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For Immediate Release
Office of Mrs. Bush
September 21, 2001

New PSA Features Mrs. Bush's Message About Children

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Mrs. Bush taped the following 30-second and 15-second public service announcements for television in partnership with The Ad Council.

30 second PSA:

On September 11th, America faced terrorist attacks of the worst kind. Innocent lives were lost and a sad cloud was cast over this great nation. These acts were intended to cause fear among all Americans - including our children. But, we cannot let that happen. There are things that we can do to help our kids. Talk with them, listen to them. Tell them they're safe, and that they're loved. God bless you, and God bless America.

15 second PSA:

The tragedy of September 11th was meant to cause fear among all Americans - including our children. We can't let that happen. Talk with your children, listen to them. Tell them they are safe, and they are loved.

The spots are available for airing starting Friday, September 21, 2001. For copies of the PSA, please contact Ellyn Fisher, The Ad Council, at (212) 984-1964.
