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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
February 5, 2003

Message to the Congress of the United States

I am pleased to transmit a legislative proposal to establish the Millennium Challenge Account and the Millennium Challenge Corporation. Also transmitted is a section-by-section analysis.

Millennium Challenge Account and the Millennium Challenge Corporation. Also transmitted is a section-by-section analysis.

The Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) represents a new approach to providing and delivering development assistance. This new compact for development breaks with the past by tying increased assistance to performance and creating new accountability for all nations. This proposal implements my commitment to increase current levels of core development assistance by 50 percent over the next 3 years, thus providing an annual increase of $5 billion by fiscal year 2006. To be eligible for this new assistance, countries must demonstrate commitment to three standards -- ruling justly, investing in their people, and encouraging economic freedom. Given this commitment, and the link between financial accountability and development success, special attention will be given to fighting corruption.

The goal of the Millennium Challenge Account initiative is to reduce poverty by significantly increasing economic growth in recipient countries through a variety of targeted investments. The MCA will be administered by a new, small Government corpora-tion, called the Millennium Challenge Corporation, designed to support innovative strategies and to ensure accountability for measurable results. The Corporation will be supervised by a Board of Directors chaired by the Secretary of State and composed of other Cabinet-level officials. The Corporation will be led by a Chief Executive Officer appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. This proposal provides the Corporation with flexible authorities to optimize program implementation, contracting, and personnel selection while pursuing innovative strategies.

The Millennium Challenge Account initiative recognizes the need for country ownership, financial oversight, and accountability for results to ensure effective assistance. We cannot accept permanent poverty in a world of progress. The MCA will provide people in developing nations the tools they need to seize the opportunities of the global economy. I urge the prompt and favorable consideration of this legislation.



February 5, 2003.

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