U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
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U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
Confirmed June 9, 2005
President Gerald R. Ford
"I write to strongly support the nomination of Richard Allen Griffin to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. He is a highly qualified nominee by President Bush for this important federal judicial post. His approval by the Senate will alleviate the current judicial emergency in the 6th Circuit . . . . I can say with conviction that Judge Griffin is a person of highest quality character. As the record shows, he has been a very excellent Judge with unquestioned integrity." Excerpt from letter to Senator Patrick Leahy, Chairman, Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Carl Levin and Senator Debbie Stabenow from the Honorable Gerald R. Ford, 38th President of the United States, August 13, 2002.
Justice Maura D. Corrigan, Michigan Supreme Court
"Richard Allen Griffin is a man of integrity and probity who is fully capable of discharging the duty of protecting our Constitution and laws. He is deserving of the public trust as he has already proven himself worthy of that trust during his years of service to the State of Michigan. I have every confidence that he will serve our country with honor and distinction." Excerpt from letter to Senator Carl Levin and Senator Debbie Stabenow, July 5, 2002.
The Honorable Roman S. Gribbs, Former Mayor City of Detroit and Retired Judge, Michigan Court of Appeals
"I have known Judge Griffin for many years and have worked with him as a colleague on the Michigan Court of Appeals for 14 years. . . . Working together on hundreds of opinions has given me the opportunity to observe and know Rick very well. He is in many respects a ‘judge’s judge’: integrity personified, intelligent, hardworking, fair, sensitive with level temperament and good judgment plus the uncanny ability to decide and write in a clear and understandable manner that resolves complex and obscure issues. He is a dedicated public servant. . . . It has been a pleasure and honor to work with Judge Griffin these many years. I know he will serve with honor and distinction as a Judge of the United States Court of Appeals." Excerpt from letter to Senator Carl Levin and Senator Debbie Stabenow, August 16, 2002.
Chief Judge William C. Whitbeck, Michigan Court of Appeals.
"Judge Griffin has served with great distinction on the Michigan Court of Appeals for fourteen years. He is a decisive scholarly judge with an instinct for the core issues and with a flair for authoring crisp understandable opinions. He has written over 280 published opinions, has written hundreds of unpublished opinions, and has decided thousands of cases. . . . Judge Griffin is a good man and a good judge. Considered on the merits, there is no question in my mind that he is fully qualified to serve on the Sixth Circuit; the operative word here is ‘serve’ as that is precisely what Judge Griffin will do, serve the people and the public interest to the full extent of his considerable abilities." Excerpt from letter to Senator Carl Levin and Senator Debbie Stabenow, July 19, 2002.
Judge Stephen L. Borrello, Michigan Court of Appeals.
"Judge Griffin is one of the finest jurists in the State. While we may differ on a particular legal issue, I find that our differences are rooted in honest disagreements about the application of legal standards to a particular set of facts, rather than a difference of judicial or political philosophy. Judge Griffin does not belong to that class of jurists, on either the right or the left, that seek in every case to impose their political will rather than the rule of law." Excerpt from letter to Chairman Orrin G. Hatch, July 11, 2004.