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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
July 22, 2004

Statement on Additional Federal Assistance for the Federated States of Micronesia

The President today made additional disaster assistance available to the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) that was impacted by Typhoon Sudal on April 8-14, 2004, by authorizing an increase in the level of Federal funding for public restoration work in the State of Yap.

Under the President's major disaster declaration issued on April 10, 2004, the Federal government was paying 75 percent of the eligible costs for debris removal, emergency protective measures and the repair or replacement of damaged public property in the State of Yap, with the State and affected local governments providing the remaining 25 percent. The President's order today, increases the Federal share to 90 percent of the eligible costs and the State and local government contribution reduced to 10 percent.

The cost-share adjustment is retroactive to the date of the President's major disaster declaration for the State.


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