The program rating indicates how well a program is performing, so the public can see how effectively tax dollars are being spent. tells you whether or not a program is performing.
Programs that are PERFORMING have ratings of Effective, Moderately Effective, or Adequate.
Effective. This is the highest rating a program can achieve. Programs rated Effective set ambitious goals, achieve results, are well-managed and improve efficiency.
Moderately Effective. In general, a program rated Moderately Effective has set ambitious goals and is well-managed. Moderately Effective programs likely need to improve their efficiency or address other problems in the programs' design or management in order to achieve better results.
Adequate. This rating describes a program that needs to set more ambitious goals, achieve better results, improve accountability or strengthen its management practices.
Based on our most recent assessments, 80%% of Federal programs are Performing.
More information on how we assess and rate programs is available here. Funding information for each program can be found with the President's Budget.
Agency | Program Name | Funding FY08 |
Last PART Assessment |
Rating | Link to Program |
Department of Agriculture | Agricultural Commodity Grading and Certification Programs | 241 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Agricultural Credit Insurance Fund - Guaranteed Loans | 2412 | 2008 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Agricultural Credit Insurance Fund Direct Loans | 92 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Agricultural Crops Counter Cyclical Payments | 3159 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Agricultural Export Credit Guarantee Programs | 3374 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Agricultural Marketing Loan Payments | 4981 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Agriculture Marketing Service - Research and Promotion Programs | 3 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Animal Welfare | 21 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Cochran Fellowship Program | 3 | 2008 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Community Facilities Program | 27 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Conservation Operations | 862 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Conservation Reserve Program | 1865 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Dairy Payment Program | 23 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Direct Crop Payments | 5224 | 2008 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Economic Research Service | 79 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Emergency Pest and Disease Management Programs | 380 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Emergency Watershed Protection Program | 260 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Environmental Quality Incentives Program | 1200 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Export Enhancement/Dairy Export Incentive Program | 0 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Farmland Protection Program | 97 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Federal Crop Insurance | 6497 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Federal Grain Inspection Services | 59 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations | 88 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Food Safety and Inspection Service | 930 | 2008 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Food Stamp Program | 37710 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Food and Nutrition Service - Child and Adult Care Food Program | 2245 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Forest Service: Energy Resource Needs | 104 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Forest Service: Forest Legacy Program | 52 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Forest Service: Invasive Species Program | 130 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Forest Service: Land Acquisition | 42 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Forest Service: Recreation | 281 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Grants for Economic Opportunities and Quality of Life for Rural America | 204 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Grants for Nutrition and Health | 159 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | In-House Research for Natural Resource Base and Environment | 251 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | In-House Research for Nutrition and Health | 97 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Intermediary Relending Program | 48 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Market News and Marketing Services | 52 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Multi-Family Housing Programs | 576 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Mutual Self-Help Housing -- Technical Assistance Grants | 38 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | National Agricultural Statistics Service | 180 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | National School Lunch | 8098 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Natural Resource Base & Environment (Grants) | 216 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Non-Insured Crop Assistance Program | 105 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Nutrition Assistance for Puerto Rico | 1623 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | On-going Pest and Disease Management Program | 79 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act | 7 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Pest and Disease Exclusion | 371 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Pesticide Data Program | 15 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Plant and Animal Health Monitoring Programs | 318 | 2008 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Protection and Safety of Agricultural Food Supply (Grants) | 241 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Research on Protection and Safety of Agricultural Food Supply | 437 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Research/Extension Grants: Economic Opportunities for Producers | 458 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Resource Conservation and Development | 52 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Rural Business Enterprise Grant Program | 44 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Rural Business and Industry Guaranteed Loan Program | 53 | 2008 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Rural Business-Cooperative Service Value-Added Producer Grants | 20 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Rural Development Broadband Loan and Loan Guarantee Program | 33 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Rural Distance Learning and Telemedicine Loan and Grant Program | 37 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Rural Electric Utility Loans and Guarantees | 48 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Rural Telecommunications Loan Programs | 4 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Rural Water and Wastewater Grants and Loans | 745 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | School Breakfast Program | 2393 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Single Family Housing Direct Loans | 105 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Single Family Housing Loan Guarantees | 61 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Summer Food Service Program | 312 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | USDA Food Aid Programs | 129 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | USDA Foreign Market Development Programs | 251 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | USDA Research: Economic Opportunities for Producers | 440 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | USDA Wildland Fire Management | 2054 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention | 70 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Wetlands Reserve Program | 184 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program | 85 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) | 6020 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | Advanced Technology Program | 0 | 2002 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Commerce | Bureau of Economic Analysis | 82 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | Bureau of Industry and Security | 75 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | Census Bureau: Current Demographic Statistics | 77 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | Census Bureau: Current Economic Statistics and Census of Governments | 161 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | Census Bureau: Decennial Census | 1004 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | Census Bureau: Economic Census | 128 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | Census Bureau: Intercensal Demographic Estimates | 10 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | Census Bureau: Survey Sample Redesign | 11 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | Economic Development Administration | 249 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | Hydrology | 42 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | International Trade Administration: Import Administration | 59 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Commerce | International Trade Administration: Manufacturing and Services | 47 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Commerce | International Trade Administration: Market Access and Compliance | 41 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | International Trade Administration: U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service | 224 | 2008 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Commerce | Manufacturing Extension Partnership | 90 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | Minority Business Development Agency | 30 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Commerce | National Institute of Standards and Technology Laboratories | 601 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | National Marine Fisheries Service | 496 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration: Tsunami Monitoring, Forecasting, and Warning Program | 33 | 2008 | Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration: Climate Program | 230 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration: Ecosystem Research | 198 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Commerce | National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration: Marine and Aviation Operations | 182 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration: Navigation Services | 141 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration: Protected Areas | 42 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Commerce | National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration: Weather and Related Programs | 1846 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | National