Advisors for Historically Black Colleges and Universities
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, in order to advance the development of the Nation's full human potential and to advance equal opportunity in higher education, to strengthen the capacity of historically black colleges and universities to provide the highest quality education, and to increase opportunities for these institutions to participate in and benefit from Federal programs, as do other colleges and universities, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Full Executive Order
Executive Order
One of the oldest types of Presidential directives is the executive order. An early example of an executive order was George Washington's June 1789 request for a report on the "affairs of the United States" from federal officials. Like most executive orders, this request was directed to executive officials and agencies. In 1907, the Department of State began assigning identification numbers to these documents starting with an October 20, 1862 order by Abraham Lincoln. The Federal Register Act of 1935 required publication of executive orders and proclamations in the Register.