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Character of a Nation

Date: 09/20/2001 04:33 PM EDT
From: Shari
To: President George W. Bush
Subject: Character of a Nation

Dear Mr. President,

What a great country we are. Just have the opportunity to voice our support. This did not seperate us or divide us as a nations, as was planned to do. How they under-estimated us. We have, and will show them their lack of judgement will cost them. We realize there are things we have to sacrafice and we are willing. There are freedoms that will have to be given up, but we do it with strength and dignity. I have never seen such dignity. As a tail end baby-boomer, I'm one who grew up all my life beleiving it would never happen on our soil. Now that it did and I've seen the character we have as a nation, please know I speak for many friends and associates who support and trust you as our leader. With God in our heart, we will want justice for those who suffered a heros death.

God Bless America



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