Telecommunications and Information Adminstration | 18 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Commerce | Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund | 67 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | U.S. Patent and Trademark Office - Patents | 1642 | 2008 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | U.S. Patent and Trademark Office - Trademarks | 221 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | United State Patent and Trademark Office - Intellectual Property Protection Activities | 53 | 2008 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Air Combat Program | 18000 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Air Force Aircraft and Weapons Readiness | 16928 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Air Force Combat-Related Readiness | 3824 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Air Force Depot Maintenance | 3943 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Airlift Program | 3596 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Army Air Readiness | 1702 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Army Base Operations & Support | 8149 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Army Depot Maintenance | 1237 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Army Land Forces Readiness | 40077 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Chemical Demilitarization | 1513 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Cooperative Threat Reduction | 371 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Defense Air Transportation System | 5049 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Defense Applied Research Program | 4855 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Defense Basic Research | 1599 | 2002 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Defense Civilian Education and Training | 355 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Defense Commissary Agency | 1522 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Defense Contract Audit Agency | 410 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Defense Contract Management Agency | 1047 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Defense Health Care | 24096 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Defense Housing | 2413 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Department of Defense Depot Maintenance: Ship | 5772 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Department of Defense Education Activity | 2053 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Department of Defense Facilities Sustainment, Restoration, Modernization, and Demolition | 7905 | 2002 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Department of Defense Recruiting | 7532 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Department of Defense Training and Education Programs - Accession Training | 877 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Department of Defense Training and Education Programs - Basic Skills and Advanced Training | 4971 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Department of Defense Training and Education Programs -- Voluntary Training | 608 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Depot Maintenance - Naval Aviation | 1465 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | DoD Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) | 2303 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Energy Conservation Investment | 70 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Future Combat Systems/Modularity Land Warfare | 15501 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps | 324 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Marine Corps Depot Maintenance | 498 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Marine Corps Expeditionary Warfare | 12008 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Marine Corps Ground Forces Readiness | 4551 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Military Construction Programs | 17737 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Military Force Management | 125415 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Missile Defense | 8552 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | National Security Space Weather Programs | 719 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Navy Base Operations & Support | 5196 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Navy Ship Readiness | 13220 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Navy Shipbuilding | 13564 | 2002 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Navy/Marine Corps Air Readiness | 6689 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Precision Weapons Programs | 580 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Rotary Wing Programs | 11593 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Space Launch | 1987 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Space-based Communications Programs | 7655 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Strategic Offensive Capabilities | 3041 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of Education | 21st Century Community Learning Centers | 981 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Adult Education State Grants | 564 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of Education | Advanced Placement | 37 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Education | American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services | 34 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Charter Schools Grant | 215 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Child Care Access Means Parents in School | 16 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Comprehensive School Reform | 2 | 2002 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Early Reading First | 118 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Education | Education - Neglected and Delinquent State Agency Program | 50 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Education - State Assessment Grants | 400 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Education for Homeless Children and Youths | 62 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Federal Family Education Loans | 3457 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Federal Pell Grants | 16256 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Federal Support for Gallaudet University | 107 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Federal Support for Howard University | 237 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Federal Support for the National Technical Institute for the Deaf | 56 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs | 303 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need | 30 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | IDEA Special Education Grants to States | 10783 | 2008 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Education | Impact Aid Basic Support Payments and Payments for Children with Disabilities | 1141 | 2008 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Impact Aid Construction | 18 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Improving Teacher Quality State Grants | 2887 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Education | Indian Education Grants to Local Educational Agencies | 95 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Institute of Education Sciences Research | 163 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Department of Education | Javits Fellowships | 10 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Magnet Schools | 107 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Migrant State Agency Program | 387 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | National Assessment for Educational Progress | 93 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Department of Education | National Center for Education Statistics | 90 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Department of Education | National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research | 107 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Projects with Industry for People with Disabilities | 17 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Reading First State Grants | 1029 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of Education | Smaller Learning Communities | 94 | 2008 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Student Aid Administration | 696 | 2008 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | TRIO McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement | 42 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Education | TRIO Student Support Services | 273 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Education | TRIO Talent Search | 143 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Education | Teacher Quality Enhancement | 60 | 2008 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies | 12838 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Education | Training and Advisory Services | 7 | 2008 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Transition to Teaching | 44 | 2008 | Effective | Link |
Department of Education | Troops-to-Teachers | 15 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Vocational Rehabilitation State Grants | 2803 | 2002 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Vocational Rehabilitation Training | 38 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | William D. Ford Direct Student Loans | 5277 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Energy | Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative | 166 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | Advanced Scientific Computing Research | 342 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | Basic Energy Sciences | 1253 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | Biological and Environmental Research | 531 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | Biomass and Biorefinery Systems | 196 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Energy | Bonneville Power Administration | 2758 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | Building Technologies | 103 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Energy | Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program: Yucca Mountain Project | 386 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Energy | Coal Energy Technology | 448 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Energy | Distributed Energy Resources | 61 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | Electric System Research and Development | 110 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | Environmental Management | 6215 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Energy | Environmental and Post-Retirement Liabilities | 189 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | Federal Energy Management Program | 19 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | Fusion Energy Sciences | 295 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems Initiative | 35 