Written Response by CIA Iraq WMD Review Group (Feb. 25, 2005). 613 Id. (quoting testimony). 614 Interview with CIA WINPAC UAV analyst (Aug. 11, 2004). 615 Interview with former CIA WINPAC analyst (Oct. 25, 2004); President George W. Bush, Remarks by President on Iraq at Cincinnati Museum Center (Oct. 7, 2002). 616 Interview with CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 9, 2004). 617 NIE, Nontraditional Threats to the US Homeland Through 2007 (NIE-2002-15HJ) (Nov. 2002) (published in January 2003). The President's Summary of the Nontraditional Threats NIE was also phrased in terms of capabilities rather than intent, but that summary described Iraq as having "at least one small UAV that could be launched from a ship to dispense biological agents on the U.S." NIC, President's Summary of the NIE, Nontraditional Threats to the US Homeland Through 2007 (PSNIE-2002-15HJ) (Nov. 2002) (published Jan. 2003). The President's Summary also noted that Saddam probably would attempt clandestine attacks against the United States if "ongoing military operations risked the imminent demise of his regime, or for revenge." The INR dissent was included in the Summary, and that dissent noted that Saddam is "unlikely to conduct clandestine attacks against the U.S. Homeland even if the regime's demise is imminent." Another NIE, NIC, Foreign Ballistic Missile Developments and the Threat Through 2015 (M/H NIE 2001 19HJ/I) (dated 2002 but published in February 2003), uses the same language. 618 CIA, Memorandum for Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Porter Goss, Title Classified (March 6, 2003) (cited in timeline provided by CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Sept. 9, 2004)). 619 Id. 620 CIA, Iraq's Ballistic Missiles and Long-Range Rockets (WINPAC IA 2003-017) (March 19, 2003) at p. 3. 621 Id. (describing the al-Samoud II, which had a slightly larger diameter than the al-Samoud but was otherwise almost identical); see also Interview with CIA WINPAC missile analyst (Oct. 8, 2004); CIA, U.S. Analysis of Iraqi's Declaration (Dec. 7, 2002). 622 ISG Report, Delivery Systems at p. 52. 623 Id. at pp. 4, 44. 632 636 638 Id. at pp. 48, 50. The ISG report notes that Iraq purchased four MP2000 and two 3200VP autopilots through the procurement agent. According to reporting, the procurement agent was seeking both the MP2000 and 3200VG autopilots along with the mapping software. See Classified intelligence report (Aug. 2001); Classified intelligence report (Sept. 2004). 639 ISG Report, Delivery Systems at p. 50. 640 Id. at pp. 10, 17-18. 642 The Intelligence Community inaccurately assessed that Iraq retained up to a dozen Scuds or Scud-variant missiles from the original force of 819 missiles, based on accounting discrepancies. NIE at p. 7. The ISG concluded, based on documentary evidence not previously disclosed, that Iraq had either expended or destroyed all of its Scud missiles by 1991. ISG Report, Delivery Systems at p. 9. The Community also learned in December 2002, from Iraq's declaration to the United Nations, that Iraq had another al-Samoud variant that also flew over 150 km. CIA, U.S. Analysis of Iraqi's Declaration (Dec. 7, 2002). 643 NIE at p. 52. 644 SSCI at pp. 235-236 (making same observation). 645 Interview with CIA WINPAC UAV analysts (Aug. 11, 2004). 646 Senior Executive Memorandum, In Response to an Inquiry About What the Iraqis Are Likely to Disclose If They Use the U.S. and British "White Papers" as a Guide (Nov. 27, 2002). 647 NIE at p. 7. 648 ISG Report, Delivery Systems at p. 9. 649 Interview with CIA WINPAC analysts (Oct. 8, 2004) (noting analysts learned about the new missile from Iraq's December 2002 Declaration to the United Nations); see also CIA, Iraq's Ballistic Missiles and Long-Range Rockets (WINPAC IA 2003-017) (March 19, 2003) at p. 3. 650 Interview with National Intelligence Officer for Near East and South Asia (hereinafter "NIO/NESA") (Nov. 8, 2004); Interview with former Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research (Nov. 1, 2004). 651 Id. The NIO/NESA explained that there was very little information available on the intentions of Iraq's senior leadership, and he did not know what analytical process, other than sheer speculation, could have led analysts to the conclusion that Iraq had abandoned its WMD programs. Interview with NIO/NESA (Nov. 8, 2004). 652 ISG, Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraqi WMD, Volume I, Regime Strategic Intent (Sept. 30, 2004) at p. 46 (hereinafter "ISG Report, Regime Strategic Intent"). 653 654 Id. at p. 34. 655 NIC, Prospects for Iraq: Saddam and Beyond (NIE 93-42) (Dec. 1993); see also Interview with NIO/NESA (Nov. 8, 2004) (analysts were "flying blind" when attempting to characterize regime intentions); SSCI at p. 369 (lack of intelligence on Saddam's intentions was a "constant theme" among analysts after 1991). 656 NIC, Iraq: Saddam Husayn's Prospects for Survival Over the Next Year (SNIE 36.2-91) (Sept. 1991) at p. v, n. 1 (INR and Treasury assessed that the Intelligence Community lacked sufficient information to support a firm judgment on Saddam's prospects for survival). 657 Id. at p. viii (Key Judgments). 658 Id. at pp. viii-ix. 659 NIC, Saddam Husayn: Likely to Hang On (NIE 92-7) (June 1992) at pp. iii, 4. 660 NIC, Prospects for Iraq: Saddam and Beyond (NIE 93-42) (Dec. 1993) at pp. 1, 2, 5, 14. 661 Id. at p. 1. Another assumption
underlying the analysis was that "Saddam Husayn will not alter his basic
domestic and foreign policy goals: to maintain his hold on power by any means
necessary,...[and] to rebuild Iraq's military might--including weapons of mass
destruction programs." 662 NIC, Iraq: Likelihood of Renewed Confrontation (SE 95-8) (June 27, 1995) at p. 2; see also CIA, No Rest for Iraq's Weary (NESA IR 95-40122) (June 20, 1995) (noting that there was rampant poverty and widespread crime and corruption in Iraq, and that the government was doing little to alleviate the suffering). 663 NIC, Iraq: Likelihood of Renewed Confrontation (SE 95-8) (June 22, 1995) at p. 4. 664 Id. 665 Id. at p. 1. 667 NIC, Iraq: Regime Prospects for 1997 (ICB 96-3C) (Dec. 26, 1996) at p. 1. 668 Id. at pp. 1, 3; see also NIC, Title Classified (ICB 97-16) (July 22, 1997) ; NIC, U.S. Position Eroding Sharply in the Middle East (NIC 1738-98) (March 20, 1998) (anti-American sentiment among Arab publics had caused U.S. political standing to plummet, increasing Arab expectations for a formal end to sanctions). 669 670 Id. at pp. 1-2; see also NIC, Iraq: Regime Prospects for 1997 (ICB 96-3C) (Dec. 26, 1996) at pp. 1, 5. 671 NIC, Iraq: Prospects for Confrontation (ICB 98-21) (July 18, 1998) at p. 2. See also NIC, Iraq: Saddam's Next Moves (SOCM 99-4) (March 2, 1999) (noting an increasing risk that Saddam would "act impulsively" to regain the initiative and attention in the wake of mounting frustration over unmet demands to lift sanctions). 672 NIC, Iraq: Prospects for Confrontation (ICB 98-21) (July 18, 1998) at p. 3. 673 Interview with NIO/NESA (Nov. 8, 2004). 674 CIA, Iraq-United States: Hardening Stance Toward UNSCOM (NESA IM 96-20005) (Aug. 9, 1996). 675 CIA, Iraqi Denial and Deception Against International Inspection Regimes (OTI IA 2002-169-CHX) (Oct. 7, 2002) ("Iraq's apparent willingness to agree to a resumption of inspections in part reflects confidence in its ability to prevent the international community from discovering the extent of its current and past weapons-related activities."). 676 CIA, Iraq: Saddam Maneuvering to Survive 2002 (NESAF IA 2002-20024C) (Feb. 15, 2002) at p. 1. 677 Id. at p. i. 679 CIA, Iraqi War Crimes: Saddam Husayn al-Tikriti (NESAF IR 2001-40064JX) (April 3, 2001) (analyzing Saddam's decision making processes); Interview with NIO/NESA (Nov. 8, 2004) (noting difficulty in obtaining information on regime decisionmaking). 680 681 NIC, Iraqi Military Capabilities Through 2003 (NIE 99-04/II) (April 1999). 682 CIA, Iraqi War Crimes: Saddam Husayn al-Tikriti (NESAF IR 2001-40064JX) (April 3, 2001) at pp. 1-2. 683 Id. 684 Id. at p. 2. 685 NIC, Iraqi Military Capabilities Through 2003 (NIE 99-04/II) (April 1999); see also Interview with NIO/NESA (Nov. 8, 2004). 686 NIC, The Gulf Crisis: Implications of War, A Peaceful Solution, or Stalemate for the Middle East (SNIE 36/39-91) (Jan. 1991) at p. iii (Saddam Hussein undeterred from his goal of regional supremacy); NIC, Prospects for Iraq: Saddam and Beyond (NIE 93-42) (Dec. 1993) (noting that one of the assumptions underlying the Estimate was that Saddam would not alter his long-term goal of making Iraq a dominant regional power); NIC, Iraq: Prospects for Confrontation. (ICB 98-21) (July 17, 1998) at p. 2 (Saddam's long-term goal of reasserting regional dominance); NIC, Iraqi Military Capabilities Through 2003 (NIE 99-04/II) (April 1999) (Iraq's fundamental goals remained unchanged and included regional domination). 687 NIC, Prospects for Iraq: Saddam and Beyond (NIE 93-42) (Dec. 1993) at p. 1. 688 NIC, Iraqi Military Capabilities Through 2003 (NIE 99-04/II) (April 1999) at p. 6. 689 NIC, Stability of the Iraqi Regime: Significant Vulnerabilities Offset by Repression (ICA 2002-02HC) (April 2002) at p. 5. 690 NIC, Iraqi Military Capabilities Through 2003 (NIE 99-04/II) (April 1999) at p. 5 (noting assessment was unchanged from previous NIEs in 1994 and 1995). 691 NIC, Iraq: Prospects for Confrontation (ICB 98-21) (July 17, 1998) at p. 2; see also NIC, Prospects for Iraq: Saddam and Beyond (NIE 93-42) (Dec. 1993) (achieving goal of regional dominance required rebuilding military might, including WMD). 692 Interview with NIO/NESA (Nov. 8, 2004) (the dearth of information made any analysis of Iraqi political calculations largely speculative, and analysts therefore relied on historical information and observed behavior). 693 ISG Report, Regime Strategic Intent at p. 42. 694 ISG, Transmittal Message to Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraqi WMD (Sept. 23, 2004) at p. 8. 695 ISG Report, Regime Strategic Intent at p. 34. Iraq's invasion of Kuwait led to the immediate imposition of comprehensive and mandatory trade and financial sanctions under United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 661. These sanctions remained in place after the ceasefire of February 28, 1991. UNSCR 687 of April 3, 1991 created UNSCOM and required Iraq's WMD disarmament. UNSCR 687 explicitly linked Iraq's WMD disarmament to Iraq's right to resume oil exports; the withdrawal of wider sanctions was also dependent on this step. UNSCR 715, passed on October 11, 1991, required Iraq's unconditional acceptance of ongoing inspections to monitor and verify Iraq's compliance with UNSCR 687. Id. 696 Id. at p. 46. 699 Interview with Special Advisor to the Director of Central Intelligence Charles Duelfer (Oct. 13, 2004). 700 ISG Report, Regime Strategic Intent at p. 1. 701 Id. at pp. 7, 70. 705 Id. 708 Id. 715 717 Although the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence's report discussed some of the pre-war analytical products regarding Iraq's threat to regional security, the Committee did not have the benefit of the ISG report and therefore did not discuss the discrepancies between the pre-war assessments of the political dynamics within the Iraqi regime and the post-war findings in that regard. See generally SSCI at pp. 367-390. 718 Interview with Special Advisor to the Director of Central Intelligence Charles Duelfer (Oct. 13, 2004). 719 ISG Report, Regime Strategic Intent at pp. 11, 65. One senior Iraqi official told the ISG that he was not certain whether Saddam's statement that Iraq had no WMD was true, given the U.S. government's belief that Iraq did have such weapons. Id. at p. 62. 720 Interview with NIO/NESA (Nov. 8, 2004); Interview with NIO/SNP (Sept. 20, 2004). The former Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research noted that he had discussed this possibility with other senior administration officials before Operation Iraqi Freedom began, but that ultimately they had rejected the possibility. They rejected it because they thought Saddam would have no reason not to come clean with the inspectors if he had truly disarmed. Although they considered the possibility that Saddam's behavior could be explained by his pride, as well as by his desire to intimidate and deter his adversaries by allowing them to think he had WMD, they ultimately rejected that theory. Interview with former Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research (Nov. 1, 2004). 721 Interview with NIO/NESA (Nov. 8, 2004). 722 See, e.g., NIC, Iraq: Saddam Husayn's Prospects for Survival Over the Next Year (SNIE 36.2-91) (Sept. 1991) at p. xi (this assessment, prepared shortly after the end of the Gulf War, assumed that Saddam would not fully comply with United Nations resolutions and that sanctions would remain in effect); NIC, Prospects for Iraq: Saddam and Beyond (NIE 93-42) (Dec. 1993) at p. 1 (identifying as an assumption that Saddam would not fully comply with United Nations resolutions); NIC, Iraq: Prospects for Confrontation (ICB 98-21) (July 18, 1998) at p. 3 (stating that "Saddam does not intend to fully comply with relevant Security Council resolutions"). 723 Interview with NIO/NESA (Nov. 8, 2004) (noting the dearth of political reporting). 724 Some reporting indicated that Iraq may have moved biological and chemical weapons stockpiles to Syria just prior to the start of the war in March 2003. CIA, Title Classified (Dec. 13, 2004) (citing one classified intelligence report (March 2003) from a foreign service). The security situation along the border between Iraq and Syria prevented the ISG from conclusively ruling out the possibility that such weapons were transported across the border. Interview with Special Advisor to the Director of Central Intelligence Charles Duelfer (Oct. 13, 2004). It is important to note, however, that, given the overall findings of the ISG, there was nothing left to move by March 2003, save possibly some pre-1991 CW shells. Therefore, the conclusion that militarily significant stockpiles of CW or BW could not have been moved to Syria just before the war necessarily follows from the ISG's overall findings about the state of Iraq's WMD programs after 1991. 725 NIC, Current Iraqi WMD Capabilities (NIC-1848-98) (Sept. 30, 1998) at p. 1. 726 Id. 727 Interview with former senior administration official. 728 SSCI at pp. 260-261; see also Interview with CIA/DO officials (Sept. 22, 2004). 729 Interview with Defense 730 Bureaucratic incentives not only affect the ability to recruit quality sources, but they may affect the ability to obtain quality reporting from existing sources. When policymaker interest in a particular topic is high and the number of existing sources in that area is low, collectors may understandably respond by pressing an asset to report on issues going beyond his usual access, or by giving more credence to an untried source than would normally be the case. See, e.g., Butler Report at pp. 105-109. 731 Interview with Defense 732 See also SSCI at p. 191 (also
concluding that Defense 733 Interview with Division Chief
and Group Chief, CIA/DO (Dec. 14, 2004). For example, the CIA attempted to
validate Curveball's claim that he was present when a BW accident took place by
evaluating him for
signs of exposure. And when the trailers were discovered in Iraq in the spring
of 2003 that were thought to be the mobile facilities reported by Curveball,
CIA/DO suggested that Curveball be shown several "control" pictures
along with the pictures of the actual trailers found in Iraq as a tool to test
his truthfulness. Defense 734 DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 6, p. 7. 735 Id. at p. 2. 736 Interview with CIA/DO officials (Sept. 22, 2004) (noting that human sources who claimed Iraq did not have WMD were viewed as taking the Iraqi "party line," and thus their information was not considered worthy of dissemination). 737 Interview with CIA WMD Review Group Analyst (Sept. 23, 2004). 738 Interview with CIA/DO officials (Sept. 22, 2004). 739 CIA, Iraq WMD Lessons Learned (Aug. 2004) at p. 26. 740 Id.; Interview with Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency Vice Admiral Lowell Jacoby (Jan. 17, 2005). 741 Interview with NSA officials (Aug. 26, 2004); NSA, Written Responses from NSA to WMD Commission's NSA Request No. 16 (Feb. 17, 2005) at p. 1. 742 See, e.g., NGA, NGA Reassessment of Activity at Al Musayyib Barracks Brigade Headquarters and Ammunition Depot, 1998-2004 (June 15, 2004). 743 Interview with CIA WINPAC analysts
(Aug. 11, 2004). Biological, chemical and, to a lesser extent, nuclear
programs, are potentially concealable from overhead reconnaissance, although
delivery system programs are more difficult to hide. 744 745 Even in the case of chemical weapons programs, which are more difficult to conceal than biological warfare programs, imagery alone is not determinative, as demonstrated by the October 2002 NIE's error in analyzing transshipment activity as evidence of an Iraqi CW program. 746 NIE at p. 28. 747 Interview with CIA WINPAC CW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004). 748 NGA, NGA Reassessment of Activity at Al Musayyib Barracks Brigade Headquarters and Ammunition Depot, 1998-2004 (June 15, 2004). 749 NGA, Matrix of NIMA/NGA Intelligence Relative to the BW and CW portions of the NIE on Iraq, October 2002 (June 30, 2004) at p. 13. Even outside of the dual-use context imagery can be misleading. The NIE noted that imagery that had previously been interpreted as motor cases for missiles in fact showed heat treatment ovens used in the production of motor cases. NIE at p. 59. 750 Collection Concepts Development Center Study, Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction: Recommendations for Improvements in Collection (Study One) (June 29, 2000) at p. 13. 751 753 See generally Source Documents for the October 2002 NIE. 754 Interview with Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Analysis and Production (Sept. 28, 2004) (noting general lack of understanding of, and respect for, MASINT). 755 Interview with Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Collection (July 20, 2004) (describing end-to-end review of collection approaches); see also SSCI at p. 259. 756 Collection Concepts Development Center Study, Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction: Recommendations for Improvements in Collection (Study One) (June 29, 2000) at p. 18. 757 Interview with NSA officials (Sept. 8, 2004). 758 NSA, Memorandum Re: Clarification Question (Oct. 27, 2004). Somewhat contradictorily, NSA subsequently said that it had in fact "pursued" this recommendation, although it conceded that there was no "active" effort until two years after the CCDC study. NSA, Written Responses from NSA to WMD Commission's NSA Request No. 16 (Feb. 17, 2005). 759 Collection Concepts Development Center Study, Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction: Recommendations for Improvements in Collection (Study One) (June 29, 2000) at p. 10. 760 Interview with NGA officials (Nov. 16, 2004); SSCI at p. 266 (quoting officials from the National Intelligence Collection Board as to doubling of collection operations). 761 As noted, beginning in March 2002, NGA increased its coverage to include ammunition depots that had not previously been imaged on a regular basis. Accordingly, there was no "baseline" of activity for these sites on which to base an assessment that the activity level had changed. 762 Interview with CIA WINPAC CW analyst (Oct. 8, 2004); Interview with NGA officials (Nov. 16, 2004). 763 Although the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence's report discusses the reliance on imagery intelligence, it does not discuss the effect of the increased coverage on the ability to distinguish increased activity from increased collection. 764 DCI Statement for the Record at Introduction at p. 2. 765 Interview with CIA WINPAC nuclear analysts (Aug. 11, 2004). 766 The tendency to hew to the prevailing analytical view, and to view new information exclusively through the prism of that existing paradigm, is variously described as "self-conditioning," "tunnel vision," "groupthink," "path dependency," etc. Whatever the lexicon, this phenomenon as addressed here describes a tendency to adhere to a prevailing view without sufficiently questioning the hypotheses underlying that conclusion. 767 To be sure, denial and deception remains a significant challenge to the Intelligence Community. Educating analysts and collectors about that threat is important to ensure that the problem is neither overestimated nor underestimated. 768 Also, one basis for the conclusion that the tubes were for centrifuges was that the specifications were excessive for rockets, yet CIA analysts did not vigorously pursue an effort to determine the specifications used in the Italian rocket from which the Iraqis had reverse-engineered theirs, reasoning that such information was unnecessary. Similarly, CIA reasoned that the tubes were intended for centrifuges because they were procured through intermediary countries, but that procurement method is equally consistent with the tubes' use in conventional weapons. NIE at p. 74. 769 A problem with the Team B effort in the mid-1970s was not its existence, which was, in many ways, a salutary instance of outside expertise factoring into Community estimates. Rather, the flaw was that a Team C was not also created to posit that the Soviet Union might actually be weaker than either the Intelligence Community or Team B assessed. 770 Interview with former Secretary of Defense and Director of Central Intelligence James Schlesinger (Aug. 25, 2004) (noting that competition among agencies can improve the product of each agency). 771 The NIE contained dissenting views from INR, Air Force Intelligence, and DOE on several topics. In that regard, the NIE fully aired conflicting views. One potential subsidiary problem, however, is that whether the dissent appears in the final product (and how it is expressed) depends in part on the willingness and ability of individual agency representatives to present such contrary views forcefully and effectively at NIE coordination meetings. NIE at pp. 7, 14, 16, 52. 772 Compare NIE at p. 14 (INR dissent noting that it saw "no compelling evidence" that Iraq had commenced "an integrated and comprehensive approach to acquire nuclear weapons") and id. at p. 16 (DOE agreement that reconstitution is underway but that the tubes are probably not part of that program) with id. (NIE assessing that Iraq "has reconstituted its nuclear weapons program"). 773 Interview with NGIC analysts (Dec. 7, 2004); DIA, Iraq: Procuring Possible Nuclear-Related Gas Centrifuge Equipment (MID-227-01-SCI) (Nov. 30, 2001) (NGIC assessment that the tube tolerances were excessive for rockets). 774 SSCI at p. 22 (describing the "layering" phenomenon). 775 NIE at pp. 28, 52; see also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 2, p. 9. 776 NIE at p. 28. 778 SSCI at pp. 22-23 (discussing the layering problem in the CW assessments). 779 Interview with former CIA WINPAC CW analyst (Nov. 10, 2004). 780 CIA, former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Richard Kerr, The Evidence and Analysis of Iraqi WMD: The National Intelligence Estimate of October 2002 (Jan. 28, 2004) (making the observation that analysts focused too much on weapons and not enough on Iraq). 781 ISG Report, Regime Strategic Intent at pp. 7-9, 34, 46. The ISG also found that the Iraqi economy and infrastructure were collapsing under the weight of sanctions, making it difficult to restart WMD programs. ISG Report, Nuclear at p. 5. Analysts faced difficulty getting some of this information. Interview with CIA WINPAC analysts (Aug. 11, 2004). 782 The ability to ensure that weapons analysts will factor in the effect of the social and political context on their analysis depends on meaningful interaction between the functional and regional analytic units. There is some indication that coordination and cooperation between these units needs improvement. As one analyst noted, the functional units such as WINPAC have highly varying relations with the regional components, such as NESA. Interview with CIA WINPAC analysts (Aug. 11, 2004). 783 Indeed, one analyst related that the demand for current intelligence became so acute that he not only gave up long-term research, but often was spending so much time preparing current intelligence and responding to policymaker follow-up questions on that current intelligence that he could not even read his daily in-box of raw intelligence reporting. That task was delegated to a junior analyst (with no expertise on Iraq WMD issues) who pulled traffic he thought might be of interest. Interview with former CIA WINPAC CW analysts (Nov. 10, 2004). 784 NIE at p. 13. 785 See, e.g., Interviews with CIA WINPAC analysts (Aug. 11, 2004 and Oct. 8, 2004); Interview with DOE intelligence analyst (Oct. 27, 2004) (noting that "DOE didn't want to come out before the war and say [Iraq] wasn't reconstituting"). 786 CIA, Iraq and al-Qa'ida: Interpreting a Murky Relationship (CTC 2002-40078 CH) (June 21, 2002) at p. 5 (the scope note to the paper stated that "our approach is purposefully aggressive in seeking to draw connections, on the assumption that any indication of a relationship between these two hostile elements would carry great danger to the U.S."); see also SSCI at p. 304. 787 Interview with NSA officials (July 14, 2004). 788 Classified intelligence report (March 2002). 789 CIA, Memorandum for the Deputy
Executive Director, CIA, DI-DO 790 This is a problem that applies to analyst-to-analyst relationships as well. For example, CIA analysts did not share their increasing doubts about the significance of the Iraqi mapping software procurement with other analysts in the Community. 791 CIA, DO/EA Division Review on
DI-DO 792 Interview with former Deputy Director for Operations James Pavitt (May 18, 2004); Interview with Division Chief and Group Chief, CIA/DO (Dec. 14, 2004). 793 SSCI at p. 247. 794 Interview with National Intelligence Officer for Intelligence Assurance (Nov. 18, 2004). 795 SSCI at pp. 269-271. 796 Interview with CIA/DO officials and CIA Iraq WMD Review Group analyst (Aug. 3, 2004). 797 Interview with Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Analysis and Production (Sept. 22, 2004). 798 Id. (noting that the average NIE is 55 pages, while the average estimate of one close liaison intelligence service equivalent is about 17 pages). 799 800 Id. (noting that the specified liaison service presents the views of each agency where there is a difference in opinion). 801 Interview with NIO/SNP (Sept. 20, 2004); see also NIC, Everything You Always Wanted to Know About NIEs...But Were Afraid to Ask (2004) (unclassified booklet). 802 NIC, National Intelligence Council (April 2004) (unclassified booklet describing the roles and responsibilities of the NIC). 803 804 Interview with NIO/SNP (Sept. 20, 2004) (normally takes "months" to publish an NIE). Some NIEs have been produced very quickly, however. See CIA, Center for Studies in Intelligence, Sherman Kent and the Board of National Estimates: Collected Essays (1994) (noting that NIE entitled "Sino-Soviet Intentions in the Suez Crisis" was published in one day). 805 NIC, Everything You Always Wanted
to Know About NIEs...But Were Afraid to Ask (2004) (unclassified booklet). The
Terms of Reference are reviewed by peers in the NIC and presented to the
Community, and often to the NFIB, for approval. 806 Id.; see also SSCI at p. 10 (describing NIE process). 807 Interview with NIO/SNP (Sept. 20, 2004); see also SSCI at p. 11. 808 Id. The draft is also sometimes submitted to a panel of experts for review. Id.; SSCI at p. 11. 809 Interview with NIO/SNP (Sept. 20, 2004); see also SSCI at p. 11. 810 Interview with NIO/NESA (Nov. 8, 2004). 811 Interview with NIO/SNP (Sept. 20, 2004). 812 Id. (noting that the Senate demanded the NIE be completed in three weeks); Letter from Senator Richard Durbin to Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet (Sept. 9, 2002) (requesting that the DCI "direct the immediate production of a National Intelligence Estimate assessing the current and projected status--over the next 10 years--of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction capabilities"). Senators Bob Graham and Carl Levin also requested an NIE covering various topics related to Iraq's WMD programs. CIA, Congressional Requests and Responses re Iraq WMD Chronology. 813 Interview with NIOs (May 26, 2004) (describing the October 2002 Iraq NIE process). 814 Interview with DOE intelligence analyst (Oct. 27, 2004). 815 Id. 816 During this time period, however, the CIA Directorate of Operation's Counterproliferation Division provided the SSCI staff with quarterly briefings on its WMD covert action operations, including those directed against Iraq, according to the Chief of Intelligence for the Directorate of Operations. Comments from Chief of Intelligence, Office of the Deputy Director of Operations (March 3, 2005). 817 Interview with NIO/SNP (Sept. 20, 2004). 818 Id. 819 Id.; see also SSCI at p. 286. 820 Interview with NGIC officials (Dec. 7, 2004); Interview with NGIC official (Dec. 14, 2004). 821 Id . (including NGIC CW analysts) (Dec. 7, 2004). A review of NGIC's published intelligence shows that as late as October 2001, NGIC estimated that Iraq had between 10-100 tons of agents in its stockpile. NGIC, Iraq: Current Chemical Warfare Capabilities (Oct. 23, 2001). In March 2003, NGIC published an assessment of Iraq's CW delivery capabilities that noted that the "upper limit of the assessed Iraqi CW agent stockpile [was] 500 metric tons." NGIC, Iraq's UAV CW Delivery Capabilities--An Unlikely Threat (NGIC-1671-7685-03) (March 25, 2003). 823 Interview with NGIC officials (Dec. 7, 2004); Interview with NGIC official (Dec. 14, 2004). 824 825 Electronic mail from NGIC to CIA and DIA, containing NGIC's line in and line out edits on the CW section of the draft NIE (Sept. 24, 2002) (noting "[w]e are not able to come up tomorrow [to the NIE coordination meeting] so please support our points"). 826 Interview with NIO/SNP (Jan. 5, 2005); see also Interview with NGIC officials (Dec. 7, 2004). The NIO/SNP noted that the NIE included at least 15 pages of alternative views from different agencies, suggesting that there was not an effort afoot to quash dissent. NGIC admits that it did not convey its position to the Army G-2 representative prior to the Military Intelligence Board. Comments from NGIC (March 3, 2005). 827 SSCI at p. 206 (quoting DIA testimony). NGIC has now retreated somewhat from its allegations, claiming that it has "reexamined this issue" and NGIC now "cannot confirm" whether the DIA representatives conveyed NGIC's position to the NIO during the coordination meeting for the NIE. NGIC asserts that DIA's concurrence with the stockpile position eventually published in the NIE indicates that DIA did not present NGIC's stockpile position at the coordination meeting. According to NGIC, DIA also did not inform them about subsequent drafts of the NIE. Comments from NGIC (March 3, 2005). In any event, NGIC also noted that DIA--and not NGIC--had the responsibility within the defense intelligence establishment to assess CW stockpiles. Id. 828 Interview with NGIC officials
(Dec. 7, 2004). The NGIC analyst noted that NGIC had subsequently published
items that were "not in concert" with the NIE, but had not published
anything to clarify its position on the 100-500 MT stockpile range. Id. In
addition to the Military Intelligence Board, two more opportunities were
available for NGIC to have provided its views. An errata sheet was published
for the NIE on October 18, 2002, about three weeks after the NIE was published.
NGIC notes that it "has no record of being informed" of the errata
sheet. Comments from NGIC (March 3, 2005). If NGIC believed its views were mistakenly
(or purposefully) omitted, it could have tried to clarify the record through
this errata sheet. Also, another NIE was published in November 2002, as a
follow-up to the October NIE to cover certain aspects of the tactical CW threat
that the military wanted to have addressed. NIC, Iraq's Chemical Warfare
Capabilities: Potential for Dusty and Fourth-Generation Agents: Memorandum to
Holders of NIE 2002-16HC [the October 2002 NIE] (M/H NIE 2002-16) (Nov. 2002).
NGIC took issue with some aspects of this NIE, but remained silent on the issue
of restarted production for increased stockpiles. 829 See, e.g., Senator Carl Levin, "Buildup to War on Iraq," Congressional Record (July 15, 2003) at pp. S9358-S9360; Walter Pincus and Dana Priest, "Some Iraq Analysts Felt Pressure from Cheney Visits," Washington Post (June 5, 2003) at p. A1; Nicholas D. Kristof, "White House in Denial," New York Times (June 13, 2003) at p. A33; Jay Taylor, "When Intelligence Reports Become Political Tools..." Washington Post (June 29, 2003) at p. B2; Douglas Jehl, "After the War: Weapons Intelligence; Iraq Arms Critic Reacts to Report on Wife," New York Times (Aug. 8, 2003) at p. A8; Dana Milbank and Walter Pincus, "As Rationales for War Erode, Issue of Blame Looms Large," Washington Post (July 10, 2004) at p. A1; Glenn Kessler, "Analyst Questioned Sources' Reliability; Warning Came Before Powell Report to UN," Washington Post (July 10, 2004) at p. A9; T. Christian Miller and Maura Reynolds, "Question of Pressure Splits Panel," Los Angeles Times (July 10, 2004) at p. A1; James Risen and Douglas Jehl, "Expert Said to Tell Legislators He Was Pressed to Distort Some Evidence," New York Times (June 25, 2003) at p. A11; Robert Schlesinger, "Bush Aides Discredit Analysts' Doubts on Trailers," The Boston Globe (June 27, 2003) at p. A25; Seymour M. Hersh, "The Stovepipe," The New Yorker (Oct. 27, 2003) at p. 77. 830 Our review has been limited by our charter to the question of alleged policymaker pressure on the Intelligence Community to shape its conclusions to conform to the policy preferences of the Administration. There is a separate issue of how policymakers used the intelligence they were given and how they reflected it in their presentations to Congress and the public. That issue is not within our charter and we therefore did not consider it nor do we express a view on it. 831 Interview with CIA Ombudsman for Politicization (Oct. 4, 2004) (describing CIA definition of "politicization," the core of which is alteration of analytical judgments under pressure to reach a particular conclusion). 832 Interviews with CIA WINPAC analysts (Aug. 11, 2004; Sept. 20, 2004; and Oct. 8, 2004). 833 Interview with former Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research (Nov. 1, 2004). 834 The CIA Ombudsman for Politicization
also conducted a formal inquiry in June 2002 regarding a CIA assessment of
possible Iraqi links to al-Qa'ida. This inquiry, which was discussed in the
SSCI report, did not involve Iraqi WMD assessments. Rather, that inquiry
focused on a paper published by the Counterterrorist Center Office of 835 Id. (providing Charter for Ombudsman's
office). That office defines politicization as "an unprofessional
intrusion by intelligence officers into the policymaking process, characterized
by skewing of information and judgments to support or oppose a specific policy
or general political ideology." Such "unprofessional manipulation of
information and judgments can be deliberate--for example, to please a
policymaker or under pressure from an intelligence manager. The distortion can
also be unintentional, arising from poor tradecraft practice." 836 837 Id. 838 Interview with CIA WINPAC analysts (Oct. 8, 2004). 839 Interview with National Intelligence Officers responsible for drafting NIE (May 26, 2004). A number of analysts have pointed to the limited time allotted to complete the NIE as a species of pressure on analysts. When pressed by Commissioners and staff members as to whether more time would have changed the NIE's assessments, however, the NIOs have answered that the Estimate would not have come to different conclusions even if more time had been available. Interview with National Intelligence Officers responsible for drafting NIE (May 26, 2004); Interview with NIO/SNP (Sept. 20, 2004). 840 Interview with CIA WINPAC analysts (Oct. 8, 2004) (citing aluminum tubes for nuclear weapons, Curveball's reporting for biological weapons, and "transshipment activity" for CW); see also DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 1, p. 19; Tab 3, p. 16; and Tab 2, p. 3. 841 Interview with CIA/DO officials and CIA Iraq WMD Review Group (Aug. 3, 2004); Interview with CIA WINPAC analysts (Oct. 8, 2004); Interview with NIO/NESA (Nov. 8, 2004). For example, the DCI Statement for the Record, which explained how analysts reached their conclusions in the NIE, noted that analysts would have required substantial new streams of information indicating that Iraq had abandoned its WMD programs to come to the conclusion that Iraq had no WMD programs or stockpiles. DCI Statement for the Record at Tab 1, pp. 34-35; Tab 2, p. 14; Tab 3, pp. 26-29; and Tab 4, p. 11. 842 Interview with NIO/NESA (Nov. 8, 2004). 843 844 845 Interview with DOE intelligence analyst (Oct. 27, 2004). 846 Interview with former Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research (Nov. 1, 2004). The head of the Intelligence Community must constantly make judgments based on ambiguous information, and based on that information make decisions about how to strike the balance between independence and access when presenting estimates to policymakers. For a discussion of this issue, see Jack Davis, "The Challenge of Managing Uncertainty: Paul Wolfowitz on Intelligence-Policy-Relations," Studies in Intelligence, no. 5 (1996); Efraim Halevy, "In Defence of the Intelligence Services," The Economist (July 31, 2004) at pp. 21-23. 847 Interview with former Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research (Nov. 1, 2004); Interview with NIO/NESA (Nov. 8, 2004). For variations on this theme, see Thomas L. Ahern, Jr., CIA Center for the Study of Intelligence, Good Questions, Wrong Answers: CIA's Estimates of Arms Traffic Through Sihanoukville, Cambodia, During the Vietnam War (Feb. 2004); Harold P. Ford, CIA Center for the Study of Intelligence, CIA and the Vietnam Policymakers: Three Episodes 1962-1968 (1998). In one instance, Mr. Ford concluded: "In our third episode, 1967-68, a few working-level CIA officers developed and championed accurate assessments ... Many hazards, however, undercut these judgments. Political pressure from the White House [and other influential military and civilian parties] caused DCI Helms...to override the conclusions their analysts had derived from available evidence. Then Headquarters analysts themselves refused to accept new field estimates of the enemy's intentions for Tet because these did not jibe with their own published estimation of the enemy's likely conduct." CIA and the Vietnam Policymakers at p. 2. 848 Interview with former CIA WINPAC analysts (Nov. 10, 2004). 849 CIA, Inspector General, Inspection
Report of the DCI Center for Weapons Intelligence, Nonproliferation, and Arms
Control (WINPAC) Directorate of Intelligence (IG 2004-0003-IN) (Nov. 2004)
(Employee Opinion Survey) at p. 9. The same survey revealed that 7 percent of
WINPAC analysts had "personally experienced or observed an instance within
WINPAC where [sic] an analytic judgment was changed to suit a customer's
preference." 850 851 Interview with former CIA WINPAC analysts (Nov. 10, 2004). 852 Interview with former CIA WINPAC BW analyst (Nov. 10, 2004). 853 854 CIA, Inspector General, Inspection Report of the DCI Center for Weapons Intelligence, Nonproliferation, and Arms Control (WINPAC) Directorate of Intelligence (IG 2004-0003-IN) (Nov. 2004) at pp. 13-14. 855 856 857 Interview with former CIA WINPAC analysts (Nov. 10, 2004). 858 The analyst had also brought his concerns to the CIA Ombudsman for Politicization in November 2003. That inquiry focused only on whether analysts had been pressured to change their analysis, and the Ombudsman concluded there had been no such impropriety. The Ombudsman referred the matter to the DDI, who met with WINPAC analysts and explained why a reassessment was not needed. Interview with CIA Ombudsman for Politicization (Oct. 4, 2004). 859 Interview with former CIA WINPAC analysts (Nov. 10, 2004). 860 In another incident, a CIA/DO case officer has filed suit against the CIA, alleging that CIA officials pressured him to produce intelligence reports to support the position that Iraq had WMD, and that the CIA retaliated against him when he refused. Dana Priest, "Officer Alleges CIA Retaliation," Washington Post (Dec. 9, 2004) at p. A2. 861 See supra Nuclear Weapons Finding 1. 862 See supra Biological Warfare Findings 1 and 6. 863 See supra Conclusion 28. CHAPTER TWO
In accordance with our
mandate, we compared the Intelligence
Community's judgments concerning Libya's weapons programs before Tripoli's
decision to open them to international scrutiny with current assessments,
thereby providing a rare "before" and "after" study of
the U.S. Intelligence Community's performance. We believe that the collection
and analytic efforts on Libya's weapons represent, for the most part, an
Intelligence Community success story. The Community collected good
intelligence on Libya's nuclear and missile programs, and it used this
intelligence to enter into well-managed discussions with the Libyans, which eventually
led to on-site inspections, and, ultimately, Libyan disavowal of weapons of
mass destruction. We found that: |
The Intelligence Community accurately assessed what nuclear equipment Libya possessed, but it was less successful in judging how Libya could exploit the material; |
The Intelligence Community's judgment that Libya possessed chemical weapons agents and chemical weapons bombs was correct, but Libya's actual chemical weapons stockpile proved to be smaller than estimated; |
The Intelligence Community's assessments of Libya's missile programs appear to have been generally accurate, but it is not yet possible to evaluate them fully because of limited Libyan disclosures; |
The Intelligence Community's penetration of the A.Q. Khan proliferation network provided invaluable intelligence on Libya's nuclear efforts; |
The contribution of technical intelligence to assessments of Libya's chemical, biological, and nuclear programs was limited; it provided some valuable information on Libya's missile programs; |
Analysts generally showed a commendable willingness to question and reconsider their assessments in light of new information; |
Analysts tracking proliferation program developments sometimes inappropriately equated procurement activity with technical capabilities; and |
Shifting priorities and the dominance of current intelligence production leave little time for considering important unanswered questions on Libya. |
On December 19, 2003, the Libyan government announced that it would halt all efforts to produce or acquire chemical or nuclear weapons, and pledged to eliminate any existing stockpiles of such weapons or materials. 1 To ensure compliance, Libya agreed to formally "declare" the existence of all relevant weapons, materials, and facilities, and to permit a series of inspections in Libya, commencing in January 2004. As a result of these declarations and visits, inspectors were able to speedily remove key materials related to missiles and weapons of mass destruction (WMD)--including centrifuges, an entire uranium conversion facility, nuclear weapons designs, uranium hexafluoride, and guidance packages for the Scud-C missile--and ensconce them safely in the United States. By March 2004, inspectors confirmed that Libya had destroyed its unfilled chemical munitions and secured its chemical weapons stockpile of approximately 24 metric tons of mustard gas for eventual destruction. 2 This unprecedented disarmament effort resulted in significant steps toward the normalization of U.S.-Libyan relations, including the lifting of most economic sanctions on Libya and the unfreezing of its assets in the United States. 3
As directed by the Executive Order establishing this Commission, we have compared the Intelligence Community's judgments concerning Libya's weapons programs before Tripoli's decision to open them to international scrutiny with current assessments, thereby providing a rare "before" and "after" study of U.S. intelligence assessments. In so doing, we interviewed policy officials as well as intelligence analysts and collectors. We also consulted finished intelligence production, the written "collection requirements" sent to intelligence agencies, and other intelligence documents.
We conclude that collection and analytic efforts with regard to Libya's weapons programs and in support of the U.S./U.K.-led efforts represent, for the most part, an Intelligence Community success story. The Community collected significant intelligence on Libya's nuclear and missile programs, providing a vital lever used by policymakers to pressure Tripoli to openly declare its nuclear and chemical materials and disavow its WMD and long-range missile programs.
Some discrepancies did exist between analysts' judgments prior to 2003 and the realities found in Libya; for example, analysts overestimated certain capabilities and developmental timelines relating to Libya's nuclear program and underestimated some elements of Libya's missile program. And no evidence of an expected small-scale Libyan biological weapons program has been uncovered. However, the Community's key pre-December 2003 intelligence and assessments as to Libyan nuclear procurement and chemical production appear to have been largely confirmed by the facts on the ground.
While the discrepancies that were found did not affect the general accuracy of the judgments that Libya was actively pursuing development of a nuclear weapon and possessed chemical weapons, they do point to some weaknesses in collection and analysis. It is apparent to us that the Community is not well-postured to replicate such successes.
1 |
The Intelligence Community accurately
assessed what nuclear-related equipment and material had been obtained by
Libya, but it was less successful in judging how well Libya was able to
exploit what it possessed. |
Prior to December 2003, the strength of clandestine reporting on Libya's procurement activity provided the Intelligence Community with a fairly accurate view of what nuclear-related equipment and material Libya possessed. Intelligence suggesting that Libya was receiving nuclear equipment via the A.Q. Khan network, and reporting from the 1980s indicating that Libya had acquired yellowcake from Niger in 1978 were later validated by inspections. 4 Intelligence that Libya had received uranium hexafluoride feed material for its gas centrifuge program was also confirmed. 5 In addition, it appears that the Community correctly identified key personnel in the nuclear program. 6 Libya's declarations did reveal some surprises that are discussed in the classified report. 7
The Community was less successful in judging how well Libya was able to exploit what it possessed. CIA and DIA had assessed that Libya could produce enough weapons grade uranium for a nuclear warhead as early as 2007. 8 However, as noted in a 2004 National Intelligence Estimate, the 2007 date was shown by the declarations and inspections to be unrealistic, and this assessment did not take into account the developmental difficulties the Libyans actually faced. 9 Indeed, the lack of sufficient progress on developing a nuclear weapon is one of the factors that may have prompted Qadafi to abandon and disclose Libya's nuclear program.
2 |
The Intelligence Community's central
judgment that Libya possessed chemical weapons agents and chemical weapons
aerial bombs was correct, but Libya's actual chemical agent stockpile proved
to be smaller in quantity than the Intelligence Community estimated. |
Analysts based their estimates of Libya's chemical weapons capabilities on assessments of chemical production capabilities and access to precursors. Analysts judged that Libya had produced, at most, roughly 100 metric tons of mustard agent. 10 They also believed that Libya had produced small quantities of sarin, 11 but assessed that this would have been of very low quality and therefore would have degraded quickly. 12 Analysts generally did not believe that Libya had chemical warheads for missile delivery, but they assessed that Libya could probably weaponize existing chemical agents in some fashion. 13 They further concluded that Libya had produced approximately 1,000 250-kg aerial chemical weapons bombs. 14
Prior to December 2003, the Intelligence Community continued to judge that Libya was pursuing a limited chemical weapons program through small-scale research efforts. 15 The CIA also assessed that Libya wanted to start development of new nerve agents. 16 Moreover, CIA analysts noted that "several hundred" Iraqi chemical and biological weapons experts had been in Libya during the decade preceding the disclosures. 17
Although a 2004 National Intelligence Estimate correctly stated that Libya possessed chemical weapons agents and aerial bombs, Libya's actual chemical stockpile proved to be smaller in quantity than the Intelligence Community estimated. Libya declared in March 2004 to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) that it possessed about 24 metric tons of sulfur mustard agent--considerably less than the Intelligence Community had predicted. On the other hand, Libya declared to OPCW that it had produced more than 3,500 unfilled aerial munitions, including 250-kg bombs. 18
3 |
The Intelligence Community's assessment
that Libya maintained the desire for an offensive biological weapons program,
and was pursuing at least a small-scale research and development effort,
remains unconfirmed. |
In the early 1990s, analysts had strong evidence that Libya was developing a biological weapons program, and policymakers worked closely with the international community to thwart Libya's efforts in this area--including instituting sanctions that prohibited the purchase of even dual-use items. 19 Throughout that period, analysts judged that Libya maintained the desire for an offensive biological weapons program, and most assessed that Libya was pursuing at least a small-scale research and development effort. 20
These assumptions persisted through the late 1990s and the early part of this decade. During this period, analysts observed signs of reorganization and revitalization of the program, including purchases of dual-use equipment. This pre-declaration intelligence remains unconfirmed. 21
Libyan declarations have failed to shed light on Tripoli's plans and intentions for its biological program. In addition, the suspect facilities inspectors have visited all have legitimate civilian biotechnology uses. 22 One Libyan official stated that while Libya intended to build an offensive biological weapons program, it never went beyond the planning stage, and that Qadafi considered the biological program too dangerous and ordered its termination sometime prior to 1993. 23 A senior Libyan official, who has remained a key interlocutor on Libya's WMD programs, initially referred inspectors to another senior official who ostensibly knew the details of the biological warfare (BW) program. 24 According to intelligence, this senior official also "would not discuss any intent, offensive or defensive, for the Libyan BW program." 25 Lower-level officials have not only denied working on an offensive program, but some have also denied that Libya had even a defensive program. This group of lower-level officials, comprising the bulk of biological weapons officials with whom the inspectors have met, claims to have stopped working in the program in the early 1990s. 26 None of them admit to knowing about the possible revitalization of the program early this decade.
As a result, it is not possible to measure with certainty the accuracy of the Intelligence Community's assessments of Libya's biological weapons program, and we cannot address further reasons why uncertainty continues in this unclassified report.
4 |
The Intelligence Community's assessments
of Libya's missile programs appear to have been generally accurate, but it is
not yet possible to evaluate them fully because of limited Libyan
disclosures. |
Declarations and inspections appear to confirm analysts' skepticism about Libya's indigenous missile program. Libyan declarations confirm that the Intelligence Community had a comprehensive understanding of Libya's programs, its designs, and its success rate. 27 The Intelligence Community's predictive record on Libya's cooperative efforts with foreign nations is more mixed, but the Intelligence Community's forecasts were nevertheless generally accurate. The Community--despite possibly erring in assessing the scale and developmental timeline--correctly identified ongoing efforts to extend the range of Libya's Scud missiles. 28
It is not yet possible to fully evaluate the accuracy of the Intelligence Community's pre-disclosure assessments. However, what we know at this point suggests that the Community's predictions about Libya's missile programs were generally accurate.
This section examines the contribution of the collection and analytical disciplines to achieving the success described above. While it appears the Community was able to achieve more with regard to Libya's nuclear and missile programs than its chemical and biological programs, the Community's overall record illustrates multiple examples of ways in which intelligence can succeed. These include: seamless partnerships between analysts and collectors; the availability of a variety of reporting from human and technical collectors; and the ability of analysts to be flexible in their judgments while tracking and monitoring programs over time. These kinds of successes may be among the best the current intelligence system can offer.
5 |
The Intelligence Community's penetration
of the A.Q. Khan proliferation network provided invaluable intelligence on
Libya's nuclear efforts. |
Intelligence Community analysts agree that the information obtained as a result of penetrating the Khan network was critical to their understanding Libya's nuclear efforts.
The Khan network provided "one-stop shopping" for a state seeking to develop a gas centrifuge uranium enrichment program, to procure nuclear weapons information, or to gain access to supplier contacts. 29 By 2000, information was uncovered that revealed shipments of centrifuge technology from the Khan network were destined for Libya. 30 The Intelligence Community then learned through what former DCI George Tenet correctly described as "operational daring" 31 that the Khan network was the source of Libya's procurement of a nuclear weapons design. 32 Further information about the details of these efforts is classified and cannot be discussed in an unclassified setting.
The Intelligence Community's dramatic successes with regard to Libya are further exemplified by events surrounding the seizure of the BBC China, a ship bound for Libya carrying centrifuge technology. 33 The Intelligence Community's detection of the vessel and its cargo was based on a variety of innovative collection efforts which also cannot be discussed in detail here. Nevertheless, it is apparent that the outcome of these operations--which facilitated interdiction of materials providing definitive proof that Libya was working on a clandestine uranium enrichment program--served as a critical factor in Tripoli's decision to open up its weapons programs to international scrutiny. 34
6 |
The Intelligence Community's
performance with regard to Libya's chemical and
biological programs was more modest, due in part to the limited effectiveness
of technical collection techniques against these targets. |
As discussed above, the Intelligence Community possessed some limited information suggesting that Libya was continuing work on limited chemical and biological programs. The overall paucity of intelligence on these programs, however, may be attributed in no small measure to the general ineffectiveness of technical collection efforts.
That being said, it should be noted that there are few distinguishing characteristics that enable the identification of chemical or biological facilities through imagery or other technical means. Moreover, much of the technology and expertise required for chemical and biological programs is dual-use, making it easier to acquire and more difficult for the Community to track. It is also apparent that, at least with regard to biological weapons, the relatively low volume of information could be attributed to the fact that Libya may not have actually had an active biological warfare program.
7 |
The Intelligence Community gathered
valuable information on Libya's missile programs. |
In contrast to the chemical and biological programs, the Community was well-postured to support the efforts of policymakers with regard to Libya's missiles. The Community had intelligence on facility locations, personnel involved in the programs, and Libya's cooperative efforts with other nations. This broad understanding contributed significantly to the success of the U.S./U.K. inspections.
8 |
Analysts generally demonstrated a
commendable willingness to question and reconsider their assessments in light
of new information. |
Prior to 1999, analysts were skeptical about Libya's ability to implement functioning WMD programs. While a great deal of attention was focused on Libya's chemical weapons development efforts, analysts generally viewed Libya as an inept bungler, the court jester among the band of nations seeking biological or nuclear capabilities. This skepticism was based on Libya's lack of a high-technology industrial base, the absence of a trained cadre of sophisticated scientists, and the success of international sanctions, which hampered Libya's efforts to purchase complete or partially complete WMD systems. 35
When new information began to emerge in 1999 and 2000 suggesting that Libya was reinvigorating its nuclear, missile, and biological programs, analysts immediately began to re-examine their past assumptions and launched formal efforts to explore alternative scenarios. For example, in 2001 and 2002, CIA analysts organized simulation workshops to examine the implications of suspected changes in Libya's nuclear and missile programs. 36 These efforts, however, received only limited management support, and analysts told us that the focus on current production meant that they had little time and few resources for this analytic endeavor. 37
The new information led technical analysts to change their views dramatically about the Libyans' abilities to integrate technologies into weapons. Analysts shifted to what amounted to a "worst case" analysis, judging in a 2001 National Intelligence Estimate that Qadafi could have a nuclear weapon as early as 2007 (down from 2015 in an Estimate two years earlier), given foreign assistance. 38 The intelligence that led to this change was from classified intelligence reporting that cannot be discussed in this unclassified report. 39
Meanwhile, in the months leading up to this new information, the Community's political analysts observed that, given Qadafi's efforts to normalize relations with the West, renunciation of Libya's WMD programs would be a natural next step. 40 However, because good evidence showed that Tripoli was still acquiring components for weapons programs, analysts believed that they could not conclusively assess that Qadafi would open the programs for inspection. Nonetheless, analysts wanted to alert policymakers to what they saw as a likely and exploitable possibility. Analysts subsequently asked the DCI's red cell team--an office responsible for testing alternative hypotheses--to consider the theory, and the team published a paper considering this scenario. 41
9 |
Analysts tracking proliferation
program developments sometimes inappropriately
equated procurement activity with technical capabilities, and many analysts
did not receive the necessary training to avoid such failings. |
The analysts who tracked Libya's proliferation program saw intelligence on Libyan attempts to procure chemical, biological, and nuclear components and technologies, but lacked detailed information on Libya's ability to produce workable weapons systems from these acquired items. Unfortunately, analysts often equated procurement activity with weapons system capability. 42 As our Iraq case study previously noted, this equation of procurement with capability is a fundamental analytical error--simply because a state can buy the parts does not mean it can put them together and make them work. In our judgment, based upon our discussions with senior analytic experts, this error was caused by multiple factors, including a lack of experience or training among technical analysts in how to incorporate the systems integration capabilities of a would-be nuclear power into their assessments. In addition, many technical analysts have a weak understanding of the scientific, academic, industrial, and economic base a country requires in order to develop and actually produce weapons.
In the case of Libya (and Iraq, as we described earlier), the propensity to equate procurement with capability was partially the result of collectors gathering a disproportionately large volume of procurement-related intelligence, which may have, in turn, led analysts to overemphasize its importance. To avoid such traps, we believe that analysts--who all too often are rewarded based upon the production of current intelligence reporting--need stronger incentives to invest the substantial time necessary to develop expertise in foreign research, development, and acquisition capabilities.
10 |
Analytic products sometimes
provided limited effective warning to
intelligence consumers, and tended to separate WMD issues from broader
discussions of political and economic forces. |
Finally, we note that some of the analysis produced prior to Libya's renunciation of WMD provided intelligence consumers with limited useful warning. For example, National Intelligence Estimates on Libya's nuclear program only included assessments of when Libya "could" complete a nuclear warhead, without a corresponding judgment about when such an event was likely or the probability of such an event. Equally problematic, the use of WMD-specific Estimates isolated analysis of the WMD question from discussions of the political and economic forces that could lead to significant advances or delays in a national WMD program. One of the Libya Estimates even noted this explicitly, stating that its estimates were based on the success and pace of the missile programs, international technology transfers, political motives, military incentives, and economic resources, and did not take into account the possibility of significant political and economic change. 43 This weakness is similar to that found in our Iraq case study, which found that the Intelligence Community failed to examine seriously the possibility that domestic or regional political pressures (or some other factors) might have prompted Saddam Hussein to destroy his stockpiles and to forswear active development of WMD after the first Gulf War. 44
The Intelligence Community's efforts are currently focused on supporting U.S. government efforts to assess Libyan compliance with the terms of its agreements to dismantle its chemical, biological, nuclear, and missile programs. With the establishment of an official presence in Tripoli, the United States has had, since January 2004, a standing presence in-country that will provide continuous assessment of Libya's compliance with its dismantlement commitments. 45 In addition, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Libya have established a standing trilateral mechanism called the Steering and Coordinating Committee to address future weapons-related issues. 46 As a result, many in the policy and intelligence communities believe there is an "extremely low probability of things going wrong" with regard to the Libyan agreements. 47
These positive developments aside, the Intelligence Community bears a significant and ongoing burden relating to Libya. The Community must continue to assist in verifying Libyan disclosures.
Moreover, it is clear that Libya has been considerably less forthcoming about the details of its chemical and biological weapons efforts than about its nuclear and missile programs. The analysts we interviewed agreed that if Libya maintained any biological or chemical programs, they would be small-scale. 48 And whatever may be said about the current state of the Libyan programs and the veracity of Tripoli's disclosures, it remains true that the mercurial regime may suddenly shift its plans and intentions, leading to a covert resuscitation of these programs that the Intelligence Community will be expected to detect.
There are, moreover, other significant ongoing intelligence challenges concerning the Libya target. For instance, the policy community will look to the Intelligence Community to answer questions surrounding Libyan compliance with its pledge to renounce and cease the use of terrorism. 49 For the reasons discussed below, we have some doubts about whether the Intelligence Community is well postured to confront these challenges.
