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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
December 22, 2008

President Bush Visits Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Washington, D.C.

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     Fact sheet In Focus: Veterans

3:03 P.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: Every time I come here, I get amazed at the quality of care, the professionalism, and the courage of our troops. I can say with certainty that the health care that our troops get in military medical facilities is excellent. I am so pleased to hear from spouses and other loved ones about the care they get, as well, when they come to visit their wounded -- wounded child or wounded husband or wounded spouse.

President George W. Bush shakes hands with U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Kyle Stipp of Avon, Ind., after presenting him with two Purple Hearts Monday, Dec. 22, 2008, during a visit to Walter Reed Army Medical Center where the soldier is recovering from wounds suffered in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Looking on are his wife, Megan, and father, Mitch Stipp. White House photo by Eric Draper And so this will probably be my last time coming here as the Commander-in-Chief. It gave me a great pleasure to thank all those who serve here, and all those who serve throughout our military, military medical facilities. You know, I oftentimes say being the Commander-in-Chief of the military is the thing I'll miss the most, and coming here to Walter Reed is a reminder of why I'll miss it.

Thank you very much.

Q How is your shoulder, Mr. President?

THE PRESIDENT: Yes, good shape -- it's about an 80 mile-an-hour fastball.

END 3:04 P.M. EST

President George W. Bush shakes the hand of U.S. Army Sgt. First Class Neal Boyd of Haynesville, La., after presenting him a Purple Heart during a visit Monday, Dec. 22, 2008, to Walter Reed Army Medical Center, where the soldier is recovering from injuries received in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Looking on his SFC Boyd's wife, Joyce. White House photo by Eric Draper
President George W. Bush addresses his remarks to reporters following his visit with wounded military personnel Monday, Dec. 22, 2008 at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. Colonel Norvell V. Coots, Commander of the Walter Reed Health Care System, is seen in the background. White House photo by Eric Draper