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | Geothermal Technology | 5 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | High Energy Physics | 703 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | Hydrogen Technology | 189 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Energy | Industrial Technologies Program | 56 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Energy | National Nuclear Security Administration: Elimination of Weapons-Grade Plutonium Production Program | 180 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | National Nuclear Security Administration: Facilities and Infrastructure Recapitalization Program | 178 | 2008 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | National Nuclear Security Administration: International Nuclear Materials Protection and Cooperation | 624 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | National Nuclear Security Administration: Nonproliferation and International Security | 150 | 2008 | Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | National Nuclear Security Administration: Safeguards and Security | 966 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | National Nuclear Security Administration: Advanced Simulation and Computing (ASC) | 575 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | National Nuclear Security Administration: Directed Stockpile Work (DSW) | 1406 | 2008 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | National Nuclear Security Administration: Engineering Campaign | 169 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | National Nuclear Security Administration: Fissile Materials Disposition Program | 66 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | National Nuclear Security Administration: Global Threat Reduction Initiative Program | 199 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | National Nuclear Security Administration: Inertial Confinement Fusion Ignition and High Yield Campaign (ICF) Campaign | 470 | 2008 | Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | National Nuclear Security Administration: Naval Reactors | 816 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | National Nuclear Security Administration: Nonproliferation and Verification Research and Development | 387 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | National Nuclear Security Administration: Nuclear Weapons Incident Response Program | 159 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | National Nuclear Security Administration: Pit Manufacturing and Certification Campaign | 214 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | National Nuclear Security Administration: Readiness Campaign | 158 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | National Nuclear Security Administration: Readiness in Technical Base and Facilities | 1635 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | National Nuclear Security Administration: Science Campaign | 286 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | National Nuclear Security Administration: Secure Transportation Asset (STA) | 212 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | Nuclear Physics | 424 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | Nuclear Power 2010 | 80 | 2008 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | Solar Energy | 157 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | Southeastern Power Administration | 69 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | Southwestern Power Administration | 52 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | Strategic Petroleum Reserve | 187 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | Vehicle Technologies | 184 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | Weatherization Assistance | 205 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | Western Area Power Administration | 1449 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | Wind Energy | 49 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Abstinence Education | 163 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Access to Recovery | 98 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Administration on Aging | 1414 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Adolescent Family Life Program | 30 | 2008 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Adoption Assistance | 2156 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Adoption Incentives | 4 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Adoption Opportunities | 26 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Afghanistan Health Initiative | 6 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry | 74 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Assets for Independence | 24 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities | 127 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | CDC: Buildings and Facilities | 55 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | CDC: Division of Global Migration and Quarantine | 36 | 2008 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | CDC: Environmental Health | 154 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | CDC: Global Immunizations | 140 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | CDC: Infectious Diseases | 222 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | CDC: Occupational Safety and Health | 382 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Child Care and Development Fund | 4979 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Child Welfare Services | 282 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Childhood Immunization Program | 527 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Children's Hospitals Graduate Medical Education Payment Program | 297 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Childrens Mental Health Services | 104 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Chronic Disease Prevention | 834 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Commissioned Corps:Readiness and Response Program | 17 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Community Mental Health Services Block Grant | 428 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Developmental Disabilities Grant Programs | 163 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Family Planning | 283 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Food and Drug Administration | 2475 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Foster Care | 4581 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Free Clinics Medical Malpractice Coverage | 0 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | HIV/AIDS Research | 2906 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Hansen's Disease Services Programs | 18 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Head Start | 6878 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Health - Data Collection and Dissemination | 65 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Health Care Patient Safety | 34 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Health Centers | 1943 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Health and Human Services - Office for Civil Rights | 34 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Healthy Start | 102 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Human Trafficking | 10 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Indian Health Service Federally-Administered Activities | 2052 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Indian Health Service Health Care Facilities Construction | 26 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Indian Health Service Resource and Patient Management System | 55 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Indian Health Service Sanitation Facilities Construction Program | 94 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Injury Prevention and Control | 135 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Maternal and Child Health Block Grant | 693 | 2008 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Medicaid | 190624 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Medicare | 439786 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Medicare Integrity Program | 744 | 2002 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | National Bone Marrow Donor Registry | 25 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and Tuberculosis Prevention | 1002 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | National Center for Health Statistics | 114 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | National Health Service Corps | 126 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | National Institutes of Health - Buildings and Facilities | 89 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | National Institutes of Health - Extramural Research Programs | 21811 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | National Institutes of Health - Intramural Research | 2870 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | National Institutes of Health: Extramural Research Facilities Construction | 14 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | National Institutes of Health: Research Training | 1360 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | National Practitioner and Health Care Integrity/Protection Data Banks | 20 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Nursing Education Loan Repayment and Scholarship Program | 31 | 2002 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Office of Child Support Enforcement | 4211 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals | 60 | 2008 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Organ Transplantation | 23 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Pharmaceutical Outcomes | 13 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Poison Control Centers | 23 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness | 54 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Promoting Safe and Stable Families | 428 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness | 34 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Refugee Social Services | 154 | 2002 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Refugee Transitional and Medical Services | 296 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Runaway and Homeless Youth | 96 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Rural Health Activities | 160 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Ryan White HIV/AIDS | 2113 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Shelter and Care for Unaccompanied Alien Children | 133 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | State Children's Health Insurance Program | 6000 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Strategic National Stockpile | 552 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Substance Abuse Drug Courts | 10 | 2008 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Substance Abuse Prevention Programs of Regional and National Significance | 193 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Substance Abuse Treatment Programs of Regional and National Significance | 399 | 2002 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Telehealth Network Grant Program | 7 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) | 17059 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Trauma-EMS Systems Program | 0 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Tribally-Operated Health Programs | 1705 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Universal Newborn Hearing Screening and Intervention Program | 10 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Urban Indian Health Program | 34 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Border Security and Control between Ports of Entry | 2473 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Coast Guard Fisheries Enforcement | 1015 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Coast Guard Marine Environmental Protection | 283 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Coast Guard Migrant Interdiction Program | 594 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Coast Guard: Defense Readiness | 358 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Coast Guard: Drug Interdiction | 1128 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Coast Guard: Marine Safety | 804 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Coast Guard: Ports, Waterways, and Coastal Security | 1794 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Coast Guard: Search and Rescue | 1091 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Coast Guard: Waterways Management | 1397 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Customs and Border Protection: Automation Modernization | 442 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Customs and Border Protection: Border Security Inspections and Trade Facilitation | 2168 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Customs and Border Protection: CBP Air and Marine | 686 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Federal Emergency Management Agency - Mitigation Programs | 3679 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Federal Emergency Management Agency: Grants and Training Office Assistance to Firefighters Grants | 662 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Federal Emergency Management Agency: Grants and Training Office National Exercise Program | 264 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Federal Emergency Management Agency: Grants and Training Office Technical Assistance Program | 50 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Federal Emergency Management Agency: Grants and Training Office Training Program | 195 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Federal Emergency Management Agency: Homeland Security Grants Programs | 820 | 2008 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Federal Emergency Management Agency: U.S. Fire Administration | 46 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Federal Emergency Management Agency: Disaster Recovery | 4849 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Federal Emergency Management Agency: Disaster Response | 644 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Federal Emergency Management Agency: National Security | 44 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Federal Emergency Management Agency: Readiness | 200 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Federal Law Enforcement Training Center | 275 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Federal Protective Service | 516 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Homeland Security Operations Center | 0 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Homeland Security Operations and Analysis: Classified Programs | 0 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Immigration Services | 2546 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Immigration and Customs Enforcement: Automation Modernization Program | 30 | 2008 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Immigration and Customs Enforcement: Detention and Removal | 2371 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Immigration and Customs Enforcement: Office of Investigations | 1414 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | National Protection & Programs Division: National Communications Service | 136 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | National Protection & Programs Division: US-VISIT Exit and Entry System for Visitors | 475 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Science and Technology: Rapid Prototyping of Countermeasures | 0 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Science and Technology: Chemical and Biological | 260 | 2008 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Science and Technology: Emerging Homeland Security Threat Detection | 0 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Science and Technology: Homeland Security University Fellowships | 63 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Science and Technology: SAFETY ACT | 4 | 2008 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Science and Technology: Standards Development for Homeland Security Technology | 30 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Secret Service: Domestic Protectees | 1025 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Secret Service: Financial and Infrastructure Investigations | 389 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Secret Service: Foreign Protectees and Foreign Missions | 140 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Secret Service: Protective Intelligence | 76 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Transportation Security Administration: Federal Air Marshal Service | 771 | 2008 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Transportation Security Administration: Passenger & Baggage Screening Technologies | 833 | 2008 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Transportation Security Administration: Surface Transportation Security | 44 | 2008 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Transportation Security Administration: Transportation Security Officer Workforce | 3518 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | American Dream Downpayment Initiative | 10 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | Capacity Building for Community Development and Affordable Housing | 34 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | FHA Single-Family Mortgage Insurance | 77 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | Fair Housing Assistance Program | 26 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | Family Self-Sufficiency Program | 49 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | Government National Mortgage Association | 11 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | HOME (Affordable Housing Block Grant) | 1704 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | Healthy Homes | 9 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | Homeless Assistance Grants (Competitive) | 1586 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | Homeownership Voucher | 37 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | Housing Counseling | 42 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS | 300 | 2008 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | Housing Vouchers | 16426 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | Indian Community Development Block Grant Program | 62 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | Indian Housing Loan Guarantees | 7 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | Lead Hazard Grants | 70 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | Manufactured Housing and Standards | 16 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | Native American Housing Block Grants | 630 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight | 66 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | Self-help Homeownership Opportunity Program (SHOP) | 27 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | Tribal Housing Activities Loan Guarantees | 2 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | University Partnership Grants: Historically Black Colleges and Universities | 9 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Indian Affairs - Dam Safety and Dam Maintenance | 43 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Indian Affairs - Economic Development Guaranteed Loans | 6 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Indian Affairs - Forestry Management | 42 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Indian Affairs - Human Services | 126 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Indian Affairs - Indian Land Consolidation | 10 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Indian Affairs - Job Placement and Training | 8 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Indian Affairs - K-12 School Construction | 143 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Indian Affairs - K-12 School Operations | 555 | 2002 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Indian Affairs - Law Enforcement | 228 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Indian Affairs - Natural Resource Programs | 92 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Indian Affairs - Operation and Maintenance of Roads | 26 | 2008 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Indian Affairs - Tribal Colleges | 112 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Land Management - Energy and Minerals Management | 159 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Land Management - Realty and Ownership Management | 130 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Land Management - Recreation Management | 74 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Land Management - Resource Management | 342 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Reclamation - Hydropower | 59 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Reclamation - Recreation and Concessions | 10 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Reclamation - Safety of Dams Program | 76 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Reclamation - Science and Technology Program | 14 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Reclamation - Site Security | 35 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Reclamation - Water Management - Project Planning and Construction | 83 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Reclamation - Water Reuse and Recycling | 11 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Reclamation -- Water Management & Environmental Mitigation | 180 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Reclamation Water Management - Operation and Maintenance | 315 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Reclamation: California Federal Bay-Delta (CALFED) | 40 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Reclamation: Central Valley Project Improvement Act | 53 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Department of the Interior - Central Utah Project | 34 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Fish and Wildlife Service - Fisheries | 126 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Fish and Wildlife Service - Habitat Conservation | 95 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Fish and Wildlife Service - Migratory Bird Management and Conservation | 40 | 2008 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Fish and Wildlife Service - National Wildlife Refuge System | 398 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Minerals Management Service - Minerals Revenue Management | 121 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Minerals Management Service - Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Studies | 30 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Minerals Management Service - Outer Continental Shelf Minerals Evaluation and Leasing | 63 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Minerals Management Service - Outer Continental Shelf Minerals Regulation and Compliance | 104 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | National Park Service - Concessions Management | 72 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | National Park Service - Cultural Resource Stewardship | 103 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | National Park Service - Facility Maintenance | 861 | 2008 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | National Park Service - National Historic Preservation | 103 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | National Park Service - Natural Resource Stewardship | 221 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | National Park Service - Park Police | 211 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | National Park Service - Technical Assistance | 13 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | National Park Service - Visitor Services | 828 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Office of Surface Mining - Federal Managed Regulation of Surface Coal Mining and Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation | 64 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Office of Surface Mining - State Managed Abandoned Coal Mine Land Reclamation | 372 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Office of Surface Mining - State Managed Regulation of Surface Coal Mining | 67 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | US Geological Survey - Biological Information Management and Delivery | 22 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | US Geological Survey - Biological Research and Monitoring | 141 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | US Geological Survey - Coastal and Marine Geology | 41 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | US Geological Survey - Energy Resource Assessments | 26 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | US Geological Survey - Geographic Research, Investigations, and Remote Sensing | 78 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | US Geological Survey - Geologic Hazard Assessments | 86 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | US Geological Survey - Mineral Resource Assessments | 51 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | US Geological Survey - National Cooperative Geological Mapping | 27 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | US Geological Survey - Water Information Collection and Dissemination | 70 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | US Geological Survey - Water Resources Research | 143 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Justice | Arson and Explosives Program | 279 | 2008 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Justice | Bureau of Justice Statistics | 35 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Department of Justice | Crime Victims' Programs | 590 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Justice | Criminal Enterprises | 1143 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Justice | Criminal Justice Services | 445 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Justice | Cybercrime | 293 | 2008 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Justice | Department of Justice General Legal Activities | 860 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Department of Justice | Drug Courts | 15 | 2008 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Justice | Drug Enforcement Administration | 2811 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Justice | FBI Counterintelligence Program | 904 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Justice | FBI Counterterrorism Program | 1464 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Justice | FBI Intelligence | 1195 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Justice | Federal Detention Activities | 1226 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of Justice | Firearms Programs -- Integrated Violence Reduction Strategy | 730 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Justice | Immigration Adjudication | 238 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Justice | Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System | 177 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Justice | Juvenile Justice Programs | 332 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Justice | National Criminal History Improvement Program | 9 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Justice | National Institute of Justice | 37 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Justice | Prison Construction | 373 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Justice | Prisons Operations | 5347 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Justice | Radiation Exposure Compensation | 74 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Justice | US Attorneys | 1659 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Justice | US Marshals Service - Apprehension of Fugitives | 273 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Justice | US Marshals Service- Protection of the Judicial Process | 583 | 2008 | Effective | Link |
Department of Justice | United States Trustees | 210 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Department of Justice | Vaccine Injury Compensation Program | 6 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Justice | Violence Against Women Programs | 383 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Justice | Weed and Seed | 32 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Justice | White Collar Crime | 805 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Labor | Black Lung Benefits Program | 1330 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Labor | Bureau of Labor Statistics | 545 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Department of Labor | Department of Labor - Bureau of International Labor Affairs | 81 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Labor | Department of Labor: Office of the Solicitor | 89 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Labor | Dislocated Worker National Emergency Grants | 104 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Labor | Employee Benefits Security Administration | 139 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Labor | Employment Service | 758 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Labor | Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program | 1244 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Labor | Federal Employees Compensation Act | 289 | 2008 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Labor | H-1B Work Visa for Specialty Occupations - Labor Condition Application Program | 13 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Labor | Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program | 24 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Labor | Job Corps | 1598 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Labor | Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Program | 146 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Labor | Mine Safety and Health Administration | 332 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Labor | Occupational Safety and Health Administration | 486 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Labor | Office of Federal Contract Compliance | 81 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Labor | Office of Labor-Management Standards | 45 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Labor | Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation | 411 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Labor | Permanent Labor Certification Program | 31 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Labor | Unemployment Insurance Administration State Grants | 2741 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Labor | Veterans' Employment and Training State Grants | 195 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Labor | Wage and Hour Enforcement and Compliance Program | 176 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Labor | Work Incentive Grants | 14 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Labor | Workforce Investment Act - Adult Employment and Training | 863 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Labor | Workforce Investment Act - Dislocated Worker Assistance | 1474 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Labor | Workforce Investment Act - Native American Programs | 56 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Labor | Workforce Investment Act - Youth Activities | 938 | 2008 | Adequate | Link |
