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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
May 9, 2008

Statement on the Violence on Beirut

The United States condemns the violence which has erupted in the streets of Beirut. The Hizballah terrorist organization, aided by its Iranian and Syrian sponsors, continues to undermine Lebanon's sovereignty and democratic institutions. After months of paralyzing the democratically-elected Lebanese government, Hizballah has now turned its arms against the Lebanese people and challenged Lebanon's security forces for control of the streets.

The international community, through UN Security Council resolutions 1559 and 1701, has confirmed Lebanon's right to sovereignty and independence. We call on all of Lebanon's friends to stand with the Lebanese people in support of Lebanon's institutions, including the Lebanese Armed Forces.

Hizballah's relationship with Iran and Syria, as well as its history of international terrorism and provision of lethal support and training to Iraqi-based extremist groups, demonstrates the threat it poses to international peace and security. The United States is consulting with other governments in the region and with the UN Security Council about measures that must be taken to hold those responsible for the violence in Beirut accountable.

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