Shifting priorities and
the dominance of current intelligence
production leave little time for considering important unanswered questions
on Libya, or for working small problems that might prove to have an impact on
reducing surprise over the long term. |
There is growing concern within the Intelligence Community that thinking "Libya is done" may leave collectors and analysts without the resources needed to track and monitor future change. 50 Competing priorities have reduced the focus on Libya since the 2003 declarations, and Libya may again become a low priority for collectors. Some analysts say they have already begun to feel the effects of the shift in priorities. 51
There is little doubt that important questions remain about Libya's WMD programs. Yet given competing demands on technical analysts (tracking Libyan missile developments, for example, is only a part of the responsibilities of a single analyst at CIA), it is difficult to see how the Community will work these issues as policy priorities fluctuate.
12 |
The Intelligence Community should be commended for its contributions to forcing Tripoli to openly declare its nuclear and chemical materials and abandon development efforts, as well as hand over parts of its missile force and cancel its long-range missile projects. Such renunciation is, we believe, the real measure of a WMD-related intelligence success. At the same time, the Intelligence Community should recognize the ways in which it can improve its collection and analysis efforts, and how the shift of resources and emphasis away from Libya may--in the future--create difficulties.
1 Remarks by the President, President Bush: Libya Pledges to Dismantle WMD Programs, White House Press Secretary (Dec. 19, 2003), available at /news/ releases/2003/12/200331319-9.html (accessed March 7, 2005).
2 Interview with senior administration officials (Sept. 22, 2004). The teams did not uncover any evidence of a current biological weapons program, nor has Libya admitted the existence of biological weapons materials or facilities as part of the disclosures made under its agreement with the United States and United Kingdom. DIA, Title Classified (Feb. 24, 2004).
3 Executive
Order No. 13357 (Sept. 22, 2004) (terminating the national
emergency with respect to Libya, which led to the effective end of that
sanctions regime). Libya continues to be designated as a State Sponsor of
4 Reporting may have slightly understated the quantity of yellowcake. NIC, Title Classified (NIE 2004-05HJ) (May 2004) at p. 48.
5 Interview with State Department/INR analysts (Sept. 8, 2004). Department of Energy analysts announced in February 2005 their view that the material was from North Korea. Glenn Kessler, "North Korea May Have Sent Libya Nuclear Material, U.S. Tells Allies," Washington Post (Feb. 2, 2005) at p. A1.
6 NIC, Title Classified (May 2004) (NIE 2004-05HJ).
8 The CIA caveated this assessment, noting that Libya would "face significant technical challenges" to its nuclear program "that could lengthen the time needed to begin producing nuclear warheads." CIA, Title Classified (SPWR 021602-5) (Feb. 16, 2002). Moreover, an NIE cautioned that the judgments were based on the assumption that Libya would receive "foreign assistance in its fissile material production and weapon development efforts." NIC, Title Classified (NIE 2001 19HJ-I) (Dec. 2001) at p. E-37.
9 NIC, Title Classified (NIE 2004-05HJ) (May 2004).
11 Id .
12 Interview with CIA analysts (Sept. 10, 2004).
13 NIC, Title Classified (NIE 2004-05HJ) (May 2004).
15 Interview with State Department/INR analysts (Sept. 8, 2004).
16 CIA, Title Classified (SPWR 021602-5) (Feb. 16, 2002).
17 CIA, Title Classified (SPWR 012203-02) (Jan. 22, 2003); Interview with CIA analysts (Sept. 10, 2004).
18 NIC, Title Classified (NIE 2004-05HJ) (May 2004) at p. 49.
19 Interview with State Department/INR analysts (Sept. 8, 2004).
20 NIC, Title Classified (NIE 2004-05HJ) (May 2004) at p. 50; Interview with State Department/INR analysts (Sept. 8, 2004).
21 CIA, Title Classified (SEIB011104-02) (Jan. 12, 2004) at p. 3.
22 Interview with senior administration officials (Sept. 22, 2004).
23 CIA, Title Classified (SEIB011104-02) (Jan. 12, 2004) at p. 3.
24 Id .
25 Id .
26 Interview with CIA analysts (Sept. 10, 2004).
28 NIC, Title Classified (NIE 2004-05HJ) (May 2004).
29 CIA, Title Classified (WINPAC IA 2004-003HCX) (Feb. 12, 2004) at pp. 14-15.
30 Interview with CIA officials (Sept. 14, 2004).
31 George J. Tenet, Director of Central Intelligence, Speech at Georgetown University, February 5, 2004, available at http://www.cia.gov/cia/public_affairs/speeches/2004/tenet_ georgetownspeech_02052004.html (accessed Jan. 18, 2005)
32 Interview with CIA officials (Sept. 14, 2004).
33 CIA, Title Classified (WINPAC IA 2004-003HCX) (Feb. 12, 2004) at p. 6.
34 Interview with CIA officials (Sept. 14, 2004).
35 Id .
36 Interview with CIA analysts (Sept. 10, 2004); see also , e.g., Senior Panel Review, Mediterranean WMD Implications Game II (Dec. 12, 2002).
37 Interview with CIA analysts (Sept. 10, 2004).
38 NIC, Title Classified (NIE 2001 19HJ-I) (Dec. 2001).
39 Interview with CIA officials (Sept. 14, 2004); CIA, Submission to the Commission (March 9, 2005).
40 Interview with CIA analysts (Sept. 11, 2004).
41 CIA, Title Classified (July 18, 2003). Similarly, since the disclosures, analysts have asked the red cell to examine the possibility that Qadafi's agreement to abandon these programs is merely temporary. Interview with CIA ballistic missile analysts (Sept. 10, 2004). See, e.g., Senior Panel Review, Mediterranean WMD Implications Game II (Dec. 12, 2002). Analysts have also worked closely with collectors to reassess existing sources and information in light of the revelations.
42 Interview with CIA analyst (Nov. 14, 2004).
43 NIC, Title Classified (NIE 2001 19HJ-I) (Dec. 2001).
45 Interview with State Department/INR analysts (Sept. 8, 2004); Interview with State Department official (Sept. 24, 2004).
46 Interview with senior administration officials (Sept. 22, 2004); Interview with State Department/INR analysts (Sept. 8, 2004).
47 Interview with State Department/INR analysts (Sept. 8, 2004)
48 Interview with NGA analysts (Sept. 9, 2004); Interview with CIA analysts (Sept. 10, 2004).
49 Policymakers are also concerned with Libyan progress on human rights, domestic political and economic modernization, and regional political developments; the Intelligence Community will be expected to provide key support on these more traditional intelligence issues. Interview with State Department official (Sept. 24, 2004).
50 See, e.g., Interview with CIA officials (Sept. 14, 2004) (noting that the priority for new sources will be to verify Libya's past disclosures).
51 Interview with CIA analysts (Sept. 10, 2004).
In accordance with the Executive Order, the Commission compared the
Intelligence Community's assessment of chemical, biological, radiological,
and nuclear weapons in Afghanistan before and after Operation Enduring
Freedom, the U.S.-led invasion of October 2001. We believe that the
Intelligence Community correctly assessed al-Qa'ida's limited ability to use
these weapons to inflict mass casualties. However, the war in Afghanistan and
its aftermath revealed important new information about the level and direction
of chemical, biological, and nuclear research and development that was
underway. Specifically, we found that: |
The Intelligence Community concluded that at the time of the commencement of the war in Afghanistan, al-Qa'ida's biological weapons program was both more advanced and more sophisticated than analysts had previously assessed; |
Analytic judgments regarding al-Qa'ida's chemical weapons capabilities did not change significantly as a result of the war; |
The Community appears to have been correct in its assessment of the low probability that al-Qa'ida had built a nuclear device or obtained sufficient material for a nuclear weapon. However, the war in Afghanistan brought to light detailed and revealing information about the direction and progress of al-Qa'ida's radiological and nuclear ambitions; |
Intelligence gaps prior to the war in Afghanistan prevented the Intelligence Community from being able to assess with much certainty the extent or specific nature of al-Qa'ida's weapons of mass destruction capabilities; |
Analysis of al-Qa'ida's potential development of weapons of mass destruction in Afghanistan did not benefit from leveraging different analytic disciplines; and |
Analysts writing on al-Qa'ida's potential weapons of mass destruction efforts in Afghanistan did not adequately or explicitly state the basis for or the assumptions underlying their most critical judgments. |
On October 7, 2001, less than a month following the September 11 attacks, the United States began combat operations over the skies of Afghanistan. Operation Enduring Freedom's initial objectives were to destroy terrorist training camps and infrastructure, capture al-Qa'ida leaders, and force the cessation of all activities by and in support of terrorists within Afghanistan's borders. As a byproduct of these operations, the U.S. Intelligence Community was able to collect documents, conduct detainee interviews, and search former al-Qa'ida facilities, assembling intelligence that shed startling light on al-Qa'ida's intentions and capabilities with regard to chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons.
As directed by Executive Order, the Commission compared Intelligence Community assessments regarding al-Qa'ida's weapons of mass destruction programs in Afghanistan prior to the war with evidence obtained as a consequence of military operations and the updated assessments that resulted. In so doing, we reviewed raw and finished intelligence products, conducted interviews with analysts, and examined collection requirements documents and other information.
We found that just prior to the war in Afghanistan in 2001, the Intelligence Community was able to correctly assess al-Qa'ida's limited ability to use unconventional weapons to inflict mass casualties. Yet when the war uncovered new evidence of WMD efforts, analysts were surprised by the intentions and level of research and development underway by al-Qa'ida. Had this new information not been acquired, and had al-Qa'ida been allowed to continue weapons development, a future intelligence failure could have been in the offing.
A note before proceeding: this unclassified review of the Intelligence Community's performance on Afghanistan is necessarily more limited than the classified version. In particular, it does not go into great detail on the Intelligence Community's continuing efforts to collect and analyze intelligence relating to al-Qa'ida and its chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons. The reason for this is that any such discussion would invariably pose too great a risk of disclosing to al-Qa'ida (and other adversaries) information that could be used to defeat our intelligence capabilities in the future. Consequently, significant portions of our classified report are simply too sensitive for public disclosure.
1 |
Information obtained through the war in Afghanistan and
in its aftermath indicated that al-Qa'ida's
biological weapons program was further along than analysts had previously
assessed. |
Information in the Intelligence Community's possession since the late 1990s indicated that al-Qa'ida's members had trained in crude methods for producing biological agents such as botulinum toxin and toxins obtained from venomous animals. 1 But the Community was uncertain whether al-Qa'ida had managed to acquire a far more dangerous strain of agent (an agent we cannot identify precisely in our unclassified report and so will refer to here as "Agent X"). 2 The Community judged that al-Qa'ida operatives had "probably" acquired at least a small quantity of this virulent strain and had plans to assemble devices to disperse the agent. 3 While the Community believed that a facility to which the group had access provided the potential capability and expertise to produce biological agents, it had no evidence that the facility was being so used. 4 Likewise, the Intelligence Community assessed that al-Qa'ida was "highly unlikely" to have acquired two other dangerous biological agents, and had no credible reporting indicating it was attempting to do so. 5
In fact, al-Qa'ida's biological program was further along, particularly with regard to Agent X, than pre-war intelligence indicated. 6 The program was extensive, well-organized, and operated for two years before September 11, but intelligence insights into the program were limited. The program involved several sites in Afghanistan. 7 Two of these sites contained commercial equipment and were operated by individuals with special training. 8 Documents found indicated that while al-Qa'ida's primary interest was Agent X, the group had considered acquiring a variety of other biological agents. 9 The documents obtained at the training camp included scientific articles and handwritten notes pertaining to Agent X. 10
Reporting supports the hypothesis that al-Qa'ida had acquired several biological agents possibly as early as 1999, and had the necessary equipment to enable limited, basic production of Agent X. 11 Other reporting indicates that al-Qa'ida had succeeded in isolating cultures of Agent X. Nevertheless, outstanding questions remain about the extent of biological research and development in pre-war Afghanistan, including about the reliability of the reporting described above. 12
2 |
Analytic judgments regarding al-Qa'ida's chemical weapons
capabilities did not change significantly as a
result of the war. |
Prior to the war in Afghanistan, analysts assessed that al-Qa'ida "almost certainly" had small quantities of toxic chemicals and pesticides, and had produced small amounts of World War I-era agents such as hydrogen cyanide, chlorine, and phosgene. 13 Unconfirmed reporting indicated that al-Qa'ida operatives had sought to acquire more modern and sophisticated chemical agents. 14 Training manuals used by al-Qa'ida indicated that group members were familiar with the production and deployment of common chemical agents. 15 Nevertheless, the Intelligence Community was doubtful that al-Qa'ida could conduct attacks with advanced chemical agents potentially capable of causing thousands of casualties or deaths. 16
The war in Afghanistan and its aftermath revealed relatively little new intelligence on the group's chemical efforts. Several miscellaneous items appeared in the wake of the war. 17 One item, for example, described work on a pesticide that used a chemical to increase absorption; the agent was apparently tested on rabbits and dogs. 18
U.S. military teams also found glassware and chemical reagents at an al-Qa'ida training camp. CIA assesses that samples taken from the site may contain trace amounts of two common chemicals that can be used to produce a blister agent. 19 There is reporting indicating that the group was attempting to produce this blister agent, and considered using it to attack Americans. 20 In total, however, these scattered pieces of evidence have not substantially altered the Intelligence Community's pre-war assessments of al-Qa'ida's chemical program.
As with al-Qa'ida's biological weapons program, questions persist about the group's historical and current chemical weapons programs. 21
3 |
The war in Afghanistan
brought to light detailed and revealing information about the direction and progress of
al-Qa'ida's radiological and nuclear ambitions. |
The Intelligence Community assessed that al-Qa'ida was unlikely to have built a nuclear device or obtained sufficient fissile material for a nuclear weapon, and was "significantly less likely" to have acquired a complete nuclear weapon. 22 However, the Community lacked a high confidence level in these judgments because of "substantial" information gaps. 23 Analysts were apparently most worried about the possibility that al-Qa'ida could obtain nuclear material from outside sources. 24
Given their level of uncertainty, the Intelligence Community's concerns about al-Qa'ida's unconventional weapons capabilities grew in November 2001 when, in an interview with a Pakistani journalist, Usama Bin Laden claimed that he had both nuclear and chemical weapons. 25 In response, the CIA's Weapons Intelligence, Nonproliferation, and Arms Control Center and the DCI's Counterterrorist Center produced an assessment speculating about al-Qa'ida's nuclear options. The report judged that al-Qa'ida probably had access to nuclear expertise and facilities and that there was a real possibility of the group developing a crude nuclear device. 26
The Intelligence Community could not ultimately reach a definitive conclusion about whether al-Qa'ida possessed radiological material that could be dispersed via conventional weaponry. 27 Considering the wide availability of radiological materials and the fact that al-Qa'ida training manuals discussed the use of such substances for assassinations, 28 the Intelligence Community concluded that such a weapon was well within al-Qa'ida's capabilities. 29
Documents found at sites used by al-Qa'ida operatives indicated that the group was interested in nuclear device design. 30 In addition, al-Qa'ida had established contact with Pakistani scientists who discussed development of nuclear devices that would require hard-to-obtain materials like uranium to create a nuclear explosion. 31
In May 2002, technical experts from CIA and the Department of Energy judged that there remained no credible information that al-Qa'ida had obtained fissile material or acquired a nuclear weapon. 32 Analysts noted that collection efforts in Afghanistan had not yielded any radioactive material suitable for weapons, and that there were no credible reports of nuclear weapons missing from vulnerable countries. 33
Among the nuclear-related documents found by U.S. forces in Afghanistan was a manual that discussed openly available concepts about the nuclear fuel cycle and some weapons-related issues. 34
Collection by media sources also added some details to the intelligence picture surrounding al-Qa'ida's weapons of mass destruction efforts. In November 2001, CNN journalists found hundreds of documents describing al-Qa'ida's nuclear and explosive development efforts in an abandoned safe house. CNN commissioned three experts to review the documents, including David Albright, an expert on proliferation who had been a consultant to the United Nations organization investigating Iraq's weapons program. CNN published the results of this work in January 2002, concluding that al-Qa'ida was pursuing a "serious weapons program with heavy emphasis on developing a nuclear device." 35
The war in Afghanistan and its aftermath confirmed two key intelligence judgments made before the September attacks: al-Qa'ida did not have a nuclear device, nor did it have large-scale chemical and biological weapons capabilities. However, information obtained in the course of the war revealed that analysts were largely unaware of the extent of al-Qa'ida's weapons of mass destruction research and development (especially with regard to Agent X) in Afghanistan. Moreover, while analysts had suspected that al-Qa'ida was interested in sophisticated weapons, including nuclear devices, the war provided real information about specific efforts to obtain these weapons.
Our study revealed a number of overarching problems that help to explain why the Intelligence Community assessed al-Qa'ida's capabilities the way it did. These problems are likely to affect the Intelligence Community's future performance with regard to assessing the unconventional weapons programs of al-Qa'ida, other terrorist groups, and rogue states.
4 |
Intelligence gaps prior to the war in Afghanistan prevented the Intelligence
Community from being able to assess with much certainty the extent of
al-Qa'ida's weapons of mass destruction capabilities. |
The underestimation of al-Qa'ida's fast-growing unconventional weapons capabilities and aggressive intentions is a failure in the first instance to understand adequately the character of al-Qa'ida after ten years of its mounting attacks against us (as documented in the 9/11 Commission Report), and its aspirations to acquire highly lethal weapons. This failure led the Intelligence Community to focus inadequate resources on al-Qa'ida as a target. A post-September 11 National Intelligence Estimate, prepared as the war in Afghanistan began in October 2001, highlighted how little the Intelligence Community actually knew, 36 including the scarcity of reporting on al-Qa'ida targets. 37 The National Intelligence Estimate went on to describe further the nature of the intelligence gaps. 38
Indeed, as one Counterterrorist Center official told us, the Intelligence Community "entirely missed" assessing the size and scope of al-Qa'ida's Agent X program: "If it hadn't been for finding a couple key pieces of paper [in Afghanistan]...we still might not have an appreciation for it. We just missed it because we did not have the data." 39 Other analysts noted that the documents and detainees accessed as a result of the war in Afghanistan combine to show that al-Qa'ida had a "major biological effort" and had made meaningful progress on its nuclear agenda. 40 Despite diligent collection efforts after 1998, it was "remarkable how much [the Community] had not identified [in Afghanistan]." 41
Although the Intelligence Community had limited information about al-Qa'ida, it was not able to assemble a more complete picture of the group's efforts because it failed to penetrate the al-Qa'ida network. Human intelligence penetration of such highly compartmented, security-conscious groups, composed primarily of Middle Eastern males, is and will likely always be a highly difficult task. 42
Moreover, for reasons we documented in our previous chapters on Iraq and Libya, technical collectors often have great difficulty tracking weapons of mass destruction efforts. This is especially true for non-state actors.
5 |
Analysis on al-Qa'ida's potential weapons of mass destruction development
in Afghanistan did not benefit from leveraging different analytic
disciplines. |
Analysis of al-Qa'ida's unconventional weapons efforts in Afghanistan should bridge three different analytic disciplines--traditional regional analysis, state-focused weapons of mass destruction technical analysis, and terrorism analysis. Yet, in this case, analysts in these disciplines often did not work together. Organizational structures, information handling barriers (including data access and storage), and cultural disconnects blocked effective collaboration--including cooperation in testing analytical assumptions.
For example, traditional WMD analysts, who possess most of the Community's WMD technology expertise, focused mostly
on state WMD programs--programs that often employ modern production and
weaponization techniques.
This division among analysts was reflected in their competing assessments of al-Qa'ida's unconventional weapons capabilities in the year 2000. Some state-program analysts felt that terrorism analysts were overestimating the potential threat because non-state actors were technologically limited and, in their view, Afghanistan lacked the necessary resources and infrastructure for sophisticated weapons of mass destruction development. These differences in views would be re-examined after September 11, 43 but differences in analytic approach persisted. While here and elsewhere in this report we speak of the value of competitive analysis, here was an example that makes the point that competing analysis is of no use, even counterproductive, if there is no attempt at constructive dialogue and collaboration.
6 |
Analysts writing on al-Qa'ida's potential
weapons of mass destruction
efforts in Afghanistan did not adequately state the basis for or the
assumptions underlying their most critical judgments. This analytic
shortcoming is one that we have seen in our other studies as well, such as
Iraq, and it points to the need to develop routine analytic practices for
quantifying uncertainty and managing limited collection. |
A lack of cooperation across disciplines was only one of the analytical shortcomings we observed. In general, the Community's analysts did not do enough to optimize the reliability of their predictive assessments. For example, analysts' most serious judgment--that Usama Bin Laden did not have a nuclear device--was made in the absence of any hard data. The Intelligence Community assessed that fabrication of at least a "crude" nuclear device was within al-Qa'ida's capabilities, if it could obtain fissile material. 44 Despite the self-evident importance of the issue and the profound uncertainty surrounding it, documents we reviewed indicate that the conclusion that al-Qa'ida did not have a nuclear device was reached without in-depth technical analysis assessing potential al-Qa'ida capabilities, 45 a formal assessment of al-Qa'ida denial and deception capabilities related to Afghanistan, or tests of key assumptions underlying analytic judgments.
At the very least, analysts could have highlighted for policymakers the uncertain foundations of their key assessments. However, some analytic products on al-Qa'ida's unconventional weapons capabilities, both before and after September 11, offered highly speculative judgments without citing any evidentiary anchors, while others used single sources, and in some cases, dated information. As a result of these poor analytic practices, it is impossible to determine what information analysts were working with or how they weighted that information in formulating judgments. For example, a November 2001 assessment by CIA's Weapons Intelligence, Nonproliferation, and Arms Control Center pertaining to al-Qa'ida's possible nuclear capabilities offers numerous important judgments regarding the group's intentions to use nuclear weapons and its level of technical expertise. The report does not, however, explain the foundation for these assessments or cite prior reporting or finished products to support its conclusions. 46 The National Intelligence Estimates were the only products we reviewed that consistently laid out sources, collection issues, and intelligence gaps for readers, thus highlighting what the Community both did and did not know.
Key questions remain about al-Qa'ida and Afghanistan. There are critical intelligence gaps with regard to each al-Qa'ida unconventional weapons capability--chemical, biological, and nuclear. To address these problems, it is essential that the Community focus resources on the difficult task of increasing human intelligence collection on terrorist groups in general, and on al-Qa'ida in particular. We offer recommendations on how to improve our nation's human intelligence capabilities in Chapter Seven (Collection) of this report.
1 National Intelligence Council (NIC), Title Classified (ICA 2001-07HC) (Oct. 22, 2001) at p. 4.
2 Id . at pp. 4-5.
3 Id . at p. 1.
4 Id . at p. 7.
5 Id . at p. 8.
6 DCI's Counterterrorist Center, Title Classified (May 23, 2002) at p. 1.
7 NIC, Title Classified (NIE 2004-08HC/I) (Dec. 2004) at p. 117; DIA, Submission to the Commission (March 2, 2005).
8 Id .
9 Id . at pp. 117-118.
10 Id . at p. 118.
11 DCI's Counterterrorist Center, Title Classified (May 23, 2002) at p. 2; DIA, Submission to the Commission (March 2, 2005).
12 Id . at p. 1.
13 NIC, Title Classified (ICA 2001-07HC) (Oct. 22, 2001).
14 Id .
15 Id .
17 DCI's Counterterrorist Center, Title Classified (May 23, 2002).
18 In August 2002, CNN obtained a large archive of al-Qa'ida video. Among the 64 cassettes was material showing operatives experimenting with lethal chemical gas on three dogs. Nic Robertson, Tapes Shed New Light on Bin Laden's Network (CNN Aug. 18, 2002), available at archives.cnn.com/2002/US/ 08/18/terror.tape.main/ (accessed March 10, 2005).
19 DCI's Counterterrorist Center, Title Classified (May 23, 2002) at p. 4.
20 Id .
21 CIA, Submission to the Commission (March 10, 2005).
22 NIC, Title Classified (ICA 2001-07HC) (Oct. 22, 2001) at p. 8.
23 Id .
24 Id . The Intelligence Community was also aware that during the U.S. trial of Usama Bin Laden and others for the August 7, 1998 bombings of the East African embassies, prosecution witness Jan Ahmade al-Fadl detailed efforts to assist Bin Laden in an attempt to acquire uranium from a source in Sudan in late 1993 and early 1994.
25 Tim Weiner, "Bin Laden Asserts He Has Nuclear Arms," New York Times (Nov. 10, 2001) at p. B4 (recounting Bin Laden's assertion in the Pakistani English-language daily newspaper, Dawn , that "[w]e have chemical and nuclear weapons as a deterrent and if America used them against us, we reserve the right to use them").
26 CIA, Title Classified (WINPAC IA 2001-060) (Nov. 23, 2001).
27 NIC, Title Classified (ICA 2001-07HC) (Oct. 22, 2001) at p. 8.
28 DCI's Counterterrorist Center, Title Classified (May 23, 2002).
29 NIC, Title Classified (ICA 2001-07HC) (Oct. 22, 2001).
30 DCI Counterterrorist Center, Title Classified (May 23, 2002) at p. 3.
31 Id .
32 Id .
34 CIA, Submission to Commission (March 4, 2005).
35 Id .
36 NIC, Title Classified (ICA 2001-07HC) (Oct. 22, 2001) at p. 12.
39 Interview with CIA analysts and other Intelligence Community senior analysts (Sept. 28, 2004).
40 Id .
41 Id .
42 It was perhaps never more so than during much of the decade leading up to the September 11 attacks, when the Intelligence Community was only beginning to awaken to and focus in earnest on the emerging threat of non-state terrorist groups. During that time, collection and analytical emphasis remained primarily focused on state actors, rather than terrorist organizations. Concurrently, the Intelligence Community was facing a resource crisis as a part of post-Cold War budget cuts. In addition, based on our interviews with analysts from several agencies and our review of the written record, it is clear to us that between 1991 and 1996 (while Usama Bin Laden was operating in Sudan), the Intelligence Community paid little attention to collection activities in Afghanistan, or maintenance of the covert infrastructure the CIA had developed there as a result of its anti-Soviet activities in the 1980s.
43 Interview with CIA analysts and other Intelligence Community senior analysts (Sept. 28, 2004).
44 Title Classified (ICA 2001-07HC) (Oct. 22, 2001) at p. 12.
45 We found one exception to the general lack of technical analysis and context, involving a Senior Executive Intelligence Memo in early 2001 in which CIA and nuclear experts speculated on why Usama Bin Laden might be seeking to use uranium with conventional explosives. Several technical scenarios were briefly examined.
46 CIA, Title Classified (WINPAC IA 20001-060) (Nov. 23, 2001) at p. 1.
& Findings |
As part of the Commission's
charter to assess whether the Intelligence Community
is properly postured to support the U.S.
government's efforts to respond to the threats of the 21st century, we
reviewed the progress the Intelligence Community has made in strengthening
its counterterrorism capabilities since the September 11 attacks. We found
that, although the Community has made significant strides in configuring
itself to better protect the homeland and take the fight to terrorists
abroad, much remains to be done to ensure the efficient use of limited
resources among agencies responsible for counterterrorism intelligence. The
U.S. government has not yet successfully defined the roles, missions,
authorities, and the means of sharing information among our national and
homeland security organs. Specifically, we found that: |
Information flow between the federal, state, local, and tribal levels--both up and down--is not yet well coordinated; |
Ambiguities in the respective roles and authorities of the National Counterterrorism Center and the Intelligence Community-wide Counterterrorist Center have not been resolved; |
Persistent conflicts over the roles, missions, and authorities of counterterrorism organizations may limit the Community's ability to warn of potential threats; |
Confusion and conflict regarding the roles, missions, and authorities of counterterrorism organizations have led to redundant efforts across the Community and inefficient use of limited resources; and |
The failure to manage counterterrorism resources from a Community perspective has limited the Intelligence Community's ability to understand and warn against terrorist use of weapons of mass destruction. |
Providing intelligence that facilitates the global war on terrorism and warns against terrorist use of weapons of mass destruction is currently the Intelligence Community's most vital mission. There is every reason to believe that this will remain the top priority for a generation or more. As a result, it is impossible to reach broad conclusions regarding the Intelligence Community's overall performance, and develop meaningful suggestions for improvement and reform, without an understanding of Intelligence Community capabilities with regard to countering the terrorist threat--both now and in the future.
We did not set out to study "terrorism" writ large; such an ambitious endeavor is beyond the scope and time allotted to this Commission. Rather, we chose to focus narrowly on examining several well-documented weaknesses inherent in the Intelligence Community's counterterrorism capabilities prior to the September 11 attacks, and on measures the Intelligence Community has subsequently taken to remedy those deficiencies. Our work thus focused on four primary areas:
We conclude that although the Intelligence Community has made significant strides in each of these areas, much remains to be done. We found substantial evidence that information flows between the federal level and the state, local, and tribal levels--both upward and downward--are not yet well coordinated. The roles and responsibilities among Intelligence Community agencies charged with primary responsibility for terrorism intelligence--both tactical and strategic--are not clearly defined. Sustained bureaucratic infighting and poor coordination prevent the Community from optimizing its resources to fight terrorism and alert policymakers to terrorist threats. Moreover, Community efforts to integrate technical and regional intelligence expertise with counterterrorism analysis do not provide sufficient focus on the threat posed by weapons of mass destruction in the hands of terrorists.
Resolving complex bureaucratic issues that transcend agency and subject-matter boundaries is usually difficult. However, three and a half years removed from the September 11 attacks, the persistence of agency coordination problems and unclear definitions of responsibility suggest to us a lack of Community leadership. The intelligence entities responsible for counterterrorism, especially terrorism analysis and threat warning, must be properly aligned, supported, and integrated for the task at hand.
It is well-established that the Intelligence Community's structure and practices prior to the September 11 attacks were simply not up to the task of waging a global war on terror and protecting the homeland. The systemic Intelligence Community deficiencies during the "Summer of Threat" leading up to the attacks were summed up by the 9/11 Commission in two short sentences: "Information was not shared... Analysis was not pooled." 1 For present purposes, we highlight three of the specific failings identified by the 9/11 Commission in its examination of the Intelligence Community before September 11.
First, prior to September 11, there was a failure to share terrorism-related information rapidly and efficiently within agencies; among entities within the Intelligence Community tasked with producing intelligence to support counterterrorism efforts, and with state, local, and tribal law enforcement. For example, the FBI lacked basic computer capabilities, and did not share information even within its own organization. The CIA and the FBI were unwilling or unable to exchange information quickly and effectively with each other. And the Immigration and Naturalization Service and FBI did not learn from the CIA which identified terrorists were entering the United States and where they might be. 2
Second, the Intelligence Community's analysts were ill-equipped to "connect the available dots" that might have led to advance warning of the September 11 attacks. 3 The "dispersal of effort on too many priorities" and the "declining attention to the craft of strategic analysis" were among the shortcomings identified by the 9/11 Commission's staff. 4 The CIA published many useful analytical reports on terrorism before the attack, but the Intelligence Community failed to produce a comprehensive, cross-cutting assessment of the threat. Analysts had difficulty carving out time to work on longer-term analyses that could have unified disparate elements of intelligence and pointed to the existence of a growing threat or particular vulnerability. 5
Third, there was a lack of coordinated effort among the major federal agencies tasked with counterterrorism responsibilities, and confusion as to the roles and responsibilities of those agencies. Because the CIA and FBI lacked an optimized, cooperative analytical and operational effort, they were not well configured to detect and counter a threat, like that posed by the September 11 plotters, which "fell into the void between foreign and domestic threats." 6
We found evidence that this grim picture has improved in many respects since September 11. In the information sharing arena, for example, consolidation of terrorist "watchlists" and expanded use of those lists for screening purposes have increased the likelihood of detecting known or suspected terrorists and obtaining additional information about them. 7 Moreover, counterterrorism information sharing has increased in quantitative terms--that is, terrorism intelligence products are disseminated more broadly, and are produced by more agencies, than before September 11. 8
Similarly, the Intelligence Community has remedied many of the analysis-related problems it faced leading up to the September 11 attacks. In particular, the Community increased its analytic efforts on terrorism-related issues, including analytic support to operations, and at the President's direction established the Terrorist Threat Integration Center (TTIC, now the National Counterterrorism Center, or NCTC) as the Community's center for analysis on these topics. 9 Many analysts arrive with substantial experience gained from working on terrorism accounts at the DCI's Counterterrorist Center (CTC), 10 an organization originally based at the CIA and staffed primarily by CIA officers that also includes representatives from throughout the Community. Analysts are increasingly being assigned to the NCTC for two-year rotations instead of short-term, stop-gap stints, enabling it to develop some badly-needed depth of expertise among its analytic corps. 11 Perhaps most significantly in light of the criticisms leveled by the 9/11 Commission, the NCTC is producing analytic products that integrate the comments and concerns of analysts across the Community. 12
Moreover, the President's Terrorist Threat Report, a daily analytic publication produced by the NCTC, is truly a Community effort--with five agencies regularly contributing and a production schedule established by regular interagency meetings. 13 Prior to the September 11 attacks, it was far from clear that the intelligence resources of all the relevant agencies in the Intelligence Community were being tapped to create a complete picture of terror threats for senior policymakers. In contrast, the NCTC now hosts "ecumenical" meetings five days a week, in which managers representing CIA, FBI, DIA, NSA, and the Departments of State and Homeland Security 14 share and discuss intelligence regarding key terror threats. 15 The NCTC also meets five times weekly with senior representatives of CIA, FBI, DIA, and Homeland Security at a formal planning production board to divide responsibility for drafting analytical products (mainly those which will appear in the President's threat report) and to share information. 16 This process represents a level of formal and informal interaction on the terrorist threat among the primary intelligence agencies that simply did not exist prior to September 11, and that seems to clearly represent an improvement in the identification of threats and the mechanism through which threat warning intelligence is provided to senior policymakers. 17
In our view the overall quality of finished analytic pieces on terrorism has also improved. Analysts in the Community now have access to substantially more information as the result of the Intelligence Community's heightened prioritization of the terrorism issue, the availability of intelligence from new collectors (particularly FBI and Homeland Security), and expanded access to information about human intelligence sources. 18
Perhaps most importantly, from an operational perspective it is clear that many of CTC's efforts to disrupt terrorist networks and plots--partially enabled by its in-house analytic cadre--have been extraordinary successes. Put simply, CTC has brought the fight to the terrorists.
Finally, we have found that September 11 and the subsequent anthrax attacks not only triggered an aggressive counterterrorism response throughout the U.S. government, but also prompted the Community to reconsider its approach to the possible acquisition and use of weapons of mass destruction by terrorists, which we refer to by short-hand throughout this case study as "WMD terrorism." In December 2002, in the midst of post-September 11 bureaucratic realignment, the President announced a national strategic policy on weapons of mass destruction. 19 The President called for the application of new technologies, increased emphasis on intelligence collection and analysis, the strengthening of alliance relationships, and the establishment of new partnerships with former adversaries. The main pillars of the President's program included interdiction efforts, nonproliferation programs, and consequence management. In particular, he called for an emphasis on improving intelligence regarding weapons of mass destruction facilities and activities, expanding the interaction among U.S. intelligence, law enforcement, and military agencies, and enhancing intelligence cooperation with friends and allies. 20
High-level attention within the policy and intelligence communities has had an important impact on the WMD terrorism issue. Our interviews suggest that the Intelligence Community now has a more extensive operational capability dedicated to the problem, has enhanced its intelligence reporting and analysis functions, and has instituted a more robust effort to address the problem domestically. Moreover, the Community appears at least to recognize the unique characteristics of unconventional weapons in the terrorism context, as other organizations have followed the CIA's lead in placing additional--although not yet sufficient--resources for WMD terrorism into the counterterrorism effort.
Since September 11, the reallocation of resources to respond to WMD terrorism has resulted in significant improvements in both foreign and domestic intelligence. We understand that within the Intelligence Community, sources have gotten better, the amount of data available has dramatically increased, and intelligence is more harmonized, consistent, and less reliant on vague "chatter." On the domestic side, there have been significant attempts to disrupt terrorist means of delivery. 21
Despite all of these noteworthy developments, our study found that the Community still has a long way to go before it can claim to have optimized its counterterrorism capabilities or fully fixed the serious deficiencies that existed prior to September 11. We thus turn to the areas where the picture is not as promising.
We begin by focusing on needed improvements in the sharing of terrorism information with state, local, and tribal governments. Next, we examine the more general bureaucratic "turf war" between agencies, and the pronounced lack of clarity as to the roles, responsibilities, and authorities involving various entities tasked with the counterterrorism mission--particularly the NCTC and the Counterterrorist Center. Finally, we examine the continuing coordination problems between the CIA, FBI, and Homeland Security in addressing the threat posed by WMD terrorism.
1 |
Although terrorism information sharing has improved significantly since September 11, major change is
still required to institute effective information sharing across the
Intelligence Community and with state, local, and tribal governments. |
For a number of years before the September 11 attacks, the Intelligence Community closely followed the al-Qa'ida terrorist threat, yet failed to adequately exploit information it had concerning several individuals who were either involved in the planning of or participated in the attacks. 22 Although the 9/11 Commission did not find that better information sharing would have prevented the attacks, at least nine of the ten "operational opportunities" that the commission identified as missed opportunities to possibly thwart the plot pertain to some form of a failure to share information. 23 These perceived failures have made "information sharing" a mantra for intelligence reform for the three and a half years since the attacks.
We have found that as a general matter, the Intelligence Community has sought to improve terrorism information sharing by modifying the structures and processes for sharing that were in place prior to September 11--rather than establishing wholly new approaches. We agree with the recent assessment of the Intelligence Community Inter-Agency Information Sharing Working Group, which found that "[a] great deal of energy...is being expended across the [Intelligence Community] to improve information sharing. However, the majority of these initiatives will not produce the enduring institutional change required to address our current threat environment." 24
The importance of effective sharing of information at all levels
of the Intelligence Community is discussed in
several chapters of our report, but particularly in Chapters Nine (
First, we found substantial improvement in information sharing relating to terrorist watchlisting and screening. "Watchlisting"--the process of assembling databases of known or suspected terrorists--was not well coordinated among federal agencies prior to September 11, but several effective reforms have been implemented in the wake of the attacks. 25 For example, the new Terrorist Screening Center--an interagency effort to consolidate terrorist watchlists and provide operational support for federal employees around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week--now administers a single database that combines international and domestic terrorism data provided by the NCTC and FBI. The database also integrates information from immigration and customs offices, the Transportation Security Administration, the U.S. Marshals Service, Department of Defense, and Interpol. The Terrorist Screening Center ensures that government investigators, screeners, and agents are working from the same comprehensive information and that they have access simultaneously to information and experience that will allow them to act quickly when a suspected terrorist is screened and stopped.
Second, we have found that the sharing of counterterrorism information has increased in quantitative terms--more terrorism information is being shared with more entities both inside and outside the Intelligence Community than before the September 11 attacks. This has largely occurred through the increased use of "tearlines"--the practice of generating intelligence reports at several different classification levels so it can be shared with a cross-section of federal, state, local, and tribal officials--which has resulted in more releasable information being provided to consumers. 26 And security-based sharing restrictions have been substantially reduced, allowing analysts and security personnel greater access to the information they need to do their jobs. 27
All this being said, problems remain. While the Intelligence
Community has reduced its use of restrictions on
further dissemination of intelligence products without the consent of the
originator, 28
inconsistent application of dissemination restrictions, such as ORCON
("originator controlled"), continue to impede the flow of useful
terrorism information. 29
In relations with state, local, and tribal authorities, more terrorism
information is being shared, but federal officials continue to have difficulty
establishing consistent and coordinated lines of communication with these
officials. 30 In this
regard, we have found that there is no comprehensive policy or program for
achieving the appropriate balance regarding what terrorism information to
provide to state, local, and tribal authorities and how to provide it.
Additionally, the redundant lines of communication through which
terrorism-related information is passed--for example, through the Joint
Our third category of findings relates to the sharing of information to ensure that analysts throughout the Intelligence Community have the widest possible access to information regardless of which agency collects the information. Today, the primary means of sharing information throughout the Community continues to be through interagency personnel exchange programs, such as the model used by the NCTC. These personnel exchanges can be quite effective, but they do nothing to improve the flow of information throughout those agencies or enable agencies to engage in competitive analysis based on access to the same set of information. Collectors of information continue to operate as though they "own" information and, in fact, collectors largely control access to the information that they generate. Decisions to withhold information are typically based on rules that are neither clearly defined nor consistently applied, with no system in place to hold collectors accountable for inappropriately withholding information.
Finally, we have found that there is currently no single entity in the Intelligence Community with the responsibility and authority to impose a centralized approach to sharing information. Although the NCTC model has certainly facilitated improved information sharing on counterterrorism issues, it lacks sufficient authority and resources necessary to provide strong leadership in this area.
Notwithstanding significant gains in terrorism intelligence since September 11, a number of problems remain. Our study found evidence of bitter bureaucratic "turf battles" between agencies, and a pronounced lack of clarity as to the roles, responsibilities, and authorities of various entities tasked with the counterterrorism mission. Specifically, this interagency jockeying over overlapping counterterrorism analytical responsibilities indicates that major organizational issues affecting the allocation of resources, assignment of responsibilities, coordination of analysis, and effective warning remain unresolved.
2 |
Ambiguities in the respective
roles and authorities of the NCTC and CTC have not been resolved, and the two
agencies continue to fight bureaucratic battles to define their place in the
war on terror. The result has been unnecessary duplication of effort and the
promotion of unproductive competition between the two organizations. |
The Community's inability to implement a "one team, one fight" strategy in the terror war may be attributed both to ongoing bureaucratic battles between agencies charged with responsibility for counterterrorism analysis and warning, as well as the failure of Community leaders to effectively resolve these disputes and clearly define agency roles and authorities. The conflict and ambiguity surrounding the role of the Terrorist Threat Integration Center during its abbreviated existence starkly illustrates both points.
After the September 11 attacks, TTIC was created for the purpose of improving the sharing of terrorist threat data and the analysis of terrorism-related information. However, as the Markle Foundation has reported, "the very fact of the TTIC's creation caused confusion within the federal government and among state and local governments" about the respective roles of TTIC and other federal agencies responsible for counterterrorism analysis and terrorist threat assessments. 31 Even today--despite being designated by the intelligence reform act as the preeminent, integrated center for threat warning and analysis--the NCTC continues to have difficulty asserting its primacy for the terrorism warning mission.
This dispute--and the potential problems to which it could lead--has been apparent since February 2003, when Senators Collins and Levin highlighted the issue in a joint letter (the "Collins-Levin Letter") to the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Director of TTIC, and the Directors of Central Intelligence and the FBI. The letter asked that the officials clarify responsibilities among counterterrorism elements of the U.S. government. In their April 2004 response, the agency heads stated that "TTIC has primary responsibility in the [U.S. government] for terrorism analysis (except analysis relating solely to purely domestic terrorism) and is responsible for the day-to-day terrorism analysis provided to the President and other senior policymakers." 32 In order to make it possible for TTIC to achieve this mission, the letter further stated that the DCI, in consultation with the other leaders of the Intelligence Community, would determine by June 1, 2004, what additional analytic resources would be transferred to TTIC from the CTC. 33
Despite this unequivocal statement, TTIC was never able to fully perform its mission. Other entities, CTC in particular, differed over the level of support they should provide to TTIC and resisted supplying it with an adequate number of detailees--thus hampering TTIC's ability to assume the leading role assigned to it.
In May 2004, TTIC Director John Brennan sent correspondence to then-Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet, explaining how TTIC intended to carry out the responsibilities identified in the Collins-Levin letter. He warned that lacking significant new analytic resources, TTIC would not be able to carry out the mission of having "primary responsibility" for providing terrorism analysis to the President and senior policymakers. 34
The next month, Director Brennan sent the DCI a follow-up memorandum entitled "TTIC at the Breaking Point." In this memorandum, he argued that other intelligence agencies had failed to provide sufficient numbers of analysts to TTIC, and that the personnel that had been provided possessed only limited competency or a low level of experience. He further noted that these agencies continued to insist on developing their own independent counterterrorism analytical capabilities. This organizational multiplicity, Director Brennan argued, had created not only a "dangerous shortfall in TTIC's analytic resources and mission," but also "unnecessary analytic redundancy within the intelligence, law enforcement, defense, and homeland security communities." 35 In sum, Director Brennan wrote, a general refusal by entities within the Intelligence Community to "sign on to the fundamental premise that resources and mission will migrate to TTIC" had left the Center "unable to fulfill the mission of `primary responsibility' for terrorism analysis in the U.S. government," and had forced the U.S. government into a "retreat from the integration model" of terrorism analysis and threat warning. 36
Approximately one week later--on July 2, 2004--then-Deputy Director of Central Intelligence John McLaughlin attempted to address Director Brennan's concerns by outlining (at the DCI's request) a "division of resources and analytical responsibilities" between CIA and TTIC. 37 In interviews with this Commission, Director Brennan repeatedly stated that he had not received an official answer to his urgent memos of May and June. 38 When later asked specifically about the July 2 response, he dismissed it as failing to provide a meaningful answer to the basic questions he had raised regarding allocation of responsibilities for counterterrorism analysis and warning--despite the fact that the July 2 memorandum does in fact deal with virtually every issue highlighted by Director Brennan. 39
The memorandum may not have been the answer Director Brennan wanted, but it certainly constituted a clear attempt by the Community's leadership to allocate roles, responsibilities, and resources among counterterrorism organizations. Addressed to CIA's Deputy Directors for Intelligence and Operations, as well as to Director Brennan, the memorandum provided for the immediate transfer of 60 personnel to TTIC, but it did not provide the "primary responsibility" over terrorism analysis for TTIC that Director Brennan had requested. In fact, the memorandum declined to grant TTIC sole authority over analysis pertaining to international terrorist networks, instead explicitly stating that other agencies (including CTC) would continue sharing that function. The memorandum acknowledged that this would result in redundancy, but argued that "on something as important as terrorism analysis," some overlap between agencies was to be preferred. 40
Although we believe that excessive redundancy in Community counterterrorism efforts is wasteful of scarce resources and thus counterproductive (see our discussion below), we express no view on the overall merits of the organizational plan and division of labor outlined in the July 2, 2004 memorandum. However, it is of great significance, we think, that the Community was ultimately unable to enforce that plan--or, to date, any plan--and bring an end to the interagency squabbling between CTC and NCTC.
We have been told that the plan outlined in the July 2 memorandum fell victim to bureaucratic neglect and rapid change within the Community; shortly after its distribution there was turnover in the DCI's office, and ambiguities fostered by creation of the NCTC by executive order and, later, passage of the intelligence reform act, raised new questions about the designated roles of the nation's counterterrorism organizations. Our study suggests that there may have been another factor, as well: the entrenched opposition of both CTC and NCTC to effectively cooperating or consolidating aspects of their authorities.
The fact that Director Brennan did not regard clear direction from the DCI to be an "answer" to his pleas to resolve confusion over roles, resources, and responsibilities--presumably because it did not allocate the prerogatives to his organization that he had requested--speaks volumes about the hardened mindsets of the two organizations' leadership, and their desire to protect or expand their bureaucratic "turf." As the Director of the Counterterrorist Center characterized the relationship, the Center "is fighting a war with TTIC." 41
Although recent passage of the intelligence reform act may resolve issues related to responsibilities and resources, 42 the history of the dispute tempers our optimism. Whatever the precise allocation of resources and responsibilities is to be, the DNI must act quickly to resolve the issue. Absent strong leadership, other organizations in the Intelligence Community may continue to resist providing resources to NCTC, as they did with TTIC, and may dispute its "primary" role in coordinating terrorism intelligence. 43 Alternatively, NCTC may resist well-reasoned direction to permit CTC to continue performing several of its important functions. If so, the war between agencies that are tasked to fight the war on terror will continue. Unfortunately, such a conflict constitutes far more than a common bureaucratic dispute, the sort of administrative power struggle so common in the corridors of government. Rather, it has profound operational implications for the ability of the Intelligence Community to perform the all-important function of providing terrorism analysis and warning information to policymakers.
3 |
Persisting ambiguities and conflicts in the roles, missions, and authorities of counterterrorism
organizations hamper effective warning. |
The dispute between the NCTC and CTC is especially troubling in the context of threat warning--the process by which threat information is conveyed to decisionmakers in time for them to take action to manage or deter the threat. Continuing disagreements about the two offices' roles and missions have in the past led to inconsistent warning messages being conveyed to decisionmakers and--far more troubling--these warnings were conveyed in a manner that may have sowed confusion.
What Part of Warning Should Be Competitive? |
For present purposes, we divide warning into two components: (1) the analytic function that produces a warning and (2) the process of communicating those threat judgments to decisionmakers. As a general matter, while we strongly endorse competitive warning analysis ( i.e. , competition in the first component of warning), we believe that the process of communicating threats to decisionmakers ( i.e. , the second component) should be coordinated and integrated. We say this because we do not believe decisionmakers are well-served by incoherent, uncoordinated warnings of impending threats. Rather, warning should be presented to decisionmakers in a coordinated manner that makes clear the level of certainty with which they are held. |
According to NCTC officials, the NCTC must have primacy, if not exclusivity, in providing warning intelligence to the President and controlling the analytical resources required for this mission. 44 NCTC principals acknowledge that CTC needs to retain analytical capability to directly support the CIA's Directorate of Operations (DO)--and to continue the spectacular successes the DO has achieved in the war on terror. 45 However, as a general matter they assert that it is improper to "divide effort when it comes to terrorism," 46 and have claimed as a core responsibility the "production of terrorist threat warnings, advisories, and alerts," which are to be "issued by [the NCTC] alone or as formally coordinated products of the `Warn 7.'" 47 Moreover, in its role as coordinator of the President's Terrorist Threat Report (PTTR), the NCTC insists that it has oversight responsibility for determining what terrorism analysis is provided to the President. 48 In sum, the NCTC conceives its mission as providing coordinated threat warning and analytical reports--reflecting "diversity of viewpoint but coordination of common response"--to senior policymakers. 49
Perhaps unsurprisingly, CTC does not embrace this division of labor. CTC views itself as the preeminent counterterrorism entity within the Intelligence Community.
In CTC's view, NCTC's main contribution to the terrorism fight lies in its access to intelligence information and databases--both foreign and domestic. 50 As a result, CTC leaders expressed to us the view that the NCTC should be responsible for generating an integrated Community view of threats, but should not have the dominant voice in counterterrorism analysis and warning. 51 A recent example of where this theoretical disagreement had concrete consequences is discussed in our classified report, but cannot be detailed in an unclassified format.
Ideally, a single warning vehicle (such as the President's Terrorist Threat Report, now provided daily by the NCTC) should provide a forum for ensuring that policymakers do not receive inconsistent messages. But we have seen evidence that this is not always so. It is further possible that legislation creating the NCTC may obviate such interagency conflicts in the future--but we are only guardedly optimistic. 52 In this sense, we believe that the DNI will have to create mechanisms by which competitive analysis for warning is maintained, and the dissemination of warnings is carefully coordinated. We address this issue more fully in Chapter Eight of our report (Analysis). More broadly, the DNI will have to force the nation's counterterrorism organizations to concentrate more fully on fighting terrorists, rather than each other.
4 |
Persistent ambiguities and conflicts in the roles, missions, and authorities of counterterrorism
organizations with regard to analysis and warning have led to redundant
efforts across the Community and inefficient use of limited resources. |
An absence of clearly defined roles and authorities with regard to analysis and warning leads inevitably to competition in key capabilities, and redundant efforts across the Community. For example, we spoke with a senior analytic manager who recounted one incident in which a single raw intelligence report spurred five different agencies to write five separate pieces, all reaching the same conclusion. Not only were analysts' efforts redundant, but policymakers were then required to read through all five papers to look for subtle differences in perspective that could have been better conveyed in a single, coordinated paper. 53
This phenomenon is especially troubling given the scarce analytic resources available for counterterrorism efforts. Agencies expressed serious concern about their ability to engage in long-term strategic analysis given the demands generated by customer questions and daily indicators of new threats. 54 For example, the NCTC spends roughly 70 percent of its time on immediate threats, 55 primarily because analysts have to run each potential threat to ground, even if it seems suspect from the outset. 56 Similarly, the FBI estimates that about 50 percent of analysts' time is spent on direct operational support. 57 All of these requirements tend to leave little time and resources for thoughtful, strategic work on new and emerging threats. All of this is, of course, compounded by the significant trouble agencies are experiencing in retaining qualified and experienced analysts. 58
Despite this serious resource issue, there is ongoing evidence of an interagency failure to cooperate and efficiently divide responsibility in counterterrorism analysis. For example, NCTC WMD analysts with whom we spoke described their willingness and capability to engage in long-term, strategic analysis on behalf of the counterterrorism community. 59 But when a senior CTC official--who noted the need for such analysis and lamented the difficulty of allocating time and resources for it in the context of CTC's operationally-driven environment--was asked about the possibility of using NCTC resources for that purpose, he stated bluntly that "[NCTC] doesn't have those capabilities." 60 It is unclear whether such statements reflect a lack of understanding between the two entities concerning complementary capabilities that could be mutually leveraged, institutional resentment and an unwillingness to operate collaboratively, or simply an ongoing struggle over personnel resources.
Again, although recent passage of the intelligence reform act may resolve issues related to responsibilities and resources, 61 we are not optimistic that anything in the legislation itself resolves the dispute. We address the issues associated with managing scarce analytic resources more fully in Chapters Six (Leadership and Management) and Eight (Analysis).
5 |
The failure to manage
counterterrorism resources from a Community perspective has limited the Intelligence
Community's ability to understand and warn against terrorist use of weapons
of mass destruction. |
Recognizing that the worst terrorist attack would be one involving weapons of mass destruction, some elements within the Community have begun to incorporate analytic and collection capabilities with respect to the WMD terrorism threat into their counterterrorism organizations. At the same time, the CIA's Weapons Intelligence, Nonproliferation, and Arms Control Center provides intelligence support aimed at protecting the United States and its interests from all advanced weapons threats. Our review of the relationship among these various entities reveals that some systemic weaknesses are preventing the development of a focused, integrated, well-resourced bureaucracy that can most effectively combat the worst-case threat of a homeland terrorist attack. Specifically:
There is no clear leadership or bureaucratic architecture defining
roles and responsibilities for WMD terrorism.
This adversely affects analysis, collection, and threat warning; and
The domestic intelligence effort on WMD terrorism is lagging
behind the U.S. government's foreign intelligence
Notwithstanding the President's National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction promulgated in December 2002, the overriding concern of key officials whom we have interviewed is that, within the U.S. government, there is no overall direction and coordination on WMD terrorism. As the chief of the FBI's WMD Countermeasures Unit rhetorically asked, "[w]ho is ultimately responsible for preventing the use of a WMD?" 62
The most significant consequence of the lack of coordination is that each organization appears to be defining its own mission and trying to make sure it has the resources to be self-sufficient across a broad range of responsibilities. 63 The result is predictable: duplicative roles, power vacuums where individual organizations assert their authority, and confusion within the Community. As the NCTC's head of analysis observed, it is necessary not only to clarify affirmative roles and responsibilities, but also to delineate those responsibilities for which agencies are not responsible. 64
For example, despite changes since September 11, coordination problems between the FBI and the CIA continue to disrupt analysis on WMD terrorism and operations against weapons of mass destruction targets. As the FBI has expanded its overseas operations and the CTC tries not to lose its targets when they travel to the United States, coordination is essential. However, according to the head of the CTC's WMD unit, there is no sense of "jointness," or shared mission, on the part of the FBI and CTC, despite the co-location of portions of both organizations. 65
It appears that coordination among domestic agencies responsible for responding to a potential WMD terrorist threat also suffers from confusion and a lack of coordination. For instance, the FBI told us that the Department of Homeland Security had, in response to a possible threat, taken the initiative to start moving radiation detection resources to New York during the Republican National Convention without coordinating with the Bureau. Subsequent to the move, the "threat" was revealed to be a legitimate movement of a medical isotope. 66 Had even the most elemental communication and coordination taken place--in the form of a phone call from Homeland Security to the FBI--this fact might have surfaced earlier, thereby avoiding the squandering of limited counterterrorism resources. 67
Perhaps most alarming is the allegation that when terrorism cases move from a purely foreign focus to a domestic emphasis requiring a hand-off in primary responsibility from the CIA to the FBI, the CIA finds it difficult to obtain information from the FBI about ongoing investigations. 68 Such gaps in cooperation, occurring at the vital fault line between foreign and domestic intelligence, are reminiscent of the "void" that the September 11 attack plotters operated in to achieve their objectives. 69
The stark division between the Intelligence Community's WMD terrorism programs and the Community's state-based weapons of mass destruction programs further hampers the WMD terrorism effort. 70 As our case study of al-Qa'ida in Afghanistan also confirms, the personnel who work the WMD terrorism issue mostly coordinate with their state program counterparts on an ad hoc basis. Efforts have been made to remedy this problem within CIA, 71 but we think it vital that such cooperation be greatly expanded throughout the Community.