Department of State | Andean Counterdrug Initiative | 320 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of State | Anti-Terrorism Assistance | 131 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | Assistance to Developing Countries | 1345 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of State | Assistance to Rebuilding Countries | 791 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of State | Assistance to Refugees | 197 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of State | Assistance to Transforming Countries | 157 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of State | Capital Security Construction Program | 844 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | Contribution to the United Nations Children's Fund and Other Programs | 126 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | Contribution to the United Nations Development Programme | 109 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | Contributions For International Peacekeeping Activities | 2064 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | Contributions to International Fisheries Commissions | 26 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of State | Contributions to International Organizations | 1472 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of State | Contributions to the International Atomic Energy Agency | 132 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | Economic Support Fund - Human Rights and Democracy Fund | 63 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of State | Economic Support Fund for Africa | 277 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of State | Economic Support Fund for the Western Hemisphere | 144 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of State | Export Control Assistance | 43 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | Foreign Service Institute | 122 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | Global Educational and Cultural Exchanges | 501 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | Humanitarian Demining | 65 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | Humanitarian Migrants to Israel | 40 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | Interagency Cooperative Administrative Support Services | 1297 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of State | International Boundary and Water Commission | 118 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | International Information Programs | 55 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of State | International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement Programs, Africa/Asia | 32 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of State | International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement Programs, South Asia | 294 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of State | International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement Programs, Western Hemisphere | 87 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of State | Migration and Refugee Assistance -- Other Population, Refugee and Migration Programs | 192 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | Migration and Refugee Assistance -- Protection | 201 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | Military Assistance to New NATO and NATO Aspirant Nations | 73 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of State | Non-Security Embassy Construction Program | 0 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | Nonproliferation and Disarmament Fund | 37 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | Nonproliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Expertise | 52 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of State | Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Programs | 17 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of State | President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief: Focus Countries | 4720 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of State | President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief: Global Fund | 841 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of State | President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief: Other Bilateral Programs | 550 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of State | Protection of Foreign Missions and Officials | 23 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of State | Public Diplomacy | 36 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of State | Refugee Admissions to the US | 233 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | Security Assistance for Near East Asia | 3826 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of State | Security Assistance for the Western Hemisphere | 121 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | Security Assistance to Sub-Saharan Africa | 81 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of State | South Asia Military Assistance | 316 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | State/PKO Global Peace Operations Initiative | 81 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | Support for East European Democracy/Freedom Support Act | 940 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | Terrorist Interdiction Program | 5 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | US Embassy Compound Security Upgrades | 99 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees | 452 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | Visa and Consular Services | 3599 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | Worldwide Security Upgrades | 747 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | Bureau of Transportation Statistics | 27 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | Department of Transportation Pipeline Safety | 79 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | FAA Air Traffic Organization - Technical Operations | 2731 | 2008 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Transportation | FAA Air Traffic Organization - Terminal Programs | 2302 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | FAA Aviation Safety | 1082 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | FAA Grants-in-Aid for Airports | 3515 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | FAA Research, Engineering & Development | 147 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | Federal Lands Highway Program | 933 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration - Operations and Programs | 223 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Grant Program | 195 | 2008 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | Federal Transit Administration - Formula Grant Programs | 6653 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | Federal Transit Administration - State Administered Public Transit Grant Programs | 966 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | Federal Transit Administration New Starts | 1569 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | Hazardous Materials Transportation Safety | 27 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | Hazardous Materials Transportation Safety - Emergency Preparedness Grants | 28 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | Highway Emergency Relief Program | 1145 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | Highway Infrastructure | 40097 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Transportation | Highway Research and Development/Intelligent Transportation Systems | 475 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | Maritime Administration - Merchant Marine Academy | 65 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | Maritime Administration - State Maritime Schools | 15 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | Maritime Administration Guaranteed Loan Program (Title XI) | 16 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | Maritime Administration Ocean Freight Differential | 202 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | Maritime Administration Ship Disposal Program | 28 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | Maritime Security Program | 156 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration - Operations and Research | 239 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Grant Program | 599 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | Railroad Research and Development | 36 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | Railroad Safety Program | 150 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation - Operations and Maintenance | 18 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | Transit Research | 54 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation | 122 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Treasury | Administering the Public Debt | 203 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Treasury | Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Collect the Revenue Program | 44 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Treasury | Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Protect the Public Program | 46 | 2002 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Treasury | Bank Secrecy Act Analysis | 28 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Treasury | Bank Secrecy Act Data Collection, Retrieval and Sharing | 19 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Treasury | Bureau of Engraving and Printing: Protection and Accountability | 63 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Treasury | Debt Restructuring for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries | 44 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Treasury | Financial Management Service Collections | 17 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Treasury | Financial Management Service Debt Collection | 50 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Treasury | Financial Management Service Government-wide Accounting | 63 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Treasury | Financial Management Service Payments | 271 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Treasury | Financial and Technical Assistance | 27 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Treasury | Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigations | 704 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Treasury | Internal Revenue Service Examinations | 3925 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Treasury | Internal Revenue Service Retirement Savings Regulatory Program | 35 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Treasury | Internal Revenue Service Submission Processing | 1123 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Treasury | Internal Revenue Service Tax Collection | 2025 | 2008 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Treasury | Internal Revenue Service Taxpayer Advocate Service | 164 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Treasury | Internal Revenue Service Taxpayer Service | 2200 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Treasury | International Development Association | 941 | 2002 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Treasury | National Bank Supervision | 708 | 2002 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Treasury | New Currency Manufacturing | 493 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Treasury | New Markets Tax Credit | 4 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Treasury | Thrift Institution and Savings Association Supervision | 243 | 2002 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Treasury | Treasury Technical Assistance | 66 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Treasury | Tropical Forest Conservation Act | 20 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Treasury | U.S. Mint: Coin Production | 825 | 2002 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Treasury | U.S. Mint: Numismatic Program | 945 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Treasury | U.S. Mint: Protection Program | 44 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Department of Veterans Affairs | Department of Veterans Affairs- General Administration | 325 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Veterans Affairs | Veterans Burial Benefits | 194 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Veterans Affairs | Veterans Health Research and Development | 525 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Veterans Affairs | Veterans Life Insurance | 45 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Veterans Affairs | Veterans Medical Care | 38636 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Veterans Affairs | Veterans Pension | 