August 31, 2004
Remarks by the President of the American Legion
Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement by the Press Secretary
Telephonic Interview of the Vice President by Sean Hannity, Fox News Radio
President's Remarks at the 2004 Farm Progress Show
August 30, 2004
Remarks by the President and Mrs. Bush at Taylor, Michigan Rally
Remarks by the President at "ask President Bush" Event
August 29, 2004
President's Remarks at Wheeling, West Virginia Rally
Vice President's Remarks at a Welcome Rally at Ellis Island
August 28, 2004
Remarks by the President at Perrysburg, Ohio Rally
Remarks by the President at "ask President Bush" Event
Remarks by the President at Troy, Ohio Rally
President's Radio Address 
August 27, 2004
President George W. Bush's Record of Achievement
Remarks by the President to the Travel Pool
Remarks by the President and the First Lady at Miami, Florida Rally
Responding to Hurricane Charley
Fact Sheet: President Issues New Orders to Reform Intelligence
Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement by the Press Secretary
Homeland Security Presidential Directive/Hspd-11
Executive Order: Strengthened Management of the Intelligence Community
Executive Order National Counterterrorism Center
Executive Order Strengthening the Sharing of Terrorism Information to Protect Americans
Executive Order Establishing the President's Board on Safeguarding Americans' Civil Liberties
Homeland Security Presidential Directive/Hspd-12
August 26, 2004
President Welcomes Political Talks to Bring Lasting Solution to Darfur
Statement on the Continued Support for the Transitional Government of the Democratic Republic Headed by President Kabila
Remarks by the President at Farmington, New Mexico Rally
Remarks by the Vice President at 0ff the Record Stop at Hazleton Memorial Park
Women's Equality Day, 2004
Remarks by the President at Las Cruces, New Mexico Rally
Remarks by the President at Albuquerque, New Mexico Rally
Statement by the President
Executive Order Facilitation of Cooperative Conservation
August 25, 2004
Vice President's Remarks at a Victory 2004 Rally in Pottsville, Pennsylvania
Vice President 's Remarks at Bush-Cheney '04 Rally in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania
August 24, 2004
Remarks by the Vice President at a Victory 2004 Rally
Remarks by the Vice President and Mrs. Cheney Followed by Question and Answer at a Town Hall Meeting
Vice President and Mrs. Cheney's Remarks and Q&A at a Town Hall Meeting
August 23, 2004
President Meets with Defense Team
August 21, 2004
President's Radio Address 
August 20, 2004
Presidential Determination
Personnel Announcement
August 19, 2004
Dr. Rice Addresses War on Terror
Statement by the Press Secretary
Secretary Evans Discusses the Economy
August 18, 2004
Remarks by the President at St. Paul, Minnesota
Supporting and Strengthening the Military and Military Families
In Focus: Defense
President's Remarks in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin
President's Remarks at Kansas City Chiefs Training Camp
President's Remarks at Ask President Bush Event
August 17, 2004
President's Remarks in Ridley Park, Pennsylvania
Statement on the US-Morrocco Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
Statement on H.R. 4842
President's Remarks at Hedgesville, West Virginia Rally
Memorandum for the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense
Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary
August 16, 2004
President Speaks at VFW Convention
Fact Sheet: Making America More Secure by Transforming Our Military
Fact Sheet: Honoring Our Commitment to America's Veterans
Statement by the Press Secretary
National Airborne Day, 2004
Personnel Announcement
President's Remarks at Traverse City, Michigan Rally
August 15, 2004
President Tours Hurricane Damage
August 14, 2004
Vice President's Remarks at a Bush-Cheney '04 Rally
President and Mrs. Bush's Remarks at Sioux City, Iowa Rally
President's Radio Address 
August 13, 2004
President's Proposal to Expand Export Opportunities in Pacific NW
Fact Sheet
The Columbia River Channel Deepening Project
Statement by the President
Statement by the President
Statement by the Press Secretary
President and Mrs. Bush's Remarks at Ask President Bush Event with Small Business Owners
