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Pilot Version
OMB provided a pilot version of the FTF to agencies in early July 2006. This version is for agencies to review the content of the FTF package (i.e., the usage guide, catalog, and technical reference document), provide feedback to OMB, and begin planning to incorporate the FTF into their own enterprise architecture programs.

The catalog does not currently contain information for all of the cross-agency initiatives that will eventually be included as part of the FTF. Instead, it includes a few cross-agency initiatives meant to give agencies a better idea of the type of information and level of detail that will be included in future releases of the FTF. The pilot version includes the following cross-agency initiatives:

  • Transition to Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)
  • IT Infrastructure Optimization LoB
  • E-Authentication

Agency enterprise architectures will not be assessed against the pilot version of the FTF.

Release of Version 1.0
OMB will release the next version of the FTF in September 2006. The new version will incorporate feedback from the agencies and the cross-agency initiatives on the FTF pilot version. It will also include additional cross-agency initiatives in the FTF Catalog.

OMB is developing the list of cross-agency initiatives to be included in the next version of the FTF Catalog. It will include updated sections for the cross-agency initiatives included in the current pilot release - IPv6, the IT Infrastructure LoB, and E-Authentication. The next version of FTF Catalog will likely contain sections for the other new LoB initiatives announced as part of the FY 2007 President's Budget - the Geospatial LoB and Budget Formulation and Execution LoB. OMB will work with other E-Gov and LoB initiatives where a significant number of agencies are still in the process of adopting and implementing them, such as the Financial Management and Human Resources Management LoBs and the E-Rulemaking E-Gov initiative.

In September 2006, OMB will release a new version of the EA Assessment Framework along with the FTF. OMB will assess agency enterprise architectures against the FTF using the new EA Assessment Framework in March 2007.