3940 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Veterans Affairs | Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Program | 771 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Corps of Engineers-Civil Works | Corps of Engineers: Coastal Ports and Harbors | 1055 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Corps of Engineers-Civil Works | Corps of Engineers: Emergency Management | 1565 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Corps of Engineers-Civil Works | Corps of Engineers: Environmental Stewardship | 110 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Corps of Engineers-Civil Works | Corps of Engineers: Hydropower | 285 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Corps of Engineers-Civil Works | Corps of Engineers: Recreation Management | 267 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Corps of Engineers-Civil Works | Corps of Engineers: Regulatory Program | 159 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Corps of Engineers-Civil Works | Corps of Engineers: Water Storage for Water Supply | 2 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Corps of Engineers-Civil Works | Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program | 138 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Corps of Engineers-Civil Works | Inland Waterways Navigation | 965 | 2008 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Alaska Native Village Water Infrastructure | 35 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Brownfields Revitalization | 162 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Chesapeake Bay Program | 31 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Clean Water State Revolving Fund | 1084 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Drinking Water Protection Program | 111 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Drinking Water Research | 70 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Drinking Water State Revolving Fund | 837 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Acid Rain Program | 20 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Chemical Risk Review and Reduction | 45 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Climate Change Programs | 108 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Ecological Research | 86 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Enforcement of Environmental Laws (Civil) | 472 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Enforcement of Environmental Laws (Criminal) | 49 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Great Lakes Program | 52 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Human Health Research | 61 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Indoor Air Quality | 35 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Lead-Based Paint Risk Reduction Program | 27 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Oil Spill Control | 12 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Pesticides and Toxics Research | 30 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Radiation Protection Program | 26 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Support for Cleanup of Federal Facilities | 32 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Tribal General Assistance Program | 57 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA's Recycling, Waste Minimization, and Waste Management Program | 182 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Endocrine Disruptors | 19 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Global Change Research | 16 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Human Health Risk Assessment Program | 49 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Land Protection and Restoration Research | 43 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Program | 72 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Mobile Source Air Pollution Standards and Certification | 70 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | National Ambient Air Quality Standards Research | 78 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | National Ambient Air Quality Standards and Regional Haze Programs | 101 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Grants | 199 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Ocean, Coastal, and Estuary Protection | 36 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Pesticide Registration | 43 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Pesticide Reregistration | 56 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Pollution Prevention Program | 25 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Public Water System Supervision Grant Program | 98 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Corrective Action | 39 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Stratospheric Ozone Protection | 15 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Superfund Remedial Action | 585 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Superfund Removal | 251 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Surface Water Protection | 193 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Toxic Air Pollutants - Regulations and Federal Support | 95 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | U. S.-Mexico Border Water Infrastructure | 49 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Underground Injection Control Grant Program | 11 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Underground Storage Tank Program | 53 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Water Pollution Control Grants | 222 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Water Quality Research | 51 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
General Services Admin | Asset Management of General Services Administration-Owned Real Property | 2454 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
General Services Admin | GSA Integrated Technology Services Portfolio | 1194 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
General Services Admin | General Services Administration - Assisted Acquistion Services (AAS) Portfolio | 3774 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
General Services Admin | General Services Administration - General Supplies and Services (GSS) Portfolio | 1174 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
General Services Admin | General Services Administration - National Furniture Center | 160 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
General Services Admin | General Services Administration - New Construction | 851 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
General Services Admin | General Services Administration - Office of Governmentwide Policy | 45 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
General Services Admin | General Services Administration - Personal Property Management | 30 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
General Services Admin | General Services Administration - Real Property Disposal | 52 | 2008 | Effective | Link |
General Services Admin | General Services Administration - Real Property Leasing | 4516 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
General Services Admin | General Services Administration - Transportation Management | 18 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
General Services Admin | General Services Administration - Travel Management | 16 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
General Services Admin | General Services Administration - USA Services | 44 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
General Services Admin | General Services Administration - Vehicle Acquisition | 1347 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
General Services Admin | General Services Administration - Vehicle Leasing | 1042 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
General Services Admin | General Services Administration Charge Card Services | 10 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Intl Assistance Programs | Africa Child Survival and Health | 548 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Intl Assistance Programs | Child Survival and Health - Population | 457 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Intl Assistance Programs | Child Survival and Health for Latin America and the Caribbean | 139 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Intl Assistance Programs | Development Assistance to Latin America and the Caribbean | 262 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Intl Assistance Programs | Development Credit Authority | 29 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Intl Assistance Programs | Food Aid for Emergencies and Development (Public Law 480 Title II) | 2061 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Intl Assistance Programs | Inter-American Foundation | 21 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Intl Assistance Programs | International Disaster Assistance | 526 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Intl Assistance Programs | Office of Transition Initiatives | 40 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Intl Assistance Programs | Overseas Private Investment Corporation - Finance | 45 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Intl Assistance Programs | Overseas Private Investment Corporation - Insurance | -199 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Intl Assistance Programs | US Agency for International Development Administration and Capital Investment | 875 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Intl Assistance Programs | US Agency for International Development Climate Change Program | 0 | 2002 | Adequate | Link |
Intl Assistance Programs | USAID's Development Assistance for Sub-Saharan Africa | 677 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Natl Aeronautics & Space Admin | Constellation Systems | 2870 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Natl Aeronautics & Space Admin | Integrated Enterprise Management | 71 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Natl Aeronautics & Space Admin | International Space Station | 1469 | 2008 | Effective | Link |
Natl Aeronautics & Space Admin | NASA Advanced Capabilities in Space Exploration | 755 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Natl Aeronautics & Space Admin | NASA Aeronautics Technology | 594 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Natl Aeronautics & Space Admin | NASA Astronomy and Astrophysics Research | 1611 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Natl Aeronautics & Space Admin | NASA Earth Science | 1199 | 2008 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Natl Aeronautics & Space Admin | NASA Earth-Sun System Research | 2174 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Natl Aeronautics & Space Admin | NASA Education Program | 116 | 2008 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Natl Aeronautics & Space Admin | NASA Innovative Partnerships | 189 | 2008 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Natl Aeronautics & Space Admin | Solar System Exploration | 1587 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Natl Aeronautics & Space Admin | Space Shuttle | 3997 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Natl Aeronautics & Space Admin | Space and Flight Support | 397 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