While the FBI has responded to the threat posed by WMD terrorism by increasing the resources dedicated to this issue, the FBI's efforts in this regard remain subordinated to the broader war on terror. For example, approximately a year ago, the FBI committed (on paper) to staffing its WMD Integration and Targeting Unit--the unit responsible for providing expertise on WMD terrorism--with a total of 26 staff positions. Today, the unit has only two people--the unit chief and a single intelligence analyst. 72
Unsurprisingly, the FBI, like other agencies responsible for the WMD terrorism threat, is having difficulty finding people with the right expertise and has yet to develop a specific career track or program for developing expertise regarding the threat. 73 Other agencies having responsibility for WMD terrorism are also understaffed, and the few experts that do exist are suffering from burnout. 74 To its credit, the FBI has acknowledged its need for more resources in this area, 75 but it is clear to us that the FBI's weaknesses are not susceptible to a quick fix. We discuss our proposals addressing this and related issues more fully in Chapters Six (Leadership and Management), Eight (Analysis), and Ten (Intelligence at Home).
The Intelligence Community's capabilities with regard to current terror threats have improved significantly since September 11, 2001. Nevertheless, the continued lack of definitional clarity as to roles and responsibilities in the war on terrorism, and ongoing conflicts among key counterterrorism agencies, constitute an ongoing challenge--and one that we believe should be foremost on the mind of the new DNI.
1 National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, The 9/11 Commission Report (2004) (hereinafter "9/11 Commission Report") at p. 353.
2 Id . at p. 371.
3 Id . at pp. 277, 408-09.
4 Eleventh Public Hearing of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, Staff Statement Number 11 (April 14, 2004) at p. 3.
5 Id . at p. 5.
6 9/11 Commission Report at p. 263.
7 Interview with Terrorist Screening Center official (Nov. 9, 2004).
8 Interview with TTIC senior officials (Oct. 19, 2004); Interview with DIA (JITF-CT) analysts (Oct. 26, 2004); Interview with Department of State (INR) analysts (Nov. 3, 2004).
9 NCTC was created on December 6, 2004 pursuant to Executive
Order. The establishment of NCTC is also codified
by the Intelligence Reform and
10 Interview with TTIC senior analyst (Nov. 5, 2004).
11 Interview with TTIC (WMD) analysts (Oct. 19, 2004).
12 Id .
13 Interview with TTIC senior analyst (Oct. 19, 2004); Interview with TTIC senior analyst (Nov. 5, 2004).
14 Along with NCTC, these agencies have been dubbed the "Warn 7." Interview with TTIC senior analyst (Oct. 19, 2004).
15 Interview with TTIC senior analyst (Oct. 19, 2004). During the "Summer of Threat" prior to the September 11 attacks, the interagency Counterterrorism Security Group (CSG), headed by Richard Clarke, had access to disseminated intelligence from several agencies, but it did not have the capability to integrate intelligence from each agency on a daily basis, nor did it have access to the internal, non-disseminated information of intelligence agencies. 9/11 Commission Report at p. 255.
16 Interview with NCTC senior official (Feb. 4, 2005); Interview with TTIC senior analyst (Oct. 19, 2004); Interview with TTIC senior analyst (Nov. 5, 2004).
17 The PTTR is produced six days a week, usually runs three to five pages in length, and may have, on average, one to four articles. It is delivered to the President and senior policymakers by the PDB briefers. Interview with TTIC senior analyst (Nov. 5, 2004).
18 Interview with CTC (WMD) official (Oct. 22, 2004).
19 National Security Presidential Directive 17, National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction (Dec. 2002).
20 Id .
21 Interview with FBI (WMD) officials (Oct. 14, 2004); Interview with FBI (Counterterrorism) official (Oct. 22, 2004).
22 The 9/11 Commission identifies several instances in which sharing of information might have led to further investigation that could have revealed the plot, but does not conclude that the sharing of any specific pieces of information actually held would have likely led to preventing the attacks. See, e.g ., 9/11 Commission Report at pp. 272, 276.
23 Id . at pp. 355-356.
24 Calibration Report: Intelligence Community Collaboration
25 These watchlisting reforms were undertaken at the direction of the President, primarily under Homeland Security Presidential Directive 6, Integration and Use of Screening Information (Sept. 16, 2003).
26 This finding is consistent with the conclusion of the
27 Interview with TTIC senior analyst (Oct. 19, 2004);
Interview with TTIC senior official (Oct. 19,
2004); Interview with DIA (JITF-CT) analysts (Oct. 26, 2004); Interview with
State Department (INR) analysts (Nov. 3, 2004); Interview with FBI (National
28 Interview with TTIC senior official (Oct. 19, 2004);
Interview with DIA (JITF-CT) analysts (Oct. 26,
2004). Between 2001 and 2003, the rate of use of originator controls on
terrorism-related reporting across the Intelligence Community dropped by
approximately 50 percent. Seventh Public Hearing of the National Commission on
Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (Jan. 26, 2004) (Statement of Russell
E. Travers, TTIC Deputy CIO for
29 The rule of originator control, or ORCON, allows the agency that originates information to retain control over its dissemination and declassification (if it is classified) or its release to non-governmental parties. See, e.g ., IC Inter-Agency ISWG May 2004 Calibration Report, NRO submission, Appendix B at p. B-37 (listing ORCON as a cultural barrier that "must...be addressed"); id., DIA submission, Appendix B at p. B-12 (citing FBI and NSA ORCON dissemination as constraining assembly of terrorism intelligence database).
30 Interview with CIA (Collection Concepts Development Center)
official (Oct. 7, 2004); Interview with FBI (WMD)
officials (Oct. 13, 2004); Interview with emergency preparedness official of
the Office of the Governor of Virginia (Nov. 10, 2004); Homeland Security
Advisory Council, Final Report:
Intelligence and
31 Markle Foundation Task Force on National Security in the Information Age, Creating a Trusted Information Network for Homeland Security (2003) at pp. 7-8. The Markle Foundation funds a variety of studies that analyze the potential of new technologies to address critical public sector needs, particularly in the areas of health and national security.
32 Letter from Thomas J. Ridge, Secretary of Homeland Security; Robert S. Mueller, III, Director Federal Bureau of Investigation; George J. Tenet, Director of Central Intelligence; and John O. Brennan, Director Terrorist Threat Integration Center; to The Honorable Susan M. Collins, Chairwoman Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, and The Honorable Carl Levin, Ranking Member (Apr. 13, 2004) at p. 2.
33 Id .
34 Memorandum from John O. Brennan, TTIC Director, to Director of Central Intelligence (May 19, 2004) at pp. 2-4, 6-8.
35 Memorandum from John O. Brennan, TTIC Director, to Director of Central Intelligence (June 23, 2004).
36 Id .
37 Memorandum from John E. McLaughlin, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence (July 2, 2004).
38 Interviews with John O. Brennan, TTIC Director (Sept. 22, 2004 and Feb. 8, 2005).
39 Interview with John O. Brennan, Interim Director of NCTC (March 15, 2005). The July 2 memorandum does not directly discuss the counterterrorism responsibilities of FBI, DHS or the Defense Department, which are mentioned briefly in Director Brennan's first memorandum.
40 Id .
41 Interview with Director of CTC (Nov. 5, 2004). Other CTC personnel expressed the same sentiment, using nearly identical language. Interview with senior CTC official (Oct. 22, 2004).
42 IRTPA at § 1021 (adding section 119 to the National Security Act to establish the NCTC in law, provide its primary missions, and outline the reporting chain of its director).
43 Id . at § 1021 (adding section 119(d) to the National Security Act to provide that one of the primary missions of the NCTC is to "serve as the primary organization in the United States Government for analyzing and integrating all intelligence...pertaining to terrorism").
44 See, e.g ., Interview with TTIC senior official (Feb. 4, 2005).
45 Interview with TTIC senior analyst (Oct. 19, 2004).
46 Interview with TTIC senior official (Feb. 4, 2005).
47 NCTC, CIA, FBI, DIA, NSA, and the Departments of State and Homeland Security comprise the so-called "Warn 7." Id.; Memorandum from John O. Brennan, TTIC Director, to Director of Central Intelligence (May 19, 2004) at ¶ 7.
48 Letter from Thomas J. Ridge, Secretary of Homeland Security; Robert S. Mueller, III, Director Federal Bureau of Investigation; George J. Tenet, Director of Central Intelligence; and John O. Brennan, Director Terrorist Threat Integration Center; to The Honorable Susan M. Collins, Chairwoman, Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, and The Honorable Carl Levin, Ranking Member (April 13, 2004) at p. 3; IRTPA at § 1021(f)(D).
49 Interview with TTIC senior analyst (Oct. 19, 2004).
50 Under IRTPA, NCTC serves not only as the governmental entity responsible for counterterrorism analysis and warning, but is also responsible for developing strategic operational plans for counterterrorism operations conducted by the U.S. government. It is our understanding that details regarding how NCTC will perform its strategic operational planning role have not fully been resolved. Accordingly, this report does not address NCTC's responsibility for this strategic planning function. IRTPA at § 1021.
51 Interviews with CTC senior officials (Oct. 22, 2004 and Nov. 5, 2004).
52 The law vests the NCTC with authority to "disseminate terrorism information, including current terrorism threat analysis," to senior policymakers, but does not grant it exclusive authority to do so. Moreover, the NCTC is given "primary responsibility within the United States Government for conducting net assessments of terrorist threats." But the law also states that nothing in its text "shall limit the authority of [other agencies] to conduct net assessments." IRTPA at §§ 1021(f)(1)(G), 1021(f)(2).
53 Interview with FBI (Counterterrorism) official (Nov. 4, 2004).
54 Interview with CTC official (Oct. 22, 2004); Interviews with TTIC senior analyst and TTIC (WMD) analysts (Oct. 19, 2004); Interview with DIA analysts and managers (Oct. 26, 2004); see also Interviews with former senior Intelligence Community officials (Sept. 28, 2004 and Oct. 15, 2004).
55 Interview with TTIC senior analyst (Oct. 19, 2004).
56 Interview with TTIC (WMD) analysts (Oct. 19, 2004).
57 Interview with FBI (Counterterrorism) official (Nov. 4, 2004).
58 CTC cited burnout as a critical retention problem. Interview with CTC (WMD) official (Oct. 22, 2004). DIA cited examples of analysts leaving to work fewer hours for higher salaries with contractors. Interview with DIA analysts and managers (Oct. 26, 2004).
59 Interview with TTIC (WMD) analysts (Oct. 19, 2004).
60 Interview with senior CTC official (Oct. 22, 2004).
61 IRTPA at § 1021.
62 Interview with FBI (WMD) officials (Oct. 14, 2004). See also Interview with former senior intelligence official (Oct. 15, 2004) (discussing Collection Concepts Development Center (CCDC) study on the active interdiction of weapons of mass destruction, which underscored that one of the main underlying problems was that no one owned the problem of WMD terrorism); Interview with CTC (WMD) official (Oct. 22, 2004) (suggesting dedicating a NSC policy staffer to the issue); Interview with FBI (Counterterrorism) official (Oct. 22, 2004) (noting how the pre-election threat is an example of how U.S. government lacks a national WMD terrorism strategy).
63 Interview with FBI (WMD) officials (Oct. 14, 2004).
64 Interview with TTIC senior analyst (Oct. 19, 2004).
65 Interview with CTC (WMD) official (Oct. 22, 2004); Interview with FBI (WMD) officials (Oct. 14, 2004).
66 Interview with FBI (WMD) officials (Oct. 14, 2004).
67 Id .
68 Interview with CTC (WMD) official
(Oct. 22, 2004); Interview with FBI (National Joint
69 9/11 Commission Report at p. 263.
70 Even the two groups' jargon differs. Those working on state-based programs talk of "WMD;" while those working on terrorism programs talk of "CBRN" (i.e., chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear devices).
71 An example of positive coordination is provided in our classified report, but cannot be discussed in an unclassified format.
72 Interview with FBI (WMD) officials (Dec. 2, 2004).
73 Id .
74 See, e.g ., Interview with CTC (WMD) official (Oct. 22, 2004).
75 Interview with FBI (WMD) officials (Oct. 14, 2004).
The Commission carefully studied the Intelligence Community's capability to assess accurately the nuclear programs of Iran and North Korea. In doing so, we reviewed numerous intelligence reports and conducted interviews with Intelligence Community analysts, collectors, and supervisors, as well as policymakers and non-governmental regional and weapons experts. Because even the most general statements about the Intelligence Community's capabilities in this area are classified, the Commission's assessments and eleven specific findings cannot be discussed in this report. The Commission has, however, incorporated the lessons learned from its study of Iran and North Korea in all of our recommendations for reform of the Intelligence Community. |
Until now, this report has focused on the limitations and
strengths of today’s Intelligence Community. We reviewed the Intelligence
Community’s recent performance in assessing the unconventional weapons
programs of Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan. We also assessed the Intelligence
Community’s current capabilities to confront several of today’s
priority intelligence challenges—including Iran, North Korea, and
terrorism. (As we have noted elsewhere, while classification concerns precluded
us from including our Iran and North Korea findings in our unclassified report,
the lessons we learned from these reviews inform our recommendations.) And we complemented the formal “case
studies” that appear in Part One of this report with reviews of other
important challenges the Intelligence Community faces today, including the need
to share intelligence across the Intelligence Community and the difficulties of
coordinating intelligence across the foreign-domestic divide.
We found an Intelligence Community that has had some significant
successes, but that is, on balance, badly equipped and badly organized to
confront today’s threats. We found human intelligence collectors who have
struggled in vain to find sources with valuable information—and often
failed to vet properly the sources they did find. We found technical
intelligence collectors whose traditional techniques have declining utility
against threats that are increasingly elusive and diffuse. And we found an
analytical community too quick to rely upon assumptions or conjecture, and too
slow to communicate gaps and uncertainties to policymakers.
But above all, we found an Intelligence Community that was too
disorganized and fragmented to use its many talented people and sophisticated
tools effectively. There are not enough coordinated and sustained
Community-wide efforts to perform critical intelligence functions—ranging
from target development to strategic analysis—and critical information
still too often does not get to the analysts or policymakers who need it most.
On the flip side of the same coin, we found that many of the Intelligence
Community’s recent successes stemmed from cross-agency efforts—such
as the innovative fusing of different collection capabilities to penetrate a
particular intelligence target. We found, in short, an Intelligence Community
that needs to be better integrated and more innovative if it is
to be able to confront today’s intelligence challenges.
With these lessons in mind, our report now turns toward the
future. In the chapters that follow, we set forth our recommendations for
change within the Community. We begin our discussion of proposed reforms with a
chapter on leadership and management (Chapter 6). However, the task of
transforming the Intelligence Community, if it is to be complete, must go
beyond questions of organization. As a result, we make recommendations
addressing several specific areas of intelligence (or challenges the
Intelligence Community faces): Collection (Chapter 7); Analysis (Chapter 8);
& Recommendations |
Today's Intelligence Community is not a "community"
in any meaningful sense. It is a loose confederation of 15 separate intelligence entities. The
new intelligence reform legislation, by creating a Director of National
Intelligence (DNI) with substantial new authorities, establishes the basis
for the kind of leadership and management necessary to shape a truly
integrated Intelligence Community. But the reform act provides merely a
framework; the hard work of forging a unified Community lies ahead. |
In order to surmount these challenges, the DNI will
need to lead the Community; he will need to integrate
a diffuse group of intelligence entities by gaining acceptance of common
strategic objectives, and by pursuing those objectives with more modern
management techniques and governance processes. In this chapter we recommend
several structures that could demonstrate the value of such collaboration. |
Specifically, we recommend that the DNI: |
§ Bring a mission focus to the management of Community resources for high-priority intelligence issues by creating several "Mission Managers" on the DNI staff who are responsible for overseeing all aspects of intelligence relating to priority targets; |
§ Create a leadership structure within the Office of the DNI that manages the intelligence collection process on a Community basis, while maintaining intact existing collection agencies and their respective pockets of expertise; |
§ Make several changes to the Intelligence Community's personnel policies, including creating a central Intelligence Community human resources authority; developing more comprehensive and creative sets of performance incentives; directing a "joint" personnel rotation system; and establishing a National Intelligence University. |
We also recommend that: |
§ The President establish a National Counter Proliferation Center (NCPC) that reports to the DNI. The NCPC--a relatively small organization, with approximately 100 staff--would manage and coordinate analysis and collection on nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons across the Intelligence Community, but would not serve as a focal point for government-wide strategic operational planning; and |
§ The Executive Branch take steps to strengthen its intelligence oversight to ensure that intelligence reform does not falter, and that the Intelligence Community strengthen its own processes for self-evaluation. |
Today's Intelligence Community is not truly a community at all, but rather a loose confederation of 15 separate entities. 1 These entities too often act independently of each other. While a "community" management staff has long existed in the Office of the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), it has never had the authority or resources it needed to manage all these disparate components.
The diffuse nature of the Intelligence Community does have important merits--for example, the existence of different agency cultures and ways of doing business increases the likelihood that hypotheses about key intelligence issues will be "competitively" tested, and allows for the development of diverse pockets of expertise. While such advantages should be retained, they aren't a reason to tolerate the current lack of coordination. As our case studies aptly demonstrate, the old, single-agency methods of gathering intelligence are losing ground to our adversaries. And conversely, many of our recent intelligence successes have resulted from innovative cross-agency efforts--but such laudable examples are the exception, the products of ad hoc efforts rather than institutionalized collaboration.
Concern about the harmful impact of disunity on national security
was a major factor leading to passage of the Intelligence Reform and
We are realists. We recognize that effecting such a transformation in intelligence will take years to accomplish--and, indeed, will fall short without sustained leadership from the Director of National Intelligence and continued support from the President and Congress. This chapter offers our view on the essential tasks the new DNI might prioritize--and the challenges he will confront--as he begins this effort. We also offer, at the end of the chapter, a notional organizational structure for the new Office of the DNI, which we believe would serve the DNI well in confronting these tasks and challenges.
First, the good news. Under prior law, the Director of Central Intelligence had three demanding jobs--he ran the CIA, acted as the President's principal intelligence advisor, and (in theory, at least) managed the Intelligence Community. Thanks to the new intelligence legislation, the new DNI is now only responsible for two; the task of running the day-to-day operations of the CIA will be left to the Agency's own Director. 2
The bad news is that the DNI's remaining statutory responsibilities continue to be demanding, full-time jobs. The DNI's management responsibilities will be both critically important and exceedingly difficult, and there is a real risk that the obligation to provide current intelligence support to the President and senior policymakers will reduce or eliminate the attention the DNI can devote to the painstaking, long-term work of integrating and managing the Community. It would be unrealistic--and undesirable--to expect the Office of the DNI to neglect or abdicate its responsibility as intelligence advisor to the President. But it is not necessary in all instances for the DNI to be present at the briefings himself. We do believe that it is possible for the DNI to assume what is essentially an oversight rather than a direct role in fulfilling this function, and we suggest that the DNI interpret the obligation in this way.
The DNI's management responsibilities will be more than sufficient to occupy the DNI's time and talents. On the first day in office, the new DNI will not have much of a foundation to build upon. A former senior Defense Department official has described today's Intelligence Community as "not so much poorly managed as unmanaged." 3 After a comprehensive study of the Community, we can't disagree. The DNI will need to create--virtually from scratch--structures, processes, and procedures for managing this notoriously sprawling, complicated, and fragmented bureaucracy. But with this "blank slate" also comes an opportunity. The new Director will be in a position to build a leadership and management staff that is suited to today's intelligence needs, rather than accommodate and modify an inherited administrative structure.
The intelligence reform legislation gives the DNI substantial new levers of authority to perform management responsibilities, but those powers are also limited in important respects. Most of the entities within the Intelligence Community--such as NSA, NGA, and the intelligence component of the FBI--continue to be part of separate executive departments. This means that the DNI will be expected to manage the Intelligence Community, but will not have direct "line" authority over all the agencies and entities he is responsible for coordinating and integrating. NSA, to cite just one example, remains with the Department of Defense, and its employees will therefore continue to be part of the Defense Department's "chain of command."
This means that the DNI will be required to manage the Community more by controlling essential resources than by command. And the new legislation does give the DNI important new budget and personnel authorities. For example, the intelligence reform act grants the DNI a substantially stronger hand in the development and execution of the overall intelligence budget, or National Intelligence Program, than that previously given to the DCI. 4 The leverage that these budget authorities were intended to provide, however, cannot be effectively exercised without an overhaul of the Intelligence Community's notoriously opaque budget process, which obscures how resources are committed to, and spent against, various intelligence programs. The DNI could wield his budgetary authorities with far more effectiveness if he were to build an end-to-end budgetary process that allowed for clarity and accountability--a process similar to the Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System employed by the Department of Defense.
With that said, the DNI's "power of the purse" is far from absolute. Many important intelligence programs are funded in whole or in part from joint military and tactical intelligence budgets that are under the control of the Defense Department. 5 In light of these overlapping responsibilities and competing budgetary authorities, it is imperative that the Office of the DNI and the Department of Defense develop parallel and closely coordinated planning, programming, and budget processes. (Indeed, the relationship between the DNI and the Secretary of Defense is of great importance and will be discussed separately in this chapter.)
Another important (and related) management tool for the DNI is the acquisition process. If the DNI builds and drives a coherent, top-down Intelligence Community acquisition structure, he will have a powerful device for Community management, and will make an important step toward developing the coherent long-term allocation of resources that the Intelligence Community sorely lacks today--particularly with respect to evaluating and acquiring large, technology-driven systems. But, as in other areas, the DNI's role in the acquisition process is not absolute. Under the new intelligence reform act, the Secretary of Defense and the DNI will have joint acquisition authorities in many instances--another factor that weighs in favor of strong Defense Department-Intelligence Community interaction on many fronts. 6
In addition to these budget and acquisition authorities, the intelligence act also grants the DNI significant personnel powers. The act gives the DNI a substantial staff, and it empowers the DNI to transfer personnel from one element of the Intelligence Community to another for tours of up to two years. 7 These are important new authorities; our terrorism case study sets out the difficulties the Terrorist Threat Integration Center encountered in obtaining adequate personnel support from other agencies. However, like the DNI's budgetary authorities, these powers are not unrestricted; the intelligence reform act states that the procedures governing these personnel transfers must be developed jointly by the DNI and by the affected agencies, 8 which could provide department and agency heads with an opportunity to impede the DNI's initiatives. We suggest that the DNI make the development of these procedures an early priority, to ensure that the required "procedures" become just that--processes for effecting the flexible transfer of personnel and minimizing negative impact on the affected agencies, and not vehicles that provide agencies with a veto over the DNI's personnel authorities.
The intelligence act also expressly directs the DNI to implement management-related reform measures that have long been neglected by Community managers. Among these are specific mandates to develop Community personnel policies; maximize the sharing of information among Community agencies; improve the quality of intelligence analysis; protect the sources and methods used to collect intelligence from disclosure; and improve operational coordination between CIA and the Department of Defense. This explicit congressional direction should significantly strengthen the DNI's hand as the work of creating a new management structure begins.
The DNI will likely need every bit of the leverage bestowed by these new powers and embodied in the statutory mandate for change. Few of the recommendations that follow can be implemented without affecting the current responsibilities of a particular agency, sometimes in ways that can be expected to leave the affected agency unhappy. For instance, if the DNI is going to manage the target development system--the process by which the Intelligence Community prioritizes information needs and develops collection strategies to fulfill those needs--he will, by necessity, be taking responsibilities away from the collection agencies. If the DNI is going to build a modern information sharing infrastructure for the Intelligence Community, he will need to override particular agencies' views about what information is and is not too sensitive to be placed in the shared information space.
Making hard decisions that adversely affect particular agencies
will constitute a major departure from prior
Community management practices. Former DCIs have brought the Intelligence
Community together by consensus, a practice that left many difficult but
important management challenges unaddressed. Indeed, over the course of our
study we repeatedly came across important decisions that Community leaders were
unable to resolve--a state of affairs that allows bureaucratic disputes and
unhealthy ambiguities in responsibilities to fester. (The lengthy turf battle
between the CIA Counterterrorist Center and the Terrorist Threat Integration
Center (now NCTC), which we discussed in Chapter Four (
While the air is thick with talk of the need for coordination within the Intelligence Community, one can expect that the DNI's new (and sometimes ambiguous) authorities will be challenged in ways both open and subtle. In order to sustain successful integration, the DNI will need to establish processes that demonstrate by their own effectiveness the value of Community-wide cooperation. This can be achieved by securing "buy-in" on common strategic objectives, developing common practices in reviewing progress toward goals (using shared metrics whenever possible), and building a common approach to human resource management. We recommend several structures--such as the "Mission Managers" that we discuss immediately below--that could be useful in demonstrating the value of collaboration, and we also encourage the DNI to seek to emulate best practices used by large organizations both within and outside government.
Throughout our study, we observed a lack of Community focus on intelligence missions. Each individual agency tries to allocate its scarce resources in a way that seems sensible to that particular agency, but might not be optimal if viewed from a Community perspective. The DCI's management staff is organized around intelligence functions--there are, for instance, separate Assistant DCIs for "Collection" and "Analysis"--rather than around priority intelligence targets. So while it might have been the case that an individual at the DCI level was responsible for knowing about our collection capabilities on a given country, and while it might also have been the case that an individual at the DCI level was responsible for knowing the state of analysis on that country, no one person or office at the DCI level was responsible for the intelligence mission concerning that country as a whole.
We believe it is important that the DNI develop a management structure and processes that ensure a strategic, Community focus on priority intelligence missions. The specific device we propose is the creation of "Mission Managers."
1 |
We recommend that the DNI bring a mission focus to the
management of Community resources for high-priority intelligence issues by creating a group
of "Mission Managers" on the DNI staff, responsible for all aspects
of the intelligence process relating to those issues. |
Under the current system, collectors, analysts, and supervisors throughout the Community working on a given target function largely autonomously, communicating and collaborating only episodically. The Mission Managers we propose would be responsible for designing and implementing a coordinated effort. As the DNI's point person for individual high-priority subject matter areas, Mission Managers would be responsible for knowing both what the Community knows (and what it does not know) about a particular target, and for developing strategies to optimize the Community's capabilities against that particular target. For any such target--be it a country like China, a non-state actor like al-Qa'ida, or a subject like "proliferation"-- a Mission Manager would be charged with organizing and monitoring the Community's efforts, and serving as the DNI's principal advisor on the subject. Most importantly, and in contrast to the diffusion of responsibility that characterizes the current system, the Mission Manager would be the person responsible for Community efforts against the target. There would never be a question of accountability.
The Mission Manager, therefore, would have substantial responsibilities both for driving collection and identifying shortcomings in analysis in the Mission Manager's subject area. With respect to collection, Mission Managers would chair Target Development Boards, described further below and in Chapter Seven (Collection). In this capacity, the Mission Managers' role would include identifying collection gaps, working with the various collection agencies to fill them, and monitoring the collection organizations' progress in that regard. As explained in greater detail in Chapter Eight (Analysis), they would also serve as the DNI's primary tool for focusing the Intelligence Community's analytical attention on strategic threats to national security and optimizing the Community's resources against them. While they would not directly command the analytical cadre, they could--in cases where agency heads were resistant to properly aligning resources or addressing analytic needs--recommend that the DNI's personnel powers be invoked to correct the situation or quickly re-configure the Community to respond to a crisis. Because of their responsibilities for developing a coordinated approach to collection and analytic efforts, we believe that the Mission Managers would also collectively serve as an important device for achieving Community integration over time. 9
Some might suggest that the Mission Manager function will conflict with the role of National Intelligence Officers (NIOs) within the National Intelligence Council (NIC), the Community's focal point for long-term, interagency analysis. The NIOs are granted authority under the new legislation for "evaluating community-wide collection and production of intelligence by the Intelligence Community and the requirements and resources of such collection and production." 10 We believe this role is complementary with that of the Mission Managers. NIOs, in our view, should continue to serve as the Community's principal senior analysts. In this position, they spearhead assembly of National Intelligence Estimates and other publications that articulate Community analytic conclusions, identify differences in agency views and why they exist, and explore gaps and weaknesses in collection. But once an Estimate on a given topic is finished, NIOs move quickly to the next, perhaps not to officially revisit the subject matter for years. They have neither the time nor the authority to craft and implement strategic plans designed to improve the Community's work on a particular issue over time. This, as we see it, will be the Mission Managers' role.
2 |
We recommend that the DNI create a management structure that effectively coordinates Community target
development. This new target development process would be supported by an
integrated, end-to-end "collection enterprise." |
The Intelligence Community's fragmented nature is perhaps best exemplified by the process in which its resources are directed to collect information on subjects of interest. One would expect that this vital aspect of intelligence--which we refer to as "target development"--would be among those where coordination and integration is most essential. Instead, the target development process is left primarily to individual collection agencies, operating from a general list of intelligence objectives called the National Intelligence Priorities Framework, in combination with ad hoc requirements generated by analysts and other intelligence "customers," such as policymakers and the military. This decentralized process is refined only episodically at the Community level, usually through the personal intervention of the Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Collection.
This is an unacceptable status quo, and we recommend that the DNI make fixing it a top priority. As our case studies have shown, many of the recent penetrations of hard targets have been facilitated by fusing collection disciplines. Such cross-agency collection strategies cannot be systematically encouraged while the various collection platforms remain isolated within the confines of their individual agencies. The current system, in which individual agencies set their own collection priorities, also marginalizes the role of the intelligence "customers" and analysts for whom intelligence is collected.
As a result, we believe it is essential that the DNI develop a unified target development process that exists "above the stovepipes." We develop more fully our target development recommendations in Chapter Seven (Collection), but because of the importance of this issue we highlight it here. We would give the Mission Managers responsibility for driving and maintaining an overarching collection strategy in their subject matter areas. In developing this strategy, each Mission Manager would chair, and be supported by, a standing DNI-level Target Development Board that would include experts from key "customers" and from each major collection agency, who could keep the Mission Manager informed of its agency's capabilities (and limitations) against the target. This approach would ensure that the target development process was both integrated and user-driven.
We also recommend that the target development process be supported by an integrated "collection enterprise": that is, a collection process that is coordinated and integrated at all stages, from collection management to data exploitation to strategic investment. Again, we discuss this recommendation in detail in Chapter Seven (Collection).
3 |
We recommend that the new DNI overhaul the Community's information management system to facilitate
real and effective information sharing. |
No shortcoming of the Intelligence Community has received more attention since the September 11 attacks than the failure to share information. There have been literally dozens of Intelligence Community initiatives in this area, with advances most apparent in the area of counterterrorism. Unfortunately, almost all of these efforts have worked around the most intractable and difficult information-sharing impediments, rather than solved them. While minor advances have been made in some areas, the ultimate objective of developing a Community-wide space for sharing intelligence information has proven elusive. In our view, the fundamental reason for the lack of success is the absence of empowered, coherent, and determined Community leadership and management.
We strongly recommend that the new DNI tackle this problem early on by overhauling the Community's information management system, including as a central component the creation of a single office responsible both for information management and information security. We also suggest that the DNI begin with a painless, but symbolically important, first step: namely, to jettison the very phrase "information sharing." To say that we must encourage agencies to "share" information implies that they have some ownership stake in it--an implication based on a fundamental (and, unfortunately, all too common) misunderstanding of individual collection agencies' obligations to the Intelligence Community, and to the government more broadly. We believe that the DNI might begin the process of building a shared information space by putting the DNI's imprimatur on a new phrase, perhaps "information access," that indicates that information within the Community is a Community asset--not the property of a particular agency. Our information sharing recommendations, which we detail in Chapter Nine (Information Sharing), begin from this premise.
4 |
We recommend that the DNI
use his human resources authorities to: establish a central
human resources authority for the Intelligence
Community; create a uniform system for performance evaluations and
compensation; develop a more comprehensive and creative set of performance
incentives; direct a "joint" personnel rotation system; and
establish a National Intelligence University. |
Perhaps the most effective authorities the intelligence reform act grants the DNI are those pertaining to personnel. These new authorities come none too soon, as it is becoming increasingly apparent that the Intelligence Community cannot continue to manage its personnel system the way it always has. The Community still attracts large numbers of highly qualified people, but retaining them has become a real challenge. Today's most talented young people change jobs and careers frequently, are famously impatient with bureaucratic and inflexible work environments, and can often earn far more outside the government. The Community's personnel system is ill-suited to hire and retain people with these characteristics; merely getting hired can take over a year, and compensation is too often tied to time-in-grade, rather than demonstrated achievement.
Moreover, at precisely the moment when the Intelligence Community is facing the prospect of recruiting in this very different job market, the average experience level of the people in many elements of the Intelligence Community is declining. It is uncertain whether this is merely a transitory phenomenon, reflecting an ambitious post-9/11 hiring program. The analytical cadre may grow in experience and stabilize over the next few years. In the short term, however, it is clear that the Intelligence Community suffers from an eroding base of institutional wisdom, not to mention a lack of accumulated knowledge and expertise.
These overarching employment trends are, unfortunately, only the tip of the iceberg. Today's Intelligence Community has additional systemic weaknesses with regard to personnel. For example, the Community has had difficulty recruiting individuals with certain critical skill sets; has often failed to encourage the type of "joint" personnel assignments that are necessary to breaking down cultural barriers that exist among agencies; and has proven insufficiently adept at hiring and mainstreaming mid-career "lateral" hires from outside of the Intelligence Community. This section suggests reforms of the human resources system that would help equip the Community to confront these formidable challenges.
Establish a central Human Resources Authority for the Intelligence Community. As a threshold matter, the Intelligence Community needs a DNI-level office responsible for analyzing the workforce, developing strategies to ensure that priority intelligence missions are adequately resourced, and creating Community human resources standards and policies to accomplish these objectives. The human resources authority would also establish evaluation standards and metrics programs to assess the intelligence agencies' performance in hiring, retention, and career development.
This office would also have responsibility for developing policies to fill gaps in the Intelligence Community's workforce. Our case studies have highlighted a wide variety of these critical personnel needs. We have found that the Community has difficulty in attracting and retaining people with scientific and technical skills, diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds, management experience, and advanced language capabilities. Similarly, the Community has struggled to develop the mid-career lateral hires that will be increasingly necessary to complement a workforce that can no longer expect to depend on Intelligence Community "lifers." This authority would have responsibility for developing the Community personnel policies that can overcome these systemic shortcomings.
Direct a personnel rotation system that develops "joint" professionals in the senior ranks of the Intelligence Community. Much has been made of the need to develop "jointness" in the Intelligence Community. Study after study has cited the significance of the Goldwater-Nichols Act in transforming the U.S. military from four independent services to a single, unified fighting force. 11 The Goldwater-Nichols analogy does not apply perfectly to the Intelligence Community; as we discuss below, we do not believe that the Intelligence Community should be reorganized comprehensively around national intelligence "centers" that would serve as the equivalent to the military's joint commands. But we do believe that the personnel reforms of the Goldwater-Nichols Act, which encouraged (and in some instances required) individuals to serve "joint" tours of duty outside of their home services, should be replicated within the Intelligence Community.
We recommend, therefore, that the DNI promptly develop mechanisms to ensure that joint assignments are taken seriously within the Intelligence Community. Today, the Community's agencies vary substantially in the seriousness of their commitment to cross- and interagency assignments. It is insufficient merely to ensure that an Intelligence Community professional who works in an Intelligence Community center or at a different intelligence agency will suffer no punishment upon returning home. Instead, personnel should be affirmatively rewarded for successfully completing joint tours, and intelligence professionals should gain eligibility for promotion to senior levels only if they complete joint assignments. Jointness did not occur effortlessly in the Department of Defense. The DNI will likely find that fostering a truly "joint" culture in the Intelligence Community will require significant and persistent attention.
Create more uniform performance evaluation and compensation systems. Personnel systems across the Intelligence Community are in flux, with some agencies moving to new merit-based pay systems and others retaining but modifying the traditional federal General Schedule (GS) system. These differences have the effect of inhibiting the cross-agency movement of personnel that is so critical to building an integrated Intelligence Community. To avoid this problem, we recommend that the Intelligence Community's human resources authority adopt a common personnel performance evaluation and compensation plan. This plan would define core Community competencies and set evaluation criteria (for the entire workforce as well as for key segments, such as analysts), and establish a standard pay grade and compensation structure--while retaining the flexibility to allow agencies to evaluate performance factors unique to their organizations. We further recommend that such a unified compensation structure be based on a merit-based model. A merit-based approach is being used increasingly across the federal workforce, and more rationally links performance to organizational goals and strategies.
We also believe that this review of the compensation structure should focus in particular on ways for the Intelligence Community to recruit talented individuals from outside the government. Today, the Intelligence Community can promise the following to talented scientists, scholars, or businesspersons who wish to serve: a lengthy clearance process before they begin, a large pay and benefits cut, a work environment that has difficulty understanding or using the talents of outsiders, and ethics rules that significantly handcuff them from using their expertise when they seek to return to their chosen professions. It should come as little surprise that too few talented people from the private sector take the offer. The DNI should develop special hiring rules aimed at attracting such individuals, including special salary levels and benefits packages and streamlined clearance processes.
Develop a stronger incentive structure within the Intelligence Community. In addition to encouraging greater use of financial incentives, we recommend that the Community consider new techniques to motivate positive performance. A real "Intelligence Community" would reward and encourage types of behaviors that currently are not emphasized. These behaviors--a commitment to sharing information, a willingness to take risk, enthusiasm for collaborating with intelligence professionals at other agencies, and a sense of loyalty to the Intelligence Community's missions--must be reinforced if they are to become institutionalized. Government entities are severely limited in the monetary rewards they can offer to reinforce desired behavior, but there are other rewards that can serve as suitable alternatives. Advanced education and training, professional familiarization tours, coveted assignments, and opportunities to attend conferences and symposia are all rewards that might be associated with reinforcing new behaviors.
But it is not enough merely to encourage the right kinds of behavior; it is also critical that the Intelligence Community does not reward its employees for the wrong reasons. Our review found that agencies within the Intelligence Community often made personnel decisions based upon the wrong criteria. For instance, as discussed in our Iraq case study, agencies that collect human intelligence place considerable value on the number of sources they recruit--an incentive system that of course encourages its employees to recruit easier, less important sources rather than taking the time (and the risk) to develop the harder ones. A similar problem exists in the analytical community, where we were told that analysts are disproportionately rewarded for producing "current intelligence" assessments, such as articles that appear in the President's Daily Brief. If we are to expect our human intelligence collectors to take risks and our intelligence analysts to devote time to long-term, strategic thinking, agencies must have a personnel evaluation system that does not punish them for these behaviors.
Establish a National Intelligence University. The Intelligence Community has a number of well-founded and successful training programs. Individual organizations within the Community conduct various discipline-specific training programs. 12 Yet there is no initial training provided to all incoming Intelligence Community personnel that instills a sense of community and shared mission--as occurs, for example, in all of the military services. Nor is there an adequate management training program 13 --a fact that may have contributed to declining numbers in the Intelligence Community's mid-level management corps, and the low performance evaluations that this corps recently received in one major intelligence agency.
A National Intelligence University (NIU) could fill these gaps by providing Community training and education programs, setting curriculum standards, and facilitating the sharing of the Community's training resources. A progressive and structured curriculum--from entry level job-skills training to advanced education--could link to career-advancement standards for various Intelligence Community occupations and permit intelligence professionals to build skills methodically as they advance in their responsibilities. The NIU could also serve as a research center for innovative intelligence tools and a test bed for their implementation across the Intelligence Community. The development of such a university--which could be built easily and at modest expense on top of existing Intelligence Community training infrastructure--would be a relatively easy and cost-effective way to develop improved Community integration and professionalism.
5 |
We recommend that the DNI take an
active role in equipping the Intelligence Community
to develop new technologies. |
While human intelligence has always been the most romanticized of the collection disciplines, technology has driven the course of intelligence over the past century. Advanced technology and its creative application remain a comparative advantage for the United States, but we fear that the Intelligence Community is not adequately leveraging this advantage. Elements of the Intelligence Community continue to perform remarkable technical feats, but across many dimensions, Intelligence Community technology is no longer on the cutting edge. And this problem affects not only intelligence collection; we also lag in the use of technologies to support analysis. This trend may result from a recent decline in the Intelligence Community's commitment to scientific and technological research and development.
We advise the DNI to take an active role in reversing this trend. To be sure, individual agencies will continue to develop new technologies that will serve their missions. But we recommend that the DNI encourage a parallel commitment to early-stage research and development to ensure that important new technologies that might be neglected by individual collection agencies are explored. Toward this end, we recommend that the Office of the DNI have its own significant pool of research and development money at its disposal.
It is not enough, moreover, merely to develop new technologies; it is also critical to ensure that there are effective processes in place to make sure those new technologies are actually put into practice. Like many large organizations, the Intelligence Community has had difficulty "mainstreaming" new technologies (which are often developed by outside organizations like In-Q-Tel, a private, non-profit entity that identifies and invests in new technologies for the CIA). It also often fails to build programmed funding transitions from research and development to deployment. In order to ensure that new technologies actually reach the users who need them, we recommend that the DNI require the larger agencies within the Intelligence Community to establish mechanisms for integrating new technologies, and develop metrics for evaluating each agency's performance in this regard.
In Chapter Seven (Collection), we recommend DNI-level management practices that would encourage the development of new technical collection technologies. But there is more to the problem than that. Research and development leaders within the Intelligence Community have told us that they cannot attract or retain the best and the brightest young scientists and engineers because career paths are unattractive, the Community's research infrastructure is poor, and the environment is too risk averse. We have seen similar shortfalls in technical and scientific expertise among the analytic corps and within the cadre of human intelligence collectors. As has been noted above, we advise the DNI to utilize personnel authorities to ensure that scientific and technical career tracks are adequately developed and rewarded by intelligence agencies.
We recommend that the President establish a National
Counter Proliferation Center (NCPC) that is relatively small ( i.e ., fewer than 100 people) and that manages and
coordinates analysis and collection on nuclear, biological, and chemical
weapons across the Intelligence Community. Although government-wide
"strategic operational planning" is clearly required to confront
proliferation threats, we advise that such planning not be directed by the NCPC. |
In the preceding section we recommended that the new Director of National Intelligence take several steps aimed at forging a better integrated Intelligence Community. In this section we address whether this objective could be further advanced through the creation of a National Counter Proliferation Center (NCPC). The recent intelligence reform legislation envisions the creation of an NCPC modeled on the newly-created National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC). 14 But the act also gives the President the opportunity to decide not to create the center--or to modify certain characteristics--if the President believes that doing so serves the nation's security. 15
Although we endorse the idea of creating an NCPC, we believe it should look very different from the NCTC. The distinguishing feature of the NCTC is its hybrid character: the NCTC serves simultaneously as an integrated center for counterterrorism intelligence analysis and as a driver and coordinator of national interagency counterterrorism policy (the new intelligence legislation describes this latter responsibility, in rather confusing fashion, as "strategic operational planning"). As a result of these two roles, the Director of the NCTC has a dual-reporting relationship; he reports to the DNI on terrorism intelligence matters, and reports to the President when wearing his policy coordination hat. While we understand the motivations that may have led to these overlapping intelligence and policy functions in the counterterrorism area, we doubt that it is a good idea to replicate the model--and the mixed reporting relationships it creates--in other substantive areas.
We are also skeptical more generally about the increasingly popular idea of creating a network of "centers" organized around priority national intelligence problems. While we sympathize with the desire for better coordination that animates these proposals, centers also impose costs that often go unappreciated. As our Iraq case study aptly illustrates, centers run the risk of crowding out competitive analysis, creating new substantive "stovepipes" organized around issues, engendering turf wars over where a given center's mission begins and ends, and creating deeply rooted bureaucracies built around what may be temporary intelligence priorities. In most instances we believe that there are more flexible institutional solutions than centers, such as the national Mission Managers we propose.
So, while we recommend the creation of a National Counter Proliferation Center, the center we envision would differ substantially from both the NCTC and from the large analytical centers that some have suggested might serve as organizing units for the Intelligence Community. The NCPC we propose would serve as the DNI's Mission Manager on counterproliferation issues: it would not conduct analysis itself, but would instead be responsible for coordinating analysis and collection on nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons 16 across the Intelligence Community. As such, it would be much smaller than the NCTC (it would likely require a staff of no more than 100 people) and would not perform a policy planning function. Specifically, the Director of the NCPC would:
Develop strategies for collecting intelligence on the proliferation of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons (and their delivery vehicles). The Director of the NCPC would manage the target-development process for nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. Like any Mission Manager, the NCPC would develop multi-disciplinary collection strategies to attack hard targets, and would review the performance of collection agencies in gaining access to these targets. Similarly, it would have full visibility into all compartmented intelligence programs, thus ensuring that relevant capabilities are fully employed by collectors and considered by analysts.
Coordinate, oversee, and evaluate analytic production. As already noted--and in contrast to the National Counterterrorism Center--the NCPC would not contain a large staff of analysts working on proliferation. Rather, the NCPC would coordinate decentralized analytic efforts occurring at various agencies. This would increase the likelihood of competitive analysis of proliferation issues across the Community. In some cases, the NCPC might determine that no part of the Community is addressing a proliferation-related issue sufficiently and designate a small group of resident NCPC analysts drawn from throughout the Community to work on the issue.
With these analytic oversight responsibilities, the NCPC will fulfill several critical functions, including ensuring that appropriate technical expertise is focused on state weapons programs; that gaps in the Community's knowledge about the relationship between state actors and non-state threats ( e.g ., black- and gray-market proliferators such as A.Q. Khan) are addressed; and that the NCTC has access to subject matter expertise on nuclear, biological, and chemical questions. We do not believe that the NCPC should take the lead on the crucial question of the terrorist procurement of unconventional weapons. That responsibility should, in our view, fall to the NCTC. But the Director of the NCPC should support the NCTC and be prepared to step in and appeal to the DNI if this crucial area is receiving insufficient resources and attention.
Participate in setting the budget associated with nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. As the 9/11 Commission correctly noted, true management authority also must include some budget authority. 17 In line with this observation, the NCPC would make recommendations regarding counterproliferation-related budget submissions for National Intelligence Program funds. The NCPC would also support the DNI in fulfilling his statutory responsibilities to "participate" in the development of counterproliferation-related program funds in other military intelligence budgets.
Support the needs of a Counterproliferation Joint Interagency Task Force, the National Security Council, and other relevant consumers as the Intelligence Community's leader for interdiction-related issues. Counterproliferation interdiction, in a variety of forms, will remain an important part of combating the spread of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. The NCPC would play a vital intelligence support role both in helping to formulate U.S. interdiction strategies and in assisting in individual interdiction operations. The NCPC would also support strategic planning for interdiction efforts pursued by other government entities, including the Departments of Defense, State, Homeland Security, Commerce, and Treasury. Developing plans for and executing interdiction operations using the full capabilities of interagency, private sector, and international partners is a role appropriately played by a new Counterproliferation Joint Interagency Task Force, which we propose in Chapter Thirteen (Proliferation).
As noted above, we do not believe that, in addition to these important responsibilities, the NCPC should also be the focal point for strategic policy planning on countering nuclear, biological, and chemical proliferation. The Intelligence Community will inevitably be a major force in any interagency strategic planning process, but we believe it is inadvisable to "double-hat" another intelligence component with what is fundamentally a policy role, or to bifurcate the command structure overseeing it. 18
Nevertheless, it is self-evident that someone should be performing strategic interagency planning on counterproliferation issues. As we will discuss in detail in Chapter Thirteen (Proliferation), the task of collecting intelligence on biological weapons and other proliferation threats is notoriously difficult; and we cannot reasonably expect intelligence alone will keep us safe. A successful counterproliferation effort will require a coordinated effort across the entire U.S. government, from the Intelligence Community to the Department of Defense to the Department of Commerce to the other agencies involved in this important work. In our more comprehensive later treatment of the counterproliferation challenge, we offer several recommendations on how to build such a sustained interagency coordination process, including the creation of a joint task force for counterproliferation.
Our recommendations to this point have involved management strategies and organizational structures that could support the DNI's effort to forge an integrated Intelligence Community. In this section, we briefly identify two formidable challenges that may stand in the way of this objective. They both involve potentially problematic relationships for the Intelligence Community's leadership: namely, with the FBI and the Department of Defense.
Former Director of Central Intelligence James Woolsey told us that one of the most critical jobs of the new DNI will be to fuse the domestic and foreign intelligence enterprises. 19 This objective can only be achieved if the capabilities of agencies with intelligence responsibilities in the United States, like the FBI, are both strengthened and integrated with the efforts of other intelligence agencies. The FBI has made some significant strides in creating an effective intelligence capability, and we make substantial recommendations in Chapter Ten (Intelligence at Home) that we believe would further strengthen those capabilities.
There may, however, be speed bumps ahead for the DNI in ensuring that the FBI's intelligence resources are managed in the same manner as those within other Intelligence Community agencies. As we explain in detail in Chapter Ten (Intelligence at Home), the intelligence reform legislation is ambiguous in the extent to which it brings the FBI's analytical and operational assets into the Intelligence Community and under the DNI's leadership. We advise that this ambiguity be quickly resolved and suggest ways of making the DNI's authority over the FBI comparable to that of other intelligence agencies such as NSA and NGA--subject to, of course, the ongoing involvement of the Attorney General in ensuring the Bureau's compliance with laws designed to protect privacy and civil liberties.
The most controversial sections of the intelligence reform act were those relating to the relationship between the DNI and the Secretary of Defense. This is not at all surprising, given the vital importance of effective intelligence support to military operations and the fact that many of the largest components of the Intelligence Community reside in the Department of Defense. These realities create an inherent challenge for any DNI seeking to bring order and coherent management to the Intelligence Community.
Recent events have highlighted the magnitude of this challenge. Over the past few months the Department of Defense has taken several steps to bolster its own internal intelligence capabilities. These have included initiatives to remodel defense intelligence that may enable Combatant Commanders to task and control national collection assets directly; 20 establishing the U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM) as the Global Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) manager for the Defense Department; 21 assigning the DIA as the key intelligence organization to support STRATCOM's ISR mission; 22 and building up the Defense Department's human intelligence capabilities to make the Defense Department less reliant on the CIA's espionage operations. 23
We believe that several of these Defense Department initiatives are good ones, and should be supported. However, in all instances, we think these efforts need to be closely coordinated with the DNI--and in some cases we believe steps should be taken to ensure that the Defense Department's intelligence efforts do not undermine the new DNI's ability to manage the Intelligence Community. We identify four important issues pertaining to this relationship here: the need to balance support to military operations with other intelligence requirements; the importance of ensuring that the DNI maintains collection authority over national intelligence collection assets; the need to manage Intelligence Community agencies that reside in the Department of Defense; and the importance of coordinating Defense Department and CIA human intelligence operations.
Balancing support to military operations with other intelligence needs. Balancing the high priority, and often competing, demands on the U.S. Intelligence Community resources will be a significant challenge. The DNI will need to develop processes for serving the military's requirements while preserving the ability to fulfill other national needs. Toward this end, we recommend the creation of a high level position within the Office of the DNI dedicated to military support. This individual would function as the principal military intelligence advisor to the DNI, serve as the Mission Manager for military support issues, and advise the DNI on issues of Defense Department-Intelligence Community coordination.
Ensuring that the DNI maintains authority over the tasking of national intelligence collection assets. If the Director of National Intelligence is to have any ability to build an integrated Intelligence Community, the DNI must be able effectively to manage national intelligence collection capabilities. To achieve this goal, we believe the Defense Department's requirements for national collection assets should be funneled through, not around, the DNI's integrated collection enterprise, outlined in Chapter Seven (Collection). In this process, the Defense Department's requirements for national intelligence collection in support of military operations will be represented by the DNI's principal military advisor. This individual will work closely with STRATCOM and the Combatant Commanders to ensure their needs for national intelligence support are met, and will lead the Target Development Board responsible for creating integrated collection strategies in response to U.S. military requirements. This process maintains the DNI's authority to manage national intelligence collection assets and increases the DNI's ability to effectively meet both the military's requirements and other national intelligence needs.
Developing clear procedures for the management of Defense Department agencies within the Intelligence Community. Many of the Intelligence Community's largest agencies reside within the Department of Defense. The new intelligence legislation's push towards unified intelligence management will further complicate the lives of the heads of these agencies, who will be uncertain whether they should answer to the Secretary of Defense or to the DNI. While some ambiguity is inevitable, there are certain steps that the DNI and the Secretary of Defense could take to add clarity in this area, including developing a joint charter that specifies each agency's reporting chain and operating authorities, and combining and coordinating management evaluations and audits to avoid needless and unproductive duplication of management oversight activities.
It is also critical that the DNI and the Secretary of Defense establish effective and coordinated protocols for exercising their acquisition authorities. As we have noted, the new legislation requires the DNI to share Milestone Decision Authority with the Secretary of Defense on all "Department of Defense programs" in the national intelligence budget. This important provision is also among the statute's more ambiguous ones, as the term "Department of Defense program" is undefined. As the success of these shared acquisition authorities is crucial to the fielding of future capabilities, we believe that the President should require the Secretary of Defense and the DNI to submit, within 90 days of the DNI's confirmation, their procedures for exercising shared Milestone Decision Authority, and a list of those acquisition programs they deem to be "Defense Department programs" under the legislation.
Coordinating Special Operations Command and CIA activities. The war on terrorism, and U.S. Special Operations Command's expanded role as the Defense Department's operational lead, have dramatically increased military intelligence interactions around the world. While the Defense Department has an organic human intelligence capability, the Department must closely coordinate its operations with the DNI to ensure deconfliction of operations and unity of purpose. We offer recommendations to address these coordination issues in our detailed discussion of human intelligence reform needs (Chapter 7, Collection). Here we recommend that the DNI and the Secretary of Defense, as part of their obligation to report to Congress within 180 days on joint procedures for operational coordination between the Defense Department and CIA, 24 address this specific issue of deconfliction with U.S. Special Operations Command.
Another Potential Pitfall: Legal Myths
in the Intelligence Community |
Throughout our work we came across Intelligence Community leaders, operators, and analysts who claimed that they couldn't do their jobs because of a "legal issue." These "legal issues" arose in a variety of contexts, ranging from the Intelligence Community's dealings with U.S. persons to the legality of certain covert actions. And although there are, of course, very real (and necessary) legal restrictions on the Intelligence Community, quite often the cited legal impediments ended up being either myths that overcautious lawyers had never debunked or policy choices swathed in pseudo-legal justifications. Needless to say, such confusion about what the law actually requires can seriously hinder the Intelligence Community's ability to be proactive and innovative. Moreover, over time, it can breed uncertainty about real legal prohibitions. |
We believe this problem is the result of several factors, but for present purposes we note two. First, in the past there has not been a sizable legal staff that focused on Community issues. As a result, many Community problems were addressed through ad hoc , interagency task forces that tended to gravitate toward lowest common denominator solutions that were based on consensus and allowed action to be stalled by the doubts of the most cautious legal shop. Second, many rules and regulations governing the Intelligence Community have existed for decades with little thought given to the legal basis for the rules, or whether circumstances have changed the rules' applicability. Under such circumstances, it is unsurprising that legal "myths" have evolved. |
The recent creation of a DNI General Counsel's office will increase the probability that Community legal issues are addressed more seriously. But the existence of the office alone does not guarantee an ongoing and systematic examination of the rules and regulations that govern the Intelligence Community. We therefore recommend that the DNI General Counsel establish an internal office consisting of a small group of lawyers expressly charged with taking a forward-leaning look at legal issues that affect the Intelligence Community as a whole. By creating such an office, the DNI will help ensure that the Intelligence Community is fully able to confront the many real--and imaginary--legal issues that will arise. |
Many--perhaps most--of the recommendations contained in this report have been made before. That we find ourselves proposing several sensible changes that former Secretary of Defense and Director of Central Intelligence James Schlesinger endorsed in 1971 suggests to us either that the Intelligence Community is inherently resistant to outside recommendations, or that it does not have the institutional capacity to implement them. 25 In either case, we are left with the distinct impression that meaningful intelligence reform proposals are only likely to become reality if the Intelligence Community receives sustained, senior level attention from knowledgeable outside observers. Today the Community receives only episodic oversight from the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB), Congress, and a thinly-stretched National Security Council. We recommend several changes to improve this state of affairs.
7 |
We recommend that the Executive Branch improve its
mechanisms for watching over the Intelligence Community in order to ensure that intelligence
reform does not falter. To this end, we suggest that the Joint Intelligence
Community Council serve as a standing Intelligence Community "customer
council" and that a strengthened President's Foreign Intelligence
Advisory Board assume a more vigorous role in keeping watch over the progress
of reform in the Community. |
We recommend that the Joint Intelligence Community Council (JICC) serve as a "customer council" for the Intelligence Community. The JICC, which was created by the recent legislation, consists of the heads of each department that has a component in the Intelligence Community. Chaired by the DNI, the JICC will include the Secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, Energy, and Homeland Security, the Attorney General, and other officers designated by the President. 26 Although not a perfectly representative group of consumers, the JICC should provide the DNI with valuable feedback on intelligence products. 27 We do not think, however, that the JICC is the appropriate body to perform more sustained oversight of the Intelligence Community. Since the DNI chairs the JICC, and the members of the JICC are heads of departments containing intelligence components, the body would have a "conflict of interest" that would impair its ability to play an independent oversight role.
We recommend that the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board assume a more vigorous role with respect to the Intelligence Community. The PFIAB as it is currently constituted, however, is insufficiently equipped to accomplish this task. In addition to the seasoned national security policy experts now on the Board, a reinvigorated PFIAB would need more technical specialists able to assess Intelligence Community performance, as well as a larger staff to support the review and investigation tasks inherent in meaningful oversight. Such a PFIAB is not impossible to conceive, for it has existed in the past--as it should in the future.
