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Jackson: Andrew Jackson bought "The Hermitage" property in Nashville, Tennessee in 1804, and it was his home for the rest of his life. Construction of the Federal style brick house took two years, which Jackson and his wife Rachel, moved into in 1821. Located in the East Room


In keeping with the theme Home for the Holidays, replicas from the original family home plans of the nation's Presidents were created by White House staff members and displayed in a wintry forest throughout the rooms of the White House.

Adams | Buchanan | Coolidge | Grant | Hayes | Jackson | Jefferson | Johnson | Lincoln
Madison | F.D. Roosevelt | T. Roosevelt | Van Buren | Washington | Wilson

Test your wits on Presidential Homes with India's Home for the Holidays Quiz.

360 Tour
East Room | Green Room | Blue Room | Red Room | State Dining Room | Center & Cross Halls

President Lights National Christmas Tree | President Lights Menorah | HGTV Video

Holiday Photo Essays
Presidential Homes | Decking the Halls | Decorations | Holiday Cheer

White House Tree | Presidential Holiday Cards | National Tree | Menorah Lighting |
Hot Chocolate Recipe

India's Home for the Holidays Quiz | Spotty & Barney's Holiday Tail

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