Personnel Announcement
August 12, 2004
Remarks by the President Mrs. Reagan and Mrs. Bush in a Photo Opportunity
President's Remarks to the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America
Fact Sheet: Skills to Build for America's Future
Remarks by the President and Mrs. Bush at Victory 2004 Dinner
Vice President's Remarks and Q&A at a Town Hall Meeting with Mrs. Cheney
VP's Remarks in Battle Creek, Michigan
VP's Remarks in Dayton, Ohio
Fact Sheet: Skills to Build for America's Future
August 11, 2004
Fact Sheet: Medicare Drug Discount Cards Help Seniors Save on Prescription Drug Costs
Supporting America's Small Businesses
President's Remarks at Ask President Bush Event
President's Remarks at Phoenix, Arizona Rally
August 10, 2004
President Bush Nominates Congressman Goss as Director of CIA 
Vice President's Remarks at the Gerald R. Ford Foundation Dinner Honoring Former President Gerald R. Ford on the 30th Anniversary of His Presidency
President's Remarks at Pensacola, Florida Rally
Vice President's Remarks at 7 Flags Event Center
Job Training for the 21st Century
President's Remarks at Ask President Bush Event
President's Remarks at Panama City, Florida Rally
August 9, 2004
President's Remarks in Ask President Bush Event
President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Belka of Poland
President's Statement on H.R. 2443, the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2004
Fact Sheet: America's Ownership Society: Expanding Opportunities 
Fact Sheet: Expanding Access and Increasing the Affordability of Health Insurance Through Health Savings Accounts
Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement on Pennsylvania Transportation Dispute
Personnel Announcement
August 7, 2004
President's Radio Address 
August 6, 2004
President's Remarks to the Unity Journalists of Color Convention
Statement on Federal Assistance for Pennsylvania
Statement on Federal Assistance for Kentucky
Continuation of Emergency Regarding Export Control Regulations
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
Statement on H.R. 1572, H.R. 1914, H.R. 2768, H.R. 3277, and H.R. 4380
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
President's Remarks at Stratham, New Hampshire, Picnic
Private-Public Partnership in Guinea Helps Agriculture
Vice President's Remarks and Q&A at a Town Hall Meeting in Minnesota
Statement on Federal Assistance for West Virginia
August 5, 2004
President Signs Defense Bill
Fact Sheet: America's Workforce: Ready for the 21st Century 
In Focus: Jobs and Economy
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
President's Statement on Signing the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2005
Presidents Remarks in Ask President Bush Event
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives
President's Remarks at Saginaw, Michigan Rally
August 4, 2004
President's Remarks in Davenport, Iowa
Remarks by the Vice President at a Reception for Congressional Candidate Larry Diedrich
Supporting America's Farmers and Conserving America's Land
Conservation Initiatives Fact Sheet
Conservation Initiatives Fact Sheet
Remarks by the Vice President Followed by a Question and Answer Event to Employees of Billy Goat Industries
Remarks by the President at Bush-Cheney Rally
Vice President's Remarks at Jefferson County Fairgrounds
August 3, 2004
President Discusses Compassionate Conservative Agenda in Dallas
In Focus: Compassionate Conservatism
President Bush Signs U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement
Statement on H.R. 4759
Fact Sheet: Compassion for Americans in Need
Vice President's Remarks and Q&A at a Bush-Cheney '04 Town Hall Meeting
Statement on Federal Assistance for Kansas
Statement on Federal Assistance for New York
August 2, 2004
President's Remarks on Intelligence Reform 
In Focus: National Security
Statement by the President on the Paraguay Fire
Vice President's Remarks at a Rally for the Troops at Northcom
Statement on H.R. 1303, H.R. 4363, S. 741, S. 2264, and S.J. Res 38
Fact Sheet: Making America Safer by Strengthening Our Intelligence Capabilities
Vice President's Remarks at Neugebauer Reception
August 1, 2004
Remarks by Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge Regarding Recent Threat Reports