8 |
We recommend that the President suggest that Congress
take steps to improve its structure for intelligence oversight. |
As a commission established by the President, we tread onto the terrain of congressional reform with some trepidation. The new intelligence legislation, however, contains a provision requiring the delivery of our report to Congress. As a result, we believe that it would not be inappropriate for us to make suggestions for reform in this area that the President could, in turn, recommend that the Congress implement.
The 9/11 Commission concluded in its final report that the Congressional intelligence committees "lack the power, influence, and sustained capability" necessary to fulfill their critical oversight responsibilities. 28 The 9/11 Commission offered two alternatives for overhauling the intelligence committees: (1) creating a bicameral committee, modeled on the Joint Atomic Energy Committee; or (2) combining intelligence authorization and appropriation authorities into a single committee in each chamber. 29 The House and Senate have not adopted either of these options. While we echo the 9/11 Commission's support for these proposals, we also recommend a number of more modest suggestions for improving Congressional oversight of intelligence.
Limit the activities of new intelligence oversight subcommittees to strategic oversight. Both the House and the Senate intelligence committees have indicated their intention to establish oversight subcommittees. 30 But these subcommittees will not improve intelligence if they simply demand additional testimony from top intelligence officials on the crisis or scandal of the day. We suggest that, if created, the oversight subcommittees limit their activities to "strategic oversight," meaning they would set an agenda at the start of the year or session of Congress, based on top priorities such as information sharing, and stick to that agenda.
Adjust term limits. The Senate has voted to remove term limits for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. 31 While the House may consider this too large a step, it could consider alternatives that would ensure the survival of institutional memory while also bringing in "new blood" and providing more members with exposure to intelligence issues. For example, the House could lengthen or even eliminate the term limits for some of the committee slots rather than for all of the slots. We suggest making the House leadership's authority to waive term limits explicit in the rules, and specifying that some positions on the intelligence committee would be free of term limits.
Reduce the Intelligence Community's reliance upon supplemental funding. There were good reasons for supplemental funding requests following the September 11 attacks. But for fiscal year 2005, nearly two-thirds of the key operational needs for counterterrorism were not included in the President's budget, and instead were put in a supplemental budget request later in the year. 32 This reduces the Intelligence Community's ability to plan operations and build programs. Instead of continuing to rely on large supplemental appropriations, we recommend that Congress and the President develop annual budgets that include the Intelligence Community's needs for the entire year and better allow planning for future years.
Adjust budget jurisdiction. Currently, the House and Senate oversight committees have different jurisdictions over the various components of the intelligence budget. Both committees have jurisdiction over the National Intelligence Program (NIP). The House intelligence committee also shares jurisdiction with the Armed Services Committee over the Joint Military Intelligence Program (JMIP) and Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities (TIARA) budgets. The Senate intelligence committee has no jurisdiction over JMIP or TIARA, although it provides advice to the Armed Services Committee on both budgets. This complicates conferences on the intelligence authorization bill and reduces intelligence committee input into the JMIP and TIARA budgets. We recommend broadening the Senate intelligence committee's jurisdiction to include JMIP and TIARA in order to integrate intelligence oversight from the tactical through to the national level.
Allocate the intelligence budget by mission, rather than only by program or activity. The DNI can also take steps to streamline and professionalize the intelligence oversight process. One impediment to Congressional evaluation of the intelligence budget is the way the budget is presented. Because line items track specific technologies or programs rather than mission areas, it is nearly impossible for Congress--or the Executive Branch--to evaluate how much money is being spent on priority targets such as terrorism or proliferation. We recommend that the DNI restructure the budget by mission areas, thus permitting greater transparency throughout the budget cycle. This mission-centered budget would permit the individual Community elements to track their expenditures by mission throughout the year, affording the DNI greater flexibility in managing the Community, and the Executive Branch and Congress an increased ability to provide effective oversight.
Deter unauthorized disclosures. More substantive Congressional oversight must be accompanied by a strengthened commitment to protect sensitive information from unauthorized disclosure. The Congress has rules to protect sensitive information and a process for investigating and penalizing those who violate those rules. 33 In some instances, however, unauthorized disclosures have either been ignored or treated lightly. The Senate and House leadership should place greater emphasis on ensuring that all members understand the need to carefully protect sensitive information and the penalties for unauthorized disclosures. For example, the leadership could make clear that all unauthorized disclosures of classified information will be referred to the ethics committees. Furthermore, both Senate and House members who are read into sensitive compartments should follow the same nondisclosure procedures applicable to the Executive Branch. 34
Improve committee mechanisms to encourage bipartisanship. Partisan politics should never be allowed to threaten national security. To foster bipartisanship, we recommend that the House intelligence committee consider adopting provisions similar to those in the Senate, such as designating the ranking member as the Vice Chairman of the committee, requiring that the majority maintain no more than a one-member advantage in membership, and ensuring that the rules provide the majority and minority leaders with equal access to committee information. The committees could also take concrete steps to reinforce close, cooperative relationships among the entire staff. For example, regular joint staff meetings could be encouraged or even required. Perhaps most importantly, the staff should consist of national security professionals focused on the objectives and priorities of the committee.
Encourage more informal discussions and collaboration between the Intelligence Community and its congressional overseers. The Intelligence Community typically interacts with Congress in formal ways, through briefings to the intelligence committees and formal testimony. However, there also have been occasional "off sites" at which senior lawmakers and Intelligence Community leaders have met in a more informal and less adversarial setting. Both sides have stressed the value of these informal sessions, both in fostering cordial cross-branch relationships and in increasing bipartisanship among lawmakers. We encourage the expanded use of these and other informal collaborative efforts.
Consider an intelligence appropriations subcommittee. While the intelligence authorizing committees are well-staffed and completely focused on the Intelligence Community, the intelligence appropriations are simply a small part of the Defense and other appropriators' jurisdiction, so staffing and attention to intelligence issues are in short supply on the appropriations committees. The resulting mismatch reduces oversight and coordination of policy within Congress. While we recognize the difficulties, we suggest that serious consideration be given to the establishment of an appropriations subcommittee focused exclusively on the intelligence budget.
Look for ways to reduce the cost of oversight in the Intelligence Community. With so many congressional committees with jurisdiction over aspects of foreign and domestic intelligence, the oversight process--between staff requests, formal testimony, congressionally directed actions, and budget reviews--imposes great demands on the resources of the Intelligence Community. Intelligence Community professionals collectively appear before Congress in briefings or hearings over a thousand times a year, and also respond to hundreds of formal written requests from Congress annually 35 --and the latter number will only increase in light of the recent intelligence reform legislation, which itself added 27 one-time and 16 annual reports to the DNI's annual congressional reporting requirements. While we recognize that congressional oversight inherently has costs, we encourage the Congress to look for ways to streamline their interactions with the Intelligence Community.
9 |
The Intelligence Community should improve its internal
processes for self-examination, including increasing the use of formal "lessons
learned" studies. |
As important as executive and legislative oversight is, they will never be a substitute for an Intelligence Community that takes self-evaluation seriously. But the Intelligence Community has done far too little to institutionalize "lessons learned" studies and other after-action evaluations that are commonplace in the Department of Defense and other government agencies. Of course, when human resources are stretched thin, the idea of devoting good personnel to examine the past often seems a luxury that intelligence agencies cannot afford.
Understandable as it is, this view must be resisted. Over the long run, an organization with sound "lessons learned" processes will be more efficient and productive--even if those processes seem to be distracting good people and resources from the imperatives of the moment. We recommend that the DNI develop institutionalized processes for performing "lessons learned" studies and for reviewing the Intelligence Community's own capabilities, rather than waiting for commissions like ours to do the job. In a separate chapter we offer a recommendation in this regard that is specific to analysis, (see Analysis, Chapter 8)--but this is a problem that affects all areas of intelligence. While we think it advisable that organizations devoted to self-evaluation exist in all major intelligence agencies, the DNI must drive an independent "lessons learned" process as well--for it is the DNI who will have insight into shortcomings and failures that cut across the intelligence process. We also note that whatever entities at the DNI or agency level assume these after-action responsibilities--be they agency inspectors general or other offices--they should not conduct these reviews to justify disciplinary or other personnel action, but rather to identify shortcomings and successes and to propose improvements to aspects of the intelligence process.
The creation of an integrated Intelligence Community will not happen merely by improving activities within different agencies, and it will most certainly not happen spontaneously. It will take assertive leadership by the new DNI, vigorous support from senior policymakers and Congress, and sustained oversight from outside the Intelligence Community. Provided all that, and substantial time, a Community that has resisted management reform--and often management of any sort--can emerge better configured to deal with the pressing challenges of the new century.
In our discussion of management issues the DNI will confront, we have tried to eschew the "boxology" that often dominates discussions of government reform. While it is obviously important to consider what staff functions will be performed in the Office of the DNI, precise organizational questions about the structure of the office--such as, for instance, the number of deputies the DNI should have and their responsibilities--are questions to which there is no "right answer." Nonetheless, when considering the tasks that will need to be performed in the office of the DNI, we necessarily had to consider how the office might be organized to perform these functions. We offer here the result of these considerations, but we emphasize that the model we propose is a notional one that we offer only to facilitate further discussion.
The new legislation creates a number of positions in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The statute creates a Senate-confirmed principal deputy to the DNI, and empowers the DNI to appoint up to four deputy directors. In addition, the statute also states that the Office of the DNI shall contain a General Counsel, a Director of Science and Technology, a National Counterintelligence Executive, a Civil Liberties Protection Officer, and the National Intelligence Council. Finally, the legislation provides that the Office of the DNI may include "[s]uch other offices and officials as may be established by law or the Director may establish or designate in the office," including "national intelligence centers." Of these various mandated and discretionary offices, only one--the Civil Liberties Protection Officer--is required by the act to "report directly to" the DNI; 36 in our view, the remainder can therefore report to the Director through one of the four Deputy DNIs (DDNI) permitted under the legislation.
The notional model described below--and depicted on the wiring chart at the end of this chapter--is structured around four Deputy Directors: a Deputy Director for Integrated Intelligence Strategies; a Deputy Director for Collection; a Deputy Director for Plans, Programs, Budgets, and Evaluation; and the Chief Information Management Officer. We also suggest the creation of two additional positions: an Assistant DNI for Support to Military Operations, and an Assistant DNI for Human Resources. The section that follows briefly describes the responsibilities of each of these subordinate offices.
We have stressed the need for ensuring that the Intelligence Community's management structure be focused on missions, and propose the creation of Mission Managers to ensure that intelligence collection is driven by the needs of analysts, policymakers, and other intelligence "customers." In our proposed organizational structure for the Office of the DNI, Mission Managers would be housed in the office of a Deputy DNI for "Integrated Intelligence Strategies." This office would also perform the following functions (often through the Mission Managers):
Mission Manager coordination, support, and oversight. The Deputy Director for Integrated Intelligence Strategies would advise the DNI on the intelligence subjects that require Mission Managers, and develop processes for the periodic review of those subjects to ensure that new priority intelligence topics are not missed. He or she would also oversee the Mission Managers and resolve disputes among them in those (we expect rare) situations where they disagree among each other over the prioritization of intelligence requirements.
Customer support. Mission managers will be the primary interface for customer support on their substantive topics, but the DDNI for Integrated Intelligence Strategies would establish procedures to improve customer support across the Intelligence Community and assess new ways to improve the ways in which policymakers and other users receive intelligence support.
Analytical oversight. The office of the Deputy Director for Integrated Intelligence Strategies would be responsible for overseeing the analytical community (often through Mission Managers), reaching out to subject-matter experts outside of the Intelligence Community (and developing procedures and processes for analysts throughout the Community to do the same), and encouraging the development and mainstreaming of new analytical tools.
Current intelligence support to the DNI. In fulfilling his role as principal intelligence advisor to the President, the DNI will require a support staff. This staff would be housed in the Office of the Deputy Director for Integrated Intelligence Strategies, who would serve as the DNI's principal intelligence expert.
Both in this chapter and in our later chapter devoted to Collection (Chapter 7), we emphasize the need for Community-level leadership of vital collection functions that today are not centrally managed. We would create a Deputy DNI for Collection to perform this role. One of this official's most important functions would be to oversee the customer-driven collection requirements process managed by the Mission Managers and their Target Development Boards. The Mission Managers should provide the needed analytic input directly to collection agencies, but there must be a mechanism to ensure that intelligence collectors are responding to those requirements. The Deputy DNI for Collection would also perform the following functions:
Strategic oversight of collection. The Office of the Deputy Director for Collection would monitor the performance of collection agencies in responding to all customer needs, including, most importantly, the requirements developed by Mission Managers and Target Development Boards and those that ensure that U.S. military commanders and forces are also appropriately supported. It would also oversee the development of the "integrated collection enterprise" we recommend in Chapter Seven (Collection).
Development of new collection sources and methods. When collection requirements cannot be met because of insufficient capabilities, this office would spur the development of new sources and methods to overcome the capability gap. This office would play an especially important role in sponsoring those new capabilities whose interoperability across collection agencies is critical to Community collaboration. Efforts to identify new capabilities will include outreach to U.S. government laboratories, industry, and academia, as appropriate.
Strategic investment for Community collection. When collection requirements cannot be met because of insufficient capability, and new technologies and systems are required, the Deputy DNI for Collection would advocate innovative science and technology for collection applications, and would ensure such capability requirements are addressed in the development of the National Intelligence Program (NIP) budget, and in the DNI's inputs to the Joint Military Intelligence Program (JMIP) and Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities (TIARA) budgets.
As we have noted, the DNI's primary leverage will come not through "line" control of Intelligence Community agencies, but rather from his budgetary authorities. We would establish a Deputy DNI for Plans, Programs, Budgets, and Evaluation (PPBE) to ensure that this authority is exercised promptly and completely. The Deputy DNI for PPBE's most significant functional responsibilities would include:
Plans and policy. The DNI is responsible for developing and presenting the NIP budget and for participating in the development of the JMIP and TIARA budgets. 37 To develop a rational investment balance to meet customer needs, the DNI will have to evaluate the capabilities of the Community, develop options for resource allocations, and propose specific programs submitted for inclusion in the NIP.
Comptroller. As a financial manager, the DNI is responsible for executing the NIP and reprogramming funds within limits established in the new legislation. 38 In performing these duties, the DNI will require a staff element to fill these comptroller functions.
Acquisition. The reform legislation makes the DNI the Milestone Decision Authority for major acquisition systems funded in whole within the NIP and assigns the DNI responsibility to procure information technology systems for the Intelligence Community. Through the Deputy DNI for PPBE, the DNI would set acquisition policy, provide acquisition oversight, and act as program manager for all Community systems whose interoperability is essential to Community effectiveness. As we have noted, for the major systems over which the DNI and the Secretary of Defense share acquisition authority, joint procedures must be established with the Defense Department.
Program evaluation. The Deputy DNI for PPBE would be responsible for analyzing and evaluating plans, programs, and budgets in relation to Community objectives and requirements, and for ensuring that costs of Community programs are presented accurately and completely.
One of our major information sharing recommendations is that the DNI appoint a chief information management officer (CIMO) who would manage the information sharing environment for the Intelligence Community. Given the importance of the development of such an environment, we would make the CIMO one of the DNI's Deputies. We detail the CIMO's responsibilities in our chapter on Information Sharing (Chapter 9), but we emphasize here that this individual would be responsible both for information sharing and information security across the Intelligence Community. As the attached organizational chart suggests, we would have the CIMO supported by three separate component offices dedicated to information sharing, information security and protection of sources and methods, and risk management.
The Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) currently has an Associate DCI for Military Support--a position created in the wake of Operation Desert Storm to provide a high level military representative on the DCI's staff whose mission was to improve the Intelligence Community's support to military operations. Incumbents in this position have been three-star officers, normally with a combat-arms background. As we have noted in our management discussion, in the wake of the intelligence reform legislation the relationship between the DNI and the Secretary of Defense will assume great significance. Accordingly, we would suggest that a similar--and strengthened--military support position be created in the Office of the DNI who would act as principal advisor to the DNI on military support issues, serve as Mission Manager for intelligence support to military operations, and assist the DNI in developing joint strategies and coordination procedures between the DNI and the Secretary of Defense.
The intelligence legislation provides the DNI with substantial personnel authorities, and we recommend earlier in this chapter that a DNI-level
Human Resources Authority be established to develop and implement appropriate
personnel policies and procedures for the Intelligence Community. We would
propose that an Assistant DNI for Human Resources oversee this Human Resources
Authority, and oversee the substantial changes in recruiting, training, and
personnel policy that we believe are necessary. The Assistant DNI for Human
Resources would also oversee the
A Notional Organization of
the Office of the
Director of National
1 While the 15 organizations within the Intelligence Community are not all technically "agencies"--some are instead designated as "bureaus" or "offices" within executive departments or military services--we at times refer to them collectively as "agencies," for the sake of simplicity and convenience. For a more detailed description of the components of the Intelligence Community, please see our Overview of the Intelligence Community at Appendix D of this Report.
2 Intelligence Reform and
3 Interview with senior Department of Defense official (
4 The DNI is to "determine" and guide the development of the NIP and the budgets for the Community's component agencies. IRTPA at § 1011. Moreover, in contrast to the DCI, whose formal participation in the budget process ended when the annual budget was prepared, the DNI both directs the allocation of National Intelligence Program appropriations and can "ensure the effective execution" of the annual intelligence budget. Perhaps most importantly, while the DCI could not transfer national intelligence program funds within the budget of an intelligence agency without approval of the agency's department head, the DNI can transfer up to $150 million annually (or 5 percent of a given intelligence agency's budget) without approval. Id .
5 The overall budget for intelligence is divided into three separate programs: the National Intelligence Program; the Joint Military Intelligence Program (JMIP); and the programs for Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities (TIARA). The Secretary of Defense has primary authority to develop the annual JMIP and TIARA budgets, although the new legislation states that the DNI shall "participate" in the development of these processes. Id .
6 The DNI has exclusive Milestone Decision Authority only for major system intelligence acquisition programs that are not in the Department of Defense. The DNI must share Milestone Decision Authority with the Secretary of Defense for systems funded by the NIP that are within the Defense Department, and lacks even joint Milestone Decision Authority over major system intelligence programs that rely in whole or in part on the Defense Department's joint military or tactical intelligence program funds. Id .
7 Id .
8 Id .
9 Some have suggested--drawing on a loose analogy to the military's use of "joint commands"--that the best way to accomplish this task is to divide the universe of intelligence into "national intelligence centers." As we discuss later in this chapter, while we believe that centers can and should be used in certain circumstances, we are less enthusiastic about the idea of using centers as a generally applicable organizational model for tackling intelligence problems, and believe the Mission Manager concept to be superior for this purpose.
10 IRTPA at § 1011.
11 See, e.g ., James R. Locher, Victory on the Potomac: The Goldwater-Nichols Act Unifies the Pentagon (2002); Commission on the Roles and Capabilities of the United States Intelligence Community (i.e., Aspin-Brown Commission), Preparing for the 21st Century: An Appraisal of U.S. Intelligence (1996).
12 DCI Community Management Staff, NFIP--Funds by Selected
Topic: Education and Training (
13 Interview with senior CIA
official (
14 IRTPA at § 1021 (on the NCTC) and § 1022 (on the NCPC).
15 Id . at § 1022.
16 While we believe that chemical weapons are not a threat of the same order as nuclear and biological weapons, there are sufficient areas of overlap between the processes for collecting intelligence on these three categories of weapons to justify the inclusion of chemical weapons in the NCPC's mission. It is critical, however, that resources at the NCPC be allocated among these weapons types in a manner that is proportionate to the threat.
17 Final Report of the
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the
18 We recognize that the Intelligence Community implements policy when it executes covert action, but this is done (we think appropriately) with very strict oversight and in relatively limited circumstances.
19 Interview with R. James Woolsey, former Director of Central
Intelligence (
20 Interview with senior Defense Department official (
21 Interview with senior Defense Department official (
22 Id .
23 Interview with senior Defense
Department official (
25 James Schlesinger, A Review of the Intelligence Community (Mar. 10, 1971).
26 IRTPA at § 1031.
27 The JICC as currently composed does not include a representative from the Executive Office of the President, or other parts of the Executive Branch that do not include elements of the Intelligence Community. The President could easily solve the problem of no White House representation by making the Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs a member of the Council.
28 9/11 Commission Report at p. 420.
29 Id .
30 The
31 Senate Resolution 445, 108th Congress, 2nd Session (
32 Interview with DCI Community Management Staff official (
33 Rules of the Select
Committee on Intelligence, Congressional Record
34 HPSCI staff members are required by HPSCI Rules 12(b)(2) to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement. Both Members and staff are bound by the House Rules regarding non-disclosure of classified material. Senate Rule 10.5 also contains a requirement of a Non-Disclosure Agreement for SSCI staffers.
35 Office of the DCI, Submission to Commission (March 2005).
36 IRTPA at § 1011.
37 Id .
38 Id .
& Recommendations |
The collection of
information is the foundation for everything that the
Intelligence Community does. While successful
collection cannot ensure a good analytical product, the failure to collect information--as
our |
This chapter sets forth our recommendations for
improving the collection capabilities of our Intelligence Community so that
it is better equipped to confront today's
diffuse, elusive, and ever-changing intelligence challenges. These
recommendations fall into two categories: those focused on improving the
performance of particular collection agencies, and those aimed at integrating
the management of collection across the Intelligence Community. Among other
suggestions, we recommend that the DNI: |
§ Create an "integrated collection enterprise"--that is, a management structure that ensures that the Intelligence Community's decentralized collection capabilities are developed in a manner that is consistent with long-term strategic intelligence priorities, and are deployed in a coordinated way against today's intelligence targets; |
§ Encourage the development of new and innovative human intelligence collection techniques, and empower the CIA to coordinate the full spectrum of human intelligence activities performed in the Intelligence Community; and |
§ Establish an Open Source Directorate in the CIA responsible for collecting and storing open source information, and developing or incorporating commercial tools to assist users in data searches--including those in foreign languages. |
The Intelligence Community exists, first and foremost, to collect
information vital to the national security of the
The collection challenges facing the Intelligence Community are
certainly daunting. In addition to maintaining the ability to penetrate closed
societies--a capability that proved essential to
the conduct of foreign policy during the Cold War and that remains vital today
with regard to states including
It is clear that the old ways of doing business will not suffice to meet these challenges. For example, the "traditional" model for collecting human intelligence is ill-suited to confront some of today's most critical intelligence challenges. And traditional technical collection techniques have been degraded by the pace of change in telecommunications technology and by our adversaries' increasing awareness of our capabilities. It therefore came as no surprise to us when we found that many recent intelligence successes resulted from more innovative collection techniques. But as these innovation efforts are still episodic and far too rare, in this chapter we offer recommendations aimed at encouraging our intelligence agencies to develop new ways of collecting information--ranging from methods for conducting human intelligence, to finding technologies for exploiting the massive amount of "open source" information now available on the Internet and in other publicly available sources.
But to focus only on developing new techniques would be to confront only half of the collection challenge. Of equal importance--and consistent with our call for greater integration throughout the Intelligence Community--we found that collectors too often operate independently. Our largely autonomous collection agencies have not been accountable to any central authority within the Intelligence Community for the investments they make or the quality of intelligence they collect. Moreover, because they do not coordinate their activities, opportunities for highly promising collaborative collection are often missed. Therefore, we also propose that the Intelligence Community's collection capabilities be managed as an "integrated collection enterprise"--that is, we need a collection process that is strategically managed and coordinated at every step, from investment in research and development, to the acquisition of technical systems, to the formulation and implementation of coordinated cross-agency strategies for deploying our collection resources.
Despite the difficulty and diversity of the challenges facing the Intelligence Community, the excuse "it's too hard" plainly will not suffice. We must reconfigure the Community's collection capabilities in ways that enable it to reduce uncertainty against key intelligence threats. This chapter offers our recommendations for accomplishing this objective.
Our recommendations are designed to increase the Intelligence Community's ability to collect against today's targets as well as expected targets of the future. As a starting point, however, it is worth considering how our collection system got where it is today, and why the rapidly changing nature of many threats makes that system so inadequate.
Throughout the Cold War, the
During this period, a number of intelligence agencies--the National Security Agency, the National Reconnaissance Office, and others--developed around the various technologies and disciplines used to collect against these targets. 1 These agencies were largely independent entities capable of determining their own strategies with only general guidance from above. As a general matter, they engaged in limited collaborative collection, and each (unsurprisingly) tended to invest in the research and development of technologies for collecting on the traditional Cold War targets. They did not (nor, perhaps, could they) anticipate the very different threats that we face today.
In contrast to the Cold War, today's collection environment is characterized by a wider spectrum of threats and targets. For example, non-state actors such as al-Qa'ida present a new type of asymmetric menace. They operate globally, blending into local society and using informal networks for support. Locating and tracking dispersed terrorists and guerrilla fighters hiding in an urban environment--rather than massed armored forces on a European battlefield--typifies the type of collection problems the Intelligence Community faces today. 2 Such dispersed targets can, and often do, communicate chiefly through methods that are difficult to detect and that some of our collection systems are poorly suited to penetrate. In sum, today's threats are quick, quiet, and hidden.
Of course, state actors like
It's not just that targets have changed; demands for collection
have also shifted. Most significantly, since the first Gulf War,
In the not-too-distant future, the U.S. military hopes to achieve a common operating picture of the battlefield in real time using a diverse set of tactical, national, and commercial sensors and communication technologies. This force transformation will create new requirements for collection and necessitate new approaches to fusing and integrating data to enable real-time analysis. And although the military's vision is not yet a reality, current demands have already put a strain on finite collection capabilities.
As a result, military requirements on national collection systems
(such as satellites) have already diminished our effectiveness with respect to
other targets important to national decisionmakers.
For example, a study of why the Intelligence Community failed to warn of the
surprise nuclear tests in
Regrettably, the Intelligence Community does not currently have a systematic process for balancing these competing interests. Today, the Assistant DCI for Collection and the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence meet frequently to discuss collection issues, including the allocation of national intelligence systems to support the needs of the military. However, neither individual has the requisite authority or resources to routinely develop and direct the implementation of integrated target development strategies. 7 As a result, the Intelligence Community has tended not to use its available collection systems efficiently.
This inefficiency is merely illustrative of a larger problem--the absence of methods for prioritizing and coordinating our Intelligence Community's decentralized collection capabilities. No office or individual sets long-term research and development priorities, acquires necessary capabilities, and formulates and implements an integrated collection strategy from a Community-wide perspective. Instead, each of these functions is run by a panoply of different intelligence collection organizations.
Our case study of
Many of these observations--and our associated recommendations--are not new. Several decades of studies of the Intelligence Community have identified the lack of a unified, coherent collection process as a major shortcoming of the Community. 8 These studies recognized that under the existing system, no one other than the President, who obviously lacks the time for such a detailed task, has the clear authority to direct all of the nation's collection assets. This absence of central authority has impeded the development and implementation of unified strategies that operate existing collection assets against "hard targets." 9 In today's threat environment, we cannot wait decades longer to remedy these problems.
1 |
The DNI should create a new management structure within
the Office of the DNI that manages collection
as an "integrated collection enterprise."
Such an integrated approach should include
coordinated target development, collection management, data management,
strategic planning and investment, and the development of new collection
techniques. |
Intelligence collection is a massive endeavor. In order to collect effectively, the Intelligence Community must develop, buy, and operate collection systems, manage the data that the systems collect, and plan for the acquisition of future systems. It is this cradle-to-grave process that we refer to as the "collection enterprise." As the following makes clear, the Mission Managers we proposed in our chapter on management will play an integral role in nearly every facet of this integrated structure. There are five key components to this enterprise:
Target development: The process of defining collection priorities, determining existing collection gaps, and developing integrated collection strategies to address those gaps;
Collection management: Ensuring the effective implementation of the integrated collection strategies across the collection disciplines;
Data management: Supervising the processing, exploitation, movement, and analysis of data that is collected through each of the different collection disciplines;
Strategic planning and investment: Evaluating different investment alternatives, considering budgetary tradeoffs, and establishing long-term acquisition strategies; and
Developing new collection techniques: Evaluating current collection methods, designing new methods (including new platforms for human intelligence), and establishing research and development programs to fill intelligence needs.
As we have already discussed, each of the five functions we identify is currently performed primarily within individual collection agencies. The goal of our recommendation is to create an integrated collection process that performs each of these functions from the perspective of the entire Intelligence Community, rather than individual agencies. This is not to say that there are no benefits to the current decentralized approach to intelligence collection. We recognize, for example, that each agency understands its own capabilities best and is, in many ways, able to optimize its own efforts.
Our recommendation therefore attempts to build on these strengths. The new integrated enterprise will draw on the technical expertise possessed by each collector, but will also demand that agencies work together to ensure that all forms of collection are used where they are most needed and effective. We also do not expect the new collection enterprise to displace existing personal relationships between collectors and analysts that allow analysts to provide additional clarifications or tasking. We do expect, however, that the centralized process we propose would ensure that the resources of our collection agencies are marshaled in a more strategic, cost-effective, and coordinated way.
We consider each of the key components of this integrated enterprise in turn.
2 |
Target Development Boards, which would be chaired by the |
Current collection processes are unique to each collection discipline and are often supported by complex and opaque "requirements systems." This typically means that in order to ask a collection agency to gather intelligence on a particular issue, analysts must forward their intelligence needs to their organization's collection managers or to discipline-specific Community collection committees, which in turn send collection requirements to specific collection agencies. Some analysts may also submit informal, ad hoc requests to their working-level associates and counterparts in collection organizations. Each collection agency then works independently to satisfy the "customer"--meaning, in this case, the analyst.
This rather haphazard process is occasionally prodded or refined by the intervention of the Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Collection and his National Intelligence Collection Board (NICB), whose members represent the collection agencies. The board members meet to discuss and review some high-priority intelligence issues and the efforts by individual collection agencies to fulfill the associated collection requirements. We believe that this process has shown itself to be inadequate to the collection challenges facing the Community today, and that a more integrated strategy--one that would consolidate information needs and collection capabilities in one forum--would be a dramatic leap forward. We recommend the establishment of standing Target Development Boards for this purpose.
In our chapter on management (Chapter 6), we recommend that the DNI establish several "Mission Managers" who would be responsible for managing both analysis and collection on a particular intelligence target. Each Mission Manager would chair a Target Development Board, which would precisely define and prioritize information needs for that Mission Manager's subject area, determine existing intelligence gaps, and develop collection strategies to address them. As this list of responsibilities suggests, the boards would comprise both analysts and collectors from all relevant agencies and the military. Board members would have full visibility into the range of collection capabilities (including, as needed, those that are especially sensitive). The boards, led by the Mission Manager, would develop collection strategies that would serve as the blueprint for the Community's collection efforts. The boards would also provide a forum for discussing the optimal way to conduct those efforts. Ultimately, Target Development Boards would assess whether collectors have fulfilled their information needs 10 --and if they determine that existing collection capabilities cannot fulfill these requirements, Mission Managers could recommend that research and development of particular new sources and technologies are needed.
We have purposely avoided addressing the question of comprehensively listing which issues should be served by Mission Managers. In our view, the new DNI will be best situated to evaluate what issues are most pressing and therefore require Mission Managers. That being said, we believe the DNI should develop clear processes for defining the scope of responsibility for new Mission Managers and for phasing out--or "sunsetting"--Mission Managers whose missions no longer warrant such attention. We think this last point is critical, for one of the advantages we see in Mission Managers, as opposed to more permanent centers, is the flexibility they offer the DNI to adjust to shifting priorities. Finally, the DNI might consider establishing a "Global Issues Mission Manager" to serve as a "catch-all" for any number of issues that require special attention yet do not require their own Mission Manager.
Target Development Boards would send baseline requirements for their issue directly to collection agencies ( e.g. , NSA, NGA, CIA). In addition, a consolidated, prioritized list of all the target board requirements--reflecting the priorities of the President, other key decisionmakers, and the military--would be developed on a periodic basis to provide strategic guidance to collectors as to the nation's most important information needs and to ensure a balance is maintained between national intelligence collection support to military operations and other national priorities.
The part of the DNI's office responsible for managing national intelligence collection resources would work with the Mission Managers to ensure that their consolidated collection strategies are executed efficiently, and would resolve conflicting requirements. This part of the DNI's office would be best suited to strategically oversee the implementation of the integrated Target Development Board strategies by guaranteeing that collection agencies were in fact targeting the identified priorities and making sure that each collection system was targeting the intelligence gaps that it is best suited to address. This same entity could monitor overall developments within the collection organizations and would assist the Mission Managers by keeping them informed of collection activities and helping to evaluate the performance of collectors.
Introducing Mission Managers, Target Development Boards, and a strategic management element to the collection process would thus address several specific, serious flaws that were identified in our case studies by providing a permanent mechanism for identifying current and future intelligence gaps and pairing those gaps with the capabilities required to fill them, a forum for developing strategies that optimize resources by reducing redundancy and maximizing opportunities to use the various collection disciplines in tandem or complimentary fashion, and a formalized system for ironing out competing collection priorities across the Community.
Targeting in an Integrated Fashion |
What might the target development and strategic management components of the integrated collection enterprise mean in practice? We anticipate that the basic process might work much as described in the following scenario if the DNI were to designate a Mission Manager for Country X: |
We envision that the Country X Mission Manager, in conjunction with analysts and the Country X Target Development Board, will identify the most important subject matter areas relating to Country X's nuclear program. The Target Development Board will then study all available collection capabilities against the target and craft a strategy that matches those capabilities from across the Community to the intelligence "gaps" we have in our understanding of Country X's program. If collectors come up short in filling these "gaps," the Mission Manager may recommend more aggressive collection techniques involving higher risk strategies. Because it is a standing entity, the Target Development Board will be able to quickly revisit priorities in response to changing events, and adjust the collection strategy correspondingly. |
Having developed a collection strategy, the Mission Manager then will forward collection requirements to various collection agencies--NSA, NRO, CIA, DIA, and others. A collection-focused office in the DNI's office (perhaps a Deputy DNI for Collection), assisted by the Mission Manager, will work to ensure that the collection agencies implement the collection strategy, help them fine-tune it where necessary to encourage complementary collection strategies, and seek to avoid redundant efforts. |
As our case studies suggest, there will likely
be conflicts over resources. For instance, the Mission Manager for |
The collection enterprise does not stop with the actual collection of information. It is also about moving that information into the collection agencies, processing and exploiting the data, disseminating it to analysts and, increasingly, directly to users. All of this requires a sophisticated information infrastructure that allows for the manipulation of huge volumes of data. (Chapter 9 (Information Sharing) deals with the necessity of removing barriers to information flow among agencies.) But a precondition to improving Community-wide information sharing is the development of common data management infrastructures within individual agencies that can be integrated with the Community as a whole. Only then will different collection agencies be able to collaborate and effectively maximize the advantages of multi-discipline collection. 11
The idea that an integrated data management infrastructure will allow collection agencies to work more closely with one another is far from new. In fact, we must commend the current Directors of NSA and NGA--Lieutenant General Michael Hayden and Lieutenant General (Ret.) James Clapper--for their visionary efforts to create interfacing data management tools and methodologies for their two agencies. Regrettably, the directors' efforts have been stymied by two problems. First, the agency bureaucracies have tended to focus on their local needs versus the more global, Community-wide needs. Second, both agencies have been unable to successfully complete the necessary large-scale acquisition contracts. 12
The lack of progress in developing new information infrastructures, and the failure to develop common information technology standards across the Community, will continue to be a major impediment to an integrated collection enterprise. Without a Community-wide plan, we fear that individual agencies will continue to invest--and waste--large amounts of resources in underperforming information infrastructures that cannot be integrated easily with other information systems across the Community.
We therefore propose, consistent with the Intelligence Reform and
Technical collection currently accounts for roughly half of the intelligence budget. 14 One of the obstacles to achieving an integrated collection system is the fragmented nature of the intelligence budget, which is divided along programmatic lines and largely committed to legacy systems. Previous attempts to develop Community-wide budget priorities have met resistance from individual intelligence organizations, which naturally prefer the autonomy they enjoy under the current system.
Without a single individual or office to overcome these barriers,
the Intelligence Community's enormous investment in technical collection has
been, in some cases, duplicative and slow to
respond to changed conditions; it has also provided the
We believe the DNI should establish an office with requisite authorities to develop a strategic investment plan for Community-wide collection capabilities. This body would:
Review, evaluate, and oversee National Intelligence Program (NIP)
collection programs and budgets as part of the DNI's annual review process,
including strategic investment for development of
future collection concepts and associated processing, exploitation, and
analysis capabilities;
Conduct evaluations of collection investment alternatives across
Allocate strategic investments to develop new sources and methods;
Collaborate with designees of the Secretary
of Defense to ensure the effective integration of
collection systems in the NIP, Joint Military Intelligence Program (JMIP), and Tactical Intelligence and Related
Activities (TIARA) budgets;
Ensure that investments in collection, processing, exploitation,
and dissemination technologies are appropriately balanced; and
Ensure appropriate funding for strategic
investment priorities and, to the extent possible, ensure that such funds are
not obtained through supplemental funding.
The primary obstacle to developing and implementing a sound research and development program is the same as that which stands in the way of an integrated strategic investment plan. Today there is no single official empowered to manage the Community's overall research and development needs. A single person should have authority to assess alternative options, select among competing priorities, choose solutions, and direct appropriate research and development initiatives to solve collection problems.
To establish an integrated approach to research and development across the Intelligence Community, the DNI should create an office responsible for assessing collection technology needs and developing a unified research and development strategy. This structure should be responsible for the following functions:
Assessing program and technology gaps and proposing solutions;
Developing and defining collection research and development
strategies and plans;
Developing and implementing innovative
approaches for technical, operational, and
exploitation functions related to collection;
Working with the Office of the DNI's
Director of Science and Technology to ensure that the national technology
community--including the government, national labs,
academia, and the commercial sector--has effective processes to recognize
future threats and opportunities, and to help develop new and effective
collection approaches;
Ensuring the development of collection sensors, platforms,
systems, and architectures that show substantial promise of defeating foreign
denial and deception programs; and
Ensuring that agencies have sufficient research and development
funds to take advantage of innovative new approaches in collection and
This office should also be equipped with a significant budget in order to fund independent research without first seeking consensus from the collection agencies' various research and development units. It should also be given authority to oversee and recommend modifications to the research and development budgets of those units. We believe that the DNI should determine how these collection-specific research and development needs should relate to the newly-created Director of Science and Technology. 15
Even with the creation of an office dedicated to Community-wide research and development, we remain concerned that the DNI may have difficulty ensuring unity of effort. 16 The DNI does not have control over significant portions of the research and development budget contained in JMIP and TIARA. Nor does the new legislation resolve existing conflicts between the authorities of the DNI and Secretary of Defense for funding and managing programs within the NIP, JMIP, and TIARA. We have learned of several instances in which important efforts were stalled by conflicts of authority. For example, at least one major technical collection initiative--one that we cannot describe in our unclassified report--has been in limbo for over two years because the Intelligence Community and Defense Department cannot agree on a single set of requirements, mission scenarios, funding, operational control, and integration with other technical collection programs. Our recommendation, therefore, is only a half-step toward the needed solution; as we have noted elsewhere (see Chapter 6, Management), close cooperation with the Defense Department is also required.
Human intelligence serves policymakers by providing a unique
window into our targets' most guarded intentions, plans, and programs. During
the Cold War, intelligence from GRU Colonel Oleg
Penkovskiy proved critical to our management and
eventual resolution of the Cuban missile crisis. Later, Polish Colonel Ryszard
Kuklinsky provided us with highly secret war plans from the
As the President himself has observed, the
Losing human intelligence resources. Since the dissolution of the
The threat has changed, but we have not adapted. Post-Cold War targets--which include numerous "denied areas" and elusive non-state terror organizations--require our human intelligence agencies to develop different skill sets. We believe that human intelligence collectors have been too slow to respond to this sea change in operational requirements.
The hardest conventional targets remain largely
impenetrable. Traditional state targets remain resistant to
human penetrations. Our foes tend to be police states and totalitarian
dictatorships--regimes that typically excel at
countering espionage against them. Closed states like
Human intelligence collection is uncoordinated and lacks common standards. Minimal coordination among elements in the past sufficed when the CIA, FBI, and the Defense Department had more distinct missions, but lines of authority have blurred due to these agencies' responses to the imperatives of the terrorist threat. Both the FBI and the Defense Department's Special Operations Forces are major new players, and DIA has expanded its existing human intelligence service. There is considerable value in the new resources and perspectives that these new players bring, but there are risks as well. These risks can only be addressed through greater coordination.
Some human intelligence agencies do a poor job of
validating human sources. The
story of "Curveball"--the human source who lied to the Intelligence
Community about
We believe that these deficiencies in validating sources demonstrate that the Intelligence Community needs to change fundamentally the way it conducts the human intelligence mission. Specifically, we recommend: (1) that the Community develop and increase the use of new human intelligence collection methods; (2) that a new Human Intelligence Directorate be created within the CIA and that it be given the lead in coordinating the full spectrum of human intelligence activities performed Community-wide; (3) that steps be taken to professionalize the Intelligence Community's cadre of human intelligence officers; and (4) that human intelligence training be diversified and expanded to broaden expertise and reduce seemingly intractable training bottlenecks.
3 |
Strengthen the CIA's authority to manage and coordinate
overseas human intelligence operations across the Intelligence Community by
creating a Human Intelligence Directorate outside the Directorate of Operations. |
The new Act stipulates that the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (DCIA) will "provide overall direction for and coordination of the collection of national intelligence outside the United States through human sources by elements of the Intelligence Community ... and ensure that the most effective use is made of resources." 20 Consistent with this statutory mandate, we recommend the creation of a Human Intelligence Directorate--within the CIA but separate from the existing Directorate of Operations--to serve as a national human intelligence authority, exercising the responsibility to ensure the coordination of all agencies conducting human intelligence operations on foreign soil.
The Human Intelligence Directorate would have direct
"command" authority over CIA human intelligence components--which, if
this Commission's recommendations are accepted, would be expanded to include not only the Directorate of Operations but
also the proposed
When most people think of human intelligence, they think about
the CIA--and, more specifically, about the professional case officers in the CIA's
Directorate of Operations (DO) who conduct the
CIA's human espionage operations. But there are in fact a host of entities that
collect human intelligence either through clandestine or overt means, ranging
from long-established agencies like the Defense
We propose the creation of the Human Intelligence Directorate within CIA to address this pressing need. The Directorate would coordinate the overseas operations of the DO with those of the Defense Department and the FBI. The CIA--with a network of case officers around the globe--is uniquely situated to perform this function, and its power to insist on such coordination should be reaffirmed. To accomplish this task, however, there are many issues the CIA's Human Intelligence Directorate will have to resolve with the Defense Department and the FBI in establishing its authorities with respect to human intelligence. In order to ensure suitable attention to this process, we recommend the Director of CIA (DCIA) be required to report to the DNI, within 90 days of the DNI's confirmation, exactly what protocols have been established with the Defense Department and the FBI to ensure effective coordination among the three organizations and appropriate oversight of their respective activities.
The need for coordination is pressing and pronounced. Increasingly, for example, the FBI's intelligence operations cross national boundaries, thus requiring greater coordination with CIA and the Defense Department. The CIA, and in particular its field supervisors, should act as the focal point for overseas coordination to ensure that FBI tradecraft practices abroad reflect the hostile environment in which intelligence gathering occurs.
We emphasize three things that would not occur under our proposed system. First, other human intelligence collection agencies--to include DIA clandestine and overt operations, the Special Operations Command, and other human intelligence operations carried out by military services--would not surrender command authority and operational control over their human intelligence assets. Rather than "run" these components, the Human Intelligence Directorate would broadly direct and coordinate human intelligence activities overseas. Second, the DCIA's authorities as head of the Human Intelligence Directorate would not extend to directing collection against any specific target; rather, as discussed earlier in this Chapter and in Chapter Eight (Analysis), this responsibility would fall to Mission Managers. Third, we do not propose changing or stifling successful coordination efforts that already occur at "lower levels" in the field.
In addition to coordinating overseas human intelligence
operations for the Community, the Human Intelligence Directorate would serve as
the centerpiece for Community-wide human intelligence issues, including by helping to develop a national
human intelligence strategy, integrating (where appropriate) collecting and
reporting-disseminating systems, and establishing Community-wide standards for
training and tradecraft. Finally, the Directorate also would have the
responsibility for expanding, enriching, and diversifying the full range of
human intelligence capabilities. We believe it is this task that makes it
essential that the Human Intelligence Directorate be located within the CIA and
under the direction of the Agency's Director--but not part of the Directorate of Operations. As discussed in
detail below, we believe that the DO is not ideally situated to incubate a
variety of new human intelligence techniques, or to vet those developed by
other agencies or entities, such as the
4 |
The CIA should develop and manage a range of new overt
and covert human intelligence capabilities. In particular, a " |
The Directorate of Operations, which conducts the CIA's human espionage operations, is one of the Intelligence Community's more elite and storied organizations. It takes justifiable pride in its ability to recruit spies and manage diplomatically delicate foreign liaison relationships. The DO has rigorous training programs--its premier training facility known colloquially as "the Farm," has become well-known through its depiction in popular movies and novels--and continues to attract some of the nation's most impressive talent.
It is a well-known rule of bureaucratic behavior, however, that when an organization does something particularly well, it is difficult to encourage that organization--or the people within it--to do things that are new and different. 21 And so it has proven with the Directorate of Operations. While the need to develop new methods of collecting human intelligence has been apparent for years, the DO has struggled to develop and "mainstream" new techniques, remaining wedded instead to the traditional model of recruiting spies.
We have seen positive indications that the new leadership of the
CIA is aggressively exploring new human intelligence methods. If it is left to
the DO to develop and implement these new ideas,
however, we are skeptical that they will ever become more than a peripheral
part of the DO's mission. Accordingly, we recommend the establishment of an
We recognize that there are arguments that such an innovation
center should be placed outside of the CIA entirely, in light of the
historically outsized influence that the DO has held over the CIA's management. But in our view it would be
inadvisable to add yet another organization to the already dispersed
constellation of human intelligence collection entities. (Indeed, as we
suggested in the previous section, we believe that the CIA should exercise a stronger hand in coordinating human
intelligence collection across the Intelligence Community.) The DNI, however,
should monitor the
In addition to this institutional recommendation to encourage the development of innovative new human intelligence practices, in our classified report we also point to several specific methods that in our judgment should either be explored or used more extensively. Unfortunately, these specific methods cannot be discussed in our unclassified report.
We have been critical of the CIA's Directorate of Operations at certain points, but it is important also to emphasize what they do well. While we have concluded that the DO is not the best place to foster innovation in human intelligence, it does continue to set the standard for traditional human intelligence operational "tradecraft." It is to the DO that the rest of the Community should look for guidelines on asset validation and ways to build productive relationships with liaison services. We recommend that the DCIA, acting in his Community leadership role as the head of the Human Intelligence Directorate, work actively to develop and further professionalize human intelligence components outside of CIA in these and other areas.
For example, our review of the Community suggests that the Defense Department's attempts to develop a clandestine strategic intelligence arm have fallen short because of the absence of a professional human intelligence career path--for both military officers and civilians--and an overall environment that historically has not fostered sufficient respect for, or investment in, human intelligence collection capabilities. While there are of course many talented Defense HUMINT clandestine case officers, the service has not developed the operational capability that it would possess if intelligence officers followed a long-term career path and passed on lessons learned. 23 We believe that the CIA--in its role as Community-wide human intelligence coordinator--should assist DIA in further professionalizing its cadre of clandestine case officers, and--in light of the Community-wide scarcity of fully-trained case officers--ensure that Defense HUMINT's clandestine service is properly leveraged and coordinated with the DO's operations.
5 |
The CIA should take the lead in systematizing and
standardizing the Intelligence Community's asset validation procedures, and
integrating them with all information gathering
activities across the
human intelligence spectrum. |
The case of Curveball (described in detail in our
Collecting Human Intelligence: Custodial Interrogations |
One source of critical intelligence,
particularly with respect to terrorist plans and operations involving the use
of nuclear, biological,
or chemical weapons, is the interrogation of captured
detainees. We consider it essential, and indeed have been assured that it is
currently the case, that the Attorney General personally approves any
interrogation techniques used by intelligence agencies that go beyond openly
published |
6 |
The Intelligence Community should train more human
intelligence operators and collectors, and its
training programs should be modified to support the full spectrum of human intelligence collection methods. |
The reforms and initiatives discussed above would vastly improve our nation's human intelligence capabilities. But one thing will still be missing--the people necessary to do what needs to be done. We recognize the ease of saying "more money will solve the problem," and for that reason have avoided recommendations that do little more than propose an outlay of additional funds. But in the case of human intelligence, we simply need more people.
In our classified report, we offer statistics showing how badly outgunned our human intelligence collectors are, at precisely the time when the most is expected of them. Although we make few recommendations that we believe will require substantial budget increases, we do believe that this is an area where increased funding for the purpose of expanding human intelligence forces would be appropriate--and where, as we have noted elsewhere (see Management, Chapter 6), the need for long term planning militates strongly toward a shift away from unpredictable supplemental budget appropriations. In our classified report, we offer additional recommendations on how to improve human intelligence training programs within the Intelligence Community. This discussion cannot be included in our unclassified report.
Signals intelligence and imagery collection systems are obviously critical to the Intelligence Community's ability to collect information. Unfortunately, as our Iraq case study vividly illustrates, a combination of factors--most relating to our adversaries' increasingly effective use of denial and deception--have significantly eroded the utility of the Community's legacy signals and imagery systems. In our classified report, we specify examples highlighting the scope of the problem.
The Community is investigating and developing numerous technologies and methods that can potentially surmount some of these collection challenges. These technologies cannot be discussed in detail in an unclassified report. However, we recommend that the DNI should, as an early priority, delve into the complex technical issues that surround these innovations. The DNI should also assist collectors in developing and operationalizing the most promising innovations, while redoubling efforts to improve existing means of countering and reducing the distorting effects of denial and deception.
To aid him in the latter effort, the DNI will inherit a commendable roadmap previously developed by the DCI. Among other things, this strategy establishes efforts to counter-denial and deception by our adversaries as "a top priority for the Intelligence Community." 24 Yet, like many DCI strategies, we are concerned that the prose has not fully translated into practice. To ensure effective implementation, we suggest a mid-course review of the strategy's first five years: a thorough examination of accomplishments and shortfalls, an update of the principal actions that specific Intelligence Community entities have taken and should take, and a renewed effort to solicit the full backing and resources of relevant planning and acquisition professionals across the Community. The effort to overcome foreign denial and deception will be ongoing; there is no easy or quick fix for the problems that plague technical collectors.
In the short term, technical collectors' most important contributions to the Community's mission may occur when they operate in conjunction with other collection disciplines. As a result, we believe that implementation of the integrated collection enterprise we recommend in this chapter will significantly enhance the Community's ability to optimize its existing technical collection capabilities. Target Development Boards, in particular, will provide an ongoing opportunity to engage in cooperative collection efforts among collection disciplines--specifically to capitalize on the joint capabilities of technical and human collectors. Such joint activities have been at the source of some of the Community's most notable successes in recent years. In our classified report, we cite examples of types of joint efforts which we cannot discuss here.
7 |
The President should seek to have the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act amended to extend the duration of electronic
surveillance and "pen registers" in
cases involving agents
of foreign powers who are not |
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) 25 governs, in part, the manner in
which the
The increased frequency with which NSA must obtain FISA orders,
in turn, has placed a significant burden on the Department of Justice's Office
of Intelligence Policy Review (OIPR), which represents
We recommend that the President seek to have FISA amended to
extend the duration of electronic surveillance and "pen register" 27 orders as they apply to agents
of foreign powers who are not
8 |
The DNI should appoint an authority responsible for
managing and overseeing innovative technologies, including the use of
technologies often referred to as
To its proponents, measurement and signature intelligence, or MASINT, is an unjustly overlooked specialty. A wide variety of collection techniques fall under the heading of MASINT--everything from sensors, lasers, ground-based radars, and pretty much any other technical measure that does not fit easily into the traditional intelligence disciplines. 28 Skeptics view these as a batch of unrelated technical intelligence tools, better developed and funded separately rather than under a single label.
Putting aside these definitional problems, some MASINT technical collection measures have had successes. Such technical capabilities can sometimes identify WMD programs, and can help counter denial and deception programs.
Although we are unsure of exactly how such techniques can best be supported, we are confident that the current situation is not the answer. 29 The designation of DIA--which lacks the staff, budget, and authority to control the development and deployment of MASINT systems--as the "National MASINT Manager" has failed to help these techniques prosper. These techniques are, almost by definition, some of the more innovative collection techniques in the Intelligence Community's arsenal, but they are often given short shrift as a result of DIA's neglect or disinterest.
We therefore recommend that the DNI take responsibility for coordinating new intelligence technologies, including those that now go under the title MASINT. This could be done by a special MASINT authority or as part of the DNI's Office of Science and Technology.
It is critical to note that, in our view, the MASINT coordinator should not directly control MASINT collection. Rather, we believe the most sensible division of MASINT responsibilities is that NGA be responsible for imagery-derived MASINT, while CIA and Defense Department elements take responsibility for their own operational sensors and other aspects of MASINT that fall naturally into their bailiwicks. At the same time, the DNI's designated representative would monitor the status of MASINT-like programs throughout the Intelligence Community to ensure that they are fully implemented and given the necessary attention.
9 |
The DNI should create an Open Source Directorate in the
CIA to use the Internet and modern information processing tools to greatly
enhance the availability of open source information to analysts, collectors, and users of intelligence. |
Open Source information has long been viewed by many outside the Intelligence Community as essential to understanding foreign political, economic, social, and even military developments. 30 Currently, the Intelligence Community has one collection organization, the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS), that specializes in providing some of these vital elements--particularly the rapid reporting of foreign print, radio, and television news. While this service is highly valued within the Community and academia, the Community does not have any broader program to gather and organize the wealth of global information generated each day and increasingly available, if only temporarily, over the Internet.
We also believe that the need for exploiting open source material
is greater now than ever before. Today, the spread of information
technology--and the ever increasing pace at which it advances--is immune to many traditional, clandestine
methods of intelligence collection. Whereas advanced technological research
once occurred only in large facilities and within enormous government
bureaucratic institutions, today it can (and does) occur in non-descript office
parks or garages, and with very small clusters of people. And for these new
challenges, many open source materials may provide the critical and perhaps
only window into activities that threaten the
Much has happened in the world of open source in the past ten years. Internet search tools like Google have brought significant new capabilities and expectations for open source information to analysts and users alike. Regrettably, the Intelligence Community's open source programs have not expanded commensurate with either the increase in available information or with the growing importance of open source data to today's problems. This is an unacceptable state of affairs. Consider the following:
The ever-shifting nature of our intelligence needs compels the
Intelligence Community to quickly and easily understand a wide range of foreign
countries and cultures. As we have discussed, today's
threats are rapidly changing and geographically diffuse; it is a fact of life
that an intelligence analyst may be forced to shift rapidly from one topic to
the next. Increasingly, Intelligence Community professionals need to quickly
assimilate social, economic, and cultural information about a
country--information often detailed in open sources.
Open source information provides a base for understanding classified
materials. Despite large quantities of classified material produced by the
Intelligence Community, the amount of classified
information produced on any one topic can be quite limited, and may be taken
out of context if viewed only from a classified-source perspective. Perhaps the
most important example today relates to terrorism, where open source
information can fill gaps and create links that allow analysts to better
understand fragmented intelligence, rumored terrorist plans, possible means of
attack, and potential targets.
Open source materials can protect sources and methods. Sometimes
an intelligence judgment that is actually informed with sensitive, classified
information can be defended on the basis of open source
reporting. This can prove useful when policymakers need to explain policy
decisions or communicate with foreign officials without compromising classified
Only open source can "store history." A robust open
source program can, in effect, gather data to monitor the world's cultures and
how they change with time. This is difficult, if not impossible, using the "snapshots" provided by
classified collection methods.
We believe that this gap between the Intelligence Community's needs and its capabilities must be addressed on two fronts: collection and analysis. The former we discuss here; the latter is discussed more fully in Chapter Eight (Analysis).
We recommend that the DNI create an Open Source Directorate in the CIA to develop and utilize information processing tools to enhance the availability of open source information to analysts, collectors, and users of intelligence. At a minimum, such a program should gather and store many, if not most, of the digital newspapers and periodicals available over the Internet, regardless of language. (Daily storage is required because most of these newspapers and periodicals are on the Internet for only short periods of time.) We believe that this open source information will be invaluable to those charged with watching emerging threats and would provide a baseline for intelligence collectors and analysts when issues suddenly rise to national security significance. In addition, it can tip off analysts and collectors to changes that warrant more focused intelligence collection.
In the near term, we believe that without an institutional "champion" and home, open source will never be effectively used by the Intelligence Community. It is our hope that open source will become an integral part of all intelligence activities and that, at some point in the future, there may no longer be a need for a separate directorate. We acknowledge that our recommendation could create one more collection specialty. But, for now, open source is inadequately used and appreciated and is in need of the high-level, focused attention that only a separate directorate can provide.
