Program Assessment
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Homeless Assistance Grants (Competitive)
Homeless Assistance Grants provide housing and supportive services to homeless families and individuals across the country. Funds are competitively awarded to localities and nonprofits through a coordinated community-based process of identifying and addressing the needs of the community.
What This Rating Means |
This is the highest rating a program can achieve. Programs rated Effective set ambitious goals, achieve results, are well-managed and improve efficiency.
- This program meets a specific and unique need to assist the roughly 3 million people who experience homelessness each year due to poverty, mental illness, drugs, or domestic violence.
- The community led grant application process effectively coordinates and targets funding to activities to serve the homeless that current resources do not address such as supportive housing for chronically homeless individuals.
- The program is successfully helping homeless individuals and families maintain their housing over time, move from transitional to permanent housing, and obtain employment. For example, 60% of people in transitional housing move to permanent housing (an increase of 2% over two years).
Improvement Plan
About Improvement Plans |
We are taking the following actions to improve the performance of the program:
- Streamlining process to award grant funds.
- Posting performance data from Annual Progress Reports on HUD website as well as homeless population information collected from street counts and/or Homeless Management Information Systems.
- Working with Federal, State, local and nonprofit partners to provide better coordinated efforts to end chronic homelessness.
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