National Science Foundation | Capability Enhancement of Researchers, Institutions, and Small Businesses | 264 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
National Science Foundation | Construction and Operations of Research Facilities | 509 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
National Science Foundation | Federally Funded Research and Development Centers | 184 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
National Science Foundation | Fundamental Science and Engineering Research | 2462 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
National Science Foundation | Investment in Research Infrastructure and Instrumentation | 555 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
National Science Foundation | K-12 Math and Science Education | 147 | 2008 | Moderately Effective | Link |
National Science Foundation | Polar Research Tools, Facilities and Logistics | 342 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
National Science Foundation | Science and Engineering Centers Programs | 258 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
National Science Foundation | Support for Individual Researchers | 592 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
National Science Foundation | Support for Research Institutions | 150 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
National Science Foundation | Support for Small Research Collaborations | 244 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Office of Personnel Management | Center for Talent Services - HR Products and Services for Federal Agencies | 396 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Office of Personnel Management | Federal Employees Group Life Insurance | 3955 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Office of Personnel Management | Federal Employees Health Benefits | 35452 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Office of Personnel Management | Federal Employees Retirement | 63912 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Office of Personnel Management | Federal Personnel Background Investigations | 906 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Office of Personnel Management | Human Capital Program | 44 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Office of Personnel Management | Inspector General Oversight of Federal Health Benefits Program | 19 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Office of Personnel Management | Merit System Compliance | 13 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Small Business Administration | 8(a) Business Development Program | 52 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Small Business Administration | Disaster Loan Program | 546 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Small Business Administration | Historically Underutilized Business Zone - HUBZone | 9 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Small Business Administration | Section 504 Certified Development Company Guaranteed Loan Program | 25 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Small Business Administration | Section 7(a) Guaranteed Loan Program | 87 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Small Business Administration | Service Corps of Retired Executives Small Business Assistance | 11 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Small Business Administration | Small Business Development Centers | 111 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Small Business Administration | Small Business Investment Companies Debentures | 17 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Small Business Administration | Small Business Surety Bonds | 7 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Small Business Administration | Women's Business Centers | 23 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Social Security Administration | Social Security Disability Insurance | 106828 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Social Security Administration | Social Security Old-Age and Survivors Insurance | 507971 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Social Security Administration | Supplemental Security Income | 43882 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Appalachian Regional Comm | Appalachian Regional Commission | 73 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Broadcasting Board of Governor | Audience Development for US International Broadcasting | 26 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Broadcasting Board of Governor | Broadcasting in Arabic | 118 | 2008 | Effective | Link |
Broadcasting Board of Governor | Broadcasting to Africa | 14 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Broadcasting Board of Governor | Broadcasting to East Asia and Eurasia | 89 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Broadcasting Board of Governor | Broadcasting to Latin America | 39 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Broadcasting Board of Governor | Broadcasting to Near East Asia and South Asia | 98 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Broadcasting Board of Governor | Engineering and Technical Services for US International Broadcasting | 110 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Broadcasting Board of Governor | Programming Support for US International Broadcasting | 150 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Consumer Product Safety Comm | Consumer Product Safety Commission | 63 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Corp for Natl & Commun Service | AmeriCorps State and National Grants | 257 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Corp for Natl & Commun Service | AmeriCorps Volunteers in Service to America | 94 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Court Services/Offender Superv | District of Columbia: Community Supervision Program | 134 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Court Services/Offender Superv | District of Columbia: Pretrial Services Agency | 45 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Delta Regional Authority | Delta Regional Authority | 12 | 2008 | Adequate | Link |
Denali Commission | Denali Commission | 53 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
District of Columbia | District of Columbia Courts | 217 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Export-Import Bank of the US | Export Import Bank | 0 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Federal Communications Comm | Auctions of Licenses for Electromagnetic Spectrum | 85 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Federal Communications Comm | Federal Communications Commission - Salaries and Expenses | 291 | 2008 | Adequate | Link |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp | Federal Deposit and Insurance Corporation: Regulation and Examination | 2366 | 2008 | Effective | Link |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp | The Deposit Insurance Fund | 2366 | 2008 | Effective | Link |
Fed Mediation & Conciliation | Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service | 43 | 2008 | Adequate | Link |
Federal Trade Commission | Trade Regulation | 204 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Natl Archives & Records Admin | National Archives and Records Administration: Records Services Program | 388 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
National Credit Union Admin | Regulation of Federal Credit Unions | 75 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
National Credit Union Admin | Share Insurance Fund | 7423 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Neighborhood Reinvestment Corp | Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation | 117 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Nuclear Regulatory Commission | Decommissioning and Low Level Waste | 28 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Nuclear Regulatory Commission | Fuel Facilities Licensing & Inspection | 35 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Nuclear Regulatory Commission | High-Level Waste Repository | 29 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Nuclear Regulatory Commission | Nuclear Materials Users Licensing & Inspection | 57 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Nuclear Regulatory Commission | Reactor Inspection and Performance Assessment | 229 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Nuclear Regulatory Commission | Reactor Licensing | 247 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Nuclear Regulatory Commission | Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation Licensing and Inspection | 27 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
African Development Foundation | African Development Foundation | 35 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Railroad Retirement Board | Rail Industry Pension Fund | 10329 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Railroad Retirement Board | Railroad Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund | 99 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Securities & Exchange Comm | Examining Compliance with Securities Laws | 200 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Securities & Exchange Comm | Regulation of Securities Trading and Market Participants | 38 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Securities & Exchange Comm | Regulation of the Investment Management Industry | 46 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Smithsonian Institution | Smithsonian Institution Facilities Capital | 99 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Smithsonian Institution | Smithsonian Institution Operations and Maintenance | 158 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Tennessee Valley Authority | Tennessee Valley Authority - NOx Emissions Reduction | 8 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Tennessee Valley Authority | Tennessee Valley Authority Power | 9666 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Tennessee Valley Authority | Tennessee Valley Authority Resource Stewardship | 82 | 2002 | Effective | Link |
United States Interagency Coun | U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness | 2 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Millennium Challenge Corporati | Millennium Challenge Corporation | 1752 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Office of Natl Drug Control | Drug-Free Communities Support Program | 79 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Office of Natl Drug Control | High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas | 225 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Peace Corps | Peace Corps: International Volunteerism | 355 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Trade and Development Agency | US Trade and Development Agency | 77 | 2005 | Effective | Link |