As important as collecting open source material, however, is the task of getting the material to the analysts who need it. We were repeatedly told that analysts have difficulty accessing open source information at their desks. 31 The Intelligence Community must make a concerted effort to solve the technology and security challenges associated with getting open source information to every analyst's desktop.
Our case studies strongly suggest that a
persistent inability to protect human and technical collection sources and
methods has substantially damaged
To accompany these institutional suggestions, we offer recommendations to help address two problems that have harmful effects on sources and methods: (1) the problem of authorized disclosures and (2) the problem of unauthorized disclosures (more commonly referred to as "leaks") of classified information.
10 |
Efforts should be taken to significantly reduce damaging
losses in collection capability that result from authorized disclosures of
classified information related to protection of
sources and methods. |
Authorized disclosures often have unintended and harmful effects. One common source of such disclosures is the sharing of intelligence with foreign countries both through cooperative ventures and diplomatic demarches. The Intelligence Community should take more rigorous steps to integrate counterintelligence expertise into the sharing and demarche decisions and processes, and to formally analyze the potential costs and benefits of such disclosures. These processes would need to include methods for tracking the consequences of unauthorized disclosures, and a formal process for resolving disputes among agencies and stakeholders over the costs and benefits of particular disclosure decisions.
Another de facto "disclosure" of
information about the technical capabilities of intelligence satellites occurs
when public announcements are made concerning a satellite launch. We therefore
recommend that the
The scope of damage done to our collection capabilities from
media disclosures of classified information is well documented. Hundreds of
serious press leaks have significantly impaired
According to past government studies, the long-standing inability of the U.S. government to control press leaks results from a combination of factors--the use of unauthorized disclosures as a vehicle to influence policy, the lack of political will to deal firmly and consistently with government leakers in both the executive and legislative branches, the difficulty of prosecuting cases under existing statutes, and the challenge of identifying the leaker. 33 The government's impotence in dealing effectively with this problem was well characterized by then-Deputy Assistant Attorney General Richard K. Willard, in 1982:
The Commission recognizes the enormous difficulty of this seemingly intractable problem and has considered a broad range of potential solutions. We conclude that the long-standing defeatism that has paralyzed action on this topic is understandable but unwarranted. Leaks cannot be stopped, but they can be reduced. And those responsible for the most damaging leaks can be held accountable if they can be identified and if the government is willing to prosecute them.
11 |
The DNI should ensure that all Inspectors General in
the Intelligence Community are prepared to conduct leak investigations for
their agencies; this responsibility can be coordinated by a Community-wide Inspector General in
the Office of the DNI, if such an office is
established. |
Coordinated leaks investigations. The DNI Inspector General, assuming one is named, should be given specific responsibility for overseeing leaks investigations within the Intelligence Community and for coordinating investigations that require reaching into multiple agencies within the Community. The DNI's Inspector General would be uniquely positioned to coordinate leak investigations across the Intelligence Community. Several intelligence agencies have explained that the Justice Department is rarely willing to open investigations of leaks when the number of possible leakers is large. Furthermore, these agencies have expressed the opinion that complaining agencies should be allowed to conduct investigations of their own employees so as to narrow down the list of possible leakers. By heeding these concerns, this recommendation will reduce the investigative load for the Justice Department and FBI while putting more of the burden on the agencies that often feel the impact of leaks most directly.
Vigorous application of DNI administrative authorities. When internal CIA leakers have been identified, the DCI's authority to impose sanctions ranging from fines, suspension or revocation of clearances, or even firings is relatively robust. This authority should extend to the DNI. The DNI should, in turn, vigorously enforce the 2002 DCI Directive on stemming unauthorized disclosures across the Community. 35 We hope that the 2002 Directive will acquire greater force under the new DNI than it has had under past DCIs.
Better education and training for intelligence producers, users, and media. Policymakers who leak intelligence to the press in order to gain political advantage and journalists who publish leaked intelligence may do so without fully appreciating the potential harm that can result to sources and methods. The Intelligence Community should consider implementing a widespread, modern-day equivalent of the "Loose Lips Sink Ships" campaign to educate individuals about their legal obligations--and possible penalties--to safeguard intelligence information. Officers at all agencies that produce and use intelligence should be fully briefed at the time they first sign the non-disclosure agreement and be periodically re-briefed about its responsibilities.
Internal changes at the Department of Justice. As noted more fully in Chapter Ten (Intelligence at Home), we recommend that the primary national security component of the Department of Justice be placed under the auspices of a single Assistant Attorney General. We do so in the hope that the combined forces of the Department can be better brought to bear on a variety of issues, including unauthorized disclosures.
Finally, there is one point regarding leaks on which the Commission could not come to agreement. During our work, we were repeatedly told that the greatest barrier to prosecuting leaks was in identifying the "leaker." And many people with whom we spoke also said that the best (if not only) way to identify leakers was through the reporters to whom classified information was leaked. In this vein, we thoroughly discussed the advantages and disadvantages of creating some sort of qualified privilege for reporters, which might simultaneously protect both First Amendment interests and the government's interest in protecting classified information. Regrettably, and despite all of our efforts, we could not reach agreement on the details of such a proposal.
1 Although the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA)--renamed the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)--was established after the Cold War, it was cast from the same mold.
2 CIA, Title Classified (OTI IA 2002-141) (
3 National Intelligence Council (NIC), Title Classified (NIE 98-04) (1998-99).
4 For a more detailed discussion of this issue, see Chapter Thirteen (Proliferation).
5 NIC, Title Classified (NIE 98-04) (1998-90) at Volume 1.
6 CIA, The Jeremiah Report: The Intelligence Community's Performance on the Indian Nuclear Tests (June 1, 1998) (hereinafter "Jeremiah Report").
7 CIA,
Response to WMD Commission Request # 74
8 House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, IC21: Intelligence Community in the 21st Century (April 9, 1996) (hereinafter "IC21"); Commission on the Roles and Capabilities of the United States Intelligence Community, Preparing for the 21st Century: An Appraisal of U.S. Intelligence (1996) (hereinafter "Aspin-Brown Commission"); Jeremiah Report.
9 See, e.g. , IC21.
10 Target Development Boards would not just address analysts' needs. They would also address the needs of the military commanders for intelligence support to military operations.
11 This idea is not unlike the Department of Defense's theory of Network Centric
Warfare, which allows for widespread dissemination of data to the military to
provide a shared awareness of the battle space. See generally
Congressional Research Service, Network
Centric Warfare: Background and Oversight Issues for Congress (
12 Here we cite an example of an NSA acquisition problem that cannot be included in our unclassified report.
13 Intelligence Reform and
14 This includes the tactical programs in the Department of Defense. FY2005 NFIP, JMIP, and TIARA Congressional Budget Books.
16 We recognize that some competition in research and development is desirable and should be encouraged by the DNI. At the same time, even when research and development occurs in several locations, its efforts must still be integrated in a way that minimizes unproductive redundancy.
17 See,
e.g., Memorandum from the President to the Director of Central Intelligence (
18 CIA, Directorate of Operations Recruitment (
19 Interview with Defense
21 See generally James Q. Wilson, Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies Do and Why They Do It (Basic Books) (1989).
22 If the innovation center proves a successful model, we believe the DNI should explore replicating it in other agencies as well.
23 As we have already noted, we
are far from the first to recognize the shortcomings in Defense
24 DCI, Title Classified (March 2000) at pp. 1-2.
25 50 U.S.C. §§ 1805, 1842.
26 Interview
with representatives of NSA's General Counsel's Office (
27 A "pen register" or "trap and trace" device is roughly equivalent to using "caller identification" on a target phone (i.e., it collects incoming and outgoing phone numbers).
28 The term "MASINT" was first coined in 1970 by DIA to describe any number of disparate forms of collection and analysis such as active radar interrogation of targets, laser intelligence, optical measuring of reflected light from distant objects such as spacecraft, nuclear intelligence, acoustic intelligence, and infra-red analysis.
29 According
to DCI Porter Goss, "[p]ast efforts to manage MASINT have been hampered by
an unrealistic view of MASINT as a single enterprise." Porter Goss,
Director of Central Intelligence,
30 "Open Source" usually refers to all information that is generally publicly available and unclassified. It can include print media as well as radio and television broadcasting. With the advent of the Internet, there has been a major increase in the availability of open source textual data. This report focuses on, but is not limited to, this easily accessible open source textual data.
31 See, e.g.,
Interview with senior In-Q-Tel official (
32 The act states that the new DNI "shall protect intelligence sources and methods from unauthorized disclosure." It also limits the DNI's ability to delegate responsibility for protecting sources and methods, stating that the DNI "may only delegate" this authority to the Principal Deputy DNI. IRTPA at § 1011.
33 National Counterintelligence Policy Board, Report to the NSC on Unauthorized Media Leak Disclosures (March 1996) at pp. C2-C4.
34 Report of the Interdepartmental Group on Unauthorized Disclosures of Classified Information (March 31, 1982).
35 DCI, Title Classified (
The role of intelligence analysts is to
tell policymakers what they know, what they don't know, what they think, and
why. When analysts fail to provide adequate warnings of an impending threat,
or provide incorrect conclusions to decisionmakers—as they did with |
Mission Managers, introduced in previous
chapters, will play a critical role in this reform effort. They will
encourage competitive analysis, present the views of all agencies to
decisionmakers, ensure that analysts drive collection, and prepare the
analytic community to meet the threats of the 21st Century. |
§ Emphasize strategic analysis by establishing a new long-term research and analysis unit, under the mantle of the National Intelligence Council, to serve as the lead organization for interagency projects involving in-depth analysis and expanded contacts with experts outside of the Intelligence Community; |
§ Institute Community-wide, career-long programs for training analysts and managers, and provide appropriate performance incentives; |
§ Develop and integrate into regular use new tools that can assist analysts in filtering the vast quantities of information that threaten to overwhelm the analytic process, as well as tools designed for foreign language exploitation; and |
§ Ensure that analysts are engaging in competitive analysis, mandate routine and ongoing examinations of finished intelligence, and require the lessons learned from "post mortems" to be incorporated into the intelligence education and training program. |
Analysts are the voice of the Intelligence Community.
While intelligence failures can certainly result from inadequate collection, recent experience shows that they can also occur when analysts don't effectively assess all relevant information and present it in a manner useful to decisionmakers. Improving the business of analysis should therefore be a major priority of the new Director of National Intelligence (DNI).
As in our chapter on collection, our recommendations—supported by vivid examples taken from our case studies—focus both on integrating analytical efforts across the Community and improving the overall quality of analysis.
The analytic effort in the Intelligence Community is hardly a monolithic enterprise; most of the Community's 15 organizations have at least one analytic component. Some of these agencies specialize in meeting the needs of particular users—notably the Defense Department's DIA and the State Department's INR. Some specialize in analyzing particular types of data—signals intelligence at NSA and geospatial intelligence at NGA. Some, such as the intelligence element of the Department of Energy, specialize in substantive intelligence topics, such as nuclear technology issues.
The separation of these analytic units serves a vital function; it fosters competitive analysis, encourages a diversity of viewpoints, and develops groups of analysts with different specialties. Any reform of the Community must preserve these advantages; our suggested move toward greater integration should not mean the homogenization of different viewpoints. Nevertheless, there is a great and growing need for Community analytic standards, interoperable and innovative technologies, access to shared information, and a common sense of mission. In many cases today, analysts in the 15 organizations are unaware of similar work being done in other agencies. Although analysts may develop working relationships with counterparts in other organizations, there is no formalized process or forum through which to do so. These dysfunctional characteristics of the current system must change; collaboration must replace fragmentation as the analytic community's primary characteristic.
Despite the fact that the analytic units are largely isolated and autonomous, we have been deeply impressed by pockets of excellence within them. The Community is blessed with a highly intelligent, dedicated analytic workforce that has achieved significant successes. We also note that, in response to Iraq-related failures, the Intelligence Community has recently undertaken several serious (although scattered) efforts to improve the overall quality and integrity of its analytical methods and products.
We conclude, however, that these strengths and reforms are too few and far between. Our investigation revealed serious shortcomings; specifically, we found inadequate Intelligence Community collaboration and cooperation, analysts who do not understand collection, too much focus on current intelligence, inadequate systematic use of outside experts and open source information, a shortage of analysts with scientific and technical expertise, and poor capabilities to exploit fully the available data. Perhaps most troubling, we found an Intelligence Community in which analysts have a difficult time stating their assumptions up front, explicitly explaining their logic, and, in the end, identifying unambiguously for policymakers what they do not know . In sum, we found that many of the most basic processes and functions for producing accurate and reliable intelligence are broken or underutilized.
This Commission is not the first to recognize these shortcomings—we trod a well-worn path. Again and again, many of the same obstacles to delivering the best possible analytic products have been identified. The Church Committee's 1976 report, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence's 1996 study of the Intelligence Community in the 21st Century, the 1998 Rumsfeld Report side letter to the President, the 1999 Jeremiah Report, the Markle Foundation's 2003 Task Force, and the 9/11 Commission Report all pointed to the problems created by the poor coordination and resistance to information sharing among Intelligence Community agencies. Some studies, notably the 1996 report by the Council on Foreign Relations and the 1996 study by the Aspin-Brown Commission, noted the need to systematically engage in and use competitive analysis. As early as 1949, the Hoover Commission faulted the Intelligence Community for failing to improve relations with decisionmakers, and these concerns were echoed by the Aspin-Brown Commission and, most recently, the Markle Foundation Task Force. 1 Finally, the House and Senate intelligence committees have both noted the problems the Intelligence Community faces in processing the collected information available to it, as well as the difficulty analysts have engaging in long-term analysis, given the press of daily demands. 2
In other words, many of the problems we have identified have been apparent to observers of the Intelligence Community—and to the Community itself—for decades. Nevertheless, they have remained largely unresolved, due largely to institutional resistance to change, the classified nature of the work, and a lack of political will to enforce change.
We believe the creation of the Office of the DNI offers a unique opportunity to finally resolve many of these issues by infusing the analytic culture with new processes and Community standards. We believe that this new management structure can foster a new sense of community among analysts. Until the analytic community adopts a new approach, analysts at one agency will continue to be denied access to critical reporting from others; analysts will resist collaborating and coordinating across units; managers will persist in placing the need to answer the "daily mail" over the need to develop true expertise; and new commissions will be appointed in the wake of future intelligence failures. As discussed in previous chapters, we believe that the creation of Mission Managers will be an important factor in avoiding this grim outcome.
Our recommendations, therefore, focus on exploiting the opportunity presented by the new legislation and the creation of the Office of the DNI, as well as on instituting changes to the Community's culture that will improve analytic performance. In doing so, we offer specific suggestions for how the community of analysts can be better integrated without sacrificing all-important independent analysis, and how the Intelligence Community can ensure that analysts have the tools, training, and "tradecraft" practices to ensure that the analytic community is prepared to meet today's and tomorrow's threats.
We believe that a principal goal of improving analysis should be to integrate the community of analysts while at the same time promoting independent—or competitive—analysis. In this sense, we believe a major challenge for the first Director of National Intelligence will be to foster more collaboration among analysts across the Community—that is, to bring the benefits of collaboration to daily support to the President, to strategic intelligence and warning, and to assistance to military, law enforcement, and homeland security efforts. In our view, there are five prerequisites to creating such a community: |
Community standards for analysis (analytic expertise,
analytic performance, and analytic presentation to consumers) so that the work
of any one analytic unit can be relied upon and understood by others; |
A common analytic work environment (a shared network,
compatible tools, and a common filing system for products and work in
progress) so that a DNI can know the state of intelligence on critical
issues, and so knowledge and supporting data can be shared quickly and
efficiently across the Community; |
A group of "Mission Managers," acting on
behalf of the DNI, to oversee the state of intelligence on designated
priority issues (including the state of analytic skills and resources, the
gaps in existing knowledge, strategies to fill those gaps, and the
effectiveness of agreed upon collection strategies)—from a Community
perspective; |
A body of "joint" analysts to work in
concert with analysts across the Community—to help fill gaps in
strategic research as distinct from current reporting, to prompt
collaboration on tasks that merit a Community perspective, and to help spread
sound analytic methods and standards; and |
Daily intelligence support to the President, without
which the DNI would find it very hard to impose standards and priorities on
organizations free to plead the exigencies of meeting immediate needs of
important clients. |
As we have discussed in our chapters on management and on collection, no single individual or office in today's Intelligence Community is responsible for getting the answers right on the most pressing intelligence issues of our day. We have recommended the creation of Mission Managers to fill this role, and they will perform a variety of essential tasks—including leading the development and management of collection strategies against high-priority intelligence targets. Because we believe that analysis must drive the collection process, it will be vital that Mission Managers also act as leaders in the analytic community. First and foremost, they must assess the strengths and weaknesses of analytic production in their areas of substantive responsibility. These assessments will enable Mission Managers to develop strategic analysis plans to guide the Community's analytic efforts over the long term. Moreover, the assessments will guide Mission Managers in their role as chairs of Target Development Boards; their understanding of the gaps in analysts' knowledge will ensure that these gaps do in fact drive collection.
Armed with a clear understanding of where expertise resides in the Community, Mission Managers will also be able to foster competitive analysis. We expect that Mission Managers will ensure that finished intelligence routinely reflects the knowledge and competing views of analysts from all agencies in the Community. In particular, we expect that Mission Managers will encourage analysts to make differences in judgments, and the substantive bases for these differences, explicit in all finished products.
To accomplish this, Mission Managers must have a comprehensive view of the skills and knowledge of the Community as a whole. The DNI should call on all agencies to provide—and regularly update—information about the knowledge and skills of their analysts, including their academic backgrounds, professional experiences, military experiences, and languages. The DNI's staff should make this information accessible through an easy-to-use directory and search tool. Mission Managers and agency heads would draw on this information to identify existing gaps, develop strategies to fill them, and create long-run strategic plans to avoid gaps on critical intelligence issues.
The model we envision is in stark contrast to the status quo, in which decisionmakers and analysts have little ability to find, track, and allocate analytic expertise. Although some efforts have been made to create such a database, ironically organizations have contributed information on the condition that other agencies not have access to their data. Our interactions with various agencies strongly suggest that the Intelligence Community still lacks a full understanding of the number, type, and skill-level of analysts in the various analytic organizations. 3 Therefore it is difficult to identify the gaps in expertise for purposes of hiring, training, supervising professional development, or managing day-to-day work. Today, line managers identify the gaps in expertise in their own analytic organizations, but little is done to understand gaps from the perspective of an entire agency, much less the entire Community. With so weak a grasp of the Community's analytic resources, it is no wonder that agencies have difficulty quickly aligning their resources to respond to crises.
Even in the area of
counterterrorism, which has consistently received high-level attention,
agencies have struggled to establish a true Community analytic counterterrorism
effort. The only way the Intelligence Community could bring together
counterterrorism analytic expertise was to pull analysts away from their home
agencies and house them together. From its inception, the
We believe a Mission Manager could respond to this or similar challenges more intelligently, quickly, and decisively. A Mission Manager would be able to (1) identify where analytic expertise resided and call on analysts from a variety of agencies to respond to critical questions; (2) identify and recommend to the DNI which analysts should be moved within or between agencies, if required in order to respond to a crisis; (3) "surge" on such a crisis, in the event that Community resources were insufficient, by tapping outside experts to contribute their expertise; (4) create a "virtual center" without physically co-locating analysts and without establishing a segregated and centrally-managed body to analyze a particular subject matter; and (5) clearly define organizational roles rather than letting bureaucratic dogfights, such as those surrounding TTIC, determine who has responsibility for which task. This, we believe, is how the analytical community should be managed.
Although Mission Managers would
manage analysis by substantive area, they would not—in contrast to a
center like the
We acknowledge that the Mission Managers will, if effective, interfere with the current autonomous management of analytic resources within individual organizations. But we see this as a strength, ensuring that members of the Community work together instead of at odds with one another. The risk, of course, is that a Mission Manager with a strong analytic viewpoint could reduce, rather than foster, competitive analysis. While this may sometimes happen—because Mission Managers must have substantive expertise to guide the Community's work—we expect Mission Managers to act more as facilitators of analytic products than as senior analysts. Consequently, their role most often should be to clearly present analytic viewpoints—including alternative views—to policymakers. If a Mission Manager fundamentally disagrees with the prevailing view in the Community, the Mission Manager could present his own view as an alternative, but he should not silence the perspective of other specialists in the Community.
Although not a precondition for success, our vision for Mission Managers ultimately requires a significant technological change—the creation of a "common work environment" for the community of analysts working on a topic. By "common work environment" we mean a shared information network with compatible computer tools and a common computer filing system for analytic products. Such technology is necessary to permit the Mission Manager to have full visibility into the emerging analytic work that is (or is not) being done on a topic, the basis for analytic assessments, and the degree of collaborative involvement between analysts and collectors. This common work environment will also enable greater collaboration between analysts in different agencies, as well as with the nucleus of analysts we recommend placing in the National Intelligence Council (see below).
A final note about managing the Intelligence Community's analysts: we recommend that one of the DNI's earliest undertakings be to have a senior advisor assess the Intelligence Community's medium- and long-term analytic needs, identify analytic gaps, and recommend ways to fill those gaps. And because the Intelligence Community's needs should be closely correlated with policymaker priorities, policymakers should be included in this assessment. Recommendations for correcting deficiencies might include such methods as targeted hiring, correcting national educational shortcomings, or contracting with outside experts.
Analysts have large quantities of information from a wide variety of sources delivered to their desktops each day. Given the time constraints analysts face, it is understandable that their daily work focuses on using what's readily available—usually classified material. Clandestine sources, however, constitute only a tiny sliver of the information available on many topics of interest to the Intelligence Community. Other sources, such as traditional media, the Internet, and individuals in academia, nongovernmental organizations, and business, offer vast intelligence possibilities. Regrettably, all too frequently these "nonsecret" sources are undervalued and underused by the Intelligence Community. To be true all-source analysts, however, Community analysts must broaden their information horizons. We encourage analysts to expand their use of open source materials, outside experts, and new and emerging technologies.
To facilitate analysts' productive use of open source information, the Intelligence Community should create an organization responsible for the collection of open source information. We discuss the need for an open source organization in greater detail in Chapter Seven (Collection). It merits emphasis here, however, that simply creating this organization is unlikely to be sufficient. Analysts who routinely receive clandestine reporting too often see unclassified reporting as less important, and they spend too little time reviewing and integrating data available through open sources. Analysts on lower priority accounts use open source materials because they have difficulty getting clandestine collectors to assist them, but even they receive little or no training on how to evaluate available open sources or find the best information most efficiently.
The DNI should create a small cadre of
all-source analysts—perhaps 50—who would be experts in finding
and using unclassified, open source information. |
As the CIA increases its analytic workforce, a small number could be reserved and trained specifically in open source research. They could then be assigned to offices willing to experiment with greater use of open source material, where they would be expected to answer questions for and provide useful unclassified information to analysts. They would also produce their own pieces highlighting open source reporting but drawing on classified information as well. 4 We see these "evange-analysts" as essentially leading by example. They should show other analysts how to find and procure useful open source material, how to assess its reliability and biases, and how to use it to complement clandestine reporting.
We acknowledge that, given the demand for more analysts, there are real costs to designating even this small number as open source specialists. But we expect that the need for these specialized analysts will not be permanent. Over time, the knowledge this group has about open sources is likely to be absorbed by the general population of analysts—as a result both of their education outreach efforts and of the influx of younger, more technologically savvy analysts. As this happens, these open source specialists can be absorbed into the broader analytic corps.
In addition to this special cadre of analysts, the Community will need to find new ways to deal with the challenges presented by the growing availability of open source materials. Among these challenges is the critical problem of processing increasing numbers of foreign language documents.
The DNI should establish a program office
within the CIA's Open Source Directorate to acquire, or develop when necessary,
information technologies to permit prioritization and exploitation of large
volumes of textual data without the need for prior human translation or
transcription. |
Information technology has made remarkable advances in recent years. The private sector (without the same kinds of security concerns as the Intelligence Community) has led the adoption of technologies that are also critical to intelligence. Two areas show particular promise: first, machine translation of foreign languages; and second, tools designed to prioritize documents in their native language without the need for translation.
The Community will never be able to hire enough linguists to meet its needs. It is difficult for the Community to predict which languages will be most in demand and to hire the necessary linguists in advance. And even an aggressive hiring and training effort would not produce an analytic workforce that can absorb the huge quantity of unclassified foreign language material available today.
Eventually, all analysts should have basic foreign-language processing tools easily available to them so that even those who are not language-qualified can pull pieces of interest and get a quick, rough translation. NSA has done pioneering work on machine translation and is pursuing a number of separate initiatives; the military services, CIA (including In-Q-Tel), and other agencies sponsor largely independent projects. There is an abundance of activity, but not a concerted, coherent effort, which has led to steady but slow development.
Advanced search and knowledge extraction technologies could prove to be even more valuable than machine translation (and of course, the two are very much related). We refer here to software that uses mathematical operations, statistical computations, and relational analyses to cluster documents and other data by subject, emphasis, and association in order to identify documents that are similar even when the documents do not use the same key words. Other types of software algorithms can discern concepts within a text; some can depict relationships between ideas or between factual statements based on an understanding of the word's meaning rather than merely searching for a word verbatim. As these tools mature, they will be invaluable to agencies that now find themselves collecting more information than they can analyze. They will also become essential to analysts caught in a similar avalanche of data.
The Intelligence Community has only begun to explore and exploit the power of these emerging technologies. The Intelligence Community's current efforts should be coordinated, consolidated where appropriate, directed, and augmented. Therefore, we suggest that the DNI establish a program office that can lead the Community effort to obtain advanced information technology for purposes of machine translation, advanced search, knowledge extraction, and similar automated support to analysis. This office would draw on the various initiatives in these areas dispersed throughout the Intelligence Community. It would work to avoid duplication of effort and would promote collaboration and cross-pollination. It would serve as a knowledge bank of state-of-the-art technology. It would also serve as a testbed, using open source information to experiment with software that has not yet been certified for classified environments. When appropriate, it would hand off successful technologies for use on classified networks. While we would place the program office in the new Open Source Directorate, where quick deployment seems most likely to occur, we recognize that NSA is a center of excellence for linguistics and technology, and it must surf a data avalanche every day. For that reason, we suggest that the program office be jointly staffed by NSA and CIA.
Many of the intelligence challenges of today and tomorrow will, like terrorism or proliferation, be transnational and driven by non-state actors. Analysts who cover these issues will need to know far more than the inclinations of a handful of senior government officials; they will need a deep understanding of the trends and shifts in local political views, cultural norms, and economic demands. For example, analysts seeking to identify geographic areas likely to be receptive to messages of violence toward the United States will need to be able to distinguish such areas from those that, while espousing anti-U.S. rhetoric or advocating policies at odds with the interests of the United States, nevertheless eschew violent tactics. |
Clandestine collectors, however, are poorly structured to fill the intelligence gaps these analysts face. Imagery is of little utility, and both signals and human intelligence are better positioned to provide insight into the plans and intentions of a few important individuals rather than broader political and societal trends. |
As a result, analysts are supplementing clandestine collection not only with a greater reliance on open source material and outside experts, but also with their own expertise. To enable them to do so, the Intelligence Community must expand analysts' opportunities to travel and live overseas. And it must consider reforms to the security clearance process that often hampers recruitment of those with the most experience living and working among groups of interest to the Community. Failure to think creatively about how to develop an analytic cadre with a deep understanding of cultures very different from our own will seriously undermine the Community's ability to respond to the new and different intelligence challenges of the 21st century. |
The Intelligence Community should expand
its contacts with those outside the realm of intelligence by creating at
least one not-for-profit "sponsored research institute." |
We envision the establishment of at least one not-for-profit "sponsored research institute" to serve as a critical window into outside expertise for the Intelligence Community. This sponsored research institute would be funded by the Intelligence Community, but would be largely independent of Community management. The institute would both conduct its own research as well as reach out to specialists, including academics and technical experts, business and industry leaders, and representatives from the nonprofit sector and from Federally Funded Research and Development Centers.
Free from the demands created by the events of the day that burden those within the Intelligence Community, this sponsored research institute's primary purpose would be to focus on strategic issues. It would also serve as an avenue for a robust, external alternative analysis program. Whatever alternative analysis the Community undertakes internally—and we see this as essential—there must be outside thinking to challenge conventional wisdom, and this institute would provide both the distance from and the link to the Intelligence Community to provide a useful counterpoint to accepted views. In this vein, the DNI might consider establishing more than one such institute. By doing so, competitive analysis would be further promoted and healthy competition between the research institutes would help both from being co-opted by the Intelligence Community.
This sponsored research institute would eliminate some existing impediments to more extensive outreach. The institute would have a budget that would enable it to pay top experts unwilling to work for the lower rates typically offered by Intelligence Community components. Moreover, contractors linked to the institute would be available to all Intelligence Community components, avoiding any suggestion that contractors were tasked to provide assessments to support the views of a particular agency. Further, although the staff of the research institute would take recommendations from analysts for particular people to contact outside of the Community, we expect the staff itself to pull together possible contacts in critical fields, expanding the circle of those whose knowledge would be available to the Intelligence Community. The sponsored research institute could also become a center for funding non-traditional methods of assembling open source information. In our classified report we provide an example that cannot be discussed in an unclassified format.
Such a sponsored research institute is not the only way to capitalize on expertise from outside the Intelligence Community. Although the institute would expand the Community's ongoing outreach efforts, the Intelligence Community also needs to think more creatively and, above all, more strategically about how it taps into external sources of knowledge. This may include recognizing that the Community may simply not be the natural home for real expertise on certain topics. While economic analysts, for example, can and do play a valuable role in the Community, economists at the Federal Reserve, World Bank, or private sector companies investing millions in emerging markets are likely to have a better handle on current market conditions. Relying on these experts might free up Community resources to work more intensely on finding answers no one else has.
Each of these proposals assumes the
Community will have access to existing experts, but that will not always be the
case. As a result, the Community must also find ways to support the development
of the external expertise it needs. One biosecurity expert remarked that what
we really need is a major effort to foster publicly-minded experts to tackle
the biothreats likely to face the
Finally, analysts also need to take full advantage of currently available and underutilized non-traditional technical intelligence capabilities, like advanced geospatial intelligence techniques and measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT). Analysts would benefit from additional training and education to increase their awareness of new and developing collection techniques, so that they are able to effectively task these sources and use the information provided.
As countless groups both inside and outside the Intelligence Community have commented, there is a dire need for greater information sharing—or, as we prefer to put it, information access in the Intelligence Community. We address this topic more fully in Chapter Nine (Information Sharing).
But analysts not only need more information, they also need new ways to manage what is already available to them. Analysts today "are inundated and overloaded with information." 6 A study published in 1994 revealed that analysts on average had to scan 200 to 300 documents in two hours each day, just to discover reports worth writing about. 7 If we assume that relevant information has doubled for most analytic accounts over the past ten years (a gross understatement if open source information is considered)—and if we depend on analysts not just to pick reports to write about but instead to "connect the dots" among names, phone numbers, organizations, and events found in other documents—the typical analyst would need a full workday just to perform the basic function of monitoring new data.
The private sector is already using tools and techniques to handle the greatly increased flow of information in today's world; many of the best of these operate even before a user begins to look for relevant information. By the time an Internet user types search terms into Google, for example, the search engine has already done a huge portion of the work of indexing the information and sorting it by relevance. In fact, Google already has educated guesses about what information will be most useful regardless of the breadth of the user's search.
The Intelligence Community's widely used tools for processing raw intelligence traffic are far weaker. According to a senior official at CIA's In-Q-Tel, when analysts enter the Intelligence Community they discover that they have "left a world that was totally wired." 8 Today, an analyst looking for information on Intelligence Community computers is effectively performing a keyword search without any relevance ranking or additional context. The Community has been largely resistant to efforts to import tools from the private sector that offer new and different ways of using technology to exploit data. 9 While this resistance is often driven by legitimate concerns about security, these concerns can (and must) be overcome in the development of information technology for the Intelligence Community.
The Community must develop and integrate
into regular use new tools that can assist analysts in filtering and
correlating the vast quantities of information that threaten to overwhelm the
analytic process. Moreover, data from all sources of information should be
processed and correlated Community-wide before being conveyed to analysts. |
The Intelligence Community is only in the beginning stages of developing effective selection, filtering, and correlation tools for its analysts, and more progress must be made. While in every case people are needed to see whether the proposed connections are real—and to be alert for intuitive but inchoate linkages—the Intelligence Community must more effectively employ technology to help draw attention to connections analysts might otherwise miss.
But better tools are not the whole answer. Time and again, tools introduced to the Intelligence Community have failed to take hold because the Community's analysts were accustomed to doing business a different way. We therefore believe there is a need to improve on the Community's long standing, but now outdated, basic approach to processing, exploiting, and disseminating information. In our view, the Intelligence Community needs processes that help analysts correlate and search large volumes of data after traditional dissemination by collectors but before the information overflows analysts' inboxes.
Without such a change, we are afraid that analysts will be overwhelmed by piles of information through which they have little hope of sorting.
Managers and analysts throughout the Intelligence Community have repeatedly expressed frustration with their inability to carve out time for long-term research and thinking. This problem is reinforced by the current system of incentives for analysts, in which analysts are often rewarded for the number of pieces they produce, rather than the substantive depth or quality of their production.
Analysts are consistently pressed
to produce more pieces faster, particularly those for current intelligence
publications such as the President's Daily Brief (PDB). One analyst told us
that if an office doesn't produce for the PDB, its "cupboard is
bare." 10 But
constant pressure to write makes it hard for analysts to find time to do the
research—and thinking—necessary to build the real expertise that
underlies effective analysis. In one particularly alarming example, an
The drive to fill current publications can also crowd out work on strategic military and proliferation issues. As with long-term research, work on these issues may fall by the wayside as analysts respond to immediate, tactical policymaker interests. And strategic work may be discouraged simply because presenting it in a format usable by current intelligence publications is difficult or impossible. Technical assessments are generally seen as too cumbersome for daily intelligence and more difficult for the non-technical briefers to discuss should the President choose to have a dialogue on the issue. Although some of these products reach senior policymakers separately, the fact that they are typically excluded from the publication designed to inform the President about the most important issues of the day likely suggests to analysts that this work is not as highly valued as other topics.
Managers with whom we spoke are aware of the dearth of strategic, long-term thinking, and are seeking ways to remedy the problem. However, we think that part of the solution lies within the new office of the DNI.
A new long-term research and analysis
unit, under the mantle of the National Intelligence Council, should wall off
all-source analysts from the press of daily demands and serve as the lead
organization for interagency projects involving in-depth analysis. |
We recommend placing this new unit under the National Intelligence Council where analysts would be able to focus on long-term research and underserved strategic threats, away from the demands of current intelligence production. Although some analysts in this new organization would be permanently assigned, at least half—and perhaps a majority—would serve only temporarily and would come from all intelligence agencies, including those with more specialized analysts, such as NGA and NSA. Typically, analysts would have two-year assignments in the unit; in some cases, analysts may spend shorter periods in the organization, long enough to complete a single in-depth research project of pressing need. Because we expect the topics tackled by this group to be complex, collaboration with those outside the unit should be pervasive.
We envision the analysts located in this unit leading projects that bring in experts from across the Intelligence Community, as well as from outside the sphere of intelligence. This collaboration will enable the Intelligence Community to tackle broad strategic questions that sometimes get missed as many analysts focus on narrow slivers of larger issues. DIA analysts and managers, for example, told us that the current division of key analytical responsibilities among the various Department of Defense intelligence units at DIA, the service intelligence centers, and the unified commands makes it difficult for DIA to develop an integrated, strategic assessment of emerging security issues. We expect this new organization to fill such gaps.
Some might be concerned that this new analytic unit would create unhealthy barriers between those engaged in current intelligence and those conducting long-term research. But as proposed, this office avoids that division. Using the common technology infrastructure we propose, we expect that analysts in the new office would easily be able to draw on the insight of analysts still in their home offices who are working on current intelligence. Moreover, because analysts would rotate through this office and remain only for a short period of time, they would not run the risk of veering off into studying questions that might be intellectually interesting but are unlikely to be important to decisionmakers. These analysts would come to the office with an understanding of the pulse of current intelligence. Even more important, those same analysts would return to their line units, and the production of timely intelligence, with a greater depth of understanding of their accounts.
Rotations to this unit would also reinforce habits that should be second nature, but sometimes get lost in the daily press of business. Analysts would have time to think more carefully about their words, ensuring that terms used to express uncertainty or concerns about credibility were consistent over time and across accounts. We hope that this unit would also engage in alternative analysis—and that this would help to foster alternative analysis throughout the Intelligence Community. Moreover, rotations through this unit would foster a greater sense of community among analysts and spur collaboration on other projects as well.
Although this strategic analytic unit could be housed in a number of places, we believe that the NIC is best. First, the NIC remains today one of the few places within the Intelligence Community that focuses primarily on long-term, strategic thinking. Second, the NIC is already accustomed to working with analysts across the Community and is therefore likely to be seen as an honest broker—an organization that treats analysts from different agencies equally. Third, the NIC already regularly engages outside experts. Indeed, many National Intelligence Officers spend the bulk of their careers outside the intelligence field.
Throughout our case studies we observed the importance of analysts clearly identifying and stating the basis for their assessments. But good analysis goes well beyond just saying what is known, what is unknown, and what an analyst thinks. It is critical that analysts find ways of routinely challenging their initial assumptions and questioning their conclusions—in short, of engaging in competitive (or, as we prefer to call it, independent) analysis.
The DNI should encourage diverse and
independent analysis throughout the Intelligence Community by encouraging
alternative hypothesis generation as part of the analytic process and by
forming offices dedicated to independent analysis. |
We believe that diverse and independent analysis should come from many sources. In this vein we offer several recommendations that should foster diverse and independent analysis, most particularly our proposed long-term research and analysis unit in the National Intelligence Council, our proposed not-for-profit sponsored research institute, the preservation of dispersed analytic resources, and Community training that instills the importance of independent analysis.
To begin, we note ongoing efforts
within the Intelligence Community that have provided valuable independent
analysis. The CIA's Directorate of Intelligence, for example, currently has an
organization that exclusively drafts "red cell"
pieces—documents that are speculative in nature and sometimes take a
position at odds with the conventional wisdom. 12 This office proved especially valuable in the
context of
We foresee our proposed long-term research and analysis unit augmenting such existing efforts. We envision the office conducting some of its own alternative analysis, working with analysts in their home offices to conduct independent analysis, and ensuring that analytic judgments are routinely challenged as new information becomes available. By both engaging in its own work and working in conjunction with other offices, we hope that the unit will help catalyze independent analysis throughout the Community and, in the long run, ensure that independent analysis becomes part of the standard way of thinking for all analysts.
Our envisioned not-for-profit sponsored research institute is another natural location for independent analysis to be conducted. In fact, a well-designed research institute should be ideal in that it would have close relationships with non-Intelligence Community experts, as well as easy access to large volumes of open source material. Similarly, the National Intelligence Council should further foster alternative analysis through a National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) process that promotes dissenting views. In our view, the NIE process today is designed to serve as a Community product and, as such, can sometimes become a consensus building process. We hope that the DNI will encourage the NIE drafters to highlight and explore dissenting opinions.
We must stress, however, the importance of fostering a culture of alternative analysis throughout the Intelligence Community, as opposed to centralizing the function in a single office (or even several offices). An office solely responsible for dissenting opinions is at risk of losing credibility over time, which would not make it an attractive place for analysts to work. Moreover, we are afraid that an office dedicated to independent analysis would—in the long run—end up having its own biases, and would not provide the diversity of views that we think is so important.
We thus recommend that the DNI give particular "red-team" or "devil's advocate" assignments to individuals or offices on a case-by-case basis, rather than trying to produce all alternative analysis through a separate office. By doing so, no individual or office would constantly bear the brunt of criticizing other analysts' work, nor would such alternative analysis be thought to be the sole responsibility of a single, stand-alone office. And while the DNI is statutorily required to assign an individual or entity responsibility for ensuring that the Community engages in alternative analysis, 13 this should not in our view artificially limit the locations in which such analysis occurs.
Perhaps most important, however, is the view that the Intelligence Community should not rely upon specialized "red team offices," or even individual "red team exercises" to ensure there is sufficient independent analysis. Rather, such independent analysis must become a habitual analytic practice for all analysts. The decentralization of the Intelligence Community's analytic bodies will naturally contribute to independent and divergent analysis, and we believe that the Mission Managers we propose will play a valuable role in identifying and encouraging independent analysis in their topic areas. But the Intelligence Community must also ensure that analysts across the Community are trained to question their assumptions and make their arguments explicit. Alternative analysis should be taught in the very first analyst training courses as a core element of good analytic tradecraft. It is to this topic—the training of analysts—that we next turn.
A common theme from our case studies is that the fundamental logical and analytic principles that should be utilized in building intelligence assessments are often inadequately applied. There are several reasons for this. Key among these is a leadership failure; managers of analysts have neglected to demand the highest standards of analytic craft. This management weakness has been compounded in recent years by the lack of experience among analysts, caused by the more than 33 percent decline in the number of analysts from the latter part of the 1980s through most of the 1990s. On top of the numerical reduction, many of the best analysts left during this period because they were the ones who could easily get jobs outside of government. The outflow of knowledge was even greater than the outflow of people.
The Intelligence Community started slowly to hire more analysts in the late 1990s, and recent congressional and executive branch actions are now resulting in further expansion of the analytic corps. As a result, the Intelligence Community is now populated with many junior analysts and few mentors. And the focus on current intelligence has meant that few analysts are given the time to develop expertise, while managers have little time to develop management and mentoring skills.
These difficulties have reduced the quality of finished intelligence. When we reviewed finished intelligence, we found egregious examples of poor tradecraft, such as using a piece of evidence to support an argument when the same piece also supported exactly the opposite argument—and failing to note this fact. In some cases, analysts also failed to update or correct previously published pieces, which led other analysts and policymakers to make judgments on faulty or incomplete premises.
But far and away the most damaging tradecraft weakness we observed was the failure of analysts to conclude—when appropriate—that there was not enough information available to make a defensible judgment. 14 As much as they hate to do it, analysts must be comfortable facing up to uncertainty and being explicit about it in their assessments. Thankfully, we have found several instances of recent efforts by individual analysts to clearly admit what they do and do not know. In particular, a recent National Intelligence Estimate used new processes to ensure that source information was carefully checked for accuracy before inclusion in the estimate. In addition, the Estimate clearly highlighted the intelligence collection gaps on the topic and analysts' level of confidence in their judgments. In our classified report we discuss the particulars of this Estimate in greater depth. Still, these efforts have not been institutionalized, nor are they widespread. We heard many times from users of intelligence that they would like analysts to tell them up front what they don't know—something that intelligence analysts apparently do too infrequently.
The Intelligence Community must develop a
Community program for training analysts, and both analysts and managers must
prioritize this career-long training. |
The Intelligence Community must reverse the erosion of analytic expertise that has occurred over the last 15 years. Analytic reasoning must be more rigorous and be explained in clearer terms in order to improve both the quality and credibility of intelligence. Specifically, analysts should take pains to write clearly, articulate assumptions, consistently use caveats, and apply standard approaches to sourcing. A renewed focus on traditional tradecraft methods needs to be augmented with innovative methodologies and tools that assist the analyst without inhibiting creativity, intuition, and curiosity.
This strengthening of the analytic workforce can only occur through a dedicated effort by the Intelligence Community to train analysts throughout their careers. A structured Community program must be developed to teach rigorous tradecraft and to inculcate common standards for analysis so that, for instance, it means the same thing when two agencies say they assess something "with a high degree of certainty." Equally important, managers and analysts must be held accountable for ensuring that analysts continue to develop expertise throughout their careers. The excuse, "I didn't have time for training," is simply unacceptable. This responsibility of both managers and analysts for continued tradecraft training should be made part of all performance evaluations.
Another critical element of training for analysts, and one that has been long lacking in the Intelligence Community, concerns their understanding of intelligence collection . Today, analysts receive too little training on collection capabilities and processes, and the training they do receive does not adequately use practical exercises to help analysts learn how to build effective collection strategies to solve intelligence problems. This fundamental ignorance of collection processes and principles can lead to serious misjudgments, and we recommend that the Intelligence Community strengthen analyst training in this area. In our classified report we point to areas in other intelligence agencies' training programs that we believe could be improved, but that cannot be discussed in an unclassified report.
State and
non-state actors either with or seeking to develop WMD materials and
technologies all practice robust denial and deception techniques against |
Greater awareness of D&D among analysts, including
a deeper understanding of what other countries know about our intelligence
capabilities, as well as the D&D intentions, capabilities, and programs
of those countries. |
Greater specification by analysts of what they don't
know and clearer statements of their degree of certainty. Analysts should
also work more closely with collectors to fully exploit untapped collection
opportunities against D&D targets, and to identify and isolate any
deceptive information. |
Greater appreciation for the capabilities and
limitations of |
Greater use of analytical techniques that identify the
impact of denial and the potential for deception. Analysts must understand
and evaluate the effects of false, misleading, or even true information that
intelligence targets may have injected into the collection stream to deceive
the |
The Intelligence Community must develop a
Community program for training managers, both when they first assume
managerial positions and throughout their careers. |
Managerial training must also be vastly expanded throughout the Intelligence Community. Although scattered training is available, the Intelligence Community currently has no systematic, serious, or sustained management training program, and none that readily allows for cross-agency training—even though management problems can be similar across agencies. CIA managers, for example, receive a small portion of the training provided to their military counterparts. 15 And we are dismayed that some in the Intelligence Community resisted programs such as merit-based pay due to a mistrust of managers' ability to accurately and fairly measure performance.
Prospective managers should be given extensive management training before assuming their responsibilities, and current managers should be enrolled in refresher training courses on a regular basis. A well-trained management and leadership corps within the Intelligence Community is vital to the health of analysis (and collection), and the Community is currently suffering the consequences of its absence. To the degree that a few individuals at the CIA have already recognized this problem, and are designing programs to address it, we commend them.
Although we hesitate to prescribe
any specific level of centralization for analytic and managerial training, we
do suggest that some of the training be Community-wide, perhaps housed in our
Notwithstanding these objections, as discussed in our chapter on Management, we believe that the creation of the DNI provides a unique opportunity to reconsider implementing some elements of Community training. The benefits will be enormous: it will teach common tradecraft standards, standardize teaching and evaluation, foster a sense of Community among analysts, and, we hope, provide analysts with a wider range of training opportunities throughout their careers. It may also create economies of scale in training costs. For these reasons, we strongly encourage joint training whenever feasible.
Training analysts and managers to use better "tradecraft" is only half the battle; rigorous analytic methods must be demanded in every intelligence product. One way of doing so—and at the same time ensuring that customers are confident in the intelligence they receive—is to make the analytic process more transparent. Although we recognize that real security issues make total transparency impossible, we fear that protecting sources and methods has resulted in the shrouding of analysis itself, not just the intelligence on which it is based. This tendency must, we believe, be actively resisted.
Finished intelligence should include
careful sourcing for all analytic assessments and conclusions, and these
materials should—whenever possible in light of legitimate security
concerns—be made easily available to intelligence customers. |
We recommend forcing analysts to make their assumptions and reasoning more transparent by requiring that analysis be well sourced, and that all finished intelligence products, either in paper or in digital format, provide citations to enable user verification of particular statements. This requirement is no more rigorous than that which is required in law, science, and the social sciences, and we see little reason why such standards should not be demanded of the Intelligence Community's analysts. Analysts are generally already expected to provide sources for internal review; including this information in finished analysis would simply increase the transparency of the process.
We further recommend that customers have access to the raw intelligence reporting that supports analytic pieces whenever possible, subject to legitimate security considerations. For many intelligence customers, especially senior policymakers and operators, a general description, such as State Department "diplomatic reporting" simply does not provide the confidence needed to take quick and decisive action. 17 Where a user accesses finished intelligence electronically, he should be able to link directly to at least some portion of the raw intelligence—or to underlying finished intelligence—to which a judgment is sourced.
Requiring that citations be routinely available and linked to source documents need not preclude analysts from making judgments or inferences; rather, the availability of such materials will simply enable users to distinguish quickly between those statements that are paraphrased summaries of intelligence reporting, and those that are analytic judgments that draw inferences from this reporting. Of course, some analysts might worry that such a system would essentially sideline the analyst, making his or her work irrelevant because all of his or her hard calls could be "questioned" by returning to the original sources and performing the analysis independently. We do not, however, think this is inherently bad. Intelligence customers should be able to question judgments, and analysts should be able to defend their reasoning. In the end, such a reform should bolster the stature of good analysts, as policymakers and operators come to see their analytic judgments as increasingly accurate and actionable.
The analytic community should create and
store sourced copies of all analytic pieces to allow readers to locate and
review the intelligence upon which analysis is based, and to allow for easy
identification of analysis that is based on intelligence reports that are
later modified. |
We recommend that the DNI create a system to electronically store sourced versions of analytic pieces and ensure that source information is easily accessible to intelligence users, consistent with adequate security permissions. Of course, to make such electronic storage and accessibility possible one needs first to have a truly integrated information sharing environment and shared information technology systems—a considerable challenge given the inadequacies of today's information technology environment, on which we comment more fully in Chapter Nine (Information Sharing).
The DNI should also encourage the development of a system that enables Intelligence Community personnel to update intelligence information that has been judged to be unreliable, of increased or decreased certainty, or simply retracted. These updates must be electronically flagged in the intelligence reports themselves as well as any analytic products citing to the reports. Such tracking systems have existed in other fields for decades ( e.g. , Lexis and Westlaw for the legal world). 18
Above and beyond the technical constraints to implementing such a system, there are several barriers that have blocked these reforms in the past. For example, CIA's Directorate of Operations maintains a close hold on its highly sensitive reporting, often with good reason. Making this raw reporting accessible to policymakers and intelligence officers across the Community raises several security and counterintelligence-related concerns. Furthermore, it is questionable to what degree all policymakers will need access to raw reporting.
But none of these issues explains why the Intelligence Community's efforts in this vein are still in such a stage of infancy. While there will be information that cannot be provided to intelligence customers, many decisionmakers can and do read intelligence reporting at the same time as the analysts who receive it. Further, access to an analytic product is typically limited to those who are cleared to read the intelligence reports on which it is based. The easy availability of source information, related reporting, and other finished intelligence products, along with a system to clearly identify old intelligence that has been reconsidered in one way or another, will benefit both analysts and customers. Analysts will, we believe, do their work more meticulously and accurately, while customers will be able to better understand the products they receive and know whether the Community continues to stand behind the intelligence.
The DNI should develop and implement
strategies for improving the Intelligence Community's science and technology
and weapons analysis capabilities. |
A specific subset of analysts
within the Intelligence Community is responsible for assessing emerging threats
The Intelligence Science Board
study and our own research found that the Intelligence Community's ability to
conduct S&T and weapons analysis has not kept pace with the changing
security environment. 20
The board's study noted the Intelligence Community was particularly vulnerable
to surprise by "rapidly changing and readily available emerging
technologies whose use by state and non-state actors, in yet unanticipated
ways, may result in serious and unexpected threats." 21 The S&T areas of most
concern include biological attacks, nuclear threats, cyber warfare, Chinese
technology leapfrogging, and the impact of commercial technologies on foreign
threats. 22 In
addition, current analysis often fails to place foreign S&T and weapons
developments in the context of an adversary's plans, strategy, policies, and
overall capabilities that would provide customers with a better understanding
of the implications for
The state of the Intelligence
Community's S&T and weapons analysis capabilities should be a key issue for
the DNI, given the importance of these fields in providing warning and
assessments of many of today's critical threats. In addition to hiring more
analysts with technical and scientific skills and experience, the Intelligence
Community would benefit from more contact with outside technical experts who
could conduct peer reviews and provide alternative perspectives. In addition,
resources should be set aside for conducting in-depth and multidisciplinary
research and analysis of emerging technologies and weapon developments to help
the Community keep pace with the ever-changing security environment. The use of
analytical methodologies, such as red teaming, scenario analyses, and crisis
simulations, to explore and understand the impact of new technologies and
weapons on
To ensure progress will be made in the future, we recommend that the DNI designate a Community leader for developing and implementing strategies for improving the Intelligence Community's S&T and weapons analysis capabilities. This person should report to the DNI on a periodic basis on the status of the Community's relevant capabilities and make recommendations on where further improvements are needed.
Analysts are the link between customers and the Intelligence Community. They provide a conduit for providing intelligence to customers and for conveying the needs and interests of customers to collectors. This role requires analysts to perform a number of functions. Analysts must assess the available information and place it in context. They must clearly and concisely communicate the information they have, the information they need, the conclusions they draw from the data, and their doubts about the credibility of the information or the validity of their conclusions. They must understand the questions policymakers ask, those they are likely to ask, and those they should ask; the information needed to answer those questions; and the best mechanisms for finding that information. And as analysts are gaining unprecedented and critically important access to operations traffic, they must also become security gatekeepers, revealing enough about the sources for policymakers to evaluate their reporting and conclusions, but not enough to disclose tightly-held, source-identifying details.
Analysts fulfill these functions through interactions with a wide range of intelligence customers, who run the gamut in terms of rank, area of responsibility, and understanding of intelligence. "Typical" customers include not only the President and senior policymakers, but also members of Congress, military commanders, desk officers in executive agencies, law enforcement officers, customs and border patrol officials, and military units in the field. We do not attempt to examine each of these relationships, but we do note some challenges in this area. Specifically, we address how the Intelligence Community might modernize some customer relationships, some components of an "appropriate" relationship between analysts and customers, and how the President—and to a lesser degree other senior policymakers—should be supported.
The DNI should explore ways to make
finished intelligence available to customers in a way that enables
them— to the extent they desire —to
more easily find pieces of interest, link to related materials, and
communicate with analysts. |
The Intelligence Community must distribute its products more efficiently and effectively. Today's policymaker receives intelligence in almost the same way as his 1985 predecessor; most intelligence products from the CIA's Directorate of Intelligence, for example, are still delivered in hardcopy. For some customers, this may remain the preferred method of receiving intelligence. For others with different needs or preferences—and we have heard from some of them—the Intelligence Community should consider ways to modernize intelligence distribution.
Some modernization has occurred;
most notably, a limited number of
This state of affairs is markedly inferior to the state of the practice in private industry. Most customers of intelligence products cannot search electronic libraries of information or catalogues of existing products. They cannot query analysts in real time about needed information or upcoming products. They cannot link finished intelligence documents together electronically to create a reference trail. They cannot easily review research programs to provide suggestions or recommendations. They cannot explore thoughts and views with analysts in an informal online environment. They cannot read informal messages alerting them to new information which may include analysts' preliminary thoughts or judgments on an item. They cannot tailor information displays to their needs. They cannot reshape raw data into graphics and charts. They cannot access different intelligence media electronically.
This is not an area in which there is only one right answer; there are many ways to provide up-to-the-minute, in-depth information to policymakers in user-friendly formats. We also recognize that because of the dramatic effects an electronic system would have on the way the Intelligence Community does its work and because of substantial security concerns, any new program along these lines will require a great deal of additional thought and planning. Nevertheless, we believe that even in the relatively near future the benefits of an integrated electronic system will outweigh the risks, and it will become more necessary as a new generation of customers—with a preference for the flexibility of digital technology—reaches higher levels of government.
Regardless of how customers receive intelligence, both analysts and customers have to recognize that certain exchanges between the two are appropriate and should be encouraged. Perhaps most importantly, we believe it is critical that customers engage analysts. It is the job of the analyst to express clearly what the analyst knows, what the analyst doesn't know, what the analyst thinks, and why—but if the analyst does not, the customer must insist that the analyst do so. If necessary, the customer should challenge the analyst's assumptions and reasoning. Because they are "keepers of the facts," analysts can play a decisive role in policy debates, a role that has temptations for analysts with strong policy views of their own. A searching examination of the underlying evidence for the analysts' factual assertions is the best way to reassure policymakers that the analysts' assertions are well-grounded. We reject any contention that such engagement is in itself inappropriate or that the risk of "politicizing" intelligence cannot be overcome by clear statements to analysts as to the purpose of the dialogue. When an analyst leaves a policymaker's office feeling thoroughly cross-examined and challenged to support his premises, that is not politicization; it is the system working at its best. Only through active engagement of this sort will intelligence become as useful as it can be.
Analysts also have a responsibility to tell customers about important disagreements within the Intelligence Community. We were told by some senior policymakers that it sometimes took weeks to get an answer to a question—not because the answer was difficult to obtain, but because analysts were hesitant to admit to Intelligence Community disagreement on an issue. This is not how intelligence should function. Analysts must readily bring disagreement within the Community to policymakers' attention, and must be ready to explain the basis for the disagreement. Such disagreement is often a sign of robust independent analysis and should be encouraged.
In addition to conveying disagreements, analysts must also find ways to explain to policymakers degrees of certainty in their work. Some publications we have reviewed use numerical estimates of certainty, while others rely on phrases such as "probably" or "almost certainly." We strongly urge that such assessments of certainty be used routinely and consistently throughout the Community. Whatever device is used to signal the degree of certainty—mathematical percentages, graphic representations, or key phrases—all analysts in the Community should have a common understanding of what the indicators mean and how to use them.
