Program Assessment
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Bureau of Reclamation - Recreation and Concessions
The program provides recreation and concessions services at Reclamation facilities, primarily reservoirs in the 17 Western states. The program mainly does this by contracting with Federal, state, and local project partners to manage Reclamation's facilities and operate its concession services.
What This Rating Means |
This rating describes a program that needs to set more ambitious goals, achieve better results, improve accountability or strengthen its management practices.
- The program is fairly well-managed within the constraints of its authorizing legislation, which limits the agency's ability to address certain management situations. However, the program is tangential to Reclamation's mission to provide water and power, therefore receives minimal agency resources.
- The program's biggest problem is the lack of reliability from its state and local partners. During fiscal hard times, they often return management of these facilities to the Bureau.
- The program is supposed to be implementing Department-wide recreation performance measures, such as tracking customer satisfaction and use of fee receipts, but is making minimal progress.
Improvement Plan
About Improvement Plans |
We are taking the following actions to improve the performance of the program:
- Integrating management of Reclamation's recreation facilities with the Department of the Interior's broader efforts on recreation.
- Looking for Federal, state and local partners interested in managing Reclamation recreation facilities.
- Developing baseline performance data for the program's measures.
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