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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
October 18, 2004

Statement on House and Senate Resolutions

On Monday, October 18, 2004, the President signed into law:

H.R. 4011, the "North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004," which will promote human rights and freedom in North Korea, and authorize humanitarian assistance to North Koreans.

H.R. 4567, the "Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2005," which provides Fiscal Year 2005 appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security.

H.R. 4850, the "District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2005," which provides FY 2005 Federal appropriations for the District of Columbia (DC) and provides for the appropriation of DC local funds for FY 2005 .

S. 551, the "Southern Ute and Colorado Intergovernmental Agreement Implementation Act of 2004," which provides for the implementation of air quality programs on the Southern Ute Indian Reservation, Colorado, pursuant to a specified Tribal/State Intergovernmental Agreement.

S. 1421, the "Alaska Native Allotment Subdivision Act," which authorizes the subdivision and dedication of restricted land owned by Alaska Natives.

S. 1537, the "New Hope Cemetery Association Land Conveyance," which directs the Department of Agriculture to convey 1.1 acres of National Forest land in Pope County, Arkansas, to the New Hope Cemetery Association.

S. 1663 , which replaces certain Coastal Barrier Resources System maps for the Cape Fear area in North Carolina to reflect boundary changes.

S. 1687, the "Manhattan Project National Historical Park Study Act," which requires the Department of the Interior to conduct a special resource study to determine whether certain sites associated with the Manhattan Project are nationally significant, suitable, and feasible to designate as a unit of the National Park System.

S. 1814, which transfers administrative jurisdiction of the Mingo Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center in Missouri from the Department of the Interior to the Department of Agriculture.

S. 2052, the "El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historical Trail Act," which designates the El Camino Real de los Tejas in Texas and Louisiana as a National Historic Trail. S. 2180, the "Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests Land Exchange Act of 2004," which directs the Secretary of Agriculture to exchange certain lands in the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests in the State of Colorado.

S. 2319, the "Tapoco Project Licensing Act of 2004," which requires the Department of the Interior to exchange certain lands within the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee with Alcoa Power Generating Inc. and grants jurisdiction for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to re-license the Tapoco hydropower project.

S. 2363, which authorizes appropriations for FYs 2006-2010 for grants to establish and extend Boys and Girls Club facilities.

S. 2508, which redesignates the Ridges Basin Reservoir in Colorado as Lake Nighthorse.

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