Finally, analysts and Intelligence Community leaders have a responsibility to take note, whenever possible, of what their customers are doing and saying, and to tell those customers when actions or statements are inconsistent with existing intelligence. We do not mean to suggest that analysts should spend all of their waking hours monitoring policymakers, or that analysts should have a "veto" over policymaker statements. Rather, when aware of upcoming speeches or decisions, analysts should make clear that they are available to vet intelligence-related matters, and analysts should—when necessary—tell policymakers how their statements diverge from existing intelligence. Having fulfilled this duty, analysts must then let politically-accountable policymakers determine whether or not a statement is appropriate in light of intelligence judgments.
The new legislation designates the DNI as the person primarily responsible for ensuring that the President's day-to-day intelligence needs are met. 25 This means that the Office of the DNI, not the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, should have the final authority over the content and production of the President's Daily Brief (PDB)—or whatever other form intelligence support to the President may take.
We also believe that the DNI will have to work closely with the President and the National Security Council to reconsider how intelligence should best be presented to the President, because we are dubious that the PDB—in its current incarnation—is the right answer.
Our case studies, primarily
Having identified these potential problems, we are hesitant to suggest how the PDB process should be altered. Only the President can say for certain how often and in what format he prefers to receive national intelligence information. We do, however, recognize that the creation of the DNI will shift what has been a CIA-centric PDB process to more of a Community one—shepherded by the Office of the DNI.
The President's Daily Brief should be
restructured. The DNI should oversee the process and ensure a fair
representation of divergent views. Reporting on terrorism intelligence should
be combined and coordinated by the DNI to eliminate redundancies and material
that does not merit Presidential action. |
Regardless of the structure of the PDB process, the DNI will need to respond to the demands of senior advisors and the President. We recommend that the DNI create an analytic staff too small to routinely undertake drafting itself, but large enough that its members would have expertise on a wide range of subjects. The staffers would task the appropriate experts and agencies to draft responses to decisionmaker requests. They could also perform last minute editing and would—in every case—ensure that the pieces reflect any differences of opinion in the Community. 28 In our view, it is simply not enough to present dissenting views from the Intelligence Community only in longer, more formal assessments like National Intelligence Estimates. Rather, because policymakers tend to be significantly influenced by daily intelligence products, we believe it is essential that those products offer as complete a perspective on an issue as is feasible. This is not to suggest that the production of each daily briefing for the President or others should recreate a mini-NIE process; in many cases, relatively few intelligence agencies need be involved. But when agencies have sharp differences, the DNI's analytic staff should be responsible for ensuring that the final memorandum clearly reflects these competing conclusions and the reasons for disagreement.
Equally important, we believe that
the DNI should seek to combine—with the President's concurrence, of
course—the three primary sources of intelligence that now reach the
President. Currently, in addition to the PDB, the President receives the
We have reviewed these materials and discussed the briefings with many regular participants. There are plainly redundancies that should be eliminated, but we are also concerned that the channels conveying terrorism intelligence are clogged with trivia. One reason for this unnecessary detail is that passing information "up the chain" provides bureaucratic cover against later accusations that the data was not taken seriously. As one official complained, this behavior is caused by bureaucracies that are "preparing for the next 9/11 Commission instead of preparing for the next 9/11." It may be difficult to stem this tide, but the new DNI is in the best position to bring order to the process. We recommend that the DNI be given clear responsibility for combining terrorism intelligence into a single, regular Presidential briefing (whether a daily briefing is required should depend on the pace of events). This briefing would resemble and would perhaps be combined into the PDB.
In the same vein, several senior officials told us that they read the PDB not so much for its content (for it often did not necessarily include especially critical information) as much as to stay apprised of matters on which the President is briefed. In this light, although the DNI and the PDB staff must be free to make a professional judgment about the intelligence to present on any given day, we recommend that the DNI encourage suggestions from policymaking agencies like State and Defense about topics that could usefully be presented in the President's briefing. By taking this step the PDB would likely become more attuned to a wider variety of pressing national security issues.
We fully recognize that the DNI's role calls for a delicate balance. It will be tempting for the DNI's analysts to become the primary drafters themselves, and analysts in individual agencies will continue to face demands from those in their chain of command to respond to requests directly. The former would turn the office of the DNI into one more analytic entity putting forward its own views. The latter problem recreates the situation we have today, which often results in a multiplicity of uncoordinated views appearing before senior decisionmakers. The DNI's analytic cadre, whose responsibility it is to understand and to put forward the views of the Community's experts, wherever located, must ensure that analytic differences in the Community are not suppressed and, equally important, are not presented to decisionmakers in a piecemeal fashion that forces senior officials to sort out the differences themselves.
The Intelligence Community is unlikely to have the funding necessary to rely exclusively—or even primarily—on economic incentives to recruit and retain the best and the brightest. The Community, however, has always offered analysts something more: the opportunity to play a role in shaping the decisions of the nation's top leaders and to help maintain the security of our nation. To the extent that the Community loses sight of this as a motivating factor for its employees, it loses its most valuable tool for recruitment and retention.
The Intelligence Community should expand
the use of non-monetary incentives that remind analysts of the importance of
their work and the value of their contributions to national security. |
Recognize good performers. The Intelligence Community should look for
ways to ensure that the best analysts are recognized both within the Community
and by decisionmakers outside of the Community. The fact that the Community on
the whole works in relative anonymity makes this recognition all the more
necessary. Analysts who are viewed as experts get the opportunity to do exactly
what analysts are hired to do—play a part in shaping
Provide travel, training, rotations, and sabbaticals. All analysts are not alike, and not all opportunities for professional development will appeal to all equally. But giving analysts time to do the things they most want to do, particularly when the activities also contribute to the development of their expertise, is beneficial to everyone. One DIA manager told us that fully funding a robust travel budget would be far cheaper than paying salaries on a par with those paid by contractors, and would help a great deal in keeping analysts motivated and interested. 29 Other analysts are likely to find other activities more appealing, from full-time academic training, to policy rotations, to stints in the Office of the DNI or other agencies within the Community.
Permit careers to focus on the analysts' areas of interest. Analysts also differ in their preferred approaches to their careers. Some enjoy being generalists, moving among all types of accounts and bringing a fresh perspective; others have a strong interest in a certain type of analysis—such as conventional weapons—or an area of the world, and might choose to spend time on a variety of similar accounts. Still others seek to specialize on fairly focused subject matters. The Intelligence Community benefits from all of these career paths, and in the best of all worlds, analysts would be able to follow the one best suited to their interests. The nature of the intelligence business will never allow for such a perfect fit; some specialists will need to remain on an account after their interest in it has waned, and some analysts will be pulled from where they are happiest to respond to an emerging crisis. But the goal should be to get it right for as many analysts as possible. Doing so is an enormously powerful retention tool. Managers of technical analysts explained to us that they had a great deal of difficulty retaining analysts because they came in expecting to work on areas in which they had developed expertise, but were pulled by the demands of the job into other areas that they found less interesting. 30 We expect that the Mission Managers will be able to place more focused attention on long-range planning and generate an increased understanding of where knowledge and expertise reside—and thus better position the Community to respond to emerging crises in a thoughtful way and reduce the numbers of analysts forced into jobs they dislike.
Provide tools and support. Managers also complained that analysts often find that the tools and technology available in the Intelligence Community fall short of what they use in school, at home, or in the private sector. 31 Moreover, analysts across the board face declining administrative support. Among other things, analysts typically must do desktop publishing, maintain files of classified materials not available electronically, manage contracts, and perform logistical tasks associated with travel or training. In other words, analysts often view their counterparts in the private sector as having better tools and better support that enable them to spend their time and energy on core tasks. Giving analysts what they need to do their job and ensuring that they spend their time as analysts , not clerks or administrative aides, would emphasize that their time and skills are valued.
The new intelligence reform legislation requires the DNI to assign an individual or entity the responsibility to ensure that finished intelligence products are timely, objective, independent of political considerations, based on all sources of available intelligence, and grounded in proper analytic tradecraft. In the course of conducting relevant reviews, this entity is further directed to produce a report of lessons learned. 32
Examinations of finished intelligence
should be routine and ongoing, and the lessons learned from the "post
mortems" should be incorporated into the intelligence education and
training program. |
This is an area in which the Intelligence Community should learn from the Department of Defense, which has an especially strong, institutionalized process for benefiting from lessons learned. In our classified report, we discuss a Defense Department "lessons-learned" study that we found particularly impressive, but that we cannot elaborate upon here. Intelligence Community lessons-learned efforts (such as CIA's Product Evaluation Staff) had less success, in part because they do not have sufficient resources or possess much prestige within intelligence agencies. Nor do we think that, in general, intelligence agencies should be responsible for "grading their own papers." The intelligence reform legislation recognizes the need for a separate body that conducts reviews of analysis, a welcome idea that should be fully embraced by the Community.
The changes that we recommend are significant departures from the current way in which the Community conducts the business of analysis. Some run counter to long-standing, embedded practices, and we are mindful that they may be resisted by analysts and managers alike. We believe, however, that these changes are essential to improving the Community's capability to accurately assess threats and to provide timely, relevant, thoughtful support to policymakers. Intelligence analysis faces unprecedented challenges; unprecedented measures to strengthen the analytical process are well warranted.
1 U.S. Senate, The Final Report of the Select Committee To Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities (April 26, 1976) (i.e., Church Committee Report); Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, U.S. House of Representatives, IC21: Intelligence Community in the 21st Century (1996); Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States (i.e., Rumsfeld Commission), Side Letter to the President (March 18, 1999); CIA, The Jeremiah Report: The Intelligence Community's Performance on the Indian Nuclear Tests (June 1, 1998); Markle Foundation Task Force, Creating a Trusted Information Network for Homeland Security (Dec. 2003); National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States ( i.e. , The 9/11 Commission Report) (2004); Council on Foreign Relations, Making Intelligence Smarter: The Future of U.S. Intelligence: Report of an Independent Task Force (1996); Commission on the Roles and Capabilities of the United States Intelligence Community ( i.e. , Aspin-Brown Commission), Preparing for the 21st Century: An Appraisal of U.S. Intelligence (1996); Report of the Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government ( i.e. Hoover Commission Report) (1949).
2 Staff review of House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Markups of Intelligence Authorization Bills, 1991-2005.
3 Interview with senior
intelligence official (
4 The CIA has had similar programs in the past whereby the agency introduced analysts who were tools experts to work alongside other analysts. These analysts were just like their analytic colleagues, except that they were also specialists in how to use analytic technologies and could help counterparts learn to use these tools to structure research problems. CIA Office of Research and Development, Office of East Asian Analysis Testbed Project Final Report (Sept. 30, 1994).
5 Interview with biosecurity
expert (
6 Inter-agency
7 CIA Office of Research and Development, Office of East Asian Analysis Testbed Project Final Report (Sept. 30, 1994).
8 Interview with senior In-Q-Tel
official (
9 Interview with senior In-Q-Tel
official (
10 Interview with CIA analysts (
11 Interview with former CIA
WINPAC analysts (
12 These formal alternative analysis programs are also reinforced by the existence of multiple analytic units in the Community, which often reach different analytic conclusions.
13 The DNI is statutorily
required to assign responsibility "for ensuring responsibility that, as
appropriate, elements of the Intelligence Community conduct alternative
analysis." Intelligence Reform and
14 Chapter Three (
15 Interview with senior CIA official.
16 There currently exist several
very successful joint training programs. The Joint Military Intelligence
College, for example, currently operates a very successful program—a
structured intermediate/advanced curriculum for Intelligence Community officers
across the Community. At the same time, many similar efforts have failed for
various reasons, including insufficient funding and lack of bureaucratic clout.
The Defense Department Chancellor for Civilian Education's program is one such
example of an unsuccessful cross-agency effort. Interview with former senior
staff of the defunct Department of Defense Office of the Chancellor for
Civilian Education and Development (
17 Some, but not most, of the finished intelligence provided to the Commission included lists of reference numbers identifying particular sources, but we understand that such lists are not routinely provided to policymakers. In any case, these lists provide no indication of how one could determine which specific document supported facts included in the piece.
18 We recognize that the DCI is
currently working to establish Community procedures for such a system, and we
commend this development. Chapter One (
19 DCI Intelligence Science Board Task Force, The State of Science and Technology Analysis in the Intelligence Community (April 2004) at p. xiii (hereinafter "ISB Report").
24 Interview with senior administration official (
25 IRTPA at § 1011.
26 In addition, several senior policymakers expressed concerns about the utility of the PDB in its current incarnation.
27 Interview with senior intelligence analyst (
28 We understand that the CIA is already moving in this direction and we commend it for doing so.
29 Interview with DIA analysts and managers (
30 See, e.g. , Interview with CIA
WINPAC analysts (
32 IRTPA at § 1019.
33 Interview with DIA analysts (
& Recommendations |
While the imperative to
improve information sharing within and beyond the Intelligence
Community is widely acknowledged, it is too
infrequently noted that the Intelligence Community--and the new DNI--have an
additional responsibility that is often in
tension with the first: the need to protect
intelligence sources and methods. What therefore is needed--and what is
largely absent from today's Intelligence
Community--are structures and processes for
sharing intelligence information that are driven by commonly accepted principles
of risk management. While some collection agencies
have greatly improved their information sharing practices since September 11, others have allowed overly
stringent protective requirements to play too decisive a role in the decision
whether to share information. Concern about security in a narrow sense should
not crowd out actions to ensure national security in the larger sense.
Sometimes--indeed, often--the right answer will be to limit access to
information because of security concerns; but collection agencies, which for
perfectly understandable bureaucratic reasons may systematically undervalue
the need to share information, should not make this decision. |
Accordingly, in this chapter we call for a
consolidation of authority and the centralized management of intelligence
information along the following lines: |
Resolve management ambiguities created by the recent
intelligence reform legislation through two actions: (1) ensure that the
newly-created Program Manager reports to the President through the DNI; and
(2) expand the |
§ Create a single position under the DNI with responsibility for both information sharing and the protection of sources and methods: a chief information management officer; and |
§ Break down both policy and technical barriers to information sharing by eliminating inconsistent agency practices and establishing, to the fullest extent possible, uniform standards across the Intelligence Community designed to facilitate implementation of a networked community. |
An End to "Sharing" |
We begin with an important reservation about
terminology. The term information "sharing" suggests that the
federal government entity that collects the information
"owns" it and can decide whether or not to "share" it
with others. This concept is deeply embedded in the Intelligence Community's
culture. We reject it. Information collected by
the Intelligence Community--or for that matter, any government
agency--belongs to the |
The 9/11 Commission Report depicted a number of failures by one agency to pass terrorism warning information to other agencies, resulting in missed opportunities to apprehend terrorists. 1 Although the problem of information sharing was not a central part of the Intelligence Community's failure to assess Iraq's weapons programs properly, our study of Iraq found several situations where key information failed to reach those who needed it: for example, poor information systems resulted in a failure to recall reporting from a source who was determined to be a fabricator, and early reporting raising questions about the credibility of Curveball was not widely distributed to the analytical community. 2 Our review of other aspects of the Intelligence Community--and in particular, the Intelligence Community's current capabilities to combat the terrorist threat--revealed other shortcomings in the way in which information is communicated between and among intelligence agencies.
Our study is hardly the first to identify the need for information sharing, both within the Intelligence Community and in other areas of the government. 3 The Intelligence Community has taken its own steps to address the problem internally, and has launched more than 100 initiatives since September 11 to improve information sharing. 4 While some of these steps deserve praise, progress has been uneven and sporadic. As demonstrated in our terrorism case study, the Terrorist Threat Integration Center, now absorbed within the National Counterterrorism Center, has succeeded in establishing connections to dozens of networks at its new terrorism warning center--but obstacles remain. Representatives from one agency still face legal and policy barriers that prevent them from gaining access to the databases of another. 5 Collectors of information continue to operate as though they "own" the information, and collectors continue to control access to the information they generate. 6 Decisions to withhold information are typically based on rules that are neither clearly defined nor consistently applied, with no system in place to hold collectors accountable for inappropriately withholding information. 7
In short, while some progress has been made since September 11,
we are still quite far from the goal of enabling personnel from across the
Intelligence Community to access information from anywhere in the Community
through their own network-based connections. In our terrorism case study, we
agreed with the recent assessment of the DCI's
Recognizing the incomplete nature
of the Intelligence Community's efforts, the President and Congress have taken
their own steps in recent months to address the problem. The new reform
legislation built upon Executive Order 13356 by mandating the creation of an
The initial implementation plan of the
We recognize that, in addressing the information sharing problem, we do not write on a blank slate. Our recommendations therefore will focus on questions of implementation and enforcement. We offer recommendations on how to smooth out ambiguities in information sharing responsibilities that the intelligence reform legislation created, and more generally on how we believe the new Director of National Intelligence should manage the information sharing effort. Success will require strong, centralized leadership and an enforcement regime that is based on clearly defined milestones, carries substantial penalties for failure to meet them, and has minimal tolerance for excuses. The recommendations below offer our views on how to get there.
1 |
The confused lines of authority over information sharing
created by the intelligence reform act should be resolved. In particular: |
The |
The Director of the |
§ The overlapping authorities of the DNI and the Program Manager should be reconciled and coordinated--a result most likely to be achieved by requiring the Program Manager to report to the DNI. |
There is no shortage of officials who have been charged in recent years with ensuring information sharing across the federal government. Indeed, the intelligence reform act itself assigns substantial--and often overlapping--responsibilities to three people:
The Director of National Intelligence is given "principal authority
to ensure maximum availability of and access to intelligence
information within the Intelligence Community consistent with national security
requirements." 16
The DNI was also given overall information
sharing responsibility to develop an "enterprise architecture for the
intelligence community and ensure that elements of the intelligence community
comply with such architecture." 17
The Director of the
The Program Manager is "responsible for information sharing
across the Federal Government." 20
Some of these overlapping authorities can be easily addressed.
The Director of the NCTC works for the DNI, and notwithstanding the NCTC
Director's theoretical right to report to the President
on interagency "strategic operational planning," 21 split authority for sharing
intelligence information is a recipe for stalemate. We recommend that the DNI
(and the President, if need be) make clear that the Director of the
The harder problem concerns the relationship between the DNI and the information sharing program manager. The
legislation directs the President to create an
Although the legislation sets lofty goals for the information
sharing program manager, it is not clear that the office has the authority
needed to implement even the best of plans for the
At the same time, the program manager may have just enough authority to interfere with implementation of information sharing throughout the Intelligence Community. The Community is unlikely to adopt one solution for sharing terrorism intelligence and another for sharing intelligence about chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons. As explained by the interim director of the NCTC, the people working the terrorism problem must be able to search all intelligence information for linkages and insights where the terrorist connection is not obvious. 30 Thus, the program manager's authority over terrorism information could drive, distort, or delay the Intelligence Community's efforts to share all intelligence more effectively.
To resolve this institutional ambiguity, we believe that the program manager's implementation of a government-wide terrorism information space needs to be coordinated with the DNI's responsibilities to drive information sharing within the Intelligence Community. Our view is that optimal coordination will result if the program manager reports to the Director of National Intelligence. With that said, we recognize that there are competing considerations.
First, the program manager was placed outside the Intelligence Community in order to extend information sharing to elements that normally do not exchange information with the Intelligence Community. These include law enforcement agencies (federal, state, local, tribal, and foreign), federal regulatory agencies (e.g., Federal Aviation Administration, Commerce, and Customs) and the private sector. As our terrorism case study demonstrates, the Intelligence Community has struggled to provide terrorism information to state, local, and tribal authorities. 31 Solutions that work in a classified world cannot be used to share data with this vast new audience. Still, much of the terrorism information shared by and among these agencies will originate with or pass through elements of the Intelligence Community. In our view, the DNI is in the best position to balance the need for sharing terrorism information with the need to protect intelligence sources and methods.
A second objection is that the Intelligence Community includes some of the worst offenders where information sharing is concerned. Unfortunately, we question whether the program manager is likely to force hard decisions on the Intelligence Community if the DNI cannot. Unlike with the temporary program manager, intelligence organizations cannot easily wait out the DNI's tenure, plus the DNI has budget, acquisition, and other authorities over some of the largest agencies affected by the information sharing mandate.
In short, we are far more sure of our diagnosis, that the legislation's allocation of responsibilities is unworkable, than of our prescription--granting the DNI authority over the program manager. In the absence of a better prescription, however, we offer what we believe is the most workable approach to this messy problem.
The intelligence reform act provides that the President shall
"designate the organizational and management structures that will be used
to operate and manage the
Of course, if the DNI is to exercise such authority, the DNI must demonstrate a commitment and an ability to achieve information sharing across the government. That will not be easy. So far, information sharing among intelligence agencies, even regarding terrorism, is intense but ad hoc. As we described in our terrorism case study, terrorism information sharing depends far too much on agency-specific workarounds. There has not been strong leadership or a centralized approach. Agencies have resisted broader solutions for two plausible reasons: first, because of technological incompatibilities; and second, because of security and privacy restrictions on sharing data. Neither of these objections is trivial, but the Community only makes matters worse by allowing them to fester for lack of decisionmaking authority. For that reason, we recommend that responsibility for security and technology issues in the Intelligence Community be combined into a single office reporting directly to the DNI or his principal deputy. This office would oversee and manage the policy, security, and technical dimensions of all information sharing within the Intelligence Community. To make clear that its responsibilities exceed those of the traditional federal government Chief Information Officer, it could be called the Chief Information Management Officer (CIMO).
2 |
The DNI should give responsibility for information
sharing, information technology, and information security within the
Intelligence Community to an office reporting directly to the DNI or to the
Principal Deputy DNI. |
The job of the chief information management officer is to make
the difficult decisions that ensure uniform information sharing and security
policies across the Intelligence Community. He or she would be responsible for
issuing policies and directives for the
The potential conflict between network expansion and network security leads to bureaucratic confrontations between their respective advocates. The two camps normally report through separate chains of command that converge only at high levels of institutional management. Hence conflicts of lesser importance that are not worthy of escalation remain unresolved and result in paralysis. Those of greater importance are elevated to high-level managers who typically have broad responsibilities well beyond adjudication of network or information access issues, and precious little time or attention to work the problems. Until the recent push for information sharing, the security contingent held all the trump cards. No one was held accountable for failure to share information; but the opposite was true for a security failure.
Finding the right compromise between information sharing and
information security is a question of risk management. Each of these values
should be accorded its proper weight, with due recognition of the increased
importance of information sharing in the current threat environment. Successful
execution of this risk management function requires hands-on, continuous
planning and leadership--not disjointed and occasional adjudication by
committee. Accordingly, we recommend that responsibility within the
Intelligence Community for both information sharing and information security
(protection of sources and methods) reside with the DNI, delegable to the chief
information management officer. The CIMO would be held accountable for the effective development of the shared information
space, using risk management to achieve the right balance between sharing and
security. The dual responsibilities of this office would encourage planning and
decisions based on overall mission objectives and accountability to the diverse
needs of
We do not propose to tell the DNI and the chief information
management officer how to resolve all of the difficult technical and policy
issues associated with creating an
3 |
In designing an |
§ The limitations of "need to know" in a networked environment; |
§ The importance of developing mechanisms that can protect sources and methods in new ways; |
§ Biometrics and other user authentication (identification) methods, along with user activity auditing tools, can promote accountability and enhance counterintelligence capabilities; |
§ System-wide encryption of data can greatly reduce the risks of network penetration by outsiders; and |
Where sensitive information is restricted to a
limited group of users, the |
First, it is unrealistic to think that we can achieve our information sharing goals without departing from traditional approaches to the "need-to-know" principle. Under the current rules, each government official who holds classified information has a responsibility "to ensure that a need-to-know exists" before giving access to another person, even if that person has all the requisite clearances. 33 In practice, these individual decisions follow agency-specific policies (or unstated habits) that vary widely across the Intelligence Community. If rigidly applied, the "need-to-know" rule is incompatible with a networked environment. In a networked environment, providers of information cannot know for sure when a user "needs" a particular piece of information. Instead, as the Intelink experience demonstrates, users of this service must be given access to all information broadly available on the network within the clearance levels of the individual user, and consistent with applicable privacy and civil liberties guidelines. Intelink provides the Intelligence Community with classified services analogous to those of the World Wide Web on the Internet. 34 It provides easy user access, security and privacy safeguards, information discovery and search, collaboration through e-mail and chat rooms, and automated, personalized information delivery. 35 Other existing information sharing networks include JWICS (up to Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information), SIPRNet (up to Secret/collateral information), and OSIS (Sensitive But Unclassified and For Official Use Only).
At the same time, one must not dismiss the risks of this
approach. Moving to an
But the proliferation of communities of interest raises another
problem. What if an analyst is searching for--and needs to know--information
that is hidden in an access-controlled database? How does the analyst even know
whom to ask for access? One solution proposed for this problem is to make
available a catalog of all the communities of interest in the
Similarly, Intelink has not yet reached its full potential because some agencies still do not make much of their reporting available through the Intelink system. The reluctance of some agencies to connect their information systems and databases with outside systems such as Intelink stems not simply from a lack of interagency trust. Some agencies, notably NSA, provide intelligence officers from trusted partner nations with access to their networks, while agencies such as CIA resist sharing information about human assets with any foreign nationals for fear of compromising sources and methods. The Intelligence Community can resolve this tension by requiring stronger authentication procedures for all users of Intelink and similar systems, and by enabling users to establish communities of interest--essentially, highly secure virtual workspaces--that shield particularly sensitive information from all users except those who have been admitted by name. Authentication methods using biometrics and digital certificates offer excellent protection against unauthorized information access, since they can establish with near certainty the identity of the person attempting to access a given system. Emerging software-based auditing tools that monitor the behavior of users can help security officers spot suspicious activity and further strengthen the integrity of Intelink and related information systems.
As has been recognized by the Markle Foundation in some detail, such automated accountability technologies would greatly strengthen counterintelligence capabilities as well as protecting privacy. 38 Modern encryption can provide additional security by effectively precluding the deciphering of internal communications by persons outside the network. Control checks, such as identity management systems, can check each user's access privileges and either admit them, deny them access, or provide a security point of contact to adjudicate the matter virtually. Additional security might be provided by considering greater use of "thin clients," where all data is stored on servers remote from the user, and user terminals have no interface for removable media (i.e., no ability to write to a CD).
All of these technologies are available off the shelf today. Experience with Intelink suggests that sometimes the best approach is to "just do it." Without having studied the information sharing implementation plans of the agencies concerned, we cannot say that this is the only way forward. But building on the lessons learned through the use of Intelink and current networks with information sharing capabilities offers many advantages.
The fundamental barriers to information sharing are not a matter of technology; they arise from the legal, policy, and cultural "rules" that pervade the system. That is why information sharing cannot be a matter of issuing one edict or adopting one technology. It requires a patient sorting out of many complex policy threads and adapting systems and policies to emerging Intelligence Community and government processes. Without pretending that we have identified all of the problems, let alone all of the solutions, we have been able to isolate several of the policies that stand in the way of information sharing. In many cases we suggest solutions to these problems.
4 |
Primary institutional responsibility within the
Intelligence Community for establishing clear and consistent " |
The rules governing collection and retention of information on
5 |
The DNI should set uniform information management
policies, practices, and procedures for all members of the Intelligence
Community. |
Current agency-specific policies and practices do not suit a
modern, networked environment. For example, criteria for certifying networks
and software for use on networks differ from one agency to the next. The
Intelligence Community lacks common standards for firewalls and network
gateways. 41 Uniform
standards and procedures should govern submission of documents and information
to the
6 |
All users of the |
At present, the Intelligence Community has no comprehensive
online directory of analysts and technical experts. Our case
7 |
The DNI should propose standards to simplify and modernize
the information classification system with particular attention to
implementation in a network-centric |
Finally, the rules governing classification of national security information are antiquated and overly complex. As we noted in our terrorism case study, caveats such as ORCON ("originator controlled") wrongly imply that collectors of intelligence "own" the information and should control access to it. 42 The compartmentation of highly sensitive activities creates unknown islands of information under the "personalized" 43 security governance of each program manager. For understandable reasons, collectors have historically accorded paramount importance to protection of sources and methods and have given insufficient weight to information dissemination and "sharing." This culture of diffused information ownership has resulted in inconsistent information access standards and arbitrary enforcement of those standards.
The DNI should move toward a culture of "stewardship"
of intelligence information instead of ownership. Federal government
information belongs to the nation and is entrusted to the Intelligence
Community in order to pursue the nation's best interest. Collectors of
intelligence information should not control access to such information; the DNI
or the DNI's designee should exercise that authority. As a baseline standard or
norm, the DNI should require the submission of all intelligence information,
with proper classification controls, to the
8 |
We recommend several parallel efforts to keep the |
Collection of metrics. The chief information
management officer should introduce performance metrics for the |
§ Self-enforcing milestones. Milestones should include specific and quantifiable performance criteria for the sharing environment, as well as rewards and penalties for succeeding or failing to meet them. The DNI should empower the chief information management officer to use the DNI's budget, mission-assignment, and personnel authorities to penalize poor agency performance. |
§ Incentives. The DNI should ensure that collectors and analysts receive honors or monetary prizes for intelligence products that receive widespread use or acclaim. Users should post comments or rate the value of individual reports or analytic products, and periodic user surveys can serve as peer review mechanisms. |
Training. The DNI should promote the training
of all users in the |
No discussion of information sharing initiatives would be complete without noting that the sharing of information has raised privacy and civil liberties concerns in the wake of September 11.
Our recommendations in this chapter rest securely in the belief that all concerned will follow provisions in the new legislation and executive orders that are designed to make the protection of civil liberties an ongoing priority for the intelligence and law enforcement communities. The recent executive orders establishing the NCTC and mandating greater sharing of counterterrorism information each included the protection of "the freedom, information privacy, and other legal rights of Americans" as part of the underlying policy. 44 And on the same day the President issued these orders, he established the President's Board on Safeguarding Americans' Civil Liberties. 45
Building on these executive orders, the legislation establishes a Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board within the Executive Office of the President. 46 The Board is tasked with reviewing regulations, policies, and laws relating to counterterrorism, including those that address information sharing, to ensure that each of these takes account of privacy and civil liberties concerns. 47 The Board is also charged with regular reviews of the information sharing practices of the executive branch to address the same concerns. 48
Further, the new law places a Civil Liberties Protection Officer
in the office of the DNI, 49
who, alone among the legislatively-mandated staff, must directly report to the
DNI. 50 The statute
also recommends, although it does not require, that other entities establish
similar positions. 51
The officer is specifically charged with ensuring
that policies and procedures protect civil liberties, that the use of
technology does not erode privacy protections, and that
Provisions of the legislation specifically calling for more information
sharing also take care to address privacy concerns. Indeed, the new system must
"incorporate[] protections for individuals' privacy and civil
liberties." 53
Even before implementation of the new
Thus, the law already provides the framework for appropriate
protection of civil liberties in the context of information sharing. Adequate protection
will, however, require detailed implementation in the development of the system
itself, perhaps assisted by the oversight board and privacy experts and groups
outside the Intelligence Community. In our view, an equally important
protection is in the technology and the culture of the agencies that do the
sharing. Much new technology can be used effectively to protect information
from misuse. The intelligence reform act recognizes this possibility by calling
for the use of audit, authentication, and access controls in the
The pursuit of privacy and national security is not a zero-sum
game. The same technologies that protect against violations of privacy can also
provide strong counterintelligence capabilities--something that will be
essential if the
1 For example, CIA failed to pass names of suspected
terrorists to the Federal Aviation Administration and Customs, and the FBI
failed to disseminate a warning from its St. Louis Field Office to any other
agency. Final Report of the National Commission
on Terrorist Attacks Upon the
2 Chapter One (
3 See generally 9/11 Commission Report; Markle
Foundation Task Force, Creating a Trusted
4 DCI Community Management Staff, Calibration Report:
Community Intelligence Community Collaboration and
5 Chapter Four (
8 IC May 2004 Calibration Report at p. ES-1 (emphasis in original).
9 Intelligence Reform and
12 Executive Order 13356 (
13 The failure of the
14 The
15 Interview
with Department of Defense counterintelligence
and security official (
16 IRTPA at § 1011 (amending § 102A of the National Security Act).
23 While the act gives the information program manager responsibility (without limitation) for "information sharing across the Federal Government," the provisions creating this office are in the context of legislation that deals only with "terrorism information" as expressly defined. IRTPA at § 1016(a)(4).
25 In discussion of the Conference
Report, Senator Collins stated: "The legislation provides that the program
manager is to serve for two years, during the initial development of the ISE,
to ensure that the project gets off to a sound start. As part of the
implementation plan to be submitted to Congress
after one year, the program manager is to recommend a future management
structure for the ISE, including a recommendation
as to whether the position of program manager should continue."
Congressional Record--Senate
26 This and future references in the text to the
27 IRTPA at § 1016(g)(1).
28 The legislation provides that the Program Manager will
"assist in the development of policies,
procedures, guidelines, rules and standards"
for the ISE.
29 Executive Order 13356 established the Information Systems
Council, chaired by the Office of Management and Budget, and directed it to
"report to the President through the Assistants to the President for
National Security Affairs and Homeland Security." Executive Order 13356 (
30 Interview with senior
31 Chapter Four (
32 IRTPA at § 1016(b)(1)(B). We do note, however, that in the discussion of
information sharing in connection with the Conference Report on the
intelligence reform act, Senator Collins stated, "It is not our intent that the DNI also assume further
responsibilities of program manager." Conference Report--Senate (
33 Executive Order 12968 (
34 Many of the future "milestones" described in the
35 The
36 This is done by metadata tags specifically referencing the identity of individuals authorized to have access to a particular document.
37 Interview with CIA counterintelligence officials (
38 Markle Foundation Task Force on National Security in the
Information Age, Creating a Trusted
39 "Agencies within the Intelligence Community are
authorized to collect, retain, or disseminate information concerning United
States persons only in accordance with procedures established by the head of the agency concerned and approved
by the Attorney General." Executive Order 12333 (
40 This might require a change to Executive Order 12333, which directs individual agencies to establish their own U.S. persons rules (subject to Attorney General approval) and does not expressly interpose the DNI in that process. As we note in Chapter Ten (Intelligence at Home), our envisioned Assistant Attorney General for National Security would be the natural office to take the lead in securing Justice Department approval of such guidelines.
41 Interview with Department of Defense counterintelligence
and security official (
43 The program managers of Special Access Programs have wide discretion to set security rules applicable only to their program.
44 Executive Order 13354 (
45 Executive Order 13353 (
59 Markle Foundation Task Force on National Security in the
Information Age, Creating a Trusted Network
for Homeland Security (
& Recommendations |
Combating chemical,
biological, and nuclear terrorism, as well as other
foreign intelligence challenges, will require intelligence assets both inside
and outside the |
Meanwhile, the Department of Justice has not yet put
its national security components in one office;
its anti-terrorism and intelligence support offices are as scattered as they were on September 10, 2001. And the Department of Homeland Security
is still following a Treasury Department order from the 1980s that requires
high-level approval for virtually all information sharing and assistance to
the Intelligence Community. |
In light of these problems we recommend that: |
§ The FBI create a new National Security Service within the Bureau and under a single Executive Assistant Director. This service would include the FBI's Counterterrorism and Counterintelligence Divisions and its Directorate of Intelligence, and would be subject to the coordination and budget authorities of the DNI; |
The DNI ensure that there are effective
mechanisms for preventing conflicts and encouraging
coordination among intelligence agencies in the |
All intelligence activity within the |
§ The Department of Justice consolidate its national security elements--the Office of Intelligence Policy Review, and the Counterterrorism and Counterespionage sections--under a new Assistant Attorney General for National Security; and |
§ The Department of Homeland Security rescind Treasury Order 113-01. |
The events of September 11 made clear that terrorists can operate
on both sides of the
This new reality requires first
that the FBI and other agencies do a better job of gathering intelligence
inside the
It has now been three and a half years
since the September 11 attacks. A lot can be accomplished in that time. Three
and a half years after
The FBI has spent the past three and a half years building the beginnings of an intelligence service and striving to transform itself into a hybrid law enforcement and intelligence agency. 1 Field offices now routinely cull intelligence information from operations and investigations, and disseminate Intelligence Information Reports. An intelligence official from another law enforcement agency praised the FBI's ability to extract pertinent information from cases, pointing out that "[t]hey are doing a better job than anybody could have expected." 2 The Bureau has developed new intelligence training courses, Field Intelligence Groups to supervise intelligence production, and an expanded analytic cadre. FBI headquarters has hired hundreds of analysts and agents from outside its traditional core competencies (law enforcement, accounting, and the military). 3 In 2003 Director Mueller appointed an Executive Assistant Director for Intelligence to preside over these efforts and lead the newly created Office (now Directorate) of Intelligence. These are no small accomplishments.
At the same time, determination at the top of the organization does not always translate into change in the field. FBI Directors, no less than outsiders, must contend with a bureaucratic culture that naturally resists change. We are not the first to see the problem. The 9/11 Commission noted with some concern that it had "found gaps between some of the announced reforms and the reality in the field." 4
Past efforts to build a strong intelligence capability within the FBI have foundered on this resistance. In 1998 and 1999, similar reforms 5 failed in quick succession as a result of strong resistance from the FBI's operational divisions and an intelligence architecture that could not defend itself inside the bureaucracy. 6 Several of the obstacles FBI has faced in reforming itself stem from the Bureau's long and proud law enforcement culture. While the Bureau is making progress toward changing its culture, it remains a difficult task and one that we believe will require more structural change than the Bureau has instituted thus far.
So, the question remains: can the FBI's latest effort to build an intelligence capability overcome the resistance that has scuppered past reforms? In our view, the effort this time is more determined, but the outcome is still in doubt.
Here we highlight three areas critical to intelligence work--analytic capability, validation of human sources of intelligence (i.e., asset validation), and information technology--in which the FBI has made significant but, in our view, insufficient progress.
First, the FBI is still far from having the strong analytic capability that is required to drive and focus the Bureau's national security work. Although the FBI's tactical analysis has made significant progress, its strategic capabilities--those that are central to guiding a long-term, systematic approach to national security issues--have lagged. 10 And while the FBI maintains the ambitious goal of improving its strategic analysis--creating a Strategic Analysis Unit in the Directorate of Intelligence and a strategic analysis function in each Field Intelligence Group by 2005 11 --every indication is that the Bureau will have difficulty meeting this worthy objective, particularly at the field level. This is because the Bureau has largely been unable to carve out time for its analysts in the field to do long-term, strategic analysis. According to a 2004 evaluation of one Field Intelligence Group, "because of the current structure and manpower constraints, nearly all analysis is limited to the tactical level supporting individual cases." 12 A 2005 National Academy of Public Administration study on the FBI forecasts that "even after a larger analytical staff is built, the tendency will be for immediate operational demands to push out strategic analyses." 13 To place the Bureau's current production in context, consider that the FBI currently publishes approximately a quarter as many long-term (non-current) analytic pieces as CIA does in a given year. 14
This is not to suggest that the Bureau should replicate CIA's model. The Bureau's field office structure makes the FBI unique. One senior official emphasized that FBI has an operational emphasis that disproportionately requires actionable intelligence. 15 But although we are sympathetic to the FBI's particular analytic needs, we remain concerned that the current structure of the FBI's intelligence program, and the relationship between analysts and field operations, will not encourage analysts to rise above individual investigations, develop subject matter expertise, or drive--and not merely inform--counterintelligence, counterterrorism, and foreign intelligence collections, investigations, and operations.
The Bureau must also overcome a long history of treating analysts as "support staff." In the field offices there have always been two main categories of personnel: agent and non-agent (or "support"), and there is little doubt that agents enjoy preeminent status. As a 9/11 Commission staff statement noted, several field analysts complained that they "were viewed as `uber-secretaries,' expected to perform any duty that was deemed non-investigative, including data entry and answering phones." 16 Even today, there is still evidence of analysts' subordinate role. As just one example, according to a 2004 report on one field office, "due to a backlog of telephone numbers to be loaded into telephone applications, the FIG [Field Intelligence Group] has requested overtime and pulled analysts from squads to load and analyze data...[T]he use of [Intelligence Analysts] for clerical duties diminishes the analytical function of an [Intelligence Analyst]." 17 We expect the FBI will struggle to get its analytic cadre where it needs to be, in part because the Bureau must compete with other, better-established analytical entities within the Intelligence Community for analytic resources. 18
A second area that requires further reform is the system by which the FBI attempts to validate human sources of information, commonly referred to as "asset validation." For any organization that collects human intelligence, having an independent system for asset validation is critical to producing reliable, well-vetted intelligence. Indeed, the Intelligence Community's failure to validate assets adequately and communicate fabrication notices properly proved especially costly in the Iraq WMD debacle. 19
Over the past several years the FBI's Counterintelligence Division has instituted a sophisticated and intensive system for asset validation. This initiative deserves praise, but the FBI has not yet instituted this system in its other operational divisions. 20 Director Mueller and the head of FBI's Counterterrorism and Counterintelligence Divisions have both stated their intentions to establish comparable systems in the Counterterrorism and Criminal Divisions, but these plans have yet to be implemented. 21 When we asked agents in the field about the FBI's asset validation, we received answers indicating that asset validation remains largely controlled by the field offices. 22 Indeed, when we asked the FBI for a summary of how many assets had been terminated in the last year because they had been judged to be fabricators, we were told that an answer would take time since a request first had to go out to each of the field offices and then analyzed back at headquarters. 23 This response strongly suggests that the FBI still lacks a centrally-managed database of its human assets--an essential element of any objective and systematic approach to asset validation.
Finally, further reforms are also necessary in the FBI's information technology infrastructure, which remains a persistent obstacle to successful execution of the FBI's national security mission. We believe that the Bureau's failure to develop efficient mechanisms for information sharing both inside and outside the FBI seriously undermines the Bureau's ability to perform its intelligence work. As early as 2002, Senator Richard Shelby highlighted the FBI's failure to develop information technology tools adequate to support its national security mission as a serious shortcoming. 24 Recently the FBI declared that it will largely abandon the Virtual Case File system it had been developing for the past four years at a cost of $170 million. Although Director Mueller claimed in May 2004 that the system was expected to be completed by the end of the year, 25 at about the same time the National Research Council concluded that the FBI's information technology modernization was "not currently on a path to success" and that the Virtual Case File System should not be the foundation for the FBI's "analytical and data management capabilities for the intelligence process"--in part because the system was designed to serve the criminal investigative mission rather than the intelligence mission. 26
Beyond the shortcomings of these individual intelligence
capabilities, some of the FBI's achievements in gathering intelligence within
The FBI's intelligence capabilities plainly require continued
attention. But strengthening the FBI's national security capabilities is not
the only task at hand. The FBI must also interact effectively with the rest of
the Intelligence Community. The FBI has 1,720 professional intelligence
analysts, 28 more
than 12,000 agents capable of collecting valuable information in the field, 29 and the primary responsibility
for counterintelligence and counterterrorism in the
The need for better intelligence coordination across the foreign-domestic
divide was identified by the 9/11 Commission and was a moving force behind the
Intelligence Reform and
In writing the intelligence reform legislation, Congress did not create a Secretary of Intelligence or move all of the intelligence agencies under the direct command of the DNI. Congress left the intelligence agencies where they were--the Defense Department in most cases--but it also granted the DNI substantial authority over those agencies. NSA is typical. Though it is a Defense Department agency, NSA is part of the Intelligence Community. To ensure that NSA is responsive to the DNI, Congress gave the DNI significant authority over both NSA's budget 31 and a say in the appointment of its director. 32 The intelligence reform law applies the same basic authorities to the FBI but, in the case of the FBI, the DNI's principal tools for ensuring influence remain troublingly vague.
As a general matter, the DNI's budget authority over parts of the Intelligence Community is significant. The DNI prepares and has reprogramming authority over the National Intelligence Program (NIP, formerly the National Foreign Intelligence Program, or NFIP). The DNI also ensures that the NIP budget is effectively executed, and monitors its implementation. 33 This picture is, however, far less clear vis-à-vis the FBI. We fear that the DNI may find it difficult--if not impossible--to impose the level of accountability envisioned by the legislation because the FBI's budget is not configured to allow effective Intelligence Community oversight. 34 And in our view, nothing in the Bureau's internal reforms since September 11 has altered this fact.
Approximately a third of the Bureau's total budget is funded through the National Intelligence Program. 35 The vast majority of this money is allocated to the FBI's Counterterrorism and Counterintelligence Divisions. 36 In stark contrast, none of the NIP budget goes to the Bureau's Directorate of Intelligence. 37 Thus, if the current arrangement stands, the DNI will have no budget authority over the office that the Bureau has put at the center of its efforts to develop an intelligence capability.
And this curious arrangement appears even odder when one considers where NIP money goes in light of the DNI's personnel authority over the FBI. In those cases in which an FBI component does receive NIP money (e.g., for the Counterterrorism or Counterintelligence Division budgets), the DNI has no say in selecting the individual who runs that component. On the other hand, in the one case in which the DNI does have a say over an FBI official's appointment (i.e., the Executive Assistant Director of Intelligence), 38 that official's office (i.e., the Directorate of Intelligence) doesn't get NIP money. This strikes us as a peculiar arrangement, and one that diminishes the DNI's ability to ensure that the FBI is fully integrated into the Intelligence Community.
This rather confused budgetary situation is further complicated by FBI's internal budget categories. As required by the intelligence reform act, the FBI parses its budget into four parts: intelligence, counterterrorism/counterintelligence, criminal justice services, and criminal enterprises/federal crimes. 39 There is, however, only a small overlap between the National Intelligence Program budget and the Bureau's internal intelligence budget component--what it calls its "Intelligence Decision Unit."
Thus, when the FBI says that the Executive Assistant Director of Intelligence--again, the person over whom the DNI has some personnel authority--has "full control" over the "resources" of the Intelligence Decision Unit, 40 this says very little about the Executive Assistant Director's authority over National Intelligence Program funds. This is aptly illustrated by the fact that the Intelligence Decision Unit contains less than a third of the Bureau's NIP funds, and that a significant portion of Intelligence Decision Unit dollars go to parts of the FBI that are wholly unrelated to national intelligence programs. 41 In short, simply because something is in the FBI's "intelligence" budget gives little indication of whether the money is relevant to the Intelligence Community or, more importantly, to the DNI.
Not only is the Bureau's internal "intelligence" budget unit not aligned with the Bureau's NIP appropriations, we also doubt that the head of the Directorate of Intelligence actually has even the limited budget authority claimed by the FBI over what it internally describes as the "intelligence" budget. While the FBI states that the Executive Assistant Director for Intelligence "oversees" the Intelligence Decision Unit, 42 it remains unclear whether the Executive Assistant Director will actually have direct authority to formulate, direct, or reprogram the Intelligence Decision Unit budget. This is because, according to an official at the Office of Management and Budget, the Directorate of Intelligence only has unilateral authority over that percentage of the Intelligence Decision Unit that goes directly to the Directorate of Intelligence itself. 43 This means the Directorate has direct authority over only about four percent of the Bureau's own "intelligence" budget. 44 Fully 96 percent of the Intelligence Decision Unit falls outside the Directorate of Intelligence, in divisions like Counterintelligence and Counterterrorism. 45
Hence, although the FBI's Executive Assistant Director for Intelligence may provide input into policy-related decisions regarding the Intelligence Decision Unit, the Executive Assistant Director will not, for instance, control the salaries of those included in the unit, or have budget execution authority over the unit as a whole. 46 So, while the Bureau states that "[a]ll of [its] efforts to create and manage the FBI intelligence budget are directed at ensuring that the DNI is able to exercise oversight of all intelligence spending," 47 it is rather doubtful that creating the Intelligence Decision Unit--or providing the Executive Assistant Director for Intelligence general oversight over it--accomplishes this goal.
In our view, the FBI's budget process should be organized in a way that unambiguously ensures the responsiveness of the FBI's national security elements to the DNI. This means two things. First, the National Intelligence Program budget should include the budgets of the Directorate of Intelligence--as well as the Counterintelligence and Counterterrorism Divisions (perhaps excluding purely domestic terrorism work). Second, the DNI should have personnel authority over the FBI official who is responsible for all National Intelligence Program budget matters within the FBI. The current arrangement is far from this ideal.
Instead, the confused allocation of resources, combined with the questionable budgetary authority of the one FBI official over whom the DNI exercises some personnel authority, threatens to undermine one of the DNI's critical "levers of power." If the DNI does not know how NIP funds are allocated and spent by the FBI, and if the DNI does not have some personnel authority over the FBI official responsible for managing NIP funds, then he runs the risk of losing the very authority that the legislation was intended to confer. In such a case, the DNI will have to revert to other authorities, and it is to these we now turn.
Another important tool at the DNI's disposal is appointment authority of Intelligence Community officials. Congress grants the DNI concurrent authority over the appointment of the heads of intelligence agencies such as NSA, NGA, and CIA. 48 In the case of the FBI, however, this authority is diluted. The DNI has no say in the appointment of the Director of the FBI, presumably because the FBI is the "primary criminal investigative agency in the federal government" 49 and the FBI Director spends considerable time overseeing a large law enforcement staff involved in criminal justice matters. Rather than conferring a role in the appointment of the Director of the FBI, the statute gives the DNI a say in the appointment of the Executive Assistant Director for Intelligence. 50
This is a workable approach if the Executive Assistant Director for Intelligence can direct the resources necessary to accomplish the Bureau's national security mission. Indeed, that seems to have been Congress's plain intent. The intelligence reform law states that the Executive Assistant Director's office (the Directorate of Intelligence) will be responsible for supervising "all national intelligence programs, projects, and activities of the Bureau" and overseeing all "field intelligence operations." 51 Additionally, the legislation states that the Directorate of Intelligence is responsible for strategic analysis, the intelligence workforce, and coordinating collection against nationally determined requirements. 52 On the other hand, if the Executive Assistant Director does not have authority over the FBI's intelligence-gathering activities, then the DNI's ability to influence appointments to that position becomes of minimal import.
Unfortunately, that is the case today. The Directorate of Intelligence itself has no authority to direct any of the Bureau's intelligence investigations, operations, or collections. It currently performs no analysis, commands no operational resources, and has little control over the 56 Field Intelligence Groups, which, according to the FBI, "manage and direct all field intelligence operations." 53
Instead, the FBI's national security resources, analysts, and collection capabilities are concentrated in the FBI's Counterintelligence and Counterterrorism Divisions and in the field offices. In fact, the FBI is currently configured so that no single individual other than the Director of the FBI (and perhaps his Deputy) has the authority to direct all of the Bureau's national security missions.
Because the DNI's ability to influence the FBI's conduct depends so heavily on the DNI's ability to oversee the Directorate of Intelligence, we looked closely at what authority the directorate has. We conclude that the directorate's lack of authority is pervasive. We asked whether the Directorate of Intelligence can ensure that intelligence collection priorities are met. It cannot. We asked whether the directorate directly supervises most of the Bureau's analysts. It does not. We asked whether the head of the directorate has authority to promote--or even provide personnel evaluations for--the heads of the Bureau's main intelligence-collecting arms. Again, the answer was no. Does it control the budgets or resources of units that do the Bureau's collection? No. The DNI's appointment influence over the head of the directorate therefore does little to bring the FBI's national security activities into a fully functioning Intelligence Community.
Setting and enforcing intelligence priorities. The Directorate of Intelligence is responsible for assigning national intelligence priorities to the FBI's field offices. The FBI has officially stated that it both "recognizes and supports the DCI's authority to formulate intelligence collection requirements for the United States Intelligence Community and has issued FBI collection tasking directives that translate those requirements into actual tasking by the FBI." 54 Yet at the working level, we found that national intelligence requirements were not uniformly understood. As one FBI official in the Directorate of Intelligence put it, the FBI sees these requirements "more as an invitation" to fill collection gaps than as directives. 55 We spoke with agents at the field level who also expressed some confusion about whether these requirements are directive or advisory. 56 The directorate has recognized this problem in internal reports, noting that interviews with personnel in one field office "demonstrated that individuals were still generally not familiar with the published requirement sets." 57 Although a significant part of the problem is that the national requirements system itself does not demand adequate accountability, our concern is that the DNI's attenuated line of authority vis-à-vis the FBI will make this problem particularly acute.
We do not believe this state of affairs is what the 9/11
Commission envisioned when it stressed the need for the FBI "to be able to
direct its thousands of agents and other employees to collect intelligence in
Although the FBI has established Field Intelligence Groups in all of its field offices to "manage and direct all field intelligence operations," 60 the Directorate of Intelligence has little direct control over the field groups either. Nor is it clear that the Field Intelligence Groups will have a real impact on how field offices actually conduct counterintelligence or counterterrorism investigations and activities--the core of FBI's intelligence collection capabilities. 61
Controlling analysis and related resources. The Directorate of Intelligence also lacks direct supervisory authority over the vast majority of the FBI's analysts. While there are 1,720 intelligence analysts at the Bureau, 62 the Directorate of Intelligence contains just 38 of them. 63 Although the intelligence reform act designates the Directorate of Intelligence as responsible for strategic analysis, 64 the directorate currently does no analysis itself; 65 the 38 analysts in the directorate perform a policy role. 66 (The directorate does, however, coordinate the Director's Daily Brief to the President--a compilation of analytic products that are produced by the operational divisions and packaged by the intelligence directorate for dissemination.) 67
Furthermore, related resources that do fall under the control of
the intelligence directorate may continue to fluctuate. In at least one case,
resources that were initially given to the Directorate of Intelligence were later taken away. In early 2004
the Directorate of Intelligence hired a contractor to design and execute a comprehensive
intelligence training program. The directorate's ownership of this intelligence
training component ended, however, when the FBI's training headquarters at
Exercising promotion and evaluation authority. Lacking significant operational and resource authority, the Executive Assistant Director for Intelligence might turn to personnel authority to manage the Bureau's national security effort. Yet the intelligence directorate has little personnel authority with respect to the Bureau's national security elements. The intelligence directorate's primary leverage comes from its semi-annual review of how headquarters and field offices have utilized intelligence resources--a so-called "program" review. 69 These evaluations do not, however, impose individual accountability for failing to fulfill headquarters-issued requirements, much less control how assets are directed. These after-the-fact reviews therefore have no direct effect on those who lead the execution of the Bureau's national security missions.
With respect to promotions and personnel evaluations, the head of the intelligence directorate is not the performance "rating official" (nor does the head of the directorate share that responsibility) for the component head in any FBI field office or headquarters division. The head of the intelligence directorate is the performance "rating official" for only four people at the Bureau--three special assistants and the Assistant Director of the office. 70 In turn, the Assistant Director rates only three people outside of the Directorate of Intelligence. 71 And unlike the Assistant Directors in the Counterintelligence, Counterterrorism, and Criminal Divisions, the Assistant Director of the Directorate of Intelligence does not rate the heads of the 56 field offices, 72 nor does anyone in the Directorate of Intelligence have any personnel rating authority (direct or indirect) over the Field Intelligence Groups or their supervisors. 73 At best, the intelligence directorate exercises a series of broken lines of authority over the Bureau's national security functions. In turn, these broken lines also represent a broken chain of influence for the Director of National Intelligence.
The DNI has one more power over the FBI's intelligence activities--in theory, at any rate. The new intelligence act empowers the DNI to lead the Intelligence Community, which it defines as including the FBI's "intelligence elements." 74 What are those elements? Neither the statute nor the FBI has defined the term. In our view, those elements should include the Bureau's principal intelligence-gathering units--the Counterterrrorism and Counterintelligence Divisions, as well as the intelligence directorate itself. Once again, because this issue has not been resolved, it is not clear that the FBI's national security-related divisions will in fact be subject to effective oversight and coordination by the DNI.
In reforming its intelligence capabilities since September 11, the FBI opted not to fundamentally reorganize its existing operational structure. Thus while the Bureau has significantly improved (and certainly has further plans to improve) many of its intelligence capabilities, it has not integrated these capabilities to ensure that national intelligence requirements and strategic analysis drive counterterrorism, counterintelligence, and foreign intelligence operations, investigations, and collection. And in our view, whether the DNI and the FBI will be able to direct those resources effectively and in meaningful coordination with the rest of the Intelligence Community remains in question so long as the FBI's primary national security components answer to different chains of authority outside of the DNI's aegis.
1 |
To ensure that the FBI's intelligence elements are
responsive to the Director of National
Intelligence, and to capitalize on the FBI's progress, we recommend the
creation of a new National Security Service within the FBI under a single
Executive Assistant Director. This service would include the Bureau's
Counterterrorism and Counterintelligence Divisions and the Directorate of
Intelligence. The service would be subject to the coordination and budget
authorities of the DNI as well as to the same Attorney General authorities
that apply to other Bureau divisions. |
To resolve these issues of coordination and authority and to facilitate further reform, we propose a National Security Service within the FBI. This service would include the FBI's Counterintelligence and Counterterrorism Divisions, as well as its Directorate of Intelligence.
The creation of such a service would bring the FBI's operational divisions with national security responsibilities under the DNI's authority. The service would account for all of the FBI's National Intelligence Program-funded resources, thereby giving the DNI effective budget control as well. The service would be led by an Executive Assistant Director. In order to preserve the intelligence reform act's intent that the DNI have a say in the appointment of the FBI's top intelligence official, this individual would serve in the role of the Executive Assistant Director for Intelligence.
Because of the strength of the FBI's field offices, some link between the head of the service and certain field offices is also needed. For example, the National Security Service could have authority to approve and evaluate Special Agents in Charge of the 15 field offices that have an official foreign diplomatic presence. The service should also have inspection authority to evaluate the work of FBI's field offices. Through these evaluation and appointment authorities, the headquarters elements of the service (and through them, the DNI) would have a lever to ensure that the FBI is accountable for fulfilling national intelligence requirements through its investigatory, operational, and collection capabilities.
