For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
August 3, 2005
Press Gaggle by Scott McClellan
Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center
Grapevine, Texas
12:46 P.M. CDT
MR. McCLELLAN: All right, good afternoon, everybody. I just wanted to
update you on a couple of events on the schedule - I think the President
did one during the speech, as well. (Laughter.)
Next week, on Monday, we will be traveling to Albuquerque, New Mexico. He
will be touring the Sandia Laboratory there, and then he will be making
remarks after signing the comprehensive energy legislation that passed
recently. Then on Tuesday, the President is going to have his economic
advisors to the ranch. He will participate in a briefing with them on the
state of our economy. And then following that, the President will make some
remarks and participate in a press avail. And Al Hubbard and Ben Bernanke
will go to the filing center and participate in a briefing for the press
On Wednesday, we'll be traveling to Illinois, as the President announced in
his remarks a short time ago, where the President will sign the
transportation legislation and make remarks.
Q Where in Illinois?
MR. McCLELLAN: Where in Illinois is it, Josh?
MR. DECKARD: In the Chicago area.
MR. McCLELLAN: And that's where they'll have it. If you all have any other
questions for the day, I'm here for that, as well.
Q Tuesday is official remarks - I mean, sorry, official press conference,
full-on press conference, all the media - on the ranch?
MR. McCLELLAN: Well, it'll be to the pool, yes.
Q To the pool?
MR. McCLELLAN: Yes. He'll be joined by his economic advisors, He'll make
some remarks and then I expect he'll take a few questions after that.
Q While you're on the schedule, is he doing some RNC event on Saturday?
MR. McCLELLAN: We'll keep you updated on the schedule; but he typically
participates in an RNC event this time of year, down at the ranch. I'm not
ready to update the schedule beyond next Wednesday, at this point.
Q What about the situation with North Korea? Christopher Hill is basically
saying that the North Korean situation is out of his hands and it's now up
to the North Koreans. Are we in a stalemate?
MR. McCLELLAN: I don't know if that's exactly what he said. I mean, the
talks are continuing. There are some further discussions today in Beijing,
and we need to let those talks continue at this point. I mean, China has
been working to move forward on a proposal that I think the five parties
really have coalesced around and it's a set of principles and I think that
there are still discussions going on with North Korea at this point. The
talks are still going on. So I don't want to pre-judge the outcome at this
point, from here.
Q It seems, though, that that proposal is sort of not going anywhere with
North Korea, that basically -
MR. McCLELLAN: Well, no, no, China has been working hard, as have the other
parties, and let's let the talks continue. I'll let Ambassador Hill speak
more to it on the ground. He's in a better position to talk to the latest -
Q -- his comments -
MR. McCLELLAN: He's been keeping the press updated on the talks as they've
been going on. And we will have to see where it goes from here.
Q Do you have any reaction to the announcement by Iran that they're going
to start uranium processing again on August 6th?
MR. McCLELLAN: Well, what they said - I mean, they had originally said they
were going to start that this week. And now they've said that they're not
proceeding right now on starting their uranium reprocessing and enrichment.
I don't think it changes anything from what I said the other day, we
continue to support the efforts by the Europeans to resolve this matter
diplomatically. We have long-standing concerns about Iran's ambitions. And
Iran made a commitment, the Paris agreement with the Europeans, not to
restart their uranium and reprocessing activities - uranium enrichment and
reprocessing activities while the talks were ongoing. It's important for
Iran to live up to that commitment and abide by it.
We've made very clear, as have the Europeans, that we're prepared to pursue
a further course of action if necessary, if Iran is not going to live up to
its agreements. And I think the Europeans have made very strong statements
in a letter to Iran stating that they need to live up to that agreement.
Q Why did the President invite the President of Colombia to the ranch?
MR. McCLELLAN: Well, President Uribe is a strong and courageous leader. He
is a good friend of the President. He is someone who Is committed to peace
and prosperity in Colombia, committed to expanding democracy throughout the
hemisphere. And we've worked very closely with Colombia in the war on
terrorism. We've worked closely with Colombia and supported President
Uribe's efforts to crack down on the narco-terrorism. So the President
looks forward to welcoming him to the ranch.
We had a good visit to Colombia last November, and the President looks
forward to welcoming him to the ranch and talking about how we can continue
to move forward together on our shared priorities for the hemisphere, as
well as how we can continue to support President Uribe and the people of
Colombia as they move forward to build a more peaceful and prosperous
Q Thursday remarks are at the ranch and they are on the economy, is - I
just want to make sure I got it right.
MR. McCLELLAN: I'm sorry?
Q The remarks that he's going to -
MR. McCLELLAN: They'll be at the ranch, then they will - as he has done
before - participate -
Q On the economy -
MR. McCLELLAN: -- make some brief remarks and participate in a press avail
with the pool.
Q I know that the administration is saying that the - is saying that the
Venezuelans are supporting FARC and the rebels in Colombia by giving them
safe haven. Is there any action that they're going to be talking about
taking tomorrow?
MR. McCLELLAN: Let's let the meeting take place tomorrow, and you'll have
an opportunity to hear from the two leaders after it, in the press avail.
All right, thanks.
END 12:52 P.M. CDT