Recognizing the danger that field offices may drain National Security Service resources for more immediate law enforcement needs, we recommend the development of a process to prevent excessive diversion of the service's resources. This is not to say that National Security Service resources will never be re-allocated to other missions, but that they should be re-allocated or detailed to other divisions only temporarily, and only with the permission of the head of the National Security Service, under procedures agreed upon by the DNI.
Like the 9/11 Commission, we considered and rejected the creation of a separate agency devoted entirely to internal security without any law enforcement powers. 75 The FBI's hybrid nature is one of its strengths. In today's world of transnational threats, the line between "criminal activity" and "national security information" is increasingly blurred, as is well-illustrated by the use of illegal drug proceeds to fund terrorist activity. The FBI can quickly bring criminal justice tools, such as search warrants, to bear in its national security mission. In addition, the FBI's criminal justice role demands everyday contact with state and local officials--contact that is invaluable for obtaining information relevant to national security.
We believe it is critical that the National Security Service remain within the FBI. Personnel in the service would take advantage of its specialized career options, but agents in the service would go through law enforcement training along with their counterparts in the FBI's criminal divisions. Agents could laterally transfer between the service and the FBI's other divisions mid-career.
Because the National Security Service will remain part of the FBI, analysts will continue to work in the headquarters components of the non-service divisions and on criminal cases in the field offices. The FBI will continue to hire all of its personnel through a single office; its information technology and information sharing infrastructure will remain combined; and the support service functions will still serve the entire Bureau.
Ensuring continuing coordination between the FBI's two halves is critical for at least two reasons: such coordination is necessary to optimize the FBI's performance in both national security and criminal investigations, and--equally important--it will help ensure continued attention to civil liberties and legal limits on the power of government to intrude into the lives of citizens. Of course, all activities in the National Security Service would be performed consistent with the Attorney General Guidelines for national security investigations and foreign intelligence collection, as well as under Department of Justice and Congressional oversight.
As long as the Bureau continues to expose Special Agents to a tour of criminal work, as it should, its agents will have experience in criminal justice matters and continue to be extensively trained to uphold the Constitution and protect civil liberties. Working in the criminal justice environment sensitizes agents to civil liberties limits on a daily basis, through regular contact with Department of Justice attorneys as well as the courts. The Bureau's national security and criminal justice components can and must continue to work together.
If that is done, we see no civil liberties protections to be gained by requiring that personnel work separately in the Counterterrorism or Counterintelligence Divisions rather than a National Security Service that combines these divisions. In fact, civil liberties protections would if anything be increased if, as we suggest, investigations of purely domestic terrorism were assigned to the FBI's Criminal Division. There is no civil liberties reason to insulate National Intelligence Program funds from the oversight of the DNI. Nor do we believe that civil liberties are diluted if the head of the National Security Service sets intelligence priorities or performs personnel evaluations of Special Agents in Charge.
In short, without creating walls between the FBI's national security and criminal components, the National Security Service would establish a single focal point for the Bureau's national security mission and a series of direct lines connecting the DNI to the national security elements at FBI headquarters and in the field. The proposed service would provide a more defined and prestigious career track for agents focused on national security. It would also enhance the Bureau's intelligence capabilities, providing strategic analysis, asset validation, intelligence career planning, training, and strategic targeting for the FBI's overall national security mission--functions that are now scattered and, in many cases, undeveloped. A National Security Service would protect national security intelligence resources, demand real accountability, and ensure that intelligence requirements are met--all without fundamentally changing the structure or nature of the FBI's 56 field offices that are the hallmark of the organization. In the field offices agents will continue to do both intelligence and criminal work; collectors and analysts will continue to work side by side.
Despite all of these advantages to creating a National Security Service within the FBI, we are compelled to add a note of caution--the same that was eloquently sounded by the 9/11 Commission:
Our recommendations attempt to effect this necessary institutional change, and to instill a culture that is truly consistent with the demands of national security intelligence operations. In our view, while the FBI has made steps in the right direction since September 11, it still has many miles to travel. Reform will require enormous commitment and effort within the FBI, as well as sustained outside coordination and oversight. And despite the many benefits associated with having a combined law enforcement and intelligence agency, we recommend that policymakers re-evaluate the wisdom of creating a separate agency--an equivalent to the British "MI-5"--dedicated to intelligence collection in the United States should there be a continued failure to institute the reforms necessary to transform the FBI into the intelligence organization it must become.
2 |
The DNI should ensure that there are effective
mechanisms for preventing conflicts and encouraging coordination among
intelligence agencies in the |
Both CIA and the FBI have long had responsibilities for foreign intelligence
collection in the
The past four years have witnessed many instances of exemplary
and ongoing cooperation between CIA and FBI; the two agencies have, among other
achievements, increased joint operations and
successfully worked together against several hard target countries. 78 But clashes have become all too
common as well, particularly in the context of intelligence gathered in the
Overseas, lack of cooperation between CIA and FBI has resulted in clashes over interaction with foreign liaison services and over coordination of other activities. 81 Both agencies agree that lack of coordination has jeopardized ongoing intelligence activities. 82
Moreover, officials from CIA's
These conflicts between agencies that should regard each other as compatriots signal the need for a strong Intelligence Community leader with effective, acknowledged authority over both CIA and FBI--for a DNI, in fact.
In our view, the primary source of
friction concerns the FBI's desire to expand its current authorities relative
to intelligence activities and production within the
The Commission asked the FBI to identify significant risks or
problems associated with continuing to allow CIA to carry out non-intrusive
foreign intelligence activities inside the
The FBI's generalized statements about the need for coordination
do not justify the kinds of restraints that it is seeking to impose. To the
extent that the FBI is seeking to impose constraints on the CIA that parallel those that the CIA imposes on FBI
operations abroad, the analogy is misguided. Foreign operations often occur in
a hostile environment where lack of coordination can be fatal and
In claiming new territory, the FBI has argued that it is too hard
to define assets or to place them in counterintelligence, counterterrorism, or
foreign intelligence "boxes."
88 We think this is all the more reason to have a fluid
system for coordination--where both agencies are involved in the collection of
foreign intelligence in the
Bringing the FBI's national security elements under the direction of the DNI will be a significant step towards achieving this increased agility and simultaneously ensuring that the Intelligence Community agencies act in concert against foreign intelligence targets. In addition to developing effective mechanisms for coordination, the DNI will need authority to arbitrate between agencies in instances of conflict, an authority the DNI will only have if the FBI becomes a fully responsive and accountable member of the Intelligence Community.
A final, and critical, point: in exercising this authority, we
expect the DNI to require scrupulous adherence to Attorney General Guidelines
designed to protect civil liberties. Nothing in our call for greater
coordination between the FBI and CIA is meant to alter in any way existing
civil liberties protections. The best way to protect civil liberties is not by
favoring one agency over another but by ensuring that every agency adheres to
the law. That is the purpose of the Attorney
General's Guidelines, which establish rules both for FBI national security investigations
and foreign intelligence collection,
89 and for the CIA's foreign intelligence and
counterintelligence activities in the
3 |
The Department of Justice's primary national security
elements--the Office of Intelligence Policy and Review, and the
Counterterrorism and Counterespionage sections--should be placed under a new
Assistant Attorney General for National Security. |
In the wake of September 11, much criticism rightly focused on
legal and procedural impediments to information sharing--the proverbial
The Justice Department's three primary national security components are located in different divisions, with no individual below the Deputy Attorney General who can supervise all three. The Office of Intelligence Policy and Review (OIPR) is responsible for FISA requests, representing the Department of Justice on intelligence-related committees, and advising the Attorney General on "all matters relating to the national security activities." 92 It is independent of any division and reports directly to the Deputy Attorney General. In contrast, both the Counterterrorism and Counterespionage sections are located in the Criminal Division, but they each report to two different Deputy Assistant Attorneys General. If there is method to this madness, neither we, nor any other official with whom we spoke, could identify it.
There is reason to believe that this awkward (and outdated) organizational scheme has created problems between the Justice Department and the Intelligence Community. In our classified report we describe one such problem that cannot be discussed in our unclassified report.
We believe that bringing the Office of Intelligence Policy and Review closer to its operational counterparts like the Counterespionage and Counterterrorism sections would give the office better insight into actual intelligence practices and make it better attuned to operational needs. Attorneys in the Counterterrorism and Counterespionage sections routinely work alongside FBI agents and other intelligence officers. By contrast, OIPR is largely viewed within the Department as an "assembly line operation not requiring any special grounding in the facts of a particular matter." 93 OIPR's job is to process and adjudicate FISA requests--not to follow a case from start to completion. One of the advantages of placing all three national security components under a single Assistant Attorney General is that they will see themselves as acting in concert to serve a common mission. 94
In our view, a more effective construct would place an Assistant Attorney General for National Security in charge of all three national security elements (OIPR, Counterespionage, and Counterterrorism). 95 This Assistant Attorney General would serve as a single focal point on all national security matters. The Assistant Attorney General would be responsible for reviewing FISA decisions and determining what more can be done to synthesize intelligence and law enforcement investigations. In an era when it is becoming increasingly incumbent upon organizations like the FBI to balance both their law enforcement and intelligence responsibilities, more thoughtful, innovative, and constructive legal guidance is in high demand.
A further possibility would be to create a new Associate Attorney General position that was responsible for both the Criminal Division and our recommended National Security Division. 96 This construct has the advantage of ensuring that criminal and national security measures are "merged" prior to reaching the Deputy Attorney General, who is responsible for operations within the entire Department of Justice extending far beyond criminal and national security matters. This structure also has the added benefit of providing the Justice Department with management levels more closely aligned with those of other departments (i.e., the cabinet Secretary, a Deputy Secretary, and Under Secretaries).
Furthermore, this construct would align the Justice Department's national security elements with the Intelligence Community. It would create a structure that is parallel to the one proposed for the FBI, and would highlight that Department of Justice attorneys are not just there to advise the Bureau if a matter becomes a criminal investigation. We believe this integration would make Justice more responsive to the FBI's needs and perhaps better able to allocate resources to the national security mission in general.
The Department of Homeland Security is the primary repository for
information about what passes in and out of the country--a critical player
safeguarding the
Although we have included Homeland Security in our discussion of
intelligence collection within the
The Department of Homeland Security has no shortage of
intelligence collectors. With 22 agencies,
Homeland Security commands more than 180,000 personnel from the U.S. Coast
Guard, Customs and Border Protection, Secret Service, Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE), Transportation Security Administration, and Office of
Infrastructure Protection. 97
ICE has more than 3,000 employees.98 ICE collects reams of data on foreigners
entering the
A critical Homeland Security function is disseminating threat information to law enforcement and other officials at the federal, state, local, and tribal level. The Department of Homeland Security currently faces many difficulties in this regard. According to one Homeland Security official, local law enforcement officials are currently "shotgunned" by the information flow coming from a variety of federal sources, and confused as to who has the lead in supporting their information and intelligence needs. 100 Senior officials at Homeland Security emphasize that the process of declassifying information takes too long and frequently prevents the department from quickly sharing concrete, actionable information with law enforcement. 101 Instead, law enforcement officials often receive a steady steam of vague threat reporting, unsupported by adequate sourcing, and incapable of serving as a basis for action.
Homeland Security's problems with sharing national security
information do not end there. Like many other intelligence organizations,
Department of Homeland Security officials
expressed concerns about the lack of procedures for sharing intelligence across
agencies. As an example, Homeland Security officials have expressed concern
that they have no mechanism for getting answers to "hot questions"
they pose to the FBI and the
4 |
The Secretary of Homeland Security should rescind
Treasury Order 113-01 as it applies to Department
of Homeland Security elements. |
Homeland Security's approach to information sharing unfortunately draws sustenance from rules that Immigration and Customs Enforcement inherited from the Treasury Department. ICE currently operates under an old Treasury order (T.O. 113-01) regarding requests for assistance from the Intelligence Community. 105 Established in the wake of the Iran-Contra affair, this order requires that all requests by the Intelligence Community for assistance be reduced to writing and submitted for approval to the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of the Treasury. The order provides an exception only for "routine exchange between the Intelligence Community and the Department of the Treasury of substantive intelligence information and recurring reports." 106 It leaves the interpretation of what constitutes a "routine" exchange up to the head of the agency involved. The order apparently applies to all information sharing agreements between former Treasury elements of Homeland Security and the Intelligence Community, since they are not considered "routine."107 When the Department of Homeland Security was created and Immigrations and Customs Enforcement was transferred to its jurisdiction, the order remained in effect, although oversight was shifted to the Under Secretary for Border and Transportation Security.108
We find it highly disappointing that such a barrier to communication between law enforcement and intelligence agencies has survived in a department created to avoid the mistakes and miscommunication that led to the September 11 attacks. It should be rescinded, not extended. The default policy for personnel within Homeland Security component agencies should be to cooperate with requests for assistance and information sharing coming from the Intelligence Community, not to refer such requests to a lengthy and bureaucratic process practically designed to deter collaboration. We strongly recommend that the Secretary of Homeland Security promptly rescind Treasury Order 113-01 and replace it with a new order that ensures greater information sharing and collaboration between all entities of Homeland Security and the Intelligence Community. Similarly, we believe that the Department of the Treasury should evaluate whether its successor to Treasury Order 113-01 (Treasury Order 105-18) should be modified to effect smoother cooperation within the Intelligence Community.
1 The FBI refers to itself in these terms. According to the
FBI, "now that the Intelligence Program is established and developing, we
are turning to the next stage of transforming the Bureau into an intelligence
agency." FBI, The FBI's Counterterrorism Program Since September 2001,
Report to the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States
(April 14, 2004) at p. 31. Director Mueller also refers to the FBI as
"both a law enforcement and an intelligence agency." Testimony of
Robert S. Mueller, III, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Before the
2 Interview with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
official (
3 According to Director Mueller, in 2004, 30 percent of new
hires had accounting, law enforcement, and military backgrounds. Interview with
Robert Muller, FBI Director (
4 Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (2004) at p. 425 (hereinafter "9/11 Commission Report").
5 As a result of the FBI's strategic
plan of 1998, the Bureau created an Office of Intelligence. One year later, in
November 1999, the FBI created an Investigative Services Division that subsumed
the Office of Intelligence and was designed to "house a new Information,
Analysis and Assessments Branch." FBI, Press Release (Nov. 11, 1999).
According to a 1999 FBI press release, the aim of the Investigative Services
Division was to extract information from case files "and other existing
sources to identify future trends and means of preventing crime and threats to
national security. The FBI intends to increase its reliance on information
analysts and to devote additional efforts to
recruiting highly qualified persons to perform this function."
6 According to a 9/11 Commission staff statement, at the time that the Investigative Services Division was set up, an internal FBI review "found that 66 percent of the bureau's analysts were not qualified to perform analytical duties....The new division did not succeed. FBI officials told us that it did not receive sufficient resources, and there was ongoing resistance to its creation from senior managers in the FBI's operational divisions. Those managers feared losing control. They feared losing resources. They feared they would be unable to get the assistance they wanted from the new division's analysts." 9/11 Commission Staff Statement # 9, Law Enforcement, Counterterrorism, and Intelligence Collection in the United States Prior to 9/11 (April 13, 2005) at pp. 5-6; see also Alfred Cumming and Todd Masse, FBI Intelligence Reform Since September 11, 2001: Issues and Options for Congress (CRS Report RL 32336) (updated Aug. 4, 2004) at p. 58.
7 Interview with FBI Directorate of Intelligence official (
8 Interview with FBI Special Agent in Charge (
10 Simply in quantitative terms, the majority of FBI's reporting comes in the form of Intelligence Information Reports (IIRs), unfinished intelligence products. In recent years the Bureau has dramatically increased the number of IIRs it produces. Further details are provided in our classified report that we cannot reference here.
11 FBI Directorate of Intelligence, Report to the President of
12 FBI Directorate of Intelligence, Cincinnati Division Field
Intelligence Group On-Site Review (
13 National Academy of Public Administration, Transforming the
FBI: Progress and Challenges (Jan. 2005) at p. xv. The report notes that
"[i]n-depth strategic collection and
analysis efforts tend to be deferred at the FBI."
14 Further details are provided in our classified report
that we cannot reference here. In Fiscal Year 2004, the FBI
published 250 Intelligence Assessments. FBI, Office of Intelligence Response to Request # 15 (
15 Interview with FBI official (
16 9/11 Commission Staff Statement # 9, Law Enforcement,
Counterterrorism, and Intelligence Collection in the
17 FBI Directorate of Intelligence, Office of Intelligence
On-Site Review of Field Intelligence Groups (
18 Currently 25 percent of the Bureau's analytic cadre has an
advanced degree. Interview with FBI Directorate of Intelligence official (
19 The failure to communicate fabrication notices properly
was, specifically, a problem for Defense
20 Interview with FBI counterintelligence official (
22 See, e.g., Interview with FBI Field Intelligence Group
official (
23 Interview with FBI official (
24 Senator Shelby wrote, "The FBI has never taken
information technology very seriously, and has
found itself left with an entirely obsolete
information technology infrastructure that is wholly inadequate to the FBI's
current operational needs, much less to the task of supporting
sophisticated all-source intelligence fusion and analysis." Richard C.
Shelby, Vice Chairman, Senate Select Committee on
Intelligence, September 11 and the Imperative of Reform in the
25 Testimony of Robert S. Mueller, III, Director, Federal
Bureau of Investigation, Before the Untied States Senate Committee on the
Judiciary (
26 National Research Council of the National Academies, James C. McGroddy and Herbert S. Lin (Eds.), A Review of the FBI's Trilogy Information Technology Modernization Program (2004) at pp. 3-4, 26.
27 Interview with FBI official (
28 FBI Directorate of Intelligence,
Response to Commission FBI Request # 15 (
29 The FBI has a total of 12,254 Special Agents. Interview
with FBI Directorate of Intelligence official (
30 Executive Order No. 12333 (Dec. 4, 1981) at § 1.14(a).
31 Intelligence Reform and
34 See, e.g., Interview with FBI official (
35 See, e.g., Interview with Office of Management and Budget
officials (
36 FBI, National Foreign Intelligence
Program FY 2005 President's Request (
37 Interview with Office of Management and Budget officials (
38 IRTPA at § 1014(b)(2)(H).
39 Id. at § 2001(f); see also 9/11 Commission Report at p. 426 (recommending that the FBI "align its budget structure according to its four main programs...to ensure better transparency on program costs, management of resources, and protection of the intelligence program").
40 FBI, Comprehensive Plan at p. 9.
41 Id. at p. 10 (noting that the FY 2005 Intelligence Decision Unit Budget is $819,108,658 and
that 39 percent of the Intelligence Decision Unit Budget goes to the Directorate of Intelligence, Criminal program, and
Administrative Support combined). The Directorate
of Intelligence, Criminal Division, and Administrative Support are not included
in the National Intelligence Program budget. FBI, National Foreign Intelligence
Program FY 2005 President's Request (
42 FBI, Comprehensive Plan at p. 9.
43 Interview with Office of Management and Budget official (
44 FBI, Comprehensive Plan at p. 10.
46 Interview with Office of
Management and Budget official (March 8, 2005)
(suggesting, nevertheless, that several of the Executive Assistant Director's
various specific budgetary authorities relative to the Intelligence Decision
Unit may be currently undetermined). FBI states that the only individual with
budget execution authority is the Director of the
FBI. Interview with FBI official (
47 FBI, Comprehensive Plan at p. 10.
48 IRTPA at § 1014.
49 The Attorney General's Guidelines on General Crimes,
Racketeering Enterprise and
50 IRTPA at § 1014(b)(2)(H).
53 FBI, Comprehensive Plan at p. 15. The Directorate of
Intelligence indicates that field intelligence operations constitute the
process of "identify[ing]" intelligence gaps, "lev[ying]"
requirements as "tasks," providing "support" to the intelligence cycle, "conduct[ing] intelligence assessments" and "know[ing] and
report[ing] the scope and extent of [Field
Office] collection capabilities."
54 FBI, Response to Commission
FBI Request # 16-1 through 16-10 (
55 Interview with FBI Directorate of Intelligence officials (
56 Interview with FBI official (
57 FBI, Directorate of
Intelligence, Columbia Division Field Intelligence Group On-Site Review (
58 9/11 Commission Report at p. 423.
59 Interview with Directorate of Intelligence official (
60 FBI, Comprehensive Plan at p. 15.
61 As defined, the Field Intelligence Groups do not have
authorities to drive counterintelligence and counterterrorism investigations,
collections, and operations. Interview with Directorate of Intelligence
official (
62 FBI Directorate of Intelligence, Response to Commission FBI
Request # 15 (
63 FBI Directorate of Intelligence, Response to Commission FBI
Request # 10 (
64 IRTPA at § 2002(c)(6).
65 Interview with Directorate of Intelligence
official (
66 Interview with Directorate of Intelligence official (
71 They are a Deputy Assistant Director in the
Counterterrorism Division (an evaluation that is then reviewed by the head of the Counterterrorism Division) and two section chiefs in the Criminal and
Counterintelligence Divisions. In the first case, the Deputy Assistant Director
is rated by one component of the FBI and reviewed by another. Even more
peculiar, while the Directorate of Intelligence
has rating authority for a Deputy Assistant Director in Counterterrorism, in the Criminal and Counterintelligence Divisions
the Assistant Director of the Directorate of
Intelligence is the rating official for a Section
72 Interview with Directorate of Intelligence official (
74 IRTPA at § 1073.
75 This was one proposal that the 9/11 Commission considered. According to the 9/11 Commission Report, "we have considered proposals for a new agency dedicated to intelligence collection in the United States....We do not recommend the creation of a new domestic intelligence agency. It is not needed if our other recommendations are adopted--to establish a strong national intelligence center, part of the NCTC, that will oversee counterterrorism intelligence work, foreign and domestic, and to create a National Intelligence Director who can set and enforce standards for the collection, processing, and reporting of information." 9/11 Commission Report at p. 423.
77 According to Executive Order 12333, CIA shall
"[c]ollect, produce, and disseminate foreign intelligence and
counterintelligence, including information not otherwise obtainable. The
collection of foreign intelligence or counterintelligence within the
78 Classified CIA report.
79 Interview with senior FBI officials (
80 Classified CIA report .
83 Interview with Counterterrorist Center WMD Unit official (
84 9/11 Commission Report at p. 263.
85 FBI, Draft Memorandum of Understanding Between the Central Intelligence Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation Concerning the Coordination of CIA Activities in the United States and FBI Activities Abroad (Dec. 13, 2004) (hereinafter "FBI Draft MOU").
86 Classified CIA report.
87 FBI, Response to Commission FBI Request # 16 (
88 Interview with FBI official (
89 The Attorney General's Guidelines for FBI National Security
Investigations and Foreign Intelligence Collection (
90 CIA, Guidance for CIA Activities Within the
92 Department of Justice, Office of Intelligence Policy and
Review (
93 Final Report of the Attorney General's Review Team on the Handling of the Los Alamos National Laboratory Investigation (May 2000) at p. 767 (hereinafter "Bellows Report").
94 The Bellows Report identifies a further reason to have a
single individual below the Deputy Attorney General to supervise OIPR: the need
to have a single individual who is knowledgeable about FISA to review FISA
applications that are rejected by OIPR.
95 Prior to the Church and Pike investigations, the Department
of Justice had such a unit. Since September 11, Justice officials have
considered, but not pressed forward, with such a reorganization. Interview with
former Assistant Attorney General (
96 The Department currently has a single Associate Attorney General who supervises the Civil Rights,
Antitrust, Tax, Civil, and Environmental Divisions, along with several other
smaller offices. Department of Justice
Organizational Chart (
97 Interview with Department of Homeland Security Information
Analysis and Infrastructure Protection official (
99 Interview with Immigration and Customs Enforcement
officials (
100 Interview with Department of Homeland Security Office of
State and Local Coordination official (
101 Interview with Department of Homeland Security Information
Analysis and Infrastructure Protection official (
102 Interview with Department of Homeland Security Information
Analysis and Infrastructure Protection official (
103 Interview with Department of Homeland Security Information
Analysis and Infrastructure Protection official (
104 Interview with Department of Homeland Security official (
105 Treasury Order 113-01 (
107 Interview with Department of Homeland Security Office of
General Counsel official (
108 Homeland Security Act of 2002 § 1512, Pub. L. No 107-296 (providing that the orders of an agency transferred to DHS shall remain in effect according to their terms until lawfully amended, superseded, or terminated).
& Recommendations |
Even as our adversaries--and
many of our "friends"--ramp up their intelligence activities
against the We recommend that: §
The National Counterintelligence Executive (NCIX)--the statutory head of the §
The CIA create a new capability dedicated to
conducting a full range of counterintelligence activities outside the § The Department of Defense's Counterintelligence Field Activity assume operational and investigative authority to coordinate and conduct counterintelligence activities throughout the Defense Department; and § The FBI create a National Security Service that includes the Bureau's Counterintelligence Division, Counterterrorism Division, and the Directorate of Intelligence. A single Executive Assistant Director would lead the service subject to the coordination and budget authorities of the DNI. |
Enthusiasm for spying on the
Today, we mostly wait for foreign intelligence officers to appear
on our doorstep before we even take notice. The
lion's share
of our counterintelligence resources are expended inside the
The losses the
Moreover, while stealing our secrets, our adversaries also learn how we spy, and how best to counter our efforts in the future, which in turn renders our remaining sources and methods even less effective and more liable to compromise and loss--a cycle of defeat that cannot be indefinitely sustained. As former Director of Central Intelligence Richard Helms once said, "No intelligence service can be more effective than its counterintelligence component for very long." 3
We believe that
But a new strategy alone will not do the job. As in the old--and
clearly unsuccessful--approach to homeland
We offer four recommendations to improve counterintelligence.
First, that the NCIX serve as the planner,
manager, and supervisor for all
Counterintelligence efforts across the Intelligence Community
must be better executed in support of the foreign intelligence mission. At the
heart of our recommendations is the belief that an integrated and directed
Spies have always existed, but currently our adversaries--and
many of our "friends"--are expanding and intensifying their
intelligence activities against
Although we cannot discuss details at this level of
classification, suffice it to say that a number of sophisticated intelligence
services are aggressively targeting the
But it is not only major nation states which employ aggressive
intelligence services. Terrorist
groups like Hizbollah and al-Qa'ida also conduct intelligence operations within
Then there are adversaries who attempt to undermine the
The sum total of these foreign intelligence efforts is striking.
During the Cold War, every American national security agency--with the possible
exception of the Coast Guard--was penetrated by foreign
intelligence services. Moreover, in just the past 20 years CIA, FBI, NSA, DIA,
NRO, and the Departments of Defense, State, and Energy have all been
penetrated. Secrets stolen include nuclear weapons data,
While our rivals have become ever more imaginative and
aggressive, our own counterintelligence services remain fractured and reactive.
Outside the
The Department of Defense, with its component counterintelligence units located within the military services, principally focuses on protecting the armed forces. 19 But no counterintelligence organization has the operational mission for the Department as a whole, leaving large swaths of unprotected areas, including highly sensitive policymaking, technology, and acquisition functions. The current system assigns each of the armed services responsibilities for counterintelligence activities in other agencies that lack their own internal capability. The services, however, do not have the range of capabilities necessary to perform this role. While the Department's Counterintelligence Field Activity (CIFA) has taken steps towards implementing a more comprehensive approach to counterintelligence, CIFA currently does not have adequate authority or resources to take on this Department-wide operational mission. 20
As if agency-level concerns are not enough, the absence of
effective and adequately empowered national counterintelligence leadership makes
the situation even worse. The National Counterintelligence Executive (NCIX) is
the theoretical "head" of counterintelligence, 21
but NCIX has little control over the scattered elements of
1 |
The National Counterintelligence Executive should
become the DNI's Mission Manager for counterintelligence, providing strategic
direction for the whole range of counterintelligence activities across the
government. |
Organizational change is not a panacea for counterintelligence, but it is necessary. Today there is no individual or office that can impose Community-wide counterintelligence reform or hold individual agencies accountable for fulfilling national counterintelligence requirements. This should change, and we believe that the obvious candidate for leadership is an empowered NCIX.
The recent intelligence reform legislation situated the NCIX in the Office of the DNI, thereby placing counterintelligence near the Intelligence Community's levers of power. To make this more than window dressing, the NCIX needs all of the DNI's authorities for counterintelligence--particularly authority over the FBI's counterintelligence operations. As the Mission Manager for counterintelligence, 24 the NCIX would build collection plans with prioritized targets and provide strategic direction to operational components. Unlike other Mission Managers, the NCIX would also be responsible for the production of strategic counterintelligence analysis. 25
To this end, we recommend that the NCIX assume the power and the responsibility to:
Prepare the National Intelligence Program's counterintelligence
budget and approve, oversee, and evaluate how
agencies execute that budget;
Produce national counterintelligence requirements and assign
operational responsibilities to agencies for meeting those requirements;
Evaluate the effectiveness of agencies within the Intelligence
Community in meeting national counterintelligence requirements;
Direct and oversee the integration of counterintelligence
tradecraft throughout the Intelligence Community;
Establish common training and education requirements for
counterintelligence officers across the Community, and expand cross-agency
Identify and direct the development and deployment of new and
advanced counterintelligence methodologies and technologies;
Ensure that recommendations emerging from counterintelligence
damage assessments are incorporated into agency policies and procedures;
Deconflict and coordinate operational counterintelligence
activities both inside and outside of the
Produce strategic counterintelligence analysis for policymakers.
These powers would bring the NCIX on par with the other Mission Managers discussed in Chapters Six, Seven, and Eight (Leadership and Management, Collection, and Analysis). 26
2 |
The National Counterintelligence Executive should work
closely with agencies responsible for
protecting |
One area we believe is especially critical for the NCIX to
address is the absence of a systematic and
integrated technical counterintelligence capability. Historically,
counterintelligence has been almost exclusively
devoted to countering foreign services' human intelligence efforts. At the same
time, other organizations like NSA have focused on protecting the
Primary responsibility for carrying
out counterintelligence activities should remain with CIA, FBI, and the
Department of Defense. These agencies, however, need to change the way they
fulfill their missions. Under stronger NCIX leadership,
they must become the core of the
3 |
The CIA should create a new capability dedicated to
mounting offensive counterintelligence activities abroad. |
The CIA should expand its current counterintelligence focus
beyond the protection of its own operations to conduct a full range of
counterintelligence activities outside the
We recommend that CIA pursue this mission by establishing a new
capability that would--along with the Agency's existing
We must stress that our recommendation is not intended to downplay the importance of continuing to protect CIA operations. These counterintelligence activities must continue, and resources currently allocated to asset validation or other operational counterintelligence capabilities should not be diminished. In this vein, we believe that case officers devoted to the new, offensive activity should be "fenced off" so that they cannot be directed to execute other tasks.
4 |
The Department of Defense's Counterintelligence Field
Activity should have operational and investigative authority to coordinate
and conduct counterintelligence activities throughout the Defense Department. |
While our intelligence foes strategically target our defense infrastructure, the Department of Defense's counterintelligence response remains hardwired to the 1947 framework in which it was created, with each armed service running its own counterintelligence component. In 2002, the Defense Department began to address this deficiency by creating the Counterintelligence Field Activity (CIFA), which has the authority to oversee Department of Defense "implementation support to the NCIX," complete counterintelligence program evaluations, conduct operational analysis, provide threat assessments, conduct counterintelligence training, and "oversee Defense-wide CI investigations." 28
There is, however, one very significant hole in CIFA's authority: it cannot actually carry out counterintelligence investigations and operations on behalf of the Department of Defense. 29 Rather, Defense-wide investigations and operations are left to the responsibility of the individual services--which are, at the same time, also responsible for investigations and operations within their own services. 30 Perhaps unsurprisingly, the result of this arrangement is that intra-service investigations are given priority by the services, and no entity views non-service-specific and department-wide investigations as its primary responsibility. What this means is that many Defense Department components (e.g., Combatant Commands, the Defense Agencies, and the Office of the Secretary of Defense) lack effective counterintelligence protection.
We believe this serious shortcoming would be best addressed by
giving CIFA the authority and responsibility to provide Department-wide
counterintelligence functional support by conducting investigations,
operations, collection, and analysis for the Combatant Commands, Defense
Agencies, and the Office of the Secretary of Defense, both inside and outside
of the
Giving CIFA additional operational authorities will make it a stronger organization better able to execute its current management responsibilities. Today the armed services are not constituted to perform the full range of counterintelligence functions that the Department of Defense requires. CIFA will gain greater visibility across the Department and relieve the service counterintelligence components from a responsibility that dilutes resources and effort away from their primary mission--to protect their services from foreign intelligence activities.
5 |
The FBI should create a National Security Service that
includes the Bureau's Counterintelligence Division, Counterterrorism
Division, and the Directorate of Intelligence. A single Executive Assistant
Director would lead the Service subject to the coordination and budget
authorities of the DNI. |
With respect to the FBI, we are convinced that a number of significant changes need to take place, largely as part of our recommended creation of a new National Security Service within the Bureau. We address this proposal in detail in Chapter Ten (Intelligence at Home). For current purposes, we merely identify the key reasons why this reform is especially necessary in the counterintelligence field. In our view, bringing the FBI's national security elements under a single Executive Assistant Director responsible to the DNI, and therefore also to the NCIX, would improve the overall effectiveness and strategic direction of FBI counterintelligence and effectively empower analysts to direct collections, investigations, and operations.
Since the passage of the National Security Act of 1947, counterintelligence has been treated as a kind of second-class citizen in the intelligence profession. The result is that the subject is pushed to the periphery, our adversaries take advantage of our neglect, and American national security suffers. It is all too easy to forget counterintelligence because, other than periodic spy controversies, there is little public sign that we are doing it poorly. But we are. And our adversaries know it. Our recommended changes--centralizing management and planning, expanding our overseas efforts, and integrating and directing the counterintelligence components of the CIA, Department of Defense, and FBI--are long overdue and will help to stanch the hemorrhaging of our secrets and take the fight to our adversaries.
1 A double agent is a person pretending to work as a spy for one government while actually working as a spy for another government.
2 Christopher Andrew, The Sword and Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive (1999) at pp. 215-220.
3 Richard Helms, A Look Over My Shoulder (2003) at pp. 34-35.
4 Interview with National Counterintelligence Executive (
5 Interview with National Counterintelligence Executive (
6 FBI, Title classified (Nov. 2004) at pp. 17-18.
7 Classified intelligence report.
8 Interview with Office of the National Counterintelligence
Executive staff (
9 In our classified report, we include statistics on the estimated Russian and Chinese intelligence presence that we cannot include in our unclassified report.
10 Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (hereinafter "9/11 Commission Report") (2004) at p. 158 & nn. 54, 56; pp. 244-245 (noting al-Qa'ida's casing activities).
11 Interview with
12 Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, The China Connection: Summary of the Committee's Findings Relating to Efforts of the People's Republic of China to Influence United States Policies and Elections (1997) at pp. 5-9.
13 Congress acknowledged this in 2002 when it created the NCIX and, disappointingly, not much has changed. S. Rep. No. 106-279 (2002) at p. 16 (noting inadequate coordination, cooperation, and information-sharing among agencies; a lack of strategic threat analysis; the lack of a national plan to integrate information and analysis; an inadequately prepared workforce with insufficient, diffused resources; and the lack of a national advocate and program for resources, policies, and proactive initiatives).
14 Executive Order No. 12333 at § 1.14(a).
15 Interview with FBI Assistant Director for
Counterintelligence (
16 Executive Order No. 12333 at § 1.5(e).
17 Interview with CIA counterintelligence official (
18 See, e.g., Interview with senior
official from the Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive (
19 Interview
with Department of Defense Counterintelligence and Security official (
20 Department of Defense Directive No. 5105.67 (
21 50 U.S.C. at § 402b.
22 Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003 at §§ 902, 904.
23 Intelligence Reform and
24 The concept of a Mission Manager is defined more fully in Chapter Six (Leadership and Management), Chapter Seven (Collection), and Chapter Eight (Analysis).
25 The other exception is the director
of the
26 We examined other options for improving counterintelligence, but decided that a strengthened NCIX was the best and least disruptive option. Creating a separate national counterintelligence agency, for instance, would involve new legislation, a significant outlay of organizational effort and funding, and disruption of current operations.
27 See generally National Intelligence Council, Cyber Threats to the United States Infrastructure (NIE 2004-01D/I) (Feb. 2004).
28 Department of Defense Directive No. 5105.67 (
30 Within the Department of Defense, counterintelligence functional support includes investigations, operations, collection, analysis, and functional services. Currently, only the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps have authority to do all five activities.
Most U.S. presidents have made use of covert action as an
instrument of foreign policy; under appropriate and limited circumstances, it
serves as a more subtle and surgical tool than acknowledged employment of
U.S. power and influence. In the future, when the threats of proliferation
and terrorism loom large, covert action may play an increasingly important
role. The Commission conducted a careful study of |
Summary & Recommendations |
The threat of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons
proliferation has transformed over the past two decades. The technical
expertise required to produce these weapons has become increasingly widespread, while many of the materials
needed to make them are widely available on the open market. Meanwhile,
terrorists have expressed a growing demand for these weapons and demonstrated
their willingness to use them. The Intelligence Community has not kept pace
with these events. Rather than attempt a top-to-bottom assessment of the
chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons threat, here we focus on relatively
new aspects of the threat that present specific intelligence challenges, and
that--in our view--require additional Intelligence Community reforms beyond
those discussed in our other chapters. We recommend that:
We live in a world where the most deadly materials created by man
are more widely available than ever before. Over the past decade or so, the
proliferation of nuclear, biological, and chemical materials, and the expertise
to weaponize them, has become a global growth industry.
Grim evidence of this
abounds. For instance, the Soviet Union may have
been relegated to the dustbin of history, but its
nuclear materials--under uncertain control, and sought by rogue states and
terrorists alike--still imperil our present. At
the same time, terrorists who have already demonstrated their intent to attack
us with anthrax seek more advanced biological and nuclear weapons. Perhaps
worst of all, the biotechnology revolution is rapidly making new, previously
unimagined horrors possible, raising the specter of a modern-day plague, spawned from a back room or garage
anywhere in the world.
There is no single
strategy the Intelligence Community can pursue to counter the
"proliferation" menace. As we discuss in this chapter, any weapon capable of causing mass
casualties presents a unique set of challenges. Our study of this subject
indicates, however, that there are themes common to
all. First, the Intelligence Community's efforts with regard to the spread of
nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons have not kept up with the pace of
proliferation, and urgently require improvement.
We believe that catching up will likely require prioritizing
counterproliferation over many other competing national security issues. It
will also require more aggressive and innovative collection techniques, and the
devotion of resources commensurate to the
seriousness of the threat and the difficulty of the collection challenge.
Second, the Intelligence
Community must reach outside its own confines to tap counterproliferation
information, authorities, and expertise resident in the government and nation
at large. The Community cannot expect to thwart proliferators on its own;
counterproliferation is a team sport, and our squad must draw on the rest of
the U.S. government and the full weight of its regulatory and diplomatic
powers, as well as on scientific and technical experts from academia and
private enterprise.
We begin our discussion of the proliferation problem by examining
these themes within the context of the threat posed by biological weapons. Of
all the potentially catastrophic threats facing the United States, those
related to biological substances are changing the most quickly, metastasizing
in recent years to include a variety of new potential users and substances.
Unlike nuclear or chemical weapons, a biological weapon has actually been used
to attack the United States, in the form of the anthrax attacks of 2001. In our
view, biological weapons are also the mass casualty threat the Intelligence
Community is least prepared to face. We therefore have focused on developing
recommendations that can immediately improve our capabilities in this area--by
bringing into the Community much-needed scientific experience, sharpening
collection techniques, and harnessing regulatory
authorities to bolster intelligence efforts.
We then survey the
threat landscape with regard to nuclear and chemical weapons, and follow this
with a series of recommendations designed to improve overall Intelligence
Community support to the interdiction of materials of proliferation concern. We
close with recommendations that recognize the importance of more generally
leveraging legal and regulatory mechanisms to aid in the service of
The stakes for the Intelligence Community with regard to
all weapons of mass destruction are self-evidently high. It is not hyperbole to
suggest that the lives of millions, and the very fabric and fate of our
society, may depend on the way in which the Community is configured, and the
powers it can bring to bear against the challenges posed by proliferation. Our
recommendations do not purport to solve the proliferation problem; no
commission can claim to do that. We do hope, however, that the recommendations
can help better configure the Community to cope with an increasingly fluid and
volatile threat environment.
Introduction: "The Greatest
Intelligence Challenge"
For many years, the U.S.
intelligence and policy communities did not take the biological weapons threat
as seriously as the dangers posed by nuclear
weapons. Many felt that states might experiment with biological weapons, but
would not use them against the United States for fear of nuclear retaliation.
Similarly, terrorists who promised to bring "plagues" upon the United
States were thought to be merely indulging in grandiose threats; they lacked
the technical expertise to actually develop and deploy a biological weapon.
These views changed suddenly in September and October of 2001 when anthrax attacks in the
United States killed five people, crippled mail delivery in several cities for
over a year, 1 and required decontamination efforts costing
more than $1 billion. 2 The still-unsolved attack was
striking in its asymmetry: the anthrax could have been produced for less than $2,500.
Even more striking is how lucky we were. A determined
terrorist group could do far worse with only a little more effort and a bit of
luck. Even allowing for imperfect dissemination techniques, if a gram of the
same anthrax used in the 2001 attacks had been
disseminated outdoors in an urban area, between 100 and 1,000 people would
likely have been infected, and many would have died. 4 A
kilogram might infect tens of thousands of
people. 5 And because biological weapons have a delayed effect, terrorists could execute multiple
or campaign-style attacks before the first attack is even noticed and the
warning sounded. 6
We are concerned that terrorist groups may
be developing biological weapons and may be willing to use them.
Even more worrisome, in the near future, the biotechnology revolution will make
even more potent and sophisticated weapons available to small or relatively
unsophisticated groups.
In response to this mounting threat, the Intelligence
Community's performance has been disappointing.
Its analyses of state and non-state biological weapons programs often rest on
assumptions unsupported by data. This is in large part because traditional
collection methods do not work well, or at all, against biological threats.
Even though scientists, academics, and government officials routinely describe
an attack with biological weapons as one of the most terrifying
and probable disasters the United States faces, the Intelligence Community is
lagging behind in looking for new collection strategies, and has not sought
sufficient help outside the halls of intelligence agencies. The Community
cannot defeat what one senior policymaker told us was "the greatest
intelligence challenge" by itself. 7
We recommend three ways of changing the Intelligence Community's
overall approach to biological weapons: (1) better coordination with the
biological sciences community; (2) more aggressive, targeted approaches to
intelligence collection; and (3) effective use of new regulatory mechanisms to create collection opportunities.
Biological Threats 1
Despite the possibility
that terrorists have gained access to biological weapons, a large bioterrorist attack has not yet occurred.
Why not? First, executing a large-scale biological attack is still fairly
difficult as a technical matter; it requires organization and long-term
planning. Second, biological agents can be highly infectious; working with them
is dangerous. Finally, the war on terrorism may have derailed nascent attack
plans . But these thin lines of defense are rapidly eroding. Some t errorist
groups may have the financial resources to purchase scientific expertise. Even without
sophisticated expertise, a crude delivery system would be sufficient to inflict
mass disruption and economic damage. 8 Moreover, extremists
willing to die in a suicide bombing are not likely to be deterred by the
dangers of working with biological weapons. As a result, a senior intelligence official told the Commission that we should
consider ourselves "lucky" we have not yet suffered a major
biological attack. 9 And the terrorist threat will only grow, as
biological weapons are rapidly becoming cheaper, easier to produce, and more
States pose another
biological weapons threat, and the weapons they
produce are potentially more sophisticated--and therefore more lethal--than those
made by terrorists. We can only speculate as to why countries have not yet used
biological weapons on a large scale. In part, there is the risk of
blowback--infection could spread to the state's own population. The United
States may also be protected by the threat that it will respond violently to a
biological attack. As President Nixon said when he terminated the United States
biological weapons program and embraced an international ban, "We'll never
use the damn germs, so what good is biological warfare as a deterrent? If
somebody uses germs on us, we'll nuke `em." 10
Covert use, however, is
an entirely different matter. If the United States is attacked with biological
weapons and cannot identify the attacker, the threat of nuclear retaliation
will be of little use. States might attack the United States or its military
installations overseas and avoid retaliation by posing as terrorists. If the
spread of illness is the first sign that such an attack has taken place, the
U.S. government may have difficulty responding effectively. In many attack
A third biological weapons
threat lies not far in the future. Terrorists may soon be able to cause mass
casualties that are now possible only for state-run biological weapons
programs. Scientists can already engineer biological weapons agents to enhance
their lethality either through genetic engineering or other manipulations.
12 Such weapons of science fiction may soon become a fact. Given the
exponential growth in this field and access to its insights through the
Internet, our vulnerability to the threat might be closer at hand than we
The Intelligence Gap: What We Don't Know
The Intelligence
Community has struggled to understand the biological weapons threat. According
to a senior official in CIA's
Counterproliferation Division, "We don't know more about the biological weapons
threat than we did five years ago, and five years from now we will know even
less." 13
Analysis: Assumptions Abound
Assessments of state and
non-state programs rely heavily on assumptions about potential biological
weapons agents, biological weapons-adaptable delivery systems, and fragmentary
threat reporting. Unsurprisingly, this leads to faulty assessments. For
example, in October 2002, the Intelligence Community estimated with "high
confidence" that Iraq had an active biological weapons program. 14
Yet the Iraq Survey Group's post-war investigation "found no direct evidence
that Iraq had plans for a new biological weapons program or was conducting
biological weapons-specific work for military purposes" after 1996.
15 In Afghanistan, the story is the reverse. Despite suspicions that
al-Qa'ida had biological weapons intentions, the Intelligence Community was
unaware of the ambitious scope of its efforts. 16
Biological weapons
analysis also suffers from the litany of problems we have identified elsewhere
in our report, including insufficient outreach to technical experts in the
CIA's Directorate of Science and Technology and
the Department of Energy's National Labs, as well
as those in the business community, public heath sector, and academia.
17 With limited interaction between technical experts and political
analysts, the Intelligence Community "does a poor job of matching
capabilities with intent" to develop realistic biological attack scenarios for state and non-state actors alike. 18 As one
National Intelligence Officer told us, biological weapons analysts have an
"institutional bias against creative war-gaming" and rarely engage in
systematic testing of alternative hypotheses. 19
Collection: Continued Frustration
and a Glimmer of Hope 2
The weaknesses of
analysis, however, pale beside the Intelligence Community's inability to
collect against the biological weapons target. We found that the Community's
biological weapons collection woes result from both the technological limits of
traditional collection methods and a poorly focused collection process that is
ill-equipped to gather and sort through the wealth of information that could help alert the Community to crucial
indicators of biological weapons activity. In our classified report, we discuss
these intelligence collection limitations at length; unfortunately, these
details cannot be included in our unclassified report.
At bottom, the gap in
collection on the biological threat is largely attributable to the fact that
the Community is simply not well configured to monitor the large stream of
information--much of it publicly available--relevant to biological weapons. In
our classified report, we illustrate how considerable information about
al-Qa'ida's pre-war biological weapons program in Afghanistan could have been
known through public or government sources; we cannot, however, provide these
details in an unclassified format. We emphasize here
simply that t he Community must focus on doing a better job of collecting and
connecting similar indicators of biological weapons personnel and activity in
the future. Moreover, a s we point out in our
Chapter Eight (Analysis), it is essential that the Community improves its
access to and use of open source intelligence--the challenges posed by the
biological weapons threat reinforce that conclusion.
However, before the
Community can begin to effectively monitor such vital indicators of biological
activity, it must develop a basic understanding of the threat landscape. We
were disappointed to discover that, three-and-a-half years following the
anthrax attacks, the Intelligence Community has still not taken many of the
most rudimentary steps necessary for this sort of collection. In our classified
report, we offer examples of how particular
intelligence agencies have failed to take these steps, but these details cannot
be discussed in an unclassified format. We also describe a (classified) nascent
effort at CIA that we believe to be worthy of praise. In all events, the
Intelligence Community must ensure that any new efforts support a comprehensive
collection effort across different regions, groups, and biological threats.
Just as in other areas of intelligence, agencies at times jealously guard their
most sought-after information. This fragmentation and parochialism highlights
the importance of integrating the government's efforts against proliferators as
well as the need for naming a deputy to the Proliferation Mission Manager, as
recommended below, to focus exclusively on biological weapons issues.
The United States Response: The Biodefense
Although resources have
flowed freely into biodefense since the 2001 anthrax attacks, only a fraction of these resources has gone to funding new
intelligence collection strategies. 20 A senior official at
the National Security Council laments that, with regard to biological weapons
intelligence, "there's still a sense that it's too hard to do."
21 Although future biodefense technologies and medical
countermeasures may allow the United States to neutralize the effects of
biological attack, intelligence is one of the few tools today that holds out hope
of avoiding attack, rather than just limiting the damage. Biodefense is
critical, but it should not be our first line of defense. As a senior Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) official states, we "need to move
upstream from the event"--a reactive biological weapons posture will not
suffice. 22
One positive outgrowth
of U.S. biodefense programs is that they have bred new intelligence customers,
beyond the traditional military and foreign policy users. Technical experts,
who include the CDC, Department of Homeland Security, the United States Army
Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), the National
Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases (part of the National
Institutes of Health, or NIH), and the Department of Agriculture, now need biological weapons threat information to inform their biodefense efforts.
23 The existence of these customers presents an opportunity to
encourage more focused biological weapons intelligence, and in turn to provide
the Intelligence Community with much needed expertise.
Regrettably, new
biodefense customers are largely unaware of what intelligence can bring to the
table. A senior NIH official, for example, expressed frustration with the
quality of biological weapons intelligence that NIH receives, as well as the
lack of a structured venue for receiving and assessing such information. This
has made the effort to set vaccine research and development priorities more
difficult and, worse yet, may have divorced vaccine research from what is known
about the current threat. 24 Yet at the same time,
demonstrating the cultural gap that still divides the biodefense and
intelligence communities, this same official
expressed immediate reluctance when told that NIH could perform its own
intelligence analysis of open sources to identify the most likely biological
threats. 25
CIA analysts observe
that their agency in particular does a poor job of interacting with outside
experts, 26 but there are promising initiatives elsewhere
within the Community. One effort aimed at increasing such interaction is the
Defense Intelligence Agency's Bio-Chem 2020, a small-scale attempt at
discussing emerging biotechnology threats with outside experts, usually at the
unclassified or secret level. These scientists publish periodic papers on
general biological threats rather than reviewing specific biological weapons
analysis. 27 A senior National Security
Council official praises Bio-Chem 2020 but is quick to note that it is a
"cottage program," not part of a broader Intelligence Community
endeavor. 28 Another useful initiative is a plan for a
National Interagency Biodefense Campus at Fort Detrick, Maryland, with
personnel from USAMRIID, NIH, and the Departments of Agriculture and Homeland
Security. The campus, which is designed to coordinate biodefense research and
serve as a central repository for expertise, will not be complete until 2008.
29 In our view, the culture gap between the biological science and
defense communities is so large that housing them together is essential to
fostering a common strategy. The extent of Intelligence Community participation
at the campus, however, remains undetermined. 30
Going Forward: Improving Biological
Weapons Intelligence Capabilities
If the Intelligence
Community does not improve its foreign and domestic collection capabilities for
biological weapons, the risk of catastrophe will only grow. We see a need for
three broad changes: (1) tighter Intelligence Community coordination with the
biological science community both inside government and out; (2) far more
emphasis on integrated and aggressive intelligence targeting; and (3) stronger
regulatory efforts to control potential biological weapons technologies, which
would enable more intelligence collection than any go-it-alone effort by the
Intelligence Community.
Working with the Biological Science
Recommendation 1 |
The DNI should
create a Community-wide National Biodefense Initiative to include a
Biological Science Advisory Group, a government service program for biologists
and health professionals, a post-doctoral fellowship program in biodefense
and intelligence, and a scholarship program for graduate students in
biological weapons-relevant fields. |
When an intelligence analyst
wants to understand a foreign nuclear weapons program, the analyst can draw on
the expertise of thousands of Americans, all of whom understand how to run a
nuclear program--because that is what they do, day in and day out. If an
analyst wants the same insight into biological weapons
programs, working bio-weaponeers are simply not available. The last offensive American biological weapons program
ended 35 years ago.
The United States faced
a similar dilemma in the late 1950s with regard to nuclear physics. The World
War II physicists at Los Alamos were aging, and the younger generation did not
have strong ties to the U.S. government. In response, the Defense Department
founded the JASONs, an elite group of distinguished nuclear scientists that
interacts with senior policymakers, receives intelligence briefings, and
provides classified studies on pressing national security issues. 31
Considering the number of Nobel laureates in the
group, the opportunity for rising stars to interact with leading
scientists in their field, and the financial compensation that members receive,
membership to the JASONs remains highly coveted.
According to a CIA
report summarizing a conference of life science experts, "a qualitatively
different relationship between the government and life sciences communities
might be needed to most effectively grapple with
the future biological weapons threat." 32 Although DIA's
Bio-Chem 2020 is a successful interaction mechanism with academia and the
private sector, it is insufficient compared to what is required. The
Intelligence Community needs more consistent advice than that provided by
unpaid professionals, and more contemporary advice than that provided by
intelligence scientists who have not published research in over a decade.
We therefore recommend that the new DNI create a National Biodefense
Initiative composed of several programs aimed at strengthening the Intelligence
Community's biological weapons expertise. Such an initiative could be composed
of the following four components:
An elite Biological Sciences Advisory Group, administered by the
DNI's Director of Science and Technology, which would be composed of the
nation's leading life science experts. The group would be compensated for their
work and asked to examine and advise the DNI on biological threats;
A part-time government service program for select biologists and
health professionals to review biological weapons analysis and answer Community
A post-doctoral fellowship program
that funds scientists for one to two years of unclassified research relevant to
biodefense and biological weapons intelligence; and
A scholarship program that rewards graduate students in the
biological weapons-relevant hard sciences in exchange for intelligence service
upon completion of their degrees.
Recommendation 2 |
The DNI should
use the Joint Intelligence Community Council to form a Biological Weapons
Working Group. This Working Group would serve as the principal coordination venue
for the Intelligence Community and biodefense agencies, including the
Department of Homeland Security's National Biodefense and Countermeasures Center, NIH, CDC, the Department of
Agriculture, and USAMRIID. |
In addition to reaching outside
the government to develop a more robust and mutually beneficial relationship
with the biological science community, the Intelligence Community needs more
effective links with biological experts and
authorities inside the government. Nurturing this relationship will help ensure
that relevant science is informing actual intelligence collection and better
serving new customers. We believe that the DNI could utilize the Joint
Intelligence Community Council, established by
the intelligence reform legislation, to convene a working group of agencies
with interest in biological weapons intelligence to serve
as a kind of "consumer council." 33 This working
group would have the added benefit of helping both sides--the intelligence and
biological science communities--understand the
needs of the other so that they can more effectively work in parallel. The DNI
might consider moving the biological weapons working group, or other biological
intelligence units, to the National Interagency
Biodefense Campus once it is completed in 2008.
Targeting Biological Weapons
Recommendation 3 |
The DNI should
create a deputy within the |
As our previous
discussion of the Community's collection woes starkly illustrates, the
Intelligence Community needs more aggressive, targeted approaches to
intelligence collection on biological threats. Systematic targeting of
potential biological weapons personnel and programs is critical. CIA's
Directorate of Science and Technology is funding some promising efforts, but
they remain in their initial stages, and the Directorate lacks the authority to
implement a program across the Community. Much more needs to be done.
First, the Intelligence
Community needs a targeted, managed, and directed strategy for biological
weapons intelligence. We strongly suggest designating an office within the NCPC
to handle biological weapons specifically. It is also essential that this
designee (or deputy) for biological weapons work in tandem with his or her
counterparts at the
With visibility across
the Intelligence Community, the biological weapons deputy in the National Counter Proliferation Center (NCPC) could draw on different pockets of relevant expertise.
But if CIA's Directorate of Operations (DO) is any kind of microcosm of the
biological weapons intelligence world, then a daunting task lies ahead. Within
the DO, the
Devising and
implementing a biological weapons targeting strategy will require not only that
the Intelligence Community begin to think as a whole, but also that the
Intelligence Community think beyond itself. Part of the challenge involves
drawing on personnel and databases housed in non-Intelligence Community
agencies such as Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security and Homeland Security's Customs and Border
Protection. Data from non-intelligence sources needs to be cross-referenced
with the Intelligence Community's biological weapons databases, and filtered
through a set of developed biological weapons indicators to direct intelligence
collection. FBI and Homeland Security personnel need training in intelligence
targeting and access to this system to identify
homeland threats.
A comprehensive and
strategic approach to biological weapons targeting will also involve open
source exploitation to drive collection and warning strategies, and a
multi-year research and development plan for the development and deployment of
emerging collection technologies. In our classified report, we offer several
suggestions for improving the Intelligence Community's capabilities which
cannot be discussed in an unclassified format. Elements within the Community
deserve praise for having taken steps to implement these suggestions.
It is our hope that through
a Target Development Board, the NCPC's deputy for
biological weapons can drive the Intelligence Community to pursue the necessary
multifaceted collection approach. We encourage the Community to continue to
explore and develop new approaches to collection, and we expect that these
efforts would be dramatically furthered by the Mission Manager and Target
Development Board devices.
Leveraging Regulation for
Biological Weapons Intelligence
Recommendation 4 |
The National Security
Council should form a Joint Interagency Task Force to develop a
counter-biological weapons plan within 90 days that draws upon all elements
of national power, including law enforcement and the regulatory capabilities
of the Departments of Homeland Security, Health and Human Services, Commerce,
and State. |
We suggest that the
Joint Interagency Task Force consider, as part of its development of a counter-biological weapons plan, the following two
involve developing beneficial relationships with
foreign states and applying regulatory powers to foreign entities that do
business with the
Recommendation 5 |
The State
Department should aggressively support foreign criminalization of biological
weapons development and the establishment of biosafety and biosecurity
regulations under the framework of the United
Nations Security Council Resolution 1540. |
Developing close
relationships with foreign governments on the biological weapons issue will be
imperative if the
Criminalization will
facilitate cooperation from liaison services, which are more likely to assist
Recommendation 6 |
The |
inspections will--at least with respect to state programs--remain an important counterproliferation
tool in the future. 36 Arguably, designing effective
inspection regimes will become all the more critical in a future where
proliferation increasingly involves countries with small (and therefore
difficult to detect) chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons programs. The
benefits to having on-the-ground access to suspect facilities could be substantial.
There is little prospect
in the near future for an international biological weapons inspection regime,
however. The
How might such a regime
work? All companies that handle dangerous pathogens could be required to meet
security standards and provide data about their facilities, as is already being
done inside the
Improvements in
intelligence are no guarantee against a successful biological attack, but they
could make such an attack substantially less likely to succeed. There are no
perfect solutions, but there are better solutions than the ones we have today.
For now, better is all we can do. Given the potential costs of a biological
weapons attack, better is what we must do.
For the Cold War-era
Intelligence Community, the challenge of nuclear proliferation was menacing but
manageable. The Community focused primarily on intelligence collection against
a few states seeking to join the "Nuclear
Club"--with an especially watchful eye directed toward states aligned with
Although tracking
proliferation developments was an important and large-scale enterprise, the
world's accumulated storehouse of nuclear material and knowledge was relatively
well accounted for (at least internally) by nuclear states. Moreover, the
number of potential nuclear proliferators and their prospective state clients
were relatively few, and the potential pathways for transferring nuclear
material were reasonably well known and could be monitored--in theory at
least--by traditional collection platforms.
Today's nuclear
proliferation threat is much more diverse, and the challenges are more
difficult. The state-based threat remains, and
has been joined by the nightmarish possibility
that non-state actors like terrorist groups could obtain a nuclear weapon or a
"dirty bomb" and detonate it in the heart of a major American city.
39 Simultaneously, the sources of nuclear materials and expertise
have themselves dramatically proliferated. The breakup of the Soviet Union has
left a large body of poorly secured, dubiously
inventoried nuclear materials
and weapons, about which the Community knows precious little. Meanwhile,
shadowy, non-state proliferation networks have appeared, quietly peddling their
products to the highest bidder. These new nuclear proliferators and their
customers operate under a veil of secrecy, including the use of front companies
to mask their intentions and movements. It is the
misfortune of our age to witness the globalization of trade in the ultimate
weapon of mass destruction.
There are many facets to
the nuclear proliferation problem; here we focus on but two of the most
important--the availability of unsecured nuclear weapons and materials, or
"loose nukes," and the appearance of non-state nuclear
"brokers." We believe that the Intelligence Community must do much more
to improve its collection capabilities with regard to both, for the purpose of halting nuclear proliferation at the
source. That said, we recognize the inherent difficulty of both targets, as
well as the limitations on our ability to contribute much in the way of
concrete operational recommendations as to how the community can improve in
this regard (other than the understandable, but rather unhelpful, advice, to
"try harder" and "spend more" on the endeavor).
Consequently, as we discuss later in this chapter, our recommendations focus on
improving the process for interdicting nuclear materials once they are in
transit from the proliferators or, as a last resort, on their way to the
Loose Nukes: The Great Unknown
The single greatest
hurdle to a terrorist's fabrication of a nuclear device is the acquisition of
weapons-usable nuclear material. 40 If terrorists are able to
procure such material intact, they can skip this most difficult part of the
nuclear weapons development cycle. Just as Willie Sutton robbed banks
"because that's where the money is,"
terrorist groups are most likely seeking nuclear material from the former
In our classified report
we discuss in greater detail the reasons why our efforts to collect
intelligence in this area have struggled, and we offer suggestions for
improvement that cannot be discussed in an unclassified format. While we have
generally shied away from simply recommending "more" effort or
funding, we believe that some of these techniques may require additional
The loose nukes problem
is in many ways indicative of problems facing the Intelligence Community as a
whole. Analysts and collectors are too consumed
with daily intelligence requirements to formulate
or implement new approaches. The war on terrorism and ongoing military
operations have distracted the Community from longer-term threats of critical
importance to national security. The perception is that there is no
"crisis" until a weapon or fissile material is stolen. The problem,
of course, is that we might not know this was the case until we are jolted by
news of a catastrophe in
Established Nuclear Powers: |
While the
discussion in this section has focused on the emerging intelligence
challenges resulting from the proliferation of nuclear weapons and related
materials, we recognize that the traditional threat of nuclear weapons in the
hands of determined state adversaries remains alive and well and requires the
continued attention of policymakers and the
Intelligence Community. The nuclear arsenals and emerging capabilities of |
The Khan Network: "One-Stop
Shopping" for Proliferation
Private proliferators
and the "grey market" for nuclear trafficking pose another emerging
threat. States no longer have a monopoly on sophisticated nuclear technology,
materials, and expertise. The insecurity of nuclear materials, combined with
diffusion of the technical knowledge necessary to construct or assemble a
nuclear device, has resulted in a burgeoning industry for entrepreneurial
middlemen. As demonstrated in our
Former Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet has spoken publicly
about the "emerging threat" posed by private proliferators like A.Q.
Khan. 42 As the father of Pakistan's atomic bomb, Khan helped
pioneer the practice of clandestine nuclear procurement. Through front
companies, subsidiaries, and a network that stretched from
Working alongside
British counterparts, CIA's Directorate of Operations was able to penetrate and
unravel many of Khan's activities through human
spies. They deserve great credit for this
impressive success. However, the effort dedicated to bringing down the network
demonstrates how rare and hard-fought future successes may be. It is possible,
although unlikely, that Khan is unique. Private dealers, after all, control
many of the materials needed for nuclear weapons production.
The A.Q. Khan
achievement also suggests that the Intelligence Community will meet with
limited success if it acts alone. Combating proliferation networks requires
insight into the networks' modes of operation;
for example, understanding the front companies through which they operate. As
we discuss more fully in the interdiction section below, the Intelligence
Community must reach out to non-traditional partners elsewhere in the
government to augment its own capabilities.
There is little more
frightening than the thought of terrorists detonating a nuclear device within
Even when
unintentionally released, poisonous chemicals can have terrible effects. An
accidental release of poisonous gas from a chemical plant in
While biological and
nuclear weapons could cause the worst damage, terrorists could kill thousands
of Americans by simply sabotaging industrial chemical facilities. And, due to
the large volume and easy accessibility of toxic chemicals in the
As with biological and
nuclear threats, the Intelligence Community is poorly positioned to meet the challenges posed by chemical weapons. Historically,
it has focused on state programs and has only recently turned its attention to
potential uses of chemical weapons by terrorist
groups. The Community's task is complicated by the ubiquity of toxic
chemicals--which are available for sale across the
The Intelligence Community certainly needs to do everything
possible to collect on the plans and intentions of those terrorist groups that
would use chemical weapons in an attack on the
Such traditional
intelligence activities are necessary. But as our discussion about nuclear
proliferation above demonstrates, traditional methods of intelligence
collection have not proved particularly adept at monitoring "loose
nukes," and there are serious questions as to whether the Community will
be able to detect and disrupt new, diffuse proliferation networks that acquire
and traffic in nuclear materials. Without admitting defeat, we must acknowledge
the possibility that nuclear materials and perhaps nuclear weapons will find
their way into the international transportation stream; bound for terrorists or
rogue states, who will in turn attempt to bring them to the
As a result, it seems
clear that in addition to improving its traditional collection capabilities,
the Intelligence Community should also focus on improving its capabilities with
regard to directly supporting interdiction activities, both inside and out of
First, the Intelligence
Community must collect information from a wide variety of non-traditional
sources, ranging from customs officials to private parties. Second, the
Community must provide information to a wide variety of non-traditional
customers, ranging from foreign partners to law enforcement. But perhaps most
importantly, the intelligence process--collection,
analysis, and dissemination--must be much faster and more action-oriented than
has traditionally been the case. If intelligence officials detect information about
an illicit nuclear shipment, they cannot wait weeks for their analytical units
to produce "finished intelligence," or for policy entities to approve
an interdiction response. In this regard, support to interdiction must resemble
counterterrorism or counternarcotics intelligence
support; it must be quick, integrated, and accurate.
In this section we will
address the broad theme of intelligence support to the interdiction of weapons
of mass destruction, and make recommendations designed to address these basic
requirements. We propose a new model for coordinating and executing
interdiction, as well as several specific suggestions that could improve the
Community's collection efforts and help to protect our borders.
Although the discussion
below could apply to any weapon of mass destruction, in the near-term it is
likely to pertain primarily to nuclear devices and chemical materials;
detection and interdiction of biological
substances is particularly difficult given the dual-use nature of biological
equipment and the lack of discernible signatures attributed to biological
materials. As was demonstrated in 2001, a biological weapon can be effectively
delivered, undetected, in an envelope.
Improving the Flow of Information
To support interdiction,
the Community must tap into a wide variety of information networks that are, in
many cases, outside of the Intelligence Community. Counterterrorism and
counternarcotics intelligence have already taken significant steps in this regard.
Counterproliferation intelligence must follow suit.
One critical information
source is the Department of Homeland Security, which controls several databases
that can help tip off analysts and operators looking for proliferation targets.
For example, two main components of Homeland
Security--Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border
Protection (CBP)--operate a variety of databases that follow flows of people
and goods across
Developing Tools to Do It in Real Time
Effective interdiction
also requires that policymakers and operators have new analytical tools that
can extract information from the Intelligence Community in real time.
51 Ships carrying nuclear material will not wait for a lengthy analysis to run its course
before delivering their cargoes.
For example, to support
counternarcotics interdictions Joint Interagency Task Force-South has
link-analysis tools that, if shared on a government-wide basis, would permit
operators to quickly establish connections among terrorist organizations, proliferation networks, and other
dubious international activities. 52 Rather than starting
with such existing assets, nearly every intelligence, law enforcement, or
military entity involved in counterproliferation is also developing similar
tools. A National Security Council-commissioned report by the Community's
Carrying out effective
interdictions also requires real time awareness of activities in the sea and
the air. 54 The Coast Guard's Maritime Domain Awareness program
and the recent National Security Presidential Directive articulating a Maritime Security Policy are steps in the right direction. 55 There
is also an urgent need to share at least some portion of our air and maritime
domain awareness information, and our computer-based tools, with international
partners who will assist the
The scope of these
activities demonstrates that successful
interdiction requires a vision that stretches far beyond the Intelligence Community.
To restate one of the primary themes we found in our study of proliferation:
the Intelligence Community cannot win this battle on its own. Coordination and
integration will be necessary. 56
Going Forward: A Different Model
Currently, interdiction
efforts are not sufficiently coordinated across agencies. This is particularly
true with respect to operational planning and execution. We do not believe that
the National Security Council is the proper locale for managing daily
operations--counterproliferation or otherwise. Although the National Security
Council plays a critical role in helping to develop government-wide
counterproliferation policy, it should not become the center for interagency
operations as the
Recommendation 7 |
The President
should establish a Counterproliferation Joint Interagency Task Force to
conduct counterproliferation interdiction operations; to detect, monitor, and
handoff suspected proliferation targets; and to coordinate interagency and
partner nations' counterproliferation activities. |
A new Joint Interagency
Task Force for counterproliferation would fill the role of planning and
executing interdiction operations, drawing on the full range of military, law
enforcement, and intelligence capabilities of the
Plan and execute the full range of overt and clandestine
interdiction operations;
Seek approval from the National Security Council for interdiction
operational plans through the real-time decisionmaking process described below;
Provide tactical and operational intelligence, air, and sea
support to the Department of Defense Unified Commands to carry out particular
Establish the legal basis for all interdiction operations,
including through agreements with consenting private sector actors and partner nations that have signed ship-boarding agreements;
Coordinate country team and partner nation initiatives in order to
defeat the flow of materials of proliferation concern; and
Conduct regular interdiction gaming exercises with international
partners to develop new operational plans and concepts.
Recommendation 8 |
The DNI should
designate the |
As described in Chapter Six
(Leadership and Management), our proposed National Counter Proliferation Center
(NCPC) will serve a variety of functions. With regard to interdiction, the NCPC
will fulfill the requirements of the Counterproliferation Joint Interagency
Task Force, the National Security Council, and a
growing body of counterproliferation intelligence users.
Through a Target Development Board, the NCPC would prioritize and target for
interdiction those proliferation networks of greatest strategic concern. Finally, the NCPC would ensure that the
Intelligence Community provides the Task Force and the National Security
Council with real-time proliferation intelligence
Recommendation 9 |
The President
should establish, probably through a National Security Presidential
Directive, a real-time, interagency decisionmaking process for counterproliferation interdiction operations,
borrowing from Presidential Directive 27, the interagency decisionmaking
process that supports counternarcotics
interdictions. |
The National Security
Council currently holds a weekly interdiction sub-Policy Coordinating Committee
meeting to identify potential interdiction targets and determine courses of
action. 59 Since counterproliferation interdiction targets
may often involve sensitive diplomatic and legal issues, the National Security
Council will want to approve operational interdiction plans prior to execution.
The time sensitivity of certain interdiction operations
suggests that the National Security Council should adopt a virtual
decision-making process---one in which parties can consult remotely---to
accomplish this oversight function.
To streamline and
clarify the counterproliferation interdiction process, we recommend a set of
procedures similar to those established by Presidential Directive 27 for
dealing with counternarcotics interdictions and other "types of
non-military incidents." 60 Because interdictions may
involve military operations that would conflict with covert activities, we
recommend a separate National Security Presidential Directive that outlines the
National Security Council process for supervising the
planning and execution of interdiction operations. To make these decisions,
National Security Council staff and senior policymakers will need intelligence
to answer a range of questions. Unlike the existing intelligence paradigm,
which is heavily reliant on the production of "finished" intelligence
products, interdiction may require, for example,
that military commanders or customs officials communicate directly with
collectors and analysts.
Recommendation 10 |
The State
Department should enter into additional bilateral ship-boarding agreements
that also help to meet the tagging, tracking, and locating requirements of
the Intelligence Community and its users. |
The State Department is
currently charged with responsibility to secure bilateral ship-boarding agreements
in support of the Proliferation Security Initiative. 61 To
date, the Department has secured three important agreements. 62
We do not believe, however, that sufficient strategic
thought has been directed toward how these agreements can be structured to
serve intelligence purposes.
Through such bilateral
agreements or related customs regulations, the State Department could, for
example, require ships and aircraft to declare their locations through GPS and
satellite uplink. Failure to report location information could be viewed as the
rough equivalent of driving with a broken taillight, and might establish
reasonable suspicion to conduct an interdiction. Such agreements and the
imposition of other tracking requirements would enable intelligence to draw on
new sources of data to monitor potential cargoes, vessels, and aircraft of
proliferation concern. 63
Protecting our Borders: The Department of
Homeland Security
Recommendation 11 |
The DNI should ensure
that Customs and Border Protection has the most up-to-date terrorism and
proliferation intelligence. In turn, Customs and Border Protection should ensure that
the |
It may not be possible
in all cases to identify and halt biological, nuclear, or chemical weapons shipments before they reach the
If we are to increase
our chances of detecting proliferation materials before they enter the
Recommendation 12 |
The DNI and
Secretary of Homeland Security should undertake
a research and development program to develop better sensors capable of
detecting nuclear-related materials. The effort should be part of a larger
border defense initiative to foster greater intelligence support to law
enforcement at our nation's borders. |
The Intelligence
Community's collaboration with the Department of Homeland Security should not
stop at targeting cargoes. A comprehensive border defense initiative would
employ an array of advanced technologies to protect our borders. For example, reconnaissance
satellites, unmanned aerial vehicles, nuclear detection technologies, and
biometric identification cards could all play a role in border protection.
Many c ritical
technologies to protect the border, are still in their infancy. A senior official
at the Department of Homeland Security laments that the sensors deployed at our
borders are "way below ideal."
64 Customs and Border Protection officials complain that some
detectors are imprecise and prone to false alarms. 65 A
concerted research and development effort is necessary to bring these
technologies to maturity. A new sense of urgency is required.
The Intelligence
Community will be most effective
at combating chemical, biological, and nuclear
threats if it works in concert with non-traditional government partners. Legal
and regulatory regimes can help enable better intelligence gathering and
disrupt proliferation-related activity.
On several occasions
throughout our inquiry, departments and agencies outside of the Intelligence Community asked why our Commission was
interested in their work. These comments illustrate the lack of connection
between the Intelligence Community and large parts of the government. The
Community often sees itself as a world apart, and it is viewed by outsiders as
an unapproachable exotic.
In the area of
proliferation in particular, such a failure to see beyond the Intelligence
Community's borders--and a failure to acknowledge
what intelligence can and cannot do--has deprived the country of
anti-proliferation levers that it badly needs. As we saw with biological
weapons, the lack of an effective (and truly reciprocal) relationship between
intelligence and biological sciences has limited the Community's efforts.
Similarly, the Community has not sufficiently harnessed the power of legal and
regulatory regimes, and the synergies that could result from working more closely with them. While we did not
seek to reach beyond the scope of our mandate, which is to study the
Intelligence Community, the Commission did look at some ways in which legal and
regulatory regimes might
enhance intelligence collection specific to the counterproliferation issue.
We do not pretend to
have weighed fully every non-intelligence interest at work in many of these
regimes. For that reason, many of our recommendations only suggest areas for
possible action by both the affected agency and
the Intelligence Community. But regardless of whether specific regimes are
instituted, we believe that closer cooperation between the Intelligence
Community and the Departments of Commerce and Treasury could result in many
mutually beneficial relationships and improved collection against difficult
proliferation-related targets. The Intelligence Community will be most
effective at combating chemical, biological, and
nuclear threats if it works in concert with non-traditional government
Department of Commerce: Enforcing the
Export Control Regime
The Department of
Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) administers and enforces the
Export Administration Regulations, which govern the export of dual-use items.
BIS's law enforcement authorities place it in a position to collect large
amounts of information that could be of great use to the Intelligence
In order to obtain the
cooperation of export control violators, however, BIS needs strong er law enforcement powers,
something it has lacked in recent years, mainly because some of BIS's law
enforcement authorities lapsed when the Export Administration Act expired. BIS
could also assist the Intelligence Community more fully if it had authority to
impose increased penalties for export violations
and more authority to conduct undercover activities of potential intelligence
value. The Administration has supported a renewal of the act that would confer
these authorities, and congressional action on renewal would make cooperation
between BIS and the Intelligence Community more productive.
The Export
Administration Regulations provide additional opportunities to support
counterproliferation efforts. Specifically, BIS inspections, the conditions BIS
imposes on export licenses, and BIS's possible access to corporate records may
provide valuable intelligence and counterproliferation opportunities. We
discuss these and other related matters, including two classified recommendations, more fully in our classified report.
recommendations are classified. |
Department of the Treasury: Stopping Proliferation
The Treasury Department
can also provide more support to counterproliferation than it does today. The
Department currently has two powerful authorities with respect to terrorism
that do not now apply to proliferation. The first
is the authority to freeze the assets of terrorists and their financiers; the
second is the authority to take action against foreign financial institutions
that allow their services to be used to support terrorism. We see no reason why
these same authorities should not be enhanced to also combat proliferation.
Recommendation 15 |
The President
should expand the scope of Executive Order 13224 beyond terrorism to enable
the Department of the Treasury to block the assets of persons and entities who
provide financial support to proliferation. |
Pursuant to the
International Emergency Economic Powers Act, the President authorized the
Department of the Treasury to block the assets of
persons who sponsor terrorism. 66 However, Treasury lacks a
similar tool to block the assets of proliferators. To fill this gap, we
recommend the President take steps to allow the Secretary of the Treasury to
take the same action against persons "who provide financial or other
material support to entities involved in the proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction." In light of the virtually universal recognition that the greatest threat the
Recommendation 16 |
The President
should seek to have Congress amend Section 311 of the USA PATRIOT Act in
order to give the Department of the Treasury the authority to designate foreign
business entities involved in proliferation as "primary money laundering
concerns." |
Currently, section 311
of the USA PATRIOT Act authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury--in consultation
with other federal officers, including the Secretary of State and the Chair of
the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System--to
designate a foreign jurisdiction or financial institution a "primary money
laundering concern," and to require that U.S. financial institutions take
certain measures against the designee. 67
This power can be used when the Intelligence Community determines that a
foreign financial institution is involved in proliferation-related activity.
And by doing so, the Department can effectively cut the foreign institution off
from the
The reason for this
suggested change is simple--many aspects of proliferation involve non-financial
institutions, such as pharmaceutical, petrochemical, and high-tech companies.
By limiting the Treasury Department's designation authority to financial
institutions, the current law effectively addresses
only one part of the
business-related proliferation challenge. Expanding Treasury's authority would
thus allow the
Specifically, we believe
the Secretary's authorities should extend to the
designation of individual businesses involved in proliferation as "primary
money laundering concerns." Once a business was so designated,
Legal and regulatory
mechanisms are valuable tools the Intelligence Community should use to their
full extent. But proper use of these mechanisms requires extensive interagency
cooperation. This will not be an easy task. But we believe it is a worthwhile endeavor, and one that may--in the long run--prove
invaluable in combating the proliferation of nuclear, biological, and chemical
1 Center for Counterproliferation
Research, Anthrax in
2 Interview with FBI official (
3 Interview with Dugway Proving Ground official (
4 The anthrax letter mailed to Senator Patrick
Leahy had 1 trillion spores per gram. Interview with FBI special agent (
5 In this example, a kilogram would contain 1,000
trillion anthrax spores.
6 Richard
7 Interview with senior administration
official (
8 NIC, Title Classified (NIE 2004-08HC/I)
(Dec. 2004) at p. 24.
9 Interview with senior intelligence
official (
10 Tom Mangold and Jeff Goldberg, Plague Wars: the
Terrifying Reality of Biological Warfare (2001) at p. 61.
11 Tara O'Toole, Michael Mair, and Thomas
Inglesby, Shining Light on `Dark Winter' (2002).
12 For example, in 2002, researchers at the
13 Interview with senior intelligence official (
14 NIC,
16 NIC, Title Classified (NIE 2004-08HC/I) (Dec.
2004) at p. 59.
17 Interview with senior intelligence officer (
18 Interview with senior analyst, Institute for Defense Analyses (
19 Interview with senior
intelligence officer (
20 The
21 Interview with senior administration official (
22 Interview with senior CDC official (
23 Observation made by Seth Carus,
24 Interview with senior NIH official (
26 Interview with senior intelligence official (
27 Interview with CIA senior scientist (
28 Interview with senior
National Security Council official (
29 Interview with the
Department of Homeland Security's Directorate of
Science and Technology official (
31 Ron Southwick, "Elite Panel of Academics
Wins Fight to Continue Advising Military,"
The Chronicle of Higher Education (
32 CIA, Title Classified (OTI SF 2003-108) (
33 The legislation designates the Joint
Intelligence Community Council as responsible for advising the DNI on
"establishing requirements...and monitoring and evaluating the performance
of the Intelligence Community." Intelligence Reform and
34 Classified examples concerning the Intelligence
Community`s collection efforts are contained in our classified report, but
could not be included in an unclassified
35 Interview with CIA senior scientist (
36 See, e.g., International Atomic Energy
Agency, Staff Report, UN General Assembly
Backs IAEA's "Indispensable Role" (Nov. 2, 2004) (noting the
IAEA's role in conducting inspections of nuclear
programs in Iraq, Iran, and North Korea).
37 Executive Order 12938 (amended
39 For current purposes, we define a "dirty
bomb" as a radiological dispersal device that
uses the force of conventional explosives, such as TNT, to scatter radioactive
40 Interview with Department of Energy
intelligence analysts (
41 Interview with DIA analyst (
42 George Tenet, Remarks as prepared for delivery
45 Interview with CIA DO official (
46 Satinder Bindra,
47 CIA, Title Classified (CTC 2003-30079H)
49 National Security
Presidential Directive-17 (also designated
Homeland Security Presidential Directive-4) present s a broad national strategy for countering chemical, biological,
and nuclear weapons proliferation that emphasizes interdiction of illicit
proliferation transfers. In addition, the
Proliferation Security Initiative provides a framework
under which the
50 Interview with senior administration official (
51 Collection Concepts Development Center, Title
Classified (
55 In particular, the Maritime Security Policy
emphasizes the importance of a "robust and coordinated intelligence effort
[that] serves as the foundation for effective security
efforts in the Maritime Domain." NSC, NSPD-41/HSPD-13:
Maritime Security Policy (
56 A short classified section concerning how best
to coordinate the government's interdiction efforts is omitted from this
version of the report.
57 The Department of
Defense has recently named U.S. Strategic Command the lead Unified Command for the interdiction and elimination of
weapons of mass destruction. Interview with senior Department of Defense official (
58 Officials from Special Operations Command and
the Office of the Secretary of Defense for Policy have faulted the Intelligence
Community for not gearing collection requirements
toward sufficient levels of operational specificity, and for not quickly
sharing the intelligence that is collected. Covert platforms must find an
appropriate means to share ("push") information quickly to users, and
users must have the capability to "pull" intelligence from the
information sharing environment with appropriate permissions and standards
established by the DNI. OSD/SOLIC, Nuclear
59 Interview with former administration official (
60 Presidential Directive-27 was designed to
enable expeditious decisionmaking, consider views of
"concerned Departments and agencies,"
coordinate public statements, and "keep the White House fully informed
throughout." PD-27: Procedures for Dealing with Non-Military Incidents
(Jan. 19, 1978).
61 The Proliferation Security Initiative is a
framework under which the
62 Each of the three--
63 Office of Naval Intelligence analysts confirm
that this would indeed be helpful. Interview with
64 Interview with Department of Homeland Security official
65 Interview with Customs and Border Protection
officials (
66 Executive Order 13224 at § 1(d).
67 50 U.S.C. § 5318A.
We have approached our task mindful of its historical context. In truth, looking to the past, we find cause for discouragement. Many of the ideas and recommendations that we have made in this report were advanced with compelling reasoning by previous commissions. After ceremonious presentations to the President and to Congress, the previous recommendations were ignored or implemented weakly. Most of them failed to take hold. The question is inescapable: why should this Commission be different from the others?
Nevertheless, we are hopeful. The Intelligence Community is at the juncture of a number of powerful historical forces: the end of the Cold War, the first catastrophic attacks in the United States by international terrorists, the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the failure of U.S. intelligence in Iraq, the broad-based demand for change by the American people, and enactment by Congress of the most sweeping legislative reform since the creation of the existing Intelligence Community in 1947. These are reasons enough to believe that our work may be put to good purpose.
Perhaps the single most prominent and recurring theme in our recommendations is a call for stronger and more centralized management of the Intelligence Community, and, in general, the creation of a genuinely integrated Community instead of a loose confederation of independent agencies. This is not a new idea, but it has never been successfully implemented.
Part of the solution is to put more power and authority in the hands of the DNI. This was a principal purpose of the intelligence reform act of 2004. As we have noted elsewhere, however, the DNI's authorities under the new legislation are far from absolute. In many instances, the DNI will require the support and concurrence of the Secretary of Defense. He will need, as well, the commitment of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to become a part of the Intelligence Community and to be subject to DNI oversight. The DNI will need to use his new authorities swiftly to overcome the barriers that have plagued previous efforts. The new Intelligence Community leadership will also need to cross the old boundaries. The Mission Managers, as we have described them in our report, show how a new approach to management can bring together previously isolated activities and orchestrate an effort that embraces the entire Community.
But it is also incontrovertible that the Intelligence Community's flaws cannot be cured by top-down management alone. Reform must rise from the bottom too, and it must involve true cultural change within the Community. We make a number of specific suggestions along these lines in our report. To state just a few: processes to support analysts working long-term strategic topics; an innovation center to incubate new concepts in human intelligence; an open-source directorate that can freely experiment with new information technologies; a sizeable, uncommitted research and development budget that is available to quickly infuse funding; entirely new approaches to gathering intelligence on biological weapons; and incentives to promote the behaviors that lead to better intelligence (and discourage those that don't). Some of these challenges--especially support for long-term analysis, for innovative collection, and for aggressive research and development--will require greater resources. We are not in a position to make a precise estimate of the costs, but we believe that budget is less likely to be a constraint than culture and tradition. At every level, new and better ways of doing business should be encouraged, nurtured, and protected.
Throughout our work, we have been struck by the range of opinions on reform of the Intelligence Community. Some former and current leaders with impressive experience believe that most of what needs to be done has already occurred. We respectfully disagree. We have unquestionably seen a break with the past and many brave initiatives. We have heard of stunning successes, many of which are too sensitive to mention even in an unclassified report. But too many of these efforts are "more of the same," and many of those that break with past practices are only timid forays into new territory that could easily end in retreat.
There is another group of highly respected individuals, also with long and deep experience, who are fundamentally pessimistic about the recent legislative changes. They foresee new layers of bureaucracy with little value added weighing on institutions that are already overloaded with formalities. We also disagree with this group, but we understand their concern.
Every person with whom we spoke was unanimous on one point: there is nothing more important than having the best possible intelligence to combat the world's deadliest weapons and most dangerous actors. We agree, wholeheartedly; indeed, our survival may well depend upon it. Of course, even the most improved intelligence process is no guarantee against surprise or against weapons of mass destruction. Biological and nuclear weapons are becoming too easy to obtain for any intelligence reforms to provide absolute protection from catastrophe. But in the face of such staggering risks, we must do all we can to avoid danger. That means building an integrated, innovative, and agile Intelligence Community. Despite the uncertainties, we have done our best to chart a course that will take us to the Intelligence Community that our nation deserves.
No commission could examine every important issue facing the Intelligence Community. Our Commission encountered issues that were tangential to our mandate but that are likely to be crucial to the Intelligence Community and the DNI in coming years. We record in this postscript three of the issues that fall into this category.
This country's security policies--considered in their broadest form to include physical security, infrastructure security, personnel security, and information and cyber security--are in need of serious review. Today we face new threats and vulnerabilities that are in many ways more encompassing, complex, and subtle than those we confronted in the past century. We begin with several broad observations:
Security is a highly decentralized government function. Today
there is no single advisor to the President who deals with the full spectrum of
security-related issues.
Effectively addressing security generates costs that must be
balanced against risk and threats.
Security, as a discipline, has historically been dominated by
"police" type management, processes, and enforcement approaches.
Although the police function is still required, today's security
vulnerabilities are increasingly technical in nature and related to information
technology systems,
software, and hardware.
Several contemporary security challenges threaten to undermine not only intelligence sources and methods, but also the national security at large. These include: unauthorized leaks, which are now beginning to rival espionage in frequency, scope, and cumulative damage; the deterioration of the concept of need-to-know, and an increasing need to balance security concerns against the need for more robust information sharing; the particular vulnerability of communication and information sharing systems; foreign information warfare programs; and the persistent incentives for overclassification of information. To respond to these challenges, the Intelligence Community must harness the power of digital and biometric "identity"; improve the efficiency of the investigation, clearance, and adjudication process; develop mechanisms designed to protect sources, methods, and capabilities; effectively manage compartmentation; and certify secure spaces and improve physical security for people, facilities, and critical infrastructure.
Intelligence analysts have been placed in a difficult position. On the one hand, analysts must protect new and extremely sensitive sources and methods. On the other hand, analysts are expected to facilitate the broadest possible forms of information sharing, both amongst fellow analysts and with outside customers who increasingly want direct access to raw data and want to collaborate directly with the most knowledgeable and credible analysts.
We have considered many of these issues and offer recommendations that we believe will help address aspects of the security challenge, including our recommendations on Information Sharing (Chapter 9), and on authorized and unauthorized disclosures (Chapter 7, Collection). Yet we know we have only scratched the surface of this complex problem. The issue of security writ large requires a separate inquiry. Accordingly, this Commission recommends early action to define new strategies for managing security in the 21st century.
Some of the most difficult issues for the Intelligence Community in the next few years concern satellite surveillance systems. These systems are extremely costly, so that cost overruns in satellite systems tend to suck resources from the rest of the intelligence budget. Increasingly, too, there are air-breathing alternatives to satellite surveillance. Satellites can sometimes gather weapons of mass destruction intelligence not available in any other way, but sometimes satellites provide little assistance in targeting other WMD activities. They also play a crucial role for the military. Choosing which satellite systems are best in this evolving environment is an enormous challenge.
The DNI will need to make tough choices about our future imagery capabilities; doing so will require a strong Planning, Programming, and Budgeting Execution System capable of comparing the marginal values of the respective collection disciplines. We did not believe that it was within our competence to make specific judgments about whether and how to overhaul future satellite intelligence plans, although we have offered recommendations that we believe will better enable the DNI to make these judgments. Given the importance of the issue, we recommend that the DNI specifically visit this issue early in his tenure.
We live in an information age, and
Our intelligence organizations collect information about
adversaries to enable public diplomacy. They also seek information on hostile
intentions and possible attacks on
Although our information warfare capabilities are still evolving, this large and complex subject merits further inquiry. Many components of the discipline are also controversial. But intelligence has a major role to play in this job.
We did not fully explore these issues; they cut across government and private sector interests, and we believe that the Intelligence Community needs to: participate in initiatives designed to define the country's information warfare policies and doctrine; fund its activities; establish appropriate oversight; and provide for better integration, coordination, and collaboration across agencies. This is an appropriate job for a Presidential Task Force.
Authorizing Executive Order
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution
and the laws of the
Sec. 1. Establishment. There is established, within the Executive Office of the President for administrative purposes, a Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction (Commission).
Sec. 2.
(b) With respect to that portion of its examination under paragraph 2(a) of this order that relates to Iraq, the Commission shall specifically examine the Intelligence Community's intelligence prior to the initiation of Operation Iraqi Freedom and compare it with the findings of the Iraq Survey Group and other relevant agencies or organizations concerning the capabilities, intentions, and activities of Iraq relating to the design, development, manufacture, acquisition, possession, proliferation, transfer, testing, potential or threatened use, or use of Weapons of Mass Destruction and related means of delivery.
(c) With respect to its examination under paragraph 2(a) of this order, the Commission shall:
(i) specifically evaluate the challenges of obtaining information regarding the design, development, manufacture, acquisition, possession, proliferation, transfer, testing, potential or threatened use, or use of Weapons of Mass Destruction, related means of delivery, and other related threats of the 21st Century in closed societies; and
(ii) compare the Intelligence Community's intelligence concerning Weapons of Mass Destruction programs and other related threats of the 21st Century in Libya prior to Libya's recent decision to open its programs to international scrutiny and in Afghanistan prior to removal of the Taliban government with the current assessments of organizations examining those programs.
(d) The Commission shall submit to the President by March 31, 2005, a report of the findings of the Commission resulting from its examination and its specific recommendations for ensuring that the Intelligence Community of the United States is sufficiently authorized, organized, equipped, trained, and resourced to identify and warn in a timely manner of, and to support United States Government efforts to respond to, the development and transfer of knowledge, expertise, technologies, materials, and resources associated with the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction, related means of delivery, and other related threats of the 21st Century and their employment by foreign powers (including terrorists, terrorist organizations, and private networks, or other entities or individuals). The Central Intelligence Agency and other components of the Intelligence Community shall utilize the Commission and its resulting report. Within 90 days of receiving the Commission's report, the President will consult with the Congress concerning the Commission's report and recommendations, and will propose any appropriate legislative recommendations arising out of the findings of the Commission.
Sec. 3. Membership. The Commission shall consist of up to nine
members appointed by the President, two of whom the President shall designate
as Co-Chairs. Members shall be citizens of the
Sec. 4. Meetings of the Commission and Direction of Its Work. The Co-Chairs of the Commission shall convene and preside at the meetings of the Commission, determine after consultation with other members of the Commission its agenda, direct its work, and assign responsibilities within the Commission.
Sec. 5. Access to Information. (a) To carry out this order, the
Commission shall have full and complete access to information relevant to its
mission as described in section 2 of this order and in the possession, custody,
or control of any executive department or agency to the maximum extent
permitted by law and consistent with Executive Order 12958 of
(b) Promptly upon commencing its work, the Commission shall adopt, after consultation with the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, and the Director of Central Intelligence, rules and procedures of the Commission for physical, communications, computer, document, personnel, and other security in relation to the work of the Commission. The Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, and the Director of Central Intelligence shall promptly and jointly report to the President their judgment whether the security rules and procedures adopted by the Commission are clearly consistent with the national security and protect against unauthorized disclosure of information required by law or executive order to be protected against such disclosure. The President may at any time modify the security rules or procedures of the Commission to provide the necessary protection.
Sec. 6. General Provisions. (a) In implementing this order, the Commission shall solely advise and assist the President.
(b) In performing its functions under this order, the Commission shall, subject to the authority of the President, be independent from any executive department or agency, or of any officer, employee, or agent thereof.
(c) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or
otherwise affect the authorities of any department, agency, entity, officer, or
employee of the
(d) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budget, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(e) The Director of the Office of Administration shall provide or arrange for the provision of administrative support and, with the assistance of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, ensure funding for the Commission consistent with applicable law. The Director of the Office of Administration shall ensure that such support and funding meets the Commission's reasonable needs and that the manner of provision of support and funding is consistent with the authority of the Commission within the executive branch in the performance of its functions.
(f) Members of the Commission shall serve without compensation for their work on the Commission. Members who are not officers or employees in the executive branch, while engaged in the work of the Commission, may be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, as authorized by law for persons serving intermittently in Government service (5 U.S.C. 5701 through 5707), consistent with the availability of funds.
(g) The Commission shall have a staff headed by an Executive Director. The Co-Chairs shall hire and employ, or obtain by assignment or detail from departments and agencies, the staff of the Commission, including the Executive Director.
(h) The term "Intelligence Community" is given the same meaning as contained in section 3(4) of the National Security Act of 1947, as amended (50 U.S.C. 401a(4)).
(i) The term "Weapons of Mass Destruction" is given the same meaning as contained in section 1403(1) of the Defense Against Weapons of Mass Destruction Act of 1996 (50 U.S.C. 2302(1)).
Sec. 7. Judicial Review. This order is intended only to improve the internal management of the executive branch, and is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity, against the United States, its departments, agencies, or other entities, its officers or employees, or any other person.
Sec. 8. Termination. The Commission shall terminate within 60 days after submitting its report.
List of Findings and Recommendations
Overall Commission Finding: The
Intelligence Community's performance in assessing
Nuclear Weapons Summary Finding: The
Intelligence Community seriously misjudged the status of
Biological Warfare Summary Finding: The Intelligence Community seriously
misjudged the status of
Chemical Warfare Summary Finding: The
Intelligence Community erred in its 2002 NIE assessment of
Delivery Summary Finding 1: The Intelligence Community incorrectly assessed that
Delivery Summary Finding 2: The Intelligence Community correctly
judged that
Regime Decisionmaking Summary Finding: The Intelligence Community, because of a lack of analytical imagination, failed even to consider the possibility that Saddam Hussein would decide to destroy his chemical and biological weapons and to halt work on his nuclear program after the first Gulf War.
The Director of National Intelligence should hold accountable the organizations that contributed to the flawed assessments of Iraq's WMD programs.
The eleven findings in this chapter are classified.
The Information Sharing Environment should be expanded to
encompass all intelligence information, not just terrorism intelligence;
The Director of the National Counterterrorism Center should report
to the DNI on all matters relating to information sharing; and
The overlapping authorities of the DNI and the Program Manager
should be reconciled and coordinated--a result most likely to be achieved by
requiring the Program Manager to report to the
The limitations of "need to know" in a networked
The importance of developing mechanisms that can protect sources
and methods in new ways;
Biometrics and other user authentication (identification) methods,
along with user activity auditing tools, can
promote accountability and enhance counterintelligence capabilities;
System-wide encryption of data can greatly reduce the risks of
network penetration by outsiders; and
Where sensitive information is restricted to a limited group of
users, the Information Sharing Environment should ensure that others searching
for such information are aware of its existence
and provided with a point of contact who can
decide quickly whether to grant access.
Collection of metrics. The chief
information management officer should introduce performance metrics for the
Information Sharing Environment and automate their collection. These metrics
should include the number and origination of postings to the shared
environment, data on how often and by whom each
item was accessed, and statistics on the use of collaborative tools and
communications channels, among others. Such performance data can help to define
milestones and to determine rewards and penalties.
Self-enforcing milestones. Milestones should include specific and
quantifiable performance criteria for the sharing environment, as well as
rewards and penalties for succeeding or failing to
meet them. The DNI should empower the chief information management officer to
use the DNI's budget, mission-assignment, and personnel authorities to penalize poor agency performance.
Incentives. The DNI should ensure that collectors and analysts
receive honors or monetary prizes for intelligence products that receive widespread
use or acclaim. Users should post comments or rate the value of individual
reports or analytic products, and periodic user surveys can serve as peer
review mechanisms.
Training. The DNI should promote the training of all users in the
Information Sharing Environment, with extended training for analysts, managers,
and other users of the environment.
An Intelligence Community Primer
The U.S. Intelligence Community is a federation of executive
branch agencies and organizations that work--both together and separately--to conduct intelligence
activities necessary for the conduct of foreign relations and the protection of
the national security of the
The purpose of the following discussion is to provide an overall picture of the U.S. Intelligence Community today and how it functions. It is intended as a primer for readers who may be unfamiliar with the subject.
The U.S. Intelligence Community comprises 15 federal agencies,
offices, and elements of organizations within the Executive branch that are responsible for the collection, analysis,
and dissemination of intelligence. These include fourteen departmental
components--eight in the Department of Defense, two in the Department of Homeland Security, one
each in four other departments (State, Energy, Treasury, and Justice) and one
independent agency, the Central Intelligence Agency. Each member of the
Community provides a unique set of capabilities to bear upon the intelligence
challenges facing the
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): CIA collects intelligence, principally through human means, and provides comprehensive, all-source analysis related to national security topics for national policymakers, defense planners, law enforcement officials, and the military services. CIA also conducts counterintelligence overseas and undertakes special activities at the direction of the President.
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA): DIA provides comprehensive, all-source, foreign-military intelligence for the military services, policymakers, and defense planners.
National Security Agency (NSA): NSA collects and processes
foreign signals intelligence information for members of the policymaking and
military communities and protects critical
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA): NGA provides geospatial intelligence (described below) in support of national security and Department of Defense missions.
National Reconnaissance Office (NRO): NRO designs, builds, operates, and maintains the nation's reconnaissance satellites.
Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps intelligence organizations: Each service collects and processes intelligence relevant to its particular needs.
Department of State/Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR): INR provides analysis of global developments to the State Department and contributes its unique perspectives to the community's National Intelligence Estimates.
Department of Justice/Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI): FBI
takes responsibility for intelligence issues related to counterespionage,
terrorism and counterintelligence inside the
Department of Homeland Security/Directorate of Information
Analysis and Infrastructure Protection: This component of DHS monitors,
assesses, and coordinates indications and warnings of threats to the
Department of Homeland Security/U.S. Coast
Guard Intelligence: Coast Guard Intelligence assesses and provides information
related to threats to
Department of Energy (DOE)/ Office of Intelligence (IN): The
Department of Energy's Office of Intelligence performs analyses of foreign
nuclear weapons, nuclear nonproliferation, and
energy-security related intelligence issues in support of
Department of Treasury/Office of
All the responsibilities of the CIA, DIA, NSA, NRO, and NGA are related to intelligence, and therefore each of these organizations in its entirety is considered a member of the Intelligence Community. The other departments and military services listed above are concerned primarily with business and missions other than intelligence and therefore only parts of their organizations are considered part of the Intelligence Community. For example, in the case of the U.S. Navy, only the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) is considered a member of the Intelligence Community.
In addition to the fifteen organizations listed above, the
Intelligence Community also has established a number of national centers such
as the Counterterrorist Center (CTC); Weapons Intelligence, Nonproliferation,
and Arms Control Center (WINPAC); and the Crime and Narcotics Center (CNC).
There is also a national center created by
statute--the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), created by the
Intelligence Reform and
Intelligence is knowledge about the world around us that will
help our civilian and military leaders make more informed decisions and prepare
for and counter potential and emerging threats to
There are five primary categories or "disciplines" of information that the Intelligence Community seeks to collect to satisfy the needs of senior policymakers, decisionmakers, and military officials. Sometimes also referred to as collection techniques, these disciplines are:
Human intelligence, or
Signals intelligence, or SIGINT, is information derived from intercepted communications and electronic and data transmissions. NSA is the primary collector of SIGINT for the Intelligence Community.
Imagery intelligence, or IMINT, which is also referred to as geospatial intelligence or GEOINT, is the exploitation and analysis of imagery and other geospatial information to describe, assess, and visually depict physical features and geographically referenced activities on earth. NGA has the primary responsibility for coordinating the collection and processing of IMINT data for the Intelligence Community.
Measurement and Signature Intelligence, or MASINT, describes a category of technically derived information that provides distinctive characteristics of a specific event such as a nuclear explosion, or locates, identifies, and describes distinctive characteristics of targets through such means as optical, acoustic, or seismic sensors. The intelligence organizations within the Department of the Defense--especially DIA, NGA, and the military services--are the primary collectors of MASINT.
Open source intelligence, or OSINT, refers to publicly available information appearing in print or electronic form.
Collected information is often described as raw intelligence
until it can be sorted, integrated, and evaluated by intelligence analysts who seek to derive meaning and understanding
from the information regarding its implications for U.S. interests. Often such
information can only provide an incomplete picture of the threats facing the
The process of tasking, collecting, processing, analyzing, and disseminating intelligence is called the intelligence cycle. The intelligence cycle drives the day-to-day activities of the Intelligence Community. It starts with the needs of those who are often referred to within the Intelligence Community as intelligence "consumers"--that is, policymakers, military officials, and other decisionmakers who need intelligence information in conducting their duties and responsibilities. These needs--also referred to as intelligence requirements--are sorted and prioritized within the Intelligence Community, and are used to drive the collection activities of the members of the Intelligence Community that collect intelligence. Once information has been collected it is processed, initially evaluated, and reported to both consumers and so-called "all-source" intelligence analysts at agencies like the CIA, DIA, and the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research. All-source analysts are responsible for performing a more thorough evaluation and assessment of the collected information by integrating the data obtained from a variety of collection agencies and sources--both classified and unclassified. This assessment leads to a finished intelligence report being disseminated to the consumer. The "feedback" part of the cycle assesses the degree to which the finished intelligence addresses the needs of the intelligence consumer and will determine if further collection and analysis is required. The cycle, as depicted in the figure below, is thus repeated until the intelligence requirements have been satisfied.
Counterintelligence encompasses actions taken to detect and
counteract foreign intelligence activity that adversely affects
Covert action is defined as activity undertaken by the
The Intelligence Reform and
The DNI will be assisted in his responsibilities by the Principal
Deputy Director for National Intelligence and up to four Deputy Directors for
National Intelligence. The Intelligence Reform and
The National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) serves as the primary
organization in the U.S. Government for analyzing and integrating all
intelligence possessed or acquired by the U.S. Government pertaining to
terrorism and counterterrorism, excepting intelligence pertaining exclusively
to domestic terrorists and domestic counterterrorism. The NCTC also conducts
strategic operational planning for counterterrorism activities, integrating all
instruments of national power, including diplomatic, financial, military,
intelligence, homeland security, and law enforcement activities within and
among agencies. Other national centers that may
be created in addition to NCTC (for example, a new
The National Intelligence Council (NIC) is responsible for
producing National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs) for the
The National Counterintelligence Executive (NCIX) is responsible
for improving the performance of the counterintelligence community in
assessing, prioritizing and countering intelligence threats to the
The Director for Science and Technology (DST) is to act as the chief representative of the DNI for science and technology and to assist the DNI in formulating a long-term strategy for scientific advances in the field of intelligence.
A Civil Liberties Protection Officer will ensure that the protection of civil liberties and privacy is appropriately incorporated into the policies and procedures developed by the ODNI.
A General Counsel will serve as the chief legal officer for the ODNI.
The statute also establishes the Joint Intelligence Community Council, which consists of the heads of each Department that contains a component of the Intelligence Community (e.g., Secretary of Defense), and which will assist the DNI in developing and implementing a joint, unified national intelligence effort to protect national security.
The intelligence resources of the
The National Intelligence Program (NIP): The Intelligence Reform
The recent legislation provides a role for the DNI in transferring and reprogramming funds and personnel within the NIP. The Act provides the DNI with the authority to transfer funds within the NIP to an intelligence activity that is of a higher priority or in support of an emergent need, to improve program effectiveness, or increase efficiency. Such transfers or reprogramming of funds must have the approval of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget and be made in consultation with the heads of the affected department and agencies with the Intelligence Community. In addition, the transfer or preprogramming of funds for these purposes out of any agency or department funded in the NIP in a single fiscal year is not to exceed $150 million annually--or five percent of an agency or department's budget under the NIP--without approval of the head of the department or agency affected. The DNI is also authorized to transfer up to 100 people to a new intelligence center within the first twelve months of the establishment of that center, with the approval of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget and in consultation with the appropriate congressional committees. Intelligence resources under JMIP and TIARA (described below) will continue to be managed by the Department of Defense and the military services; however the DNI will participate in the development of the JMIP and TIARA budgets.
The Joint Military Intelligence Program (JMIP): The JMIP encompasses military intelligence activities that support Defense-wide objectives, as opposed to a single military service. The JMIP falls under the authority of the Secretary of Defense. JMIP resources support multiple defense organizations across functional boundaries and mission areas. Many of the programs under JMIP parallel those in the NIP. As a result, some agencies, like NGA, receive funding from both the NIP and JMIP budgets. The Deputy Secretary of Defense oversees the day-to-day activities of the Defense Department, which include the Defense Department's intelligence efforts. The Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence serves as the JMIP Program Executive and provides policy, substantive, and programmatic guidance for the programs, projects, and activities within the JMIP.
Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities (TIARA): TIARA also falls under the authority of the Secretary of Defense and represents an aggregation of intelligence activities funded by each of the military services and the Special Operations Command to meet their specific requirements.
Managing the annual intelligence budget can be a lengthy and
complex process. As provided for in the Intelligence Reform and
The Intelligence Community is subject to both Executive and Legislative oversight.
The National Security Council (NSC) is the senior Executive Branch entity that provides guidance for and direction to the conduct of national foreign intelligence and counterintelligence activities. The statutory members of the NSC are the President, the Vice President, the Secretary of State, and the Secretary of Defense.
The President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB)
reviews the performance of all Government agencies involved in the collection,
evaluation, or production of intelligence or in the execution of intelligence
policies. The PFIAB also assesses the adequacy of management, personnel, and
organization in the intelligence agencies and makes recommendations to the
President for actions to improve
The Office of Management and Budget, as part of the Executive Office of the President, reviews intelligence budgets with respect to all presidential policies and priorities.
The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) and the House
of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) are the
two committees of Congress with primary jurisdiction for oversight of the
Intelligence Community. These committees, along with the House and Senate Armed
Services, Senate Foreign Relations, House International Relations, House and
Senate Judiciary, and House and Senate Homeland Security Committees, are also
charged with authorizing the programs of the intelligence
agencies and overseeing their activities. The
appropriation committees, by virtue of their constitutional role to appropriate funds for all U.S. Government
activities, also exercise some oversight functions over the Intelligence
Common Abbreviations
BIS Bureau of Industry and Security (Department of Commerce)
BW Biological Weapons or Biological Warfare
CBP Customs and Border Protection (Department of Homeland Security)
CBRN Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Weapons
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
CIFA Counterintelligence Field Activity (Department of Defense)
CPD Counterproliferation Division (CIA)
CW Chemical Weapons or Chemical Warfare
D&D Denial and Deception
DCI Director of Central Intelligence
DCIA Director of Central Intelligence Agency
DHS Department of Homeland Security
DIA Defense Intelligence Agency
DNI Director of National Intelligence
DO Directorate of Operations (CIA)
DOD Department of Defense
DOE Department of Energy
DS&T Directorate of Science and Technology (CIA)
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
FBIS Foreign Broadcast Information Service
FIG Field Intelligence Group (FBI)
FISA Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
HPSCI House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
IAEC Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission
ICE Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Department of Homeland Security)
INC Iraqi National Congress
INR Bureau of Intelligence and Research (Department of State)
INS Immigration and Naturalization Services
IRTPA Intelligence Reform and
ISB Intelligence Science Board
ISG Iraq Survey Group
JAEIC Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee
JICC Joint Intelligence Community Council
JITF-CT Counterterrorism Joint Intelligence Task Force
JMIP Joint Military Intelligence Program
JTTF Joint
MASINT Measurement and Signature Intelligence
NCIX National Counterintelligence Executive
NGA National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
NIC National Intelligence Council
NIE National Intelligence Estimate
NIH National Institutes of Health
NIO National Intelligence Officer
NIP National Intelligence Program
NRO National Reconnaissance Office
NSC National Security Council
ODNI Office of the Director of National Intelligence
OIPR Office of Intelligence Policy Review (Department of Justice)
PFIAB President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
SEIB Senior Executive Intelligence Brief
SEVIS Student and Exchange Visitor Information System
SSCI Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
TIARA Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
UNMOVIC United Nations Monitoring, Verification, and Inspection Commission
UNSCOM United Nations Special Commission
USAMRIID U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases
Weapons Intelligence,
Nonproliferation and
WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction
Biographical Information for Commissioners and List
of Commission Staff
Charles S. Robb is a
former Virginia Governor and U.S. Senator. As a
Marine Corps officer during the 1960s, he
commanded an infantry company in combat in
Judge Laurence H. Silberman is
a senior circuit judge on the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. He was a member of the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review. The intelligence court, created in 1978, is charged with overseeing sensitive law enforcement surveillance by the
Richard C. Levin, the Frederick William
Beinecke Professor of Economics, was appointed the twenty-second President of
Yale University in 1993. Before becoming president, he chaired the economics
department and served as dean of the
Senator John McCain of
Henry S. Rowen is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. He is also
Director emeritus of the Asia/Pacific Research Center at
Walter B. Slocombe has held several high-level
positions in the Department of Defense, including Under Secretary of Defense
for Policy from 1994 to 2001; Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Policy from
1993 to 1994; Deputy Under Secretary for Policy Planning from 1979 to 1981; and
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Security Affairs from
1977 to 1979. During May-November 2003 he was Senior Advisor to the Coalition
Provisional Authority in
Admiral William O. Studeman (Ret.) was Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency from 1992 to 1995. He has held several high-level intelligence positions, including Director of the National Security Agency and Director of Naval Intelligence. He is a former Vice President and Deputy General Manager for Intelligence and Information Superiority at Northrop Grumman Mission Systems, a $5 billion global defense contractor. He retired from the Navy in 1995 and Northrop Grumman in 2005.
Charles M. Vest served as president of MIT from 1990 to 2004. He chaired the U.S. Department of Energy Task Force on the Future of Science Programs from 2002 to 2003. From 1993 to 1994, Dr. Vest chaired the President's Advisory Committee on the Redesign of the International Space Station, and from 1994 to the present he served as a member of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. He is a director of DuPont, IBM, and the Kavli Foundation.
Judge Patricia Wald served from 1999 to 2001 as a
judge of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia at
Lloyd Cutler ( Of Counsel) is a founding partner of Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP and served as counsel to Presidents Clinton and Carter. Mr. Cutler was a member and chairman of the Quadrennial Commission on Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Salaries, and a member of the President's Commission on Federal Ethics Law Reform in 1989.
Vice Admiral John Scott Redd (Ret.) served 36 years
in the U. S. Navy, commanding eight organizations at sea from a destroyer to a
fleet. He founded and commanded the Navy's Fifth Fleet in the
Stewart A. Baker
is a partner with the
Michael F. Munson (Director for Plans) is the former Deputy Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. He has served as a Deputy Director for the National Reconnaissance Office and Director of Intelligence Program Review for the office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence. Mr. Munson was also the study director for the Congressionally chartered National Defense Panel. He has 35 years of intelligence experience.
Gordon C. Oehler (Director for Review) served for
25 years at the Central Intelligence Agency in a
variety of technical and managerial positions. From April 1992 through October
1997, Dr. Oehler directed the DCI's
Joan L. C. Comtois
Administrative Assistant
[1]While we have attempted to write this
report in a way that is accessible to those not acquainted with the world of
intelligence, we have included a primer on the U.S. Intelligence Community at
Appendix C of this report for readers who are new to the subject.
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Mrs. Cheney
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